
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
isolation of bartonella schoenbuchensis from lipoptena cervi, a blood-sucking arthropod causing deer ked dermatitis.bartonella schoenbuchensis, which commonly causes bacteremia in ruminants, was isolated from the deer ked lipoptena cervi and was shown to localize to the midgut of this blood-sucking arthropod, causing deer ked dermatitis in humans. the role of b. schoenbuchensis in the etiology of deer ked dermatitis should be further investigated.200415528732
bartonella adhesin a mediates a proangiogenic host cell response.bartonella henselae causes vasculoproliferative disorders in humans. we identified a nonfimbrial adhesin of b. henselae designated as bartonella adhesin a (bada). bada is a 340-kd outer membrane protein encoded by the 9.3-kb bada gene. it has a modular structure and contains domains homologous to the yersinia enterocolitica nonfimbrial adhesin (yersinia adhesin a). expression of bada was restored in a bada-deficient transposon mutant by complementation in trans. bada mediates the binding of b. h ...200415534369
bartonella quintana-induced apoptosis inhibition of human endothelial cells is associated with p38 and sapk/jnk modulation and with stimulation of mitosis.previous studies demonstrated that live bartonella quintana often induces angioproliferative lesions in humans. it modulates endothelial cell apoptotic and inflammatory patterns, thus inducing a very early overexpression of caspase 8 and apaf-1 and increasing mrna production of tnf-alpha, interleukin-8, and e-selectin. however, starting at 10 hours postinfection, the bacteria provoke antiapoptotic effects that induce an increase of bcl-2 gene transcription. to gain further insight into the cellu ...200415541600
diversity of bartonellae associated with small mammals inhabiting free state province, south africa.the prevalence and diversity of bartonellae infecting the blood of 10 small mammal species inhabiting nine nature reserves of the free state province, south africa, was assessed using phenotypic, genotypic and phylogenetic methods. of 86 small mammals sampled, 38 animals belonging to five different species yielded putative bartonellae. thirty-two isolates were confirmed as bartonellae and were characterized by comparison of partial citrate synthase gene (glta) sequences. phylogenetic reconstruct ...200415545418
guidelines for the antibiotic treatment of endocarditis in adults: report of the working party of the british society for antimicrobial chemotherapy.the bsac guidelines on endocarditis were last published in 1998. the guidelines presented here have been updated and extended to reflect changes in both the antibiotic resistance characteristics of causative organisms and the availability of new antibiotics. randomized, controlled trials suitable for the development of evidenced-based guidelines in this area are still lacking, and therefore a consensus approach has again been adopted. the guidelines cover diagnosis and laboratory testing, suitab ...200415546974
seroprevalences of antibodies against bartonella henselae and toxoplasma gondii and fecal shedding of cryptosporidium spp, giardia spp, and toxocara cati in feral and pet domestic compare seroprevalences of antibodies against bartonella henselae and toxoplasma gondii and fecal shedding of cryptosporidium spp, giardia spp, and toxocara cati in feral and pet domestic cats.200415552314
in vitro model of bartonella henselae-induced angiogenesis.bartonella henselae is a gram-negative pathogen that causes angiogenesis. here, i establish in vitro models to study bartonella-induced blood vessel formation. i found that b. henselae induces long-term endothelial survival and tubular differentiation within type i collagen matrix.200415557658
molecular detection of bartonella quintana dna in the dental pulp of a homeless pulp has been proposed as a suitable tissue sample for the identification of pathogenic organisms. using pcr with two specific gene targets, bartonella quintana dna was detected in the dental pulp extracted from the tooth of a homeless patient. the patient had been bacteremic 6 months previously but was not when the tooth was sampled.200415558347
[bartonelloses].bartonellae belong to less known causal agents of many human diseases. they are gram-negative bacteria growing slowly on culture media enriched with hemin or bovine serum. the genus bartonella, which currently involves more than 15 species, is present worldwide. bartonellae live in natural foci in dependence on the occurrence of natural host (rodents, felines, canidae, human) and insect vector (flea, tick, louse). by reservoir animals they usually cause permanent intraerythrocytic bacteraemia wi ...200415558448
a mechanic with a bad valve: blood-culture-negative endocarditis.a 33-year-old man with a known bicuspid aortic valve presented with fever, chills, progressive fatigue, anorexia, and night sweats. echocardiography confirmed aortic-valve endocarditis, but blood cultures remained negative. bartonella henselae endocarditis was ultimately confirmed by serology as well as by immunohistochemistry and pcr testing of the excised valve. the patient recovered with appropriate antibiotic therapy. b henselae is a common cause of culture-negative endocarditis. it predomin ...200415567127
bacterial models for tumor development. mini-review.the tumor-inducing effects of agrobacterium, bartonella and helicobacter bacterial species are compared step by step. an analogy for the existence of these individual steps is considered in connection with the development of cancer. the transformations of eukaryotic cells occur in particular in the type iv secretion system, i.e. involving the simultaneous transmission of dna and protein from bacterial cells to eukaryotic cells. thus, transfected cells facilitate the indefinite growth of tissue c ...200415571072
seroprevalence of bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana infections in children from central and northern investigate the prevalence of antibodies to bartonella henselae (b.henselae) and bartonella quintana (b.quintana) among children from central and northern jordan.200415573198
high prevalence of antibodies to bartonella henselae among italian children without evidence of cat scratch disease.few data are available on the seroprevalence of antibodies to bartonella henselae among children. we retrospectively evaluated the presence of immunoglobulin g and m class antibodies to b. henselae in 508 children living in central italy who were apparently free of any features suggesting b. henselae infection. we found that b. henselae infection is common among children in central italy, occurs early in life, is in most cases asymptomatic, and resolves spontaneously.200414679462
pathologic quiz case: a 17-year-old renal transplant patient with persistent fever, pancytopenia, and axillary lymphadenopathy. bacillary angiomatosis of the lymph node in the renal transplant recipient. 200414692837
bartonella henselae infection associated with neuroretinitis, central retinal artery and vein occlusion, neovascular glaucoma, and severe vision report a case of bartonella henselae infection.200414700670
images in clinical medicine. optic neuritis due to bartonella henselae infection. 200414711929
factors affecting the component community structure of haemoparasites in common voles ( microtus arvalis) from the mazury lake district region of poland.the prevalence and abundance of infections with haemoparasites were studied over a 4-year period in microtus arvalis (common vole, n =321) sampled from fallow grassland sites in north-eastern poland. total species richness was five (prevalence= haemobartonella sp. 63.9%, bartonella spp. 27.7%, babesia microti 9.0%, trypanosoma sp. 8.4% and and hepatozoon lavieri 3.1%) with 76.9% of the voles carrying at least one species and a mean infracommunity species richness of 1.1. variation in species ric ...200414714180
prevalence of bartonella henselae in italian stray cats: evaluation of serology to assess the risk of transmission of bartonella to humans.bartonella henselae is the major etiological agent of cat scratch disease in humans. cats act as the natural reservoir of b. henselae and can transmit the infection to humans by a bite or scratch. the prevalence of b. henselae in cat populations was evaluated by serological and bacteriological tests. a total of 769 stray cats from three urban and three rural areas in northern italy were sampled between january 1999 and december 2000. the positive and the negative predictive values of serological ...200414715763
infective endocarditis.despite improvements in health care, the incidence of infective endocarditis has not decreased over the past decades. this apparent paradox is explained by a progressive evolution in risk factors; while classic predisposing conditions such as rheumatic heart disease have been all but eradicated, new risk factors for infective endocarditis have emerged. these include intravenous drug use, sclerotic valve disease in elderly patients, use of prosthetic valves, and nosocomial disease. newly identifi ...200414726169
bartonella: a new etiological agent of feline ocular disease. 200414736899
identification of bartonella strains isolated from wild and domestic ruminants by a single-step pcr analysis of the 16s-23s intergenic spacer region.of the 20 species or subspecies of bartonella currently known, 7 cause various diseases in humans with many being zoonotic. however, some bartonella species appear only to cause asymptomatic bacteraemia in their hosts. in ruminants, three bartonella species (b. bovis, b. capreoli and b. schoenbuchensis) have recently been described. however, limited or no information has yet been published concerning their mode of transmission and their possible pathogenicity for domestic cattle. the phylogeneti ...200414738783
bartonella chomelii sp. nov., isolated from french domestic cattle (bos taurus).two strains of bacteria isolated from the blood of french domestic cows were found to be similar to bartonella species on the basis of phenotypic characteristics. genotypic analysis based on sequence comparison of the 16s rrna and citrate synthase (glta) genes and on dna-dna hybridization showed that the two isolates represent a distinct and new species of bartonella. moreover, the phylogenetic analysis inferred from comparison of 16s rrna and glta sequences demonstrated that the new bartonella ...200414742483
hemophagocytic syndrome in renal transplant recipients: report of 17 cases and review of literature.hemophagocytic syndrome (hps) combines febrile hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, hypofibrinemia, and liver dysfunction. it is defined by bone marrow and organ infiltration by activated, nonmalignant macrophages phagocytizing blood cells. hps is often caused by an infectious or neoplastic disease and has rarely been described in renal transplant recipients.200414742988
necrotizing glomerulonephritis caused by bartonella henselae endocarditis.glomerulonephritis secondary to endocarditis is uncommon and usually associated with valvular infection by blood culture-positive bacteria. we report 3 cases of necrotizing glomerulonephritis associated with culture-negative endocarditis caused by bartonella henselae. two of the patients presented with renal abnormalities and were investigated for endocarditis after results of renal biopsy. all 3 patients had an immune complex-mediated necrotizing and crescentic glomerulonephritis with mesangial ...200414750122
role of bartonella henselae endocarditis in the nucleation of aortic valvular calcification.a 6-year-old boy presented with fatigability, shortness of breath, and bulging neck veins. echocardiography revealed large vegetations, aortic insufficiency, a dilated left ventricle, and bicuspid aortic valve. there was no history of immunocompromise, fevers, or feline exposures. blood cultures were negative; antibodies against bartonella henselae were positive. gentamicin was administered intravenously. ross procedure was performed and patient was discharged on antibiotics in 5 days. native va ...200414759468
antinuclear antibodies can be detected in dog sera reactive to bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, ehrlichia canis, or leishmania infantum antigens.the presence of antinuclear antibodies (anas) is used to support a clinical diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) in dogs. however, clinicians must interpret the detection of anas with caution, particularly in light of increasing evidence that dogs with known bacterial and protozoal infections can have high ana titers. retrospectively, medical records were reviewed for all dogs that were concurrently tested for antinuclear antigens and bartonella vinsonii (berkhoffii), ehrlichia canis, ...200414765731
a prospective study of canine infective endocarditis in northern california (1999-2001): emergence of bartonella as a prevalent etiologic agent.a prospective study was performed (june 1999 to may 2001) to determine the incidence of infective endocarditis (ie) due to bartonella in dogs in northern california and to compare these patients with other dogs with ie. ie was diagnosed antemortem based on clinical signs and echocardiography in 18 dogs. the etiologic agent was bartonella sp. in 5 dogs (28%) and was diagnosed by high seroreactivity to bartonella (titer > 1:512; range, 1:1,024-1:4,096); and confirmed postmortem by positive polymer ...200414765733
growth characteristics of bartonella henselae in a novel liquid medium: primary isolation, growth-phase-dependent phage induction, and metabolic studies.bartonella henselae is a zoonotic pathogen that usually causes a self-limiting infection in immunocompetent individuals but often causes potentially life-threatening infections, such as bacillary angiomatosis, in immunocompromised patients. both diagnosis of infection and research into the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis have been hindered by the absence of a suitable liquid growth medium. it has been difficult to isolate b. henselae directly from the blood of infected humans or animals or ...200414766538
prevalence, risk factors, and genetic diversity of bartonella henselae infections in pet cats in four regions of the united states.blood was collected from a convenience sample of 271 pet cats aged 3 months to 2 years (mean age, 8 months, median and mode, 6 months) between may 1997 and september 1998 in four areas of the united states (southern california, florida, metropolitan chicago, and metropolitan washington, d.c.). sixty-five (24%) cats had bartonella henselae bacteremia, and 138 (51%) cats were seropositive for b. henselae. regional prevalences for bacteremia and seropositivity were highest in florida (33% and 67%, ...200414766832
structure and biological activity of the short-chain lipopolysaccharide from bartonella henselae atcc 49882t.the facultative intracellular pathogen bartonella henselae is responsible for a broad range of clinical manifestations, including the formation of vascular tumors as a result of increased proliferation and survival of colonized endothelial cells. this remarkable interaction with endotoxin-sensitive endothelial cells and the apparent lack of septic shock are considered to be due to a reduced endotoxic activity of the b. henselae lipopolysaccharide. here, we show that b. henselae atcc 49882(t) pro ...200414766898
a review of bacterial pathogens in ctenocephalides felis in new zealand.the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis, is the recognised vector of bartonella henselae, b. clarridgeiae and rickettsia felis. although these gram-negative bacteria were only described in the last decade, they are already known to cause a variety of diseases in people, particularly children and the immunosuppressed. such diseases include cat-scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis, endocarditis, bacteraemia, encephalopathy, neuroretinitis, osteomyelitis and peliosis hepatis. although most infection ...200415768135
[study on the prevalence of bartonella species in rodent hosts from different environmental areas in yunnan].to investigate bartonella infections in small mammalian reservoir hosts from different environments and types of climate in yunnan.200415769319
prospective studies of bartonella of rodents. part i. demographic and temporal patterns in population dynamics.the temporal dynamics of bartonella infections in a rodent community were described by repeatedly capturing and sampling individual animals. among six rodent species, from which bartonellae were isolated, cotton rats (sigmodon hispidus) accounted for > 98% of the bacteremic animals. all cotton rats captured four or more times were bartonella-culture positive at least once. the lowest monthly prevalence of bartonella in cotton rats was in june (49%) and the highest was in october (95%). prevalenc ...200415671735
prospective studies of bartonella of rodents. part ii. diverse infections in a single rodent community.the genetic diversity of bartonella species within a small mammal community and in individual cotton rats (sigmodon hispidus) was examined by trapping, capturing, sampling, and releasing of marked animals over a 17-month interval. based on sequence analyses of the bartonella glta gene, amplicons separated into four genogroups (a, b, c, and pin) containing 11 variants. although the prevalence of bacteremia due to different genogroups/variants of bartonella was temporally variable, variants of gen ...200415671736
semi-nested pcr detection of bartonella henselae in ixodes persulcatus ticks from western siberia, russia.questing adult ixodes persulcatus ticks from western siberia, russia were tested for infections with bartonella spp. using seminested pcr assay with primers specific to the groel gene. the proportion of ticks infected with bartonella spp. was 44% in 2002 (n = 50) and 38% in 2003 (n = 50). nucleotide sequences of a portion of the pcr products corresponded to bartonella henselae species.200415671737
bartonella henselae in african lion, south africa. 200415672532
bartonella clarridgeiae and b. henselae in dogs, gabon. 200415672535
[bartonellosis: emerging infection].the spectrum of bartonella infections in humans shows a constant increase. the number of bartonella species responsible of zoonoses has increased from one to 7 during the past ten years. in addition numerous orphan clinical manifestations are now associated to bartonella henselae infections. animals and particularly domestic cat are the main reservoirs of bartonella. cats are healthy carriers of b. henselae and b. clarridgeiae, and can be bacteremic for months to years. cat-to-cat transmission o ...200415673067
culture-negative bartonella endocarditis in a patient with renal failure: the value of molecular methods in diagnosis.members of the genus bartonella are increasingly recognised as a cause of culture-negative endocarditis, particularly in those patients with underlying risk factors (e.g., homelessness and alcoholism (b. quintana) or valvulopathy and cat ownership (b. henselae). the aortic and mitral-valves are most commonly involved. here, a case is reported of culture-negative right-sided endocarditis, without any of the above risk factors, due to bartonella sp. in a 69-year-old man who presented with acute re ...200415649011
molecular detection of bartonella spp. in the dental pulp of stray cats buried for a year.bartonella henselae causes chronic bacteremia in cats. to test if b. henselae dna can be recovered from the dental pulp of cats buried a year previously, we used pcr with primers for a sequence of the conserved groel to test 104 teeth from 11 cats. seven of the cats were found positive; canine teeth were more frequently positive than molar teeth. where pcr sequences could be determined, they were identical to those of b. henselae marseille (four cats), b. henselae houston (one cat) or similar to ...200415652295
[bartonella and bartonellosis--emerging and re-emerging infections. taxonomy, bacteriology, pathogenesis and genetics].the review updates knowledge on the taxonomy, bacteriology and genetics of bartonella as well as pathogenesis of bartonellosis. the role of bartonella in human pathology, formerly considered to be rather modest, causes now growing anxiety. in this connection bartonella are now believed to be the causative agents of so-called emerging and re-emerging diseases, i.e. diseases, formerly unknown to man, and diseases, believed to be eradicated and playing at present no important role in human patholog ...200415636157
molecular genetic methods for the diagnosis of fastidious microorganisms.technological innovations in the detection and identification of microorganisms using molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (pcr) have ushered in a new era with respect to diagnostic microbiology. pcr using universal or specific primers followed by identification of amplified product, mainly by sequencing, has enabled the rapid identification of cultured or uncultured bacteria. thus, pcr may allow quick diagnosis of infections caused by fastidious pathogens for which culture cou ...200415638838
bartonella bovis in cattle in africa. 200415627528
neck abscess secondary to cat-scratch disease.a 7-year-old boy was referred to us for evaluation of an enlarging neck mass. the results of his primary care physician's initial clinical examination suggested lymphadenopathy secondary to lymphadenitis, and the patient was treated over a 4-week period with two rounds of antibiotics. however, the mass did not resolve, and it subsequently became fluctuant. the patient was referred to our institution, where we diagnosed cat-scratch disease.200415628637
antibodies reactive with bartonella henselae and ehrlichia canis in dogs from the communal lands of zimbabwe.the prevalences of antibodies against bartonella henselae and ehrlichia canis were determined in sera from 228 dogs in 5 communal lands of zimbabwe, areas where traditional subsistence agro-pastoralism is practised. the sera were collected from apparently healthy dogs during routine rabies vaccination programmes and tested with indirect fluorescent antibody assays using b. henselae (houston-i) and e. canis (oklahoma) as antigens. we found reactive antibodies (> or =1:80) against b. henselae in 1 ...200415628802
bartonella henselae infection presenting as a unilateral panuveitis simulating vogt-koyanagi-harada report an unusual ocular manifestation of cat scratch disease.200415629311
mr signal changes in a child with cat scratch disease encephalopathy and status epilepticus. 200414963382
the influence of climate on the epidemiology of bartonellosis in ancash, peru.the aim of this study was to evaluate the association between bartonellosis and selected climatic factors during the time periods 1983-1988 and 1995-99, which included two events of the el niño phenomenon (1986-88, 1997-98), and to identify a reliable climate parameter to be used as an alert indicator for bartonellosis outbreaks in ancash. the study site was ancash and its province carhuaz, peru. time-series cross-correlation analysis was used to assess the association between bartonellosis and ...200414964812
first isolation of bartonella henselae type i from a cat-scratch disease patient in japan and its molecular analysis.we isolated bartonella henselae from an inguinal lymph node of a 36-year-old male patient with cat-scratch disease. the patient had many areas of erythema on his body, swelling of the left inguinal lymph nodes with pain and slight fever. the diagnosis was made on the basis of polymerase chain reaction for b. henselae dna from the lymph node biopsies and blood sample, and isolation of the organism, histology of the lymph node and serology with an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. we also ...200414978335
[carrión-disease--history of a long-forgotten malady]. 200414978887
clinicopathological abnormalities and treatment response in 24 dogs seroreactive to bartonella vinsonii (berkhoffii) antigens.bartonella vinsonii (b. vinsonii) subspecies berkhoffii is a recently recognized cause of endocarditis, myocarditis, and granulomatous disease in dogs. in an effort to elucidate other potential disease manifestations, the case records of 24 dogs that were seroreactive to b. vinsonii (berkhoffii) antigens were studied retrospectively. diagnoses included immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, neutrophilic or granulomatous meningoencephalitis, neutrophilic polyarthritis, cutaneous vasculitis, and uveiti ...200415007043
the bartonella henselae sucb gene encodes a dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase protein reactive with sera from patients with cat-scratch disease.bartonella henselae is a recently recognized pathogenic bacterium associated with cat-scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis. a recombinant clone expressing an immunoreactive antigen of b. henselae was isolated by screening a genomic dna cosmid library by western blotting with sera pooled from patients positive for b. henselae igg antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence (ifa). the deduced amino acid sequence of the 43.7 kda encoded protein was found to be 76.3 % identic ...200415585501
ddei rflp for 16s rdna typing in bartonella henselae. 200415585508
late onset of serologic positive titers in a patient with parinaud's oculoglandular report a case of parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome (pos) in which, despite the initially negative, a late onset of serologic positive titers was observed.200415590554
bartonelosis (carrion's disease) in the pediatric population of peru: an overview and update.bartonellosis, or carrion's disease, is an endemic and reemerging disease in peru and ecuador. carrion's disease constitutes a health problem in peru because its epidemiology has been changing, and it is affecting new areas between the highland and the jungle. during the latest outbreaks, and previously in endemic areas, the pediatric population has been the most commonly affected. in the pediatric population, the acute phase symptoms are fever, anorexia, malaise, nausea and/or vomiting. the mai ...200415798808
serological diagnosis of human babesiosis by igg enzyme-linked immunosorbent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of igg antibodies to babesia microti antigen was developed. b. microti antigens were harvested from experimentally infected hamster blood and used as a coating antigen. the sensitivity and specificity of the igg elisa relative to immunofluorescent antibody assay (ifa) testing was 95.5% and 94.1%, respectively. according to the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the area under the curve was 0.987. no cross-reactivity of ...200415696612
[newly emerging infections: catscratch disease]. 200415700401
emerging or re-emerging bacterial zoonotic diseases: bartonellosis, leptospirosis, lyme borreliosis, plague.there are a whole series of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases present in the northern hemisphere and the author describes four of them, namely, bartonellosis, leptospirosis, lyme borreliosis and plague. reasons for the emergence or re-emergence of such diseases are not clear, but factors such as human demographics, economic development and land use, international travel and commerce, and microbial adaptation, are thought to be involved. control of emerging and re-emerging diseases has b ...200415702720
[cutaneous infections in the homeless]. 200315008208
comparative molecular and microbiologic diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis.sequencing of 16s rdna, and of sodaint and rpobint in some cases, was applied to dna from heart valves of 46 patients (36 with definite and 10 with possible endocarditis). sequence-based identifications were compared with those obtained with conventional methods. among the 36 definite cases, 30 had positive blood cultures and 6 had negative cultures. among the 30 positive cases, sequencing of 16s rdna permitted identification of species (18), genus (8), or neither (4); sodaint and rpobint sequen ...200314720393
causes of febrile illnesses after a tick bite in slovenian establish the etiology in slovenian children with febrile illnesses occurring after a tick bite.200314688569
infectious angiogenesis: bartonella bacilliformis infection results in endothelial production of angiopoetin-2 and epidermal production of vascular endothelial growth factor.pathological angiogenesis, the development of a microvasculature by neoplastic processes, is a critical component of the development of tumors. the role of oncogenes in the induction of angiogenesis has been extensively studied in benign and malignant tumors. however, the role of infection in inducing angiogenesis is not well understood. verruga peruana is a clinical syndrome caused by the bacterium bartonella bacilliformis, and is characterized by the development of hemangioma-like lesions, in ...200314507641
cloning and expression of bartonella henselae sucb gene encoding an immunogenic dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase homologous protein.immunoscreening of a zap genomic library of bartonella henselae strain houston-1 expressed in escherichia coli resulted in the isolation of a clone containing 3.5 kb bamhi genomic dna fragment. this 3.5 kb dna fragment was found to contain a sequence of a gene encoding a protein with significant homology to the dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase of brucella melitensis (sucb). subsequent cloning and dna sequence analysis revealed that the deduced amino acid sequence from the cloned gene showed ...200314524617
long-term serological analysis and clinical follow-up of patients with cat scratch disease.a highly specific enzyme immunoassay (eia) was recently described for use in the diagnosis of cat scratch disease (csd). however, data regarding eia antibody kinetics or its correlation with long-term clinical follow-up data are lacking. the association between antibody kinetics, clinical spectrum, and disease duration were studied in 98 patients with csd. the median duration of follow-up was 35.3 weeks (range, 2-211.3 weeks). results of eia testing for detection of anti-bartonella henselae immu ...200314557957
conjunctival cat-scratch disease simulating rhabdomyosarcoma. 200314560840
vector-borne illnesses and the safety of the blood supply.the protection of patients from diseases carried in blood transfusions is an ongoing effort. the viruses that cause long-term human infection and death have received much of the attention in the united states and testing has significantly diminished the risk of infection from a transfusion. as the risk of these diseases has decreased, other transfusion-transmitted organisms with a lower incidence in the community or newer diseases with rapidly expanding endemic areas are receiving additional att ...200314561396
characterization of the natural population of bartonella henselae by multilocus sequence typing.investigations of the population genetics of bartonella henselae have demonstrated a high level of diversity among strains, and the delineation of isolates into one of two subtypes, type i (houston) and type ii (marseille), represented by specific 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) sequences, has long been considered the most significant genotypic division within the species. this belief is challenged by recent work suggesting a role for horizontal gene exchange in generating intraspecies diversity. we at ...200314605141
pericardial effusion in a homeless man due to bartonella quintana.bartonella quintana may cause trench fever, endocarditis, bacillary angiomatosis, and chronic bacteremia, and a reemergence among homeless populations in cities has been noted. pericarditis from rickettsia conorii and coxiella burnetii infection has been described, but there have been no reports of pericarditis due to bartonella spp. we report a case of pericardial effusion due to bartonella quintana in a homeless man, diagnosed on the basis of pcr detection of bartonella quintana in a pericardi ...200314605187
isolation of bartonella washoensis from a dog with mitral valve endocarditis.we report the first documented case of bartonella washoensis bacteremia in a dog with mitral valve endocarditis. b. washoensis was isolated in 1995 from a human patient with cardiac disease. the main reservoir species appears to be ground squirrels (spermophilus beecheyi) in the western united states. based on echocardiographic findings, a diagnosis of infective vegetative valvular mitral endocarditis was made in a spayed 12-year-old female doberman pinscher. a year prior to presentation, the re ...200314605197
fatal case of endocarditis associated with bartonella henselae type i infection in a domestic cat.we report the first feline case of bartonella henselae endocarditis. despite negative blood cultures, the cat had high bartonella antibody titers and b. henselae type i dna was detected in the damaged aortic valve. microscopic examination of the valve revealed endocarditis with small silver positive coccoid structures in endothelial cells.200314605199
bartonella and coxiella antibodies in 334 prospectively studied episodes of infective endocarditis in sweden.bartonella spp. have been identified as aetiological agents in culture-negative infective endocarditis (ie). coxiella burnetii may cause chronic q-fever with endocarditis, 334 blood samples collected from 329 patients (334 episodes) with ie diagnosed between 1984 and 1996 in göteborg, sweden, were investigated for antibodies to bartonella spp. and c. burnetii. 71 of the episodes (21%) were blood culture negative. a microimmunofluorescence assay revealed immunoglobulin g (igg) antibodies to barto ...200314606611
simplified serological diagnosis of endocarditis due to coxiella burnetii and bartonella.we tested a single-step serological assay against coxiella burnetii and bartonella species and found a sensitivity of 100%, and a positive predictive value of 98% for the diagnosis of blood culture-negative endocarditis (bcne). this assay should be considered as a possible commercial test for the diagnosis of bcne.200314607881
cat or dog ownership and seroprevalence of ehrlichiosis, q fever, and cat-scratch disease. 200314609477
bacterial diversity in worker adults of apis mellifera capensis and apis mellifera scutellata (insecta: hymenoptera) assessed using 16s rrna sequences.high-fidelity pcr of 16s rrna sequences was used to identify bacteria associated with worker adults of the honeybee subspecies apis mellifera capensis and apis mellifera scutellata. an expected approximately 1.5-kb dna band, representing almost the entire length of the 16s rrna gene, was amplified from both subspecies and cloned. ten unique sequences were obtained: one sequence each clustered with bifidobacterium (gram-positive eubacteria), lactobacillus (gram-positive eubacteria), and gluconace ...200314615218
an unusual case of cat-scratch disease from bartonella quintana mimicking inflammatory breast cancer in a 50-year-old disease of the breast has been previously reported. this report describes a very unusual case of cat-scratch disease of the breast caused by bartonella quintana in which the clinical and radiographic presentation mimicked that of inflammatory breast cancer.200314616946
concurrent bartonellosis and babesiosis in a dog with persistent thrombocytopenia.a 12-year-old castrated male west highland white terrier was referred because of recurrent episodes of collapsing. the dog was mildly anemic and severely thrombocytopenic and had high serum alanine aminotransferase activity. infection with bartonella vinsonii (berkhoffii) was initially diagnosed on the basis of serologic testing. despite treatment with a series of antimicrobials and prolonged use of immunosuppressive drugs, thrombocytopenia persisted. after 5 months of treatment, babesia canis o ...200314621218
mitogenic effect of bartonella bacilliformis on human vascular endothelial cells and involvement of groel.bartonellae are bacterial pathogens for a wide variety of mammals. in humans, bartonellosis can result in angioproliferative lesions that are potentially life threatening to the patient, including bacillary angiomatosis, bacillary peliosis, and verruga peruana. the results of this study show that bartonella bacilliformis, the agent of oroya fever and verruga peruana, produces a proteinaceous mitogen for human vascular endothelial cells (huvecs) that acts in a dose-dependent fashion in vitro with ...200314638782
neuroretinitis associated with cat-scratch disease in japanese clarify the prevalence and clinical profile of neuroretinitis associated with cat-scratch disease (csd) in japan.200314641271
bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffi as a possible cause of anterior uveitis and choroiditis in a dog.a 2-year old, neutered, female spaniel mixed breed was referred to the north carolina state university veterinary teaching hospital for evaluation of bilateral anterior uveitis. the dog was febrile and, in addition to anterior uveitis, multifocal hyporeflective lesions were present in the tapetal fundus of both eyes. the antibody titer for bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffi was positive (1 : 512). aqueous paracentesis was performed for pcr in an attempt to detect b. vinsonii in the eye but ...200314641826
from trench fever to endocarditis.the case of a 44 year old woman with infective endocarditis due to bartonella quintana, an organism long recognised to cause a condition known as trench fever, is reported. this case illustrates the lengthy differential diagnosis of "culture negative" endocarditis. in addition the presence of serological cross reactivity of bartonella spp and chlamydia spp demonstrates the potential for misdiagnosis in these circumstances.200314654579
carrión's disease: an altitude-associated infectious disease. 200314656265
identification and characterization of the ddlb, ftsq and ftsa genes upstream of ftsz in bartonella bacilliformis and bartonella henselae.homologues of the cell division protein ftsz were previously identified in bartonella bacilliformis and bartonella henselae. we report herein that ftsz is located at the distal end of an operon that includes ddlb, ftsq, and ftsa. these genes code for homologues of d-alanine d-alanine ligase, an enzyme involved in cell wall biosynthesis, and ftsq, and ftsa, which are involved in cell division. the ddlb, ftsq, and ftsa proteins from bartonella species are most homologous to proteins in closely rel ...200314659047
the x-linked hyper-igm syndrome: clinical and immunologic features of 79 patients.the x-linked hyper-igm (xhigm) syndrome is an uncommon primary immunodeficiency disease caused by mutations in the gene for cd40 ligand and characterized by normal or elevated serum igm, reduced levels of igg and iga, and defective t-cell function. because of its rarity, it has been difficult for any single investigator or institution to develop a comprehensive clinical picture of this disorder. accordingly, a national registry was developed in the united states to provide demographic, genetic, ...200314663287
etiologic diagnosis of 204 pericardial effusions.the etiologic evaluation of pericardial effusion is frequently unsuccessful when noninvasive methods are used. to determine the cause of the current episode, all patients with echographically identified pericardial effusion from may 1998 to december 2002 underwent noninvasive diagnostic testing of blood, throat, and stool samples. patients with postpericardiotomy syndrome were excluded. to analyze the value of our tests, we tested randomly selected blood donors as negative controls. among 204 in ...200314663288
nationalism, carrión's disease and medical geography in the peruvian andes.during the turn of the 20th century medical geography in peru concentrated in the study of a native disease (bartonellosis, also known as carrión's disease and verruga peruana) and reinforced the relationship between the country's 'natural' regions (coast, highlands and amazon) and different patterns of disease. expert knowledge on these themes was portrayed as important not only for the practice of medicine but also for the development of the country. this knowledge was instrumental for an emer ...200315584200
rickettsial, ehrlichial and bartonella infections of the myocardium and pericardium.myocarditis and pericarditis are uncommon complications of human rickettsial, ehrlichial and bartonella infections. myocardial inflammation usually occurs in the setting of acute disseminated infection. organisms associated with myocarditis include: rickettsia rickettsii, r. conorii, orientia tsutsugamushi, coxiella burnetii, anaplasma phagocytophila (the causative agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis) and bartonella henselae. pericarditis has been described in the setting of r. conorii and ...200312456377
application of broad-range 16s rrna pcr amplification and dgge fingerprinting for detection of tick-infecting bacteria.ticks play an important role in the transmission of arthropod-borne diseases of viral, protozoal and bacterial origin. the present article describes a molecular-biological based method, which facilitated the broad-range analyses of bacterial communities in ixodid ticks (ixodes ricinus). dna was extracted both from single ticks and pooled adult ticks. eubacterial 16s rrna gene fragments (16s rdna) were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with broad-range ribosomal primers. sequences span ...200312459246
infection and re-infection of domestic cats with various bartonella species or types: b. henselae type i is protective against heterologous challenge with b. henselae type ii.four bartonella species have been isolated from domestic cats, of which two serotypes/genotypes of bartonella henselae and possibly b. clarridgeiae are human pathogens, causing cat scratch disease (csd).our objectives were to evaluate infection and potential cross-protection during re-infection in domestic cats with various bartonella species or types.thirty-six cats were primarily inoculated with b. henselae type i (n=16), b. henselae type ii (n=10), b. clarridgeiae (n=6) or b. koehlerae (n=4). ...200312488072
isolated splenic cat scratch disease in an immunocompetent adult woman.we report a case of isolated splenic cat scratch disease in an immunocompetent woman. the clinical presentation of prolonged fever, night sweats, weakness, and intrasplenic lesions was highly suggestive of lymphoma. this is the second reported case of isolated splenic cat scratch disease in an adult and the first in a healthy adult.200312491224
gyra mutations in ciprofloxacin-resistant bartonella bacilliformis strains obtained in vitro.we isolated and characterized mutants of bartonella bacilliformis that are resistant to the fluoroquinolone antibiotic ciprofloxacin, which targets the a subunit of dna gyrase. mutants had single point mutations in the gyra gene that changed either asp-90 to gly or asp-95 to asn and had 3- or 16-fold higher resistance, respectively, to ciprofloxacin than did wild-type b. bacilliformis. asp-95 is homologous to asp-87 of escherichia coli gyra and is a common residue mutated in fluoroquinolone-resi ...200312499219
spatial analysis of yersinia pestis and bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii seroprevalence in california coyotes (canis latrans).zoonotic transmission of sylvatic plague caused by yersinia pestis occurs in california, usa. human infections with various bartonella species have been reported recently. coyotes (canis latrans) are ubiquitous throughout california and can become infected with both bacterial agents, making the species useful for surveillance purposes. this study examined the geographic distribution of 863 coyotes tested for y. pestis and bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii serologic status to gain insight int ...200312507856
western immunoblotting for bartonella differentiate infectious endocarditis (ie) from other bartonella infections and to identify infecting bartonella bacteria at the species level on a serological basis, we used western immunoblotting to test sera from 51 patients with bartonella ie (of which 27 had previously benefited from species identification by molecular techniques), 11 patients with chronic bartonella quintana bacteremia, and 10 patients with cat scratch disease. patients with ie were western blot positive in 49 of 51 cas ...200312522046
detection of bartonella henselae and bartonella clarridgeiae dna in hepatic specimens from two dogs with hepatic disease.a 4-year-old basset hound and a 6-year-old doberman pinscher were referred for diagnostic evaluation following documentation of persistently increased hepatic enzyme activities and hepatic dysfunction. histologic evaluation of hepatic biopsy specimens from the 2 dogs revealed granulomatous hepatitis in the basset hound and lymphocytic hepatitis with fibrosis and copper accumulation in the doberman pinscher. no etiologic agents were identified histologically. bartonella henselae dna was subsequen ...200312523479
bartonella henselae infective endocarditis in north queensland. 200312534881
five-member gene family of bartonella quintana.bartonella quintana, the agent of trench fever and an etiologic agent of bacillary angiomatosis, has an extraordinarily high hemin requirement for growth compared to other bacterial pathogens. we previously identified the major hemin receptor of the pathogen as a 30-kda surface protein, termed hbpa. this report describes four additional homologues that share approximately 48% amino acid sequence identity with hbpa. three of the genes form a paralagous cluster, termed hbpcab, whereas the other me ...200312540561
interaction of pathogens with the endothelium.the endothelium lines the inner surface of the vessel wall establishing a multifunctional, semi-permeable cellular barrier at blood-tissue interface. the large total surface of the endothelium is exposed to pathogens, pathogen-derived products as well as to agents of the activated host defense during an inflammatory reaction. the endothelium is not only specifically targeted by important infective agents like rickettsiae (1) or bartonella (2), it is involved in virtually most, if not all, acute ...200312540949
culture and antibiotic susceptibility of bartonella quintana in human erythrocytes.bartonella quintana, the agent of trench fever, has recently been implicated in various diseases, in particular, bacteremia and endocarditis in homeless people. the host cell of bartonella spp. is believed to be the erythrocyte, and in the present study we demonstrate that b. quintana can be cultured in vitro in human erythrocytes. the bacteria were found to be intraerythrocytic by laser confocal microscopy with bartonella species-specific monoclonal antibodies. infections with b. quintana decre ...200312543668
mass lesions of the posterior segment associated with bartonella henselae. 200312543767
outcome and treatment of bartonella endocarditis.endocarditis caused by bartonella species is a potentially lethal infection characterized by a subacute evolution and severe valvular lesions.200312546614
cat-scratch disease presenting as a solitary tumour in the breast: report of three disease (csd) may appear as a solitary mass in the breast and give the impression of a breast carcinoma. in this case, further clinical and laboratory investigation is required to rule out malignancy. we present three cases of csd of the breast in women of 64, 31 and 61 years old. each presented with enlarged lymph-nodes in the breast, which were clinically mistaken for solitary tumours. in the first two patients, the mammography was negative. the third patient had a mammogram which ...200312551788
Displaying items 1101 - 1200 of 2611