
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
the histone-like c-terminal extension in ribosomal protein s6 in aedes and anopheles mosquitoes is encoded within the distal portion of exon eukaryotic cells, ribosomal protein s6 (rps6) is the major phosphorylated protein on the small ribosomal subunit. in the mosquitoes aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus, the cdna encoding rps6 contains 300 additional nucleotides, relative to the drosophila homolog. the additional sequence encodes a 100-amino acid, lysine-rich c-terminal extension of the rps6 protein with 42-49% identity to histone h1 proteins from the chicken and other multicellular organisms. using mass spectrometry we now sho ...200312915181
recombinant american cockroach component, per a 1, reactive to ige of allergic thai patients.twelve similar recombinant per a 1 clones were produced from an american cockroach (cr) cdna library. the nucleotide sequence of a representative cline, i.e. clone a6, contained 579 base pairs (bp) and a 372 bp open reading frame (2-373) encoding 124 amino acids. a stop codon was found at position 374-376 followed by a 3' end untranslated region with an aataaa polyadenylation signal and a poly (a) tail. the estimated molecular mass of the 24 amino acid residue protein was 13.8 kda, with a predic ...200312931746
utility of comparative anchor-tagged sequences as physical anchors for comparative genome analysis among the culicidae.the development of comparative genetic maps in multiple species of mosquitoes could prove extremely useful in the search for those genes that contribute to mosquito vector competence or genes associated with other phenotypes of interest. to effectively compare these gene maps, markers must be developed that are based on chromosomal regions conserved throughout the culicidae. we designed 35 polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primer pairs based upon orthlogous exons in aedes aegypti and drosophila me ...200312932106
dengue and the risk of urban yellow fever reintroduction in são paulo state, propose a mathematical method for the estimation of the basic reproduction number, r0, of urban yellow fever in a dengue-infested area.200312937709
growth characteristics of the veterinary vaccine candidate chimerivax-west nile (wn) virus in aedes and culex 1999 west nile (wn) virus was introduced to north america where this flavivirus has spread rapidly among wildlife (especially birds) transmitted by various species of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae). increasing numbers of cases and deaths among humans, horses and other domestic animals require development of effective vaccines. 'chimerivax-west nile(vet)' is being developed for use as a veterinary vaccine to protect against wn infection. this chimeric virus contains the pre-membrane (prm) and ...200312941006
first report of the oriental mosquito aedes albopictus on the west african island of bioko, equatorial guinea.the invasive oriental mosquito aedes (stegomyia) albopictus (skuse) (diptera: culicidae) was detected on bioko island for the first time in november 2001. it was found to be well established breeding in artificial containers at planta, near malabo, the capital of equatorial guinea. associated species of mosquito larvae were aedes aegypti (l.), ae. africanus (theobald), culex near decens theobald, cx. duttoni theobald, cx. quinquefasciatus say, cx. tigripes de grandpré & de charmoy, eretmapodites ...200312941021
synthesis and repellent efficacy of a new chiral piperidine analog: comparison with deet and bayrepel activity in human-volunteer laboratory assays against aedes aegypti and anopheles stephensi.optically active (1s,2's)-2-methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexen-1-carboxamide (ss220) is a new synthetic arthropod repellent. a three-step synthesis based on a chiral diels-alder reaction and diastereomeric resolution of 2-methylpiperidine was developed to prepare the compound. quantitative laboratory assays using human volunteers compared the effectiveness of ss220 with the commonly used repellents deet and bayrepel against aedes aegypti (linnaeus) and anopheles stephensi liston mosquitoes. in two e ...200312943107
aedes aegypti ferritin.diseases transmitted by hematophagous (blood-feeding) insects are responsible for millions of human deaths worldwide. in hematophagous insects, the blood meal is important for regulating egg maturation. although a high concentration of iron is toxic for most organisms, hematophagous insects seem unaffected by the iron load in a blood meal. one means by which hematophagous insects handle this iron load is, perhaps, by the expression of iron-binding proteins, specifically the iron storage protein ...200312950250
guidelines on the cost-effectiveness of larval control programs to reduce dengue transmission in puerto the past 20 years, the emphasis for avoiding dengue epidemics has focused on larval control of aedes aegypti, the principal mosquito vector of dengue viruses. a general consensus is that mosquito larval control holds the best promise for reducing dengue epidemics, although its actual effectiveness is still unknown and subject to a great deal of uncertainty. the objective of this research was to assess the cost-effectiveness of emergency larval control programs for reducing dengue transmission ...200312952602
diversity of bacillus thuringiensis strains from latin america with insecticidal activity against different mosquito species.the characterization of selected bacillus thuringiensis strains isolated from different latin america countries is presented. characterization was based on their insecticidal activity against aedes aegypti, culex quinquefasciatus, and anopheles albimanus larvae, scanning electron microscopy, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and plasmid profiles as well as pcr analysis using novel general and specific primers for cry and cyt genes encoding proteins active against mosquit ...200312957913
introduction of culex toxicity into bacillus thuringiensis cry4ba by protein engineering.bacillus thuringiensis mosquitocidal toxin cry4ba has no significant natural activity against culex quinquefasciatus or culex pipiens (50% lethal concentrations [lc(50)], >80,000 and >20,000 ng/ml, respectively). we introduced amino acid substitutions in three putative loops of domain ii of cry4ba. the mutant proteins were tested on four different species of mosquitoes, aedes aegypti, anopheles quadrimaculatus, c. quinquefasciatus, and c. pipiens. putative loop 1 and 2 exchanges eliminated activ ...200312957922
enzootic transmission of yellow fever virus in peru.the prevailing paradigm of yellow fever virus (yfv) ecology in south america is that of wandering epizootics. the virus is believed to move from place to place in epizootic waves involving monkeys and mosquitoes, rather than persistently circulating within particular locales. after a large outbreak of yfv illness in peru in 1995, we used phylogenetic analyses of virus isolates to reexamine the hypothesis of virus movement. we sequenced a 670-nucleotide fragment of the prm/e gene region from 25 p ...200312967489
aedes aegypti in south vietnam: ecology, genetic structure, vectorial competence and resistance to vietnam, dengue hemorrhagic fever has been detected since the 1950s. in southeast asia, urban centers expanded rapidly in an uncontrolled and unplanned way. the aedes aegypti populations and dengue viruses thrived in these new ecological and demographic settings. the result of these changes was a greatly extended geographic distribution, increased densities of ae. aegypti and the maintenance of the four dengue serotypes leading to a dramatic increase in dengue transmission. to assess the role ...200312971518
insecticide susceptibility tests of anopheles minimus s.l., aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus, and culex quinquefasciatus in northern thailand.the susceptibility of anopheles minimus s.l., aedes aegypti, ae. albopictus, and culex quinquefasciatus to insecticide in northern thailand was monitored by using the who standard susceptibility test. one- to two-day old female mosquitos, which were reared from wild caught females or immature stages, were exposed to discriminating dosages of insecticides for recommended exposure periods, and the 24-hour mortality recorded. the results revealed that, in general, an. minimus s.l. was still suscept ...200312971519
oviposition activity and seasonal pattern of a population of aedes (stegomyia) aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae) in subtropical argentina.monthly oviposition activity and the seasonal density pattern of aedes aegypti were studied using larvitraps and ovitraps during a research carried out by the public health ministry of salta province, in tartagal, aguaray and salvador mazza cities, in subtropical argentina. the a. aegypti population was active in both dry and wet seasons with a peak in march, accordant with the heaviest rainfall. from may to november, the immature population level remained low, but increased in december. ae. aeg ...200312973534
are vectors able to learn about their hosts? a case study with aedes aegypti mosquitoes.the way in which vectors distribute themselves amongst their hosts has important epidemiological consequences. while the role played by active host choice is largely unquestioned, current knowledge relates mostly to the innate response of vectors towards stimuli signalling the presence or quality of their hosts. many of those cues, however, can be unpredictable, and therefore prevent the incorporation of the appropriate response into the vector's behavioural repertoire unless some sort of associ ...200312973535
resistance of aedes aegypti from the state of são paulo, brazil, to organophosphates insecticides.since the reintroduction of aedes aegypti in the state of s o paulo, in the middle of the 1980-decade, organophosphate insecticides are being used to control the dengue vector. in 1996, an annual program for monitoring the susceptibility of ae. aegypti to the insecticides was implemented. some of the results of this monitoring program are presented. ae. aegypti populations from ten localities have been submitted to bioassays with the diagnostic dose of temephos and fenitrothion. only two (mar li ...200312973541
american genotype structures decrease dengue virus output from human monocytes and dendritic cells.the dengue virus type 2 structures probably involved in human virulence were previously defined by sequencing the complete genome of both american and southeast (se) asian genotype templates in patient serum (k. c. leitmeyer et al., j. virol. 73:4738-4747, 1999). we have now evaluated the effects of introducing a mutation in the envelope glycoprotein (e) gene and/or replacement of 5'- and 3'-nontranslated regions on dengue virus replication in human primary cell cultures. a series of chimeric in ...200312634353
diverse dengue type 2 virus populations contain recombinant and both parental viruses in a single mosquito host.envelope (e) protein genes sampled from populations of dengue 2 (den-2) virus in individual aedes aegypti mosquitoes and in serum from dengue patients were copied to cdna, cloned, and sequenced. the nucleotide sequences of the e genes in more than 70% of the clones differed from the consensus sequence for the corresponding virus population at up to 11 sites, and 24 of the 94 clones contained at least one stop codon. virus populations recovered up to 2 years apart yielded clones with similar poly ...200312634407
observations on the swarming and mating behaviour of anopheles funestus from southern mozambique.control of malaria by the release of genetically modified mosquitoes refractory to transmission is now becoming a possibility. in many areas of africa, anopheles gambiae is found together with an equally important vector, an. funestus. given their sympatry and the likelihood of a similar mating period some aspects of the mating behaviour of an. gambiae s.l. and an. funestus are likely to differ. we therefore attempted to characterise the swarming behaviour of an. funestus and to determine if any ...200312636875
low oral receptivity for dengue type 2 viruses of aedes albopictus from southeast asia compared with that of aedes aegypti.dengue hemorrhagic fever has been a major health problem in asia since the 1950s. during this period, the former principal vector of dengue viruses in asia, aedes albopictus, was replaced by aedes aegypti in most major cities of the area. ae. aegypti is now considered the main vector of dengue viruses in asia. surprisingly, however, this mosquito has been described as having a relatively low oral receptivity for dengue viruses compared with ae. albopictus. in the present study, we compared the r ...200312641412
dengue and its vectors in thailand: calculated transmission risk from total pupal counts of aedes aegypti and association of wing-length measurements with aspects of the larval habitat.working in a village dengue focus in chachoengsao province, thailand, aedine mosquito larvae and pupae were counted in all containers of 10 houses per month. the wings of female aedes aegypti (l.) emerging from pupae were measured. number of pupae and size of emerging females increased in containers with qualities that favored availability of larval food sources (e.g., uncovered containers). the small size of most mosquitoes compared with those raised in the laboratory indicated that the larval ...200312641413
amplification of the sylvatic cycle of dengue virus type 2, senegal, 1999-2000: entomologic findings and epidemiologic considerations.after 8 years of silence, dengue virus serotype 2 (denv-2) reemerged in southeastern senegal in 1999. sixty-four denv-2 strains were isolated in 1999 and 9 strains in 2000 from mosquitoes captured in the forest gallery and surrounding villages. isolates were obtained from previously described vectors, aedes furcifer, ae. taylori, ae. luteocephalus, and--for the first time in senegal--from ae. aegypti and ae. vittatus. a retrospective analysis of sylvatic denv-2 outbreaks in senegal during the la ...200312643833
isolation and properties of floral defensins from ornamental tobacco and petunia.the flowers of the solanaceous plants ornamental tobacco (nicotiana alata) and petunia (petunia hybrida) produce high levels of defensins during the early stages of development. in contrast to the well-described seed defensins, these floral defensins are produced as precursors with c-terminal prodomains of 27 to 33 amino acids in addition to a typical secretion signal peptide and central defensin domain of 47 or 49 amino acids. defensins isolated from n. alata and petunia flowers lack the c-term ...200312644678
development of an orally infectious sindbis virus transducing system that efficiently disseminates and expresses green fluorescent protein in aedes aegypti.we have constructed an orally infectious sindbis virus, me2/5'2j/gfp, that expresses green fluorescent protein (gfp) in the midgut of aedes aegypti and in other tissues as the virus disseminates. this virus has two unique features that are improvements over the sin-based expression systems currently used in mosquitoes. first, a subgenomic rna promoter and gfp coding sequence is located 5'- to the second subgenomic promoter and structural genes of the virus. second, the e2 glycoprotein gene of te ...200312653932
a model of dengue fever.dengue is a disease which is now endemic in more than 100 countries of africa, america, asia and the western pacific. it is transmitted to the man by mosquitoes (aedes) and exists in two forms: dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever. the disease can be contracted by one of the four different viruses. moreover, immunity is acquired only to the serotype contracted and a contact with a second serotype becomes more dangerous.200312657162
rapid phagocytosis and melanization of bacteria and plasmodium sporozoites by hemocytes of the mosquito aedes aegypti.mosquitoes are vectors of many deadly and debilitating pathogens. in the current study, we used light and electron microscopies to study the immune response of aedes aegypti hemocytes to bacterial inoculations, plasmodium gallinaceum natural infections, and latex bead injections. after challenge, mosquitoes mounted strong phagocytic and melanization responses. granulocytes phagocytosed bacteria singly or pooled them inside large membrane-delimited vesicles. phagocytosis of bacteria, plasmodium s ...200312659304
spatial distribution of the larval indices of aedes aegypti in guadalupe, nuevo león, mexico, with circular distribution analysis.a census of all outdoor larval breeding sites (951) present in 361 dwellings in a neighborhood of guadalupe in northeastern mexico was conducted in october 1997 to determine larval indices of aedes aegypti, and their relationship to human population density and vegetation type. here we present a method that allows finding the direction and extrapolar flight range of vectors, as parameters in the dynamics of dengue transmission. by using circular statistics applied to each block of data, ranges ( ...200312674529
field evaluation of a smoke-generating formulation containing beta-cypermethrin against the dengue vector in argentina.previous results from laboratory and prefield assays obtained by our laboratory indicated that the fumigant canister cipein pf-7 (bolate) a smoke-generating formulation containing 5% beta-cypermethrin, has excellent performance as an adulticide for aedes aegypti control. a field trial was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of cipein pf-7 to control adult mosquitoes of ae. aegypti inside houses. the trial was carried out in colonia delicia, a locality of 4,750 inhabitants, located in misio ...200312674535
evaluation of the efficacy of lambda-cyhalothrin applied by three spray application methods for emergency control of aedes aegypti in costa extended duration formulation of lambda-cyhalothrin (icon cs) applied as either an ultra-low volume (ulv) or thermal fog spray from a new hand-held sprayer (twin-fog) or as a low-volume spray (lv) from a backpack mist blower against aedes aegypti was evaluated in costa rica. spray applications were made at the front door for 1 min or to each room for 15 sec for the ulv and lv, and thermal fog applications were made to houses in separate blocks for each treatment. the efficacy and duration of ...200312674536
detection of lysozyme-like enzymatic activity secreted by an immune-responsive mosquito cell line.using molecular approaches, we have recently shown that the c7-10 mosquito cell line from aedes albopictus, and the aag-2 line from aedes aegypti, secrete a variety of immune peptides into the culture medium, including cecropins, defensins, transferrin, and lysozyme. the diversity of these peptides makes it difficult to quantify the relative activities of each molecule, because possible synergistic interactions may occur. using a microtiter plate assay with live bacteria, we now show that c7-10 ...200312676552
persistent transovarial infection of successive generations of aedes aegypti mosquitoes with dengue-3 virus. 200312685627
resistance of aedes aegypti to organophosphates in several municipalities in the state of rio de janeiro and espírito santo, brazil.chemical insecticides have been widely used in brazil for several years. this exposes mosquito populations to an intense selection pressure for resistance to insecticides. in 1999, the brazilian national health foundation started the first program designed to monitor the resistance of aedes aegypti to insecticides. we analyzed populations from 10 municipalities (from 84 selected in brazil) in the states of rio de janeiro and espírito santo. exposure of larvae to a diagnostic dose of temephos sho ...200312685640
[a challenge for the public health system in brazil: dengue control].this article presents a critical analysis of the traditional strategy used to control aedes aegypti using "health surveillance patrols", with periodic visits to all urban buildings. the strategy is not viable and/or is administratively unfeasible at present, since it has been proposed since the 1980s but has not been implemented. brazilian health reform prioritized the expansion of coverage for basic health services, and not measures to control specific diseases. a. aegypti, which was reintroduc ...200312700811
mice genetically deficient in immunoglobulin e are more permissive hosts than wild-type mice to a primary, but not secondary, infection with the filarial nematode brugia malayi.primary and secondary murine and human infections with brugia malayi are characterized by substantial increases in levels of immunoglobulin e (ige). to investigate whether this is necessary for worm clearance, ige(-/-) mice were subjected to primary- and secondary-infection protocols. following a primary infection, ige(-/-) mice displayed a profound deficit in their ability to clear an intraperitoneal injection of l3 infective-stage larvae in comparison to wild-type counterparts and maintained s ...200312704117
specific mutations within the alpha4-alpha5 loop of the bacillus thuringiensis cry4b toxin reveal a crucial role for asn-166 and tyr-170.the widely accepted model for toxicity mechanisms of the bacillus thuringiensis cry delta-endotoxins suggests that helices alpha4 and alpha5 form a helix-loop-helix hairpin structure to initiate membrane insertion and pore formation. in this report, alanine substitutions of two polar amino acids (asn-166 and tyr-170) and one charged residue (glu-171) within the alpha4-alpha5 loop of the 130-kda cry4b mosquito-larvicidal protein were initially made via polymerase chain reaction-based directed mut ...200312721492
synthetic propeptide inhibits mosquito midgut chitinase and blocks sporogonic development of malaria parasite.incessant transmission of the parasite by mosquitoes makes most attempts to control malaria fail. blocking of parasite transmission by mosquitoes therefore is a rational strategy to combat the disease. upon ingestion of blood meal mosquitoes secrete chitinase into the midgut. this mosquito chitinase is a zymogen which is activated by the removal of a propeptide from the n-terminal. since the midgut peritrophic matrix acts as a physical barrier, the activated chitinase is likely to contribute to ...200312727225
characterization of flagellar antigens and insecticidal activities of bacillus thuringiensis populations in animal total, 287 bacillus thuringiensis isolates, recovered from feces of 28 zoo-maintained animal species, were examined for flagellar (h) antigenicity and insecticidal activity. serologically, 209 isolates (72.8%) were allocated to the 8 h serogroups, 4 were untypable, and 74 were untestable. among the 8 h serotypes detected, h3abc (serovar kurstaki) predominated at a high frequency of 88.0%, followed by h6 (serovar entomocidus) with a frequency of 7.7%. insecticidal activity was associated with ...200312732979
bacillus thuringiensis associated with faeces of the kerama-jika, cervus nippon keramae, a wild deer indigenous to the ryukyus, japan.faeces of the kerama-jika (cervus nippon keramae), a wild shika deer indigenous to the ryukyus, japan, were examined for the natural occurrence of bacillus thuringiensis. of the ten faecal samples tested, seven contained this organism. the frequency of b. thuringiensis was 8.5% among 387 colonies of spore-forming bacteria belonging to the bacillus cereus/b. thuringiensis group. of 33 b. thuringiensis isolates recovered, only one isolate, assigned to the serotype h3abc (serovar kurstaki), exhibit ...200312746858
molecular analysis of the serine/threonine kinase akt and its expression in the mosquito aedes aegypti.a key component of the insulin-signalling pathway, the protein kinase akt, was identified and cloned as a cdna from ovaries of the mosquito aedes aegypti. an ortholog gene was found in the anopheles gambiae genome database, and like other akts, both mosquito akts possess pleckstrin homology domains for membrane binding and a serine/threonine kinase domain. when ae. aegypti ovaries were treated with bovine insulin in vitro, a putative akt was threonine-phosphorylated, as expected for akts. aaegak ...200312752655
analysis of genetic relatedness between populations of aedes aegypti from different geographic regions of são paulo state, brazil.rapd markers have been used for the analysis of genetic differentiation of aedes aegypti, because they allow the study of genetic relationships among populations. the aim of this study was to identify populations in different geographic regions of the s o paulo state in order to understand the infestation pattern of a. aegypti. the dendrogram constructed with the combined data set of the rapd patterns showed that the mosquitoes were segregated into two major clusters. mosquitoes from the western ...200312754576
isolation of a new flavivirus related to cell fusing agent virus (cfav) from field-collected flood-water aedes mosquitoes sampled from a dambo in central kenya.cell fusing agent virus (cfav) is an rna insect virus that was isolated from a line of aedes aegypti mosquito cells and has been assigned to the family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus. we report here the first isolation of a cfa-like virus from field-collected mosquitoes. mosquito larvae and pupae were sampled from flooded dambos in central province, kenya during the short rain season of 1999. specimens were reared to adults, identified and pooled by species and were tested for the presence of vi ...200312756616
t cells are required for host protection against brugia malayi but need not produce or respond to interleukin-4.t cells are known to be required for host protection in mouse models of brugia malayi infection. several independent studies in murine models have also highlighted the rapid induction of th2-like responses after infection with b. malayi or b. pahangi. previous data from our laboratory have described a significant increase in permissiveness in the absence of interleukin-4 (il-4), the "prototypical" th2 cytokine, involved in both the induction and maintenance of th2 responses. these observations l ...200312761087
dispersal of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae) in an urban endemic dengue area in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil.experimental releases of female aedes (stegomyia) aegypti and aedes (stegomyia) albopictus were performed in august and september 1999, in an urban area of nova igua u, state of rio de janeiro, brazil, to estimate their flight range in a circular area of 1,600 m where 1,472 ovitraps were set. releases of 3,055 ae. aegypti and 2,225 ae. albopictus females, fed with rubidium (rb)-marked blood and surgically prevented from subsequent blood-feeding, were separated by 11 days. rb was detected in ovit ...200312764433
isolation and expression of a sterol carrier protein-2 gene from the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti.trafficking of cholesterol in insects is a very important process due to the fact that insects depend on dietary cholesterol to fulfil their physiological needs. we identified a putative mosquito sterol carrier protein-2 (scp-2) cdna from fourth instar subtracted cdna library. the aescp-2 protein has high degree homology in the sterol transfer domain to both rat and human scp-2. transcripts of aescp-2 in fourth instars were detected strongly in the midgut, and weakly in the head and hindgut. in ...200312542635
interaction of insect trypanosomatids with mosquitoes, sand fly and the respective insect cell lines.interaction experiments between hematophagous insects and monoxenous trypanosomatids have become relevant, once cases of human infection involving these protozoa have been reported. moreover, investigations related to the interaction of insects with trypanosomatids that harbour an endosymbiotic bacterium and thereby lack the paraflagellar rod structure are important to elucidate the role of this structure in the adhesion process. in this work, we compared the interaction of endosymbiont-bearing ...200313129523
outbreak of dengue fever in palau, western pacific: risk factors for infection.between january and june 1995, an outbreak of dengue fever occurred in palau, an island nation of 32,000 inhabitants in the western pacific. to determine the magnitude of this outbreak and to determine modifiable risk factors to guide control strategies, we established active surveillance at the national hospital and private clinics, reviewed available clinical records, and conducted serologic and entomologic surveys. between january 1 and july 1, 1995, 817 case-patients with acute febrile illne ...200313677368
enhancement of the efficacy of a combination of mesocyclops aspericornis and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis by community-based products in controlling aedes aegypti larvae in thailand.prolonged efficacy of a combination of bacteria (bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis [bti] and copepods (mesocyclops aspericornis) in controlling immature forms of aedes aegypti in peridomestic water containers was achieved by adding various products from local villages as supplementary food for copepods. in all experiments, 100 first-instar larvae were added into the breeding containers every day for eight weeks. combinations of biological control agents and each local supplementary food we ...200313677377
novel fermentation media for production of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis.the production of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (debarjac) (bti) as a biopesticide is not cost-effective using existing fermentation technology. in this study, we explored the use of several less expensive alternative culture media (potato, common sugar, and bengal gram) for the growth and production of bti. growth was obtained in all tested media and was comparable to that obtained in conventional medium (luria-bertani). toxicity assays showed that the toxin produced from the novel ...200314503573
repellency and efficacy of a 65% permethrin spot-on formulation for dogs against aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) mosquitoes.a topically applied 65% permethrin spot-on (defend exspot treatment for dogs, schering-plough animal health) used for flea and tick control on dogs was evaluated for repellency and efficacy against the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti, a vector of canine filariasis. six dogs were randomly assigned to receive a single application of 65% permethrin on day 0 (n=3) or to remain untreated as controls (n=3). dogs were anesthetized and exposed to 100 unfed, female mosquitoes in screened cages for 2 ...200314506589
enduring toxicity of transgenic anabaena pcc 7120 expressing mosquito larvicidal genes from bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis.persistence of biological control agents against mosquito larvae was tested under simulated field conditions. mosquito larvicidal activity of transgenic anabaena pcc 7120 expressing cry4aa, cry11aa and p20 from bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis was greater than b. thuringiensis ssp. israelensis primary powder (fun 89c06d) or wettable powder (wp) (bactimos products) when either mixed with silt or exposed to sunlight outdoors. reduction of bactimos primary powder toxicity was at least 10-fol ...200314510853
junonia coenia densovirus-based vectors for stable transgene expression in sf9 cells: influence of the densovirus sequences on genomic integration.the invertebrate parvovirus junonia coenia densovirus (jcdnv) shares similarities with terminal hairpins and nonstructural (ns) protein activities of adeno-associated virus (aav) despite their evolutionary divergence (b. dumas, m. jourdan, a. m. pascaud, and m. bergoin, virology, 191:202-222, 1992, and c. ding, m. urabe, m. bergoin, and r. m. kotin, j. virol. 76:338-345, 2002). we demonstrate here that persistent transgene expression in insect cells results from stable integration of transfected ...200314512554
a targeted approach to the identification of candidate genes determining susceptibility to plasmodium gallinaceum in aedes aegypti.the malaria parasite, plasmodium, has evolved an intricate life cycle that includes stages specific to a mosquito vector and to the vertebrate host. the mosquito midgut represents the first barrier plasmodium parasites encounter following their ingestion with a blood meal from an infected vertebrate. elucidation of the molecular interaction between the parasite and the mosquito could help identify novel approaches to preventing parasite development and subsequent transmission to vertebrates. we ...200314513362
following in soper's footsteps: northeast brazil 63 years after eradication of anopheles gambiae.sub-saharan africa has long suffered under the yoke of the anopheles gambiae mosquito, but for northeast brazil (figure 1) its arrival over 60 years ago was a new and horrifying experience. this african mosquito is an exceptionally effective malaria vector because it is well adapted to feeding upon people and to exploiting aquatic habitats associated with our daily activities. anopheles gambiae sensu lato probably accounts for most of the world's malaria deaths and socioeconomic burden. fortunat ...200314522266
surveillance for the dengue vector aedes aegypti in tobago, west island-wide house survey was conducted in january 2002 to determine the geographic distribution, container profile, and population density of the aedes aegypti in tobago, west indies. the results showed the ae. aegypti infestation levels were significantly different (p > 0.01) among the 4 districts, with greater infestation levels (p > 0.01) observed in the northern and windward districts than in the central and leeward districts. from the 50 towns in tobago, houses were found positive in del ...200314524540
identification of two isoforms of aminopeptidase n in aedes aegypti larval midgut.the bacterium bacillus thuringiensis produces toxin inclusions that are deleterious to target insect larvae. these toxins are believed to interact with a specific receptor protein(s) that is present on the gut epithelial cells of the larvae. in various insect species (in particular those belonging to the lepidopteran class), aminopeptidase n (apn) is one of the two receptor proteins that are considered to be involved in toxin-receptor interactions. however, in mosquitoes, the nature and identity ...200314536036
culex pipiens pipiens: characterization of immune peptides and the influence of immune activation on development of wuchereria bancrofti.stimulating or augmenting the innate immune response of insect vectors has been shown to impede or disrupt the development and transmission of eukaryotic pathogens; however, the majority of such studies have utilized model systems and not natural parasite-vector systems. the culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes functions as a primary urban vector of wuchereria bancrofti, a causative agent of lymphatic filariasis. to test the effects of immune activation on this vector-parasite interaction, culex ...200314550895
dengue 2 pdk-53 virus as a chimeric carrier for tetravalent dengue vaccine development.attenuation markers of the candidate dengue 2 (d2) pdk-53 vaccine virus are encoded by mutations that reside outside of the structural gene region of the genome. we engineered nine dengue virus chimeras containing the premembrane (prm) and envelope (e) genes of wild-type d1 16007, d3 16562, or d4 1036 virus within the genetic backgrounds of wild-type d2 16681 virus and the two genetic variants (pdk53-e and pdk53-v) of the d2 pdk-53 vaccine virus. expression of the heterologous prm-e genes in the ...200314557629
role of gregarine parasite ascogregarina culicis (apicomplexa: lecudinidae) in the maintenance of chikungunya virus in vector mosquito.ascogregarina culicis and ascogregarina taiwanensis are common gregarine parasites of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes, respectively. these mosquito species are also known to transmit dengue and chikungunya viruses. the sporozoites of these parasites invade the midgut epithelial cells and develop intracellularly and extracellularly in the gut to complete their life cycles. the midgut is also the primary site for virus replication in the vector mosquitoes. therefore, studies were car ...200314563178
infection of malaria (anopheles gambiae s.s.) and filariasis (culex quinquefasciatus) vectors with the entomopathogenic fungus metarhizium anisopliae.current intra-domiciliary vector control depends on the application of residual insecticides and/or repellents. although biological control agents have been developed against aquatic mosquito stages, none are available for adults. following successful use of an entomopathogenic fungus against tsetse flies (diptera: glossinidae) we investigated the potency of this fungus as a biological control agent for adult malaria and filariasis vector mosquitoes.200314565851
microbial ecology of bacillus thuringiensis: fecal populations recovered from wildlife in korea.a total of 34 fecal samples, collected from 14 species of wild mammals in korea, were examined for the occurrence of bacillus thuringiensis. the organism was detected in 18 (53%) samples. among the three food-habit groups, herbivorous animals yielded the highest frequency (69%) of samples positive for b. thuringiensis, followed by omnivorous animals (50%). of the six fecal samples from carnivorous animals, only one sample contained b. thurin giensis. among 527 isolates belonging to the bacillus ...200314569287
a family of genes clustered at the triplo-lethal locus of drosophila melanogaster has an unusual evolutionary history and significant synteny with anopheles gambiae.within the unique triplo-lethal region (tpl) of the drosophila melanogaster genome we have found a cluster of 20 genes encoding a novel family of proteins. this family is also present in the anopheles gambiae genome and displays remarkable synteny and sequence conservation with the drosophila cluster. the family is also present in the sequenced genome of d. pseudoobscura, and homologs have been found in aedes aegypti mosquitoes and in four other insect orders, but it is not present in the sequen ...200314573474
[centenary of the discovery of yellow fever virus and its transmission by a mosquito (cuba 1900-1901)].during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, yellow fever has been an ordinary scourge in american cities. in the early part of the 20th century, a main discovery has been achieved in havana city, cuba, leading to direct consequences for tropical medicine, public health and virology. there, the u.s. army yellow fever commission headed by walter reed proved that yellow fever was a viral disease transmitted by a specific mosquito, stegomyia fasciata, in fact aedes aegypti l. the idea that vomito negr ...200314582304
mosquito larvicidal activity of transgenic anabaena pcc 7120 expressing toxin genes from bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis.genes encoding the mosquito larvicidal toxins cry4aa, cry11aa, cyt1aa and the regulatory p20 from bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis were introduced into the nitrogen-fixing, filamentous cyanobacterium anabaena pcc 7120 for expression under control of two strong promoters p(psba) and p(a1). the clone prve4-adrc displayed toxicity against fourth-instar larvae of aedes aegypti, the highest ever achieved in cyanobacteria. it was about 2.5-fold more toxic than the respective clone without cyt ...200314592708
rna interference-mediated knockdown of a gata factor reveals a link to anautogeny in the mosquito aedes aegypti.blood feeding tightly regulates the reproductive cycle in anautogenous mosquitoes. vitellogenesis (the synthesis of yolk protein precursors) is a key event in the mosquito reproductive cycle and is activated in response to a blood meal. before blood feeding, aedes aegypti is in a state of reproductive arrest during which the yolk protein precursor genes (ypps) are repressed. the regulatory region of the major ypp gene vitellogenin (vg) has multiple gata-binding sites required for the high expres ...200314595016
high efficiency, site-specific excision of a marker gene by the phage p1 cre-loxp system in the yellow fever mosquito, aedes aegypti.the excision of specific dna sequences from integrated transgenes in insects permits the dissection in situ of structural elements that may be important in controlling gene expression. furthermore, manipulation of potential control elements in the context of a single integration site mitigates against insertion site influences of the surrounding genome. the cre-loxp site-specific recombination system has been used successfully to remove a marker gene from transgenic yellow fever mosquitoes, aede ...200314602940
diagnosis of dengue virus infection by the visual and simple aubiodot immunoglobulin m capture system.the dengue igm capture elisa (mac-elisa) is the immunoenzymatic system recommended by the pan american health organization and the world health organization for the serological diagnosis of dengue virus infection due to its high sensitivity, ease of performance, and use of a single acute-phase serum sample. however, tests with this enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) system are time-consuming and require equipment for washing, incubation, and reading of the results. aubiodot is a multistep ...200314607869
[application of one step rt-pcr assay for detection of flavivirus rna in mosquitoes].the conditions of one step rt-pcr method for detection of virus rna in field-collected mosquitoes, and preservation period of infected mosquitoes for one step rt-pcr were examined. we compared several virus rna extraction methods with artificially contaminated mosquito pools with dengue virus (dv), japanese encephalitis virus (jev), and yellow fever virus (yfv) with a known amount of plaque forming unit (pfu) to establish the condition of one step rt-pcr. in this study, most effective rna extrac ...200314608915
inhibition of interferon signaling by dengue virus.dengue virus is a worldwide-distributed mosquito-borne flavivirus with a positive strand rna genome. its transcribed polyprotein is cleaved by host- and virus-encoded peptidases into 10 proteins, some of which are of unknown function. although dengue virus-infected cells seem to be resistant to the antiviral action of ifn, the viral products that mediate this resistance are unknown. therefore, we have analyzed the ability of the 10 dengue virus-encoded proteins to antagonize the ifn response. we ...200314612562
the role of reactive oxygen species on plasmodium melanotic encapsulation in anopheles gambiae.malaria transmission depends on the competence of some anopheles mosquitoes to sustain plasmodium development (susceptibility). a genetically selected refractory strain of anopheles gambiae blocks plasmodium development, melanizing, and encapsulating the parasite in a reaction that begins with tyrosine oxidation, and involves three quantitative trait loci. morphological and microarray mrna expression analysis suggest that the refractory and susceptible strains have broad physiological difference ...200314623973
[interepidemic transmission of dengue in the city of colima, mexico].to determine the occurrence of interepidemic dengue in a community infested with aedes aegypti and to analyze its epidemiologic characteristics.200314628616
acute atrial fibrillation during dengue hemorrhagic fever.dengue fever is a viral infection transmitted by the mosquito, aedes aegypti. cardiac rhythm disorders, such as atrioventricular blocks and ventricular ectopic beats, appear during infection and are attributed to viral myocarditis. however, supraventricular arrhythmias have not been reported. we present a case of acute atrial fibrillation, with a rapid ventricular rate, successfully treated with intravenous amiodarone, in a 62-year-old man with dengue hemorrhagic fever, who had no structural hea ...200314636482
removal of wolbachia from brugia pahangi is closely linked to worm death and fecundity but does not result in altered lymphatic lesion formation in mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus).approximately 30 years ago, researchers reported intracellular bacteria in filarial nematodes. these bacteria are relatives of the arthropod symbiont wolbachia and occur in many filarial nematodes, including brugia pahangi and brugia malayi. wolbachia bacteria have been implicated in a variety of roles, including filaria development and fecundity and the pathogenesis of lymphatic lesions associated with filarial infections. however, the role of the bacteria in worm biology or filarial disease is ...200314638788
monoclonal antibody mg96 completely blocks plasmodium yoelii development in anopheles spite of research efforts to develop vaccines against the causative agent of human malaria, plasmodium falciparum, effective control remains elusive. the predominant vaccine strategy focuses on targeting parasite blood stages in the vertebrate host. an alternative approach has been the development of transmission-blocking vaccines (tbvs). tbvs target antigens on parasite sexual stages that persist within the insect vector, anopheline mosquitoes, or target mosquito midgut proteins that are pre ...200314638789
emodin isolated from cassia obtusifolia (leguminosae) seed shows larvicidal activity against three mosquito species.mosquito larvicidal activity of cassia obtusifolia (leguminosae) seed-derived materials against the fourth-instar larvae of aedes aegypti, aedes togoi, and culex pipiens pallens was examined. the chloroform fraction of c. obtusifolia extract showed a strong larvicidal activity of 100% mortality at 25 mg/l. the biologically active component of c. obtusifolia seeds was characterized as emodin by spectroscopic analyses. the lc(50) values of emodin were 1.4, 1.9, and 2.2 mg/l against c. pipiens pall ...200314664519
[dominance of aedes aegypti over aedes albopictus in the southeastern coast of brazil].to assess infestation of aedes aegypti and aedes albopiticus and describe their association with weather conditions and container colonization in urban areas.200314666302
[potential of bacillus thuringiensis israelensis berliner for controlling aedes aegypti].the importance of the entomopathogenic bacterium bacillus thuringiensis israelensis in the control of aedes aegypti is presented. the use and potential of b. thuringiensis israelensis against the mosquito vector of dengue fever is described. other aspects such as insect's resistance development against chemicals and advantages and constraints of using microbial control are discussed. emphasis is given to the importance of the use of this bacterium in brazil, which could contribute significantly ...200314666315
cry29a and cry30a: two novel delta-endotoxins isolated from bacillus thuringiensis serovar medellin.two novel crystal protein genes from a highly mosquitocidal bacillus thuringiensis serovar medellin strain were cloned and sequenced. the corresponding proteins, cry29a and cry30a, were nontoxic when tested individually against the mosquito species bioassayed (aedes aegypti, culex pipiens and anopheles stephensi). however, cry29a synergized the toxicity of cry11bb against aedes aegypti by a four-fold factor.200314666976
raised houses reduce mosquito bites.background: in many parts of continental africa house construction does not appear to impede entry of malaria vectors and, given their generally late biting cycle, the great majority of transmission takes place indoors. in contrast, many houses in são tomé, 140 km off the coast of gabon, are raised on stilts and built of wooden planks. building on stilts is a time-honoured, but largely untested, way of avoiding mosquito bites. exposure may also be affected by mosquito activity times and age comp ...200314667242
the salivary purine nucleosidase of the mosquito, aedes aegypti.a cdna clone originating from adult female aedes aegypti mosquitoes was found with substantial similarity to nucleosidases of the ec enzyme class. although this type of enzyme is unusual in animals, abundant enzyme activity was found in salivary homogenates of this mosquito, but not in salivary homogenates of the mosquitoes anopheles gambiae and culex quinquefasciatus, or the sand fly lutzomyia longipalpis. aedes salivary homogenate hydrolyses inosine and guanosine to hypoxanthine and xa ...200312459196
identification and mapping of the promoter for the gene encoding the ferritin heavy-chain homologue of the yellow fever mosquito aedes aegypti.mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of numerous human diseases. the recent development of transgenic mosquitoes provides a new tool to examine molecular interactions between insect vectors and the pathogens they transmit. one focus in generating transgenic mosquito lies on expressing anti-pathogenic proteins at primary sites of pathogenic invasions, specifically the mosquito gut. promoters that direct the expression of anti-pathogenic proteins in the mosquito gut are thus sought afte ...200312459200
identification and molecular characterization of a chitinase from the hard tick haemaphysalis longicornis.a cdna encoding tick chitinase was cloned from a cdna library of mrna from haemaphysalis longicornis eggs and designated as cht1 cdna. the cht1 cdna contains an open reading frame of 2790 bp that codes for 930 amino acid residues with a coding capacity of 104 kda. the deduced amino acid sequence shows a 31% amino acid homology to aedes aegypti chitinase and a multidomain structure containing one chitin binding peritrophin a domain and two glycosyl hydrolase family 18 chitin binding domains. the ...200312502707
molecular characterization of a hamster viscerotropic strain of yellow fever virus.a hamster viscerotropic strain of yellow fever (yf) virus has been derived after serial passage of strain asibi through hamsters. the parental asibi/hamster p0 virus causes a mild and transient viremia in hamsters with no outward, clinical signs of illness. in contrast, the viscerotropic asibi/hamster p7 virus causes a robust viremia, severe illness, and death in subadult hamsters. the genome of the hamster viscerotropic asibi/hamster p7 virus has been sequenced and compared with the parental no ...200312502861
a live, attenuated dengue virus type 1 vaccine candidate with a 30-nucleotide deletion in the 3' untranslated region is highly attenuated and immunogenic in monkeys.the delta30 deletion mutation, which was originally created in dengue virus type 4 (den4) by the removal of nucleotides 172 to 143 from the 3' untranslated region (3' utr), was introduced into a homologous region of wild-type (wt) dengue virus type 1 (den1). the resulting virus, rden1delta30, was attenuated in rhesus monkeys to a level similar to that of the rden4delta30 vaccine candidate. rden1delta30 was more attenuated in rhesus monkeys than the previously described vaccine candidate, rden1mu ...200312502885
cloning and characterization of a cytolytic and mosquito larvicidal delta-endotoxin from bacillus thuringiensis subsp. darmstadiensis.the cytolytic delta-endotoxin gene from bacillus thuringiensis subsp. darmstadiensis was amplified from genomic dna by pcr by using primers designed from the sequence of cyt2aa1 gene of b. thuringiensis subsp. kyushuensis. dna sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame translating to a 259-amino acid sequence. the cloned gene was designated cyt2aa2. this gene was highly expressed in escherichia coli as inclusion bodies that could be solubilized in 50 m m na(2)co(3), ph 10.5. activation of ...200312520362
cyclicity of mosquito vitellogenic ecdysteroid-mediated signaling is modulated by alternative dimerization of the rxr homologue anautogenous mosquitoes, egg maturation requires a blood meal. as a consequence, mosquitoes are vectors of numerous devastating human diseases. blood feeding triggers a 20-hydroxyecdysone (20e) hormonal cascade, which activates yolk protein precursor (ypp) genes in the female fat body, an insect metabolic tissue. an important adaptation for anautogeny is the previtellogenic arrest preventing activation of ypp genes. equally essential is termination of their expression, so that another arrest ...200312522263
texas lifestyle limits transmission of dengue virus.urban dengue is common in most countries of the americas, but has been rare in the united states for more than half a century. in 1999 we investigated an outbreak of the disease that affected nuevo laredo, tamaulipas, mexico, and laredo, texas, united states, contiguous cities that straddle the international border. the incidence of recent cases, indicated by immunoglobulin m antibody serosurvey, was higher in nuevo laredo, although the vector, aedes aegypti, was more abundant in laredo. environ ...200312533286
cloning and characterization of trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like proteases from the midgut of the sand fly vector phlebotomus papatasi.trypsin and chymotrypsin serine proteases are the main digestive proteases in diptera midguts and are also involved in many aspects of the vector-parasite relationship. in sand flies, these proteases have been shown to be a potential barrier to leishmania growth and development within the midgut. here we describe the sequence and partial characterization of six phlebotomus papatasi midgut serine proteases: two chymotrypsin-like (ppchym1 and ppchym2) and four trypsin-like (pptryp1-pptryp4). all s ...200312535675
a hat trick--plasmodium, anopheles and homo.the genomes of the malaria parasite, its vector and its host are now sequenced. this has been a tremendous scientific achievement. but will it offer hope to the millions who die from malaria each year? yes, but only if combined with political will and social change.200312537542
isolation of a pseudomonas fluorescens metabolite/exotoxin active against both larvae and pupae of vector mosquitoes.a formulation was developed from the metabolite(s) of a novel pseudomonas fluorescens migula strain (vcrc b426) and tested against 4th-instar larvae and pupae of three species of vector mosquitoes, anopheles stephensi liston, culex quinquefasciatus say and aedes aegypti (l). the larvae and pupae of an. stephensi were the most susceptible to the formulation, followed by those of c. quinquefasciatus and ae. aegypti, in that order, and the dosage requirement for pupal mortality was less than that r ...200312558096
recombinant strain of bacillus thuringiensis producing cyt1a, cry11b, and the bacillus sphaericus binary toxin.a novel recombinant bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis strain that produces the b. sphaericus binary toxin, cyt1aa, and cry11ba is described. the toxicity of this strain (50% lethal concentration [lc(50)] = 1.7 ng/ml) against fourth-instar culex quinquefasciatus was higher than that of b. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis ips-82 (lc(50) = 7.9 ng/ml) or b. sphaericus 2362 (lc(50) = 12.6 ng/ml).200312571069
meliternatin: a feeding deterrent and larvicidal polyoxygenated flavone from melicope subunifoliolata.we screened more than 60 malaysian plants against two species of insects and found that melicope subunifoliolata (stapf) t.g. hartley (rutaceae) showed strong feeding deterrent activity against sitophilus zeamais motsch. (curculionidae) and very good larvicidal activity against aedes aegypti l. (diptera). one anti-insect compound, meliternatin (3,5-dimethoxy-3',4',6,7-bismethylendioxyflavone) (6) and six other minor polyoxygenated flavones were isolated from m. subunifoliolata.200312591266
relish-mediated immune deficiency in the transgenic mosquito aedes aegypti.the lack of genetic means has been a serious limitation in studying mosquito immunity. we generated relish-mediated immune deficiency (rmid) by transforming aedes aegypti with the delta rel transgene driven by the vitellogenin (vg) promoter using the pbac[3xp3-egfp, afm] vector. a stable transformed line had a single copy of the vg-delta rel transgene. the vg-delta rel transgene expression was highly activated by blood feeding, and transgenic mosquitoes were extremely susceptible to the infectio ...200312594340
vector competence of australian mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) for japanese encephalitis virus.australian mosquitoes were evaluated for their ability to become infected with and transmit a torres strait strain of japanese encephalitis virus. mosquitoes, which were obtained from either laboratory colonies and collected using centers for disease control and prevention light traps baited with co2 and octenol or reared from larvae, were infected by feeding on a blood/sucrose solution containing 10(4.5 +/- 0.1) porcine stable-equine kidney (ps-ek) tissue culture infectious dose50/mosquito of t ...200312597658
antifungal, antioxidant and larvicidal activities of compounds isolated from the heartwood of mansonia gagei.eleven compounds isolated from the heartwood of mansonia gagei were tested for their antifungal activities against cladosporium cucumerinum and candida albicans, as well as for their larvicidal activities against aedes aegypti and radical scavenging properties in a dpph assay. mansonone c (4) was found to be the most interesting compound with antifungal activities against cladosporium cucumerinum and candida albicans as well as for its larvicidal properties against aedes aegypti. mansonone e (5) ...200312601687
determination of 'irritant' threshold concentrations for intradermal testing with allergenic insect extracts in normal horses.sixteen healthy horses with no history of skin or respiratory disease were used for an intradermal testing (idt) threshold study, in order to determine the concentrations of 13 commercial allergenic insect extracts most appropriate for idt. five dilutions of each extract were used, which included the manufacturer's recommended concentrations for equine idt, plus one dilution higher and three lower than these standard concentrations. allergens tested included caddisfly (trichoptera spp.), mayfly ...200312603683
sex-specific and blood meal-induced proteins of anopheles gambiae midguts: analysis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.anopheles gambiae is the main vector of plasmodium falciparum in africa. the mosquito midgut constitutes a barrier that the parasite must cross if it is to develop and be transmitted. despite the central role of the mosquito midgut in the host/parasite interaction, little is known about its protein composition. characterisation of an. gambiae midgut proteins may identify the proteins that render an. gambiae receptive to the malaria parasite.200312605724
a potential role for phenylalanine hydroxylase in mosquito immune mosquitoes the melanotic encapsulation immune response is an important resistance mechanism against filarial worms and malaria parasites. the rate limiting substrate for melanin production is tyrosine that is hydroxylated by phenoloxidase (po) to produce 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. the single pathway for endogenous production of tyrosine is by hydroxylation of phenylalanine by phenylalanine hydroxylase (pah). in this study we describe a potential role for pah in melanotic immune responses in ...200312609519
beenomes to bombyx: future directions in applied insect genomics.the recent sequencing of the anopheles gambiae genome showcases the genetic breadth of insects and a trend towards sequencing organisms directly involved with human welfare. we describe traits in other insect species that make them important candidates for genomics projects, and review several recent workshops aimed at uniting researchers working with insect species to efficiently address problems in medicine, biotechnology, and agriculture.200312620096
susceptibility and transovarial transmission of dengue virus in aedes aegypti: a preliminary study of morphological variations.two types of morphological variants, the dark form and the pale form of aedes aegypti were selected from wild-caught mosquitos. ascertaining any differences between the two forms for susceptibility to dengue type 2 virus was performed by oral feeding. transovarial transmission was further determined from the progenies of infected mosquitos by tracing them to the third generation. significant differences in oral infection were not observed between these two forms of mosquitos. transovarial transm ...200319230584
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