
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
resistance of shigellae to ampicillin and other antibiotics. its clinical and epidemiological implications. 19724113693
[seeding dysentery bacilli on a medium with addition of rivanol]. 19724113986
a comparative immunochemical study of shigella sonnei haptene polysaccharides. 19724137499
immunological studies in nephropathies accompanying childhood diabetes mellitus. 19724137720
[evaluation of the degree of virulence of sonne shigella]. 19724124358
[use of electrophoresis for concentration and extraction of agents of intestinal infections from various substrates. i. experimental elaboration of a method of electrophoretic extraction of sh. sonnei and s. typhi from substrates artificially seeded with different quantities of cells]. 19724124513
[the effect of prolonged conservation on various enterobacteria]. 19724124729
[use of a fungus hydrolysate of nutrient yeasts for preparation of selenite medium]. 19724124760
[comparative evaluation of various serologic methods of diagnosing acute sonne dysentery]. 19724124762
[proteins with heterologous determinants in the somatic antigens of enterobacteriaceae]. 19724125996
a comparative study on shigella flexneri converting phages. 19724132169
[the occurrence of plesiomonas chigelloides in man]. 19724144934
[problems encountered in the preparation of bacterial conjugates. i. testing the suitability of bacterial antisera for labelling, and the influence of immunoglobulin isotypes]. 19724145095
[immunological investigations on e. coli strains related to shigellae]. 19724145104
naturally occurring competition between homologous polysaccharides and proteins of bacteria. 19724145157
[immunochemical studies on an antigen discovered in some enterobacteriaceae]. 19724145165
morphology of bacteriophages used for typing of shigella bacilli. 19724145209
transformation of pathogenic shigella-like e. coli strains into attenuated strains for preventive and therapeutical purposes. 19724145496
pharmacological analysis of the adrenergic receptor for lipopolysaccharide-i of shigella sonnei. 19724146075
shigellosis due to shigella dysenteriae. 1. relative importance of mucosal invasion versus toxin production in pathogenesis. 19724197755
[protective efficacy of some inactivated oral bacterial vaccines]. 19724205298
[antibacterial activity of lividomycin against several bacteria isolated from clinical specimens]. 19724198941
comparative immunological and enzymatic study of the tryptophan synthetase beta 2 subunit in the enterobacteriaceae.the beta(2) subunits of tryptophan synthetase, formula alpha(2)beta(2), from escherichia coli, shigella dysenteriae, enterobacter aerogenes, salmonella typhimurium, and serratia marcescens were compared by three criteria. (i) alphabeta association constants for the various beta(2) subunits and e. coli alpha subunit varied between 3.6 x 10(8)m(-1) for e. coli and 0.33 x 10(8)m(-1) for s. marcescens; values for the other organisms were intermediate. (ii) antiserum neutralization of the beta(2) sub ...19724204906
[use of the fluorescent antibody method for microbiological control in the food-processing industry (review)]. 19724207751
[newly discovered sugars in the specific polysaccharides of bacteria]. 19724208820
[occurrence of multiresistance to antibiotics and r-factors in shigellas and salmonellas]. 19724262244
site of action of lipid a on mitochondria.lipopolysaccharide (lps) of a number of gram-negative bacteria affected mitochondrial respiration and phosphorylation when it was preincubated with the mitochondrial suspension. the structural part responsible for this activity of lps is the lipid moiety (lipid a), because the lipid a prepared from either the lps of escherichia coli or the endotoxic glycolipid of a heptose-less mutant (r595) of salmonella minnesota affected mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation as did lps, whereas the polysacc ...19724263402
[bacteriophage receptor--cell surface structure of the bacteria as the site of gene acceptance]. 19724265206
[studies on pathogenic intestinal bacteria in the food industry in schleswig-holstein]. 19724265419
[acute gastroenteritis]. 19724352850
microbial flora of imported marmosets: viruses and enteric bacteria. 19724338697
mortality from cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases at a cholera hospital. 19724338814
bacterial contamination of food. 19724340202
[use of nucleolytic enzymes for detection of anomalies in the primary structure of phage dna]. 19724343980
[absorption and urinary elimination of spiramycin following its i.m. administration]. 19724344784
plasmids in intestinal bacteria. 19724344804
possible reasons for the inefficiency of gram-negative bacterial vaccines. 19724349834
[chemical characteristics of ddii phage and its nucleic acid]. 19724351929
plasma-dependent chemotaxis of macrophages towards mycobacterium tuberculosis and other organisms. 19724333657
[origin of antibodies of different specificity in the sera of premature infants in the 1st weeks of life]. 19724336144
isolation of poliomyelitis virus from a contaminated well. 19724336806
[development of freshly isolated shigellae and salmonellae in a cell culture]. 19724337415
[comparative analysis of the effect of polymyxin and monomycin on dysentery bacteria and enteropathogenic coli bacteria in experiments and clinical cases]. 19724337880
[r-factor mediated resistance to antibiotics in gram negative bacteria in sweden]. 19724484501
transferable resistance to antibiotics in gram-negative bacteria isolated in a hospital for infectious diseases. ii. frequency of r factors and their transmission between patients and personnel in a salmonella-shigella ward. 19724485602
amoxycillin: a new semi-synthetic penicillin.amoxycillin (alpha-amino-p-hydroxybenzylpenicillin) is a new semi-synthetic penicillin with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity similar to that of ampicillin. penicillin-sensitive strains of staphylococci, streptococci, and pneumococci were sensitive to concentrations of 0.1 mug or less of amoxycillin/ml. strains of haemophilus influenzae were inhibited by a level of 0.5 mug/ml, and most strains of escherichia coli, proteus mirabilis, shigella sonnei, salmonella species, and streptococcus ...19724402672
[elimination of the r-factor and inhibition of episomic drug resistance in enteric bacteria by antihistaminics]. 19724403220
cellular inflammatory responses of man to bacterial endotoxin: a comparison with ppd and other bacterial antigens. 19724404453
the effect of nitrofurantoin on the morphology of gram-negative bacilli. 19724550229
immunity in shigellosis. ii. protection induced by oral live vaccine or primary infection. 19724550416
immunity in shigellosis. i. response of man to attenuated strains of shigella. 19724550417
in vitro effectiveness of four cephalosporins against shigellae and clinical ineffectiveness of cephaloglycin. 19724550565
transduction of pasteurella pestis. 19724550902
amino acid sequences of fifty residues from the amino termini of the tryptophan synthetase chains of several enterobacteria. 19724551507
[distribution of episomal drug resistance in shigella and enteropathogenic escherichia coli isolated from patients]. 19724551564
[analysis of lipopolysaccharide in shigella flexneri 2a strains , pathogenic or nonpathogenic for keratoconjunctivitis in guinea pigs]. 19724551587
[drug resistance of shigella strains in poland in the period 1968-1970]. 19724551589
failure of furazolidone therapy in shigellosis. 19724551612
polynucleotide sequence divergence among strains of escherichia coli and closely related organisms.polynucleotide sequence similarity tests were carried out to determine the extent of divergence present in a number of escherichia coli strains, obtained from diverse human, animal, and laboratory sources, and closely related strains of shigella, salmonella, and the alkalescens-dispar group. at 60 c, relative reassociation of deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) from the various strains with e. coli k-12 dna ranged from 100 to 36%, with the highest level of reassociation found for three strains derived f ...19724551757
[properties of individual mononucleotides of dna of phage ddvii (shigella dysenteriae flexneri)]. 19724552118
reduced plating efficiency on salmonella-shigella agar of strains of enterobacteriaceae carrying transferable drug-resistance factors. 19724552647
[intestinal infection in man]. 19724552759
epidemiological differentiation of serratia marcescens: typing by bacteriocin sensitivity.strains of serratia marcescens were compared and differentiated by a new method. bacteriocin lysates were prepared from mitomycin-induced s. marcescens and added to lawns of test strains. from 100 bacteriocin producers, 12 were chosen with the aid of computer analysis as the most useful in differentiation. uniform drops of the 12 standard bacteriocins were added simultaneously with a bacteriocin-bacteriophage dropper to each strain to be typed. all 93 strains of s. marcescens tested were typable ...19724552885
[on bacillary dysentery between the years 1965 and 1970]. 19724553092
[lysozyme activity of bacteria]. 19724553313
seasonal gastroenteritis and malabsorption at an american military base in the philippines. 3. microbiologic investigations and volunteer experiments. 19724553790
[reconstruction of the pili of shigella flexneri. 1. electron microscopic observation on reconstructed pilli]. 19724553919
[recent advances in molecular genetics of r factors]. 19724553921
detection of tryptophan messenger rna in several bacterial species and examination of the properties of heterologous dna-rna hybrids. 19724554016
quantitative microassay in cell culture for enterotoxin of shigella dysenteriae. 19724554110
genetic characterization of the dna of the bacteriophage phi x174 70 s particle. 19724554264
fecal leukocytes in diarrheal illness. 19724554412
shigella bacteremia in a patient with sickle cell anemia. 19724554616
[alternative manifestations of virulence]. 19724554794
[the virulence of shigella sonnei isolated from children with dysentery]. 19724554795
[a study of antigens obtained from shigella sonne by different methods for the use in passive hemagglutination reaction]. 19724554796
[physico-chemical properties of antibodies to different antigens of enterobacteria]. 19724554798
acute infectious nonbacterial gastroenteritis: etiology and pathogenesis. 19724554885
[comparative study of the sensitivity to antibiotics of shigella sommei of 3 fermentation types]. 19724555019
bacterial aetiology of diarrhoea in infants and children. 19724555046
experiences with the analytab system for the identification of enterobacteriaceae. 19724555068
[mass shigella flexneri type 3a infections at the city hospital in lódź]. 19724555073
[changes in the etiology of bacterial dysentery in poland. ii. incidence of serologic types of different shigella species (subgroups)]. 19724555074
[utilization of the antibiotic resistance pattern of dysentery bacilli for epidemiologic purposes]. 19724555075
phagocytic response to gram-negative bacteria in sensitized mice. 19724555126
[experimental liver cirrhosis caused by dysentery toxin]. 19724555184
in vitro susceptibility of gram-negative bacilli to carbenicillin. 19724555345
[new insights into the etiology of traveler's diarrhea]. 19724556382
enzymic formation of polyisoprenol phosphate sugars. 19724556477
[etiological structure of dysentery in prospective population centers in north tiumen]. 19724556691
interbacterial transfer of r factor in the human intestine: in-vivo acquisition of r-factor-mediated kanamycin resistance by a multiresistant strain of shigella sonnei. 19724556721
the pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. ii. enterotoxin-induced acute enteritis in the rabbit ileum. 19724556723
inhibition of the interaction between fimbrial haemagglutinins and erythrocytes by d-mannose and other carbohydrates. 19724556971
[study of 129 shigellas isolated in 5 years]. 19724556975
double infection, recombination, and segregation of two r factors r 100 and rts1, and their possible bearing on the genetic structure of r 100. 19724556980
clinical evaluation of co-trimoxazole and furazolidone in treatment of shigellosis in (trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole) was compared with furazolidone in the treatment of shigellosis in two groups of 33 and 30 patients respectively. those treated with co-trimoxazole recovered more quickly; none had shigellae in the faeces four days after the start of treatment, whereas in the group given furazolidone eight still had positive stool cultures seven days after treatment.the susceptibility of 104 shigella strains to seven antimicrobial agents was studied by plate dilutio ...19724557030
shigellosis in custodial institutions. ii. clinical, immunologic and bacteriologic response of institutionalized children to oral attenuated shigella vaccines. 19724557072
shigella sonnei outbreak on the island of maui. 19724557073
[passive hemagglutination tests with shigella flexneri and shigella sonnei antigens in the diagnosis of dysentery]. 19724557140
characterization of bacteriophage s13 sun15 single-strand and replicative-form deoxyribonucleic acid.the deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) of bacteriophage s13 was shown to be single-stranded by the criteria of reactivity with formaldehyde, dependence of optical density on ionic strength, broad temperature-absorbance profile, and lack of molar equivalence of the purine and pyrimidine bases. the dna has a molecular weight of 1.8 x 10(6) daltons, an s degrees (20) of 24.6 in ssc (0.15 m nacl plus 0.015 m sodium citrate), and a buoyant density of 1.726 g/cc in cscl. electron microscopy showed the molecu ...19724557206
Displaying items 9901 - 10000 of 13650