Title | Abstract | Year(sorted descending) Filter | PMID Filter |
silverback male presence and group stability in gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla). | 2003 | 12778915 | |
occlusal relief changes with molar wear in pan troglodytes troglodytes and gorilla gorilla gorilla. | most research on primate tooth form-function relationships has focused on unworn teeth. this study presents a morphological comparison of variably worn lower second molars (m(2)s) of lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla; n=47) and common chimpanzees (pan troglodytes troglodytes; n=54) using dental topographic analysis. high-resolution replicas of occlusal surfaces were prepared and scanned in 3d by laser scanning. the resulting elevation data were used to create a geographic information sys ... | 2003 | 12784284 |
divergence of the genes on human chromosome 21 between human and other hominoids and variation of substitution rates among transcription units. | the study of genomic divergence between humans and primates may provide insight into the origins of human beings and the genetic basis of unique human traits and diseases. chromosome 21 is the smallest chromosome in the human genome, and some of its regions have been implicated in mental retardation and other diseases. in this study, we sequenced the coding and regulatory regions of 127 known genes on human chromosome 21 in dna samples from human and chimpanzees and a part of the corresponding g ... | 2003 | 12826612 |
comparative analysis of gene-expression patterns in human and african great ape cultured fibroblasts. | although much is known about genetic variation in human and african great ape (chimpanzee, bonobo, and gorilla) genomes, substantially less is known about variation in gene-expression profiles within and among these species. this information is necessary for defining transcriptional regulatory networks that contribute to complex phenotypes unique to humans or the african great apes. we took a systematic approach to this problem by investigating gene-expression profiles in well-defined cell popul ... | 2003 | 12840040 |
echinococcus multilocularis in two lowland gorillas (gorilla g. gorilla). | an unusual presentation of alveolar echinococcosis was observed in two lowland gorillas (gorilla g. gorilla). clinical signs included progressive abdominal enlargement, apathy and anorexia. macroscopical changes consisted of severe peritonitis and foci of hepatic necrosis with large cavities replacing most of the normal tissue. additionally, a few structures resembling hydatid cysts were present. histologically, some necrotic areas contained fragments of a laminated wall characteristic of echino ... | 2003 | 12859912 |
[histomorphometric study of bone microstructure of primates and domestic animal with the goal of species identification with reference to the effects of domestication]. | functional bone microstructure of long limb bones is a function of species-specific biomechanical properties such as locomotion and weight. histomorphometry and statistics were used to identify various primate species (hylobates moloch, pongo satyrus borneensis, pan tr. troglodytes, gorilla g. gorilla, homo sapiens), equid species (equus caballus, equus asinus, equus mulus, equus hemionus kulan, equus ferus przewalskii) and also extinct horses e.g. iron age, medieval and neolithic forms on the m ... | 2003 | 12872544 |
gestural communication in young gorillas (gorilla gorilla): gestural repertoire, learning, and use. | in the present study we investigated the gestural communication of gorillas (gorilla gorilla). the subjects were 13 gorillas (1-6 years old) living in two different groups in captivity. our goal was to compile the gestural repertoire of subadult gorillas, with a special focus on processes of social cognition, including attention to individual and developmental variability, group variability, and flexibility of use. thirty-three different gestures (six auditory, 11 tactile, and 16 visual gestures ... | 2003 | 12874841 |
a comparison of taste thresholds for sweet and astringent-tasting compounds in great apes. | taste responses to fructose and tannic acid were compared between great apes using the 'two-bottle test' with tests of brief duration. the taste thresholds for fructose were [10-20] mm in pongo pygmaeus, [40-50] mm in pan troglodytes, and [70-80] mm in gorilla gorilla. inhibition thresholds for tannic acid were [2.9-3.5] mm in pongo and [2.9-5.9] mm in pan. gorillas apparently significantly preferred tannins at low concentrations ([0.59-5.9] mm) but rejected concentrations above [8.8-14.7] mm. t ... | 2003 | 12876895 |
polymorphism of human and primate rantes, cx3cr1, ccr2 and cxcr4 genes with regard to hiv/siv infection. | among genes that influence human susceptibility to hiv (human immunodeficiency virus) infection or aids (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) progression, chemokine-receptor and chemokine genes were extensively studied because of their role as hiv co-receptors or co-receptor competitors, respectively. we have studied in non-human primates (chimpanzee, gorilla, gibbon, orang-utan, crab-eating and rhesus macaque, baboon and marmoset) the rantes, ccr2 and cx3cr1 gene sequences in regions surrounding ... | 2003 | 12879309 |
mitochondrial dna sequence from an enigmatic gorilla population (gorilla gorilla uellensis). | although today gorillas are found in only two widely separate, discontinuous western and eastern african populations, rumors of the existence of an additional gorilla population in central africa have inspired recent unsuccessful field expeditions in search of the "mystery ape" termed gorilla gorilla uellensis. such a gorilla population would have considerable conservation and scientific interest, and would presumably have descended from a population of gorillas that was thought to exist until t ... | 2003 | 12884318 |
characterization of the low-copy herv-fc family: evidence for recent integrations in primates of elements with coding envelope genes. | in a previous search based on the envelope gene, we had identified two related proviral elements that could not be included in identified erv families. an in silico database screening associated with an in vivo polymerase chain reaction search using primers in the reverse transcriptase domain, now allowed identification of a series of related elements, found at a limited number in simians. a phylogenetic analysis led to their inclusion in a new family of endogenous retroviruses with limited expa ... | 2003 | 12890629 |
increased cranial capacity in hominid evolution and preeclampsia. | one of the major trends in primate evolution generally and hominid evolution in particular, is cranio-facial contraction accompanied by an increase in cranial capacity. landmark-based morphometric methods are applied to adult skulls of great apes (gorilla, pan), australopithecines (australopithecus and paranthropus), and humans (homo eragster, erectus, neanderthalensis, and sapiens). morphological changes quantified by vector fields (procrustes methods) indicate that these skull plans are charac ... | 2003 | 12896818 |
functional significance of cortical bone distribution in anthropoid mandibles: an in vitro assessment of bone strain under combined loads. | local variation in cortical bone thickness in the postcanine mandibular corpus appears to be stereotypical among anthropoids. specifically, at sections under the molars, lingually situated cortical bone is typically thinner than that along the lateral aspect. this pattern applies despite phylogenetic, dietary, and allometric differences among the anthropoids sampled to date. demes et al. (food acquisition and processing in primates [1984] new york: plenum press, p. 369-390) employed a theoretica ... | 2003 | 12923903 |
rapidly evolving genes in human. i. the glycophorins and their possible role in evading malaria parasites. | in an attempt to identify all fast-evolving genes between human and other primates, we found three glycophorins, gpa, gpb, and gpe, to have the highest rate of nonsynonymous substitutions among the 280 genes surveyed. the ka/ks ratios are generally greater than 3 for gpa, gpb, and gpe in human, chimpanzee, and gorilla, indicating positive selection. the uniformly high substitution rate across loci can be explained by the frequent sequence exchanges among genes. gpa is the receptor for the bindin ... | 2003 | 12949139 |
functional capabilities of modern and fossil hominid hands: three-dimensional analysis of trapezia. | three-dimensional (3d) trapezium models from homo sapiens, gorilla gorilla, pan troglodytes, australopithecus afarensis (a.l.333-80), and homo habilis (o.h.7-nnq) were acquired through laser digitizing. least-square planes were generated for each articular surface, and the angles between the planes were compared. each extant species displays an overall pattern that distinguishes it from the others. the observed angles in g. gorilla and p. troglodytes are more similar to one other than either is ... | 2003 | 12949830 |
large-scale genotyping of complex dna. | genetic studies aimed at understanding the molecular basis of complex human phenotypes require the genotyping of many thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) across large numbers of individuals. public efforts have so far identified over two million common human snps; however, the scoring of these snps is labor-intensive and requires a substantial amount of automation. here we describe a simple but effective approach, termed whole-genome sampling analysis (wgsa), for genotyping thous ... | 2003 | 12960966 |
possible polyphyletic origin of major histocompatibility complex class i chain-related gene a (mica) alleles. | phylogenetic relationships among 23 nonhuman primate (nhp) major histocompatibility complex class i chain-related gene (mic) sequences, 54 confirmed human mica alleles, and 16 human mice alleles were constructed with methods of sequence analysis. topology of the phylogenetic tree showed separation between nhp mics and human mics. for human mics, the topology indicated monophyly for the micb alleles, while mica alleles were separated into two lineages, li and lii. of these, li mica alleles shared ... | 2003 | 12962304 |
early hominin speciation at the plio/pleistocene transition. | over the last half-decade or so, there has been an explosion in the recognition of hominin genera and species. we now have the late miocene genera orrorin and sahelanthropus, the mid pliocene genus kenyanthropus, three new pliocene species of australopithecus (a. anamensis, a. garhi and a. bahrelghazali) and a sub species of ardipithecus (ar. r. kadabba) to contend with. excepting also the more traditional species allocated to paranthropus, australopithecus and early homo we are approaching arou ... | 2003 | 12968420 |
three duplicons form a novel chimeric transcription unit in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 22q11. | pericentromeric regions of human chromosomes are preferential sites for the integration of duplicated dna, or "duplicons", which often contain gene fragments. although pericentromeric regions appear to be genomic junkyards, they could also be the birthplace of new genes with novel functions. we have characterized a chimeric transcription unit (cat eye syndrome critical region gene 7, cecr7) formed from three duplicons in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 22q. cecr7 exons show similarity t ... | 2003 | 12483300 |
comparative urinary androstanes in the great apes. | urinary androstanes from seven species of male great apes (human, bonobo, chimpanzee, lowland gorilla, mountain gorilla, bornean orangutan, and sumatran orangutan) were separated by hplc and detected by ria using two testosterone antibodies. all animals examined showed the presence of testosterone and six additional immunoreactive peaks. although testosterone was the dominant peak (85%) in human urine, its proportion in urine was much less in the other apes, ranging from a high of 59% in the bon ... | 2003 | 12535626 |
nosocomial pneumonia: the gorilla in the icu. | 2003 | 15035769 | |
multitude multicolor chromosome banding (mmcb) - a comprehensive one-step multicolor fish banding method. | multicolor chromosome banding (mcb) using one single chromosome-specific mcb probe set per experiment was previously reported as powerful tool in molecular cytogenetics for the characterization of all kinds of human marker chromosomes. however, a quick analysis of karyotypes with highly complex chromosomal changes was hampered by the problem that up to 24 mcb experiments were necessary for a comprehensive karyotype description. to overcome that limitation the 138 available region-specific microd ... | 2003 | 15004461 |
is somnambulism a distinct disorder of humans and not seen in non-human primates? | though somnambulism (sleepwalking) is a well-recognized sleep disorder in humans, a biomedical literature search in medline and primate literature bibliographic databases showed no publications on sleepwalking in non-human primates. from this finding, two inferences can be made. first is that somnambulism may be present in non-human primates; but due to limitations in expertise and methodological resources as well as narrow focus of research interest, until now researchers have not detected it i ... | 2003 | 14592779 |
gene arrangement at the rhesus blood group locus of chimpanzees detected by fiber-fish. | the rhesus (rh) blood group system in humans is encoded by two genes with high sequence homology. these two genes, namely, rhce and rhd, have been implied to be duplicated during evolution. however, the genomic organization of rh genes in chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates has not been precisely studied. we analyzed the arrangement of the rh genes of chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) by two-color fluorescence in situ hybridization on chromatin dna fibers (fiber-fish) using two genomic dna probe ... | 2003 | 14610358 |
evolution of the hominoid semenogelin genes, the major proteins of ejaculated semen. | the hominoid primates (apes and humans) exhibit remarkable diversity in their social and sexual behavioral systems. this is reflected in many ways in their anatomy and physiology. for example, the testes and seminal vesicles are relatively large in species with high sperm competition like the chimpanzee and small in species with low or no sperm competition like the gorilla. additionally, the chimpanzee is the only hominoid primate known to produce a firm copulatory plug, which presumably functio ... | 2003 | 14629036 |
victorian spectacle: julia pastrana, the bearded and hairy female. | julia pastrana toured europe in the late 1850s advertising herself as the 'bearded and hairy lady' or 'nonedescript'. she suffered from a rare inherited disorder, not understood until the late 20th century, which manifested itself in facial distortion and considerable facial hair in the male pattern. doctors, as well as sensation seekers, were very keen to examine her. her story is unusual, not least because she was mummified after death by her husband-manager and continued to tour as a mounted ... | 2003 | 14652038 |
human-specific duplication and mosaic transcripts: the recent paralogous structure of chromosome 22. | in recent decades, comparative chromosomal banding, chromosome painting, and gene-order studies have shown strong conservation of gross chromosome structure and gene order in mammals. however, findings from the human genome sequence suggest an unprecedented degree of recent (<35 million years ago) segmental duplication. this dynamism of segmental duplications has important implications in disease and evolution. here we present a chromosome-wide view of the structure and evolution of the most hig ... | 2002 | 11731936 |
urinary androgen and corticoid levels in captive, male western lowland gorillas (gorilla g. gorilla): age- and social group-related differences. | urinary androgen and corticoid levels were measured for 52 captive male western lowland gorillas to examine age-related variance and potential differences resulting from various social situations. significant diurnal variation was present in both hormones. age-related differences in androgens revealed that males experienced two stages of androgen increase and one stage of decrease: increases occurred from juvenile (less than 10 yr of age) to subadult (between 10-13 yr) and subadult to young adul ... | 2002 | 11793415 |
masticatory form and function in the african apes. | this study examines variability in masticatory morphology as a function of dietary preference among the african apes. the african apes differ in the degree to which they consume leaves and other fibrous vegetation. gorilla gorilla beringei, the eastern mountain gorilla, consumes the most restricted diet comprised of mechanically resistant foods such as leaves, pith, bark, and bamboo. gorilla gorilla gorilla, the western lowland gorilla subspecies, consumes leaves and other terrestrial herbaceous ... | 2002 | 11815948 |
scabies in free-ranging mountain gorillas (gorilla beringei beringei) in bwindi impenetrable national park, uganda. | between august and december 1996, there was an outbreak of a debilitating skin disease attributed to sarcoptes scabiei infection in mountain gorillas (gorilla beningei beringei) in bwindi impenetrable national park in uganda. all four members of a gorilla group which had been habituated to tourists were clinically affected; the infant male gorilla was most severely affected and died, the juvenile male showed serious manifestations of the disease and the two adult animals showed milder signs. the ... | 2002 | 11817857 |
identification and cross-species comparisons of cyp2f subfamily genes in mammals. | the cytochrome p450 2f (cyp2f) subfamily genes are currently known only from cdna sequences in human, mouse, rat and goat. compared to other divisions of the cyp2 gene family, the cyp2f subfamily is unusual in having few genes per species and in being selectively expressed in lung tissues. sequencing genomic dnas from human and gorilla has allowed us to determine the number of cyp2f subfamily loci in these species, the sources of known human transcripts, and the functional status of cyp2f loci i ... | 2002 | 11827709 |
soft-tissue anatomy of the extant hominoids: a review and phylogenetic analysis. | this paper reports the results of a literature search for information about the soft-tissue anatomy of the extant non-human hominoid genera, pan, gorilla, pongo and hylobates, together with the results of a phylogenetic analysis of these data plus comparable data for homo. information on the four extant non-human hominoid genera was located for 240 out of the 1783 soft-tissue structures listed in the nomina anatomica. numerically these data are biased so that information about some systems (e.g. ... | 2002 | 11833653 |
tandem duplication of the nf1 gene detected by high-resolution fish in the 17q11.2 region. | the gene for neurofibromatosis type 1 (nf1), mapping to 17q11.2, has one of the highest observed mutation rates, partially because of its large size and gene conversion primed by nf1 pseudogenes. we have previously shown by means of high resolution fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) that a number of the loci flanking the nf1 gene are duplicated, in agreement with the reported presence of nf1 repetitive sequences (reps). we report a direct tandem duplication of the nf1 gene identified in 1 ... | 2002 | 11941479 |
group size and structure in western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) at mbeli bai, republic of congo. | this paper describes the size and structure of western lowland gorilla groups visiting mbeli bai, a swampy forest clearing in northern congo. an observation platform at the edge of the clearing was used over a 3-yr period, with gorillas visible for 1,681 hr. data are presented on 14 groups and seven solitary males. mean group size (excluding solitary males) was 8.4 +/- sd 4.3, and did not differ significantly from most other gorilla studies. all groups at mbeli contained only one fully mature ma ... | 2002 | 11948636 |
identifying metameric variation in extant hominoid and fossil hominid mandibular molars. | landmark data were collected from cross sections and occlusal images of mandibular molar crowns, and euclidean distance matrix analysis (edma) was used to identify metameric morphological variation between the first and second mandibular molars of living taxa: gorilla gorilla (n = 30), pan troglodytes (n = 34), and homo sapiens (n = 26). two patterns of metameric variation were identified, one unique to humans and the other shared by chimpanzees and gorillas. in order to assess the utility of th ... | 2002 | 11953948 |
another look at shape variation in the distal femur of australopithecus afarensis: implications for taxonomic and functional diversity at hadar. | previous studies have recognized two patterns of distal femoral morphology among the specimens from hadar (ethiopia) assigned to australopithecus afarensis. size and shape differences between the well-preserved large (al 333-4) and small (al 129-1a) distal femora have been used to invoke both taxonomic and functional differences within the a. afarensis hypodigm. nevertheless, prior studies have not analyzed these specimens in a multivariate context, nor have they compared the pattern of shape di ... | 2002 | 11969299 |
detection of virus-like particles in the liver of black and white ruffed lemurs with hepatitis. | two young black and white ruffed lemurs (varecia variegata variegata) died at the san diego zoo (san diego, california, usa) with extensive liver lesions suggestive of acute viral infection. immunoassays performed to detect hepatitis b virus (hbv) markers were negative. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primers overlapping the hbv core gene produced an amplicon of approximately 411 base pairs (bp) from serum dna of a hbv-positive western lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla) but not from serum ... | 2002 | 12038123 |
palaeoenvironments and hominoid evolution. | one of the key features that separates humans and their closest relatives (extinct species of the genus homo and praeanthropus and the australopithecines australopithecus and paranthropus) on the one hand, from the other hominoids, on the other, is their obligate bipedal locomotion when on the ground. this major difference from the generally quadrupedal locomotion practiced by other hominoids (pan, gorilla, pongo and many extinct lineages) is reflected in many parts of the body, including all th ... | 2002 | 12050903 |
kinematics and ontogeny of locomotion in monkeys and human babies. | early ontogenetic stages are often assumed to reflect or to be similar to past phylogenetic stages within the evolution of man. therefore, as a first step, the quadrupedal crawling locomotion of human children was analysed and compared to the quadrupedal walk of macaca fascicularis. the movements of the human child were not only more irregular, they differed from the walk of the monkey mainly through extraordinarily short swing phases, and also through strong scoliotic movements of the spine. th ... | 2002 | 12050907 |
quantifying temporal bone morphology of great apes and humans: an approach using geometric morphometrics. | the hominid temporal bone offers a complex array of morphology that is linked to several different functional systems. its frequent preservation in the fossil record gives the temporal bone added significance in the study of human evolution, but its morphology has proven difficult to quantify. in this study we use techniques of 3d geometric morphometrics to quantify differences among humans and great apes and discuss the results in a phylogenetic context. twenty-three landmarks on the ectocrania ... | 2002 | 12489757 |
natural concepts in a juvenile gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla) at three levels of abstraction. | the extent to which nonhumans are able to form conceptual versus perceptual discriminations remains a matter of debate. among the great apes, only chimpanzees have been tested for conceptual understanding, defined as the ability to form discriminations not based solely on simple perceptual features of stimuli, and to transfer this learning to novel stimuli. in the present investigation, a young captive female gorilla was trained at three levels of abstraction (concrete, intermediate, and abstrac ... | 2002 | 12507006 |
likelihood and bayes estimation of ancestral population sizes in hominoids using data from multiple loci. | polymorphisms in an ancestral population can cause conflicts between gene trees and the species tree. such conflicts can be used to estimate ancestral population sizes when data from multiple loci are available. in this article i extend previous work for estimating ancestral population sizes to analyze sequence data from three species under a finite-site nucleotide substitution model. both maximum-likelihood (ml) and bayes methods are implemented for joint estimation of the two speciation dates ... | 2002 | 12524351 |
genetic diversity and evolution of the human leptin locus tetranucleotide repeat. | to better understand the evolutionary history of the gene region containing the multifunctional adipose tissue hormone leptin, we genotyped 1,957 individuals from 12 world populations for a highly variable tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism located 476 bp 3' of exon 3 of the leptin gene. common alleles shared among populations, alleles specific to geographically defined populations, and the homologous alleles in the common and pygmy chimpanzee, the gorilla and the orangutan, were sequenced to d ... | 2002 | 12073010 |
relative placement of the mandibular fossa in great apes and humans. | several researchers have investigated, or commented on, the relative placement of the hominin mandibular fossa with regard to brain expansion and masticatory function. two confounding factors are identified in this previous work. first, a number of different measurement techniques have been applied, confusing comparisons between studies. second, the effects of squamous thickening due to temporal bone pneumatization are shown to influence measurements based relative to the ectocranial margin of t ... | 2002 | 12098210 |
mineral content as a basis for food selection by western lowland gorillas in a forest clearing. | the forests in northwest republic of congo contain a number of herbaceous swamp clearings that provide foraging sites for lowland gorillas (g.g. gorilla). a 10-month study at the maya nord clearing (parc national d'odzala) showed that feeding activities occupied 72% of the time visiting gorillas spent on the clearing. they fed on four plant species: enydra fluctuans (asteraceae), cyperus sp., pycreus mundtii, and rhynchospora corymbosa (cyperaceae) among the 45 species recorded on the clearing. ... | 2002 | 12111682 |
a 76-kb duplicon maps close to the bcr gene on chromosome 22 and the abl gene on chromosome 9: possible involvement in the genesis of the philadelphia chromosome translocation. | a patient with a typical form of chronic myeloid leukemia was found to carry a large deletion on the derivative chromosome 9q+ and an unusual bcr-abl transcript characterized by the insertion, between bcr exon 14 and abl exon 2, of 126 bp derived from a region located on chromosome 9, 1.4 mb 5' to abl. this sequence was contained in the bacterial artificial chromosome rp11-65j3, which in fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments on normal metaphases was found to detect, in addition to the p ... | 2002 | 12114534 |
identification of v1r-like putative pheromone receptor sequences in non-human primates. characterization of v1r pseudogenes in marmoset, a primate species that possesses an intact vomeronasal organ. | the vomeronasal organ (vno) is responsible in terrestrial vertebrates for the sensory perception of some pheromones, chemicals that elicit characteristic behaviors among individuals of the same species. two multigene families (v1r, v2r) that encode proteins with seven putative transmembrane domains that are expressed selectively in different neuron subsets of the vno have been described in rodents. pheromone-induced behaviors and a functional vno have been described in a number of mammals, but t ... | 2002 | 12142329 |
distribution, population density, and status of sympatric cercopithecids in the campo-ma'an area, southwestern cameroon. | a study on species composition, distribution, and population density of cercopithecids in the campo-ma'an area, southwestern cameroon, was undertaken from december 1997 until august 2000. a total of 665.5 km of line transects was used for the census. thirteen diurnal primate species including five endangered species (gorilla g. gorilla, pan troglodytes, mandrillus sphinx, colobus satanas, cercocebus torquatus) were recorded in the campo forest, the greatest part of which is a logging concession. ... | 2002 | 12145397 |
single-trial learning of "what" and "who" information in a gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla): implications for episodic memory. | single-trial learning and long-term memory of "what" and "who" information were examined in an adult gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla). we presented the gorilla with a to-be-remembered food item at the time of study. in experiment 1, following a retention interval of either approximately 7 min or 24 h, the gorilla responded with one of five cards, each corresponding to a particular food. the gorilla was accurate on 70% of the short retention-interval trials and on 82% of the long retention-inter ... | 2002 | 12150040 |
cryptosporidiosis in people sharing habitats with free-ranging mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei), uganda. | cryptosporidiosis, a zoonotic diarrheal disease, significantly contributes to the mortality of people with impaired immune systems worldwide. infections with an animal-adapted genotype (genotype 2) of cryptosporidium parvum were found in a human population in uganda that shares habitats with free-ranging gorillas, from which the same genotype of c. parvum had been recovered previously. a high prevalence of disease was found in park staff members (21%) who frequently contact gorillas versus 3% di ... | 2002 | 12164303 |
identification of two novel primate-specific genes in dscr. | we recently helped to complete the sequence of human chromosome 21 at a very high level of accuracy. using this sequence we identified two novel genes, designated dscr9 and dscr10, in the so-called down syndrome critical region (dscr) by computational gene prediction and subsequent cdna cloning. both dscr9 and dscr10 are expressed preferentially in testis and encode functionally unknown proteins with 149 and 87 amino acid residues, respectively. zoo blot analysis suggested that both genes are ex ... | 2002 | 12168953 |
molecular evolution of foxp2, a gene involved in speech and language. | language is a uniquely human trait likely to have been a prerequisite for the development of human culture. the ability to develop articulate speech relies on capabilities, such as fine control of the larynx and mouth, that are absent in chimpanzees and other great apes. foxp2 is the first gene relevant to the human ability to develop language. a point mutation in foxp2 co-segregates with a disorder in a family in which half of the members have severe articulation difficulties accompanied by lin ... | 2002 | 12192408 |
the wilhelmine e. key 2001 invitational lecture. estimation of divergence times for a few mammalian and several primate species. | statistical methods for estimating divergence times by using multiprotein gamma distances are discussed. when a large number of proteins are used, even a small degree of deviation from the molecular clock hypothesis can be detected. in this case, one may use the stem-lineage method for estimating divergence times. however, the estimates obtained by this method are often similar to those obtained by the linearized tree method. application of these methods to a dataset of 104 proteins from several ... | 2002 | 12195029 |
[a new kiaa1245 gene family with or without herv-k ltrs in their introns]. | a transcript containing the long terminal repeat (ltr) and the sequence homologous to the kiaa1245 mrna fragment were revealed among the transcribed ltrs of human endogenous viruses of the k family in normal and tumor tissues. ten other sequences with a high level of homology to the kiaa1245 mrna were found in the genbank. the intron-exon structures were determined for all the sequences, and their exon sequences were compared. the comparison showed that they differ both in the extent of the exon ... | 2002 | 12197392 |
contribution of homoplasy and of ancestral polymorphism to the evolution of genes in anthropoid primates. | molecular phylogenies of lineages that split from one another in short succession are often difficult to resolve because different loci and different sites within the same locus yield incongruent relationships. the incongruity is commonly attributed to two causes: differential assortment of ancestral polymorphisms and homoplasy. to assess the relative contribution of these two causes, sequences of 57 segments from 51 loci in six primate lineages (human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, macaque, a ... | 2002 | 12200478 |
chromosome mapping of miller-diecker, smith-magenis and rara loci in non-human primates: implications in the evolution of human chromosome 17. | molecular cytogenetics allows to verify chromosomal homologies previously hypothesised on the base of banding pattern comparison in different species. so far only the chromosome painting technique has been extensively used in studies of chromosomal evolution. this technique allows to detect only interchromosomal rearrangements. human and great apes chromosomes basically differ by intrachromosomal rearrangements, in particular inversions; with chromosome painting it has just been possible to conf ... | 2002 | 12206366 |
a single genotype of encephalitozoon intestinalis infects free-ranging gorillas and people sharing their habitats in uganda. | microsporidian spores have been detected by chromotrope 2r and calcofluor stains in fecal samples of three free-ranging human-habituated mountain gorillas in uganda and in two people who share gorilla habitats. all spore isolates have been identified by pcr with species-specific primers and fluorescent in situ hybridization with a species-specific oligonucleotide probe to be encephalitozoon intestinalis. sequencing analyses of the full length ssurrna amplified from all spore isolates were identi ... | 2002 | 12209334 |
prevalence of bartonella species causing bacteraemia in domesticated and companion animals in the united kingdom. | between october 1999 and february 2000, 691 blood samples examined routinely for either haematological or virological assessment were screened by culture for the presence of bartonella species. they came from 615 animals: 360 cats, 211 dogs, 27 horses, 16 cattle and a gorilla. the samples were incubated for long periods on 10 per cent horse blood agar at 37 degrees c in an atmosphere containing 5 per cent carbon dioxide. isolates were obtained from 35 samples from 34 (9.4 per cent) of the cats, ... | 2002 | 12219899 |
mother-infant interactions in western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla): spatial relationships, communication, and opportunities for social learning. | this study investigated mother-infant interactions in lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) with particular focus on the relative role of mothers and infants in creating situations that are potentially conducive to infant social learning. eleven gorilla mother-infant dyads were focally observed in weekly 1-hr sessions for 12 months. spatial relationships were affected by age as well as by ambient temperature. although the youngest infant was encouraged by its mother to walk and climb, mothe ... | 2002 | 12234071 |
synteny comparison between apes and human using fine-mapping of the genome. | comparing the genomes of the great apes and human should provide novel information concerning the origins of humankind. relative to the great apes, the human karyotype has one fewer chromosome pair, as human chromosome 2 derived from the telomeric fusion of two ancestral primate chromosomes. to identify the genomic rearrangements that accompanied human speciation, we initiated a comparative study between human, chimpanzee, and gorilla. using the happy mapping method, an acellular adaptation of t ... | 2002 | 12376093 |
intestinal parasites found in the research group of mountain gorillas in bwindi impenetrable national park, uganda: preliminary results. | mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei) are critically endangered, remaining only in two isolated populations in central africa. the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and intensity of intestinal parasites in a single group of mountain gorillas in bwindi impenetrable national park, uganda over 7 weeks from june to august 2000. fecal samples were collected from night nests and transported in formalin for examination at cornell university and the centers for disease contr ... | 2002 | 12381615 |
early hominin limb proportions. | recent analyses and new fossil discoveries suggest that the evolution of hominin limb length proportions is complex, with evolutionary reversals and a decoupling of proportions within and between limbs. this study takes into account intraspecific variation to test whether or not the limb proportions of four early hominin associated skeletons (al 288-1, oh 62, bou-vp-12/1, and knm-wt 15000) can be considered to be significantly different from one another. exact randomization methods were used to ... | 2002 | 12393007 |
the function of male aggressive displays towards females in mountain gorillas. | in groups of gorilla g. beringei, male aggression towards females regularly takes the form of male display. this paper examines male display towards females in two karisoke study groups (group 5 and group bm) in 1989, a period when none of the females were new immigrants. results are based on 259 hr of focal observations and 121 hr of ad libitum observations on male behaviors towards females. the goal is to see if the data are compatible with four non-mutually exclusive hypotheses to explain mal ... | 2002 | 12426463 |
molecular evolution of igg subclass among nonhuman primates: implication of differences in antigenic determinants among apes. | the cross-reactivity of five different rabbit polyclonal antibodies to human igg and igg subclass (igg1, igg2, igg3, and igg4) was determined by competitive elisa with nine nonhuman primate species including five apes, three old world monkeys, and one new world monkey. as similar to those previously reported, the reactivity of anti-human igg antibody with plasma from different primate species was closely related with phylogenic distance from human. every anti-human igg subclass antibody showed l ... | 2002 | 12426468 |
anthropozoonotic giardia duodenalis genotype (assemblage) a infections in habitats of free-ranging human-habituated gorillas, uganda. | to facilitate ecotourism and research, free-ranging mountain gorillas of uganda have been habituated to humans. testing of fecal samples of gorillas (n = 100), people sharing gorilla habitats (n = 62). and local pre- and postweaned cattle (n = 50) having access to these habitats with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated monoclonal antibodies revealed giardia duodenalis cysts at prevalences of 2, 5, and 10%, respectively. the identification of g. duodenalis was confirmed by fluorescent in situ h ... | 2002 | 12435128 |
western lowland gorilla diet and resource availability: new evidence, cross-site comparisons, and reflections on indirect sampling methods. | we describe the resource availability and diet of western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) from a new study site in the central african republic and republic of congo based on 3 years of study. the results, based on 715 fecal samples and 617 days of feeding trails, were similar to those reported from three other sites, in spite of differences in herb and fruit availability. staple foods (consumed year-round) included high-quality herbs (haumania), swamp herbs (when present), and a mini ... | 2002 | 12454955 |
conservation of the class i beta-tubulin gene in human populations and lack of mutations in lung cancers and paclitaxel-resistant ovarian cancers. | the goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of sequence variants in the class i beta-tubulin (clone m40) gene and their occurrence in human tumors and cancer cell lines. dna was isolated from 93 control individuals representing a wide variety of ethnicities, 49 paclitaxel-naive specimens (16 ovarian cancers, 17 non-small cell lung cancers, and 16 ovarian cancer cell lines), and 30 paclitaxel-resistant specimens (9 ovarian cancers, 9 ovarian cancer cell lines, and 12 ovarian cancer xen ... | 2002 | 12467216 |
comparative expression of hedonic impact: affective reactions to taste by human infants and other primates. | this study examines behavioral affective reactions elicited by tastes from eight newborn human infants, and from 27 other infant or adult primates. non-human primates belonged to 11 species: three great apes (chimpanzee, orangutan, gorilla), three old world monkeys (rhesus monkey, greater spot-nosed monkey, and red-capped mangabey), four new world monkeys (golden-handed tamarin, cotton-top tamarin, white tufted-ear marmoset, and humboldt's night monkey), and one lemur (mongoose lemur). the taste ... | 2001 | 11166078 |
where does a gorilla sleep? | 2001 | 11982279 | |
saving the gorillas (gorilla g. gorilla) and chimpanzees (pan t. troglodytes) of the congo basin. | the forests of the congo basin in equatorial africa are home to significant populations of gorillas and chimpanzees. however, numbers are declining owing to hunting and to alteration of their habitat. gorillas and chimpanzees are particularly vulnerable for biological reasons: slow reproduction, prolonged developmental periods and complex social behaviour. in addition, their capacity to recover from disturbance is limited and the reinforcement of wild populations with captive-born individuals is ... | 2001 | 11999296 |
human and ape molecular clocks and constraints on paleontological hypotheses. | although the relationships of the living hominoid primates (humans and apes) are well known, the relationships of the fossil species, times of divergence of both living and fossil species, and the biogeographic history of hominoids are not well established. divergence times of living species, estimated from molecular clocks, have the potential to constrain hypotheses of the relationships of fossil species. in this study, new dna sequences from nine protein-coding nuclear genes in great apes are ... | 2001 | 11948213 |
modern african ape populations as genetic and demographic models of the last common ancestor of humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. | in order to fully understand human evolutionary history through the use of molecular data, it is essential to include our closest relatives as a comparison. we provide here estimates of nucleotide diversity and effective population size of modern african ape species using data from several independent noncoding nuclear loci, and use these estimates to make predictions about the nature of the ancestral population that eventually gave rise to the living species of african apes, including humans. c ... | 2001 | 11948214 |
mitochondrial 16s rrna sequence diversity of hominoids. | we determined nucleotide sequences of the 16s rrna gene of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) (about 1.6 kb) for 35 chimpanzee, 13 bonobo, 10 gorilla, 16 orangutan, and 23 gibbon individuals. we compared those data with published sequences and estimated nucleotide diversity for each species. all the ape species showed higher diversity than human. we also constructed phylogenetic trees and networks. the two orangutan subspecies were clearly separated from each other, and sumatran orangutans showed much hi ... | 2001 | 11948216 |
hand preference for food processing in wild western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla). | western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) have not previously been represented in studies of laterality in wild great apes. the discovery of swampy clearings frequented by gorillas in northern congo has provided the first opportunity to redress this imbalance. hand preference data are presented from 33 gorillas in seated and standing postures, covering the procurement and processing of 2 to 4 plant species. levels of hand preference exhibited were low. when data from all postures and pl ... | 2001 | 11824899 |
asymmetric broca's area in great apes. | brodmann's area 44 delineates part of broca's area within the inferior frontal gyrus of the human brain and is a critical region for speech production, being larger in the left hemisphere than in the right - an asymmetry that has been correlated with language dominance. here we show that there is a similar asymmetry in this area, also with left-hemisphere dominance, in three great ape species (pan troglodytes, pan paniscus and gorilla gorilla). our findings suggest that the neuroanatomical subst ... | 2001 | 11734839 |
primate molar crown formation times and life history evolution revisited. | comparative studies have convincingly demonstrated that the pattern and timing of tooth emergence are highly correlated with life-history variables and brain size. conversely, a firm relationship between molar formation time and life-history variables has not yet been established. it seems counterintuitive that one aspect of dental development should be correlated with life-history variables, whereas the other should not. in order to shed light on this apparent discrepancy this study analyzed al ... | 2001 | 11748692 |
hyperkeratotic mange caused by sarcoptes scabiei (acariformes: sarcoptidae) in juvenile human-habituated mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei). | to facilitate ecotourism and behavioral research, free-ranging mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei) have been habituated to humans. during routine health monitoring, five juvenile gorillas were observed with active crusted dermatitis and alopecia. papular and vesicular lesions and crusts with papular eruption and oozing were numerous and disseminated over the body of one gorilla with a confirmed infestation of scabies. in this gorilla, the hyperkeratotic crusts were loose and thick with ... | 2001 | 11763433 |
global patterns of human dna sequence variation in a 10-kb region on chromosome 1. | human dna variation is currently a subject of intense research because of its importance for studying human origins, evolution, and demographic history and for association studies of complex diseases. a approximately 10-kb region on chromosome 1, which contains only four small exons (each <155 bp), was sequenced for 61 humans (20 africans, 20 asians, and 21 europeans) and for 1 chimpanzee, 1 gorilla, and 1 orangutan. we found 52 polymorphic sites among the 122 human sequences and 382 variant sit ... | 2001 | 11158380 |
catarrhine phylogeny: noncoding dna evidence for a diphyletic origin of the mangabeys and for a human-chimpanzee clade. | maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses of two of the serum albumin gene's intron sequences from 24 catarrhines (17 cercopithecid and 7 hominid) and 3 platyrrhines (an outgroup to the catarrhines) yielded results on catarrhine phylogeny that are congruent with those obtained with noncoding sequences of the gamma(1)-gamma(2) globin gene genomic region, using only those flanking and intergenic gamma sequences that in their history were not involved in gene conversion. a data set that com ... | 2001 | 11161738 |
genomic divergences between humans and other hominoids and the effective population size of the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. | to study the genomic divergences among hominoids and to estimate the effective population size of the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, we selected 53 autosomal intergenic nonrepetitive dna segments from the human genome and sequenced them in a human, a chimpanzee, a gorilla, and an orangutan. the average sequence divergence was only 1.24% +/- 0.07% for the human-chimpanzee pair, 1.62% +/- 0.08% for the human-gorilla pair, and 1.63% +/- 0.08% for the chimpanzee-gorilla pair. these estim ... | 2001 | 11170892 |
great ape dna sequences reveal a reduced diversity and an expansion in humans. | the extent of dna sequence variation of chimpanzees is several-fold greater than that of humans. it is unclear, however, if humans or chimpanzees are exceptional among primates in having low and high amounts of dna sequence diversity, respectively. to address this, we have determined approximately 10,000 bp of noncoding dna sequences at xq13.3 (which has been extensively studied in both humans and chimpanzees) from 10 western lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) and 1 mountain gorilla (gor ... | 2001 | 11175781 |
gorillas with spondyloarthropathies express an mhc class i molecule with only limited sequence similarity to hla-b27 that binds peptides with arginine at p2. | the human mhc class i gene, hla-b27, is a strong risk factor for susceptibility to a group of disorders termed spondyloarthropathies (spas). hla-b27-transgenic rodents develop spas, implicating hla-b27 in the etiology of these disorders. several nonhuman primates, including gorillas, develop signs of spas indistinguishable from clinical signs of humans with spas. to determine whether spas in gorillas have a similar hla-b27-related etiology, we analyzed the mhc class i molecules expressed in four ... | 2001 | 11207289 |
marketing vs. the 800-pound gorilla. | 2001 | 11211412 | |
[heterochronia via procrustean superimposition: application to the skulls of homonidae primates]. | the procrustes superimposition method is well adapted to heterochronic studies in the field of evolutionary biology. 1) the procrustes method gives a precise and mathematical definition of two of the three heterochronic variables: size and shape. 2) it allows us to describe complex anatomical structures and thus to analyse the whole structure and not just to proceed trait by trait. 3) the approach is statistical and the different hypotheses and results may be statistically tested. 4) when applie ... | 2001 | 11212506 |
human type i hair keratin pseudogene phihhaa has functional orthologs in the chimpanzee and gorilla: evidence for recent inactivation of the human gene after the pan-homo divergence. | in addition to nine functional genes, the human type i hair keratin gene cluster contains a pseudogene, phihhaa (krthap1), which is thought to have been inactivated by a single base-pair substitution that introduced a premature tga termination codon into exon 4. large-scale genotyping of human, chimpanzee, and gorilla dnas revealed the homozygous presence of the phihhaa nonsense mutation in humans of different ethnic backgrounds, but its absence in the functional orthologous chimpanzee (chaa) an ... | 2001 | 11214905 |
prefrontal cortex in humans and apes: a comparative study of area 10. | area 10 is one of the cortical areas of the frontal lobe involved in higher cognitive functions such as the undertaking of initiatives and the planning of future actions. it is known to form the frontal pole of the macaque and human brain, but its presence and organization in the great and lesser apes remain unclear. it is here documented that area 10 also forms the frontal pole of chimpanzee, bonobo, orangutan, and gibbon brains. imaging techniques and stereological tools are used to characteri ... | 2001 | 11241188 |
corticotropin-releasing hormone-binding protein in primates. | in humans, placental corticotropin-releasing hormone (crh) production has been linked to the determination of gestational length, and a late gestational fall in crh-binding protein (crh-bp) has been linked to the onset of parturition. expression of placental crh mrna is limited to primates, and only in man has a circulating crh-bp been described. as the fall in crh-bp in late gestation has been associated with parturition in humans, we sought to determine whether a crh-bp circulated in the plasm ... | 2001 | 11253847 |
the 800-pound gorilla returns. healthcare spending rising sharply again; new federal cuts foreseen. | 2001 | 11261379 | |
campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, and shigellosis in free-ranging human-habituated mountain gorillas of uganda. | for conservation purposes and due to growing ecotourism, free-ranging mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei) have been habituated to humans. fecal specimens (n = 62) collected in january 1999 from mountain gorillas of the bwindi and mgahinga national parks, uganda, were tested for campylobacter spp., salmonella spp., and shigella spp., and the overall prevalence of infection was 19%, 13%, and 6%, respectively. the prevalence of positive specimens was not related to the year of habituation ... | 2001 | 11310873 |
a preliminary behavioral comparison of two captive all-male gorilla groups. | gorillas live in polygamous harem groups, generally composed of one male, several adult females, and their offspring. with an equal numbers of male and female gorillas born in captivity, however, housing gorillas in social breeding units inevitably means that some males will not have access to female social partners. thus, the future of the captive gorilla population depends on the collective ability of zoos to house equal numbers of males and females. this study examined the behavioral profiles ... | 2001 | 11319778 |
senile plaques in an aged western lowland gorilla. | senile plaques (sps) were found in the cerebral cortex of a 44-year-old western lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla). all the sps were obtained as dense assemblies consisting of fibrous materials by silver impregnation, but were not detected by congo red. more sps were detected by immunostaining for amyloid beta protein (a beta) and a half of a beta-positive-sps were also immunoreactive for apolipoprotein e. moreover, all sps were immunoreactive for a beta 42 and a beta 43, but not for a be ... | 2001 | 11326427 |
sequence variation in humans and other primates at six short tandem repeat loci used in forensic identity testing. | a large number of alleles from the six different short tandem repeat (str) loci fga, d3s1358, vwa, csf1po, tpox and th01, used in human identity testing were sequenced to provide support for the robustness of fluorescent str dna typing by allele size. sequence information for some of these loci (fga, vwa, th01) is an extension of published work, whereas no extensive sequence information is available with respect to the d3s1358, csf1po, and tpox loci. sequencing of alleles at each locus has provi ... | 2001 | 11348787 |
human genetic disorders, a phylogenetic perspective. | when viewed from the perspective of time, human genetic disorders give new insights into their etiology and evolution. here, we have correlated a specific set of alu repetitive dna elements, known to be the basis of certain genetic defects, with their phylogenetic roots in primate evolution. from a differential distribution of alu repeats among primate species, we identify the phylogenetic roots of three human genetic diseases involving the lpl, apob, and hprt genes. the different phylogenetic a ... | 2001 | 11350162 |
a herv-k provirus in chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas, but not humans. | evidence from dna sequencing studies strongly indicated that humans and chimpanzees are more closely related to each other than either is to gorillas [1-4]. however, precise details of the nature of the evolutionary separation of the lineage leading to humans from those leading to the african great apes have remained uncertain. the unique insertion sites of endogenous retroviruses, like those of other transposable genetic elements, should be useful for resolving phylogenetic relationships among ... | 2001 | 11378389 |
sequence variability of a human pseudogene. | we have obtained haplotypes from the autosomal glucocerebrosidase pseudogene (psgba) for 100 human chromosomes from worldwide populations, as well as for four chimpanzee and four gorilla chromosomes. in humans, in a 5420-nucleotide stretch analyzed, variation comprises 17 substitutions, a 3-bp deletion, and a length polymorphism at a polyadenine tract. the substitution rate on the pseudogene (1.23 +/- 0.22 x 10(-9) per nucleotide and year) is within the range of previous estimates considering ph ... | 2001 | 11381033 |
individual variation in the growth of captive infant gorillas. | serial anthropometric data were obtained during the first year of life of six nursery-reared infant gorillas in the columbus (ohio) zoo. two of the infants are likely to be monozygotic twins as determined by dna analysis. growth curves were fitted to serial measures of cephalo-thoracic-abdominal length, arm length, leg length, head circumference, upper arm circumference, and weight from each gorilla, to describe individual patterns of variation in skeletal growth and body composition. growth in ... | 2001 | 11385599 |
testing the taxonomic integrity of paranthropus boisei sensu stricto. | the craniodental hypodigm of paranthropus boisei sensu stricto is morphologically distinctive, but it has been suggested that the substantial variation in mandibular and dental size in that hypodigm may exceed that which is reasonable to subsume within a single hominin species. in this study, fligner and killeen, coefficient of variation (cv)-based and average taxonomic distance (atd)-based bootstrap tests, were used to compare variation in size and shape of the mandibular corpus remains attribu ... | 2001 | 11385603 |
cryptosporidium parvum genotype 2 infections in free-ranging mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei) of the bwindi impenetrable national park, uganda. | for behavioral research and due to growing ecotourism, some populations of free-ranging mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei) have become habituated to humans. molecular analysis of two cryptosporidium sp. oocyst isolates originating from two human-habituated gorilla groups and two oocyst isolates from non-habituated gorillas yielded positive identification of c. parvum genotype 2 (g2; i.e., "cattle", "animal-adapted", or "zoonotic"). as g2 is cross-transmissible between humans and animal ... | 2001 | 11403378 |
ontogeny of canine dimorphism in extant hominoids. | many behavioral and ecological factors influence the degree of expression of canine dimorphism for different reasons. regardless of its socioecological importance, we know virtually nothing about the processes responsible for the development of canine dimorphism. our aim here is to describe the developmental process(es) regulating canine dimorphism in extant hominoids, using histological markers of tooth growth. teeth preserve a permanent record of their ontogeny in the form of short- and long-p ... | 2001 | 11424078 |
phylogenetic analysis of the friedreich ataxia gaa trinucleotide repeat. | friedreich ataxia is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder associated with a gaa repeat expansion in the first intron of the gene (frda) encoding a novel, highly conserved, 210 amino acid protein known as frataxin. normal variation in repeat size was determined by analysis of more than 600 dna samples from seven human populations. this analysis showed that the most frequent allele had nine gaa repeats, and no alleles with fewer than five gaa repeats were found. the european and syria ... | 2001 | 11428460 |