
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
plxdc family members are novel receptors for the rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv).the rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv), a γ2-herpesvirus of rhesus macaques, shares many biological features with the human pathogenic kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). both viruses, as well as the more distantly related epstein-barr virus, engage cellular receptors from the eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases (ephs). however, the importance of the eph interaction for rrv entry varies between cell types suggesting the existence of eph-independent entry pathways. we therefore aime ...202133657166
virus-encoded mir-155 ortholog in marek's disease virus promotes cell proliferation via suppressing apoptosis by targeting tumor suppressor wwox.marek's disease virus serotype 1 (mdv-1) is an important oncogenic α-herpesvirus that induces immunosuppressive and rapid-onset t-cell lymphomatous disease in poultry commonly referred to as marek's disease (md). as an excellent biomodel for the study of virally-induced cancers in natural hosts, mdv-1 encoded micrornas (mirnas) have been previously demonstrated with the potential roles to act as critical regulators in virus replication, latency, pathogenesis and especially in oncogenesis. simila ...202033191002
membrane-associated and secreted forms of the rhesus macaque rhadinovirus-encoded cd200 homologue and cellular cd200 demonstrate differential effects on rhesus macaque cd200 receptor signaling and regulation of myeloid cell activation.the cd200-cd200r pathway is involved in inhibition of immune responses, and the importance of this pathway to infectious disease is highlighted by the fact that viral cd200 (vcd200) molecules have been found to be encoded by several dna viruses, including the human gammaherpesvirus kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), and the closely related rhesus macaque rhadinovirus (rrv). kshv vcd200 is the most extensively studied vcd200 molecule, however, the only herpesvirus vcd200 molecule to ...202033328302
molecular analysis of lymphoid tissue from rhesus macaque rhadinovirus-infected monkeys identifies alterations in host genes associated with oncogenesis.rhesus macaque (rm) rhadinovirus (rrv) is a simian gamma-2 herpesvirus closely related to human kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). rrv is associated with the development of diseases in simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) co-infected rm that resemble kshv-associated pathologies observed in hiv-infected humans, including b cell lymphoproliferative disorders (lpd) and lymphoma. importantly, how de novo kshv infection affects the expression of host genes in humans, and how these alterat ...202032017809
a recombinant rhesus monkey rhadinovirus deleted of glycoprotein l establishes persistent infection of rhesus macaques and elicits conventional t cell responses.a replication-competent, recombinant strain of rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv) expressing the gag protein of sivmac239 was constructed in the context of a glycoprotein l (gl) deletion mutation. deletion of gl detargets the virus from eph family receptors. the ability of this gl-minus gag recombinant rrv to infect, persist, and elicit immune responses was evaluated after intravenous inoculation of two mamu-a*01+ rrv-naive rhesus monkeys. both monkeys responded with an anti-rrv antibody response, ...202031645449
epha7 functions as receptor on bjab cells for cell-to-cell transmission of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and for cell-free infection by the related rhesus monkey rhadinovirus.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma and is associated with two b cell malignancies, primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and the plasmablastic variant of multicentric castleman's disease. on several adherent cell types, epha2 functions as a cellular receptor for the gh/gl glycoprotein complex of kshv. kshv gh/gl also has previously been found to interact weakly with other members of the eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases (ephs), and other a-t ...201931118261
rhesus macaque rhadinovirus encodes a viral interferon regulatory factor to disrupt promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies and antagonize type i interferon signaling.interferon (ifn) production and the subsequent induction of ifn-stimulated genes (isgs) are highly effective innate strategies utilized by cells to protect against invading pathogens, including viruses. critical components involved in this innate process are promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (pml-nbs), which are subnuclear structures required for the development of a robust ifn response. as such, pml-nbs serve as an important hurdle for viruses to overcome to successfully establish an infect ...201930626678
novel virus related to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus from colobus monkey.we determined the complete genome sequence of a virus isolated from a mantled guereza that died of primary effusion lymphoma. the virus is closely related to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) but lacks some genes implicated in kshv pathogenesis. this finding may help determine how kshv causes primary effusion lymphoma in humans.201931310220
marek's disease virus-encoded microrna 155 ortholog critical for the induction of lymphomas is not essential for the proliferation of transformed cell lines.micrornas (mirnas) are small noncoding rnas with profound regulatory roles in many areas of biology, including cancer. microrna 155 (mir-155), one of the extensively studied multifunctional mirnas, is important in several human malignancies such as diffuse large b cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. moreover, mir-155 orthologs kshv-mir-k12-11 and mdv-mir-m4, encoded by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) and marek's disease virus (mdv), respectively, are also involved in o ...201931189706
two herpesviral noncoding pan rnas are functionally homologous but do not associate with common chromatin loci.during lytic replication of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), a nuclear viral long noncoding rna known as pan rna becomes the most abundant polyadenylated transcript in the cell. knockout or knockdown of kshv pan rna results in loss of late lytic viral gene expression and, consequently, reduction of progeny virion release from the cell. here, we demonstrate that knockdown of pan rna from the related rhesus macaque rhadinovirus (rrv) phenocopies that of kshv pan rna. these two pan r ...201830383841
macaque homologs of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infect germinal center lymphoid cells, epithelial cells in skin and gastrointestinal tract and gonadal germ cells in naturally infected macaques.we developed a set of rabbit antisera to characterize infections by the macaque rv2 rhadinovirus homologs of kshv. we analyzed tissues from rhesus and pig-tailed macaques naturally infected with rhesus rhadinovirus (rrv) or macaca nemestrina rhadinovirus 2 (mnerv2). our study demonstrates that rv2 rhadinoviruses have a tropism for epithelial cells, lymphocytes and gonadal germ cells in vivo. we observed latent infections in both undifferentiated and differentiated epithelial cells with expressio ...201829689462
seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8 and its impact on the hemoglobin level in patients of end stage of renal diseases.the incidence of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is increasing among renal transplant recipients. patients with end-stage renal disease (esrd) are immunocompromised and are candidates for renal transplantation, but hhv8 seroprevalence in esrd patients has not been well documented. a cross-sectional study of 286 esrd patients and 281 matched subjects without kidney disease was conducted at the first people's hospital of huzhou, zhejiang province to explore the epidemiologic features of hhv8 among esrd pati ...201828876458
a conserved eph family receptor-binding motif on the gh/gl complex of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and rhesus monkey rhadinovirus.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is a human oncogenic virus associated with kaposi's sarcoma and two b-cell malignancies. the rhesus monkey rhadinovirus (rrv) is a virus of nonhuman primates that is closely related to kshv. eph family receptor tyrosine kinases (ephs) are cellular receptors for the gh/gl glycoprotein complexes of both kshv and rrv. through sequence analysis and mutational screens, we identified conserved residues in the n-terminal domain of kshv and rrv glycoprotein ...201829432452
il-10 promoter transactivation by the viral k-rta protein involves the host-cell transcription factors, specificity proteins 1 and 3.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv)/human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) causes a persistent infection, presenting latent and lytic replication phases during its life cycle. kshv-related diseases are associated with deregulated expression of inflammatory cytokines, including il-6 and il-10, but the mechanisms underlying this dysregulation are unclear. herein, we report a molecular mechanism for kshv-induced il-10 gene expression. kshv replication and transcription activator (k-rta) is a molecu ...201829184003
arctigenin induces the apoptosis of primary effusion lymphoma cells under conditions of glucose deprivation.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the causative agent of primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and kaposi's sarcoma. pel is a type of non-hodgkin's b-cell lymphoma, affecting immunosuppressed individuals, such as post-transplant or aids patients. however, since pel is resistant to chemotherapeutic regimens, new effective treatment strategies are required. arctigenin, a natural lignan compound found in the plant arctium lappa, has been widely investigated as a potential anticancer agent ...201829207179
tentative diagnostic criteria and disease severity classification for castleman disease: a report of the research group on castleman disease in determine the tentative diagnostic criteria and disease severity classification for castleman disease (cd) and describe the clinical and pathologic features among human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) negative idiopathic multicentric cd (imcd) in the japanese population.201828880697
viral and cellular n6-methyladenosine and n6,2'-o-dimethyladenosine epitranscriptomes in the kshv life cycle.n6-methyladenosine (m6a) and n6,2'-o-dimethyladenosine (m6am) modifications (m6a/m) of messenger rna mediate diverse cellular functions. oncogenic kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) has latent and lytic replication phases that are essential for the development of kshv-associated cancers. to date, the role of m6a/m in kshv replication and tumorigenesis is unclear. here, we provide mechanistic insights by examining the viral and cellular m6a/m epitranscriptomes during kshv latent and l ...201829109479
treatment of kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus-associated multicentric castleman disease.kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (kshv)-associated multicentric castleman disease (mcd) is a rare, polyclonal lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by flares of inflammatory symptoms, edema, cytopenias, lymphadenopathy, and splenomegaly. diagnosis requires a lymph node biopsy. pathogenesis is related to dysregulated inflammatory cytokines, including human and viral interleukin-6. rituximab alone or in combination with chemotherapy, such as liposomal doxorubicin, has led to an overall survival of ...201829157621
castleman disease pathogenesis.castleman disease (cd) describes a group of heterogeneous disorders with common lymph node histopathologic features, including atrophic or hyperplastic germinal centers, prominent follicular dendritic cells, hypervascularization, polyclonal lymphoproliferation, and/or polytypic plasmacytosis. the cause and pathogenesis of the four subtypes of cd (unicentric cd; human herpesvirus-8-associated multicentric cd; polyradiculoneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal plasma cell disorder, a ...201829157613
epidemiology of castleman disease.castleman disease is a rare entity, including unicentric castleman disease (ucd), human herpesvirus-8 plus castleman disease (hhv-8+mcd), and idiopathic multicentric castleman disease (imcd). ucd is the most common at 16 per million person years and occurs at every age. hhv-8+mcd incidence varies widely, mostly affecting human immunodeficiency virus-positive men. imcd is likely a more heterogeneous disease with an estimated incidence of 5 per million person years. improved definitions should imp ...201829157611
the full spectrum of castleman disease: 273 patients studied over 20 years.the spectrum of castleman disease (cd) has considerably extended since its first description in 1956. recently, an international collaborative working group has reached consensus on the diagnostic criteria and classification of cd. we herein report 273 patients with lymph node histopathology consistent with cd and investigate the newly established diagnostic criteria. twenty of these patients with castleman-like histopathology were removed from analyses, because they were diagnosed with an exclu ...201829143319
global epidemiology of human herpesvirus 8 in men who have sex with men: a systematic review and who have sex with men (msm) were highly vulnerable to hiv/aids and human herpes virus 8 (hhv8), while the epidemiologic features of hhv8 among msm remain obscure. we therefore performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the burden of hhv8 in msm. electronic databases were searched for publications on hhv8 epidemiologic characteristics among msm. random-effect meta-analysis was applied to combine the hhv8 seroprevalence in msm and odds ratios (ors) for associated risk factors. m ...201828975631
gamma-herpesvirus colonization of the spleen requires lytic replication in b cells.gamma-herpesviruses infect lymphocytes and cause lymphocytic cancers. murid herpesvirus-4 (muhv-4), epstein-barr virus and the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus all infect b cells. latent infection can spread by b cell recirculation and proliferation, but whether this alone achieves systemic infection is unclear. to test the need of muhv-4 for lytic infection in b cells we flanked its essential orf50 lytic transactivator with loxp sites, then infected mice with b cell-specific cre expressi ...201829343572
ephrin receptor a2 is an epithelial cell receptor for epstein-barr virus entry.epstein-barr virus (ebv) is causally associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 10% of gastric carcinoma and various b cell lymphomas 1 . ebv infects both b cells and epithelial cells 2 . recently, we reported that epidermal growth factor and neuropilin 1 markedly enhanced ebv entry into nasopharyngeal epithelial cells 3 . however, knowledge of how ebv infects epithelial cells remains incomplete. to understand the mechanisms through which ebv infects epithelial cells, we integrated microarray and ...201829292383
rna-seq of kaposi's sarcoma reveals alterations in glucose and lipid metabolism.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiologic agent of kaposi's sarcoma (ks). it is endemic in a number of sub-saharan african countries with infection rate of >50%. the high prevalence of hiv-1 coupled with late presentation of advanced cancer staging make ks the leading cancer in the region with poor prognosis and high mortality. disease markers and cellular functions associated with ks tumorigenesis remain ill-defined. several studies have attempted to investigate changes of ...201829352292
human herpesvirus 8 interferon regulatory factors 1 and 3 mediate replication and latency activities via interactions with usp7 deubiquitinase.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) encodes four viral interferon regulatory factors (virfs 1-4) that likely function to suppress innate immune and cellular stress responses through inhibitory interactions with various cellular proteins involved in these activities. it is notable that virfs 1 and 4 have been reported to interact with the deubiquitinase usp7, substrates of which include p53 and p53-targeting and destabilizing ubiquitin e3 ligase mdm2. structural studies of virf-1 and virf-4 usp7-binding ...201829343584
structure and mutagenesis reveal essential capsid protein interactions for kshv replication.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) causes kaposi's sarcoma, a cancer that commonly affects patients with aids and which is endemic in sub-saharan africa. the kshv capsid is highly pressurized by its double-stranded dna genome, as are the capsids of the eight other human herpesviruses. capsid assembly and genome packaging of herpesviruses are prone to interruption and can therefore be targeted for the structure-guided development of antiviral agents. however, herpesvirus capsids-compr ...201829342139
deregulation of hdac5 by viral interferon regulatory factor 3 plays an essential role in kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-induced lymphangiogenesis.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the etiologic agent for kaposi's sarcoma (ks), which is one of the most common hiv-associated neoplasms. the endothelium is the thin layer of squamous cells where vascular blood endothelial cells (becs) line the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic endothelial cells (lecs) are in direct contact with lymphatic vessels. the ks lesions contain a prominent compartment of neoplastic spindle morphology cells that are closely related to lecs. ...201829339432
acroangiodermatitis mimicking kaposi's sarcoma in an hiv-positive man.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the commonest human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-related malignancy with its characteristic cutaneous morphological appearance and histopathological features. however, it can be simulated by other co-morbid opportunistic infections and unrelated dermatological conditions. we describe such a case of acroangiodermatitis in an hiv co-infected man, based on exclusion of ks histologically and the absence of human herpesvirus 8, the causative agent of ks.201829334884
human herpesvirus 8-associated inflammatory cytokine syndrome. 201829322174
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus k8 is an rna binding protein that regulates viral dna replication in coordination with a noncoding rna.kshv lytic replication and constant primary infection of fresh cells are crucial for viral tumorigenicity. virus-encoded b-zip family protein k8 plays an important role in viral dna replication in both viral reactivation and de novo infection. the mechanism underlying the functional role of k8 in the viral life cycle is elusive. here we report that k8 is a rna binding protein, which also associates with many proteins including other rna binding proteins. many k8-involved protein-protein interact ...201829321307
the unholy trinity of human herpesvirus 8-associated malignancy in a person living with hiv-1. 201829309348
kshv episomes reveal dynamic chromatin loop formation with domain-specific gene regulation.the three-dimensional structure of chromatin organized by genomic loops facilitates rna polymerase ii access to distal promoters. the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) lytic transcriptional program is initiated by a single viral transactivator, k-rta. here we report the kshv genomic structure and its relationship with k-rta recruitment sites using capture hi-c analyses. high-resolution 3d viral genomic maps identify a number of direct physical, long-range, and dynamic genomic intera ...201829302027
kaposi sarcoma presenting shortly after primary infection by hiv and human herpesvirus-8. 201829256918
clinical and endoscopic features of gastrointestinal kaposi sarcoma: a single-center portuguese experience over the last decade.kaposi sarcoma (ks) is an angioproliferative tumor caused by human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8). gastrointestinal (gi) involvement by ks is a rare endoscopic finding, scarcely characterized in the literature.201729255756
extracellular vesicles from kshv-infected endothelial cells activate the complement system.extracellular vesicles (evs), released by cells, are associated with cell-to-cell communication and regulate various cellular processes. evs draw parallels with viruses for their similar structures and functions. increasing evidences from recent studies indicate that cells infected with viruses release a variety of evs. delineating the functions and mechanisms of evs released during virus infection is essential for understanding the molecular basis of viral infection and replication as well as a ...201729245944
generation of a kshv k13 deletion mutant for vflip function study.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv)-encoded viral fas-associated death domain-like il-1-converting enzyme inhibitory protein (vflip) is one of the latently expressed genes and plays a key role in cell survival and maintenance of latent infection by activating the nf-κb pathway. to obtain a genetic system for studying kshv vflip mutation in the context of the viral genome, we generated recombinant viruses lacking the coding sequence (cds) of vflip gene (k13/orf71) by bacterial artifici ...201729244209
omega-3 decreases interleukin-6 levels in hiv and hhv-8 co-infected patients: results from a randomized supplementation trial in uganda.kaposi sarcoma (ks) is an hiv-associated malignancy caused by human herpesvirus-8 that occurs at highest incidence in sub-saharan africa. ks patients often present with inflammatory symptoms associated with higher mortality.201729239890
clinical, laboratory and imaging findings in castleman's disease - the subtype decides.castleman's disease (cd) is a rare lymphoproliferative disorder with its distinct unicentric (ucd) and multicentric (mcd) entities. the present work aimed at characterizing cd in more detail. from the 775 articles found by a pubmed search, 1133 cases were extracted. two own cases were included. ucd was identified in 719 (42% males) and mcd in 416 (63% males) cases. age in ucd was 34±17 and in mcd 48±18years. the hyaline-vascular type predominated in ucd and the plasma cell type in mcd. clinical ...201729223447
egr-1 regulates rta transcription through a cooperative involvement of transcriptional regulators.kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv) regulates the host cellular environment to establish life-long persistent infection by manipulating cellular signaling pathways, with approximately 1- 5% of cells undergoing lytic reactivation during the course of infection. egr-1 (early growth response factor-1) is one such cellular transcription factor, which gets phosphorylated during the lytic phase of viral life cycle to perpetrate its function. this study demonstrates the mechanism of how egr- ...201729207655
human herpesvirus-8 positive iatrogenic kaposi's sarcoma in the setting of refractory ulcerative colitis.although kaposi sarcoma (ks) has been more traditionally considered an aids-defining illness, it may also be seen in individuals on immunosuppresive therapy. we report a case of a patient who presented to the hospital in the setting of increasingly refractory ulcerative colitis. computed tomography scan of the abdomen was consistent with sigmoid diverticulititis and blood cultures were positive for klebsiella. after a course of antibiotics with resolution of infection, a colonoscopy was performe ...201729291200
kaposi's sarcoma in hiv-infected patients in the era of new antiretrovirals.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a multicentric angioproliferative cancer of endothelial cells (ecs) caused by human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) characterized by clinical heterogeneity depending on the host immune conditions. despite its incidence has dramatically decreased in developed countries after the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart), ks remains the most frequent tumor in hiv-infected patients worldwide. clinical presentation varies from an indolent slowly progressive behavior, ...201729272026
epigallocatechin-3-gallate suppresses human herpesvirus 8 replication and induces ros leading to apoptosis and autophagy in primary effusion lymphoma cells.epigallocatechin-3-gallate (egcg), the major constituent of green tea, has been shown to induce cell death in cancer cells. primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is an aggressive neoplasm caused by human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8). in this study, we examined the role of egcg on pel cells in cell death and hhv8 replication. we performed trypan blue exclusion assay to assess the cell viability of pel cells, flow cytometry analysis to examine the cell cycle distribution and reactive oxygen species (ros) genera ...201729267216
aid recruits the rna exosome to degrade hiv-1 nascent transcripts through interaction with the tat-p-tefb-tar rnp complex.activation-induced cytidine deaminase (aid), a member of the apobec family that induces antibody diversification, has been shown to inhibit the replication of hepatitis b virus, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, and retro-transposons. however, whether aid can inhibit human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) replication remains unclear. here, we report that aid impairs the synthesis of hiv-1 components by interacting with the complex of tat. this interaction recruits the rna exosome to degra ...201729266200
mirna-36 inhibits kshv, ebv, hsv-2 infection of cells via stifling expression of interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 (ifitm1).kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is etiologically associated with all forms of kaposi's sarcoma worldwide. little is currently known about the role of micrornas (mirnas) in kshv entry. we recently demonstrated that kshv induces a plethora of host cell mirnas during the early stages of infection. in this study, we show the ability of host cell novel mir-36 to specifically inhibit kshv-induced expression of interferon induced transmembrane protein 1 (ifitm1) to limit virus infection ...201729269892
b cell receptor activation and chemical induction trigger caspase-mediated cleavage of pias1 to facilitate epstein-barr virus reactivation.epstein-barr virus (ebv) in tumor cells is predominately in the latent phase, but the virus can undergo lytic reactivation in response to various stimuli. however, the cellular factors that control latency and lytic replication are poorly defined. in this study, we demonstrated that a cellular factor, pias1, restricts ebv lytic replication. pias1 depletion significantly facilitated ebv reactivation, while pias1 reconstitution had the opposite effect. remarkably, we found that various lytic trigg ...201729262325
ebv+ hhv-8+ multicentric castleman disease with plasmablastic aggregates in an hiv+ man: an evolving clinicopathologic entity.we report a case of ebv+ and hhv-8+ multicentric castleman disease with plasmablastic aggregates in an hiv-positive individual. a 41-year-old man presented in early 2015 with fevers, sweats, weight loss, intractable itching, and on subsequent testing was found to be hiv positive. investigations showed cervical lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly. he was treated for hiv and his symptoms resolved. his symptoms recurred in january 2016, and a provisional diagnosis of multicentric castleman disease was ...201729198143
viral oncology: molecular biology and pathogenesis.oncoviruses are implicated in approximately 12% of all human cancers. a large number of the world's population harbors at least one of these oncoviruses, but only a small proportion of these individuals go on to develop cancer. the interplay between host and viral factors is a complex process that works together to create a microenvironment conducive to oncogenesis. in this review, the molecular biology and oncogenic pathways of established human oncoviruses will be discussed. currently, there a ...201729186062
human herpesvirus 8 in perinatally hiv-infected children with interstitial lung disease.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is associated with the pathogenesis of kaposi sarcoma and interstitial pneumonitis in adults. this study aims to evaluate association between hhv-8 and interstitial lung disease in hiv-infected children.201729165615
tick-borne transmission of murine gammaherpesvirus 68.herpesviruses are a large group of dna viruses infecting mainly vertebrates. murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (mhv68) is often used as a model in studies of the pathogenesis of clinically important human gammaherpesviruses such as epstein-barr virus and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. this rodent virus appears to be geographically widespread; however, its natural transmission cycle is unknown. following detection of mhv68 in field-collected ticks, including isolation of the virus from tick sa ...201729164067
the epstein-barr virus episome maneuvers between nuclear chromatin compartments during reactivation.the human genome is structurally organized in three-dimensional space to facilitate functional partitioning of transcription. we learned that the latent episome of the human epstein-barr virus (ebv) preferentially associates with gene-poor chromosomes and avoids gene-rich chromosomes. kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus behaves similarly, but human papillomavirus does not. contacts localize on the ebv side to orip, the latent origin of replication. this genetic element, and the ebna1 protein ...201729142137
the regulatory role of protein phosphorylation in human gammaherpesvirus associated cancers.activation of specific sets of protein kinases by intracellular signal molecules has become more and more apparent in the past decade. phosphorylation, one of key posttranslational modification events, is activated by kinase or regulatory protein and is vital for controlling many physiological functions of eukaryotic cells such as cell proliferation, differentiation, malignant transformation, and signal transduction mediated by external stimuli. moreovers, the reversible modification of phosphor ...201729116588
diabetes and risk of kaposi's sarcoma: effects of high glucose on reactivation and infection of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.patients with diabetes are generally prone to pathogen infection and tumor progression. here, we investigated the potential association between diabetes and kaposi's sarcoma (ks), a tumor linked to infection with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). by using taiwan's national health insurance research database, we found that diabetes is statistically associated with increased risk of ks in a case-control study. since a high level of blood sugar is the hallmark of diabetes, we determin ...201729113328
lymphoproliferative disorders with concurrent hhv8 and ebv infection: beyond primary effusion lymphoma and germinotropic lymphoproliferative disorder.lymphoproliferative disorders (lpd) characterised by human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) and epstein-barr virus (ebv) infection are rare and two entities are included in the world health organisation classification: primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and germinotropic lpd. these two entities have very different clinicopathological presentations and prognosis. here we describe two cases of hhv8-positive, ebv-positive lymphoma with clinicopathological features that are not consistent with either pel or germin ...201729105119
iatrogenic solid tumors following immunosuppressive therapy.immunosuppression induced by chronic medication, such as occurs post-transplantation, may increase a patient's risk of developing solid tumors. these are often rare tumors characterized by odd presentations. this review focuses on commonly encountered iatrogenic, non-hematopoietic solid tumors following immunotherapy and provides a practical approach to their diagnosis. all of the malignancies covered in this review are viral-induced. they include human papillomavirus (hpv)-associated carcinomas ...201729066044
gammaherpesviral tegument proteins, pml-nuclear bodies and the ubiquitin-proteasome system.gammaherpesviruses like epstein-barr virus (ebv) and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) subvert the ubiquitin proteasome system for their own benefit in order to facilitate viral gene expression and replication. in particular, viral tegument proteins that share sequence homology to the formylglycineamide ribonucleotide amidotransferase (fgarat, or pfas), an enzyme in the cellular purine biosynthesis, are important for disrupting the intrinsic antiviral response associated with promye ...201729065450
viral infections in solid organ transplant recipients: novel updates and a review of the summarize new discoveries in viral pathogenesis and novel therapeutic and prophylactic strategies in organ transplant recipients.201728984642
viral causes of lymphoma: the history of epstein-barr virus and human t-lymphotropic virus 1964, epstein, barr, and achong published a report outlining their discovery of viral particles in lymphoblasts isolated from a patient with burkitt lymphoma. the epstein-barr virus (ebv) was the first human cancer virus to be described, and its discovery paved the way for further investigations into the oncogenic potential of viruses. in the decades following the discovery of ebv, multinational research efforts led to the discovery of further viral causes of various human cancers. lymphomas ...201728983187
de novo unclassifiable cd20-negative diffuse large b-cell lymphoma: a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.cd20-negative diffuse large b-cell lymphomas (dlbcls) constitute a rare and heterogeneous group of aggressive lymphomas. known well-documented variants include plasmablastic lymphomas, primary effusion lymphomas, anaplastic kinase-positive large b-cell lymphomas, and large b-cell lymphomas arising in human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8)-associated multicentric castleman disease. they impose diagnostic challenges for pathologists and therapeutic confrontations for clinicians. cd20 loss in b-cell lymphomas ...201728982264
epstein-barr virus bkrf4 gene product is required for efficient progeny production.epstein-barr virus (ebv), a member of human gammaherpesvirus, infects mainly b cells. ebv has two alternative life cycles, latent and lytic, and is reactivated occasionally from the latent stage to the lytic cycle. to combat ebv-associated disorders, understanding the molecular mechanisms of the ebv lytic replication cycle is also important. here, we focused on an ebv lytic gene, bkrf4. using our anti-bkrf4 antibody, we revealed that the bkrf4 gene product is expressed during the lytic cycle wit ...201728904200
tumour viruses and innate cells sense viral infection through pattern recognition receptors (prrs), which detect pathogen-associated molecular patterns (pamps) and stimulate an innate immune response. prrs are localized to several different cellular compartments and are stimulated by viral proteins and nucleic acids. prr activation initiates signal transduction events that ultimately result in an inflammatory response. human tumour viruses, which include kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, epstein-barr virus, h ...201728893934
high prevalence of distinct human herpesvirus 8 contributes to the high incidence of non-acquired immune deficiency syndrome-associated kaposi's sarcoma in isolated japanese islands.non-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is extremely rare in japan but highly endemic in okinawa, especially in miyako islands. we aimed to elucidate the exact incidence and cause of this high prevalence.201728968717
commentary: high glucose induces reactivation of latent kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. 201728966613
1, 25(oh)2 d3 induces reactivation and death of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus of primary effusion lymphoma cells.kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv) a gammaherpesvirus establishes perennial latency in the host with periodic reactivation. occasionally change in the physiological condition like hypoxia, host cell differentiation can trigger the lytic switch and reactivation of the virus. the biologically active form of 1, 25(oh)2 d3 plays a critical role in the regulation of various physiological processes (e.g. regulation of mineral homeostasis and control of bone metabolism). apart from its role ...201728963501
association of household food- and drink-sharing practices with human herpesvirus 8 seroconversion in a cohort of zambian children.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) infection occurs in early childhood and is associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection and risk for kaposi sarcoma, but behaviors associated with hhv-8 transmission are not well described.201728961804
male hormones activate epha2 to facilitate kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection: implications for gender disparity in kaposi's sarcoma.there is increasing consensus that males are more vulnerable than females to infection by several pathogens. however, the underlying mechanism needs further investigation. here, it was showed that knockdown of androgen receptor (ar) expression or pre-treatment with 5α-dihydrotestosterone, the ar agonist, led to a considerably dysregulated kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection. in endothelial cells, membrane-localized ar promoted the endocytosis and nuclear trafficking of kshv. ...201728957431
donor-derived kaposi's sarcoma in a liver-kidney transplant recipient.human herpes virus 8 (hhv-8), also known as kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv), is an oncogenic virus that can cause kaposi's sarcoma (ks). ks can develop following organ transplantation through reactivation of the recipient's latent hhv-8 infection, or less commonly through donor-derived infection which has higher risk for severe illness and mortality. we describe a case of probable donor-derived ks in the recipient of a liver-kidney transplant. the donor had multiple risk factors f ...201728941319
the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) non-structural membrane protein k15 is required for viral lytic replication and may represent a therapeutic target.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the infectious cause of the highly vascularized tumor kaposi's sarcoma (ks), which is characterized by proliferating spindle cells of endothelial origin, extensive neo-angiogenesis and inflammatory infiltrates. the kshv k15 protein contributes to the angiogenic and invasive properties of kshv-infected endothelial cells. here, we asked whether k15 could also play a role in kshv lytic replication. deletion of the k15 gene from the viral genome or i ...201728938025
ikkγ-mimetic peptides block the resistance to apoptosis associated with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is a lymphogenic disorder associated with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) infection. key to the survival and proliferation of pel is the canonical nf-κb pathway, which becomes constitutively activated following overexpression of the viral oncoprotein kshv vflip (ks-vflip). this arises from its capacity to form a complex with the modulatory subunit of the iκb kinase (ikk) kinase, ikkγ (or nemo), resulting in the overproduction of proteins that promot ...201728931678
hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha as a therapeutic target for primary effusion lymphoma.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) is an aggressive b-cell lymphoma with poor prognosis caused by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). previous studies have revealed that hif-1α, which mediates much of the cellular response to hypoxia, plays an important role in life cycle of kshv. kshv infection promotes hif-1α activity, and several kshv genes are in turn activated by hif-1α. in this study, we investigated the effects of knocking down hif-1α in pels. we observed that hif-1α knockdown in ...201728922425
presence of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) dna sequences in patients with lymphoproliferative diseases and chronic blood disorders.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is the causative agent of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), but it has also been associated with different hematologic malignancies, including plasmablastic lymphoma, multicentric castleman's disease (mcd), primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and various atypical lymphoproliferative disorders. patients with underlying lymphoproliferative diseases and chronic blood disorders who become infected with this virus are at risk for human malignancies. this small study reported the frequenc ...201728916317
nonepidemic kaposi sarcoma: a recently proposed category. 201728913409
inhibition of the lytic cycle of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by cohesin factors following de novo infection.establishment of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) latency following infection is a multistep process, during which polycomb proteins are recruited onto the kshv genome, which is crucial for the genome-wide repression of lytic genes during latency. strikingly, only a subset of lytic genes are expressed transiently in the early phase of infection prior to the binding of polycomb proteins onto the kshv genome, which raises the question what restricts lytic gene expression in the first ...201728898712
correction for gjyshi et al., "activated nrf2 interacts with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus latency protein lana-1 and host protein kap1 to mediate global lytic gene repression". 201729138338
correction for gutierrez et al., "ets-1 is required for the activation of vegfr3 during latent kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection of endothelial cells". 201729138337
correction for cousins et al., "human herpesvirus 8 viral interleukin-6 signaling through gp130 promotes virus replication in primary effusion lymphoma and endothelial cells". 201729138334
correction for avey et al., "discovery of a coregulatory interaction between kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf45 and the viral protein kinase orf36". 201729138329
prevalence of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in uygur and han populations from the urumqi and kashgar regions of xinjiang, china.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is the infectious etiologic agent associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric castleman disease. it has been shown that high kshv prevalence and high incidence of both classic ks and aidsassociated ks are found mostly among people of uygur ethnicity in xinjiang, while people of han ethnicity in xinjiang have a higher kshv seroprevalence than those of other han populations in mainland china. however, it is still ...201729116591
kshv inhibits stress granule formation by viral orf57 blocking pkr activation.tia-1 positive stress granules (sg) represent the storage sites of stalled mrnas and are often associated with the cellular antiviral response. in this report, we provide evidence that kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) overcomes the host antiviral response by inhibition of sg formation via a viral lytic protein orf57. by immunofluorescence analysis, we found that b lymphocytes with kshv lytic infection are refractory to sg induction. kshv orf57, an essential post-transcriptional reg ...201729084250
rna n6-adenosine methylation (m6a) steers epitranscriptomic control of herpesvirus replication.latency is a hallmark of all herpesviruses, during which the viral genomes are silenced through dna methylation and suppressive histone modifications. when latent herpesviruses reactivate to undergo productive lytic replication, the suppressive epigenetic marks are replaced with active ones to allow for transcription of viral genes. interestingly, by using kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) as a model, we recently demonstrated that the newly transcribed viral rnas are also subjected ...201729082271
prospective study of human herpesvirus 8 oral shedding, viremia, and serological status among human immunodeficiency virus seropositive and seronegative individuals in sao paulo, brazil.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is a gamma-herpesvirus and etiological agent of all forms of kaposi sarcoma (ks). saliva may play an important role in hhv-8 transmission in specific populations. little is known about hhv-8 oral shedding pattern and the possible correlation with the hhv-8 serological profile and viremia. a prospective study was conducted of hhv-8 salivary excretion among human immunodeficiency virus hiv-seronegative (n = 47) and -seropositive (n = 44) homosexual men and hiv-seroposit ...201729081916
correction for chakraborty et al., "c-cbl-mediated selective virus-receptor translocations into lipid rafts regulate productive kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection in endothelial cells". 201729079718
infection of kshv and interaction with hiv: the bad romance.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), namely, human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), is considered as the pathogen of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), the most frequent cancer in untreated hiv-infected individuals. patients infected with hiv have a much higher possibility developing ks than average individual. researchers have found that hiv, which functions as a cofactor of ks, contributes a lot to the development of ks. in this article, we will give a brief introduction of ks and kshv and how the intera ...201729052142
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus: epidemiology and molecular biology.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), also known as human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), is a member of the lymphotropic gammaherpesvirus subfamily and a human oncogenic virus. since its discovery in aids-associated ks tissues by drs. yuan chang and patrick moore, much progress has been made in the past two decades. there are four types of ks including classic ks, endemic ks, immunosuppressive therapy-related ks, and aids-associated ks. in addition to ks, kshv is also involved in the developme ...201729052134
in vitro and in vivo anti-primary effusion lymphoma activities of fucoidan extracted from cladosiphon okamuranus tokida.primary effusion lymphoma (pel) caused by kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is characterized by lymphomatous effusion in body cavities and poor prognosis. there is still no effective treatment for pel. fucoidan, a major sulfated polysaccharide isolated from brown seaweeds, has an attractive array of bioactivities such as cancer inhibition. however, the effects of fucoidan on pel cells remain unclear. we investigated the anti-pel effects of fucoidan obtained from cladosiphon okamuran ...201729048633
prevalence of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus among intravenous drug users: a systematic review and meta-analysis.intravenous drug users (idus) have been demonstrated to be highly vulnerable to hiv/aids. nevertheless, the prevalence of kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (kshv), an important co-infected agent with hiv, among this population remained obscure. we conducted a systematic review on the epidemiological features of kshv among idus worldwide. eligible studies were retrieved from 6 electronic databases (pubmed, embase, web of science, cbm, cnki and wanfang). we calculated the pooled prevalence a ...201729038977
a pul25 dimer interfaces the pseudorabies virus capsid and tegument.inside the virions of α-herpesviruses, tegument protein pul25 anchors the tegument to capsid vertices through direct interactions with tegument proteins pul17 and pul36. in addition to promoting virion assembly, both pul25 and pul36 are critical for intracellular microtubule-dependent capsid transport. despite these essential roles during infection, the stoichiometry and precise organization of pul25 and pul36 on the capsid surface remain controversial due to the insufficient resolution of exist ...201729035172
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection modulates the proliferation of glioma stem-like cells.glioblastoma multiforme is the most lethal malignant brain tumor. despite many intensive studies, the prognosis of glioblastoma multiforme is currently very poor, with a median overall survival duration of 14 months and 2-year survival rates of less than 10%. although viral infections have been emphasized as potential cofactors, their influences on pathways that support glioblastoma progression are not known. some previous studies indicated that human kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (ksh ...201729032648
antiviral activity of 20(r)-ginsenoside rh2 against murine gammaherpesvirus.ginsenosides are the major components of panax ginseng meyer, an herbal medicine used for the treatment of various diseases. different ginsenosides contribute to the biological properties of ginseng, such as antimicrobial, anticancer, and immunomodulatory properties. in this study, we investigated the antiviral effects of 15 ginsenosides and compound k on gammaherpesvirus.201729021696
human herpesvirus 8-unrelated primary effusion lymphoma-like lymphoma following tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment for chronic myelogenous leukemia.a 69-year-old man was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia (cml) and treated with dasatinib. after two years on dasatinib, the patient achieved complete molecular response, but dasatinib treatment was discontinued due to exacerbation of pleural effusion. nilotinib and imatinib were started but stopped due to an increase in pleural effusion. thoracentesis was performed and he was diagnosed with human herpesvirus 8-unrelated primary effusion lymphoma (pel)-like lymphoma. complex chromosomal ...201729021516
survival of patients with cd20-negative variants of large b-cell lymphoma: an analysis of the national cancer data base.using records from the national cancer data base, we studied overall survival of cd20-negative variants of diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (dlbcl): primary effusion (pel, n = 228), plasmablastic (pbl, n = 481), alk-positive large b-cell (alk + lblc, n = 15), and human herpesvirus-8-positive dlbcl (hhv8 + dlbcl, n = 77). three-year survival was 27% for pel, 40% for pbl, 34% for alk + lbcl, and 63% for hhv8 + dlbcl. compared with unspecified dlbcl, and adjusting for clinical characteristics (includi ...201729019447
lipids, lipid metabolism and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus pathogenesis.lipids are essential for mammalian cells to maintain many physiological functions. emerging evidence has shown that cancer cells can develop specific alterations in lipid biosynthesis and metabolism to facilitate their survival and various malignant behaviors. to date, the precise role of cellular lipids and lipid metabolism in viral oncogenesis is still largely unclear with only a handful of literature covering this topic to implicate lipid metabolism in oncogenic virus associated pathogenesis. ...201729019168
tafro syndrome in caucasians: a case report and review of the literature.tafro syndrome has been reported in japan among human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8)-negative/idiopathic multicentric castleman's disease (imcd) patients. to date, the majority of imcd patients with tafro syndrome originate from japan.201729018798
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus increases pd-l1 and proinflammatory cytokine expression in human monocytes.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is associated with the human malignancy kaposi's sarcoma and the lymphoproliferative disorders primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric castleman's disease. kshv establishes lytic infection of monocytes in vivo, which may represent an important cellular reservoir during ks disease progression. ks tumors consist of latently infected endothelial cells; however, lytic phase gene products are important for ks onset. early ks lesion progression is driv ...201729018115
full-length isoforms of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus latency-associated nuclear antigen accumulate in the cytoplasm of cells undergoing the lytic cycle of replication.the latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) performs a variety of functions to establish and maintain kshv latency. during latency, lana localizes to discrete punctate spots in the nucleus, where it tethers viral episomes to cellular chromatin and interacts with nuclear components to regulate cellular and viral gene expression. using highly sensitive tyramide signal amplification, we determined that lana localizes to the cytoplasm in differ ...201728978712
human herpesvirus 8 interleukin-6 interacts with calnexin cycle components and promotes protein folding.viral interleukin-6 (vil-6) encoded by human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is believed to contribute via mitogenic, survival, and angiogenic activities to hhv-8-associated kaposi's sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma (pel), and multicentric castleman's disease through autocrine or paracrine mechanisms during latency or productive replication. there is direct evidence that vil-6 promotes latently infected pel cell viability and proliferation and also viral productive replication in pel and endothelial cel ...201728878084
maxillary sinus kaposi sarcoma: case report in an hiv-negative patient with thymoma.kaposi sarcoma is an angioproliferative disorder that requires infection with human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) for its development. the majority of cases are associated with hiv infection or other immunocompromising conditions. thymomas are occasionally associated to cytopenia, which may alter the patients' immune responses.201729204303
correction for cousins and nicholas, "role of human herpesvirus 8 interleukin-6-activated gp130 signal transducer in primary effusion lymphoma cell growth and viability". 201729191994
iatrogenic kaposi's sarcoma in an hiv-negative young male with crohn's disease and iga nephropathy: a case report and brief review of the literature.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a vascular tumor arising in association with human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) infection, and different variants show different clinical presentations. isolated intestinal ks in the background of crohn's disease (cd) is exceedingly rare with only 3 cases reported in the english literature (from 1966 to 2016).201729169276
a novel role of vbcl2 in the virion assembly of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.the viral bcl-2 homolog (vbcl2) of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) displays efficient anti-apoptotic and anti-autophagic activity through its central bh3 domain, which functions to prolong the lifespan of virus-infected cells and ultimately enhances viral replication and latency. independent on its anti-apoptotic and anti-autophagic activity, vbcl2 also plays an essential role in kshv lytic replication through its amino-terminal 11-20 amino acids (aa). here, we report a novel mole ...201729167347
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