
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
a survey of shared pathogens at the domestic-wild ruminants' interface in doñana national park (spain).a cross-sectional study was carried out to evaluate shared pathogens that can be transmitted by close or non-close contact at the domestic-wild ruminants' interface. during summer-autumn 2015, a total of 138 cattle and 203 wild ruminants (red deer, cervus elaphus, and fallow deer, dama dama) were sampled in doñana national park (dnp, south-western spain), a mediterranean ecosystem well known for the interaction network occurring in the ungulate host community. pestiviruses, bovine respiratory sy ...202133900033
long-term determinants of the seroprevalence of the bluetongue virus in deer species in southern spain.bluetongue is a vector-borne disease affecting domestic and wild ruminants, with a major socioeconomic impact. endemic circulation of the bluetongue virus serotype 4 (btv-4) and btv-1 have occurred in spain since 2004 and 2007, respectively. however, epidemiological studies have seldom been approached from a long-term perspective in wild ruminants. a total of 881 deer (red deer and fallow deer) were necropsied from 2005 to 2018 as part of the dnp health-monitoring program. serum samples were tes ...202134280654
pan-american trypanosoma (megatrypanum) trinaperronei n. sp. in the white-tailed deer odocoileus virginianus zimmermann and its deer ked lipoptena mazamae rondani, 1878: morphological, developmental and phylogeographical characterisation.the subgenus megatrypanum hoare, 1964 of trypanosoma gruby, 1843 comprises trypanosomes of cervids and bovids from around the world. here, the white-tailed deer odocoileus virginianus (zimmermann) and its ectoparasite, the deer ked lipoptena mazamae rondani, 1878 (hippoboscid fly), were surveyed for trypanosomes in venezuela.202032532317
investigation of johne's disease in tasmanian fallow deer (dama dama).in 2012 when many sheep flocks in northern-central tasmania were experiencing a high prevalence of ovine johne's disease, 34 wild adult fallow deer shot on or near infected properties were negative to microscopic mptb lesions of the ileo-caecal valve, terminal ileum and ileo-caecal lymph nodes. this study demonstrated 95% confidence of detecting johne's disease in this fallow deer population if ≥10% of animals were shedding mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in their faeces, or if ≥21% ...202033063317
sampling scale and season influence the observed relationship between the density of deer and questing ixodes ricinus nymphs.the relationship between environmentally transmitted tick parasites, ixodes spp., and their main reproductive host, deer, is generally thought to be positive. however, measuring host abundance and density directly can be challenging and indirect methods are often used. the observed relationship between the parasite and host may be affected by sampling scale and season, which could lead to different inferences being made. here, we aimed to test the effect of sampling scale and season on the relat ...202032993763
the effect of barley and lysine supplementation on the longissimus lumborum meat quality of pasture-raised fallow deer (dama dama).the chemical characteristics (proximate composition, amino acids, and fatty acids) and sensory quality of the longissimus lumborum (ll) muscle of 45 farmed male fallow deer were investigated. the animals were divided into three separate groups (n = 15 per treatment): pasture-fed (p), pasture-fed and supplemented with barley (b), and pasture-fed and supplemented with barley and lysine (bl). differences were observed in ll moisture and the intramuscular fat contents, the latter being almost two-fo ...202032911635
wild fallow deer (dama dama) as definitive hosts of fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) in alpine new south determine the extent to which wild deer are contributing in the transmission of fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) livers from deer shot by hunters, farmers undertaking population control on their farms and vertebrate pest controllers were collected and frozen. the livers were later thawed, sliced and examined for the presence of adult flukes or evidence of past infection. livers from 19 deer were examined (18 fallow [dama dama] and one sambar [rusa unicolor]). seventeen of the fallow deer were ...202032743841
farmed-raised fallow deer (dama dama l.) carcass characteristics and meat nutritional value.this study analysed carcass features and the chemical composition of semimembranosus (sm) and longissimus thoracis et lumborum (ltl) muscles from farmed-raised fallow deer (dama dama l.) bucks (n = 8). mineral contents and fatty acid composition were also determined in the muscles and the fulfilment of the demand for minerals was calculated for adults. dressing percentage was 55.2%, whereas the proportions of round, shoulder and loin were 38.4%, 15.5% and 14.4%, respectively. the highest content ...202032724264
post-mortem recovery, in vitro maturation and fertilization of fallow deer (dama dama, linnaeus 1758) oocytes collected during reproductive and no reproductive season.habitat degradation leads to small and fragmented populations, lower genetic variability and fertility overtime. assisted reproductive techniques represent important tools to cope with the dramatic loss of biodiversity. fallow deer (dama dama), beyond its high commercial value and wide distribution, may represent the most suitable model to study endangered cervids. in this study, oocytes were recovered post-mortem from fallow deer during the breeding and no breeding seasons and were in vitro mat ...202032654335
bioactive compounds in fermented sausages prepared from beef and fallow deer meat with acid whey addition.the present study examined the effect of the type of meat (beef and fallow deer) and the addition of freeze-dried acid whey on nutritional values and the content of bioactive compounds (peptides, l-carnitine, glutathione, and conjugated linoleic acid (cla)) in uncured fermented sausages. the antioxidant properties of isolated peptides (abts, dpph radical scavenging activity, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power) were also evaluated. the results showed that fallow deer sausages had higher peptid ...202032456021
cross-sectional study of british wild deer for evidence of schmallenberg virus infection.schmallenberg virus (sbv) is an orthobunyavirus, carried by culicoides biting midges, that causes reproductive problems in adult ruminants when infected during their gestation period. sbv was first detected in ruminants in the uk in 2011/2012 and then again in 2016. the reason behind the 2016 re-emergence of sbv is unknown, but one possibility is that it can be maintained in wildlife, such as deer. sbv has been detected at high seroprevalence in deer in a number of european countries, but only o ...202032447285
chemical composition of wild fallow deer (dama dama) meat from south africa: a preliminary evaluation.although fallow deer are abundant in south africa, these cervids remain undervalued as a domestic protein source and little information exists on their meat quality. this study aimed to evaluate the proximate and mineral compositions of the meat from wild fallow deer (n = 6 male, n = 6 female) harvested in south africa, as affected by sex and muscle. proximate analyses were conducted on six muscles (longissimus thoracis et lumborum [ltl], biceps femoris [bf], semimembranosus [sm], semitendinosus ...202032392786
comparison of the effect of freeze-dried acid whey on physicochemical properties of organic fermented sausages made from beef and fallow deer meat.the objective of this study was to compare the effect of freeze-dried acid whey on physicochemical properties and microbial changes of organic fermented sausages made from beef and fallow deer meat. five formulations of sausages from each species were made. the results show that processing time and species of meat were the high significant factor on tested parameters. variants and interactions between main factors influenced at different levels of significance on some tested attributes. at the e ...202032327786
re-circulation of schmallenberg virus, germany, 2019.schmallenberg virus (sbv), an insect-transmitted orthobunyavirus that induces severe foetal malformation in calves and lambs, was detected for the first time in late summer 2011 in central europe. thereafter, the virus spread rapidly across the continent causing a large epidemic in the ruminant population. in 2019, detection of virus was again reported more frequently in germany. from march to november, infections of viremic adult animals were noticed. in september, sbv genome was also detected ...202032320536
preliminary effect of projectile yaw on extremity gunshot wounding in a cadaveric animal model: a serendipitous study.gunshot wounding (gsw) is capable of causing devastating tissue injuries by delivering kinetic energy (ke) through the contact surface area of a projectile. the contact surface area can be increased by yaw, deformation and fragmentation, all of which may be caused by any intermediate layers struck by the projectile prior to entering its target. this study aims to describe whether projectile yaw occurring before penetration of a cadaveric animal limb model causes greater damage with or without cl ...202032162008
female mating tactics in lekking fallow deer (dama dama): experience explains inter-individual variability more than costs.most studies on ungulate reproduction have focused on the covariates of male reproductive success, while there is much less information on female tactics of mate choice. the aim of this work is to fill this gap and to assess condition-dependent variations in female tactics in a lekking fallow deer (dama dama) population. in particular, we investigated three indirect selection mechanisms: i) aggregation: when females join an already formed female group; ii) copying: when females copy the mate cho ...202032108140
the influence of habitat and sex on feral fallow deer meat lipid fraction.the study tested the hypothesis that habitat and sex influence the composition of meat lipid fraction. therefore, this study aims to characterize the effects of habitat and sex on feral fallow deer (dama dama) tenderloin (psoas major muscle) intramuscular fat composition.202032107784
ballistic research techniques: visualizing gunshot wounding patterns.there are difficulties associated with mapping gunshot wound (gsw) patterns within opaque models. depending on the damage measurement parameters required, there are multiple techniques that can provide methods of "seeing" the gsw pattern within an opaque model. the aim of this paper was to test several of these techniques within a cadaveric animal limb model to determine the most effective. the techniques of interest were flash x-ray, ultrasound, physical dissection, and computed-tomography (ct) ...202032060625
wild antelope skeletal muscle antioxidant enzyme activities do not correlate with muscle fibre type or oxidative metabolism.wild antelope are some of the fastest land animals in the world, presenting with high oxidative and glycolytic skeletal muscle metabolism. however, no study has investigated their muscle antioxidant capacity, and may assist in understanding their physical ability and certain pathophysiological manifestations, such as capture myopathy. therefore, the primary aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activities superoxide dismutase (sod), catalase (cat) and glutathione reductase (gr), as ...202031862242
comparison of selected parameters related to food safety of fallow deer and beef uncured fermented sausages with freeze-dried acid whey addition.this study determines the possibility of using freeze-dried acid whey as an alternative to nitrate/nitrite in fermented sausages made from fallow deer meat. the study compared the parameters related to food safety as well as the content of biogenic amines (bas) in the sausages made from beef meat and fallow deer meat. the results showed slight differences in the physicochemical parameters between these two types of sausages. stuffings as well as sausages made from fallow deer meat had a signific ...202031837558
differential effects of ruminally protected amino acids on fattening of fallow deer in two culling periods.a well-balanced amino acid profile in the feedstuffs for livestock is essential to support adequate growth. this is well studied for monogastric species but still not well understood for ruminants and especially for the most unconventional species, like cervids. this study investigated the influence of ruminally protected lysine (lys) and methionine (met) supplementation during the fattening period, as well as two slaughter seasons (late autumn (la) v. late winter (lw)), on the growth, carcass t ...202031603061
prenatal histomorphological development of the reticulum in fallow deer (dama dama).the histomorphological changes occurring in the dama dama reticulum during prenatal development have been investigated. twenty-five dama dama embryos were used, from the first stages of prenatal life until birth. differentiation of the reticulum was observed at 23% gestation. by 25% gestation the reticular wall comprised three layers: an internal epithelial layer, a middle layer of pluripotential blastemic tissue and an external layer or serosa. primary reticular crests were visible at 38% gesta ...202032441442
infection with foamy virus in wild ruminants-evidence for a new virus reservoir?foamy viruses (fvs) are widely distributed and infect many animal species including non-human primates, horses, cattle, and cats. several reports also suggest that other species can be fv hosts. since most of such studies involved livestock or companion animals, we aimed to test blood samples from wild ruminants for the presence of fv-specific antibodies and, subsequently, genetic material. out of 269 serum samples tested by elisa with the bovine foamy virus (bfv) gag and bet antigens, 23 sera s ...202031947727
a spatial ecology study in a high-diversity host community to understand blood-feeding behaviour in phlebotomus sandfly vectors of leishmania.molecular studies indicate that phlebotomine sandflies (diptera: psychodidae) blood feed on many vertebrate species, of which only a few are proven parasite reservoirs. investigating sandfly vector feeding preferences is therefore important and requires taking into account the availability and accessibility of host species. in terms of the latter, it is necessary to consider the metabolic cost to the insect of reaching the host and moving on to a suitable breeding site. the present study used st ...202031930740
detection of new crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever virus genotypes in ticks feeding on deer and wild boar, spain.crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever virus (cchfv) is the causative agent of the severe tick-borne, often fatal, zoonotic crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever (cchf), which is widely distributed worldwide. the cchfv transmission to humans occurs through tick bite, crushing of engorged ticks or contact with infected host blood. previously, cchfv genotype africa iii was reported in spain. given the emergence of cchf and the role of ticks in pathogen maintenance and transmission, we investigated the presen ...202032738065
the role of different species of wild ungulates and ixodes ricinus ticks in the circulation of genetic variants of anaplasma phagocytophilum in a forest biotope in north-western poland.the aim of this study was to reveal genetic variants of anaplasma phagocytophilum strains occurring in different species of wild ungulates and in ixodes ricinus ticks to check the role of the examined species in the circulation of the revealed variants in nature. the aim was also to determine if the detected variants of a. phagocytophilum are specific for particular game species as well as to examine their identity with other strains, including pathogenic ones. sequences of the amplified groel h ...202032723651
fallow deer (dama dama) as a reservoir of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec).shiga toxin-producing escherichia (e.) coli (stec) are responsible for the outbreaks of serious diseases in humans. only a few reports on fallow deer as a reservoir of foodborne pathogens have been published to date. the purpose of this study was to determine the occurrence of stec strains in the fallow deer population in poland. in all, 94 fallow deer swabs were tested. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was performed to detect the virulence profile of stx1, stx2 and eae or aggr genes, to identify ...202032438625
molecular identification of sarcocysts from tissue of fallow deer (dama dama) farmed in the open pasture system based on ssu rrna gene.sarcocystis spp. are protozoan parasites of livestock which also infect birds, lower vertebrates and mammals, including man. wild and domestic ruminants such as red deer, roe deer, fallow deer, cattle, sheep and goats may act as intermediate hosts for many sarcocystis species, some of which are significant pathogens causing sarcocystosis in livestock and humans. the purpose of the present study was to determine the prevalence of sarcocystis species in fallow deer farmed in an open pasture system ...202031981017
shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli isolates from red deer (cervus elaphus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus) and fallow deer (dama dama) in poland.shiga toxin-producing escherichia (e.) coli (stec) pathogens are responsible for the outbreaks of serious diseases in humans, including haemolytic uraemic syndrome (hus), bloody diarrhoea (bd) and diarrhoea (d), and they pose a significant public health concern. wild ruminants are an important environmental reservoir of foodborne pathogens that can cause serious illnesses in humans and contaminate fresh products. there is a general scarcity of published data about wildlife as a reservoir of food ...202031703865
long-term reevaluation of spatially explicit models as a means for adaptive wildlife management.we evaluated a 20-yr-old spatially explicit model (sem) that predicted the spatial expansion of reintroduced persian fallow deer in northern israel. using the current distribution of the deer and based on multi-model inference we assessed the accuracy of the sem's prediction and what other factors affected the population's current distribution. if the sem's projection was still valid, the leading model in the multi-model inference would include only the sem's projection as an explanatory variabl ...202032017327
stoichiometric variation within and between a terrestrial herbivorous and a semi-aquatic carnivorous mammal.the elemental composition of the mammalian body is widely believed to be more or less constant within and among species, yet reliable comparisons of elemental content are lacking. here, we examine the elemental composition of two mammal species with different diet and provenance: terrestrial herbivorous fallow deer (dama dama) - collected from a single area - and semi-aquatic carnivorous eurasian otter (lutra lutra) - collected from different areas.202032693327
wildlife ungulate rescue and emergency services in the pisa area (tuscany, italy): evaluation of a 9-years period (2010-2018).background: we analyzed the clinical data of wildlife ungulates admitted for emergency care to the veterinary teaching hospital (vth), department of veterinary medicine, university of pisa over a 9-years period. methods: clinical data of all the wildlife ungulates admitted to the vth were recorded. blood samples were also taken from the animals for hematological and biochemical analysis. an assessment of ecto- and endoparasites was carried out, diagnostic imaging assessment was performed, and th ...202033033722
long-term determinants of tuberculosis in the ungulate host community of doñana national park.animal tuberculosis (tb) is endemic in wild boar (sus scrofa), red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (dama dama) and cattle in south and central spain. in order to clarify the processes that operate in the medium and long-term, we studied tb at the wildlife-livestock interface in doñana national park for 14 years (2006-2018) in relation to host density, stochastic factors (rainfall) and environmental features (e.g., aggregation points such as waterholes). wild boar showed the highest prevalence ...202032516963
detection of porcine circovirus 3 in wildlife species in spain.porcine circovirus 3 (pcv-3) is the third member of the family circoviridae, genus circovirus, able to infect swine. a high prevalence of viral dna has been recorded in wild boars. recently, pcv-3 dna was identified in italian wild ruminants. based on these previous results, this study assessed the frequency of pcv-3 dna detection in free-ranging ruminants and lagomorpha species in spain. in addition, the genetic characterization of the pcv-3 pcr-positive samples was performed. a total of 801 se ...202032369945
dynamic network of interactions in the wildlife-livestock interface in mediterranean spain: an epidemiological point of view.the correct management of diseases that are transmitted between wildlife and livestock requires a reliable estimate of the pathogen transmission rate. the calculation of this parameter is a challenge for epidemiologists, since transmission can occur through multiple pathways. the social network analysis is a widely used tool in epidemiology due to its capacity to identify individuals and communities with relevant roles for pathogen transmission. in the present work, we studied the dynamic networ ...202032069995
no evidence of hepatitis e virus infection in farmed deer in germany.hepatitis e virus (hev) is a zoonotic agent, which is mainly transmitted by consumption of undercooked meat products originating from infected animals. domestic pigs and wild boars are the major animal reservoirs, but hev infections have been also repeatedly described in wild deer species. however, farmed deer has been only sparsely investigated so far. here, 108 blood and 106 liver samples from fallow deer, red deer, and sika deer strictly hold in game enclosures from 11 farms in germany were a ...202031625032
the scale-dependent effectiveness of wildlife management: a case study on british deer.impacts of herbivory by wild ungulates represent a significant issue world-wide. to be effective, management of populations and impacts needs to be coordinated above the site scale, yet little research has investigated the appropriate spatial scale over which management should be integrated to be fully effective. in consideration of reduction of impacts in deciduous or mixed woodland habitats, we tested scale-specific management effectiveness in a lowland area of uk where moderate- to high-densi ...202032947117
distribution of pestivirus exposure in wild ruminants in spain.a large-scale study was carried out to determine the prevalence of antibodies against pestivirus species in wild ruminants and describe their spatial variation in mainland spain. serum samples of 1,874 wild ruminants from different regions of this country were collected between the years 2000 and 2017. a total of 6.6% (123/1,874) animals showed antibodies against pestivirus by both blocking elisa (belisa) and virus neutralization tests (vnt). the prevalence of antibodies against pestiviruses was ...202032920992
competitor densities, habitat, and weather: effects on interspecific interactions between wild deer species.there is a growing interest on the potential interplay between weather, habitat, and interspecific competition on population dynamics of wild herbivores. favorable environmental conditions may buffer the negative effects of competition; conversely, competition may be expected to be stronger under harsh environmental conditions. we investigated relationships between competitor abundance, weather, and habitat cover on density and local distribution of a medium-sized herbivore, the roe deer capreol ...202032654371
serosurveillance of schmallenberg virus in wild ruminants in spain.schmallenberg disease (sbd) is an emerging vector-borne disease that affects domestic and wild ruminants. a long-term serosurvey was conducted to assess exposure to schmallenberg virus (sbv) in all the wild ruminant species present in mainland spain. between 2010 and 2016, sera from 1,216 animals were tested for antibodies against sbv using a commercial blocking elisa. the overall prevalence of antibodies was 27.1% (95%ci: 24.7-29.7). statistically significant differences among species were obse ...202032530115
first molecular detection of onchocerca flexuosa (wedl, 1856) in red deer in slovakia.the present paper deals with the post-mortem diagnostics of onchocerciasis and the molecular detection of causative agents of this disease in wild ruminant ungulates (cervus elaphus, dama dama and capreolus capreolus). the animals were shot in hunting seasons 2017 and 2018, in two regions of the eastern slovakia. the total number of examined skins was fifty-eight. the presence of subcutaneous nodules was confirmed in 27.59% (95% ci 16-39) of animals. all positive skins belonged to red deer indiv ...202031953565
molecular identification of two sarcocystis species in fallow deer (dama dama) from lithuania.due to the lack of molecular research conducted, little is known about sarcocystis species diversity in the fallow deer (dama dama). until now, sarcocystis jorrini and sarcocystis morae were described to form sarcocysts in the muscles of this host. in the present study diaphragm muscle samples of free-ranging fallow deer from lithuania were investigated for sarcocystis species. sarcocysts were detected in 39 out of 48 (81.3%) fallow deer examined. under a light microscope two types of sarcocysts ...202031881364
changes in haematological parameters in wild ruminants experimentally infected with haemonchus contortus.our study describes changes in haematological parameters in wild ruminants with parasitic infection. six european mouflons (ovis musimon), six fallow deer (dama dama) and six roe deer (capreolus capreolus) were experimentally infected with the resistant strain of the model parasite 8000 l3 haemonchus contortus. the blood samples were collected on day 0, 16, 37, 58, 77, and 99 of the experiment. mild anaemia was observed in mouflons and roe deer while red blood cells increased in red blood counts ...201931708670
variation in the prion protein gene (prnp) sequence of wild deer in great britain and mainland europe.susceptibility to prion diseases is largely determined by the sequence of the prion protein gene (prnp), which encodes the prion protein (prp). the recent emergence of chronic wasting disease (cwd) in europe has highlighted the need to investigate prnp gene diversity in european deer species, to better predict their susceptibility to cwd. here we report a large genetic survey of six british deer species, including red (cervus elaphus), sika (cervus nippon), roe (capreolus capreolus), fallow (dam ...201931366372
the nasal complex of a semiaquatic artiodactyl, the moose (alces alces): is it a good evolutionary model for the ancestors of cetaceans?among cetartiodactyla, cetaceans are the only obligate aquatic dwellers. given morphological similarities between cetacean relatives such as indohyus (the best represented eocene raoellid artiodactyl) with other, later artiodactyls, any crown artiodactyl that engages in aquatic behaviors is of interest as an evolutionary model for the adaptations that accompanied the origins of cetaceans. the american moose (alces alces) is the only non-cetacean artiodactyl to engage in aquatic foraging and, oth ...201930422388
using nutrient foramina to differentiate human from non-human long bone fragments in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology.long bone shaft fragments can be found isolated in archaeological and forensic contexts, such as in mass fatality incidents. when diagnostic morphological landmarks are not visible, the assessment of a human or non-human origin of a bone fragment can be challenging. further methods need to be developed. in long bones, the presence of a nutrient foramen on fragments that do not show any diagnostic landmarks can make the assessment of the origin of the bone still possible. in this paper, human lon ...201931701996
multiple innate antibacterial immune defense elements are correlated in diverse ungulate this study, we aimed to evaluate to what extent different assays of innate immunity reveal similar patterns of variation across ungulate species. we compared several measures of innate antibacterial immune function across seven different ungulate species using blood samples obtained from captive animals maintained in a zoological park. we measured mrna expression of two receptors involved in innate pathogen detection, toll-like receptors 2 and 5 (tlr2 and 5), the bactericidal capacity of plas ...201931774834
molecular detection of babesia odocoilei in wild, farmed, and zoo cervids in ontario, canada.babesia odocoilei, a tick-borne protozoan hemoparasite of white-tailed deer ( odocoileus virginianus), is being increasingly recognized as a cause of disease in captive cervids in north america. historically endemic in white-tailed deer, the natural wildlife reservoir in the southeastern us, b. odocoilei has been recently associated with hemolytic anemia in captive eurasian tundra reindeer ( rangifer tarandus tarandus), wapiti ( cervus canadensis), and woodland caribou ( rangifer tarandus caribo ...201930339101
interactions between a population of fallow deer (dama dama), humans and crops in a managed composite temperate landscape in southern sweden: conflict or opportunity?landscapes composed of agricultural land mixed with forest are desirable since they provide a wide range of diversified ecosystem services, unlike specialized agricultural landscapes, but that creates a trade-off between these land uses since wildlife usually feed on crops and reduce yields. in nordic countries, where human population density is low and game hunting can be a viable economic alternative, mixed landscape systems are particularly interesting. to evaluate the economic sustainability ...201931013322
the hunters or the hunters: human and hyena prey choice divergence in the late pleistocene levant.hunting preferences reveal a great deal about the life of paleolithic humans, and may reflect changes in human demography, technology, and adaptations to changing environments. however, the effects of hunting preferences and environmental availability are often conflated, stressing the need for comparisons to other predators that exploited the same environment. manot cave (israel), preserved rich early upper paleolithic (46-33 ka) human occupations, along with repeated spotted hyena (crocuta cro ...201930850235
sarcocystis morae (apicomplexa) in fallow deer (dama dama) from spain: ultrastructure and new host record.members of the genus sarcocystis are frequently found infecting members of the family cervidae. although sarcocystis species are generally host specific for their intermediate hosts, species in cervids appear to be less host specific. here, we report fallow deer (dama dama) as a new host for sarcocystis morae, originally described from the red deer (cervus elaphus). tongues of 69 legally hunted animals in spain were tested for sarcocysts, and the species were characterized by light microscopy, u ...201931660793
genotyping of pestivirus a (bovine viral diarrhea virus 1) detected in faeces and in other specimens of domestic and wild ruminants at the wildlife-livestock interface.pestiviruses are widespread in the world among ungulates and infect both domestic and wild animals causing severe economic losses in livestock. bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1 (bvdv-1), now re-designated as pestivirus a, causes diseases mainly in cattle, while few data are available about infection in wild ruminants and about the role of these animals in viral maintenance and spread. in order to investigate bvdv-1 infection in domestic and wild ruminants, especially at the wildlife/livestock ...201931383300
the relationship between the phosphate and structural carbonate fractionation of fallow deer bioapatite in tooth enamel.the species-specific relationship between phosphate (δ18 op values) and structural carbonate (δ18 oc values) oxygen isotope ratios has been established for several modern and fossil animal species but until now it has not been investigated in european fallow deer (dama dama dama). this study describes the relationship between phosphate and structural carbonate bioapatite in tooth enamel of extant fallow deer, which will help us further understand the species' unique environmental and cultural hi ...201930378197
age-related changes in the carcass composition and meat quality of fallow deer (dama dama l.).the present study investigated the possible differences in carcass composition as well as texture, structure and percentage of different muscle types of the most valuable muscles (bf - biceps femoris, sm - semimembranosus, and l - longissimus) from fallow deer (dama dama l.) bucks shot in the forest farm in north-western poland at four different ages: 18, 30, 42 and 54 months. it was found that carcasses of young fallow deer (18-30 months), compared to older animals, were characterised by a high ...201930196199
the effect of military clothing on gunshot wound patterns in a cadaveric animal limb model.the majority of injuries in survivors of gunshot wounds (gsw) are typically to the extremities. novel wound ballistic research is encouraged to try and capture corporate knowledge on the management of these injuries gained during recent conflicts and understand the wounding patterns seen. with recent work examining the effect of uk military clothing on extremity gsw patterns in a synthetic model, a model with greater biofidelity is needed for ballistic testing. the aim of this study was to asses ...201931414201
immobilization of captive persian fallow deer (dama dama mesopotamica) using medetomidine-ketamine or establish and compare the effectiveness of two medetomidine-based immobilization protocols in persian fallow deer (dama dama mesopotamica).201931371196
high-energy diet enhances spermatogenic function and increases sperm midpiece length in fallow deer (dama dama) yearlings.nutrition is a major factor involved in the sexual development of livestock ruminants. in the male, a high-energy diet enhances the reproductive function, but its effects on the underlying processes such as spermatogenic efficiency are not yet defined. moreover, the possible changes in sperm size due to a supplemented diet remain poorly investigated. the main goal of this study was to evaluate whether a high-energy diet affects the spermatogenic activity, epididymal sperm parameters (concentrati ...201931312478
early upper paleolithic subsistence in the levant: zooarchaeology of the ahmarian-aurignacian sequence at manot cave, israel.the early upper paleolithic period in the levant is essential in the studies of the establishment of modern human communities outside africa, and corresponding archaeological evidence may be used to shed light on human ecology, economy and demography. specifically, cultural differences between two early upper paleolithic entities, the early ahmarian and the levantine aurignacian, raise the question of differing adaptations. in this article we use archaeofaunal remains from the early upper paleol ...201931227173
influence of freeze-dried acid whey addition on biogenic amines formation in a beef and deer dry fermented sausages without added nitrite.aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of freeze-dried acid whey addition and the use a game meat (fallow deer) on a microbial content and the biogenic amines formation in dry fermented sausages.201931208178
influence of the method of storage on the quality of venison from wild fallow deer (dama dama).the quality of two muscles (musculus longissimus lumborum and musculus semimembranosus) was studied in a group of 15 wild fallow deer does hunted in january. the aim of the research was to analyse the influence of the method of storage on the quality of venison. the ph value after chilled storage and after freezer storage ranged from 5.64 to 5.70, indicating high meat quality of meat. the freezer storage caused a decrease in the redness and chroma in the longissimus lumborum muscle (p < 0.0001 a ...201931150939
seasonal variations in serum concentrations of testosterone, testicular volume and neck circumference of fallow deer (dama dama) kept ex situ in a tropical region.the fallow deer (dama dama) is a species of cervidae commonly kept in captivity, either in commercial farms or in zoos. the reproductive seasonality of this species is well known in the northern hemisphere, where photoperiod is a decisive factor in androgenic activity and, consequently, in the development of secondary sexual characteristics among male adults. the maintenance of this species in tropical regions has been successful, but there are no studies that demonstrate the maintenance of repr ...201931056793
the effect of barley and lysine supplementation of pasture-based diet on growth, carcass composition and physical quality attributes of meat from farmed fallow deer (dama dama).fallow deer (dama dama) are important meat producing species providing venison and other products to an international market. the present study investigated the effects of different feed rations on the growth, carcass characteristics and physical attributes of the longissimus lumborum (ll) and semitendinosus (set) muscles of 45 farm-raised male fallow deer. the animals were divided into three separate groups: 15 pasture-fed (p), 15 pasture-fed and supplemented with barley (b), and 15 pasture-fed ...201930678335
the seasonal variation in the quality of venison from wild fallow deer (dama dama) - a pilot study.the studied material included 19 fallow deer does hunt-harvested in two seasons, summer and winter. the post-mortem body weight of analysed animals was not affected by the season (p = 0.762). the ph value measured 24 h post-mortem in the m. longissimus lumborum was significantly higher in the summer compared to the winter season. the venison obtained in the winter season characterized with higher l* (p < 0.0001) and b* (p = 0.002) and lower a* (p < .0001) compared to meat from the summer season. ...201930590255
field data implicating culicoides stellifer and culicoides venustus (diptera: ceratopogonidae) as vectors of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus.epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) is an orbivirus of veterinary importance which is transmitted by biting midges of the genus culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) to ruminants. culicoides sonorensis wirth & jones, the only confirmed vector of ehdv in the usa, is rare in the southeastern states where transmission persists, suggesting that other culicoides species transmit ehdv in this region. the present study aimed to determine which culicoides species transmitted ehdv in florida and a ...201931122295
host use patterns of culicoides spp. biting midges at a big game preserve in florida, u.s.a., and implications for the transmission of orbiviruses.culicoides spp. biting midges (diptera: ceratopogonidae) are vectors of pathogens that have a significant economic impact on the livestock industry. white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), a farmed species in the u.s.a., are susceptible to two culicoides spp. borne orbiviruses: bluetongue virus and epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus. elucidating host-vector interactions is an integral step in studying disease transmission. this study investigated the host range of culicoides spp. present o ...201930063255
feramyces austinii, gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic gut fungus from rumen and fecal samples of wild barbary sheep and fallow deer.anaerobic gut fungi are common inhabitants of the alimentary tracts of herbivorous animals. nine different neocallimastigomycota genera have been described so far. however, culture-independent diversity surveys suggest the presence of numerous, yet-uncultured neocallimastigomycota genera. here, we report on the isolation and characterization of the first cultured representatives of neocallimastigomycota clade al6, originally identified in culture-independent surveys of fecal samples from captive ...201929969376
head to head: the case for fighting behaviour in megaloceros giganteus using finite-element analysis.the largest antlers of any known deer species belonged to the extinct giant deer megaloceros giganteus. it has been argued that their antlers were too large for use in fighting, instead being used only in ritualized displays to attract mates. here, we used finite-element analysis to test whether the antlers of m. giganteus could have withstood forces generated during fighting. we compared the mechanical performance of antlers in m. giganteus with three extant deer species: red deer (cervus elaph ...201931594504
changes in the physico-chemical attributes through processing of salami made from blesbok (damaliscus pygargus phillipsi), eland (taurotragus oryx), fallow deer (dama dama), springbok (antidorcas marsupialis) and black wildebeest (connochaetes gnou) in comparison to pork.drying kinetics and changes in proximate composition, ph, salt content, water activity (aw) and lipid oxidation through processing of salami made using five different game meat species were evaluated and compared to pork. eight batches of salami from each species were made and sampled for analysis throughout processing. processing time was a significant factor on all measured attributes whilst species affected (p ≤ .05) ph and moisture but not drying kinetics. black wildebeest meat exhibited hig ...201830138886
seasonal and predator-prey effects on circadian activity of free-ranging mammals revealed by camera traps.endogenous circadian and seasonal activity patterns are adapted to facilitate effective utilisation of environmental resources. activity patterns are shaped by physiological constraints, evolutionary history, circadian and seasonal changes and may be influenced by other factors, including ecological competition and interspecific interactions. remote-sensing camera traps allow the collection of species presence data throughout the 24 h period and for almost indefinite lengths of time. here, we co ...201830498626
the archaeological ensemble from campoverde (agro pontino, central italy): new constraints on the last interglacial sea level markers.we present a combined geomorphological and biochronological study aimed at providing age constraints to the deposits forming a wide paleo-surface in the coastal area of the tyrrhenian sea, south of anzio promontory (central italy). we review the faunal assemblage recovered in campoverde, evidencing the occurrence of the modern fallow deer subspecies dama dama dama, which in peninsular italy is not present before mis 5e, providing a post-quem terminus of 125 ka for the deposit hosting the fossil ...201830546120
the influence of selenium and vitamin e supplementation on cytological assessment of red blood cell line of bone marrow in fallow deer kept in captivity.cytological evaluation of bone marrow smears stained by may-grünwald giemsa method was performed. the smears came from 20 fallow deer (dama dama) 3 days old divided into 2 groups each consisting of 10 animals. the experimental group (e) received intramuscularly selenium and vitamin e at a dose of 3.0 ml (tocopherol acetate - 50 mg, sodium selenite - 0.5 mg, solvent - 1 ml) in the 3rd day of age. the control group (c) did not receive any supplementation or placebo. for hematological analyzes bloo ...201830468330
evidence for close-range hunting by last interglacial neanderthals.animal resources have been part of hominin diets since around 2.5 million years ago, with sharp-edged stone tools facilitating access to carcasses. how exactly hominins acquired animal prey and how hunting strategies varied through time and space is far from clear. the oldest possible hunting weapons known from the archaeological record are 300,000 to 400,000-year-old sharpened wooden staves. these may have been used as throwing and/or close-range thrusting spears, but actual data on how such ob ...201829942012
vocal tract modelling in fallow deer: are male groans nasalized?males of several species of deer have a descended and mobile larynx, resulting in an unusually long vocal tract, which can be further extended by lowering the larynx during call production. formant frequencies are lowered as the vocal tract is extended, as predicted when approximating the vocal tract as a uniform quarter wavelength resonator. however, formant frequencies in polygynous deer follow uneven distribution patterns, indicating that the vocal tract configuration may in fact be rather co ...201829941611
measurement of tear production and intraocular pressure in conscious captive european fallow deer (dama dama).normal values for intraocular pressure (iop) and tear production in conscious cervids have not been reported to date. based on trends in zoological institutions to perform non-anaesthetized health exams, it is applicable to establish normal values in conscious animals, as anaesthesia and sedation can alter these parameters. the goal of this study was to estimate intraocular pressures using rebound tonometry and measure tear production values in a group of healthy, conscious, european fallow deer ...201829855155
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii and neospora caninum infection in sheep, goats, and fallow deer farmed on the same area.toxoplasma gondii and neospora caninum are coccidian parasites with a global distribution that cause reproductive failure and production losses in livestock. the seroprevalence of both parasite species in ruminants and cervidae has been investigated worldwide and found to vary greatly. studies carried out on mixed flocks with 3 ruminant species (sheep, goats, and fallow deer) living under the same conditions are excellent models for identifying any differences in the rate of infection with the 2 ...201829659859
encephalitis induced by a newly discovered ruminant rhadinovirus in a free-living formosan sambar deer (rusa unicolor swinhoei).we documented a case of a free-living formosan sambar deer (rusa unicolor swinhoei) infected with a newly discovered ruminant rhadinovirus (rurv). non-purulent encephalitis was the primary histological lesion of the sambar deer. we conducted nested pcr to screen for herpesvirus using generic primers targeting the dna polymerase gene. in addition, we found that dna polymerase gene of the sambar deer rurv was present in the macrophage distributed in the virchow robin space with histopathologic les ...201829607882
slow and ultra-rapid freezing protocols for cryopreserving mouflon (ovis musimon) and fallow deer (dama dama) epididymal sperm.this study examines the effectiveness of two methods for cryopreserving post-mortem epididymal sperm - conventional slow freezing employing a short equilibration time with glycerol, and ultra-rapid freezing - from the wild ruminant species ovis musimon (mouflon) and dama dama (fallow deer). a tris-citric acid-glucose (tcg) + 12% egg yolk-based medium was used for the conventional slow freezing of the fallow deer sperm, whereas a tes-tris-glucose (test) + 6% egg yolk-based medium was used for the ...201829548569
the effect of dietary selenium addition on the concentrations of heavy metals in the tissues of fallow deer (dama dama l.) in croatia.the aim of this research was to determine the concentrations of cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic and the essential elements iron and selenium in the tissues (muscle, kidney, liver, spleen, and fat) of fallow deer (dama dama l.) without and with supplemental selenium addition. another aim was to determine the effect of selenium addition on the indicators of oxidative stress, namely, the levels of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione, and vitamin e. the research was carried ...201829404953
detection of seroconversion to bovine herpesvirus 1 related alphaherpesvirus and bovine viral diarrhea virusin polish free-living deer.there are several infectious agents of domestic cattle that can also be present in free-living ruminant populations. these include bovine herpesvirus 1 (bohv-1) and bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) which are the causative agents of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and bovine viral diarrhea, respectively. the study was conducted on serum samples from 59 red deer, 24 roe deer, and 3 fallow deer (86 in total), originating from two geographically separate areas of poland. the samples were tested ...201830468331
establishment of fascioloides magna in a new region of hungary: case report.during the monitoring of red deer (n = 124) and fallow deer (n = 13) populations in four neighbouring areas, the presence of fascioloides magna was confirmed in southwestern hungary. the prevalence and the mean intensity of the infection within the host populations ranged between 0 and 100% and 0-36.3, respectively. the determined prevalences are similar to that observed earlier in other european natural foci. the authors hypothesise that the appearance of f. magna in this region should have bee ...201830284615
tetraplex real-time pcr assay for the simultaneous identification and quantification of roe deer, red deer, fallow deer and sika deer for deer meat authentication.analytical methods are needed for the identification and quantification of meat species to detect food adulteration. since game meat is more expensive than meat from domesticated animal species, it is a potential target for adulteration. we present a tetraplex real-time pcr assay that allows the simultaneous determination of the content of roe deer, red deer, fallow deer and sika deer. the tetraplex assay showed only moderate cross-reactivity with closely related species. after optimization the ...201830100464
evidence of two genetically different lymphotropic herpesviruses present among red deer, sambar, and milu herds in china.herpesvirus infections in cervidae are a serious threat affecting some deer species worldwide. in our attempt to identify malignant catarrhal fever-associated herpesviruses in deer herds, ten gammaherpesviral dna fragments were identified in five species of deer in herds in china by using a pan-herpesvirus polymerase chain reaction assay targeting viral dna polymerase. notably, in sambar (rusa unicolor), a novel gamma-2 herpesvirus was identified that showed a close relationship with fallow deer ...201830041287
prenatal histomorphological development of the rumen in dama dama.this work studies the morphological changes taking place in the dama dama rumen during prenatal development using histomorphometrics, surface microstructure and immunohistochemistry analysis as well as carrying out a comparative analysis of this species with other wild (red deer) and domestic-type ruminants. a total of 25 fallow deer embryos and fetuses were used, from the first stage of prenatal life until birth. the appearance of the rumen from the primitive gastric tube was observed at 51 day ...201829893403
sika deer (cervus nippon)-specific real-time pcr method to detect fraudulent labelling of meat and meat products.since game meat is more valuable and expensive than meat from domesticated animal species it is a potential target for adulteration. analytical methods must allow the identification and quantification of meat species to be applicable for the detection of fraudulent labelling. we developed a real-time pcr assay for the authentication of sika deer (cervus nippon) and products thereof. the primer/probe system amplifies a 71 bp fragment of the kappa-casein precursor gene. since the target sequence c ...201829739996
long-term occurrence of trichuris species in wild ruminants in the czech republic.the aim of this study was to identify trichuris species in wild ruminants from 32 localities in the czech republic using morphological and molecular methods (its1-5.8s rna-its2 region polymorphisms). trichurids were obtained from 176 wild ruminants (roe deer, sika deer, red deer, fallow deer and mouflons) that were culled between 2009 and 2017. trichuris discolor is the predominant trichurid of all of the above-mentioned wild ruminants, whereas trichuris ovis was identified less frequently in ro ...201829721657
transmission of helminths between species of ruminants in austria appears more likely to occur than generally assumed.helminth infections of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs can lead to devastating economical losses to the pastoral based animal production. farm animals can suffer from malnutrition, tissue damage, and blood loss resulting in impaired production traits and reproduction parameters. in austria, pastures grazed by sheep, goats, and cattle overlap with the habitats of several species of wild cervids (roe deer, red deer, sika deer, and fallow deer) and bovids (mouflon, chamois, and ibex), and tran ...201829662884
carcass and meat characteristics from farm-raised and wild fallow deer (dama dama) and red deer (cervus elaphus): a review.deer species are utilised for food, hunting and other products throughout the world. consumers are typically exposed to venison derived predominantly from both farm-raised or wild fallow (dama dama) and red deer (cervus elaphus). the production of venison under farm conditions, compared to the meat of deer hunted in the wild, allows for a regular supply of a consistently good meat. it is lean, tasty, and rich in proteins and minerals, with a low content of fat and cholesterol. overall, the world ...201829558697
microbiome analysis reveals the presence of bartonella spp. and acinetobacter spp. in deer keds (lipoptena cervi).the deer ked (lipoptena cervi) is distributed in europe, north america, and siberia and mainly infests cervids as roe deer, fallow deer, and moose. from a one health perspective, deer keds occasionally bite other animals or humans and are a potential vector for bartonella schoenbuchensis. this bacterium belongs to a lineage of ruminant-associated bartonella spp. and is suspected to cause dermatitis and febrile diseases in humans. in this study, we analyzed the microbiome from 130 deer keds colle ...201830619179
identifying deer antler uhrf1 proliferation and s100a10 mineralization genes using comparative rna-seq.deer antlers are bony structures that re-grow at very high rates, making them an attractive model for studying rapid bone regeneration.201830376879
mycobacterium bovis persistence in two different captive wild animal populations in germany: a longitudinal molecular epidemiological study revealing pathogen transmission by whole-genome sequencing.bovine tuberculosis (btb) caused by mycobacterium bovis is a transmissible disease notifiable to the world organization for animal health and to the european union, with ongoing efforts of surveillance and eradication in every eu member state. in germany, a country which has been declared officially free from bovine tuberculosis since 1997 by the eu, m. bovis infections still occur sporadically in cattle and other mammals, including humans. here, the transmission routes of a btb outbreak in a wi ...201829950330
the prevalence of yersinia enterocolitica in game animals in poland.natural reservoirs of yersinia (y.) enterocolitica comprise different animal species, but little is known about the role of wild animals in the epidemiology of yersiniosis. the aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of y. enterocolitica among game animals in poland. the bio-serotypes and the pathogenicity markers of the analyzed isolates were determined. the experimental material comprised rectal swabs from 857 free-living animals hunter-harvested over a period of 2 years (2013-2014) in ...201829596492
wolf predation on wild ungulates: how slope and habitat cover influence the localization of kill sites.based on data collected along the ligurian apennines and alps (n-w italy), we analysed the main environmental and human-related factors influencing the distribution of kill sites of the wolf canis lupus. we mapped and digitized 62 kill sites collected during 2007-2016. around each kill site, we defined a buffer corresponding to the potential hunting area of wolves. we compared kill site plots and an equal number of random plots. we formulated a model of kill site distribution following an approa ...201830403201
exposure to neospora spp. and besnoitia spp. in wildlife from israel.neosporosis and besnoitiosis, caused by cyst-forming protozoa neospora caninum and besnoitia besnoiti, respectively, are parasitic infestations of livestock in israel. these parasites cause significant economic losses in cattle due to reproductive and productive disorders. both parasites have been detected in several wild ruminant species throughout other regions of the world, while the existence of a sylvatic life cycle in israel remains uncertain. thus, a wide panel of 871 sera from two wild c ...201830175044
the importance of wildlife in the ecology and epidemiology of the tbe virus in sweden: incidence of human tbe correlates with abundance of deer and hares.tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) is one tick-transmitted disease where the human incidence has increased in some european regions during the last two decades. we aim to find the most important factors causing the increasing incidence of human tbe in sweden. based on a review of published data we presume that certain temperature-related variables and the population densities of transmission hosts, i.e. small mammals, and of primary tick maintenance hosts, i.e. cervids and lagomorphs, of the tbe viru ...201830153856
very low influenza a virus prevalence in cervids in german national parks.influenza a viruses are one of the most important and most studied pathogens in humans and domestic animals but little is known about viral prevalence in non-avian wildlife. serum samples from three free-ranging cervid species (red [ cervus elaphus], fallow [ dama dama] , and roe deer [ capreolus capreolus]) were collected from six german national parks between 2000 and 2002. the serum was tested for the presence of influenza a antibodies using a commercial competitive enzyme-linked immunosorben ...201829517428
diverse tick-borne microorganisms identified in free-living ungulates in ungulates are hosts of ixodid ticks and reservoirs of tick-borne microorganisms in central europe and many regions around the world. tissue samples and engorged ticks were obtained from roe deer, red deer, fallow deer, mouflon, and wild boar hunted in deciduous forests of south-western slovakia. dna isolated from these samples was screened for the presence of tick-borne microorganisms by pcr-based methods.201830176908
tick- and fly-borne bacteria in ungulates: the prevalence of anaplasma phagocytophilum, haemoplasmas and rickettsiae in water buffalo and deer species in central europe, hungary.hunting constitutes an important industry in europe. however, data on the prevalence of vector-borne bacteria in large game animal species are lacking from several countries. blood or spleen samples (239 and 270, respectively) were taken from red, fallow and roe deer, as well as from water buffaloes, mouflons and wild boars in hungary, followed by dna extraction and molecular analyses for anaplasma phagocytophilum, haemoplasmas and rickettsiae.201829554900
low sequence diversity of the prion protein gene (prnp) in wild deer and goat species from spain.the first european cases of chronic wasting disease (cwd) in free-ranging reindeer and wild elk were confirmed in norway in 2016 highlighting the urgent need to understand transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (tses) in the context of european deer species and the many individual populations throughout the european continent. the genetics of the prion protein gene (prnp) are crucial in determining the relative susceptibility to tses. to establish prnp gene sequence diversity for free-ranging ...201829631620
spectrum of antibody profiles in tuberculous elephants, cervids, and cattle.using multi-antigen print immunoassay and dpp®vettb assay approved in the united states for testing captive cervids and elephants, we analyzed antibody recognition of mpb83 and cfp10/esat-6 antigens in asian elephants (elephas maximus) infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis and in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), fallow deer (dama dama), elk (cervus elaphus), and cattle (bos taurus) infected with mycobacterium bovis. serum igg reactivity to mpb83 was found in the vast majority of tu ...201829408038
toxoplasma gondii in sympatric domestic and wild ungulates in the mediterranean ecosystem.toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic protozoan of worldwide distribution. the present study provides information on risk factors affecting t. gondii infection in domestic and free-ranging wild ungulates sharing habitats in mediterranean ecosystems in spain. serum samples from 482 extensively reared domestic ruminants and 2351 wild ungulates were tested for t. gondii antibodies using the modified agglutination test (mat, cut-off 1:25). toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence was 41.2% of 194 sheep, 18.6% of ...201829344801
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