
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
the requirement of glycoprotein c (gc) for interindividual spread is a conserved function of gc for avian herpesviruses.we have formerly shown that glycoprotein c (gc) of gallid alphaherpesvirus 2, better known as marek's disease (md) alphaherpesvirus (mdv), is required for interindividual spread in chickens. since gc is conserved within the alphaherpesvirinae subfamily, we hypothesized gc was important for interindividual spread of other alphaherpesviruses. to test this hypothesis, we first generated a fluorescent protein tagged clone of gallid alphaherpesvirus 3 md vaccine strain 301b/1 to track virus replicati ...202133833367
characterization of a novel viral interleukin 8 (vil-8) splice variant encoded by marek's disease virus.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a highly cell-associated oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that causes lymphomas in various organs in chickens. like other herpesviruses, mdv has a large and complex double-stranded dna genome. a number of viral transcripts are generated by alternative splicing, a process that drastically extends the coding capacity of the mdv genome. one of the spliced genes encoded by mdv is the viral interleukin 8 (vil-8), a cxc chemokine that facilitates the recruitment of mdv target ...202134361910
epigenetic silencing of microrna-126 promotes cell growth in marek's disease.during latency, herpesvirus infection results in the establishment of a dormant state in which a restricted set of viral genes are expressed. together with alterations of the viral genome, several host genes undergo epigenetic silencing during latency. these epigenetic dysregulations of cellular genes might be involved in the development of cancer. in this context, gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 (gahv-2), causing marek's disease (md) in susceptible chicken, was shown to impair the expression of sever ...202134205549
reemergence of reticuloendotheliosis virus and marek's disease virus co-infection in yellow-chickens in southern china.the reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev) and the marek's disease virus (mdv) cause reticuloendotheliosis (re) and marek's disease (md) in poultry, respectively. according to epidemiological results obtained in our laboratory from 2010 to 2017, the positive rates of rev and mdv co-infection remained at low levels. in the present study, during the period of october 2018 to july 2020, 4 clinical cases with high morbidity (5%-20%) and mortality (2%-10%), caused by the co-infection of rev and vv+ mdv-li ...202134174570
virus-encoded microrna-m7 restricts early cytolytic replication and pathogenesis of marek's disease virus.micrornas (mirnas) are a class of ∼22 nucleotides non-coding rnas that are encoded by a wide range of hosts. viruses, especially herpesviruses, encode a variety of mirnas that involved in disease progression. recently, a cluster of virus-encoded mirnas, mir-m8-m10, have been shown to restrict early cytolytic replication and pathogenesis of marek's disease virus (mdv), an oncogenic avian alphaherpesvirus that causes lymphoproliferative disease in chickens. in this study, we specifically dissected ...202134144834
cytokine expression in the eye and brain of chickens following infection with a very virulent plus marek's disease virus strain.cytokine transcripts were evaluated chronologically in the brain and in the eye of chickens infected with the very virulent plus marek's disease virus (vv + mdv) strain 648a. brain and eye samples were collected from chickens that were either suffering from transient paralysis (tp) (11 days post inoculation, dpi) or had completely recovered from tp but started developing clinical signs of persistent neurological disease (pnd) (18-31 dpi). results obtained from samples collected at 11 dpi are ref ...202134090158
comprehensive profiling analysis of the n6-methyladenosine-modified circular rna transcriptome in cultured cells infected with marek's disease virus.marek's disease virus (mdv) induces severe immunosuppression and lymphomagenesis in the chicken, its natural host, and results in a condition that investigated the pathogenesis of mdv and have begun to focus on the expression profiling of circular rnas (circrnas). however, little is known about how the expression of circrnas is referred to as marek's disease. previous reports have is regulated during mdv replication. here, we carried out a comprehensive profiling analysis of n6-methyladenosine ( ...202134040106
gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 in the egyptian turkeys: molecular characterization and establishment of a universal system for phylogenetic classification.gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 (gahv-2) is a highly contagious oncogenic virus that causes marek's disease in chickens and occasionally in turkeys. among 100 genes identified in gahv-2 genome, the meq gene appears to involve viral virulence, oncogenicity, and genetic diversity. despite the use of meq gene sequences in phylogenetic classification of gahv-2 strains circulating in many countries worldwide, no integrated system exists yet.202134023833
the marek's disease virus unique gene mdv082 is dispensable for virus replication but contributes to a rapid disease onset.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a highly oncogenic alphaherpesvirus of chickens that causes lymphomas in various organs. most mdv genes are conserved among herpesviruses, while others are unique to mdv and may contribute to pathogenesis and/or tumor formation. high transcript levels of the mdv-specific genes mdv082, rlorf11, and sorf6 were recently detected in lytically infected cells; however, it remained elusive if the respective proteins are expressed and if they play a role in mdv pathogenesi ...202134011541
a rapid and accurate method for herpesviral gnome rapidly and accurately manipulate genome such as gene deletion, insertion and site mutation, the whole genome of a very virulent strain md5 of marek's disease virus (mdv) was inserted into bacterial artificial chromosome (bac) through homogeneous recombination. the recombinant dna was electroporated into dh10b competent cells and identified by pcr and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. an infectious clone of md5bac was obtained following transfection into chicken embryo fibrob ...202133973450
the dominantly expressed class ii molecule from a resistant mhc haplotype presents only a few marek's disease virus peptides by using an unprecedented binding motif.viral diseases pose major threats to humans and other animals, including the billions of chickens that are an important food source as well as a public health concern due to zoonotic pathogens. unlike humans and other typical mammals, the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) of chickens can confer decisive resistance or susceptibility to many viral diseases. an iconic example is marek's disease, caused by an oncogenic herpesvirus with over 100 genes. classical mhc class i and class ii molecule ...202133901176
transcriptome-wide n6-methyladenosine modification profiling of long non-coding rnas during replication of marek's disease virus in vitro.the newly discovered reversible n6-methyladenosine (m6a) modification plays an important regulatory role in gene expression. long non-coding rnas (lncrnas) participate in marek's disease virus (mdv) replication but how m6a modifications in lncrnas are affected during mdv infection is currently unknown. herein, we profiled the transcriptome-wide m6a modification in lncrnas in mdv-infected chicken embryo fibroblast (cef) cells.202133888086
use of nucleic acids amplification methods in marek's disease diagnosis and pathogenesis studies.marek's disease (md) is a lymphoproliferative disease of chickens with strong economic impact on poultry industry. although successful vaccination has enabled control of the disease, outbreaks occur in commercial flocks, resulting in substantial economic losses. together with vaccination, accurate and fast diagnosis of md remain the most important tools for its efficient control. md diagnosis currently relies mainly on the identification of its causative agent, marek's disease virus type 1 (mdv- ...202133827220
manipulation of promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies by marek's disease virus encoded us3 protein kinase.promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies (pml-nbs) are dynamic nuclear structures, shown to be important for herpesvirus replication; however, their role in regulating marek's disease virus (mdv) infection has not been studied. mdv is an oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that causes lymphoproliferative disease in chickens. mdv encodes a us3 serine/threonine protein kinase that is important for mdv replication and gene expression. in this study, we studied the role of mdv us3 in regulating pml-nbs. ...202133810320
a novel effective and safe vaccine for prevention of marek's disease caused by infection with a very virulent plus (vv+) marek's disease virus.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a highly contagious alphaherpesvirus that causes rapid onset lymphoma in chickens. marek's disease (md) is effectively controlled using vaccination; however, mdv continues to break through vaccinal immunity, due to the emergence of highly virulent field strains. earlier studies revealed that deletion of the meq gene from mdv resulted in an attenuated virus that protects against md in chickens challenged with highly virulent field strains. however, the meq deleted v ...202133669421
an anti-tumor vaccine against marek's disease virus induces differential activation and memory response of γδ t cells and cd8 t cells in chickens.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a highly oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that causes deadly t-cell lymphomas and serves as a natural virus-induced tumor model in chickens. the most efficacious vaccine, cvi988/rispens (cvi988), against md has been used for several decades. however, the mechanisms leading to protective immunity following vaccination are not fully understood. in this study, employing multi-parameter flow cytometry, we performed a comprehensive analysis of t cell responses in cvi988-vacci ...202133659011
dead/deah-box helicase 5 is hijacked by an avian oncogenic herpesvirus to inhibit interferon beta production and promote viral replication.dead-box helicase 5 (ddx5) plays a significant role in tumorigenesis and regulates viral replication of several viruses. an avian oncogenic herpesvirus, marek's disease virus (mdv), is widely known to cause immunosuppression and lymphoma in chickens. however, the underlying mechanisms of how ddx5 plays a role in viral replication remain unclear. in this study, we show that mdv inhibits the production of interferon beta (ifn-β) in chicken embryo fibroblasts (cefs) by increasing the expression lev ...202133609615
marek's disease virus us3 protein kinase phosphorylates chicken hdac 1 and 2 and regulates viral replication and pathogenesis.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a potent oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that elicits a rapid onset of malignant t-cell lymphomas in chickens. three mdv types, including gahv-2 (mdv-1), gahv-3 (mdv-2) and mehv-1 (hvt), have been identified and all encode a us3 protein kinase. mdv-1 us3 is important for efficient virus growth in vitro. to study the role of us3 in mdv replication and pathogenicity, we generated an mdv-1 us3-null virus and chimeric viruses by replacing mdv-1 us3 with mdv-2 or hvt us3. us ...202133596269
ul28 and ul33 homologs of marek's disease virus terminase complex involved in the regulation of cleavage and packaging of viral dna are indispensable for replication in cultured cells.processing and packaging of herpesvirus genomic dna is regulated by a packaging-associated terminase complex comprising of viral proteins pul15, pul28 and pul33. marek's disease virus (mdv) homologs ul28 and ul33 showed conserved functional features with high sequence identity with the corresponding herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1) homologs. as part of the investigations into the role of the ul28 and ul33 homologs of oncogenic mdv for dna packaging and replication in cultured cells, we generated m ...202133579382
role of microrna and long non-coding rna in marek's disease tumorigenesis in chicken.marek's disease virus (mdv), the causative agent of marek's disease (md), results in highly infectious phymatosis, lymphatic tissue hyperplasia, and neoplasia. md is associated with high morbidity and mortality rate. non-coding rnas (ncrnas) entails long non-coding rna (lncrna) and microrna (mirna). numerous studies have reported that specific mirnas and lncrnas participate in multiple cellular processes, such as proliferation, migration, and tumor cell invasion. specialized mirnas and lncrnas m ...202133485054
marek's disease virus in vaccinated poultry flocks in turkey: its first isolation with molecular characterization.marek's disease (md) is an important disease of avian species and a potential threat to the poultry industry worldwide. in this study, 16 dead commercial chickens from flocks with suspected md were necropsied immediately after death. pathological findings were compatible with md, and gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 was identified in pcr of spleen samples. virus isolation was performed in primary cell culture, and partial sequencing of the meq gene of the isolate revealed >99% nucleotide sequence ident ...202133409548
marek's disease virus meq oncoprotein interacts with chicken hdac 1 and 2 and mediates their degradation via proteasome dependent pathway.marek's disease virus (mdv) encodes a basic-leucine zipper (bzip) protein, meq, which is considered the major mdv oncoprotein. it has been reported that the oncogenicity of meq is associated with its interaction with c-terminal binding protein 1 (ctbp), which is also an interaction partner of epstein-barr virus encoded ebna3a and ebna3c oncoproteins. since both ebna3c and ctbp interact with histone deacetylase 1 (hdac1) and hdac2, we examined whether meq shares this interaction with chicken hdac ...202133437016
detection and molecular characterization of a highly oncogenic marek's disease virus from vaccinated hens in turkey.marek's disease (md) is a highly contagious neoplastic disease of chickens associated with economic losses, often due to visceral lymphomas. the etiological agent is md virus serotype 1 (mdv-1), also called gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 (gahv-2). despite intensive vaccination, mdv is constantly evolving and maintaining its presence in the world. the aim of this study was to genetically analyze a highly oncogenic mdv/tur/2019 strain obtained from a poultry farm in turkey's elazig province in 2019. ge ...202134130472
effects of administration of probiotic lactobacilli on immunity conferred by the herpesvirus of turkeys vaccine against challenge with a very virulent marek's disease virus in chickens.several vaccines have been used to control marek's disease (md) in chickens. however, the emergence of new strains of marek's disease virus (mdv) imposes a threat to vaccine efficacy. therefore, the current study was carried out to investigate whether concurrent administration of probiotics with the herpesvirus of turkeys (hvt) vaccine enhances its protective efficacy against mdv infection. in this regard, a cocktail comprised of four lactobacillus species was administered with hvt to chicken em ...202133781599
efficacy of recombinant marek's disease virus vectored vaccines with computationally optimized broadly reactive antigen (cobra) hemagglutinin insert against genetically diverse h5 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses.the genetic and antigenic drift associated with the high pathogenicity avian influenza (hpai) viruses of goose/guangdong (gs/gd) lineage and the emergence of vaccine-resistant field viruses underscores the need for a broadly protective h5 influenza a vaccine. here, we tested experimental vector herpesvirus of turkey (vhvt)-h5 vaccines containing either wild-type clade h5 inserts or computationally optimized broadly reactive antigen (cobra) inserts with challenge by homologous an ...202133715903
in vivo inhibition of marek's disease virus in transgenic chickens expressing cas9 and grna against icp4.marek's disease (md), caused by md herpesvirus (mdv), is an economically important disease in chickens. the efficacy of the existing vaccines against evolving virulent stains may become limited and necessitates the development of novel antiviral strategies to protect poultry from mdv strains with increased virulence. the crispr/cas9 system has emerged as a powerful genome editing tool providing an opportunity to develop antiviral strategies for the control of mdv infection. here, we characterize ...202133450980
the role of meq-vil8 in regulating marek's disease virus pathogenesis.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a highly cell-associated oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that causes t cell lymphoma in chickens. mdv-encoded meq and vil8 proteins play important roles in transformation and early cytolytic infection, respectively. previous studies identified a spliced transcript, meq-vil8, formed by alternative splicing of meq and vil8 genes in mdv lymphoblastoid tumour cells. to determine the role of meq-vil8 in mdv pathogenesis, we generated a recombinant mdv (mdv-meqδsd) by mutatin ...202133236979
genetic characterization of a marek's disease virus strain isolated in japan.marek's disease virus (mdv) causes malignant lymphomas in chickens (marek's disease, md). md is currently controlled by vaccination; however, mdv strains have a tendency to develop increased virulence. distinct diversity and point mutations are present in the meq proteins, the oncoproteins of mdv, suggesting that changes in protein function induced by amino acid substitutions might affect mdv virulence. we previously reported that recent mdv isolates in japan display distinct mutations in meq pr ...202033228722
marek's disease virus cluster 3 mirnas restrict virus' early cytolytic replication and pathogenesis.herpesvirus-encoded micrornas (mirnas) have been discovered in infected cells; however, lack of a suitable animal model has hampered functional analyses of viral mirnas in vivo. marek's disease virus (mdv) (gallid alphaherpesvirus 2, gahv-2) genome contains 14 mirna precursors, which encode 26 mature mirnas, grouped into three clusters. in this study, the role of mdv-encoded cluster 3 mirnas, also known as mdv1-mir-m8-m10, in pathogenesis was evaluated in chickens, the natural host of mdv. our r ...202033212952
deletion of lorf9 but not lorf10 attenuates marek's disease virus pathogenesis.marek's disease virus (mdv) genome contains a number of uncharacterized long open reading frames (lorf) and their role in viral pathogenesis has not been fully investigated. among them, lorf9 (mdv069) and lorf10 (mdv071) are locate at the right terminus of the mdv genome unique long region (ul). to investigate their role in mdv pathogenesis, we generated lorf9 or lorf10 deletion and revertant viruses. in vitro growth kinetics results show that both lorf9 and lorf10 are not essential for virus gr ...202033212362
codon deoptimization of ul54 in meq-deleted marek's disease vaccine candidate eliminates lymphoid atrophy but reduces vaccinal protection.marek's disease (md) is an oncogenic, lymphoproliferative, and highly contagious disease of chickens. its etiologic agent is the alphaherpesvirus marek's disease virus (mdv, gallid alphaherpesvirus 2), and it is a chronic and ubiquitous problem for the poultry industry with significant economic impact in the united states and worldwide. we have previously demonstrated that mdv attenuated by dicodon deoptimization of the ul54 gene results in reduced gene product accumulation in vitro, with reduce ...202033205163
an outbreak in three-yellow chickens with clinical tumors of high mortality caused by the coinfection of reticuloendotheliosis virus and marek's disease virus: a speculated reticuloendotheliosis virus contamination plays an important role in the case.both reticuloendotheliosis and marek's disease are neoplastic diseases of chickens caused by reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev) and marek's disease virus (mdv), respectively. the infection of rev or mdv may lead to clinical tumors and also result in immunosuppression and easily allow secondary infection by other pathogens. here, we investigated a breeder flock of three-yellow chickens in southern china that had been vaccinated with cvi988/rispens at hatching and had experienced depression, weakne ...202033357681
two cases of marek's disease in backyard two independent submissions, a 3-yr-old, dead bourbon red turkey tom from a zoo and a royal palm turkey hen from a backyard flock were submitted for necropsy. both birds had been kept together with chickens. findings of the necropsy of the first turkey were an enlarged and dark liver with many pale white foci and a few small white nodules, pale and enlarged spleen, prominent thymus, mottled and pale kidneys, and pale and enlarged testes. findings of the necropsy of the second turkey were a da ...202033205183
natural co-infection with two virulent wild strains of marek's disease virus in a commercial layer flock.marek's disease (md) is a highly contagious lymphoproliferative poultry disease caused by the oncogenic herpesvirus, marek's disease virus (mdv). mdv strains have shown a continued evolution of virulence leading to immune failure, and md cases continue to occur. co-infection of virulent mdv strains is an important factor leading to viral evolution and host immune failure. this study conducted a laboratory diagnosis and analysis of a mdv infected flock. testing showed that all samples were mdv po ...202031902513
virus-encoded mir-155 ortholog in marek's disease virus promotes cell proliferation via suppressing apoptosis by targeting tumor suppressor wwox.marek's disease virus serotype 1 (mdv-1) is an important oncogenic α-herpesvirus that induces immunosuppressive and rapid-onset t-cell lymphomatous disease in poultry commonly referred to as marek's disease (md). as an excellent biomodel for the study of virally-induced cancers in natural hosts, mdv-1 encoded micrornas (mirnas) have been previously demonstrated with the potential roles to act as critical regulators in virus replication, latency, pathogenesis and especially in oncogenesis. simila ...202033191002
occurrence of marek's disease in poland on the basis of diagnostic examination in 2015-2018.marek's disease (md) is a tumourous disease caused by marek's disease virus (mdv) and most commonly described in poultry. the aim of the study was to determine the occurrence of marek's disease virus infections in poland and analyse clinical cases in the years 2015-2018.202033367138
analysis of the evolution and transmission dynamics of the field mdv in china during the years 1995-2020, indicating the emergence of a unique cluster with the molecular characteristics of vv+ mdv that has become endemic in southern china.marek's disease (md) continues to threaten the sustainability of the world poultry industry. in this study, the sequences of the meq gene of 220 mdv strains isolated during the years 1964-2020 were analysed, including 50 from our group plus 170 isolates from the genbank. analyses, using phylogenetic trees, amino acid (aa)-mutation screening, evolutionary studies and transmission dynamics were all performed. all strains were divided into two clusters (clusters 1 and 2), and cluster 1 includes the ...202033354907
a comparison of exosome purification methods using serum of marek's disease virus (mdv)-vaccinated and -tumor-bearing chickens.marek's disease (md) is an alphaherpesvirus (marek's disease virus, mdv)-induced pathology of chickens associated with paralysis, immunosuppression, neurological signs, and t-cell lymphomas. md is controlled in poultry production via live attenuated vaccines. the purpose of the current study was to compare methods for precipitating exosomes from vaccinated and protected chicken sera (vex) and tumor-bearing chicken sera (tex) for biomarker analysis of vaccine-induced protection and md lymphomas r ...202033336096
gut microbiota is associated with protection against marek's disease virus infection in chickens.marek's disease virus (mdv) infects chickens via respiratory route and causes lymphomas in internal organs including gastrointestinal tract. mdv infection causes a shift in the gut microbiota composition. however, interactions between the gut microbiota and immune responses against mdv infection are not well understood. therefore, the current study was performed to understand the effect of the gut microbiota on marek's disease (md) pathogenesis. the findings showed that depletion of gut microbio ...202033271490
serological survey for select infectious agents in wild magellanic penguins (spheniscus magellanicus) in argentina, 1994-2008.despite being the most numerous penguin species in south america, exposure of the magellanic penguin (spheniscus magellanicus) to pathogens has not yet been thoroughly assessed. we collected serum from 1,058 magellanic penguins at 10 breeding colonies along the entire latitudinal range of this species in argentina. the work spanned 10 breeding seasons over 15 yr (1994-2008). sera were tested for antibodies to select infectious agents. antibodies reacting against 16 pathogens were detected (serop ...202031237822
out of sight, but not out of mind: aspects of the avian oncogenic herpesvirus, marek's disease virus.marek's disease virus is an economically important avian herpesvirus that causes tumors and immunosuppression in chickens and turkeys. the virus, disease, and vaccines have been known for more than 50 years, but as knowledge gaps still exists, intensive research is still ongoing. the understanding of mdv complexity can provide scientific insight in topics that cannot be experimented in humans, providing a unique model that is dually useful for the benefit of the poultry industry and for studying ...202032751762
expression of the conserved herpesvirus protein kinase (chpk) of marek's disease alphaherpesvirus in the skin reveals a mechanistic importance for chpk during interindividual spread in chickens.the herpesviridae encode many conserved genes, including the conserved herpesvirus protein kinase (chpk) that has multifunctional properties. in most cases, herpesviruses lacking chpk can propagate in cell culture to various degrees, depending on the virus and cell culture system. however, in the natural animal model system of marek's disease alphaherpesvirus (mdv) in chickens, chpk is absolutely required for interindividual spread from chicken to chicken. the lack of biological reagents for chi ...202031801854
marek's disease viruses circulating in commercial poultry in italy in the years 2015-2018 are closely related by their meq gene phylogeny.marek's disease (md) is a lymphoproliferative disease important to the poultry industry worldwide; it is caused by gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 (gahv-2). the virulence of gahv-2 isolates has shifted over the years from mild to virulent, very virulent and very virulent +. nowadays the disease is controlled by vaccination, but field strains of increased virulence are emerging worldwide. economic losses due to md are mostly associated with its acute form, characterized by visceral lymphomas. the prese ...202031411371
glutaminolysis and glycolysis are essential for optimal replication of marek's disease virus.viruses may hijack glycolysis, glutaminolysis, or fatty acid β-oxidation of host cells to provide the energy and macromolecules required for efficient viral replication. marek's disease virus (mdv) causes a deadly lymphoproliferative disease in chickens and modulates metabolism of host cells. metabolic analysis of mdv-infected chicken embryonic fibroblasts (cefs) identified elevated levels of metabolites involved in glutamine catabolism, such as glutamic acid, alanine, glycine, pyrimidine, and c ...202031748393
molecular characterization of a marek's disease virus strain detected in tumour-bearing turkeys.marek's disease (md) is a lymphoproliferative disease caused by gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 (gahv-2), which primarily affects chickens. however, the virus is also able to induce tumours in turkeys, albeit less frequently than in chickens. this study reports the molecular characterization of a gahv-2 strain detected in a flock of italian meat-type turkeys exhibiting visceral lymphomas. sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the meq gene revealed that the turkey gahv-2 has molecular features of hig ...202031702386
novel cyclovirus identified in broiler chickens with transmissible viral proventriculitis in october 2018, an outbreak of transmissible viral proventriculitis (tvp) occurred in 30-day-old commercial broiler chickens on a farm in weifang, china. tvp, an infectious viral disease characterized by runting and stunting, is associated with many viruses, and has a significant economic impact on the global poultry industry. tvp is diagnosed according to clinical symptoms, gross and histological lesions, and negative pcr results for pathogenic bacteria, avian leukosis virus subgroup j, marek' ...202033134354
marek's disease virus requires both copies of the inverted repeat regions for efficient in vivo replication and pathogenesis.marek's disease virus (mdv) is an oncogenic alphaherpesvirus of chickens. the mdv genome consists of two unique regions that are both flanked by inverted repeat regions. these repeats harbor several genes involved in virus replication and pathogenesis, but it remains unclear why mdv and other herpesviruses harbor these large sequence duplications. in this study, we set to determine if both copies of these repeat regions are required for mdv replication and pathogenesis. our results demonstrate t ...202033115875
establishment of an in vitro model of persistent chicken anemia virus infection.persistent infection of chicken anemia virus (cav) in chickens has been suspected to result in immunosuppression and exogenous virus contamination within vaccine production. however, no direct evidence for persistent cav infection has thus far been obtained. in this study, we aimed to establish an in vitro model of persistent cav infection. cav-infected mdcc-msb1 (msb1) cells, a marek's disease virus-transformed continuous cell line, were cultured in the presence of both cav and cav neutralizing ...202033076262
efficacy of a turkey herpesvirus double construct vaccine (hvt-nd-ibd) against challenge with different strains of newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease and marek's disease viruses.a double construct vaccine of turkey herpesvirus (hvt) was prepared that contains the fusion (f) gene from newcastle disease virus (ndv) and the viral protein 2 (vp2) gene from infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv). safety of the vaccine (hvt-nd-ibd) was confirmed and efficacy was evaluated after subcutaneous (sc) vaccination at 1 day of age or the in ovo route of vaccination. challenges were performed with velogenic ndv strains (texas gb and herts weybridge 33/56), with different strains of ib ...202033063529
de novo cholesterol biosynthesis and its trafficking in lamp-1 positive vesicles are involved in replication and spread of marek's disease virus.marek's disease virus (mdv) transforms cd4+ t cells and causes a deadly neoplastic disease which is associated with metabolic dysregulation leading to atherosclerosis in chickens. while mdv-infected chickens have normal serum concentrations of cholesterol, their aortic tissues were found to have elevated concentrations of free and esterified cholesterol. here, we demonstrate that infection of chicken embryonated fibroblasts (cefs) with the highly pathogenic mdv-rb1b increases cellular cholestero ...202032999035
the tegument protein pul47 of marek's disease virus is necessary for horizontal transmission and is important for expression of glycoprotein gc.viral tropism and transmission of herpesviruses are best studied in their natural host for maximal biological relevance. in the case of α-herpesviruses, few reports have focused on those aspects, primarily because of the few animal models available as natural hosts that are compatible with such studies. here, using marek's disease virus (mdv), a highly contagious and deadly alphaherpesvirus of chickens, we analyze the role of tegument proteins pul47 and pul48 in the whole life cycle of the virus ...202032999032
depletion of cd8αβ+ t cells in chickens demonstrates their involvement in protective immunity towards marek's disease with respect to tumor incidence and vaccinal protection.marek's disease (md) is a lymphoproliferative disease in chickens caused by marek's disease virus (mdv), a highly oncogenic alphaherpesvirus. since 1970, md has been controlled through widespread vaccination of commercial flocks. however, repeated and unpredictable md outbreaks continue to occur in vaccinated flocks, indicating the need for a better understanding of mdv pathogenesis to guide improved or alternative control measures. as mdv is an intracellular pathogen that infects and transforms ...202032987648
role of dna methylation and cpg sites in the viral telomerase rna promoter during gallid herpesvirus 2 pathogenesis.gallid herpesvirus type 2 (gahv-2) is an oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that induces malignant t-cell lymphoma in chicken. gahv-2 encodes a viral telomerase rna subunit (vtr) that plays a crucial role in virus-induced tumorigenesis, enhances telomerase activity, and possesses functions independent of the telomerase complex. vtr is driven by a robust viral promoter, highly expressed in virus-infected cells, and regulated by two c-myc response elements (c-myc res). the regulatory mechanisms involved i ...202032967954
marek's disease virus oncogene meq expression in infected cells in vaccinated and unvaccinated hosts.marek's disease (md) vaccines are unique in their capability to prevent md lymphomas as early as a few days after vaccination, despite the fact that they do not eliminate virulent viruses from the host. to help understand the mechanism behind this unique md vaccine effect, we compared the expression of mdv oncoprotein meq among cd4+ t cells between vaccinated and unvaccinated birds. chickens were vaccinated by an md vaccine, herpesvirus of turkeys, and then challenged by a recombinant virulent m ...202032891023
newly detected mutations in the meq oncogene and molecular pathotyping of very virulent marek's disease herpesvirus in tunisia.marek's disease (md) is a contagious avian viral disease that is responsible for large economic losses to farmers. the disease is caused by marek's disease virus (species gallid alphaherpesvirus 2), which causes neurological lesions, immune suppression, and tumor proliferation of lymphoid cells that invade a large number of organs and tissues. despite widespread vaccination, marek's disease virus (mdv), has shown a continuous increase in its virulence and has acquired the ability to overcome imm ...202032876794
mapping qtl associated with resistance to avian oncogenic marek's disease virus (mdv) reveals major candidate genes and variants.marek's disease (md) represents a significant global economic and animal welfare issue. marek's disease virus (mdv) is a highly contagious oncogenic and highly immune-suppressive α-herpes virus, which infects chickens, causing neurological effects and tumour formation. though partially controlled by vaccination, md continues to have a profound impact on animal health and on the poultry industry. genetic selection provides an alternative and complementary method to vaccination. however, even afte ...202032872585
adiponectin and its receptor genes' expression in response to marek's disease virus infection of white leghorns.marek's disease virus (mdv) causes t-cell lymphoma in susceptible chicken and is also related to an imbalance of the lipid metabolism. adiponectin is a circulatory cytokine secreted from adipose tissue and exerts critical metabolic functions. although the associations between adiponectin and diseases, including lipid disorder and noncardiac vascular diseases, have been reported, little is known about the relationship between mdv infection and adiponectin. here, we challenged white leghorns from ...202032867969
detection of p53 mutation and serum monitoring alert caused by marek's disease virus in poultry.marek's disease (md) is a chicken neoplastic disease, which brings huge economic losses to the global poultry industry. the wild type p53, a tumor suppressor gene, plays a key role in blocking cell cycle, promoting apoptosis, and maintaining the stability of the genome. however, the mutant p53 losses its tumor inhibitory role and become an oncogene when a mutation has happened.202032831091
integration of gene expression profile data to screen and verify immune-related genes of chicken erythrocytes involved in marek's disease virus.chicken erythrocytes participated in immunity, but the role of erythrocytes in the immunity of marek's disease virus (mdv) has not been reported related to the immunity genes. the purpose of this study was to screen and verify the immune-related genes of chicken erythrocytes which could be proven as a biomarker in mdv. the datasets (gpl8764-chicken gene expression microarray) were downloaded from the geo profile database for control and mdv infected chickens to obtain differentially expressed ge ...202032818575
genetic variability of the avian leukosis virus subgroup j gp85 gene in layer flocks in lower egypt.this study aimed to determine the prevalence of layer flock tumor disease in lower egypt during the period of 2018-2019 and to undertake molecular characterization and determine the genetic diversity of all identified viruses.202032801556
development and application of an mrt-qpcr assay for detecting coinfection of six vertically transmitted or immunosuppressive avian viruses.marek's disease virus (mdv), reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev), avian reovirus (arv), chicken infectious anemia virus (ciav), infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv), and fowl adenovirus (fadv) are important causes of disease in poultry. to investigate the infection status of the above six viruses in chickens in china, 1,187 samples from chicken flocks were collected and tested using a newly developed multiplex reverse-transcription quantitative real-time pcr (mrt-qpcr) assay in the study. a seri ...202032765453
morphological and immunohistochemical examination of lymphoproliferative lesions caused by marek's disease virus in breeder chickens.marek's disease is widely controlled by vaccination programs; however, chickens are not totally protected, especially immediately after the vaccination when a strong challenge could interfere with the effectiveness of vaccination in the absence of proper biosecurity practice. this case report describes the occurrence of marek's disease (md) observed in a breeder chicken flock reared southeast of sicily. md outbreak occurred from 32 to 47 weeks with an increase in weekly mortality rate (+0.4-0.6% ...202032727058
safety and efficacy evaluation of recombinant marek's disease virus with rev-ltr.recently, chickens vaccinated with the cvi988/rispens vaccine showed increased tumor incidence. moreover, many strains of marek's disease virus (mdv) that were naturally integrated with the long terminal repeat (ltr) of the avian reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev) have been isolated, which means it is necessary to develop a new vaccine. in this study, two ltr sequences were inserted into rispens to construct a recombinant mdv (rmdv). then, the safety and efficacy of rmdv were evaluated separately ...202032698460
erratum: chakraborty, p. et al. macrophages from susceptible and resistant chicken lines have different transcriptomes following marek's disease virus infection. genes 2019, 10, 74.the authors wish to make the following correction to their paper published in genes [...].202032679683
prevention of avian retrovirus infection in chickens using crispr-cas9 delivered by marek's disease virus.reticuloendotheliosis virus (rev) is an avian retrovirus that causes an oncogenic, immunosuppressive, and runting-stunting syndrome in avian hosts. the co-infection of rev and marek's disease virus (mdv), an oncogenic herpesvirus in chickens, further increases disease severity and reduces mdv vaccine efficacy. the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (crispr)-cas9 system has successfully been used against pathogens in mammalian cells. however, the large size of the crispr-ca ...202032650233
abrogation of marek's disease virus replication using crispr/cas9.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a highly cell-associated alphaherpesvirus that causes deadly lymphomas in chickens. while vaccination protects against clinical symptoms, mdv field strains can still circulate in vaccinated flocks and continuously evolve towards greater virulence. mdv vaccines do not provide sterilizing immunity, allowing the virus to overcome vaccine protection, and has increased the need for more potent vaccines or alternative interventions. in this study, we addressed if the cri ...202032616820
gut microbiota profiles of commercial laying hens infected with tumorigenic viruses.studies have shown that some viral infections cause structural changes in the intestinal microflora, but little is known about the effects of tumorigenic viral infection on the intestinal microflora of chickens.202032600312
role of marek's disease virus (mdv)-encoded us3 serine/threonine protein kinase in regulating mdv meq and cellular creb phosphorylation.marek's disease (md) is a neoplastic disease of chickens caused by marek's disease virus (mdv), a member of the subfamily alphaherpesvirinae like other alphaherpesviruses, mdv encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase, us3. the functions of us3 have been extensively studied in other alphaherpesviruses; however, the biological functions of mdv us3 and its substrates have not been studied in detail. in this study, we investigated potential cellular pathways that are regulated by mdv us3 and identi ...202032581093
prevalence of poultry red mite (dermanyssus gallinae) in korean layer farms and the presence of avian pathogens in the mite.the poultry red mite, dermanyssus gallinae, is a blood-feeding parasite of layer hens and a potential vector of several avian infectious agents. high infestation with d. gallinae in layer farm buildings could result in economic losses, and the mites may act as a reservoir of avian pathogens within farms. this study aimed to assess the prevalence of d. gallinae in layer farm buildings in korea and to investigate avian pathogens in the collected mites. the mite samples were collected from 36 korea ...202032435982
vertical transmission of alv from alv-j positive parents caused severe immunosuppression and significantly reduced marek's disease vaccine efficacy in three-yellow order to evaluate the influence of the vertical transmission of avian leukosis virus (alv) from j subgroup (alv-j) positive parents on the vaccine efficacy of marek's disease virus (mdv), alv-j positive male breeders × female breeders of three-yellow chickens and the alv negative male breeder × the negative female breeders were used respectively for crossbreeding to produce eggs and the hatching offspring. the commercial cvi988/rispens vaccine was used to vaccinate the crossbred offspring at ...202032402336
efficient mutagenesis of marek's disease virus-encoded micrornas using a crispr/cas9-based gene editing system.the virus-encoded micrornas (mirnas) have been demonstrated to have important regulatory roles in herpesvirus biology, including virus replication, latency, pathogenesis and/or tumorigenesis. as an emerging efficient tool for gene editing, the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (crispr)/cas9 system has been successfully applied in manipulating the genomes of large dna viruses. herein, utilizing the crispr/cas9 system with a double-guide rnas transfection/virus infection str ...202032325942
molecular characterisation and phylogenetic analysis of marek's disease virus in turkish layer chickens.1. there is no current data about the genotypes of marek's disease virus (mdv) in turkish poultry flocks; hence, this study was performed to analyse cvi988/rispens, turkey herpesvirus (hvt) vaccine viruses and mdv field viruses as well as to perform phylogenetic analysis of mdv in turkish layer chickens. 2. in 2017 and 2018, a total of 602 spleen samples from 49 layer flocks were collected from the marmara, west black sea and aegean regions. dna was extracted from the spleen samples and the samp ...202032316760
potential role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the pathogenesis of marek's disease.marek's disease virus (mdv) can cause malignant t-cell lymphomas and immunosuppression in chickens. macrophage migration inhibitory factor (mif) not only plays a critical role in inhibiting t-cell responses, but also contributes to multiple aspects of tumour progression. the aim of this study was to reveal the potential role of mif in the pathogenesis of mdv infection.202032258797
attenuation of a recombinant marek's disease virus lacking the meq oncogene and evaluation on its immune efficacy against marek's disease virus.sc9-2 is a recombinant marek's disease virus (mdv) strain lacking the meq oncogene. previous study demonstrated that sc9-2 virus provides good protection against challenge with a very virulent mdv rmd5, but it induces immunosuppressive effects in specific pathogen-free (spf) chickens. in the present study, sc9-2 was serially passaged on chicken embryo fibroblast (cef) cell cultures. the pathogenicity and immune efficacy of sc9-2/10th and sc9-2/40th against rmd5 were evaluated. animal experimenta ...202032241474
understanding the cross-talk between host and virus in poultry from the perspectives of poultry, viral infections (e.g., marek's disease virus, avian leukosis virus, influenza a virus, and so on) can cause devastating mortality and economic losses. because viruses are solely dependent on host cells to propagate, they alter the host intracellular microenvironment. thus, understanding the virus-host interaction is important for antiviral immunity and drug development in the poultry industry. micrornas are crucial posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression in a wide spectrum ...202032241464
transcriptional profiles associated with marek's disease virus in bursa and spleen lymphocytes reveal contrasting immune responses during early cytolytic infection.marek's disease virus (mdv), an alpha herpes virus, causes a lymphoproliferative state in chickens known as marek's disease (md), resulting in severe monetary losses to the poultry industry. because lymphocytes of bursa of fabricius and spleen are prime targets of mdv replication during the early cytolytic phase of infection, the immune response in bursa and spleen should be the foundation of late immunity induced by mdv. however, the mechanism of the mdv-mediated host immune response in lymphoc ...202032210095
pervasive differential splicing in marek's disease virus can discriminate cvi-988 vaccine strain from rb-1b very virulent strain in chicken embryonic fibroblasts.marek's disease is a major scourge challenging poultry health worldwide. it is caused by the highly contagious marek's disease virus (mdv), an alphaherpesvirus. here, we showed that, similar to other members of its herpesviridae family, mdv also presents a complex landscape of splicing events, most of which are uncharacterised and/or not annotated. quite strikingly, and although the biological relevance of this fact is unknown, we found that a number of viral splicing isoforms are strain-specifi ...202032197378
latest insights into marek's disease virus pathogenesis and tumorigenesis.marek's disease virus (mdv) infects chickens and causes one of the most frequent cancers in animals. over 100 years of research on this oncogenic alphaherpesvirus has led to a profound understanding of virus-induced tumor development. live-attenuated vaccines against mdv were the first that prevented cancer and minimized the losses in the poultry industry. even though the current gold standard vaccine efficiently protects against clinical disease, the virus continuously evolves towards higher vi ...202032164311
pathogen transmission from vaccinated hosts can cause dose-dependent reduction in virulence.many livestock and human vaccines are leaky because they block symptoms but do not prevent infection or onward transmission. this leakiness is concerning because it increases vaccination coverage required to prevent disease spread and can promote evolution of increased pathogen virulence. despite leakiness, vaccination may reduce pathogen load, affecting disease transmission dynamics. however, the impacts on post-transmission disease development and infectiousness in contact individuals are unkn ...202032134914
vaccinal efficacy of molecularly cloned gallid alphaherpesvirus 3 strain 301b/1 against very virulent marek's disease virus challenge.marek's disease virus (mdv), a causative agent of marek's disease, has evolved its virulence partly because the current control strategies fail to provide sterilizing immunity. gallid alphaherpesvirus 3 (gahv-3) and turkey herpesvirus have been developed as bivalent vaccines to improve upon the level of protection elicited by single formulations. since the in vitro passage of vaccines can result in attenuation, a gahv-3 strain 301b/1 was cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome (bac) by inser ...202032134378
marek's disease virus as a crispr/cas9 delivery system to defend against avian leukosis virus infection in chickens.the crispr/crispr-associated protein 9 (cas9) system is a powerful gene-editing tool originally discovered as an integral mediator of bacterial adaptive immunity. recently, this technology has been explored for its potential utility in providing new and unique treatments for viral infection. marek's disease virus (mdv) and avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j), major immunosuppressive viruses, cause significant economic losses to the chicken industry. here, we evaluated the efficacy of using m ...202032122593
chickens can durably clear herpesvirus vaccine infection in feathers while still carrying vaccine-induced antibodies.marek's disease (md) is a major disease of chickens induced by marek's disease virus (mdv) associated to lethal lymphomas. current md vaccines protect against lymphomas, but fail to prevent infection and shedding. the control of mdv shedding is crucial in order to eradicate this highly contagious virus. like pathogenic mdv, md vaccines infect the feather follicles of the skin before being shed into the environment. md vaccines constitute excellent models to study virus interaction with feathers, ...202032093754
revisiting cellular immune response to oncogenic marek's disease virus: the rising of avian t-cell immunity.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a highly oncogenic alphaherpesvirus that causes deadly t-cell lymphomas and serves as a natural virus-induced tumor model in chickens. although marek's disease (md) is well controlled by current vaccines, the evolution of mdv field viruses towards increasing virulence is concerning as a better vaccine to combat very virulent plus mdv is still lacking. our understanding of molecular and cellular immunity to mdv and its immunopathogenesis has significantly improved, ...202032080753
microrna profiling in the bursae of marek's disease virus-infected resistant and susceptible chicken lines.marek's disease (md) is a lymphoproliferative disease of domestic chickens caused by a cell-associated oncogenic alpha-herpesvirus, marek's disease virus (mdv). clinical signs of md include bursal/thymic atrophy, neurologic disorders, and t cell lymphomas. mirnas play key roles in regulation of gene expression by targeting translational suppression or mrna degradation. mdv encodes mirnas that are associated with viral pathogenicity and oncogenesis. in this study, we performed mirna sequencing in ...202032059995
effect of gga-mir-155 on cell proliferation, apoptosis and invasion of marek's disease virus (mdv) transformed cell line msb1 by targeting rora.marek's disease (md) is caused by the oncogenic marek's disease virus (mdv), and is a highly contagious avian infection with a complex underlying pathology that involves lymphoproliferative neoplasm formation. micrornas (mirnas) act as oncogenes or tumor suppressors in most cancers. the gga-mir-155 is downregulated in the mdv-infected chicken tissues or lymphocyte lines, although its exact role in tumorigenesis remains unclear. the aim of this study was to analyze the effects of gga-mir-155 on t ...202031992293
genome-wide analysis of circular rnas involved in marek's disease tumourigenesis in chickens.marek's disease (md), induced by marek's disease virus (mdv), is a lymphotropic neoplastic disease and causes huge economic losses to the poultry industry. non-coding rnas (ncrnas) play important regulatory roles in disease pathogenesis. to investigate host circular rna (circrna) and microrna (mirna) expression profile, rna sequencing was performed in tumourous spleens (ts), spleens from the survivors (ss) without any lesion after mdv infection, and non-infected chicken spleens (ns). a total of ...202031948317
increased horizontal transmission of recombinant marek's disease virus due to reticuloendotheliosis virus long terminal repeat is the major competitive advantage of the virus being a prevalent strain.gx0101 is the first field marek's disease virus (mdv) recombinant with an rev ltr insert isolated in china. we speculated that there was a selective advantage of gx0101 becoming the more prevalent field strain from a very low percentage of recombinant virus. in the study, dual fluorescence quantitative real-time pcr (df-qpcr) that detects gx0101 and gx0101δltr simultaneously was established based on the genomic difference of gx0101 and its ltr deletion strain gx0101δltr. mdv natural transmission ...201931921027
rapid and sensitive real-time recombinase polymerase amplification for detection of marek's disease virus.marek's disease (md) is one of the most devastating diseases of poultry. it's caused by the highly infectious alphaherpesvirus md virus serotype 1 (mdv-1). in this study, a rapid and easy-to-use assay based on recombinase polymerase amplification (rpa) was developed for mdv detection. primer-probe sets targeting the highly conserved region of meq gene were designed and applied to the rpa assay. the assay was carried out on a real-time thermostatic fluorescence detector at 39 °c for 20 min. as re ...201931580913
endogenous avian leukosis virus in combination with serotype 2 marek's disease virus significantly boosted the incidence of lymphoid leukosis-like bursal lymphomas in susceptible 2010, sporadic cases of avian leukosis virus (alv)-like bursal lymphoma, also known as spontaneous lymphoid leukosis (ll)-like tumors, were identified in two commercial broiler breeder flocks in the absence of exogenous alv infection. two individual alv subgroup e (alv-e) field strains, designated af227 and af229, were isolated from two different breeder farms. the role of these alv-e field isolates in development of and the potential joint impact in conjunction with a marek's disease virus ( ...201931554689
rapid detection of avian leukosis virus using a fluorescent microsphere immunochromatographic test strip assay.we developed a rapid fluorescent microsphere immunochromatographic test strip (fm-icts) assay for the quantitative detection of avian leukosis virus (alv). a monoclonal antibody specific for the alv major capsid protein encoded by the gag gene was coupled to label fluorescent microspheres. alv antibodies were coated on a nitrocellulose membrane to prepare a test line for sample detection. the fluorescence signals of the test and control lines can be read either visually by exposure to uv light o ...201931553793
avian oncogenic herpesvirus antagonizes the cgas-sting dna-sensing pathway to mediate immune evasion.the cellular dna sensor cgmp-amp synthase (cgas) detects cytosolic viral dna via the stimulator of interferon genes (sting) to initiate innate antiviral response. herpesviruses are known to target key immune signaling pathways to persist in an immune-competent host. marek's disease virus (mdv), a highly pathogenic and oncogenic herpesvirus of chickens, can antagonize host innate immune responses to achieve persistent infection. with a functional screen, we identified five mdv proteins that block ...201931539404
allele-specific expression of cd4+ t cells in response to marek's disease virus infection.marek's disease (md) is a t cell lymphoma disease induced by marek's disease virus (mdv), a highly oncogenic α herpesvirus primarily affecting chickens. md is a chronic infectious disease that threatens the poultry industry. however, the mechanisms of genetic resistance for md are complex and not completely understood. in this study, to identify high-confidence candidate genes of md genetic resistance, high throughput sequencing (rna-seq) was used to obtain transcriptomic data of cd4+ t cells is ...201931533276
artesunate derivative tf27 inhibits replication and pathogenesis of an oncogenic avian alphaherpesvirus.nucleoside analogues have been the cornerstone of clinical treatment of herpesvirus infections since the 1970s. however, severe side effects and emergence of drug resistant viruses raise the need for alternative treatment options. we recently investigated the broad and strong antiherpesviral activity of the optimized artesunate derivative tf27 in vitro. tf27 efficiently inhibited replication of the highly oncogenic marek's disease virus (mdv), a virus that infects chickens, causes deadly lymphom ...201931520682
towards a mechanistic understanding of the synergistic response induced by bivalent marek's disease vaccines to prevent lymphomas.marek's disease (md) is a lymphoproliferative disease of chickens caused by marek's disease virus (mdv), an oncogenic α-herpesvirus. since 1970, md has been controlled by widespread vaccination; however, more effective md vaccines are needed to counter more virulent mdv strains. the bivalent vaccine combination of sb-1 and herpesvirus of turkey (hvt) strain fc126 has been widely used. nonetheless, the mechanism(s) underlying this synergistic effect has not been investigated.201931515142
chicken endothelial cells are highly responsive to viral innate immune stimuli and are susceptible to infections with various avian is well established that the endothelium plays a prominent role in the pathogenesis of various infectious diseases in mammals. however, little is known about the role of endothelial cells (ec) as targets for avian pathogens and their contribution to the pathogenesis of infectious diseases in galliform birds. first, we explored the innate immune response of primary chicken aortic endothelial cells (pchaec), obtained from 18-day-old embryos, to stimulation with pathogen-associated molecular pat ...201930556415
inhibition of dna-sensing pathway by marek's disease virus vp23 protein through suppression of interferon regulatory factor 7 activation.the type i interferon (ifn) response is the first line of host innate immune defense against viral infection; however, viruses have developed multiple strategies to antagonize host ifn responses for efficient infection and replication. here, we report that marek's disease virus (mdv), an oncogenic herpesvirus, encodes vp23 protein as a novel immune modulator to block the beta interferon (ifn-β) activation induced by cyclic gmp-amp synthase (cgas) and stimulator of interferon genes (sting) in chi ...201930518647
suspension culture of marek's disease virus and evaluation of its immunological effects.marek's disease virus (mdv) is a cell-associated α-herpesvirus of chickens. it is difficult to grow mdv in suspension culture. therefore, mdv vaccines are currently produced using adherent primary chicken embryo fibroblasts, and on a large scale this is labour-intensive and costly. in this study, the cvi988 strain of mdv was inoculated into chicken fibroblast cell line umnsah/df-1 (df-1) cultured by microcarrier suspension for the proliferation experiment. moreover, the effects of culture condit ...201930518239
establishment of xmap for the simultaneous detection of antibodies to newcastle disease virus and avian influenza virus.using luminex xmap (x = analyte, map = multi-analyte profiling) technology, a serological method for the simultaneous detection of antibodies to newcastle disease virus (ndv) and avian influenza virus (aiv) was established. nano-magnetic beads coated with purified ndv protein and aiv nucleoprotein were incubated with serum samples. using biotinylated rabbit anti-chicken igy and streptavidin-r-phycoerythrin, the optical signals measured by a luminex 200 detection system indicated the quantificati ...201930476286
a double recombinant herpes virus of turkeys for the protection of chickens against newcastle, infectious laryngotracheitis and marek's diseases.a double recombinant strain of herpes virus of turkeys (hvt) was constructed that contains the fusion (f) gene from newcastle disease virus (ndv) and the gd plus gi genes from infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv) inserted into a non-essential region of the hvt genome. expression of the f protein was controlled by a human cytomegalovirus promoter, whereas expression of gd plus gi was driven by an iltv promoter. the double recombinant vaccine virus (hvt-ndv-ilt) was fully stable genetically a ...201930404540
comparison of exosomes purified via ultracentrifugation (uc) and total exosome isolation (tei) reagent from the serum of marek's disease virus (mdv)-vaccinated and tumor-bearing chickens.extracellular vesicles (evs) is a collective term used to refer microparticles, exosomes, and apoptotic bodies produced by a variety of cells and released into interstitial spaces and bodily fluids. serum exosomes can serve as invaluable biomarkers, containing m/mirnas, lipids, and proteins, indicative of various conditions. there are currently limited studies on the characterization and mutual consensus of biomarker profiles of serum exosomes purified by different methods. here we compared the ...201930316797
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