
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
an assessment of shedding with the oral rabies virus vaccine strain spbn gasgas in target and non-target species.a safety requirement for live vaccines is investigating possible shedding in recipients since the presence of replication competent vaccine in secretions could result in direct and indirect horizontal transmission. this is especially relevant for oral rabies vaccine baits that are deliberately distributed into the environment. in the current study, survival of an oral rabies virus vaccine, spbn gasgas, was examined in excretions from different target and non-target species; red fox, raccoon dog, ...201829325820
gastrointestinal protists and helminths of habituated agile mangabeys (cercocebus agilis) at bai hokou, central african republic.infectious diseases including those caused by parasites can be a major threat to the conservation of endangered species. there is thus a great need for studies describing parasite infections of these species in the wild. here we present data on parasite diversity in an agile mangabey (cercocebus agilis) group in bai hokou, dzanga-sangha protected areas (dspa), central african republic. we coproscopically analyzed 140 mangabey fecal samples by concentration techniques (flotation and sedimentation ...201829350404
detection of β-lactamase encoding genes in feces, soil and water from a brazilian pig farm.β-lactam antibiotics are widely used for the treatment of different types of infections worldwide and the resistance to these antibiotics has grown sharply, which is of great concern. resistance to β-lactams in gram-negative bacteria is mainly due to the production of β-lactamases, which are classified according to their functional activities. the aim of this study was to verify the presence of β-lactamases encoding genes in feces, soil, and water from a brazilian pig farm. different β-lactamase ...201829322334
developmental regulation of the intestinal fgf19 system in domestic pigs.fibroblast growth factor-19 (fgf19) is an emerging endocrine factor involved in the regulation of bile acid homeostasis and energy metabolism in rodents and humans. in pigs, however, the fgf19 system remains largely unexplored. this study was designed to investigate the developmental regulation of the fgf19 system in domestic pigs. samples of intestinal sections, liver, and plasma were collected from 24 pigs (n = 6) at four developmental stages (birth, pre-weaning, post-weaning, and adulthood). ...201829446652
serological and virological survey of hepatitis e virus (hev) in animal reservoirs from uruguay reveals elevated prevalences and a very close phylogenetic relationship between swine and human strains.hepatitis e virus (hev) infection is an issue of public health concern in high-income and non-endemic countries. increasing evidence supports the hypothesis of a zoonotic route as the main mode of infection in this epidemiological setting, since the transmission of genotypes hev-3 and hev-4 from reservoirs to humans has been demonstrated. in america, studies have confirmed the circulation of hev in pig herds but the zoonotic role of wild boars has never been evaluated. uruguay has a high burden ...201829291999
feasibility study of a novel thoraco-abdominal aortic hybrid device (spider-graft) in a translational pig model.the hybrid spider-graft consists of a proximal descending aortic stent graft and a conventional six branched dacron graft for open abdominal aortic repair. technical feasibility with regard to avoiding thoracotomy and extracorporeal circulation (ecc) during thoraco-abdominal aortic hybrid repair and peri-procedural safety of this novel device are unknown.201829290476
first-time detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) infection in uruguay.within the last two decades, several high-impact viruses have emerged in the global swine population, including porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv). in uruguay, the more recent serological survey for prrsv and other notifiable diseases such as aujeszky's disease virus (adv) and classical swine fever virus (csfv) dated from year 2000. the main purpose of this study was to update our information on the infection status of prrsv, adv and csfv in uruguayan pig herds, in order ...201829330937
elevated proportions of deleterious genetic variation in domestic animals and plants.a fraction of genetic variants segregating in any population are deleterious, which negatively impacts individual fitness. the domestication of animals and plants is associated with population bottlenecks and artificial selection, which are predicted to increase the proportion of deleterious variants. however, the extent to which this is a general feature of domestic species is unclear. here, we examine the effects of domestication on the prevalence of deleterious variation using pooled whole-ge ...201829325102
in vivo assessment of a novel biodegradable ureteral perform an in vivo assessment of a newly developed biodegradable ureteral stent (bus) produced with natural-based polymers.201829128964
diurnal rhythms in peripheral blood immune cell numbers of domestic pigs.diurnal rhythms within the immune system are considered important for immune competence. until now, they were mostly studied in humans and rodents. however, as the domestic pig is regarded as suitable animal model and due to its importance in agriculture, this study aimed to characterize diurnal rhythmicity in porcine circulating leukocyte numbers. eighteen pigs were studied over periods of up to 50 h. cosinor analyses revealed diurnal rhythms in cell numbers of most investigated immune cell pop ...201829017838
hepatitis e virus and related viruses in wild, domestic and zoo animals: a review.hepatitis e is a human disease mainly characterized by acute liver illness, which is caused by infection with the hepatitis e virus (hev). large hepatitis e outbreaks have been described in developing countries; however, the disease is also increasingly recognized in industrialized countries. mortality rates up to 25% have been described for pregnant women during outbreaks in developing countries. in addition, chronic disease courses could be observed in immunocompromised transplant patients. wh ...201828944602
hepatitis e virus infection of slaughtered healthy pigs in brazil.hepatitis e virus (hev) is an emerging pathogen that can be transmitted through contaminated raw or undercooked meat derived from domestic pigs. hev infections have been documented among pig herds, pig products and environmental samples raising concern about the spread of the virus. hev genotypes 3 and 4 are considered zoonotic and have been linked to human cases. hev was detected in 51 of 335 bile samples (15.2%) from healthy pigs in minas gerais, brazil. phylogenetic analysis of partial sequen ...201829441690
the zbed6-igf2 axis has a major effect on growth of skeletal muscle and internal organs in placental mammals.a single nucleotide substitution in the third intron of insulin-like growth factor 2 (igf2) is associated with increased muscle mass and reduced subcutaneous fat in domestic pigs. this mutation disrupts the binding of the zbed6 transcription factor and leads to a threefold up-regulation ofigf2expression in pig skeletal muscle. here, we investigated the biological significance of zbed6-igf2interaction in the growth of placental mammals using two mouse models, zbed6 knock-out (zbed6-/-) andigf2kno ...201829440408
accurate depth of radiofrequency-induced lesions in renal sympathetic denervation based on a fine histological sectioning approach in a porcine model.ablation lesion depth caused by radiofrequency-based renal denervation (rdn) was limited to <4 mm in previous animal studies, suggesting that radiofrequency-rdn cannot ablate a substantial percentage of renal sympathetic nerves. we aimed to define the true lesion depth achieved with radiofrequency-rdn using a fine sectioning method and to investigate biophysical parameters that could predict lesion depth.201829440276
the effect of three different surgical techniques for colon anastomosis on regional postoperative microperfusion: laser doppler flowmetry study in pigs.the optimal surgical approach to reconnecting bowel ends safely after resection is of great importance.201829439318
genomic sequence of a swine pasivirus type 1 strain identified in u.s. swine.we report for the first time in the united states the identification of a swine pasivirus (spav) strain with a genomic sequence identity of less than 80% to other spavs reported in europe and china, using a next-generation sequencing (ngs) technique in sow tissues collected from an animal study conducted in 2001, suggesting virus circulation in domestic swine.201829439048
identification of two novel foot-and-mouth disease virus cytotoxic t lymphocyte epitopes that can bind six sla-i proteins.currently available vaccines from inactivated foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) only protect animals by inducing neutralizing antibodies. a vaccine that contains cytotoxic t lymphocytes (ctl) epitopes to induce strong ctl responses might protect animals more effectively. herein, we used swine leukocyte antigen class i (slai) proteins derived from six different strains of domestic pigs to screen and identify shared fmdv ctl epitopes. four potential fmdv ctl epitopes (q01, q02, as3, and qa4) wer ...201829432828
aujeszky's disease and hepatitis e viruses transmission between domestic pigs and wild boars in corsica: evaluating the importance of wild/domestic interactions and the efficacy of management measures.wildlife species as reservoirs of infectious pathogens represent a serious constraint in the implementation of disease management strategies. in the mediterranean island of corsica, the dynamics of hepatitis e virus (hev) and aujeszky's disease virus (adv) are suspected to be influenced by interactions between wild and domestic pigs. to improve our understanding of these influences, we first compared the seroprevalences of both viruses in domestic pig populations from different locations with co ...201829417054
voluntary locomotor activity promotes myogenic growth potential in domestic pigs.self-determined physical activity is an essential behavioural need and can vary considerably between individuals of a given species. although locomotion is suggested as a prerequisite for adequate function of skeletal muscle, domestic pigs are usually reared under limited space allowance. the aim of our study was to investigate if a different voluntary locomotor activity leads to altered properties in the muscle structure, biochemistry and mrna expression of selected genes involved in myogenesis ...201829416067
genetic variation analysis of pcv1 strains isolated from guangxi province of china in 2015.porcine circovirus type 1 (pcv1) was discovered in 1974 as a contaminant of a porcine kidney (pk-15) cell line and was generally accepted to be nonpathogenic. but recently it was shown to cause lesions in experimentally infected pig fetuses. serological evidence and genetic studies suggested that pcv1 was widespread in domestic pigs. thus, the molecular epidemiology and genetic variation of pcv1 are still necessary to understand.201829415728
suitability of the porcine aortic model for transcatheter aortic root treat aortic valve disease and concomitant root disease with transcatheter techniques, 'composite graft' implants are required. our goal was to assess the suitability of the porcine aortic root for transcatheter root repair tests.201829415164
observational analysis on inflammatory reaction to talc pleurodesis: small and large animal model series review.talc pleurodesis has been associated with pleuropulmonary damage, particularly long-term damage due to its inert nature. the present model series review aimed to assess the safety of this procedure by examining inflammatory stimulus, biocompatibility and tissue reaction following talc pleurodesis. talc slurry was performed in rabbits: 200 mg/kg checked at postoperative day 14 (five models), 200 mg/kg checked at postoperative day 28 (five models), 40 mg/kg, checked at postoperative day 14 (five m ...201829403549
the development of an interactive computer-based training program for timely and humane on-farm pig euthanasia.with extensive knowledge and training in the prevention, management, and treatment of disease conditions in animals, veterinarians play a critical role in ensuring good welfare on swine farms by training caretakers on the importance of timely euthanasia. to assist veterinarians and other industry professionals in training new and seasoned caretakers, an interactive computer-based training program was created. it consists of three modules, each containing five case studies, which cover three dist ...201829400634
immunisation of pigs by dna prime and recombinant vaccinia virus boost to identify and rank african swine fever virus immunogenic and protective proteins.african swine fever virus (asfv) causes an acute haemorrhagic fever in domestic pigs with high socio-economic impact. no vaccine is available limiting options for control. although live attenuated asfv can induce up to one hundred percent protection against lethal challenge, little is known of the antigens which induce this protective response. to identify additional asfv immunogenic and potentially protective antigens we cloned 47 viral genes in individual plasmids for gene vaccination and in r ...201829386289
a serologic survey of pathogens in wild boar ( sus scrofa) in sweden.the wild boar ( sus scrofa) population has increased markedly during the last three decades in sweden and in other parts of europe. this population growth may lead to increased contact between the wild boar and the domestic pig ( sus scrofa scrofa), increasing the risk of transmission of pathogens. the objective of our study was to estimate the seroprevalence of selective pathogens, known to be shared between wild boars and domestic pigs in europe, in three wild boar populations in sweden. in to ...201829377751
viability and biocompatibility of an adhesive system for intrarenal embedding and endoscopic removal of small residual fragments in minimally-invasive stone treatment in an in vivo pig evaluate the viability and biocompatibility of a novel, patented bioadhesive system for intrarenal embedding and retrieval of residual fragments after endoscopic lithotripsy. complete stone clearance via active removal of residual fragments (rf) after intracorporeal laser lithotripsy may be time-consuming and fail in many cases. therefore, the novel adhesive has been developed and evaluated for the first time in an in vivo pig model in the present work.201829368229
genetic diversity, breed composition and admixture of kenyan domestic pigs.the genetic diversity of african pigs, whether domestic or wild has not been widely studied and there is very limited published information available. available data suggests that african domestic pigs originate from different domestication centers as opposed to international commercial breeds. we evaluated two domestic pig populations in western kenya, in order to characterize the genetic diversity, breed composition and admixture of the pigs in an area known to be endemic for african swine fev ...201829357367
intrarenal fat deposition does not interfere with the measurement of single-kidney perfusion in obese swine using multi-detector computed tomography.altered vascular structure or function in several diseases may impair renal perfusion. multi-detector computed tomography (mdct) is a non-invasive tool to assess single-kidney perfusion and function based on dynamic changes in tissue attenuation during contrast media transit. however, changes in basal tissue attenuation might hamper these assessments, despite background subtraction. evaluation of iodine concentration using the dual-energy (dect) mdct mode allows excluding effects of basal values ...201829339048
the retina of the collared peccary (pecari tajacu): structure and study retinal morphology and function in the collared peccary, an ungulate species distantly related to the domestic pig.201829336116
cardiovascular function of modern pigs does not comply with allometric scaling laws.growing concerns have been expressed regarding cardiovascular performance in modern farm pigs, which has been proposed as a critical factor contributing to the reduced adaptability of modern pigs to stress. here we tested the hypothesis that cardiac dimensions and pump function in modern heavy farm pigs are disproportionally low for their body weight, and investigated potential underlying mechanisms. the results from the present study indeed demonstrate disproportionally low values for stroke vo ...201829335617
faecal escherichia coli as biological indicator of spatial interaction between domestic pigs and wild boar (sus scrofa) in corsica.on the mediterranean island of corsica, cohabitation between sympatric domestic pigs and eurasian wild boar (sus scrofa) is common and widespread and can facilitate the maintenance and dissemination of several pathogens detrimental for the pig industry or human health. in this study, we monitored a population of free-ranging domestic pigs reared in extensive conditions within a 800-ha property located in central corsica which was frequently visited by a sympatric population of wild boar between ...201829322645
assessing the utility of metabarcoding for diet analyses of the omnivorous wild pig (sus scrofa).wild pigs (sus scrofa) are an invasive species descended from both domestic swine and eurasian wild boar that was introduced to north america during the early 1500s. wild pigs have since become the most abundant free-ranging exotic ungulate in the united states. large and ever-increasing populations of wild pigs negatively impact agriculture, sport hunting, and native ecosystems with costs estimated to exceed $1.5 billion/year within the united states. wild pigs are recognized as generalist feed ...201829321862
intraoperative cardiovascular response of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery versus laparoscopy: a comparative animal study.natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (notes) emerged as a new alternative method in minimally invasive techniques. although a very small number of studies have compared the physiologic response in notes to laparoscopy, the results remain controversial.201829319013
genetic and immunogenicity analysis of porcine circovirus type 2 strains isolated in central china.porcine circovirus type 2 (pcv2) is an economically important pathogen in domestic pigs and wild boars all around the world. to understand the molecular epidemiology of pcv2 strains circulating in central china and to provide a potential vaccine candidate strain, we analyzed the genetic variations of 46 pcv2 isolates circulating from 2009 to 2016 in henan province (24 detected in the field from 2009-2013 and 22 from 2013-2016) and evaluated the efficacy of an isolate as a vaccine candidate strai ...201829305646
host contributes to longitudinal diversity of fecal microbiota in swine selected for lean pigs, gut bacteria have been shown to play important roles in nutritional, physiological, and immunological processes in the host. however, the contribution of their metagenomes or part of them, which are normally reflected by fragments of 16s rrna-encoding genes, has yet to be fully investigated.201829301569
evaluation of protection induced by immunisation of domestic pigs with deletion mutant african swine fever virus beninδmgf by different doses and routes.a live attenuated african swine fever virus (asfv) vaccine candidate, produced by deletion of several genes belonging to multi-gene families mgf360 and 505 from virulent benin 97/1 strain (beninδmgf), induces protection in pigs against parental virulent strain. in order to better define the safety and efficacy of this attenuated vaccine candidate and to understand protective mechanisms, we extended previous studies by intramuscular immunisation of pigs with the deletion mutant beninδmfg at diffe ...201829254837
peri-conceptional under-nutrition alters transcriptomic profile in the endometrium during the peri-implantation period-the study in domestic pigs.female under-nutrition during early pregnancy may affect the physiological pattern of the transcriptomic profile in the endometrium. we aimed to determine if restricted diet applied to females during peri-conceptional period, that is, from the onset of the oestrus until day nine of pregnancy, alters transcriptomic profile in the endometrium during the peri-implantation period. the restricted diet gilts were fed forage, in which the dose of proteins and energy had been reduced by 30% compared to ...201828944507
production, performance, slaughter characteristics, and meat quality of ziwuling wild crossbred pigs.wild boars, because of their large size and ability to survive adverse conditions, are usually used to cross with domestic breeds to improve the quality of domesticated pigs. this study aimed to investigate the growth performance, slaughter performance, and meat quality of ziwuling crossbred pigs. crossbred pigs in four groups (n = 8 per group, 4 boars and 4 sows, all aged 100 days), f1[wild × b (bamei)], f1 × b, f1 × y (yorkshire), and f1 × f1, were selected at a commercial pig farm. growth per ...201829064063
randomized controlled trial comparing submucosal endoscopy with mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection in the esophagus and stomach: animal western countries, endoscopic submucosal dissection (esd) has not prevailed as a result of training problems and a target patient population. we have previously reported a hybrid esd technique, submucosal endoscopy with mucosal resection (semr), in which the submucosal dissection is carried out chiefly by blunt balloon dissection. we have also reported successful application in the porcine colon. in the present study, we compared the safety and efficacy of semr with esd in the porcine esophag ...201828664661
the in vivo performance of a novel thermal accelerant agent used for augmentation of microwave energy delivery within biologic tissues during image-guided thermal ablation: a porcine investigate the effects of a novel caesium-based thermal accelerant (ta) agent on ablation zone volumes following in vivo microwave ablation of porcine liver and skeletal muscle, and to correlate the effects of ta with target organ perfusion.201828540805
preclinical animal models for temporomandibular joint tissue engineering.there is a paucity of in vivo studies that investigate the safety and efficacy of temporomandibular joint (tmj) tissue regeneration approaches, in part due to the lack of established animal models. review of disease models for study of tmj is presented herein with an attempt to identify relevant preclinical animal models for tmj tissue engineering, with emphasis on the disc and condyle. although degenerative joint disease models have been mainly performed on mice, rats, and rabbits, preclinical ...201829121815
metabolic syndrome alters expression of insulin signaling-related genes in swine mesenchymal stem cells.metabolic syndrome (mets) is associated with insulin resistance (ir) and impaired glucose metabolism in muscle, fat, and other cells, and may induce inflammation and vascular remodeling. endogenous reparative systems, including adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (msc), are responsible for repair of damaged tissue. msc have also been proposed as an exogenous therapeutic intervention in patients with cardiovascular and chronic kidney disease (ckd). the feasibility of using autol ...201829101070
impact of direct epispinal stimulation on bladder and bowel functions in pigs: a feasibility study.this study assesses the potential of epispinal (subdural) stimulation application in the treatment of urinary and bowel neurological disorders. acute experiments were performed on a large animal model - the domestic pig - to develop a new methodology facilitating future results and technology transfers to human.201828605134
characterization of domestic pig spermatogenesis using spermatogonial stem cell markers in the early months of pigs, spermatogonial stem cells (sscs), which include gonocytes and undifferentiated spermatogonia, are classically defined as being present till up to 2 months of life. however, knowledge about this transition from gonocytes to undifferentiated spermatogonia in pigs is limited. in this study, we characterized pig sscs in neonatal (n = 6), one-month-old (1-mo-old, n = 6), two-month-old (2-mo-old, n = 6), and adult testes (n = 6) anatomically, histologically, and immunohistologically. anatomic ...201829156418
assessing immune competence in pigs by immunization with tetanus toxoid.immune competence can be tested by challenging organisms with a set of infectious agents. however, disease control requirements impose restrictions on the infliction of infections upon domestic pigs. alternatively, vaccinations induce detectable immune responses that reflect immune competence. here, we tested this approach with tetanus toxoid (tt) in young domestic pigs. to optimize the vaccination protocol, we immunized the pigs with a commercial tt vaccine at the age of 21 or 35 days. booster ...201828554336
glucocorticoid receptor number and affinity differ between peripheral blood mononuclear cells and granulocytes in domestic pigs.the aim of the present study was to characterize the number and affinity of glucocorticoid receptors (gr) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) and granulocytes of domestic pigs because glucocorticoid signaling is considered important for animal health and welfare. to investigate gr binding characteristics in intact porcine immune cells, blood samples of 6 castrated male pigs were collected via indwelling vein catheters. porcine pbmc and granulocytes were isolated using two-layer density ...201728554109
atrial myofibroblast activation and connective tissue formation in a porcine model of atrial fibrillation and reduced left ventricular function.atrial fibrillation (af) is associated with fibrosis that slows electrical conduction and causes perpetuation of the arrhythmia. the molecular characterization of af pathophysiology may provide novel therapeutic options. this study was designed to elucidate profibrotic signaling and myofibroblast activation in a porcine model of atrial tachypacing-induced af and reduced left ventricular function.201728546006
outbreaks of neuroinvasive astrovirus associated with encephalomyelitis, weakness, and paralysis among weaned pigs, hungary.a large, highly prolific swine farm in hungary had a 2-year history of neurologic disease among newly weaned (25- to 35-day-old) pigs, with clinical signs of posterior paraplegia and a high mortality rate. affected pigs that were necropsied had encephalomyelitis and neural necrosis. porcine astrovirus type 3 was identified by reverse transcription pcr and in situ hybridization in brain and spinal cord samples in 6 animals from this farm. among tissues tested by quantitative rt-pcr, the highest v ...201729148391
percutaneous externally assembled laparoscopic vs laparoendoscopic single-site nephrectomy in a porcine model: a prospective, randomized, blinded, compare the outcomes between laparoendoscopic single-site (less) and a novel percutaneous externally assembled laparoscopic (peal) nephrectomy in an in vivo porcine model.201727917649
early and sustained vasopressin infusion augments the hemodynamic efficacy of restrictive fluid resuscitation and improves survival in a liver laceration model of hemorrhagic shock.current management of hemorrhagic shock favors restrictive fluid resuscitation before control of the bleeding source. we investigated the additional effects of early and sustained vasopressin infusion in a swine model of hemorrhagic shock produced by liver laceration.201727906869
open versus thoracoscopic rfa-assisted lung resection.the purpose of this study was to evaluate radio frequency ablation (rfa)-assisted lung parenchymal transection through thoracotomy and thoracoscopy. twelve domestic pigs underwent rfa-assisted lingulectomy: six through thoracotomy (group a), and six with thoracoscopy (group b). there was no mortality, no bleeding, or air leak intra- or postoperatively in either of the groups, and no conversion to open thoracotomy in group b. group a had longer operating period and more pleural adhesions. a barot ...201727875060
normal developmental and estrous cycle-dependent histological features of the female reproductive organs in microminipigs.the microminipig has become an increasingly attractive animal model for various experimental practices because of its manageable size; however, studies of the histological features of the female reproductive organs in microminipigs are limited. the present study investigates the sexual development of the reproductive organs and the cyclical changes during the estrous cycle in female microminipigs. the ovaries, oviducts, uteri, and vaginal tissues from 33 animals aged 0 to 26 months were utilized ...201728580886
mastering lymphatic microsurgery: a new training model in living tissue.advanced microsurgical techniques have emerged as a promising approach for the treatment of lymphedema, but achieving international standards is limited by a scarcity of adequate training models. the purpose of this report is to describe our in vivo porcine training model for microsurgery.201728570444
renal adiposity confounds quantitative assessment of markers of renal diffusion with mri: a proposed correction method.recent studies have indicated that excessive fat may confound assessment of diffusion in organs with high fat content, such as the liver and breast. however, the extent of this effect in the kidney, which is not considered a major fat deposition site, remains unclear. this study tested the hypothesis that renal fat may impact diffusion-weighted imaging (dwi) parameters, and proposes a 3-compartment model (tcm) to circumvent this effect.201728562413
role of stro-1 sorting of porcine dental germ stem cells in dental stem cell-mediated bone tissue engineering.stem cells of dental origin emerged as a new source for the regeneration of tissues with advantages mainly including non-invasive collection procedures and lack of ethical contraversies with their harvest or use. in this study, porcine tgscs (ptgscs) were isolated from mandibular third molar tooth germs of 6-month-old domestic pigs. this is the first study that reports the isolation and characterization of tgscs from porcine third molars and their differentiation depending on stro-1 expression. ...201728562085
preclinical pilot study monitoring topical drug penetration and dermal bioavailability of a peptidase inhibitor from different galenic formulations into pig dermis, using cutaneous microdialysis.cutaneous microdialysis (cm) is an ex vivo technique that allows study of tissue chemistry, including bioavailability of actual tissue concentration of unbound drug in the interstitial fluid of the body.201728556026
tracing the breeding farm of domesticated pig using feature selection (sus scrofa).increasing food safety demands in the animal product market have created a need for a system to trace the food distribution process, from the manufacturer to the retailer, and genetic traceability is an effective method to trace the origin of animal products. in this study, we successfully achieved the farm tracing of 6,018 multi-breed pigs, using single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) markers strictly selected through least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (lasso) feature selection.201729073733
genome-wide analysis of structural variants reveals genetic differences in chinese pigs.pigs have experienced long-term selections, resulting in dramatic phenotypic changes. structural variants (svs) are reported to exert extensive impacts on phenotypic changes. we built a high resolution and informative sv map based on high-depth sequencing data from 66 chinese domestic and wild pigs. we inferred the sv formation mechanisms in the pig genome and used svs as materials to perform a population-level analysis. we detected the selection signals on chromosome x for northern chinese dome ...201729065176
septic porcine blood does not further activate coagulation during in vitro membrane oxygenation.for patients with a severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ards), extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ecmo) represents a life-saving measure. frequently, patients with severe ards also show signs of severe sepsis. as blood contact with the membrane oxygenator surface leads to adverse effects due to insufficient biocompatibility partly caused by activation of platelets, coagulation factors and leucocytes, we hypothesized that these adverse effects would be amplified if septic blood in a pre ...201727806995
creation of an animal model for long gap pure esophageal atresia.long gap pure esophageal atresia (lgpea) is a congenital disorder in which the esophagus is in discontinuity, and the proximal and distal ends cannot be anastomosed in a primary fashion. no animal model for pure esophageal atresia exists. here we describe a survival animal model for lgpea, which will ultimately serve to test novel devices and techniques to restore continuity.201727838766
biosynthetic nanostructured cellulose patch for chest wall reconstruction: five-month follow-up in a porcine model.ideal approaches and materials for reconstruction of large chest wall defects remain a topic of debate. we sought to explore the suitability of a reinforced nanostructured cellulose (nc) patch for chest wall reconstruction in an animal model.201727768401
osteoblast-like cells with different embryologic origins behave differently in increasing zoledronic acid concentrations: a pilot study in pigs.we compared the intraindividual effects of increasing zoledronic acid (za) concentrations on osteoblast-like cells with different embryologic origins.201727720655
the relationship between surface area and volume of common blow fly (diptera: calliphoridae) oviposition sites and carrion body mass.female blow flies (diptera: calliphoridae) demonstrate site preferences when ovipositing on carrion. preference for oviposition sites is believed to reflect the suitability of the site such that the most preferred locations provide offspring with the greatest chance of survival. a number of factors might influence female choice, including area available for oviposition. for species known to aggregate during oviposition, the surface area of oviposition sites may be a key factor in the decision-ma ...201728535281
plasma concentrations of transdermal fentanyl and buprenorphine in pigs (sus scrofa domesticus).to determine the absorption characteristics of fentanyl and buprenorphine administered transdermally in swine.201728526486
detection and evaluation of renal injury in burst wave lithotripsy using ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging.burst wave lithotripsy (bwl) is a transcutaneous technique with potential to safely and effectively fragment renal stones. preclinical investigations of bwl require the assessment of potential renal injury. this study evaluates the capabilities of real-time ultrasound and mri to detect and evaluate bwl injury that was induced in porcine kidneys.201728521550
differential expression of genes related to glucose metabolism in domesticated pigs and wild boar.glucose metabolism is a basic biological process that shows substantial variation within and between species. using pig as a model organism, we investigated differences in glucose metabolic genes in seven tissues from domesticated pigs (rongchang pig and tibetan pig, meanwhile, the tibetan pig just as a special case of the domesticated pig under plateau condition) and wild boar. we found large differences in the expression of genes involved in multiple aspects of glucose metabolism, including ge ...201728508704
a pathway-centered analysis of pig domestication and breeding in eurasia.ascertaining the molecular and physiological basis of domestication and breeding is an active area of research. due to the current wide distribution of its wild ancestor, the wild boar, the pig (sus scrofa) is an excellent model to study these processes, which occurred independently in east asia and europe ca. 9000 yr ago. analyzing genome variability patterns in terms of metabolic pathways is attractive since it considers the impact of interrelated functions of genes, in contrast to genome-wide ...201728500056
metformin prevents ischaemic ventricular fibrillation in metabolically normal pigs.metformin is the drug most often used to treat type 2 diabetes. evidence suggests that metformin may reduce mortality of individuals with type 2 diabetes, but the mechanism of such an effect is unknown and outcomes of metformin treatment in people without diabetes have not been determined. if metformin favourably affected mortality of non-diabetic individuals, it might have even broader therapeutic utility. we evaluated the effect of metformin on myocardial energetics and ischaemic ventricular f ...201728497164
a porcineex vivolung perfusion model with maximal argon exposure to attenuate ischemia-reperfusion injury.argon (ar) is a noble gas with known organoprotective effects in rodents andin vitromodels. in a previous study we failed to find a postconditioning effect of ar duringex vivolung perfusion (evlp) on warm-ischemic injury in a porcine model. in this study, we further investigated a prolonged exposure to ar to decrease cold ischemia-reperfusion injury after lung transplantation in a porcine model with evlp assessment. domestic pigs (n= 6/group) were pre-conditioned for 6 hours with 21% o2and 79% n ...201728480029
insular east asia pig dispersal and vicariance inferred from asian wild boar genetic evidence.the formosan wild boar () is an endemic subspecies in taiwan. understanding the origins and spread of the formosan wild boar could help clarify east asian wild boar dispersion. although in situ domestication of the wild boar occurred at a number of domestication centers across east asia, corroborating archaeological and genetic evidence of pig domestication on taiwan is lacking, leading to domestication being described as cryptic. this characterization applies to the lanyu pig-a domestic pig bre ...201728464072
titanium implant functionalization with phosphate-containing polymers may favour in vivo osseointegration.osseointegration of titanium implants is predictable, but can be improved via surface functionalization.201728453878
magnetic resonance imaging as a noninvasive method for longitudinal monitoring of infusion site reactions following administration of a novel apomorphine formulation.infusion site reactions are common following subcutaneous infusion of drugs. such reactions can lead to discontinuation of the treatment. therefore, assessment of such reactions is essential during preclinical safety studies, and magnetic resonance imaging (mri) can assist in evaluation. here, in vivo and ex vivo mri evaluations were used in addition to classical histopathology to assess the infusion site reaction to nd0701, a novel formulation of apomorphine base developed for the treatment of ...201728443458
heart-rate variability depression in porcine peritonitis-induced sepsis without organ failure.depression of heart-rate variability (hrv) in conditions of systemic inflammation has been shown in both patients and experimental animal models and hrv has been suggested as an early indicator of sepsis. the sensitivity of hrv-derived parameters to the severity of sepsis, however, remains unclear. in this study we modified the clinically relevant porcine model of peritonitis-induced sepsis in order to avoid the development of organ failure and to test the sensitivity of hrv to such non-severe c ...201728440737
classical swine fever-an updated review.classical swine fever (csf) remains one of the most important transboundary viral diseases of swine worldwide. the causative agent is csf virus, a small, enveloped rna virus of the genus pestivirus. based on partial sequences, three genotypes can be distinguished that do not, however, directly correlate with virulence. depending on both virus and host factors, a wide range of clinical syndromes can be observed and thus, laboratory confirmation is mandatory. to this means, both direct and indirec ...201728430168
proteomic analysis of the endometrium during early pregnancy in the domestic pig.reproductive processes in domestic pigs have been studied extensively. pigs are one of the main sources of meat for human consumption and are an established model for investigations into mammalian, including human, reproductive physiology. studies of the uterus during early pregnancy will lead to a better understanding of mechanisms governing pregnancy. proteomics provides the possibility to explore endometrial functions in an unbiased way. the aim of the study was to compare endometrium harvest ...201728416050
a simple method of placing a coronary sinus catheter through the femoral vein in miniature swine.the aim of the present study was to evaluate the feasibility of placing a coronary sinus (cs) catheter through the femoral veins of miniature swine. a total of 16 male domestic pigs (3-4 months old, 25±2 kg) were used. firstly, the anatomic structure of the cs ostium of swine heart was observed at different angles under x-ray. the guide wire and cobara catheter were subsequently advanced into the right atrium through the femoral vein. subsequently, the guide wire was retracted behind the fix cur ...201728413516
effects of racecadotril on weight loss and diarrhea due to human rotavirus in neonatal gnotobiotic pigs (sus scrofa domesticus).diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death in children younger than 5 y, and the most common cause of acute watery diarrhea in young children worldwide is rotaviral infection. medicines to specifically reduce diarrhea would be a desirable adjunctive treatment to supportive fluid therapy to decrease the mortality rate of diarrheal diseases. in this study, we evaluated the efficacy of an antisecretory drug, racecadotril, in treating human rotavirus (hrv)-induced diarrhea in a neonatal ...201728381316
novel effects of identified snps within the porcine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein gene family (ppags) on the major reproductive traits in hirschmann hybrid-line sows.this is the first study describing identification of snps within the multiple and polymorphic pregnancy-associated glycoprotein gene family (pags) in the genome of the domestic pig (ppags). we identified ppag-like (ppag-l) genotypes in primiparous and multiparous farmed hybrid-line jsr hirschmann (hrn) sows (n=159), in which various novel associations with their phenotypes for the major reproductive traits have been discovered. genomic dna templates were isolated from the blood and different ppa ...201728371694
featured article: pyruvate preserves antiglycation defenses in porcine brain after cardiac arrest.cardiac arrest (ca) and cardiocerebral resuscitation (ccr)-induced ischemia-reperfusion imposes oxidative and carbonyl stress that injures the brain. the ischemic shift to anaerobic glycolysis, combined with oxyradical inactivation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh), provokes excessive formation of the powerful glycating agent, methylglyoxal. the glyoxalase (glo) system, comprising the enzymes glyoxalase 1 (glo1) and glo2, utilizes reduced glutathione (gsh) supplied by glutathio ...201728361585
defective postsecretory maturation of muc5b mucin in cystic fibrosis cystic fibrosis (cf), airway mucus becomes thick and viscous, and its clearance from the airways is impaired. the gel-forming mucins undergo an ordered "unpacking/maturation" process after granular release that requires an optimum postsecretory environment, including hydration and ph. we hypothesized that this unpacking process is compromised in the cf lung due to abnormal transepithelial fluid transport that reduces airway surface hydration and alters ionic composition. using human tracheobr ...201728352653
histological and anatomical structure of the nasal cavity of bama minipigs.the nasal mucosa is equipped with abundant lymphatic tissues, serving as the first line of defense against invasion by microorganisms. in this study, we characterized the features of the nasal mucosa of bama minipigs (sus scrofa domestica) via histological analysis.201728339502
the early-life environment of a pig shapes the phenotypes of its social partners in interactions among individuals are abundant, both in natural and domestic populations, and may affect phenotypes of individuals. recent research has demonstrated that the social effect of an individual on the phenotype of its social partners may have a genetic component, known as an indirect genetic effect (ige). little is known, however, of nongenetic factors underlying such social effects. early-life environments often have large effects on phenotypes of the individuals themselves later ...201728327581
intra-luminal gene therapy in the porcine artery using a recombinant adeno-associated virus 9.the ability to improve or restore blood flow and promote healing in ischemic tissue has many potential clinical applications. augmentation by direct delivery of growth factors may further enhance results, but requires a method for sustained delivery. in this study, we have tested the ability of adeno-associated virus 9 (aav9) delivered within the lumen of a porcine artery to transfect the vessel and produce a desired product. the marker chosen was green fluorescent protein (gfp) (ke et al., 2011 ...201728322993
cardiovascular disease and resuscitated septic shock lead to the downregulation of the h2s-producing enzyme cystathionine-γ-lyase in the porcine coronary artery.downregulation of the hydrogen sulfide (h2s)-producing enzymes cystathionine-γ-lyase (cse), cystathionine-β-synthase (cbs), and/or 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (3-mst) is associated with chronic cardiovascular pathologies. nevertheless, equivocal data are available on both the expression and function of these enzymes in coronary arteries (ca). we recently reported that atherosclerotic pigs subjected to sepsis developed impaired cardiac function, which coincided with decreased myocardial ...201728321823
assessment of the risk of african swine fever introduction into finland using nora-a rapid tool for semiquantitative assessment of the risk.the nora rapid risk assessment tool was developed for situations where there is a change in the disease status of easily transmissible animal diseases in neighbouring countries or in countries with significant interactions with finland. the goal was to develop a tool that is quick to use and will provide consistent results to support risk management decisions. the model contains 63 questions that define the potential for entry and exposure by nine different pathways. the magnitude of the consequ ...201728303673
insights into early pig domestication provided by ancient dna analysis.pigs (sus scrofa) were first domesticated between 8,500 and 8,000 cal bc in the near east, from where they were subsequently brought into europe by agriculturalists. soon after the arrival of the first domestic pigs in northern europe (~4500 bc), farmers are thought to have started to incorporate local wild boars into their swine herds. this husbandry strategy ultimately resulted in the domestication of european wild boars. here, we set out to provide a more precise geographic and temporal frame ...201728300151
peri-conceptional under-nutrition alters the expression of trim28 and zfp57 in the endometrium and embryos during peri-implantation period in domestic pigs.dna methylation is maintained by the main elements of methylation complex-tripartite motif containing 28 (trim28) and zinc finger protein 57 (zfp57). previously, it was found that the activity of trim28 and zfp57 determines the process of dna methylation and preserves over-expression of genes. we hypothesized that restricted diet applied during peri-conceptional period may induce changes in the expression of methylation complex in porcine endometrium and embryos during the peri-implantation peri ...201728295703
effects of different iron supply to pregnant sows (sus scrofa domestica l.) on reproductive performance as well as iron status of new-born piglets.the present study aimed to investigate the effects of different iron (fe) supply to sows during gestation on their reproductive performance and placental fe load. additionally, the fe status of the corresponding offspring was assessed. twenty multiparous sows were fed from insemination to farrowing with isoenergetic and isonitrogenic balanced diets differing in fe content. the diet low in fe (group -fe) was mainly composed of soybean meal and maize meal and had a fe content of 114 mg/kg dm. for ...201728293962
phosphorylated pullulan coating enhances titanium implant osseointegration in a pig investigate the effect of coating a titanium implant surface with a phosphorylated exopolysaccharide, pullulan, on the peri-implant bone formation and implant osseointegration.201728291848
cardioprotective effect of nicorandil against myocardial injury following cardiac arrest in swine.nicorandil, a vasodilatory drug used to treat angina, was reported to protect against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in various animal models. however, its cardioprotective action following cardiac arrest is unknown. we examined the cardioprotective effects of nicorandil in a porcine model of cardiac arrest and resuscitation.201728285861
how much does it cost to look like a pig in a wild boar group?hybridization between domestic and wild species is known to widely occur and it is reported to be one of the major causes of the current biodiversity crisis. despite this, poor attention has been deserved to the behavioural ecology of hybrids, in particular in relation to their social behaviour. we carried out a camera trap study to assess whether phenotypically anomalous colouration in wild boar, i.e. potentially introgressed with domestic pigs, affected the hierarchical structure of wild boar ...201728274764
sequential activation of different pathway networks in ischemia-affected and non-affected myocardium, inducing intrinsic remote conditioning to prevent left ventricular remodeling.we have analyzed the pathway networks of ischemia-affected and remote myocardial areas after repetitive ischemia/reperfusion (r-i/r) injury without ensuing myocardial infarction (mi) to elaborate a spatial- and chronologic model of cardioprotective gene networks to prevent left ventricular (lv) adverse remodeling. domestic pigs underwent three cycles of 10/10 min r-i/r by percutaneous intracoronary balloon inflation/deflation in the mid left anterior descending artery, without consecutive mi. sh ...201728266659
the 'real welfare' scheme: benchmarking welfare outcomes for commercially farmed pigs.animal welfare standards have been incorporated in eu legislation and in farm assurance schemes, based on scientific information and aiming to safeguard the welfare of the species concerned. recently, emphasis has shifted from resource-based measures of welfare to animal-based measures, which are considered to assess more accurately the welfare status. the data used in this analysis were collected from april 2013 to may 2016 through the 'real welfare' scheme in order to assess on-farm pig welfar ...201728249629
continuous intraoperative neuromonitoring study using pigs for the prevention of mechanical recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in esophageal surgery.during esophageal surgery, clamping injury and injury associated with the use of energy devices are common mechanisms underlying intraoperative recurrent laryngeal nerve (rln) damage. recently, intraoperative neuromonitoring (ionm) has been applied to prevent rln injury. this study was aimed at investigating the changes in the emg signals associated with clamping injury of the rln caused by picking up of the nerve with tweezers in domestic pigs.201728142325
osteochondrosis, synovial fossae, and articular indentations in the talus and distal tibia of growing domestic pigs and wild boars.articular osteochondrosis (oc) often develops in typical locations within joints, and the characterization of oc distribution in the pig tarsus is incomplete. prevalence of oc is high in domestic pigs but is presumed to be low in wild boars. postmortem and computed tomography (ct) examinations of the talus and distal tibia from 40 domestic pigs and 39 wild boars were evaluated for the locations and frequencies of oc, synovial fossae, and other articular indentations, and frequency distribution m ...201728129094
the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the indigenous i pig (sus scrofa) in vietnam.the i pig is a long nurtured longstanding breed in vietnam, and contains excellent indigenous genetic resources. however, after 1970s, i pig breeds have become a small population because of decreasing farming areas and increasing pressure from foreign breeds with a high growth rate. thus, there is now the risk of the disappearance of the i pigs breed. the aim of this study was to focus on classifying and identifying the i pig genetic origin and supplying molecular makers for conservation activit ...201728111450
radiosynthesis and evaluation of [11c]3-hydroxycyclopent-1-enecarboxylic acid as potential pet ligand for the high-affinity γ-hydroxybutyric acid binding sites.γ-hydroxybutyric acid (ghb) is an endogenous neuroactive substance and proposed neurotransmitter with affinity for both low- and high-affinity binding sites. a radioligand with high and specific affinity toward the high-affinity ghb binding site would be a unique tool toward a more complete understanding of this population of binding sites. with its high specific affinity and monocarboxylate transporter (mct1) mediated transport across the blood-brain barrier in pharmacological doses, 3-hydroxyc ...201728095676
generation of germline ablated male pigs by crispr/cas9 editing of the nanos2 gene.genome editing tools have revolutionized the generation of genetically modified animals including livestock. in particular, the domestic pig is a proven model of human physiology and an agriculturally important species. in this study, we utilized the crispr/cas9 system to edit the nanos2 gene in pig embryos to generate offspring with mono-allelic and bi-allelic mutations. we found that nanos2 knockout pigs phenocopy knockout mice with male specific germline ablation but other aspects of testicul ...201728071690
accuracy of echocardiographic area-length method in chronic myocardial infarction: comparison with cardiac ct in pigs.we evaluated echocardiographic area-length methods to measure left ventricle (lv) volumes and ejection fraction (ef) in parasternal short axis views in comparison with cardiac computed tomography (ct) in pigs with chronic myocardial infarction (mi).201728069008
electrical impedance tomography for non-invasive assessment of stroke volume variation in health and experimental lung injury.functional imaging by thoracic electrical impedance tomography (eit) is a non-invasive approach to continuously assess central stroke volume variation (svv) for guiding fluid therapy. the early available data were from healthy lungs without injury-related changes in thoracic impedance as a potentially influencing factor. the aim of this study was to evaluate svv measured by eit (svveit) against svv from pulse contour analysis (svvpc) in an experimental animal model of acute lung injury at differ ...201728039243
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