Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
the reproductive performance of wild scottish red deer, cervus elaphus. | 1973 | 4522380 | |
antibody to babesia in scottish red deer (cervus elaphus). | 1973 | 4705761 | |
induction of antler growth in a congenitally polled scottish red deer stag. | a congenitally polled red deer stag was captured from a scottish deer forest and kept in an enclosure for observations. the animal had rudimentary antler pedicles but no antlers, and during five years of study no significant antler development occurred. amputation of the apex of one antler pedicle in may 1974 when the stat was 12 years of age resulted in the growth of a complete antler on the operated side, and this antler was subsequently cleaned and cast in the normal way and a new antler cycl ... | 1976 | 1262815 |
bovine virus diarrhoea antibody in a scottish red deer. | 1977 | 190760 | |
isolation of bovine virus diarrhoea virus from a scottish red deer. | 1980 | 6266120 | |
a cutaneous fibropapilloma from a red deer (cervus elaphus) associated with a papillomavirus. | a cutaneous fibropapilloma was found on a scottish red deer (cervus elaphus), and a papillomavirus was isolated from it. the virus appeared to be related to bovine papillomavirus type 1 (bpv1) or type 2 (bpv2) because: (i) it cross-reacted in peroxidase-antiperoxidase tests with antisera raised against these virions; (ii) bpv1 and bpv2 dnas cross-hybridized to the red deer papillomavirus in situ; and (iii) bpv1 and/or bpv2 dna cross-hybridized to the red deer papillomavirus dna on southern blots ... | 1985 | 2997076 |
systemic mycosis in scottish red deer (cervus elaphus). | the pathological features of 10 cases of systemic infection of young red deer by fungi morphologically identified as phycomycetes are described. the most frequently affected organs were the kidneys, followed by liver and central nervous system. the fungi stimulated an acute pyogenic inflammatory reaction and a phagocytic giant cell response. vasculitis with thrombosis and spread of fungi to the surrounding tissue was a common finding. culture was attempted in 4 cases; one yielded absidia, 2 aspe ... | 1985 | 3915751 |
pulsatile growth hormone, insulin-like growth factors and antler development in red deer (cervus elaphus scoticus) stags. | plasma samples taken every 30 min over a 26-h period each month from six 4- to 15-month-old red deer stags were analysed for gh. in addition, two samples taken at 10.00 and 22.00 h were analysed for insulin-like growth factor-i (igf-i) and insulin-like growth factor-ii (igf-ii). a concentrate diet was available ad libitum. food intake, body weight and antler status were recorded. concentrations of gh were analysed using the pulsar peak detection routine. secretion of gh was pulsatile in every mo ... | 1989 | 2754367 |
the biochemical systematics of red and sika deer (genus cervus) in ireland. | twenty enzyme loci were investigated using starch gel electrophoresis in managed populations of red deer (cervus elaphus) and sika deer (c. nippon) from ireland. the red deer, which originated from several european countries, were polymorphic (%p) at 25% of the loci examined and exhibited a mean heterozygosity (h) of 0.025. the sika, originally from japan, were introduced to ireland in very limited numbers. here, %p was 5% and h was 0.006. mean genetic distance (d) between these taxa was 0.160. ... | 1991 | 1816170 |
comparative rumen morphology of sympatric sika deer (cervus nippon) and red deer (c. elaphus scoticus) in the ahimanawa and kaweka ranges, central north island, new zealand. | eighteen sika deer (cervus nippon) and 14 red deer (c. elaphus scoticus) were sampled from two areas where these closely related species are sympatric. total body weight, carcass weight, age class, sex, and internal parameters (e.g. liver weight, kidney weight, rumen volume) were recorded. samples of rumen wall mucosa taken from the dorsal rumen wall, atrium ruminis, caudoventral blindsac, and ventral rumen wall were used to compare rumen morphology between the two species (and also any area, se ... | 1996 | 28307077 |
genetic analysis of farmed deer hybrids. | molecular methods which identify species-specific genetic markers are valuable for identification and genetic analysis of hybrid deer. we have used a variety of molecular techniques to compare père david's deer elaphurus davidianus, red deer cervus elaphus scotticus and north american wapiti c. e. manatobensis. in total, these analyses have identifed over 300 markers in which père david's deer sires are distinct from farmed red deer and over 100 markers in which wapiti sires differ from red deer ... | 1998 | 9704532 |
genetic influences on reproduction of female red deer (cervus elaphus) (1) seasonal luteal cyclicity. | this study compared the onset and duration of the breeding season of female red deer (cervus elaphus scoticus) and its hybrids with either wapiti (cervus elaphus nelsoni) or père david's (pd) deer (elaphurus davidianus). in trial 1 (1995), adult red deer (n=9), f1 hybrid wapiti x red deer (n=6) and maternal backcross hybrid pd deer x red deer (i.e., 14 pd; n=9) were maintained together in the presence of a vasectomised red deer stag for 12 months. they were blood-sampled daily or three times wee ... | 2000 | 10804275 |
genetic influences on reproduction of female red deer (cervus elaphus) (2) seasonal and genetic effects on the superovulatory response to exogenous fsh. | this study evaluated the influences of seasons and genotype on the superovulatory response to a standardised ofsh regimen in red deer (cervus elaphus scoticus) and its hybrids with either wapiti (c.e. nelsoni) or père david's (pd) deer (elaphurus davidianus). adult red deer (n=9), f(1) hybrid wapiti x red deer (n=6), and maternal backcross hybrid pd x red deer (i.e., 14 pd hybrid; n=9) were kept together in the presence of a vasectomised stag for 13 months. at 6 weekly intervals, all hinds recei ... | 2000 | 10804276 |
exploring red deer culling strategies using a population-specific calibrated management model. | wildlife management is generally carried out under conditions of uncertainty. the exact population size is unknown, its future dynamics are uncertain and clear management objectives are often not formulated. in order to provide management advice in this situation, a framework is presented for combining different sources of information using a bayesian approach for calibrating a management model. harvesting strategies can then be explored based on predictions of future populations size and struct ... | 2001 | 11400464 |
subspecies and body size allometry affect milk production and composition, and calf growth in red deer: comparison of cervus elaphus hispanicus and cervus elaphus scoticus. | studies comparing lactation in wild mammals have shown that maternal weight scales with offspring weight, milk production, or its energy. however, no study appears to have scaled milk composition with maternal or offspring weight. although diet affects milk composition and production, their effects in biological studies have almost never seemed to be controlled. in this study, we compare two subspecies of red deer, scottish deer, cervus elaphus scoticus (10 lactations), and iberian deer, cervus ... | 2003 | 13130438 |
estimate and production of milk energy in two subspecies of red deer: cervus elaphus hispanicus and c. e. scoticus. | this study estimates the caloric value of red deer milk as assessed relating bomb calorimetry data with the main milk nutrients. the study also examines milk energy estimates and lactation variables to compare iberian red deer hinds (cervus elaphus hispanicus) and the most studied scottish red deer (c. e. scoticus). the final model predicted energy value (ecal) in kcal/g of fresh milk from fat (f) and protein (p) content of milk, but not lactose: ecal = 0.345 + 8.332 f + 5.403 p. energy content ... | 2003 | 14648675 |
prevalence of 'head shooting' and the characteristics of the wounds in culled wild scottish red deer. | the carcases of 230 wild, culled red deer (cervus elaphus) were examined for the presence of bullet wounds and permanent wound tracts to determine the prevalence and significance of wounds involving the head, legs or carcase trunk. head wounds were found in 17 (7.4 per cent) of the carcases and were classified into two groups: nine in which the marksman was considered to have specifically targeted the head, and eight carcases in which the head wound was considered to have resulted from a ;coup d ... | 2006 | 16844818 |
the effect of conception date on gestation length of red deer (cervus elaphus). | recent studies have demonstrated that gestation length of red deer (cervus elaphus) is highly variable and influenced by various environmental factors, and this may confer survival advantages for neonates. the current study investigated the relationship between conception date and gestation length to test the hypothesis that within-herd synchrony of red deer births is facilitated by a 'push/pull' control over gestation length, such that hinds conceiving early and late in the breeding season have ... | 2008 | 18178346 |
genetic diversity and population structure of scottish highland red deer (cervus elaphus) populations: a mitochondrial survey. | the largest population of red deer (cervus elaphus) in europe is found in scotland. however, human impacts through hunting and introduction of foreign deer stock have disturbed the population's genetics to an unknown extent. in this study, we analysed mitochondrial control region sequences of 625 individuals to assess signatures of human and natural historical influence on the genetic diversity and population structure of red deer in the scottish highlands. genetic diversity was high with 74 hap ... | 2009 | 19002206 |
a cervid vocal fold model suggests greater glottal efficiency in calling at high frequencies. | male rocky mountain elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) produce loud and high fundamental frequency bugles during the mating season, in contrast to the male european red deer (cervus elaphus scoticus) who produces loud and low fundamental frequency roaring calls. a critical step in understanding vocal communication is to relate sound complexity to anatomy and physiology in a causal manner. experimentation at the sound source, often difficult in vivo in mammals, is simulated here by a finite element mod ... | 2010 | 20808882 |
the impact of past introductions on an iconic and economically important species, the red deer of scotland. | the red deer (cervus elaphus) is an iconic species in scotland and, due to its value as a game species, an important element of the scottish rural economy. the native status of this species is sometimes questioned because of many recorded introductions of nonnative deer in the past that were an attempt to improve trophy size. in this study, we assessed the impact of past introductions on the genetic makeup of scottish red deer by genotyping at 15 microsatellite loci a large number of samples (n ... | 2012 | 23091222 |
do red deer stags (cervus elaphus) use roar fundamental frequency (f0) to assess rivals? | it is well established that in humans, male voices are disproportionately lower pitched than female voices, and recent studies suggest that this dimorphism in fundamental frequency (f0) results from both intrasexual (male competition) and intersexual (female mate choice) selection for lower pitched voices in men. however, comparative investigations indicate that sexual dimorphism in f0 is not universal in terrestrial mammals. in the highly polygynous and sexually dimorphic scottish red deer cerv ... | 2013 | 24386312 |
long-term density-dependent changes in habitat selection in red deer (cervus elaphus). | understanding how habitat selection changes with population density is a key concept in population regulation, community composition and managing impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. at low density, it is expected that individuals select habitats in terms of their preference, but as population density increases, the availability of resources per individual declines on preferred habitats, leading to competition which forces some individuals to exploit less preferred habitats. using spa ... | 2013 | 23719900 |
roaring high and low: composition and possible functions of the iberian stag's vocal repertoire. | we provide a detailed description of the rutting vocalisations of free-ranging male iberian deer (cervus elaphus hispanicus, hilzheimer 1909), a geographically isolated and morphologically differentiated subspecies of red deer cervus elaphus. we combine spectrographic examinations, spectral analyses and automated classifications to identify different call types, and compare the composition of the vocal repertoire with that of other red deer subspecies. iberian stags give bouts of roars (and more ... | 2013 | 23667678 |
importance and mitigation of the risk of spillback transmission of mycobacterium bovis infection for eradication of bovine tuberculosis from wildlife in new zealand. | introduced brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) are wildlife maintenance hosts for mycobacterium bovis in new zealand, often living sympatrically with other potential hosts, including wild red deer (cervus elaphus scoticus). population control of possums has been predicted to eradicate tuberculosis (tb) from new zealand wildlife ; however, there is concern that long-lived m. bovis-infected deer could represent a ‘ spillback’ risk for tb re-establishment (particularly when possum populations ... | 2013 | 23211646 |
wear fast, die young: more worn teeth and shorter lives in iberian compared to scottish red deer. | teeth in cervidae are permanent structures that are not replaceable or repairable; consequently their rate of wear, due to the grinding effect of food and dental attrition, affects their duration and can determine an animal's lifespan. tooth wear is also a useful indicator of accumulative life energy investment in intake and mastication and their interactions with diet. little is known regarding how natural and sexual selection operate on dental structures within a species in contrasting environ ... | 2015 | 26252380 |
solar radiation determines site occupancy of coexisting tropical and temperate deer species introduced to new zealand forests. | assemblages of introduced taxa provide an opportunity to understand how abiotic and biotic factors shape habitat use by coexisting species. we tested hypotheses about habitat selection by two deer species recently introduced to new zealand's temperate rainforests. we hypothesised that, due to different thermoregulatory abilities, rusa deer (cervus timorensis; a tropical species) would prefer warmer locations in winter than red deer (cervus elaphus scoticus; a temperate species). since adult male ... | 2015 | 26061426 |
geochemical landscapes as drivers of trace and toxic element profiles in wild red deer (cervus elaphus). | tissue concentrations of essential trace and toxic elements in red deer (cervus elaphus) are associated with the plants, soil and water they ingest. as such, variation in tissue concentrations is associated with variation in local geochemistry and bioavailability of elements. physiological factors such as liver fluke (fasciola hepatica) infection, breeding status, and in-tissue element interactions may also affect tissue concentrations, though their effects in red deer are not well understood. t ... | 2017 | 28609848 |