
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
helicobacter anseris sp. nov. and helicobacter brantae sp. nov., isolated from feces of resident canada geese in the greater boston area.numbers of nonmigratory canada geese have increased substantially in the past decade, and they have become a nuisance in some urban areas. because of their close contact with humans in parks and areas adjacent to surface waterways, contact with their feces poses a zoonotic risk. a total of 97 geese from 10 separate geographic locales in the greater boston area had their feces sampled for detection of helicobacter spp. identification of helicobacter spp. based on 16s rrna genus-specific helicobac ...200616820454
low occurrence of helicobacter dna in tropical wild birds, venezuela.enteric helicobacter species (helicobacter pullorum, helicobacter pametensis, helicobacter canadensis, helicobacter anseris, and helicobacter brantae) have been found in birds from temperate latitudes. we evaluated the occurrence of helicobacter spp. in terrestrial wild birds from venezuela. a fragment of 16s rrna gene was amplified by pcr with helicobacter genus-specific primers. helicobacter spp. were detected in four of 80 fecal and in three of 42 intestinal tissue samples. analyses of 16s an ...201324502727
description of helicobacter valdiviensis sp. nov., an epsilonproteobacteria isolated from wild bird faecal samples.two gram-stain-negative, gently curved rod-shaped isolates (wbe14(t) and wbe19), recovered from wild bird faecal samples in the city of valdivia (southern chile) were subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic study. results of a genus-specific pcr indicated that these isolates belonged to the genus helicobacter. this was further confirmed by a phylogenetic analyses based on the 16s rrna, 60 kda heat-shock protein (cpn60) and gyrase subunit b (gyrb) genes, where both strains formed a novel phylogenetic ...201424585375
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