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obligate symbiont involved in pest status of host insect. | the origin of specific insect genotypes that enable efficient use of agricultural plants is an important subject not only in applied fields like pest control and management but also in basic disciplines like evolutionary biology. conventionally, it has been presupposed that such pest-related ecological traits are attributed to genes encoded in the insect genomes. here, however, we report that pest status of an insect is principally determined by symbiont genotype rather than by insect genotype. ... | 2007 | 17567556 |
population genetic baseline of the first plataspid stink bug symbiosis (hemiptera: heteroptera: plataspidae) reported in north america. | the stink bug, megacopta cribraria, has an obligate relationship with a bacterial endosymbiont which allows it to feed on legumes. the insect is a pest of soybeans in asia and was first reported in the western hemisphere in october 2009 on kudzu vine, pueraria montana, in north georgia, usa. by october 2010 m. cribraria had been confirmed in 80 counties in georgia actively feeding on kudzu vine and soybean plants. since the symbiosis may support the bug's ecological expansions, a population gene ... | 2011 | 26467727 |
the biology and preliminary host range of megacopta cribraria (heteroptera: plataspidae) and its impact on kudzu growth. | the bean plataspid, megacopta cribraria (f.), recently was discovered in the united states feeding on kudzu, pueraria montana lour. (merr.) variety lobata (willd.), an economically important invasive vine. we studied its biology on kudzu and its impact on kudzu growth. we also tested its ability to use other common forest legumes for oviposition and development. flight intercept traps operated from 17 may 2010 to 31 may 2011 in a kudzu field near athens, ga showed three peaks of adult flight act ... | 2012 | 22525058 |
selecting biological meaningful environmental dimensions of low discrepancy among ranges to predict potential distribution of bean plataspid invasion. | the bean plataspid (megacopta cribraria) (hemiptera: pentatomidae), native to asia, is becoming an invasive species in north america; its potential spread to soybean producing areas in the us is of great concern. ecological niche modelling (enm) has been used increasingly in predicting invasive species' potential distribution; however, poor niche model transferability was sometimes reported, leading to the artifactual conclusion of niche differentiation during species' invasion. methodology/prin ... | 2012 | 23049993 |
residual efficacy of insecticides applied to exterior building material surfaces for control of nuisance infestations of megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae). | the plataspid megacopta cribraria (f.), which was recently introduced to the united states, forms nuisance aggregations on the exteriors of homes when it seeks overwintering sites in the fall. little to no published information is available on the efficacy of insecticides labeled for professional use and exterior applications on homes and other structures against this insect. in a series of three experiments, we evaluated the residual efficacy of nine insecticides incorporating pyrethroid, neoni ... | 2013 | 24498747 |
within-field spatial distribution of megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in soybean (fabales: fabaceae). | the recently introduced plataspid megacopta cribraria (f.) can infest fields of soybean (glycine max (l.) merrill) in the southeastern united states. grid sampling in four soybean fields was conducted in 2011 and 2012 to study the spatial distribution of m. cribraria adults, nymphs, and egg masses. peak oviposition typically occurred in early august, while peak levels of adults occurred in mid-late september. the overall sex ratio was slightly biased at 53.1 ± 0.2% (sem) male. sweep samples of n ... | 2013 | 24280636 |
first-generation megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) can develop on soybeans. | megacopta cribraria (f.) (hemiptera: plataspidae) was first reported in 2009 near atlanta, ga. the insect undergoes two generations per year. the first-generation is reported mainly in kudzu during may and june, with the second establishing on both kudzu and soybean during july and august. a greenhouse study was conducted to determine the suitability of two legumes as hosts for first generation m. cribraria. first generation m. cribraria successfully developed on caged potted soybean plants. con ... | 2013 | 23786036 |
reduction of soybean yield components by megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae). | abstract since its discovery in the united states, the invasive plataspid megacopta cribraria (f.) (hemiptera: plataspidae) has infested soybean [glycine max (l.) merrill] fields in often alarming numbers in parts of the southeastern united states. although a known feeder on soybean, reports of its pest status in its native asian range are conflicting, and little information exists documenting its impact on soybean yields. our objective was to examine the relationship between m. cribraria densit ... | 2013 | 24020281 |
identification of a microspordium isolated from megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) and characterization of its pathogenicity in silkworms. | a new microsporidium isolated from megacopta cribraria was characterized by both biological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis. moreover, its pathogenicity to silkworms was also studied. the spores are oval in shape and measured 3.64 ± 0.2 × 2.20 ± 0.2 μm in size. its ultrastructure is characteristic of the genus nosema: a diplokaryon, 13-14 polar filament coils and posterior vacuole. its life cycle includes meronts, sporonts, sporoblasts and mature spores, with a typical diplokaryon in e ... | 2014 | 25173855 |
population genomics of a symbiont in the early stages of a pest invasion. | invasive species often depend on microbial symbionts, but few studies have examined the evolutionary dynamics of symbionts during the early stages of an invasion. the insect megacopta cribraria and its bacterial nutritional symbiont candidatus ishikawaella capsulata invaded the southeastern us in 2009. while m. cribraria was initially discovered on wild kudzu plants, it was found as a pest on soybeans within 1 year of infestation. because prior research suggests ishikawaella confers the pest sta ... | 2014 | 23841878 |
fine-scale geographical origin of an insect pest invading north america. | invasive species may rapidly spread throughout new areas once introduced, which may potentially lead to serious damage to local fauna and flora. information on geographical origins, introduction routes, and biology in native regions of such invasive species is of critical importance in identifying means of transport, preventing reintroduction, and establishing control/eradication methods. the plataspid stinkbug megacopta cribraria, known as kudzu bug, recently invaded north america and now has b ... | 2014 | 24551228 |
predation of the newly invasive pest megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in soybean habitats adjacent to cotton by a complex of predators. | the kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (f.) (hemiptera: plataspidae),is a newly invasive exotic insect found primarily on kudzu, but also on soybean, in the southeastern united states. we used molecular gut-content analysis to document predation on this pest by insects and spiders in soybean, and to detect remains of crop-specific alternative prey in predators' guts as markers of predator migration between soybean and adjacent cotton. m. cribraria was found exclusively on soybean. eight native gener ... | 2014 | 25026652 |
development, survival, and reproduction of megacopta cribraria (heteroptera: plataspidae) at different constant temperatures. | the plataspid megacopta cribraria (f.), an economic pest of soybeans, glycine max (l.) merrill, in asia recently invaded north america and has become not only an important pest of soybean but also a nuisance pest. although much is reported about m. cribraria in its native and invasive range, little information has been documented on the effect of temperatures on its development, longevity, and reproduction. we evaluated the influence of five constant temperatures (17-33°c) on the development, su ... | 2014 | 26470070 |
developing sampling plans for the invasive megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in soybean. | since its discovery in the southeastern united states, the invasive plataspid megacopta cribraria (f.) (hemiptera: plataspidae) has infested soybean (glycine max (l.) merrill) fields in often very high numbers. to optimize sampling plans, sweep-net and beat-cloth sampling was conducted in soybean fields in south carolina during 2012 and 2013. across all fields, densities averaged 7.2 ± 0.5 (sem) adults and 4.5 ± 0.4 nymphs per 20 sweeps and 5.5 ± 0.3 adults and 4.5 ± 0.3 nymphs per 1.83 m of row ... | 2014 | 26470088 |
first report of a mermithid nematode infecting the invasive megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in the united states. | megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) has become a pest of soybean, glycine max (l.), in the united states. while several natural enemies of m. cribraria have been reported, our study is the first to report nematodes beneath the pleural membranes in the abdominal cavities of adults. morphological and molecular analyses suggest this nematode belongs to the family mermithidae. this first report of a nematode infection in m. cribraria adds to the current inventory of enemies attacking this i ... | 2015 | 25731127 |
preoverwintering copulation and female ratio bias: life history characteristics contributing to the invasiveness and rapid spread of megacopta cribraria (heteroptera: plataspidae). | prewinter copulation, sperm storage, and oocyte development in overwintering adult megacopta cribraria (f.) was examined in alabama (lee co.). microscopic examinations of the spermathecae and ovaries were made in females and of the testes in males that were collected approximately weekly from september 2013 through march 2014. the results indicated that approximately 15% of females mated before entering winter dormancy and sperm was stored in their spermatheca for up to seven months, oocytes in ... | 2015 | 26313196 |
host preference of megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) on selected edible beans and soybean. | megacopta cribraria (f.) (hemiptera: plataspidae) is an old world pest of legumes in asia. since its 2009 discovery in georgia, it has become an economic pest of soybeans in the southeastern united states. the objective of this study was to determine the host preference of m. cribraria on edible legumes that might incur economic damage from injury of this pest. from 2012 to 2013 choice, no-choice, and field trials were conducted to evaluate the host suitability of several beans of commercial int ... | 2015 | 26470234 |
action thresholds for managing megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in soybean based on sweep-net sampling. | the kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (f.), first discovered in the united states in 2009, has rapidly become a pest of commercial soybean, glycine max (l.) merrill, throughout much of the southeast. because of its recent arrival, management practices and recommendations are not well established. to develop action thresholds, we evaluated insecticide applications targeted at different densities of adults and nymphs determined using the standard 38-cm diameter sweep net sampling method in 12 soybean ... | 2015 | 26470324 |
megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) population dynamics in soybeans as influenced by planting date, maturity group, and insecticide use. | since its unintentional introduction during 2009, megacopta cribraria (f.) has spread rapidly throughout the southeastern united states, mainly feeding and reproducing on kudzu, pueraria montana loureiro (merr.) variety lobata (willdenow), and soybeans, glycine max (l.) merr. megacopta cribraria has become a serious economic pest in soybeans, forcing growers to rely solely on insecticide applications to control this insect. the main objective of this study was to investigate if variation in plan ... | 2016 | 26896533 |
host plant resistance to megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in diverse soybean germplasm maturity groups v through viii. | initially discovered in georgia in 2009, the exotic invasive plataspid,megacopta cribraria(f.), has become a serious pest of soybean (glycine max(l.) merrill). managingm. cribrariain soybean typically involves the application of broad-spectrum insecticides. soybean host plant resistance is an attractive alternative approach; however, no commercial soybean cultivars have been identified as resistant. during 2013 and 2014, we compared 40 and 44 soybean genotypes, respectively, for resistance tom. ... | 2016 | 27018438 |
assessment of a cross-vane trap as a tool for sampling the invasive megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in soybean with associated evaluations of female reproductive status. | megacopta cribraria (f.) (hemiptera: plataspidae) is an established pest of soybean, glycine max (l.) merrill, in the southeastern united states. populations of this pest in soybean are typically estimated using sweep nets, a time-consuming procedure. cross-vane traps may provide an alternative to using sweep nets. the relationship between trap and sweep-net sampling, and the effect of distance from field edges on m. cribraria densities were studied in 2013 and 2014. adults were detected in the ... | 2016 | 27550166 |
estimation of median lethal concentration of three isolates of beauveria bassiana for control of megacopta cribraria (heteroptera: plataspidae) bioassayed on solid lygus spp. diet. | the kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (f.), is an urban nuisance and significant agricultural pest. the median lethal concentrations of three strains of beauveria bassiana (balsamo), including the mississippi delta native strain (ni8) isolated from lygus lineolaris (palisot de beauvois), the commercial strain botanigard(®) (gha) (victor, ny, usa), and the b. bassiana strain isolated from m. cribraria (kudsc), were estimated on kudzu bug adults. a technique developed to evaluate b. bassiana against ... | 2016 | 27376335 |
agamermis (nematoda: mermithidae) infection in south carolina agricultural pests. | native and invasive stink bugs (hemiptera: pentatomidae) and the closely related invasive megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) are agricultural pests in the southeastern united states. natural enemies, from various phyla, parasitize these pests and contribute to population regulation. we specifically investigated nematoda infections in pentatomid and plataspid pests in one soybean field in south carolina in 2015. nematodes were identified through molecular and morphological methods and a ... | 2016 | 28154435 |
effect of planting date and maturity group on soybean yield response to injury by megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae). | the kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (f.), is an invasive member of the family plataspidae originating from asia. since its discovery in georgia in 2009, its distribution has increased to 13 southern and eastern states. in the united states, m. cribraria is bivoltine and has two primary developmental hosts, kudzu and soybean. here, we evaluated the yield response of soybean to m. cribraria feeding injury in relation to planting date and soybean maturity group. the study contained four replicated t ... | 2016 | 26511984 |
management of megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) at different stages of soybean (fabales: fabaceae) development. | the invasive plataspidmegacopta cribraria(f.) is now distributed throughout much of the southeastern united states. while it readily feeds and develops on the invasive weed kudzu,puereria montana(loureiro) merrill var.lobata(willdenow),m. cribrariais an economic pest of soybean,glycine max(l.) merrill. differences in the susceptibility of soybean tom. cribraria-induced yield reductions based on plant phenology were assessed using two experimental protocols in georgia, north carolina, and south c ... | 2016 | 27030748 |
biology, pest status, microbiome and control of kudzu bug (hemiptera: heteroptera: plataspidae): a new invasive pest in the u.s. | soybean is an important food crop, and insect integrated pest management (ipm) is critical to the sustainability of this production system. in recent years, the introduction into the united states of the kudzu bug currently identified as megacopta cribraria (f.), poses a threat to soybean production. the kudzu bug was first discovered in the state of georgia, u.s. in 2009 and since then has spread to most of the southeastern states. because it was not found in the north american subcontinent bef ... | 2016 | 27649166 |
sublethal effects of insecticide exposure on megacopta cribraria (fabricius) nymphs: key biological traits and acetylcholinesterase activity. | megacopta cribraria f. (hemiptera: plataspidae), the kudzu bug, is an invasive insect pest of u.s. soybean. at present, insecticide application is the primary and most effective control option for m. cribraria in this study, the potential effects of sublethal and low-lethal concentrations (lc10 and lc40) of three common insecticides on key biological traits and acetylcholinesterase (ache) activity of the treated nymphal stage of insect were assessed. the results show that the sublethal concentra ... | 2016 | 27638957 |
ecology and management of kudzu bug (hemiptera: plataspidae) in southeastern soybeans. | kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria fabricius (hemiptera: plataspidae), is an invasive exotic pest of soybeans that has been present in the southeastern united states since 2009 and has been rapidly spreading through soybean-producing states. their primary reproductive hosts in the united states are soybean, kudzu, pigeon pea, black eye pea, lima bean, pinto bean, wisteria, white sweet clover, white clover, red clover, alfalfa, perennial peanut, and american joint vetch. in soybeans, the kudzu bug fe ... | 2016 | 27812397 |
seasonal population dynamics of megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) in kudzu and soybean, and implication for insecticidal management in soybean. | megacopta cribraria (f.), an invasive species introduced from asia in 2009, is now prolific in the southeastern united states. megacopta cribraria develops primarily on kudzu and soybean completing two generations. it is not well understood how this economic pest is affected by changes in geographic distribution in the united states or how population levels have changed since its establishment. the effect of insecticide application timing on field populations of m. cribraria is not well document ... | 2017 | 28039424 |
impacts of tillage, maturity group, and insecticide use on megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) populations in double-cropped soybean. | megacopta cribraria (f.), also known as the kudzu bug, is a soybean pest in the united states, and it can cause up to a 60% yield reduction if not controlled. insecticides are commonly used to manage this pest in commercial soybean fields. however, other soybean production practices may also affect kudzu bug populations. this study investigated the effect of soil tillage, maturity group selection, and insecticide use on kudzu bug densities in soybean. during 2012 and 2013, at two locations each ... | 2017 | 28053208 |
cold tolerance of megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae): an invasive pest of soybeans. | kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria fabricius (hemiptera: plataspidae), first discovered in the united states in 2009, is an invasive pest of soybeans. from 2013 to 2016, maryland has been the northern limit of its distribution in the united states. we sought to determine the physiological cold temperature limits, timing of movement to overwintering locations, and to characterize overwintering microhabitat temperature. we measured supercooling point (scp) on three populations from distinct usda plant ... | 2017 | 29028996 |
spatial distribution of megacopta cribraria (hemiptera: plataspidae) adults, eggs and parasitism by paratelenomus saccharalis (hymenoptera: platygastridae) in soybean. | since 2014, populations of the kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (f.) (hemiptera: plataspidae), have declined in the southeastern united states and seldom require treatment. this decline follows the discovery of paratelenomus saccharalis (dodd; hymenoptera: platygastridae), a non-native egg parasitoid. the objective of this project was to observe the temporal and spatial dynamics of p. saccharalis parasitism of kudzu bug egg masses in commercial soybean fields. four fields were sampled weekly for k ... | 2017 | 29028992 |
seasonal occurrence and interspecific interactions of egg parasitoids of megacopta cribraria (heteroptera: plataspidae) in japan. | we conducted a field study to determine seasonal egg parasitism rates of the kudzu bug megacopta cribraria (f.) on the kudzu plant, pueraria montana (lour.) merr. var. lobata (willd.) maesen et almeida ex sanjappa and pradeep, in tokyo, japan, during the period from may 2014 to september 2014. the eggs of m. cribraria per 1 m2 of kudzu at four locations in tokyo were collected weekly and parasitism rates were assessed. eggs of m. cribraria were laid on the kudzu plant from may to september. mega ... | 2017 | 28369558 |
attractiveness of host plants at different growth stage to kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (heteroptera: plataspidae): behavioral responses to whole plant and constitutive volatiles. | the kudzu bug, megacopta cribraria (fabricius), is an invasive pest of soybeans, glycine max (l.) merr., that has recently been detected in the united states. this study investigated whether there was a differential attraction of adult bugs to soybean growth stages, and whether the attraction was related to soybean constitutive volatiles. greenhouse choice assays examined the behavioral orientation preference of adult bugs exposed to four growth stages of whole soybean plants: vegetative (v2), f ... | 2017 | 29029301 |