Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
reproductive isolating mechanisms in the blue-winged warbler - golden-winged warbler complex. | 1968 | 28564976 | |
"isolating mechanisms" in the blue-winged warbler-golden-winged warbler complex. | 1969 | 28562895 | |
comments on introgression and reproductive isolating mechanisms in the blue-winged warbler-golden-winged warbler complex. | 1970 | 28563016 | |
discrimination behavior and hybridization of the blue-winged and golden-winged warblers. | 1972 | 28555732 | |
local cytonuclear extinction of the golden-winged warbler. | i compared the mtdna compositions of two adjacent populations of vermivora chrysoptera (golden-winged warbler) at different stages of transient hybridization with its sister species v. pinus (blue-winged warbler). pinus mtdna introgresses asymmetrically and perhaps rapidly into chrysoptera phenotypes without comparable reverse introgression of chrysoptera mtdna into replacing pinus populations. pinus mtdna was virtually fixed (98%) in an actively hybridizing lowland population with varied phenot ... | 1997 | 28565355 |
complex hybridization dynamics between golden-winged and blue-winged warblers (vermivora chrysoptera and vermivora pinus) revealed by aflp, microsatellite, intron and mtdna markers. | blue-winged (vermivora pinus) and golden-winged warblers (vermivora chrysoptera) have an extensive mosaic hybrid zone in eastern north america. over the past century, the general trajectory has been a rapid replacement of chrysoptera by pinus in a broad, northwardly moving area of contact. previous mtdna-based studies on these species' hybridization dynamics have yielded variable results: asymmetric and rapid introgression from pinus into chrysoptera in some areas and bidirectional maternal gene ... | 2007 | 17498229 |
retirement investment theory explains patterns in songbird nest-site choice. | when opposing evolutionary selection pressures act on a behavioural trait, the result is often stabilizing selection for an intermediate optimal phenotype, with deviations from the predicted optimum attributed to tracking a moving target, development of behavioural syndromes or shifts in riskiness over an individual's lifetime. we investigated nest-site choice by female golden-winged warblers, and the selection pressures acting on that choice by two fitness components, nest success and fledgling ... | 2014 | 24403320 |
tornadic storm avoidance behavior in breeding songbirds. | migration is a common behavior used by animals of many taxa to occupy different habitats during different periods. migrant birds are categorized as either facultative (i.e., those that are forced to migrate by some proximal cue, often weather) or obligate (i.e., those that migrate on a regular cycle). during migration, obligate migrants can curtail or delay flights in response to inclement weather or until favorable winds prevail, and they can temporarily reorient or reverse direction when ecolo ... | 2015 | 25532897 |
spatio-temporal variation of biotic factors underpins contemporary range dynamics of congeners. | species' ranges are complex often exhibiting multidirectional shifts over space and time. despite the strong fingerprint of recent historical climate change on species' distributions, biotic factors such as loss of vegetative habitat and the presence of potential competitors constitute important yet often overlooked drivers of range dynamics. furthermore, short-term changes in environmental conditions can influence the underlying processes of local extinction and local colonization that drive ra ... | 2016 | 26716759 |
plumage genes and little else distinguish the genomes of hybridizing warblers. | when related taxa hybridize extensively, their genomes may become increasingly homogenized over time. this mixing via hybridization creates conservation challenges when it reduces genetic or phenotypic diversity and when it endangers previously distinct species via genetic swamping [1]. however, hybridization also facilitates admixture mapping of traits that distinguish each species and the associated genes that maintain distinctiveness despite ongoing gene flow [2]. we address these dual aspect ... | 2016 | 27546575 |
evaluating outcomes of management targeting the recovery of a migratory songbird of conservation concern. | assessing outcomes of habitat management is critical for informing and adapting conservation plans. from 2013-2019, a multi-stage management initiative, led by the american bird conservancy (abc), aims to create >25,000 ha of shrubland and early-successional vegetation to benefit golden-winged warblers (vermivora chrysoptera) in managed forested landscapes of the western great lakes region. we studied a dense breeding population of golden-winged warblers at rice lake national wildlife refuge (nw ... | 2018 | 29404216 |
response to lisovski et al. | lisovski et al.[1] describe the widely recognized limitations of light-level geolocator data for identifying short-distance latitudinal movements, recommend that caution be used when interpreting such data, intimated that we did not use such caution and argued that environmental shading likely explained the golden-winged warbler (vermivora chrysoptera) movements described in our 2015 report [2]. lisovski et al.[1] conclude that the bird movements we reported could not be disentangled from estima ... | 2018 | 29408251 |
inherent limits of light-level geolocation may lead to over-interpretation. | in their 2015 current biology paper, streby et al.[1] reported that golden-winged warblers (vermivora chrysoptera), which had just migrated to their breeding location in eastern tennessee, performed a facultative and up to ">1,500 km roundtrip" to the gulf of mexico to avoid a severe tornadic storm. from light-level geolocator data, wherein geographical locations are estimated via the timing of sunrise and sunset, streby et al.[1] concluded that the warblers had evacuated their breeding area app ... | 2018 | 29408264 |
effects of biological monitoring and results outreach on private landowner conservation management. | sustained management efforts by private landowners are crucial for the long-term success of private land natural resource conservation and related environmental benefits. landowner outreach is a primary means of recruiting private landowners into voluntary conservation incentive programs, and could also help sustain conservation behaviors through time. however, evaluation of outreach targeting landowners during or after participation in natural resource conservation incentive programs is lacking ... | 2018 | 29617388 |
population trends in vermivora warblers are linked to strong migratory connectivity. | migratory species can experience limiting factors at different locations and during different periods of their annual cycle. in migratory birds, these factors may even occur in different hemispheres. therefore, identifying the distribution of populations throughout their annual cycle (i.e., migratory connectivity) can reveal the complex ecological and evolutionary relationships that link species and ecosystems across the globe and illuminate where and how limiting factors influence population tr ... | 2018 | 29483273 |
a wood-warbler produced through both interspecific and intergeneric hybridization. | hybridization between divergent taxa can provide insight into the breakdown of characters used in mate choice, as well as reproductive compatibility across deep evolutionary timescales. hybridization can also occur more frequently in declining populations, as there is a smaller pool of conspecific mates from which to choose. here, we report an unusual combination of factors that has resulted in a rare, three-species hybridization event among two genera of warblers, one of which is experiencing s ... | 2018 | 30404868 |
selection on vps13a linked to migration in a songbird. | animal migration demands an interconnected suite of adaptations for individuals to navigate over long distances. this trait complex is crucial for small birds whose migratory behaviors-such as directionality-are more likely innate, rather than being learned as in many longer-lived birds. identifying causal genes has been a central goal of migration ecology, and this endeavor has been furthered by genome-scale comparisons. however, even the most successful studies of migration genetics have achie ... | 2019 | 31451666 |
implications for evolutionary trends from the pairing frequencies among golden-winged and blue-winged warblers and their hybrids. | extensive range loss for the golden-winged warbler (vermivora chrysoptera) has occurred in areas of intrusion by the blue-winged warbler (v. cyanoptera) potentially related to their close genetic relationship. we compiled data on social pairing from nine studies for 2,679 resident vermivora to assess evolutionary divergence. hybridization between pure phenotypes occurred with 1.2% of resident males for sympatric populations. pairing success rates for golden-winged warblers was 83% and for blue-w ... | 2020 | 33072285 |
host dispersal and landscape conversion are associated with the composition of haemosporidian parasites of the golden-winged warbler. | understanding factors that influence the spatial and temporal distributions of blood parasites is important to help predict how host species and their parasites may respond to global change. factors that may influence parasite distributions are land cover and host dispersal patterns, which may result in exposure of a host to novel parasites, or escape from parasites of their origin. we screened golden-winged warblers from across the united states and canada for blood parasites, and investigated ... | 2020 | 31452483 |