
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
prevalence and intensity of typhlocoelum cucumerinum (digenea) in wild anatids of quebec, canada.the upper respiratory tracts of 534 wild anatids representing 20 species, shot during the 1976, 1977 and 1978 hunting seasons, were examined for typhlocoelum cucumerinum (rudolphi, 1809). typhlocoelum cucumerinum cymbium (diesing, 1850) were recovered from anas platyrhynchos, anas rubripes, anas acuta, anas discors and anas crecca. the maximum prevalence (16.7%) and intensity of infection (1.6) occurred in mallards (a. platyrhynchos). aythya valisineria and aythya marila harboured typhlocoelum c ...19807373728
comparisons of nine heavy metals in salt gland and liver of greater scaup (aythya marila), black duck (anas rubripes) and mallard (a. platyrhynchos).levels of nine heavy metals were measured in the livers and salt glands of greater scaup (aythya marila), black duck (anas rubripes) and mallard (a. platyrhynchos) from raritan bay, new jersey to determine if the functioning avian salt gland concentrates heavy metals. heavy metals examined were cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, manganese, nickel and zinc. heavy metal levels varied significantly by species and tissue for chromium, copper, lead, and manganese, and by tissue for cob ...19852861948
trace metals in the bones of scaup ducks (aythya marila l.) wintering in gdańsk bay, baltic sea, 1982-83 and 1983-84.the concentrations of fe, zn, mn, cu, pb, cd, co, ni, cr and ag in 88 samples of various bones and five samples of trachea prepared from scaup ducks (aythya marila l.) have been determined. with the exception of lead, no significant sex-related differences were observed for the concentration of metals. however, there were significant differences in the concentrations of most metals for different bones.19863764410
heavy metal concentrations in the liver of three duck species: influence of species and investigate interspecific and intersex differences in heavy metal levels, we analysed concentrations of cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, manganese, nickel and zinc in the livers of male and female black duck (anas rubripes), mallard (a. platyrhynchos) and greater scaup (aythya marila) collected in raritan bay, new jersey in december 1980 and january 1981. certain metal levels varied significantly by species and sex. in all species, zn and cu had the highest concentrations, an ...198715092758
profilicollis botulus (van cleave, 1916) from diving ducks and shore crabs of british columbia.adults of profilicollis botulus were found in 6 species of diving ducks in british columbia including 3 new hosts: common goldeneye, bucephala clangula (l.); barrow's goldeneye, b. islandica (gmelin); and greater scaup, aythya marila (l.). the identification of the species was verified by the examination of co-types and specimens from eider ducks, somateria mollissima (l.), from scotland and oldsquaw, clangula hyemalis (l.), from new brunswick. cystacanths from the hairy shore crab, hemigrapsus ...19892918442
wintering greater scaup as biomonitors of metal contamination in federal wildlife refuges in the long island region.tissues of greater scaup (aythya marila mariloides) and components of their habitat (sediment, plankton, macroalgae, and invertebrates) were collected for heavy metal analysis in the winter of 1996-97 from us department of the interior wildlife refuges in the long island region. geographic and temporal relationships between the concentration of nine metals in tissue and in habitat components were examined. in greater scaup tissues and habitat components, concentrations of as and se were highest ...200010556375
relating body condition to inorganic contaminant concentrations of diving ducks wintering in coastal wild waterfowl, poor winter body condition may negatively affect migration, survival, and reproduction. environmental contaminants have been shown to adversely affect the body condition of captive birds, but few field studies have examined body condition and contaminants in wild birds during the winter. we assessed the body condition of carcasses from a collection of canvasbacks (aythya valisineria) and lesser (a. affinis) and greater scaup (a. marila) wintering in coastal california. we used ...200211706369
trace metal concentrations are higher in cartilage than in bones of scaup and pochard wintering in poland.bones and cartilage of two species of diving ducks: the scaup aythya marila (n=24) and the pochard a. ferina (n=24) were studied. scaup is protected in poland where it spends only the winter, while pochard is a game bird, abundant and breeding in poland. in winter, the two species form large flocks off the southern coast of the baltic, particularly in the szczecin lagoon where they were collected for this study. the bones and cartilage (trachea) were assayed for concentrations (dry weight-based) ...200717854863
contaminants in lesser and greater scaup staging on the lower great lakes.the decrease and subsequent lack of recovery of the north american scaup population has increased concerns about contaminants acquired during migration. we collected 189 fall- and spring-migrant lesser (aythya affinis) and greater scaup (a. marila) on the lower great lakes (lgl) to determine if organic contaminants and trace elements in scaup livers were increased and to evaluate sources of variation in selenium (se) burdens. we found that all organic contaminants were below toxic levels. of 18 ...200717253099
effects of cadmium, mercury, and selenium on reproductive indices in male lesser scaup (aythya affinis) in the western boreal forest.combined lesser scaup (aythya affinis) and greater scaup (a. marila) populations decreased from the 1980s to the 1990s and have not recovered. factors limiting reproduction, including effects of contaminants and trace elements, have been highlighted as a concern in female scaup, but no studies have examined possible effects on male scaup. we examined the effects of cadmium, mercury, selenium, and corticosterone on pair status and on male reproductive indices, including testosterone, testes mass, ...200817968482
taxonomic structure of digenea in wild ducks (anatinae) from west pomerania.parasitic fauna of birds connected with water environment, including digeneans, is relatively well researched in poland. the exception, however, is west pomerania, where those birds were not frequent objects of parasitological research until recently. the purpose of this work is to determine the taxonomic structure of the digenea, parasitising wild ducks living in west pomerania. the research material was 124 individuals of wild anatinae (anseriformes) belonging to 8 species: anas strepera, a. c ...200818702318
[aythya fuligula--new host for retinometra pittalugai lopez-neyra, 1932 (cestoda, hymenolepididae) recorded in poland for the first time].during standard parasitological studies of the tufted duck aythya fuligula (linnaeus, 1758), obtained from fishermen from west pomerania, three cestode specimens were found in the jejunum of hosts. they were determined as retinometra pittalugai (lopez-neyra, 1932) on the basis of the cirrus's size, shape of stylet and rostellar hooks. this is the first record of this species in poland, since this parasite was earlier recorded only in anas platyrhynchos f. dom., aythya marila, a. ferina and bucep ...200819338226
corticosterone in relation to tissue cadmium, mercury and selenium concentrations and social status of male lesser scaup (aythya affinis).combined lesser scaup (aythya affinis) and greater scaup (a. marila) populations have declined steadily from the 1970s. accompanying the population decline have been two shifts in lesser scaup demographics: a decrease in the proportion of young birds and an increase in male to female ratio. in addition, there are concerns about potential effects of contaminants and trace elements. these metals may influence the stress response and corticosterone secretion. we examined impacts of cadmium, seleniu ...200918677562
relationships between hepatic trace element concentrations, reproductive status, and body condition of female greater scaup.we collected female greater scaup (aythya marila) on the yukon-kuskokwim delta, alaska during two breeding seasons to determine if concentrations of 18 trace elements in livers and eggs were elevated and if hepatic concentrations correlated with body condition or affected reproductive status. fifty-six percent, 5%, and 42% of females, respectively, had elevated hepatic cadmium (cd: >3 microg g(-1) dry weight [dw]), mercury (hg: >3 microg g(-1) dw), and selenium (se: >10 microg g(-1) dw). somatic ...200919231053
plasma yolk precursor dynamics during egg production by female greater scaup (aythya marila): characterization and indices of reproductive state.we characterized dynamics of the plasma yolk precursors vitellogenin (vtg), very-low-density lipoprotein (total vldl-tg), and vldl particle size distribution during egg production by female greater scaup (order: anseriformes, aythya marila). we also evaluated vtg and total vldl-tg as physiological indices of reproductive state. mean (+/-1 se) plasma concentrations of vtg and total vldl-tg for females with nondeveloped ovaries were 0.58 +/- 0.05 microg zn ml(-1) and 3.75 +/- 0.29 mmol tg l(-1), r ...200919117471
selenium concentrations in greater scaup and dreissenid mussels during winter on western lake hypothesis for the decline of the north american greater (aythya marila) and lesser (a. affinis) scaup population is that contaminant burdens acquired on wintering or staging areas impair reproduction or cause lethal or sublethal health effects. recent studies have found increased selenium (se) concentrations in scaup but have focused on the fall and spring staging periods. from january to march 2006 and december to march 2006 and 2007, we analyzed liver tissues collected from greater scaup ...201121120462
morphological features of cloacotaenia megalops (nitzsch in creplin, 1829) (cestoda, hymenolepididae) from different hosts.the tapeworm species cloacotaenia megalops (nitzsch in creplin, 1829) is characterized by a very specific morphology. a particularly distinct feature is a large almost square scolex in which four fleshy suction cups are embedded and a rudimentary rostellum. during standard studies of wild duck cestode fauna in northwestern poland, some morphological differences were observed among specimens, mainly in the shape of scolices and hermaphroditic proglottids of c. megalops isolated from different bir ...201121634232
cloacotaenia megalops (nitzsch in creplin, 1829) (cestoda, hymenolepididae) in wild ducks in western pomerania, poland.cloacotaenia megalops (nitzsch in creplin, 1892) is a polyxenic and cosmopolitan tapeworm from the family hymenolepididae. its generic name derives from their typical location (cloaca), and the typical final hosts which are birds typically associated with water and marsh environments: anseriformes, galliformes and gruiformes. in poland, the presence of c. megalops has been observed so far in 16 species of ducks from the baltic coast, the mazurian lake district, wielkopolsko-kujawska lowland, maz ...201121682099
morphological features of the nasal blood fluke trichobilharzia regenti (schistosomatidae, digenea) from naturally infected hosts.the first author detected the nasal bird schistosome trichobilharzia regenti in iceland in anas platyrhynchos in landmannalaugar in autumn of 2003. since then, measurements and morphological studies have been performed on fresh worms (fragments) obtained in the area from naturally infected ducks, a. platyrhynchos and aythya marila. in the present study, we compare our findings to the original description of t. regenti by horák et al. (parasite 5:349-357, 1998) that relies upon worms obtained by ...201122146993
an accessible method for implementing hierarchical models with spatio-temporal abundance data.a common goal in ecology and wildlife management is to determine the causes of variation in population dynamics over long periods of time and across large spatial scales. many assumptions must nevertheless be overcome to make appropriate inference about spatio-temporal variation in population dynamics, such as autocorrelation among data points, excess zeros, and observation error in count data. to address these issues, many scientists and statisticians have recommended the use of bayesian hierar ...201223166658
digenean communities in the tufted duck [aythya fuligula (l., 1758)] and greater scaup [a. marila (l., 1761)] wintering in the north-west of poland.a total of 124 specimens of the tufted duck, aythya fuligula, and 63 greater scaup, a. marila, were examined for digenean parasites. both duck species, which overwinter in a coastal lake connected with the southern baltic (north-west poland) were found to support amblosoma exile, cyathocotyle prussica, paracoenogonimus ovatus, australapatemon minor, cotylurus cornutus, echinoparyphium recurvatum, echinostoma revolutum and notocotylus attenuatus. in addition, the tufted duck hosted hypoderaeum co ...201322677200
effects of dietary selenium on the health and survival of captive wintering lesser scaup.accumulation of selenium (se) by lesser and greater scaup (aythya affinis, a. marila) at staging and wintering areas could have contributed to the decline in their continental population. we exposed lesser scaup to background (0.8 μg/g), moderate (8.1 μg/g) and high (20.7 μg/g) levels of dietary se in captivity and measured survival rates and indices of health in relation to hepatic se concentrations. there was 100% survival in scaup exposed to se for 10-weeks (average staging duration at great ...201323313732
calamicoptes anatidus sp. nov., a new quill wall mite (acari: laminosioptidae) from the greater scaup aythya marila (l.) (aves: anseriformes).calamicoptes anatidus sp. nov., a new species of rarely found parasitic mites of the family laminosioptidae (acari: astigmata) is described from quill walls of wing covert feathers of aythya marila linnaeus (anseriformes: anatidae) captured in poland. this is the first record of the family laminosioptidae on birds of the order anseriformes and the first record of this mite family in the fauna of poland. females of the new species are most similar to those of c. arenariae lombert, gaud et lukosch ...201425119356
the importance of non-native prey, the zebra mussel dreissena polymorpha, for the declining greater scaup aythya marila: a case study at a key european staging and wintering site.the european population of greater scaup aythya marila has experienced an alarming, ~60% decline in numbers over the last two decades. the brackish lagoons of the odra river estuary (ore) in the south-western baltic sea, represent an important area for the species during the non-breeding season in europe. the lagoons regularly support over 20 000 scaup, with peaks exceeding 100 000 (38%-70% of the population wintering in nw europe and the highest number recorded in april 2011-105 700). in the or ...201526709707
potency of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) for induction of ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (erod) activity in hepatocyte cultures from chicken, pekin duck, and greater scaup.the potency of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) and 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) for induction of ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (erod) activity was assessed in primary hepatocyte cultures prepared from chicken (gallus domesticus), pekin duck (anas platyrhynchos domesticus), and greater scaup (aythya marila). tcdd and 8 of the pahs induced erod activity in a concentration-dependent manner. seven of these were previously shown to be acutely toxic to avian embryos, while the 10 conge ...201525706091
becoming pure: identifying generational classes of admixed individuals within lesser and greater scaup populations.estimating the frequency of hybridization is important to understand its evolutionary consequences and its effects on conservation efforts. in this study, we examined the extent of hybridization in two sister species of ducks that hybridize. we used mitochondrial control region sequences and 3589 double-digest restriction-associated dna sequences (ddradseq) to identify admixture between wild lesser scaup (aythya affinis) and greater scaup (a. marila). among 111 individuals, we found one introgre ...201626833858
high prevalence and putative lineage maintenance of avian coronaviruses in scandinavian waterfowl.coronaviruses (covs) are found in a wide variety of wild and domestic animals, and constitute a risk for zoonotic and emerging infectious disease. in poultry, the genetic diversity, evolution, distribution and taxonomy of some coronaviruses have been well described, but little is known about the features of covs in wild birds. in this study we screened 764 samples from 22 avian species of the orders anseriformes and charadriiformes in sweden collected in 2006/2007 for cov, with an overall cov pr ...201626938459
correction: the importance of non-native prey, the zebra mussel dreissena polymorpha, for the declining greater scaup aythya marila: a case study at a key european staging and wintering site. 201627014868
ducks change wintering patterns due to changing climate in the important wintering waters of the odra river estuary.some species of birds react to climate change by reducing the distance they travel during migration. the odra river estuary in the baltic sea is important for wintering waterfowl and is where we investigated how waterbirds respond to freezing surface waters. the most abundant birds here comprise two ecological groups: bottom-feeders and piscivores. numbers of all bottom-feeders, but not piscivores, were negatively correlated with the presence of ice. with ongoing global warming, this area is inc ...201728785517
waterbird counts on large water bodies: comparing ground and aerial methods during different ice conditions.the aerial and ground methods of counting birds in a coastal area during different ice conditions were compared. ice coverage of water was an important factor affecting the results of the two methods. when the water was ice-free, more birds were counted from the ground, whereas during ice conditions, higher numbers were obtained from the air. the first group of waterbirds with the smallest difference between the two methods (average 6%) contained seven species: mute swan cygnus olor, whooper swa ...201830038859
morphological and ecological characteristic of dicranotaenia stenosacculata macko, 1988 (cestoda, hymenolepididae) recorded in polandduring the parasitological examination of 288 wild ducks from north-western poland, 18 tapeworms were found in the intestines (jejunum, ileum and rectum) of six birds, which, based on the structure of the scolex, internal organs and the presence of cirrus with an internal additional sac, were determinated as dicranotaenia stenosacculata macko, 1988. tapeworms were found in two young females bucephala clangula, one young femaleaythya marila as well as two adult males aythya fuligula. the aim of t ...201931599541
estimation of native and alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in seabirds from the south coast of the baltic sea.native and alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) were examined in the muscle, liver, kidneys, and lungs of greater scaup (aythya marila) and great crested grebe (podiceps cristatus). both species showed differences in distribution and profiles among the tissues. the highest ʃpah concentrations were in the scaup lungs and the grebe kidneys (20 and 19 ng g-1 wet weight, respectively). alkylated derivatives were in the range of 61 to 77% of σpahs in both species. differences in pah prof ...202032940838
Displaying items 1 - 32 of 32