
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
gliotoxin from aspergillus chevalieri (mangin) thom et church. 19655832836
heat resistance of xerophilic fungi based on microscopical assessment of spore improved viable counting technique was developed to facilitate study of the heat resistance of fungal spores. spores were heated and subsequently incubated in the same medium. after germination, hyphae and germ tubes were stained with lactofuchsin, and the germinated spores were counted with the aid of a microscope. a number of xerophilic strains were examined, mostly isolates from spoiled highmoisture prunes. of these, ascospores of aspergillus chevalieri, a. mangini, and xeromyces bisporus ...19705485080
modifying effect of pre- & post-treatment with nitrogen mustard on the effect of uv irradiation in aspergillus chevalieri (mangin). 19705502336
toxicity to chicks of aspergillus and penicillium species isolated from moldy pecans.isolates of aspergillus chevalieri, a. flavus, a. ochraceus, a. repens, and penicillium funiculosum and complexes of p. citrinum-p. implicatum isolated from moldy pecan meats were toxic to chicks.19715564681
studies on induced reversions at the arginine locus of aspergillus chevalieri (mangin). 19751242257
identification of d-valyl-l-tryptophan anhydride from aspergillus chevalieri. 1976948241
influence of solute and hydrogen ion concentration on the water relations of some xerophilic fungi.germination and growth of six xerophilic fungi, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus ochraceus, eurotium chevalieri, chrysosphorium fastidium, wallemia sebi and xeromyces bisporus were examined on media of a wide range of water activities (aw). the influence of three solutes, nacl, glycerol and a glucose/fructose mixture, was studied at ph 4-0 and ph 6-5 using a plate-slide technique. germination times and growth rates were affected by solute type, but the influence of ph was less marked. except for ...197719558
toxicity and mutagenicity of molds of the aspergillus glaucus group. identification of physcion and three related anthraquinones as main toxic constituents from aspergillus chevalieri. 1979397244
the uncoupling effect of flavoglaucin, a quinol pigment from aspergillus chevalieri (mangin), on mitochondrial respiration.the effects of flavoglaucin from aspergillus chevalieri (mangin) thom et church on mitochondrial reactions have been investigated to obtain insight into the mode of actions on biomembranes by means of isolated rat liver mitochondria. it was found that flavoglaucin exhibited a strong uncoupling effect on oxidative phosphorylation, enhanced the latent atpase activity, and elicited a drastic swelling of mitochondria. these reactions led to the exhaustion of atp in cells, which may be, in part, resp ...19836229060
toxicity of flavoglaucin from aspergillus chevalieri in rabbits.female rabbits were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with purified flavoglaucin from aspergillus chevalieri. after 2 h the rabbits were bled and the livers removed for enzyme assays. no changes were found for plasma lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) and its isozymes or liver transketolase (tk) activities. a small but not statistically significant increase was found in plasma glutamate pyruvate transaminase activity. a highly significant increase in plasma glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase activity w ...19846506098
eurotium spp. and echinulin in feed refused by swine.feed refused by swine contained a high-propagule density of eurotium chevalieri mangin (anamorph, aspergillus chevalieri (mangin) thom and church), eurotium amstelodami mangin (anamorph, aspergillus amstelodami (mangin thom and church), and aspergillus candidus link. echinulin (8 micrograms/g of feed) was detected in the feed. isolates of e. chevalieri and e. amstelodami but not a. candidus produced echinulin on rice or cracked corn. mice refused to drink water containing 90 micrograms of echinu ...19883377495
toxicity of echinulin from aspergillus chevalieri in rabbits.rabbits were injected intraperitoneally with purified echinulin, a product of aspergillus chevalieri. after 2 h, the rabbits were bled and enzyme analyses were carried out on the supernates of liver homogenates and citrated plasma. elevated levels of total plasma lactate dehydrogenase, cardiac derived isozyme, glutamic-oxaloacetic and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase activities in animals receiving toxin were observed. these levels were statistically significant compared to the vehicle control. a s ...19892781591
comparison of growth and cellulolytic enzyme production in aspergillus chevalieri and penicillium steckii from mouldy cacao beans.aspergillus chevalieri and penicillium steckii grew best at 30 degrees c and at ph of 6.5-7.5. among the carbon sources employed, sucrose supported maximum growth of a. chevalieri while glucose was best for p. steckii. growth of both organisms was optimal on ammonium tartrate as the sole source of nitrogen. a. chevalieri and p. steckii grew in synthetic media containing, respectively, soluble or insoluble cellulose as the sole carbon source, releasing a cellulolytic enzyme into the medium. the e ...19911822836
toxicity and mutagenicity of anthraquinones from aspergillus chevalieri.more than 100 strains of the aspergillus glaucus group were cultivated on synthetic media for 11 days at 28 degrees c. organic extracts of fungal material were screened by thin-layer chromatography (tlc) for the mycotoxins aflatoxins b1,2 and g1,2, sterigmatocystin, ochratoxin a, gliotoxin, patulin, and xanthocillin x. none of these toxins were produced in detectable amounts under experimental conditions. nevertheless, organic extracts exhibited high toxicity after intraperitoneal (i.p.) adminis ...19921573565
the normal mycoflora of commodities from thailand. 1. nuts and oilseeds.a comprehensive study was carried out of the fungi occurring in commodities normally traded in thailand. samples of major commodities were obtained from farmers' stocks and middlemen in major producing areas throughout the country. retail samples were obtained from outlets in and around bankok. samples were divided into two portions, one being examined in bangkok, and the second in sydney. after surface disinfection, fungi were enumerated by direct plating on dichloran rose bengal chloramphenico ...19938110599
filamentous fungi and mycotoxin detected in coconut.fifty-nine species and one variety belonging to 25 genera of fungi were isolated from 25 coconut samples on glucose-czapek's (25 genera and 55 species + 1 variety) and dichloran-glycerol (8 genera and 32 species + 1 variety) agar media at 28 degrees c. the common fungi on both media used were aspergillus flavus, a. niger, penicillium chrysogenum and cladosporium cladosporioides. on glucose-czapek's agar, a. flavus var. columnaris, p. oxalicum, alternaria alternata, rhizopus stolonifer and tricho ...19938212938
growing incidence of cutaneous and ungual infections by non-dermatophyte fungi at jabalpur (m.p.).a random survey of skin and nail infections was done at jabalpur (m.p.). out of the 80 suspected cases 60 were culture positive. out of these 25 were of dermatophyte infection followed by 21 cases of phaeohyphomycosis, 7 of aspergillosis, 4 of hyalohyphomycosis, 2 of mixed infection in which a non-dermatophyte was associated with a dermatophyte and 1 had yeast infection. trichophyton rubrum was the only dermatophyte isolated. among the non-dermatophyte infections cases of alternaria chlamydospor ...19938276472
investigation on the toxicity of fungi from rootstock snacks.chicken embryo bioassay was used to monitor the toxicity of extracts from rootstock snack samples during a 210-day storage period. results show that the relative toxicity values which were initially very low increased significantly as from 120th day (when 32% mortality was recorded) up till the last day when 73% was obtained. toxicity of extracts from axenic cultures of 12 fungal species isolated from the snack samples was also determined. the strains of aspergillus chevalieri, rhizopus nigrican ...19948145803
aspergillus chevalieri (mangin) thom and church: a new opportunistic pathogen of human cutaneous aspergillosis.three cases of opportunistic cutaneous aspergillosis caused by aspergillus chevalieri are described. the lesions were erythematous and hyperkeratotic with vesicopapular eruptions and scaling. histopathology revealed granulomatous reaction showing polymorphonuclear leucocytes around fungal hyphae, which were broad, septate, branched and aggregated in the epidermal area. oxiconazole and amorolfine, with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 10 micrograms ml-1, were the most active drugs against a. ...19947739658
contamination of microscope slides with aspergillus glaucus group a: a laboratory problem in the diagnosis of suspected mycotic infections.the microscopic examination of lesions of patients with suspected mycotic infections using slides purchased from foreign countries often showed hyphae. the slides and their wrappings were cultured successfully on sabouraud dextrose-agar medium. a heavy growth of suspected aspergillus colonies was obtained. these colonies were investigated further by culturing them on both czapek's solution agar and malt extract agar. after macroscopic and microscopic examination the fungus was identified as aspe ...19979301558
a cardinal model to describe the effect of water activity on the growth of moulds.a simple model was proposed to describe the effect of water activity (aw) on the radial growth rate of moulds. this model is deduced from the cardinal model family proposed by rosso in 1995, which is only defined from cardinal values of environmental factors (minimum, optimum and maximum values), the growth rate observed at the optimal value of the environmental factors, and n, a shape parameter. for aw, a simple form of cardinal model is proposed. this form is obtained for n = 2 and aw(max) = 1 ...200111246910
growth of fungi and mycotoxin production on cheese under modified atmospheres.the use of modified atmospheres to prevent fungal growth and mycotoxin production in cheese was evaluated. eight fungal species: mucor plumbeus, fusarium oxysporum, byssochlamys fulva, b. nivea, penicillium commune, p. roqueforti, aspergillus flatus and eurotium chevalieri were inoculated onto cheese and incubated under conditions of decreasing concentrations of o2 (5% to < 0.5%) and increasing concentrations of co2 (20-40%). fungal growth was measured by colony diameter and ergosterol content. ...200111545212
effect of osmotic stress on aspergillus chevalieri respiratory system.the osmotolerant fungus aspergillus chevalieri tolerates up to 80% sucrose concentration in the growth medium. at 50% sucrose the growth rate is 1.5-fold higher than in control (3% sucrose), at 80% sucrose it drops to 30% of the control level. total proteins and lipids in the mitochondrial fractions obtained from the mycelium rise with increasing sucrose concentration during growth (2.6 and 2.1 times at 80% sucrose). the rate of respiration by whole cells and mitochondrial fractions increases wi ...200111899473
heat-resistance characteristics of ascospores of eurotium chevalieri isolated from apricot juice.a heat-resistant fungus was isolated from aseptically packaged apricot pulp. the fungus was identified as eurotium chevalieri. heat resistance of the fungus was studied at four different temperatures (70, 75, 80 and 83 degrees c) after activation of its ascospores for 30 min at 70 degrees c. d70, d75, d80 and d83 values of ascospores of eurotium chevalieri were estimated by linear regression (log-survival vs. heating time) as 118.58, 34.15, 5.50 and 3.77 min, respectively. the z-value was determ ...200211890051
detection of viable fungal spores contaminant on documents and rapid control of the effectiveness of an ethylene oxide disinfection using atp assay.filamentous fungi are able to damage and even destroy archival and library materials. nowadays the conventional method for detecting such micro-organisms is to put them in cultures but such methods are laborious and time-consuming. atp methodology has been widely applied in other domains and its success on bacteria and yeast has been demonstrated. several commercial reagent kits are available but they did not give satisfactory results on spores mould. we have elaborated new extraction strategies ...200312687632
differential adaptation of membranes of two osmotolerant fungi, aspergillus chevalieri and penicillium expansum to high sucrose concentrations.aspergillus chevalieri and penicillium expansum were able to tolerate sucrose concentrations in the growth media up to 80% (w/v). at 50% sucrose the growth rate is approximately 1.4 and 1.2 times, respectively, higher than in the control. while at 80% sucrose it drops to 35% and 45% of the control level for both fungi. lipids and proteins in plasma membranes increased with increasing sucrose concentrations in the growth medium. phospholipid content in membranes of both organisms being also incre ...200312916728
mycological survey for potential aflatoxin and ochratoxin producers and their toxicological properties in harvested brazilian black pepper.a mycological survey was carried out on 115 samples of whole dried black pepper seeds, from two main production regions of brazil (pará and espírito santo). a high incidence of contamination was verified in both regions when 99.1% of the samples showed filamentous fungi contamination. a total of 497 species of nine different genera were isolated (aspergillus, eurotium, rhizopus, penicillium, curvularia, cladosporium, absidia, emericella and paecilomyces). the genus aspergillus was the predominan ...200314726275
assessment of ribosomal large-subunit d1-d2, internal transcribed spacer 1, and internal transcribed spacer 2 regions as targets for molecular identification of medically important aspergillus species.molecular approaches are now being developed to provide a more rapid and objective identification of fungi compared to traditional phenotypic methods. ribosomal targets, especially the large-subunit rna gene (d1-d2 region) and internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (its1 and its2 regions), have shown particular promise for the molecular identification of some fungi. we therefore conducted an assessment of these regions for the identification of 13 medically important aspergillus species: aspergill ...200515872227
the identification of antibacterial compounds for the development of enhanced media for the detection of foodborne an effort to identify a more suitable antibiotic for utilization in mycological media, 12 food borne fungal species from various genera including alternaria alternata, aspergillus flavus, a. niger, eurotium chevalieri, fusarium moniliforme, penicillium sp., rhizopus stolonifer, saccharomyces cerevisiae, candida tropicalis, geotrichum candidum, rhodotorula glutinis and kluyveromyces thermotolerans along with 21 chloramphenicol-resistant bacterial isolates from fresh produce and atcc cultures o ...200717574697
rapd typing of aspergillus chevalieri, aspergillus nidulans, aspergillus tetrazonus (quadrilineatus) and their teleomorphs using 5'-d[aacgcgcaac]-3' and 5'-d[cccgtcagca]-3' primers.sexuality in fungi has long been a matter of concerns and debates that always necessitated extensive analysis of the relationship between organisms assumed to represent different developmental forms of the same organism. moreover, mating-virulence correlation and the growing worry of opportunistic fungal infections in immunocompromised states associated with aids, cancer chemotherapy and organ transplantation protocols have been critically addressed nowadays. in view of that, we genetically char ...200817268891
growth and mycotoxin production by food spoilage fungi under high carbon dioxide and low oxygen atmospheres.the influence of high carbon dioxide and low oxygen concentrations on growth by the foodborne fungal species, mucor plumbeus, fusarium oxysporum, byssochlamys fulva, byssochlamys nivea, penicillium commune, penicillium roqueforti, aspergillus flavus, eurotium chevalieri and xeromyces bisporus was investigated. production of aflatoxin by a. flavus, patulin by b. nivea and roquefortine c by p. roqueforti was also studied. fungal growth was evaluated under atmospheres consisting of 20, 40 and 60% c ...200919428138
optimization of physico-chemical and nutritional parameters for a novel pullulan-producing fungus, eurotium isolate the novel nonmelanin pullulan-producing fungi from soil and to optimize the physico-chemical and nutritional parameters for pullulan production.201020456529
growth and mycotoxin production by fungi in atmospheres containing 80% carbon dioxide and 20% oxygen.the effect of atmosphere containing 80% co(2) and 20% o(2) on growth of mucor plumbeus, fusarium oxysporum, byssochlamys fulva, byssochlamys nivea, penicillium commune, penicillium roqueforti, aspergillus flavus, eurotium chevalieri and xeromyces bisporus was investigated. production of aflatoxin by a. flavus, patulin by b. nivea, roquefortine c by p. roqueforti, and cyclopiazonic acid by p. commune was also studied. fungal growth was evaluated by three methods: colony diameter, hyphal length or ...201020864200
the extreme xerophilic mould xeromyces bisporus--growth and competition at various water activities.little is known about the mould, xeromyces bisporus, unique in its strong xerophilicity and ability to grow at water activity (a(w)) 0.62, lower than for any other known organism. the linear growth rates of one fast and one slow-growing strain of x. bisporus were assessed at 20, 25, 30 and 37 °c on solid agar media containing a mixture of glucose and fructose to reduce a(w) to 0.94, 0.88, 0.84, 0.80, 0.76 and 0.66. growth rates of xerophilic species closely related to x. bisporus, viz. chrysospo ...201021145608
stimulating effect of sorbitol and xylitol on germination and growth of some xerophilic fungi.sorbitol and xylitol are polyols often used in foods as naturally occurring sugar substitutes. they provide sweet taste and reduced calories in products of intermediate moisture. this type of food is susceptible to spoilage by xerophilic molds which affect shelf life of foods and produce significant losses. the aim of the present work was to study the effect of glycerol, sorbitol and xylitol on the germination and growth of four xerophilic fungi at different temperatures and water activity level ...201121925029
chaophilic or chaotolerant fungi: a new category of extremophiles?it is well known that few halophilic bacteria and archaea as well as certain fungi can grow at the highest concentrations of nacl. however, data about possible life at extremely high concentrations of various others kosmotropic (stabilizing; like nacl, kcl, and mgso4) and chaotropic (destabilizing) salts (nabr, mgcl2, and cacl2) are scarce for prokaryotes and almost absent for the eukaryotic domain including fungi. fungi from diverse (extreme) environments were tested for their ability to grow a ...201425566222
detection of volatile metabolites of moulds isolated from a contaminated library.the principal fungal species isolated from a contaminated library environment were tested for their microbial volatile organic compound (mvoc) production ability. aspergillus creber, a. penicillioides, cladosporium cladosporioides, eurotium chevalieri, e. halophilicum, penicillium brevicompactum and p. chrysogenum were cultivated on suitable culture media inside sample bottles specifically designed and created for direct mvoc injection to a gc-ms instrument. the fungal emissions were monitored o ...201627392938
antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of the metabolites isolated from the culture of the mangrove-derived endophytic fungus eurotium chevalieri kufa 0006.five previously undescribed metabolites, including acetylquestinol, two prenylated indole 3-carbaldehyde derivatives, an anthranilic acid derivative and an isochromone derivative, were isolated, in addition to eleven known compounds: palmitic acid, ergosterol 5,8-endoperoxide, emodin, physcion, questin, questinol, (11s, 14r)-cyclo(tryptophylvalyl), preechinulin, neoechinulin e, echinulin and eurocristatine, from the culture of the endophytic fungus eurotium chevalieri kufa 0006. the structures o ...201728586721
effect of water activity and temperature on the growth of eurotium species isolated from animal feeds.xerophilic fungi represent a serious problem due to their ability to grow at low water activities causing the spoiling of low and intermediate moisture foods, stored goods and animal feeds, with the consequent economic losses.201729137926
Displaying items 1 - 39 of 39