
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
endemic and threatened tetrapods in the restingas of the biodiversity corridors of serra do mar and of the central da mata atlântica in eastern brazil.biodiversity corridors comprise a mosaic of land uses connecting fragments of natural forest across a landscape. two such corridors have been established along the eastern coast of brazil: the serra do mar and the central da mata atlântica corridors, along which most of the coastal plains are restinga areas. in this study, we analyze the present status of the endemic and endangered terrestrial vertebrates of both corridors. we sampled 10 restingas in both corridors, recording species of amphibia ...200516025914
[reproduction of the bird mimus gilvus (passeriformes: mimidae) in maracaibo, venezuela].four pairs of the poorly understood tropical mockingbird mimus gilvus were captured and color banded at a grassland in maracaibo, venezuela in june 1997. throughout the following 8 months, individuals were observed two days per week for 4 hours each. we recorded courtship behaviour, nest construction, incubation, parental care, territory defense and timing of reproductive cycle. pairs lived in defined territories defended primarily by the male. both sexes participated in nest building which bega ...200612189795
responses of male tropical mockingbirds to variation in within-song and between-song versatility.despite their large vocal repertoires and otherwise highly versatile singing style, male mockingbirds sometimes sing in a highly repetitive fashion. we conducted a playback experiment to determine the possible signal value of different syllable presentation patterns during simulated male intrusions in the tropical mockingbird (mimus gilvus) testing the hypothesis that more repetitive singing represents a stronger threat and generates a stronger aggressive response. responses were measured in ter ...200718509510
relative threat and recognition ability in the responses of tropical mockingbirds to song has been suggested that individual recognition based on song may be constrained by repertoire size in songbirds with very large song repertoires. this hypothesis has been difficult to test because there are few studies on species with very large repertoires and because traditional experiments based on the dear enemy effect do not provide evidence against recognition. the tropical mockingbird, mimus gilvus, is a cooperative breeder with very large song repertoires and stable territorial neighb ...200718079978
potential role of frugivorous birds (passeriformes) on seed dispersal of six plant species in a restinga habitat, southeastern brazil.restingas are considered stressful habitats associated with the brazilian atlantic forest, and their ecological interactions are poorly known. the goal of the present study was to determine the potential role of frugivorous birds as seed dispersers in a restinga habitat. data were collected in parque nacional da restinga de jurubatiba, southeastern brazil, where the main physiognomy (open clusia formation) is characterized by the presence of patches of vegetation covering 20 to 48 % of the sandy ...200818624238
syllable type consistency is related to age, social status, and reproductive success in the tropical mockingbird.many animals repeat standardized displays multiple times while attracting a mate or deterring a rival. in such contexts it is possible that the ability to perform each display or signal type in a consistent fashion is under direct selection. studies on sexual selection on song learning in birds have focused on differences in repertoire size with less attention to the potential importance of being able to perform each song/syllable type with high consistency. we present evidence that tropical moc ...200920161558
diversity of avian haemosporidians in arid zones of northern venezuela.arid zones of northern venezuela are represented by isolated areas, important from an ornithological and ecological perspective due to the occurrence of restricted-range species of birds. we analysed the prevalence and molecular diversity of haemosporidian parasites of wild birds in this region by screening 527 individuals (11 families and 20 species) for parasite mitochondrial dna. the overall prevalence of parasites was 41%, representing 17 mitochondrial lineages: 7 of plasmodium and 10 of hae ...201222405405
description of <i>brachymeria philornisae</i> sp. n. (hymenoptera: chalcididae), a parasitoid of the bird parasite <i>philornis</i> <i>trinitensis</i> (diptera: muscidae) in tobago, with a review of the sibling this paper, we describe and illustrate a new species of parasitoid wasp as brachymeria philornisae delvare, sp. nov. the new species was reared from philornis trinitensis dodge & aitken (diptera: muscidae) puparia that were found in the nests of the bird species mimus gilvus (vieillot) (mimidae) and tiaris bicolor (l.) (thraupidae) in tobago. the new species is of particular interest as it may be considered a potential biological control agent in locations where philornis species are invasive ...201728610193
isospora toxostomai n. sp. (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) from the curved-billed thrasher toxostoma curvirostre (swainson) (passeriformes: mimidae) at the central highlands of mexico.isospora toxostomai n. sp. (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) is described based on material from the curved-billed thrasher toxostoma curvirostre (swainson) in the central highlands of mexico. the new species possesses subspherical oöcysts, with a smooth, bi-layered wall. sporulated oöcysts measure 22-25 × 21-24 (23.4 × 22.3) µm; length/width (l/w) ratio of 1.0-1.1 (1.1). sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 15-17 × 10-11 (15.8 × 10.5); l/w ratio of 1.3-1.6 (1.5). micropyle and oöcyst residuum are both absent, a ...201931612376
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