
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
characterization and partial sequencing of species-specific sarcoplasmic polypeptides from commercial hake species by mass spectrometry following two-dimensional electrophoresis.the merluccidae family comprises marine species, some of them of high commercial value and others less appreciated, whose commercialization in europe under the generic name of "hake" is highly remarkable. the potential of proteomics was employed in this study with the aim of achieving the differential characterization of five different hake species: merluccius merluccius (european hake), m. australis (southern hake), m. hubbsi (argentinian hake), m. gayi (chilean hake), and m. capensis (cape hak ...200111386668
genetic identification of nine hake species for detection of commercial fraud.this study describes the 5s rrna gene as a simple and reliable one-step pcr-based genetic marker that allows unambiguous identification of merluccius paradoxus, merluccius senegalensis, merluccius australis, merluccius gayi, merluccius bilinearis, merluccius hubbsi, and macruronus magellanicus. the marker is based on differences in length at the nontranscribed spacer within the 5s rrna genes and is robust enough for identification of processed products, such as fish fingers and other precooked c ...200415633688
identification of commercial hake and grenadier species by proteomic analysis of the parvalbumin fraction.analysis of parvalbumin fractions through proteomic methodologies allowed the differential classification of ten commercial, closely related species of the family merlucciidae. muscle extracts from nine hake species of the genus merluccius including two subspecies of merluccius australis (australis and polylepsis) and one grenadier species macruronus novaezelandiae with two populations (novaezelandiae and magellanicus) were evaluated by 2-de and maldi-tof ms. 2-de demonstrated that the species t ...200616927426
human pseudoterranovosis, an emerging infection in chile.fifteen cases of human pseudoterranovosis are reported for chile, representing an emerging parasitic infection in this country caused by larvae of the nematode pseudoterranova sp. our observations also included an outbreak of pseudoterranovosis in 3 of 4 individuals who shared the same raw fish dish (cebiche). most of the cases occurred in adult patients. the main source of infection was from consumption raw or fried marine fish, including hakes (merluccius australis or merlucciuts gayi), pomfre ...200717539437
mercury content in chilean fish and estimated intake levels.the intake of fish products is a major public health concern due to possible methyl mercury exposure, which is especially toxic to the human nervous system. this pilot study (n = 46) was designed to determine mercury concentrations in fish products for national consumption (chilean jack mackerel, hake, chilean mussel, tuna) and for export (salmon, patagonian toothfish, swordfish, southern hake), and to estimate the exposure of the general population. the fish products were collected from markets ...200717691008
myxosporean infection in frozen blocks of patagonian hakes.numerous pseudocysts of the myxosporean genus kudoa were found infecting the body musculature of commercial frozen blocks of patagonian hakes of the species macruronus magellanicus, merluccius australis, and merluccius hubbsi. pseudocysts consisted of numerous diminutive quadrate spores with four polar capsules. the small subunit ribosomal dna was amplified, cloned, and sequenced for phylogenetic study. minimum evolution and maximum parsimony analyses placed the resulting sequences in a clade wi ...200819044280
effect of processing conditions on trace elements in fish roe from six commercial new zealand fish species.the concentrations of trace elements in fish roes and the effect of processing conditions (karasumi-like or karashi mentaiko) were investigated in six commercial fish species from new zealand. the studied elements were as, cd, cr, cu, hg, pb, and zn, and the roes were from the following species: chinook salmon ( oncorhynchus tshawytscha), hoki ( macruronus novaezelandiae), southern blue whiting ( micromesistius australis), hake ( merluccius australis), blue warehou ( seriolella brama), and barra ...200818494479
risk of introducing viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv) to the chilean south pacific via sardine imports from europe.chile imports from spain 100s of metric tons of frozen sardine sardina pilchardus fished in european oceans, which, with several other clupeids, are presumed susceptible to infection with viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv). the frozen sardines are directly introduced into the sea as bait to catch southern hake merluccius australis in the same areas where wild and pen-raised salmonids are present. a simulation model was therefore developed to evaluate the potential risk of infection of wil ...200818380218
isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in merluccius australis and cross-species amplification.eight novel and two heterologous microsatellite pairs of primers are presented for the austral hake (merluccius australis), representing the first microsatellite markers available for this species. loci were characterized for 50 individuals from two populations in south america (argentinean and chilean coasts). all loci were polymorphic within m. australis (5 to 30 alleles per locus; observed heterozygosity between 0.320 and 0.840), and therefore useful for population genetic studies within the ...200921564698
comparison of digestion methods for icp-ms determination of trace elements in fish tissues.a comparison is presented of six methods involving nitric acid in conjunction with other reagents to digest three certified marine biological samples (dolt-3, dorm-3, iaea-407) and a fish bone homogenate (prepared from merluccius australis). an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer with an octopole collision cell was used to determine up to 40 elements (li, b, na, mg, al, k, ca, v, cr, mn, fe, co, ni, cu, zn, as, se, rb, sr, y, ag, cd, cs, ba, la, ce, pr, nd, sm, eu, gd, dy, ho, er, tm, y ...200919808113
strong genetic differentiation of the austral hake (merluccius australis) across the species range. 200919258041
diet of two large sympatric teleosts, the ling (genypterus blacodes) and hake (merluccius australis).ling and hake are tertiary consumers, and as a result both may have an important structuring role in marine communities. the diets of 2064 ling and 913 hake from chatham rise, new zealand, were determined from examination of stomach contents. ling was a benthic generalist, and hake a demersal piscivore. the diet of ling was characterised by benthic crustaceans, mainly munida gracilis and metanephrops challengeri, and demersal fishes, mainly macrourids and scavenged offal from fishing vessels. th ...201021048962
two new species of clestobothrium (cestoda: bothriocephalidea), parasites of merluccius australis and m. hubbsi (gadiformes: merlucciidae) from the patagonian shelf of argentina, with comments on clestobothrium crassiceps (rudolphi, 1819).abstract: two new species of bothriocephalidean cestodes, clestobothrium splendidum sp. n. from merluccius australis (hutton) and clestobothrium cristinae sp. n. from merluccius hubbsi marini from the patagonian shelf of argentina, are described. clestobothrium splendidum can be typified by the following characteristics: a medium-sized strobila composed of410-528 proglottides that are much wider than long; 49-90 testes per mature proglottis, partially surrounding the ovary posteriorly; a transve ...201121776892
morphological, morphometric, meristic and osteological evidence for two species of hake (actinopterygii: gadiformes: merluccius) in argentinean waters.morphologically, both classic and landmark-based morphometry and meristic analyses of 241 specimens of merluccius, along with the re-examination of six paratype specimens of merluccius hubbsi, the holotype and three paratypes of merluccius patagonicus and the syntype of merluccius australis revealed the presence of only two species of merluccius in argentinean waters. internal structures (hyomandibula, urohyal and sagitta otolith) of m. hubbsi were compared to those reported for m. patagonicus a ...201121539546
endoparasite fauna of five gadiformes fish species from the coast of chile: host ecology versus phylogeny.the aims of the present study were to compare, using multivariate analyses, the degree of similarity of the endoparasite fauna of five fish species belonging to the order gadiformes: merluccius gayi, merluccius australis, macruronus magellanicus (gadoidei) and micromesistius australis and nezumia pulchella (macrouroidei), from the southern and central chilean coast, and to evaluate whether the composition of the endoparasite fauna was determined by phylogenetic or ecological relationships. we em ...201121251342
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