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a new isospora sp. from carduelis tristis (aves: fringillidae) from ontario, canada. | isospora gryphoni n. sp. is described from oocysts found in the feces of the american goldfinch, carduelis tristis, from guelph, ontario, canada. the oocysts are spherical to subspherical, with a double-layered, smooth, colorless oocyst wall, 29.2 x 30.7 microm (25-33 x 28-34; n = 30) with 2-4 rice-grain-shaped polar bodies; no micropyle or residuum. sporocysts are ovoid, 22.2 x 13.4 microm (15-25 x 12-14.5; n = 30) with a small stieda body, indistinct substiedal body, and prominent sporocyst re ... | 1998 | 9488354 |
an eimeriid origin of isosporoid coccidia with stieda bodies as shown by phylogenetic analysis of small subunit ribosomal rna gene sequences. | morphological and life cycle features of the tissue cyst-forming coccidia have been difficult to interpret in devising taxonomic classifications for the various genera. in this study, we amplified the full small subunit rrna gene sequence of isospora robini mcquistion and holmes, 1988, and the partial sequence of isospora gryphoni olsen, gissing, barta, and middleton, 1998 by pcr. both of these species vary from isospora species of mammals in having stieda bodies on the sporocysts. the sequences ... | 1999 | 10207368 |
isospora serinuse n. sp. (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) from a domestic canary (serinus canaria forma domestica) (passeriformes: fringillidae) in western australia. | a new species, isospora serinuse n. sp., (apicomplexa:eimeriidae) is described from a single domestic canary (serinus canaria forma domestica) (subspecies s. c. domestica) in western australia. sporulated oocysts of isospora serinuse n. sp. are spherical or subspherical, 25.5 (24.4-27.0) × 23.5 (22.0-24.8) μm, with a shape index (length/width) of 1.09; and a smooth bilayered oocyst wall, 1.2 μm thick (outer layer 0.9 μm, inner 0.3 μm). a polar granule is present, but a micropyle and oocyst resid ... | 2015 | 26325434 |
morphological and molecular characterization of isospora manorinae n. sp. in a yellow-throated miner (manorina flavigula wayensis) (gould, 1840). | a new isospora (apicomplexa:eimeriidae) species is described from a single yellow-throated miner bird (manorina flavigula) (subspecies m. f. wayensis) in western australia. sporulated oocysts (n = 32) of this isolate are spherical to subspherical, 22.8 (20.3-23.8) × 18.3 (17.7-18.7) μm, with a shape index (length/width) of 1.25 (1.2-1.3); and a smooth and bilayered oocyst wall, 1.3 μm thick (outer layer 0.9 μm, inner 0.4 μm). a polar granule is present, but the micropyle and oocyst residuum are ... | 2016 | 26821297 |
fecal parasite identification by microscopy and pcr in scimitar-horned oryx, oryx dammah, managed at two sites. | the scimitar-horned oryx, oryx dammah, an endangered species extinct in the wild, is managed in various captive management programs and is the focus of reintroduction efforts. management variability can contribute to substantial parasite load differences, which can affect deworming programs and potentially transfer parasites to different regions with translocations. parasite studies in o. dammah are lacking. in this study, we determined fecal egg/oocyst counts of o. dammah in two captive herds, ... | 2016 | 27942456 |