Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
predicted and observed mortality from vector-borne disease in small songbirds. | numerous diseases of wildlife have recently emerged due to trade and travel. however, the impact of disease on wild animal populations has been notoriously difficult to detect and demonstrate, due to problems of attribution and the rapid disappearance of bodies after death. determining the magnitude of avian mortality from west nile virus (wnv) is emblematic of these challenges. although correlational analyses may show population declines coincident with the arrival of the virus, strong inferenc ... | 0 | 23956457 |
cytonyssus troglodyti sp. n. (acarina:cytoditidae) from the nasal passages of the carolina wren, thryothorus ludovicianus. | 1972 | 5022869 | |
incompetence of catbirds as reservoirs for the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi). | we compared the relative infectivity to vector ticks of gray catbirds (dumetella carolinensis) and white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus) for the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi). of 28 catbirds captured in a site enzootic for this agent, 18 were infested by immature ixodes dammini, the tick vector. by comparison, each of 32 mice sampled concurrently from the same site was infested, and by about 10 times as many ticks as were found infesting the 3 most commonly netted bird species ... | 1989 | 2918445 |
borrelia burgdorferi in ticks (acari: ixodidae) from coastal virginia. | ixodid ticks removed from hosts and from vegetation during march-november 1987 at sites in coastal virginia and north carolina were examined for borrelia burgdorferi. b. burgdorferi was evident in nine (22%) ixodes cookei packard removed from rice rats (oryzomys palustris), a white-footed mouse (peromyscus leucopus), and raccoons (procyon lotor); four (6%) amblyomma americanum (l.) removed from raccoons; and two (3%) dermacentor variabilis (say) removed from a raccoon and a rice rat. b. burgdorf ... | 1991 | 1941936 |
ticks (acari: ixodidae) infesting wild birds (aves) and white-footed mice in lyme, ct. | birds were captured and recaptured (20.8% of 5,297) with japanese mist nets, and white-footed mice, peromyscus leucopus (rafinesque), were caught and recaught (69.1% of 355) with sherman box traps during the late spring, summer, and early fall from july 1989 through october 1991 to study tick-host relationships in lyme, ct. ixodes scapularis say, a vector of lyme disease spirochetes, borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto johnson, schmid, hye, steigerwalt & brenner, infested 803 birds (15.2%) in 36 ... | 1995 | 7650706 |
seasonal activity and host associations of ixodes scapularis (acari: ixodidae) in southeastern missouri. | based on tick collections recovered from wild vertebrates and by dragging, the seasonal occurrence of adult blacklegged ticks, ixodes scapularis say, extended from october through may in southeastern missouri. adult activity was bimodal with the higher peak occurring in november followed by a lower peak in february. the activity of immature i. scapularis had the general pattern of that found in the northeast where lyme disease is hyperendemic, with larval activity (july) peaking after that of ny ... | 1999 | 10593072 |
host association and seasonal activity of amblyomma americanum (acari: ixodidae) in missouri. | from june 1993 through june 1996, 2,260 adult, 4,426 nymphal, and 2,178 larval lone star ticks amblyomma americanum (l.) were collected in missouri from vertebrate hosts and by dragging a cloth over vegetation. prevalence, mean intensity, and relative abundance of each stage varied among hosts. the relative abundance of adult lone star ticks was highest on white-tailed deer, but this stage was also collected from raccoons, opossum, red fox, coyotes, and wild turkey. nymphs were collected from gr ... | 2000 | 11128501 |
sexual dimorphism in the song system of the carolina wren thryothorus ludovicianus. | sexual and interspecific differences in the size of passerine bird song repertoires are related to differences in the size of song-control regions (scr) within the brain. most species of thryothorus wrens (family certhiidae) are known to duet, and, in both sexes, song repertoire sizes are related to the size of the scr. however, one member of this genus, the carolina wren t. ludovicianus, is very sexually dimorphic in its singing behavior: males develop large song repertoires, whereas females do ... | 2000 | 10701831 |
ticks (acari: ixodidae) and spirochetes (spirochaetaceae: spirochaetales) recovered from birds on a georgia barrier island. | from september 1997 through july 1999, 300 individuals and 46 species of birds were mist-netted and screened for ticks and spirochetes on st. catherine's island, liberty county, ga. seventy-six (25%) of the birds were parasitized by a meal intensity of 4.6 ticks. seasonally, more birds were infested with ticks during the summer (50% in 1998, 34% in 1999) than in spring (15% in 1998, 11% in 1999) or fall (21% in 1997, 20% in 1998), mainly because of severe infestations on some birds by immature s ... | 2001 | 11296828 |
host associations and seasonal occurrence of haemaphysalis leporispalustris, ixodes brunneus, i. cookei, i. dentatus, and i. texanus (acari: ixodidae) in southeastern missouri. | hemaphysalis leporispalustris (packard), ixodes brunneus koch, ixodes cookei packard, ixodes dentatus marx, and ixodes texanus banks were collected during a 3-yr study of pathogen-tick-host interactions in southeastern missouri. h. leporispalustris was collected from the eastern cottontail rabbit, northern bobwhite, and carolina wren, and it was active all year. i. brunneus was collected by drag and from passerine birds during december, march, and april. i. cookei was collected from raccoons and ... | 2003 | 12597662 |
an interspecific comparison using immunofluorescence reveals that synapse density in the avian song system is related to sex but not to male song repertoire size. | immunofluorescent labeling of synaptic vesicle protein 2 (sv2) and confocal microscopy were employed to assess the role of synapse density in the functioning of the avian song system. synapse density in premotor nuclei hvc and ra was measured, in both sexes of two species characterized by male-only singing behavior: the zebra finch taeniopygia guttata, which sings a single, stereotyped song, and the carolina wren thryothorus ludovicianus, which sings a large repertoire of different songs. multip ... | 2005 | 15680941 |
molecular data delineate four genera of "thryothorus" wrens. | wrens of the genus thryothorus comprise over a third of the species diversity in the family troglodytidae. in addition to this species diversity, these wrens vary in a number of behavioral characteristics, in particular in the presence and structure of vocal duets, which makes them an interesting target for comparative evolutionary ecological and behavioral study. however, no phylogenetic hypothesis for this group-which would provide a sound basis for comparative analysis-is currently available. ... | 2006 | 16750640 |
seasonal components of avian population change: joint analysis of two large-scale monitoring programs. | we present a combined analysis of data from two large-scale surveys of bird populations. the north american breeding bird survey is conducted each summer; the christmas bird count is conducted in early winter. the temporal staggering of these surveys allows investigation of seasonal components of population change, which we illustrate with an examination of the effects of severe winters on the carolina wren (thryothorus ludovicianus). our analysis uses a hierarchical log-linear model with contro ... | 2007 | 17489453 |
host feeding patterns of potential vectors of eastern equine encephalitis virus at an epizootic focus in tennessee. | in 2006, 2,817 blood-fed mosquitoes were collected from the site of a 2005 eastern equine encephalitis outbreak in chester county, tn. using a polymerase chain reaction-based assay, 264 vertebrate hosts were identified from seven mosquito species. culex erraticus and cx. nigripalpus fed on a diversity of mammalian, avian, and reptilian hosts, whereas anopheles quadrimaculatus and an. punctipennis were predominantly mammalophagic. overall, 27% of cx. nigripalpus, 16% of cx. erraticus, and 7% of a ... | 2009 | 19706914 |
epidemiology of west nile virus: a silent epiornitic in northern delaware in 2007 without associated human cases. | abstract. we performed a 2-year longitudinal study (2006-2007) of west nile virus (wnv) infections in wild birds, mosquitoes, and sentinel chickens at 6 wnv-endemic sites in northern delaware. we determined virus infection rates of culex pipiens and other mosquito vectors as well as seroprevalence and antibody titers of amplifying hosts. endemicity status varied widely among the 6 sites based on 3 criteria-mosquito infections, sentinel chicken seropositivity, and wild bird seropositivity. a high ... | 2010 | 21033054 |
projected hg dietary exposure of 3 bird species nesting on a contaminated floodplain (south river, virginia, usa). | dietary hg exposure was modeled for carolina wren (thryothorus ludovicianus), eastern song sparrow (melospiza melodia), and eastern screech owl (otus asio) nesting on the contaminated south river floodplain (virginia, usa). parameterization of monte-carlo models required formal expert elicitation to define bird body weight and feeding ecology characteristics because specific information was either unavailable in the published literature or too difficult to collect reliably by field survey. mercu ... | 2013 | 22987580 |
divergence of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato spirochetes could be driven by the host: diversity of borrelia strains isolated from ticks feeding on a single bird. | the controversy surrounding the potential impact of birds in spirochete transmission dynamics and their capacity to serve as a reservoir has existed for a long time. the majority of analyzed bird species are able to infect larval ticks with borrelia. dispersal of infected ticks due to bird migration is a key to the establishment of new foci of lyme borreliosis. the dynamics of infection in birds supports the mixing of different species, the horizontal exchange of genetic information, and appeara ... | 2014 | 24383476 |
vector-host interactions of culiseta melanura in a focus of eastern equine encephalitis virus activity in southeastern virginia. | eastern equine encephalitis virus (eeev) causes a highly pathogenic mosquito-borne zoonosis that is responsible for sporadic outbreaks of severe illness in humans and equines in the eastern usa. culiseta (cs.) melanura is the primary vector of eeev in most geographic regions but its feeding patterns on specific avian and mammalian hosts are largely unknown in the mid-atlantic region. the objectives of our study were to: 1) identify avian hosts of cs. melanura and evaluate their potential role in ... | 2015 | 26327226 |
mercury concentrations in birds from two atmospherically contaminated sites in north texas, usa. | mercury (hg) is a ubiquitous and highly toxic contaminant that can have negative effects on wildlife. only a few studies have measured hg concentrations in birds from the south central united states, and the potential threat of hg contamination to birds in this region is largely unknown. in the present study, we assess hg concentrations in blood and feathers from five bird species [eastern bluebird (sialis sialis), carolina wren (thryothorus ludovicianus), wood duck (aix sponsa), great egret (ar ... | 2015 | 26137900 |
new records of ixodes affinis (acari: ixodidae) parasitizing avian hosts in southeastern virginia. | ixodes affinis neumann (acari: ixodidae) is a hard-bodied tick species distributed throughout much of the southeastern united states. although i. affinis does not parasitize humans, it is a competent vector of borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, the causative-agent of lyme disease, and thus contributes to the enzootic maintenance of this pathogen. this study presents evidence of i. affinis parasitizing five new host passerine species. during 2012-2014, 1,888 birds were captured and examined for ... | 2016 | 26586535 |
amblyomma auricularium (ixodida: ixodidae) in florida: new hosts and distribution records. | previous published evidence for the occurrence of an exotic armadillo tick, amblyomma auricularium (conil), in florida is scant, but we found it is fully established and integrated into the state's tick fauna. we collected 11,192 specimens of this tick from naturalized nine-banded armadillos, dasypus novemcinctus l., and 14 other species of wild native mammals and birds in florida, while sampling statewide during 2004 through 2007. in all, we document its specific presence only in 14 contiguous ... | 2017 | 28082640 |
the multiple stressor ecological risk assessment for the mercury-contaminated south river and upper shenandoah river using the bayesian network-relative risk model. | we have conducted a regional scale risk assessment using the bayesian network relative risk model (bn-rrm) to calculate the ecological risks to the south river and upper shenandoah river study area. four biological endpoints (smallmouth bass, white sucker, belted kingfisher, and carolina wren) and 4 abiotic endpoints (fishing river use, swimming river use, boating river use, and water quality standards) were included in this risk assessment, based on stakeholder input. although mercury (hg) cont ... | 2017 | 26799543 |
forage ratio analysis of the southern house mosquito in college station, texas. | culex quinquefasciatus is the principal vector of west nile virus (wnv) in the south central united states, yet limited data on host utilization are available. we evaluated host utilization over a 3-month period in 2013 in a residential landscape in college station, texas. pcr sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene permitted molecular identification of vertebrate bloodmeals to the species level. forage ratio analysis identified bird species that were overutilized and underutil ... | 2018 | 29920164 |
spatial extent of mercury contamination in birds and their prey on the floodplain of a contaminated river. | mercury (hg) exposure has been extensively studied in aquatic and piscivorous wildlife, but, historically, less attention has been directed towards terrestrial species. however, it has become apparent that aquatic hg crosses ecosystem boundaries along with beneficial subsidies, thereby entering the terrestrial food chain. it is still not known how far from contaminated waterways hg exposure remains a risk. we examined the spatial extent of exposure in terrestrial songbirds breeding in the floodp ... | 2018 | 29554763 |
nest microclimate during incubation affects posthatching development and parental care in wild birds. | it is widely accepted that recent increases in environmental temperature have had a causal effect on changing life histories; however, much of the evidence for this is derived from long-term observations, whereas inferences of causation require experimentation. here, we assess effects of increased environmental temperature during incubation on posthatching development, nestling begging and parental care, and reproductive success in two wild, cavity-nesting songbirds, the carolina wren and protho ... | 2019 | 30914752 |