
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a versatile telemetry system for continuous measurement of heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity in free-ranging ruminants.1. measuring physiological and behavioural parameters in free-ranging animals - and therefore under fully natural conditions - is of general biological concern but difficult to perform.2. we have developed a minimally invasive telemetry system for ruminants that is capable of measuring heart rate (hr), body temperature (t(b)) and locomotor activity (la). a ruminal transmitter unit was per os placed into the reticulum and therefore located in close proximity to the heart. the unit detected hr by ...022428081
the protection of chamois and ibex in the alps. 192917791938
[proprioceptive innervation of extrinsic muscles of the eyeball in an ibex and in a kid]. 195613378802
[large supply of potassium and deficiency of sodium in the food of the ibex of the alps (capra ibex ibex l. 1758); verification of the law of bunge-quinton-mc callum]. 195713500656
[entodinium alpinum n. sp. (caliata) from rumen of alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex)]. 195813604744
[new entodinium (ciliata, entodinimorpha) from alpine goat stock (capra ibex ibex)]. 195813604753
[structural transformation of the bony process of the horn of the goat (capra ibex) in relation to sex and age]. 196314104680
[comparison of the chromosome complement of the wild goat (capra ibex) and the domesticated goat (capra hircus)]. 19675603288
[carpal and tarsal synovial grooves in rupicapra rupicapra and capra ibex. morphological and histological findings]. 19734775091
[studies of the diffusion of gastrointestinal nematodes in steinbock (capra ibex) and chamois (rupicapra rupricapra) of gran paridiso national park]. 19734802749
nematodirus davtiani alpinus subsp. n., gastrointestinal nematode from steinbock, capra ibex, and chamois, rupicapra rupicapra, of the parco nazionale del grain paradiso, italian western alps. 19744470172
[importance of the fox (vulpes vulpes) in the transmission of sarcosporidiosis from the steinbock (capra ibex) at the gran paradiso national park].sarcosporidiasis is a very common infection of steinbocks (capra ibex) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) of gran paradiso national park, italian western alps, frequently with serious cardiac involvement. no dogs or cats are allowed inside the park, to the contrary foxes (vulpes vulpes) are present every where, near steinbocks and chamois, and eat on the bodies of dead animals. feces of vulpes vulpes were collected in the same area, where the infected capra ibex used for the following experiment ...1975823518
[diffusion of pulmonary nematoda in the steinbock (capra ibex) and the chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) at the gran paradiso national park and the di valdieri reservation].the results obtained in a survey on the diffusion of pulmonary nematodes in 13 steinbocks (capra ibex) and 71 chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) of the parco nazionale del gran paradiso, and 49 chamois of the riserva di valdieri, italian western alps, are reported. the following species of nematodes were identified: spiculocaulus austriacus, protostrongylus rufescens, protostrongylus hobmaieri in steinbocks; protostrongylus rupicaprae, protostrongylus hobmaieri, protostrongylus refescens,protostrongy ...19751233401
terrain preferences in the play behavior of siberian ibex kids (capra ibex sibirica).play behavior was studied in a captive group of siberian ibex at the chicago zoological park. the hypothesis that physical training effects were at least partially responsible for the evolution of play in this species was tested by noting the amounts of play which occurred on flat and on sloped surfaces. the kids showed a clear preference for play on sloped terrain, even though this choice resulted in considerably greater risks. the danger involved in highly active locomotor play performed on st ...1977602463
[comparative study of the dissemination of gastrointestinal nematodes in domestic ruminants (ovis aries and capra hircus) and wild ruminants (capra ibex and rupicapra rupicapra in the western mountain regions]. 1978553264
[some coccidia from the nubian ibex (capra ibex nubiana cuvier, 1825)].the authors describe three coccidian species (eimeria arloingi, e. ninakohylakimovae, e. parva) found in the faeces of some nubian ibexes (capra ibex nubiana) in the "hai-bar wildlife reserve", israel. the results of the study represent the first finding of coccidia in c. ibex nubiana.1978553271
observations on mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides infection in saanen epizootic in white saanen goats, caused by mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides is described. twenty-five flocks totalling approximately 4,500 animals were involved. the disease was characterized by a high, transient temperature, general malaise and mastitis in the lactating does, and a keratoconjunctivitis, arthritis, mycoplasmaemia and death among the kids. in one goat flock there was a precipitous change in the character of the disease, from a predominantly mastitis syndrome to a fulminatin ...19817026494
hyalomma (hyalommina) arabica sp. n. parasitizing goats and sheep in the yemen arab republic and saudi arabia.hyalomma (hyalommina) arabica sp. n. is described from 62 adults (29 males, 33 females) taken throughout the year from 23 goats and two sheep, mostly at 200 m altitude in the southern tihama foothills of ta'izz province, yemen arab republic. one female from a goat at 2,300 m altitude in this province may have attached to the host elsewhere and a male from mecca, saudi arabia, was on a goat imported from an unknown source for the traditional religious pilgrimage feast. we postulate that the origi ...19827077440
the role of wild animals in the ecology of dermatophytes and related fungi.the problems associated with infections by dermatophytes and related fungi are discussed. published and unpublished surveys of 1 481 wild animals of the orders carnivora, ungulata, lagomorpha, rodentia, insectivora and chiroptera and of 29 birds proved to be positive for fungi which were classified as potentially pathogenic zoophilic, potentially pathogenic geophilic and normally non-pathogenic geophilic. trichophyton mentagrophytes var. mentagrophytes was isolated from 11% of rodents; the fungu ...19827129238
perineal hernia in a nubian ibex. 19827147674
[two new species of the genus nematodirus, parasites of steinboks and chamois: nematodirus ibicis sp. n. and nematodirus rupicaprae sp. n].two new species of the genus nematodirus are described. the nematodes were collected from the gastro-intestinal tract of steinboks (capra ibex) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) of parco nazionale del gran paradiso (italian western alps). the names nematodirus ibicis sp. n. and nematodirus rupicaprae sp. n. are proposed.19826926928
[on the genus nematodirus ransom 1907 (nematoda: trichostrongyloidea)].n. roscidus railliet, 1911, from dama dama (italy); n. abnormalis may, 1920, from ovis aries, capra hircus and rupicapra rupicapra (france, italy, australia); n. lanceolatus ault, 1944, from ovis aries (iran); n. europaeus jansen, 1972, from capreolus caperolus and ovis musimon (first record) (france); n. davtiani alpinus biocca, balbo & costantini, 1974, from rupicapra rupicapra (italy); n. rupicaprae biocca, balbo & costantini, 1983, from rupicapra rupicapra (france); n. ibicis biocca, balbo & ...19836673643
identification of three types of granules in neutrophils of ruminants. ultrastructure of circulating and maturing cells.the production of three populations of granules during maturation and their occurrence in the neutrophils of a number of ruminants is described. bone marrow samples from cows, sheep, and goats were fixed, reacted for peroxidase, and examined by transmission electron microscopy. granule formation was found to occur at three subsequent stages. as in other species including man, it begins with the production of peroxidase-positive granules and is concluded with the production of moderately dark-sta ...19852578583
nitrogen metabolism and kidney function in the nubian ibex (capra ibex nubiana).the nitrogen economy of the nubian ibex (capra ibex nubiana), a ruminant that inhabits harsh deserts, was studied in the laboratory when fed three diets of different quality. even on the low quality roughage (wheat straw) the ibex was found capable of balancing its nitrogen economy. on feeds low in protein, recycling of urea played a major role in helping the ibex maintaining a balanced nitrogen metabolism. when on wheat straw, the ibex recycled 71.6% of the urea synthesized in its liver. when o ...19852864193
psoroptic ear mange (psoroptes cuniculi, delafond, 1859) in domestic and wild ruminants in israel.otoacariasis, caused by psoroptes cuniculi (delafond, 1859) is reported in sheep (ovis aries), domestic goats (capra aegagrus hircus), mountain goats (capra ibex nubiana) and yaez (a cross between domestic and mountain goats). captive and captured deer (gazella gazella and gazella dorcas) were found negative for ear mites. sheep and mountain goats were found to be the most affected while goats and yaez only sporadically so. the clinical manifestations are described and the results are discussed ...19854002605
hyalomma (hyalommina) arabica: nymphal and larval identity and spiny mouse hosts in saudi arabia (acarina: ixodoidea: ixodidae).nymphal and larval hyalomma (hyalommina) arabica pegram, hoogstraal, and wassef, 1982, described herein, closely resemble those of hyalomma (hyalommina) rhipicephaloides neumann, differing chiefly in body size (both stages), nymphal basis capituli and scutal proportional dimensions, and distinctness of larval coxal spurs. females of these species are also structurally similar but males differ in major critical characters. nymphs and larvae of both species parasitize the spiny mouse (acomys spp.) ...19854057007
aggressive behaviour, sexual strategies and their relation to age in male spanish ibex (capra pyrenica ).this study aimed to investigate the factors determining male reproductive success during the rutting season of the spanish ibex. the rut lasts about seven weeks. at the begining of this period the old males engage in contests with each other, while the adult and subadult males spend more time courting the females. in the second half of this period, the old males court and gain reproductive acceptance while the adult and subadult males decrease their courtship activity. the old males also differ ...198624897349
[problems of pathology in the chamois and ibex of the alps]. 19873303322
an outbreak of peste des petits ruminants in a zoological collection.peste des petits ruminants virus was suspected to be the cause of a disease outbreak in a zoological collection at al ain in the arabian gulf. clinically the outbreak affected gazelles (gazellinae), ibex and sheep (caprinae) and gemsbok (hippotraginae); subclinical involvement of nilgai (tragelaphinae) was suspected. a morbillivirus was isolated and using monoclonal antibodies and biological tests in cattle, sheep and goats the virus of peste des petits ruminants was identified.19873424615
nucleolus-organizer regions and heterochromatin in three species of staining and a counterstain-enhanced fluorescence technique (chromomycin a3/distamycin a/dapi staining = cdd-method) have been applied to ibex (capra ibex l.), chamois (rupicapra rupicapra l.) and bison (bison bison l.) chromosomes. chromomycin a3 visualization led to a well defined r-banding pattern along the chromosome arms and to a clear demonstration of centric heterochromatic bands of variable size. the nucleolus organizer regions (nors) were found in the telomeric regions of the chr ...19873505226
experimental transmission of a sarcosporidian from alpine ibex to domestic sheep and goats.sporocysts of sarcocystis sp. from dogs fed with ibex meat were orally inoculated into kids and lambs. three kids, given 4 x 10(6) and 4 x 10(4) sporocysts, respectively, died from acute sarcocystosis. schizonts, though found in all the tissues of these kids, were particularly numerous in the kidneys, brain and spinal cord. another three kids inoculated with 5 x 10(3) sporocysts and two lambs, inoculated with 1 x 10(6) and 5 x 10(3) sporocysts, respectively, showed no clinical signs and were sac ...19883152281
serological survey of herpesvirus infections in wild ruminants of france and belgium.the presence of antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1), bovid herpesvirus 6 (bhv-6), herpesvirus of cervidae type 1 (hvc-1), reindeer herpesvirus, bovine herpesvirus 2 (bhv-2) and bovid herpesvirus 4 (bhv-4) was investigated in wild ruminants of france and belgium between 1981 and 1986. there were no animals serologically positive for bhv-4. antibodies against bhv-2 were demonstrated in roe deer (cervus capreolus) (less than 1%) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) (1%) in france. animals ...19882836635
comparison of genomes of malignant catarrhal fever-associated herpesviruses by restriction endonuclease analysis.the restriction endonuclease dna cleavage patterns of eight isolates of malignant catarrhal fever-associated herpesviruses were examined using the restriction endonucleases hindiii and ecori. the eight viruses could be assigned to two distinct groups. virus isolates from a blue wildebeest, a sika deer and an ibex had restriction endonuclease dna cleavage patterns that were in general similar to each other. the restriction pattern of these three viruses was distinct from the other five. of these ...19892558629
neisseria cuniculi in ruminants: epidemiological aspects.neisseria cuniculi was isolated, between march 1987 and march 1989, from 38 cases of respiratory disease in small and large ruminants. in all but five cases n. cuniculi was cultured together with other potential respiratory pathogens. a survey was conducted to assess the prevalence of n. cuniculi in the pharyngeal region of merino and awassi purebred sheep, awassi/east-friesian and merino/romanov crossbred sheep and one exotic cross breed (goat/ibex). n. cuniculi was isolated from 80-88% of the ...19902249720
allozyme divergence and phylogenetic relationships among capra, ovis and rupicapra (artyodactyla, bovidae).genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationships between the chamois (rupicaprini, rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) and three species of the caprini (capra aegagrus hircus, capra ibex ibex and ovis ammon musimon) have been studied by multilocus protein electrophoresis. dendrograms have been constructed both with distance and parsimony methods. goat, sheep and chamois pair-wise genetic distances had very similar values. all the topologies showed that capra, ovis and rupicapra originate from the sa ...19911774188
[the estimation of the age of the female ibex (capra ibex ibex l.) by skeletal development].in female ibex up to an age of six years, a sufficiently accurate age determination can be made based on the degree of skeletal ossification and length of the bones (s. table 2). definitive ossification of the epiphyseal discs with the body of the vertebrae in the female ibex is not complete at end of the growth period. observations with regard to sex-related dimorphism of the skeleton will not be possible until corresponding investigations have been carried out on the buck.19921443645
[bacterial studies on the occurrence of mycobacterium paratuberculosis in fecal samples of zoo ruminants].mycobacterium (m.) paratuberculosis was isolated from fecal samples of 3 (21.4%) from 14 mouflons, of 10 (20.4%) from 49 dwarf goats, of 5 (14.3%) from 35 cameroon sheep and of 1 (9.1%) from 11 alpine ibex. m. paratuberculosis could not found by cultural method in fecal samples of 22 pinzgauer goats, of 15 bantengs, of 9 wild goats, of 9 skuddens, of 6 four-horned sheep, of 3 red-head sheep, and of 1 chamois. from all 19 animals with cultural positive fecal samples complement binding antibodies ...19921622380
[biodiversity and similarity between the nematode parasite communities of domestic and wild ruminants].the analysis of the bibliografical information concerning to the nematode parasite communities of domestic and wild ruminants, permitted to obtein the following values of maximum diversity index, bovidae: 4.88 bits; cervidae: 4.33 bits and cameliae: 3.69 bits. the highest values of this index within each family of host wee 5.75 bits. 5.49 bits and 4.32 bits for ovis aries (bovidae), capreolus capreolus (cervidae), lama pacos and camelus dromedarius (camelidae), respectively. the families of para ...19937483967
functional, spectroscopic and structural properties of haemoglobin from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and steinbock (capra hircus ibex).the functional and spectroscopic properties of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and steinbock (capra hircus ibex) haemoglobin (hb) have been studied with special reference to the action of allosteric effectors and temperature. moreover, the amino acid sequences of the n-terminal segments of the alpha- and beta-chains have been determined. the present results indicate that chamois and steinbock hbs display a low affinity for o2, which appears to be modulated in vivo by cl- ions rather than 2,3-bisph ...19938257425
haematology of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) restrained by physical or chemical means.reference values for some haematological and plasma biochemical constituents were established in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) restrained either physically or chemically with tiletamine-zolazepam. the following variables were studied: haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, total erythrocyte and leucocyte counts, haematological indices, erythrocyte dimensions, differential count of leucocytes, glucose, urea, uric acid, cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase ...19938337802
[seroepidemiologic investigations in the alpine ibex (capra i. ibex) of piz albris in the canton of grigioni (switzerland)].sero-epidemiological investigations in wild animals may allow to assess distribution of selected pathogens that sometimes seem to be involved in sanitary interrelationships between wild and domestic ungulates sharing the same areas. serological studies were carried out to investigate the prevalence of antibody against 8 pathogens in alpine ibex of albris colony (grisons, switzerland). investigated sera came from 89 animals shot by gamekeepers in 1990-1991. antibody against smooth brucella, coxie ...19958584868
[determination of escherichia coli shiga-like toxins by means of the mtt bioassay].tissue culture cells' metabolism and viability are measured by the mitochondrial reduction rate of a yellow tetrazolium salt (mtt) to blue formazan crystals in the mtt-bioassay. thus the mtt-bioassay is a standardizable and reproducible bioassay for measuring cytotoxicity or cytostimulation. it is shown that the mtt-bioassay is also very suitable for determining bacterial cytotoxins using escherichia coli's shiga-like toxins as example. 177 strains of e. coli, isolated from carcasses and organs ...19957483864
effect of captivity on the blood composition of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica).blood analyses of seven free-ranging spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) captured from the wild and then held in captivity were used to determine the physiological changes in some haematological parameters and serum chemistry values during captivity. the captive animals had a higher haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration and larger numbers of erythrocytes than the same animals when they were captured. in addition, the absolute numbers of leucocytes and lymphocytes decreased progressively ...19958748172
isolation of mycoplasma conjunctivae from conjunctival swabs of alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex) affected with infectious keratoconjunctivitis.mycoplasma conjunctivae was isolated four times from the eyes of nine alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex) suffering from keratoconjunctivitis. the animals examined were affected in two different outbreaks in the swiss alps. parasitological and bacteriological studies, including investigations for chlamydia and mycoplasmas, were performed. the results indicate that m. conjunctivae is the primary pathogenic agent causing infectious keratoconjunctivitis in this species.19968928575
prevalence and seasonality of oestrus caucasicus grunin, 1948 (diptera: oestridae) parasitizing the spanish ibex, capra pyrenaica (mammalia: artiodactyla).prevalence and intensity of parasitism by oestrid larvae in the spanish ibex capra pyrenaica were determined for a period of 2.5 yr in sierra nevada natural park, southern spain. the most relevant result of this study was to find oestrus caucasicus parasitizing this ungulate in a geographical location far from its previously known distribution, e.g., the caucasus mountain range and central asia. larvae were found within 74% of the heads examined (n = 180). prevalence was higher in females and in ...19968604089
sarcoptic mange in wild ruminants in zoological gardens in israel.sarcoptic mange (sarcoptes scabiei) occurred among wild ruminant species in five zoological gardens in israel, from 1984 to 1994. infestation of five ruminants by s. scabiei is reported for the first time: mountain gazelles (gazella gazella), nubian ibexes (capra ibex nubiana), a barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia), elands (taurotragus oryx), and an arabian oryx (oryx leucoryx). all animals in the herds were administered ivermectin orally at a dose of 200 micrograms/kg body weight daily for 3 cons ...19968627937
nutritional ecology of dimorphic herbivores: digestion and passage rates in nubian ibex.we compared forage digestion and passage rates among three groups of nubian ibex (capra ibex nubiana) - mature males, non-lactating females, and lactating females - to test hypotheses relating intraspecific digestive ability to body mass and reproduction costs. we hypothesized that large males (60 kg) would exhibit longer forage retention times and more complete digestion of fermentable cell walls than adult females (23 kg). we tested these predictions by measuring digestion and retention of a g ...199628307302
lesions associated with infectious keratoconjunctivitis in alpine ibex.following a severe infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) epizootic in free-ranging alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex) in switzerland in 1993, 19 animals were examined from six different populations. mucopurulent exudates, reddened conjunctiva and mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltration in the conjunctiva and the limbic area were observed in mild cases. in more severe cases, lesions ranged from perilimbic neovascularization to corneal edema, erosion, ulceration and neovascularization accompanied by ...19979249685
haemonchosis in spanish ibex.two cases of haemonchosis occurred in the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) population of the national hunting reserve of tortosa and beseit, northeastern spain, in july 1992 and may 1993. the animals were cachectic and recumbent and had an acute hemorrhagic, macrocytic and hypochromic anemia; which was related to a high infection of 2,016 and 1,863 haemonchus contortus, respectively, in the abomasum of the animals.19979249719
oestrid head maggots in slaughtered sheep in cairo abattoir.oestrosis or infestation of sheep, goats, ibex, argali and sometimes man with oestrus ovis maggots is a real problem in sheep-farming areas allover the world. parasitism in sheep may be benign, the majority of cases do not terminate fatally, but death may come within a week after appearance of aggravated symptoms. in man, ophthalmomyiasis (sometimes nasopharyngeal) may be benign to destruction of the eye ball or the entire eye in misdiagnosis. in the present study, examination of 1200 slaughtere ...19979425828
migratory behaviour and desiccation tolerance of protostrongylid nematode first-stage larvae.migration of first-stage larvae (l1) from faeces to soil is a crucial stage in the life-history of protostrongylids transmitted via land snails. migration of muellerius cf. capillaris and a cystocaulus sp. l1 from fresh nubian ibex (capra ibex nubiana) faeces (48-50% water content, w.c.) to substrate soils (at 100% r.h., 26 degrees c) was measured experimentally using dry (3 +/- 1% w.c.), wet (31 +/- 0.43% w.c.) and flooded (48.4 +/- 2.45% w.c.) soils. the highest migration rates (90.4 +/- 1.6% ...19979467736
adenovirus infection in spanish ibex. 19989526871
ultrastructural morphology of sarcosporidiosis in alpine ibex (capra ibex).the authors describe the ultrastructural morphology of the cyst wall of sarcocysts in the muscles from ibex, found dead and sent to this department to be examined. several samples of the diaphragm were taken from 52 ibex of different age and sex, one hispanic and the others from the gran paradiso national park (gpnp). the samples were prepared for electron microscopy after testing for sarcocystiosis through extemporaneous microscopic examination. eighty-six percent were positive. the morphology ...19989566091
isolation of brucella melitensis from alpine ibex.eleven alpine ibex (capra ibex) and 27 chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) from gran paradiso national park (italy) were examined in march 1996. a 7-yr-old ibex buck had thick-walled carpal joints and enlargement of the right testicle characterized by necrosis and fibrosis. microscopically, testicular lesions were characterized by large areas of necrosis, fibrosis with irregular aggregates of macrophages and lymphocytes, and scattered foci of suppuration. specimens of the carpal bursae and testicle we ...19989577795
seroprevalence of babesia ovis in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) in catalonia, northeastern spain.a serologic survey was carried out in order to detect antibodies against babesia ovis in a large population of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) from a hunting reserve in catalonia, northeastern spain. for this purpose, an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) was developed using a b. ovis isolate of ovine origin as antigen. of the total 475 sera tested, 155 (32.6%) showed titres between 1:160 and 1:1280 and were considered positive. these results reveal that exposure of spanish ibex to b. ovis ...19989637213
susceptibility of alpine ibex to conjunctivitis caused by inoculation of a sheep-strain of mycoplasma conjunctivae.we evaluated the susceptibility of alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex) to mycoplasmal conjunctivitis induced by a strain of mycoplasma conjunctivae isolated from domestic sheep by inoculation of three alpine ibexes with 1.2 x 10(6) colony forming units of m. conjunctivae in the conjunctival sac of both eyes. one more ibex was exposed to the infection by contact. experimental animals were free of m. conjunctivae and ocular chlamydia infection before inoculation. conjunctivitis and serous to mucous lach ...19989646477
desiccation tolerance of muellerius cf. capillaris (nematoda: protostrongylidae) first-stage larvae.muellerius cf. capillaris is the most common lung worm of wild nubian ibex (capra ibex nubiana) in the northern negev desert, israel. the capacity of the free-living stages (l1) of the parasite to survive extreme desiccation was tested under 2 different dehydration regimes at 23 c: rapid dehydration through direct exposure to 0% relative humidity (rh), and a slow dehydration regime of preconditioning at 33% rh for 7 days prior to exposure to 0% rh for a further 21 days. in direct exposures to 0% ...19989714214
tonometry in three herbivorous wildlife species.tonometry was performed to estimate intraocular pressure (iop) in 12 nubian ibexes (capra ibex nubiana), 10 grant zebras (equus burchelli ) and five arabian oryxes (oryx leucoryx), using both applanation (tono-pen) and/or indentation (schiotz) tonometers. animals were anesthetized with a mixture of etorphine hydrochloride and acepromazine maleate. mean (+/- sd) iop in the ibex was 17.95 +/- 4.78 mmhg (24 eyes, indentation tonometry). in the zebra, indentation tonometry (20 eyes) yielded a mean i ...199811397205
post-cambrian trilobite diversity and evolutionary faunasa cluster analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of all ordovician trilobite families, based on a comprehensive taxonomic database, identified two major faunas with disjunct temporal diversity trends. the ibex fauna behaved as a cohort, declining through the ordovician and disappearing at the end-ordovician mass extinction. in contrast, the whiterock fauna radiated rapidly during the middle ordovician and gave rise to all post-ordovician trilobite diversity. its pattern of diversification ma ...19989632387
interspecies pregnancy of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) fetus in domestic goat (capra hircus) recipients induces abnormally high plasmatic levels of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein.interspecies embryo transfer could be a valuable tool in preservation programs of endangered species. in this work the results of both interspecific-monospecific (ibex-in-goat) and interspecific-bispecific (mixed-species; ibex+goat-in-goat) embryo transfers in the capra genus are reported. the aim of this work was to compare the pag plasmatic profiles occurring in these interspecific gestations to those encountered in normal (i.e. intraspecies) pregnancies of spanish ibex and domestic goat. span ...199910729070
hematologic parameters of the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica).thirteen hematologic parameters were measured in 52 spanish ibexes (capra pyrenaica) from sierra nevada natural park, southern spain. the animals were captured, maintained in captivity, and physically restrained for blood collection. we compared hematologic values for healthy ibexes with animals infected with sarcoptic mites and animals treated for scabies and recovered. ibexes with scabies showed a decreased number of erythrocytes, a higher mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobi ...199910749444
effect of seasonality on abomasal helminth community in alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex).abomasal helminths of 81 adult female ibex (capra ibex ibex) from piz albris colony (ch) culled monthly from december 1989 to may 1991 were analyzed. subjects were divided into six quarterly groups (i: december 1989-february 1990; ii: march-may 1990; iii: june-august 1990; iv: september-november 1990; v: december 1990-february 1991; vi: march-may 1991) in order to investigate the seasonal fluctuation of helminth community parameters (abundance, richness, sex-ratio, berger-parker dominance index, ...199910870562
rapid communication: nucleotide sequence of chamois, alpine ibex, and red deer trna(lys) and atpase8 mitochondrial genes. 199910641890
genetic diversity in swiss goat breeds based on microsatellite analysis.genetic diversity in eight swiss goat breeds was estimated using pcr amplification of 20 bovine microsatellites on 20-40 unrelated animals per breed. in addition, the creole breed from the caribbean and samples of ibex and bezoar goat were included. a total of 352 animals were tested. the bovine microsatellites chosen amplified well in goat. the average heterozygosity within population was higher in domestic goat (0.51-0.58) than in ibex (0.17) and bezoar goat (0.19). twenty-seven per cent of th ...199910050281
tear production in three captive wild herbivores in israel.the schirmer tear test (stt) i was performed to evaluate tear production in 12 captive nubian ibex (capra ibex nubiana), 10 captive burchell's zebras (equus burchelli) and five arabian oryx (oryx leucoryx) at the tel-aviv ramat-gan zoological center (israel). mean (+/- standard deviation) stt values were 13.2 +/- 5.1 mm/min in the ibex, 23.4 +/- 3.4 mm/min in the zebra and 12.7 +/- 4.8 mm/min in the oryx. there were no significant effects of gender, age, weight, or side of the eye. there were no ...199910073364
detection and identification of mycoplasma conjunctivae in infectious keratoconjunctivitis by pcr based on the 16s rrna gene.a specific pcr assay based on unique sequences of the rrs genes (16s rrna) of mycoplasma conjunctivae was developed for direct detection and identification of this pathogen from clinical material. dna from eye swabs was amplified after a simple lysis step by either a single pcr with the m. conjunctivae specific primer pair mcor1 and mcof1, or by a nested pcr with the mycoplasma genus specific primer pair moligen1-l and 16uni-r in the first step and mcor1 and mcof1 in the second step. the specifi ...199910337239
arthropod parasites of nubian ibexes (capra ibex nubiana) and gazelles (gazella gazella) in a 20-year survey the following ectoparasites were collected from nubian ibexes: larvae of an unidentified oestrus sp. collected from the nasal cavities, sinuses and horns, hippoboscid flies (lipoptena chalcomelaena) specific to the nubian ibex, blood sucking lice (linognathus africanus) and unidentified biting lice (damalinia sp.). ibexes were severely infested with the cattle tick, boophilus annulatus; a few hyalomma anatolicum excavatum ticks were also collected. in five ibexes kept in two ...199910392972
sarcoptic mange in spanish ibex from spain.the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) population of the "sierras de cazorla, segura y las villas" nature park (spain) was isolated as the result of a severe epidemic of sarcoptic mange. in this context, the dynamic characteristics of the disease were analyzed in a wild group consisting of 35 animals from the beginning of the epizootic (when the mating period started) to the extinction of the population due to mange. monthly tracking permitted the sequential characterization of the patholo ...199910574523
systematics of the genus capra inferred from mitochondrial dna sequence data.traditional classification in the genus capra is based mainly on horn morphology. however, previous investigations based on allozyme data are not consistent with this classification. we thus reexamined the evolutionary history of the genus by analyzing mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequence variation. we collected bone samples from museums or dead animals found in the field. thirty-four individuals were successfully sequenced for a portion of the mtdna cytochrome b gene and control region (500 bp in ...199910620408
presumptive babesia ovis infection in a spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica).on december 29 1995, a 13-year old, male spanish ibex was easily captured by hand, with depression, weakness and severe tick infestation, mainly in the periocular and auricular regions. blood and serum samples were collected and haematological analysis and serum iron levels were determined. red blood cell count, haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (mchc) were decreased and mean corpuscular volume (mcv) increased (macrocytic-hypochromic anemia). s ...200010622613
seroepidemiology of chlamydial infections of wild ruminants in spain.chlamydial infections were determined serologically among wild ruminants in the nature park of the sierras de cazorla, segura y las villas (cnp; spain). sampling was done during the period from 1990-95. there were 1,244 blood samples collected, consisting of 490 from fallow deer (dama dama), 343 from mouflon (ovis mussimon), 283 from red deer (cervus elaphus) and 128 from spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica). specific complement-fixing antibodies of chlamydia spp. were detected by means of microtechni ...200010682742
effects of sarcoptic mange on serum proteins and immunoglobulin g levels in chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) and spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica).three groups of chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) and three groups of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) were established to study the effects of sarcoptic mange on serum proteins and immunoglobulin g (igg) levels. the first group of chamois consisted of 22 healthy pyrenean chamois (r. pyrenaica pyrenaica) from a non-infested area, the second group consisted of 20 healthy cantabrian chamois (r. p. parva) from an area where sarcoptic mange has been reported since 1994 and the third group consisted of 16 ...200010714470
detection of space-time clusters and epidemiological examinations of scabies in this paper some methodological approaches towards the detection of temporal, spatial and space-time clusters are presented and discussed in context with epidemiological factors of scabies in chamois. this presentation comprises in particular the use of the scan test (wallenstein, 1980) for the detection of temporal clusters and the tests developed by knox (1964) and mantel (1967) for the testing of spatiotemporal interactions. between 1952 and 1998 a total of 1689 cases of scabies in chamois ...200010936546
immunoglobulin g class identification from wild ungulates by cross-reactivity with antisera to domestic species of spanish ungulates were tested for the presence of homologous immunoglobulin g (igg) with a gel-diffusion test using bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine igg antisera. homologous ovine and caprine igg were detected in sera from chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica), spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica), mouflon (ovis orientalis musimon), red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (dama dama) and roe deer (capreolus capreolus). homologous porcine igg was detected in wild boar (sus scrofa) s ...200011014063
mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection in two free-ranging alpine ibex.the authors report two cases of mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection in free-ranging alpine ibex (capra ibex) from two different herds in the western alps, italy. one ibex, found dead in october 1998, was in poor condition. the second animal died due to trauma following capture with a dart gun. the only gross lesions observed were the enlargement of the mesenteric and iliac lymph nodes. samples from both ibex tested positive to polymerase chain reaction for a primer set specific for the m. p ...200011107630
immune responses to mycoplasma conjunctivae in alpine ibex, alpine chamois, and domestic sheep in switzerland.the humoral immune response of three alpine chamois (rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra), two alpine ibex (capra ibex ibex) and three domestic sheep naturally affected with infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc), and four ibex and two sheep experimentally infected with mycoplasma conjunctivae was analysed. in addition, the local immune response to m. conjunctivae was analysed using conjunctival washes from chamois and sheep. immunoblot analysis of sera using whole cell antigens of m. conjunctivae reve ...200010813608
host specificity of abomasal nematodes in free ranging alpine ruminants.abomasums from 641 alpine wild ruminants representing five different species (cervus elaphus, capreolus capreolus, rupicapra rupicapra, capra ibex, ovis musimon) and from 19 domestic sheep (ovis aries) from alpine areas were examined in order to investigate the host-specificity of abomasal helminths. nine out of 20 helminth species were found in at least five different host species. a discriminant analysis was able to significantly discriminate the hosts on the basis of their helminth community ...200010842002
scanning electron microscopy of larval instars and imago of oestrus caucasicus (grunin, 1948) (diptera: oestridae).oestrus caucasicus (grunin, 1948) is a larval parasite of the nasal cavities of capra caucasica, capra ibex and capra pyrenaica. this study is the first description of the parasite using scanning electron microscopy. the first larval instar shows minor differences with oestrus ovis. the second larval instar shows important synapomorphic features common to oestrus ovis but, also, distinctive features as the spines-crown or the currycomb-shaped spines. the third larval instar shows many difference ...200111474983
mitochondrial dna reveal that domestic goat (capra hircus) are genetically affected by two subspecies of bezoar (capra aegagurus).this article describes the complete sequences of the mitochondrial dna displacement loop (d-loop) region and cytochrome b gene from domestic goats in laos (laos native) and wild goat "markhor" (c. falconeri). the wild goat "bezoar" (capra aegagrus) has been considered to be the strongest candidate for the ancestor of the domestic goats (c. hircus); however, there is not sufficient molecular data to verify the hypothesis at present. in phylogenetic analyses, two wild goats, the markhor and the ib ...200111530852
comparative and functional anatomy of the mammalian lumbar an essential organ of both weight bearing and locomotion, the spine is subject to the conflict of providing maximal stability while maintaining crucial mobility, in addition to maintaining the integrity of the neural structures. comparative morphological adaptation of the lumbar spine of mammals, especially in respect to locomotion, has however received only limited scientific attention. specialised features of the human lumbar spine, have therefore not been adequately highlighted through com ...200111590593
experimental ivermectin treatment of sarcoptic mange and establishment of a mange-free population of spanish ibex.ivermectin was used to treat sarcoptic mange in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica). its therapeutic effectiveness was analyzed when it was administered through subcutaneous injection, to sick animals in the consolidation stage of mange (third phase) and, with double injections to chronically affected animals (fourth phase) at a dosage of 0.2 or 0.4 mg/kg body weight (bw). three wk after treatment, the animals in the third phase of mange treated with a high dose (0.4 mg/kg bw) of ivermectin ...200111763741
sexual segregation in ungulates: a comparative test of three most social ungulate species, males are larger than females and the sexes live in separate groups outside the breeding season. it is important for our understanding of the evolution of sociality to find out why sexual segregation is so widespread not only in ungulates but also in other mammals. sexual body size dimorphism was proposed as a central factor in the evolution of sexual segregation in ungulates. we tested three hypotheses put forward to explain sexual segregation: the predation-ris ...200211911375
microsatellite dna and recent statistical methods in wildlife conservation management: applications in alpine ibex [capra ibex(ibex)].we evaluated the usefulness of microsatellites and recently developed statistical methods for the conservation management of fragmented and reintroduced populations, using the alpine ibex (capra ibex) as a model species. first, we assessed the effects of past reintroduction programmes on genetic diversity and population differentiation considering different population sizes and histories. we show that genetic variability in ibex populations (he 0.13) is among the lowest reported from microsatell ...200211928708
infectious keratoconjunctivitis of ibex, chamois and other caprinae.infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) caused by mycoplasma conjunctivae is a highly contagious ocular infection which is common in domestic sheep and goats. in the european alps, ikc is often observed in alpine chamois (rupicapra r. rupicapra) and in alpine ibex (capra i. ibex), but the disease has also been described in other wild caprinae in the pyrenees and in new zealand. the infection is characterised by inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea, and in the most advanced stages, the cornea ...200211974619
otzi's last meals: dna analysis of the intestinal content of the neolithic glacier mummy from the alps.samples of the intestinal content were collected from the ileum and colon of the neolithic glacier mummy popularly known as the tyrolean iceman, or otzi. dna was extracted from the samples and pcr amplified, using a variety of primer pairs designed to bind to different genes (mammal mitochondrial 12s ribosomal rna gene, plant/fungal nuclear 18s ribosomal rna gene, plant chloroplast ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase large subunit gene). this made it possible to distinguish between animal and plan ...200212244211
an evaluation of the application of infrared thermal imaging to the tele-diagnosis of sarcoptic mange in the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica).the application of infrared thermal imaging to the diagnosis of sarcoptic mange in the wild spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) was evaluated. seventy-three ibexes (35 males, 38 females) of varying ages were studied. each animal was observed using conventional binoculars (ot) to detect lesions characteristic of mange. infrared thermography (ir) was then performed and the resultant image judged negative or positive. the distance from the thermograph to the animal was measured, and the animal killed. s ...200212383630
hematologic and biochemical reference intervals for spanish ibex.we studied blood samples from 529 spanish ibexes (capra pyrenaica) from different andalusian mountain ranges in southern spain, primarily from sierra nevada. for each sample, 13 hematologic and 32 biochemical parameters were analyzed. within this database, we selected values obtained from live, free-ranging, physically restrained, clinically normal animals to determine reference intervals for these parameters. distribution of values within each parameter was determined and differences in values ...200312685085
a survey of the gastrointestinal nematodes of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) in a high mountain habitat.we analyzed the content of the abomasum (n = 79) and small intestine (n = 83) of spanish ibex from sierra nevada natural park, southern spain. fifteen species of trichostrongylid nematodes were identified, 4 of which were found for the first time in this host, i.e., nematodirus fillicollis, n. oiratianus, ostertagia lyrata, and o. ostertagi. teladorsagia circumcincta and marshallagia marshalli were the most abundant abomasal species, whereas n. abnormalis, n. davtiani, and n. oiratianus were dom ...200312760646
accuracy of body weight prediction in alpine ibex (capra ibex, l. 1758) using morphometry.the relationship between weight and body measurements of 227 alpine ibex capra ibex (162 males and 65 females, age range: 2-16 years) were analysed by linear and multiple regression. the animals were live-captured across all seasons of the year, in the western italian alps, 1986-1994. the relationship between weight and body measurements changed with sex and season. in male ibex, the best annual estimation of the body weight was obtained using as predictor variables the squared value of the ches ...200314511131
seasonal ovulatory activity and plasma prolactin concentrations in the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) maintained in captivity.seasonal changes in ovulatory activity, assessed by the measurement of plasma progesterone and plasma prolactin concentrations were monitored in 10 spanish ibex females captured in the national wildlife reserve of sierra nevada (south spain, 37 degrees n). five of the 10 female ibex showed ovulatory activity with a mean (+/- s.e.m.) duration of the oestrous cycle of 19.4 +/- 1 days (range: 17-23 days). on average, the five cyclic females weighed 28 +/- 0.9 kg. progesterone cycles occurred only i ...200314620629
mitochondrial dna diversity of pakistani goats.pakistan contains numerous domestic goat breeds, but until now there has been no comprehensive study on genetic diversity or a phylogenetic analysis of pakistani goats. in this study, we analysed the complete mitochondrial dna d-loop and the cytochrome b gene of 13 pakistani domestic goat breeds (capra hircus) and one wild goat, the sindh ibex (capra aegagrus blythi). the phylogenetic analyses and sequence divergence (sd) established four distinct mt-lineages termed as a, b and c (previously rep ...200314687071
evidence of three new members of malignant catarrhal fever virus group in muskox (ovibos moschatus), nubian ibex (capra nubiana), and gemsbok (oryx gazella).six members of the malignant catarrhal fever (mcf) virus group of ruminant rhadinoviruses have been identified to date. four of these viruses are clearly associated with clinical disease: alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (alhv-1) carried by wildebeest (connochaetes spp.); ovine herpesvirus 2 (ovhv-2), ubiquitous in domestic sheep; caprine herpesvirus 2 (cphv-2), endemic in domestic goats; and the virus of unknown origin found causing classic mcf in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus; mcfv-wtd). ...200314733283
ossification of the appendicular skeleton in the spanish ibex capra pyrenaica schinz, 1838 (artiodactyla: bovidae), with regard to determination of age.we studied ossification macroscopically in 35 spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) appendicular skeletons in order to establish the skeletochronology in both sexes of the species. the age of animals had been determined by means of horn segment counts, teeth replacement and cementum layer counts from first incisors and ranged from <1 to 12 years. females showed a faster ossification process than males. moreover, for each age or year class considered, regarding both sexes, different stages of epiphyseal ...200415027960
the fate of mitochondria in ibex-hirus reconstructed early embryos.inter-species nuclear transfer could be used to preserve north goat (capra ibex), an endangered species. we established the culture conditions for ibex-hirus reconstructed embryos and optimized the method for dna extractions of a single cell and early cloned embryo. by using mitochondria-specific probes of ibex and hirus respectively we found that mitochondria of donor cells can co-exist with recipients in 1-cell and 2-cell stages of the reconstructed embryos but not in the following development ...200415156280
high polymorphism in the kappa-casein (csn3) gene from wild and domestic caprine species revealed by dna sequencing.we assessed polymorphisms in exon iv of the kappa-casein gene (csn3) in ten different breeds of domestic goat (capra hircus) from three continents and in three related wild caprine taxa (capra <ibex> ibex, capra <ibex> sibirica and capra aegagrus). thirty-five dna samples were sequenced within a 558 bp fragment of exon iv. nine polymorphic sites were identified in domestic goat, including four new polymorphisms. in addition to four previously described polymorphic positions, a total of 13 polymo ...200415190947
low diversity in the major histocompatibility complex class ii drb1 gene of the spanish ibex, capra pyrenaica.during the last two centuries, the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) has shown a significant demographic decline as a result of the progressive destruction of its natural habitat, disease epidemics, and uncontrolled hunting. partial sequencing of the class ii mhc drb1 gene revealed that the spanish ibex has remarkably low levels of genetic variation at this locus, with only six different drb1 alleles and an observed heterozygosity of 0.429-0.579. the rates of nonsynonymous vs synonymous substitutio ...200415241456
anti-peroxidation effects of vitamin e on low density lipoprotein and milk fat globule membrane of lactating goats: in vivo versus metal ion challenge in vitro.ruminants are animals with mild oxidation risk considering characteristics of their plasma. the purpose of the present study was to determine if surplus vitamin e supplementation further improved their peroxidation status. four lactating goats (capra ibex ibex) receiving a single intramuscular injection of 3000 iu d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate were monitored daily for a week. plasma and milk levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (tbars) were measured to estimate the peroxidation status ...200415471676
myostatin rapid sequence evolution in ruminants predates domestication.myostatin (gdf-8) is a negative regulator of skeletal muscle development. this gene has previously been implicated in the double muscling phenotype in mice and cattle. a systematic analysis of myostatin sequence evolution in ruminants was performed in a phylogenetic context. the myostatin coding sequence was determined from duiker (sylvicapra grimmia caffra), eland (taurotragus derbianus), gaur (bos gaurus), ibex (capra ibex), impala (aepyceros melampus rednilis), pronghorn (antilocapra american ...200415522803
relationship between bronchopulmonary nematode larvae and relative abundances of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) from castilla-la mancha, spain.the excretion of bronchopulmonary nematode infective larvae was evaluated in 160 faecal samples of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) collected from 13 populations in castilla-la mancha, south-central spain in september 2003. intensities and prevalences were compared with pasture availability, abundances of wild and domestic ungulates at both levels, i.e. for populations and for faeces in a two-step procedure. protostrongylid larvae showed similar infection rates (mean intensity: 1.56+/-0. ...200515946393
outbreaks of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in alpine chamois and ibex in switzerland between 2001 and 2003.five outbreaks of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) affecting alpine chamois and ibex in the western and central swiss alps were recorded in 2001 to 2003. mycoplasma conjunctivae was identified from conjunctival swabs by means of a nested pcr in 27 of the 28 chamois tested. the outbreaks occurred in an area covering 1590 km(2). deep valleys acted as a barrier to the spread of the disease. a total of 409 chamois and 33 ibex with clinical signs of ikc were reported. most of the chamois were sh ...200515995237
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 389