
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
the isolation and some chemical properties of viridicatin, a metabolic product of penicillium viridicatum westling. 195213018322
the isolation and some chemical properties of viridicatin, a metabolic product of penicillium viridicatum westling. 195313032073
studies in the biochemistry of micro-organisms. 107. metabolites of penicillium viridicatum westling: viridicatic acid (ethylcarlosic acid). 196013800895
studies in the biochemistry of micro-organisms. 114. viridicatol and cyclopenol, metabolites of penicillium viridicatum westling and penicillium cyclopium westling. 196314084602
penicillium viridicatum westling: a new source of ochratoxin a. 19695358203
isolation of citrinin and oxalic acid from penicillium viridicatum westling and their nephrotoxicity in rats and pigs. 19695383718
mycotoxicosis induced in guinea pigs and rats by corn cultures of penicillium viridicatum. 19705435603
nephropathy and edema syndrome induced in miniature swine by corn cultures of penicillium viridicatum. 19705483483
phototoxic syndrome induced in mice by rice cultures of penicillium viridicatum and exposure to sunlight. 19705522893
studies on fungal nephrotoxicity. 2. isolation of two nephrotoxic compounds from penicillium viridicatum westling: citrinin and oxalic acid. 19705274407
investigations of dose, age, and duration of administration on the hepatorenal damage induced in mice by cultural products of penicillium viridicatum. 19715132779
toxicity and excretion of ochratoxin a in rats intubated with pure ochratoxin a or fed cultures of penicillium viridicatum. 19715132783
the influence of some cultural conditions on toxigenicity of penicillium viridicatum. 19715133252
simplified procedure for the purification of ochratoxin a from extracts of penicillium viridicatum. 19714339603
prolonged administration of penicillium viridicatum to mice: preliminary report of carcinogenicity. 19734361429
viridicatumtoxin, a new mycotoxin from penicillium viridicatum westling. 19734122267
penicillium viridicatum toxins and mold nephrosis. 19734593859
production of ochratoxins a and b on country cured ham.two strains of aspergillus ochraceus and six of penicillium viridicatum isolated from country cured hams were screened for production of ochratoxins a and b. none of the isolated p. viridicatum strains yielded detectable amounts of ochratoxin a or b, whereas both strains of a. ochraceus produced ochratoxins a and b on rice, defatted peanut meal, and country cured ham. after 21 days of incubation on ham, one-third of the toxin was found in the mycelial mat on the ham surface, whereas two-thirds h ...19734737852
mycotoxin-producing strains of penicillium viridicatum: classification into subgroups.fifty-two isolates of penicillium viridicatum westling were divided into three groups based on ability to produce ochratoxin and/or citrinin, color, growth rate, type of growth, odor, and isolation source. members of group i resemble one of the representative strains of p. viridicatum described in the literature; those belonging to group ii differ from group i strains in several characteristics; group iii is a heterogeneous series of highly variable isolates. although three subgroupings can be r ...19734751786
production, isolation, and preliminary toxicity studies of brevianamide a from cultures of penicillium viridicatum.brevianamide a, one of a novel group of alkaloids first obtained from penicillium brevi-compactum, has also been isolated as a principal metabolite from two key isolates of p. viridicatum. procedures for bioproduction and purification are described. this compound was not toxic when fed or injected into mice and had no antibiotic properties against several common bacterial and fungal microorganisms. brevianamides a and b are among at least four yellow metabolites that may be formed by isolates of ...19734751807
production of citrinin by penicillium viridicatum on country-cured strains of penicillium viridicatum isolated from country-cured ham produced citrinin in potato dextrose broth and on country-cured ham. none of the strains produced detectable amounts of citrinin at 10 c. the optimal temperature range for citrinin production was 25 to 30 c.19744823424
penicillium viridicatum mycotoxicosis in the rat. iv. attempts to modify the tissue responses. 19744155396
penicillium viridicatum mycotoxicosis in the rat. i. ocular lesions. 19744459229
penicillium viridicatum mycotoxicosis in the rat. ii. scrotal lesions. 19744459230
penicillium viridicatum mycotoxicosis in the rat. iii. hepatic and gastric lesions. 19744459231
long-term administration of sterigmatocystin and penicillium viridicatum to mice. 19744459245
experimental penicillium viridicatum toxicosis in rats. 19744532466
hepatic alterations produced in mice by xanthomegnin and viomellein, metabolites of penicillium viridicatum. 1976996873
studies concerning the metabolites produced by stachybotrys atra, penicillium islandicum, penicillium viridicatum and aspergillus versicolor.over the past ten years it has become quite apparent that mycotoxins, or toxins produced by fungi, are responsible for a wide variety of human and animal illnesses and, in many cases, deaths. consequently, the study of the metabolites produced by fungi and the possible occurrence of such metabolites in foodstuffs is of critical importance. it is the purpose of this paper to outline the approach taken at the u.s. food and drug administration in evaluating the possible hazard to human health posed ...1977566067
some newly discovered mycotoxins.the discovery of the aflatoxins in 1960 has taken place in the present era of the intense awareness of the importance of environmental contaminants. it has dramatically influenced subsequent fungal research with the resulting rapid increase in the number of publications describing mycological, chemical, toxicological and epidemiological aspects of mycotoxins. in this contribution results will be discussed which were published only subsequent to 1970. in this period the importance of several new ...1977613927
isolation and identification of xanthomegnin, viomellein, rubrosulphin, and viopurpurin as metabolites of penicillium viridicatum.four of the metabolites of penicillium viridicatum 66-68-2 grown on rice cultures were isolated and identified as xanthomegnin, viomellein, rubrosulphin, and viopurpurin. melting points, elemental analysis, and infrared, ultraviolet, and field desorption and electron impact mass spectra of the isolated compounds were consistent with values reported in the literature for these compounds. in addition, diacetate and triacetate derivatives were prepared, and the chemical and physical analyses of the ...1977848956
production of xanthomegnin and viomellein by isolates of aspergillus ochraceus, penicillium cyclopium, and penicillium viridicatum.fungal isolates from legumes were cultured on rice and examined for production of the toxic mold metabolites xanthomegnin and viomellein. six of 14 aspergillus ochraceus isolates produced from 0.3 to 1.3 mg of xanthomegnin per g and 0.1 to 1.0 mg of viomellein per g. one of nine isolates of penicillium cyclopium produced 0.1 mg of xanthomegnin per g and 0.06 mg of viomellein per g. three of nine p. viridicatum isolates produced from 0.4 to 1.6 mg of xanthomegnin per g and 0.2 to 0.4 mg of viomel ...1978708029
mycological survey of selected health foods.a survey was conducted to compare the total viable fungal content and the number of different mold species encountered in 10 types of health foods labeled organically grown and in the same foods without such a label. the foods were wheat flour, corn meal, brown rice, figs, split peas, pinto beans, soybeans, walnuts, pecans, and peanuts. results showed no consistent difference in either the total viable fungal content or the number of different mold species encountered between the labeled and unl ...1979453829
heat-stability of peroxidase in mycelia of some toxigenic and nontoxigenic aspergilli and mycelia from 19 cultures of aspergillus and 12 cultures of penicillium were heated to 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 or 95 c for no more than 1 min, and tested for residual peroxidase. the peroxidase from all aspergilli survived heating at 50 through 80 c. peroxidase from toxigenic strains of aspergillus flavus, aspergillus parasiticus and aspergillus ochraceus survived heating at 85 c and often at 90 c, whereas peroxidase from non-toxigenic strains of a. flavus was inactivated at ...19816783912
production of naphthoquinone mycotoxins and taxonomy of penicillium viridicatum.groups i and ii of penicillium viridicatum were further differentiated on the basis of synthesis of two mycotoxins, xanthomegnin and viomellein. strains previously classified as group ii produced these pigments, whereas those in group i did not. these napthoquinone pigments were quantitated by thin-layer chromatography and high-pressure liquid chromatography. a new mobile phase of toluene and acetic acid effected a baseline separation of the two components. it is proposed that such biochemical d ...198116345843
production of ochratoxin a in barley by aspergillus ochraceus and penicillium viridicatum: effect of fungal growth, time, temperature, and inoculum size.moistened barley was inoculated with 1.4 x 10(3) and 1.4 x 10(5) spores, respectively, from ochratoxin a-producing strains of aspergillus ochraceus and penicillium varidicatum. to estimate fungal tissue in the barley, the amount of glucosamine was followed for 28 days at 10 and 25 degrees c. ochratoxin a was also followed during the same period and under the same conditions. the data show that ochratoxin a could be detected 4 to 6 days after inoculation at 25 degrees c, and the maximal accumulat ...19827103480
toxic effects of ochratoxin a and citrinin, alone and in combination, on chicken embryos.the embryotoxic potential of ochratoxin a and citrinin was studied after administering, either subgerminally or intraamniotically, single mounting doses of the mycotoxins to chicken embryos on days 2, 3, and 4. the beginning of the embryotoxicity dose range was found to be between 0.01 to 0.05 microgram for ochratoxin a and 1 to 10 micrograms for citrinin. the maximum response to both mycotoxins occurred after administration on day 3. in addition to significant growth retardation of fetuses, exe ...19836824326
a selective and indicative medium for groups of penicillium viridicatum producing different mycotoxins in cereals.a medium, pentachloronitrobenzene-rose bengal-yeast extract-sucrose agar (pryes), for the isolation of moulds occurring during storage of cereals has been developed and compared with other selective media. the basal medium is yeast extract agar containing 15% sucrose (w/v). in addition to the sucrose content further selective measures include the addition of antibacterial antibiotics chloramphenicol and chlortetracycline (50 mg/l), the fungicides rose bengal (25 mg/l each), and pentachloronitrob ...19836874625
isolation of xanthomegnin from penicillium viridicatum by preparative high-pressure liquid chromatography.a method was developed for the production and purification of xanthomegnin from penicillium viridicatum (nrrl 6430) cultured on rice at 15 degrees c for 29 days. liquid-liquid extraction followed by high-pressure liquid chromatography afforded 440 mg of crystalline xanthomegnin per kg of rice.19836881966
natural occurrence of the mycotoxin viomellein in barley and the associated quinone-producing a batch of barley associated with field cases of mycotoxic porcine nephropathy and containing ochratoxin a and citrinin, the mycoflora were isolated by parallel incubation at 10 and 25 degrees c. subsequently, the isolated cultures were checked for production of nephrotoxins (xanthomegnin, viomellein, ochratoxin, and citrinin). the nephrotoxin producers, all isolated by incubation at 10 degrees c, were comprised of one culture of penicillium viridicatum, five cultures of penicillium cyclopium ...19836660870
postharvest production of ochratoxin a by aspergillus ochraceus and penicillium viridicatum in barley with different protein levels.the production of ochratoxin a (oa) in barley by aspergillus ochraceus and penicillium viridicatum was measured at 12 and 25 degrees c. the grain had been fertilized with various amounts of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 90, or 240 kg/ha) and contained (at crop maturity) 9.1, 10.4, or 12.0% protein, respectively. the production of oa by both fungi increased as the protein concentration increased. glutamic acid and proline were enriched relative to other amino acids as the protein concentration increase ...19854004212
inhibition by antimicrobial food additives of ochratoxin a production by aspergillus sulphureus and penicillium viridicatum.the effects of antimicrobial food additives on growth and ochratoxin a production by aspergillus sulphureus nrrl 4077 and penicillium viridicatum nrrl 3711 were investigated. at ph 4.5, growth and toxin production by both a. sulphureus and p. viridicatum were completely inhibited by 0.02% potassium sorbate, 0.067% methyl paraben, 0.0667% methyl paraben, and 0.2% sodium propionate. at ph 5.5, 0.134% potassium sorbate and 0.067% methyl paraben completely inhibited growth and ochratoxin a productio ...19854015085
simultaneous isolation of xanthomegnin, viomellein, rubrosulphin, viopurpurin, and brevianamide a by preparative hplc.a method for the isolation of xanthomegnin, viomellein, rubrosulphin, viopurpurin, and brevianamide a from penicillium viridicatum (dsm 2447) is described. after extraction, hplc was performed with a preparative silicagel column, eluted with toluene / ethyl acetate / formic acid (27/9/1, v/v/v) and dichloromethane / acetic acid (9/1, v/v). the toxins were detected with a uv-monitor. it was possible to isolate them in an absolutely pure state. the described method is operationally simple and very ...198523605721
penicillium viridicatum, penicillium verrucosum, and production of ochratoxin a.the taxonomy of the important mycotoxigenic species penicillium viridicatum and p. verrucosum was reviewed to clarify disagreements relating to the three p. viridicatum groups erected by ciegler and coworkers (a. ciegler, d. i. fennell, g. a. sansing, r. w. detroy, and g. a. bennett, appl. microbiol. 26:271-278, 1973) and the mycotoxins produced by them. cultures derived from the types of these two species and authentic cultures from each group and from many other sources were examined culturall ...19873566267
skin testing with extracts of fungal species derived from the homes of allergy clinic patients in toronto, canada.airborne fungi in the homes of patients with allergic rhinitis or asthma, from a toronto allergy clinic population, were isolated, quantified and identified to species. allergen extracts were prepared from sixteen of these isolated species and used for skin-prick testing of twenty-six patients. fourteen of the total patients reacted to one or more of these extracts at 1:10 (w/v) concentrations. the most common positive skin responses (8/14 to 6/14) were found for cladosporium cladosporioides, al ...19883349592
natural occurrence of zearalenone and toxicogenic fungi in amaranth grain.zearalenone was detected as the natural contaminant in two samples of amaranthus cruentus grains (1980 micrograms/kg and 420 micrograms/kg, respectively). fungi isolated from these samples were screened for mycotoxin production. two of eight isolates of fusarium (f. equiseti and f. moniliforme) produced zearalenone. one of four isolates of aspergillus flavus and all four isolates of a. parasiticus produced aflatoxins. other species potentially toxicogenic such as aspergillus versicolor, penicill ...19911830753
imi descriptions of fungi and bacteria no. 1110. penicillium viridicatum. 19921640986
occurrence of ochratoxin a in herbal drugs of indian origin - a report.this paper contains a report of occurrence of ochratoxin a in some common herbal medicines collected from different store-houses and shop-keepers of bihar, india. of 129 samples of 9 plants, 55 were found to be contaminated with various levels of ochratoxin a. the level of ochratoxin a was found maximal in barks ofholarrhena antidysenterica (1.14 - 2.34 μg/g) whereas it was minimal in rhizomes oftacca aspera (0.3 - 0.74 μg/g).aspergillus ochraceus, a sulphureus and penicillium viridicatum isolat ...199323606175
studies on the refrigerated storage of wheat (triticum aestivum). 2. ergosterol, xanthomegnin, viomellein and brevianamide a after inoculation with penicillium viridicatum.wheat seed was adjusted to 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26% moisture content (m.c.), and stored for 240 days at 4 or 10 degrees c following inoculation with a strain of penicillium viridicatum producing the toxins, xanthomegnin (xa), viomellein (vio), and brevianamide a (ba). wheat kernels were not sterilized before inoculation. the concentration of ergosterol (erg), a chemical indicator of fungal biomass, remained constant at 18% m.c./4 degrees c, but increased under the other conditions. the time before ...19938237145
ochratoxin a levels in human milk and related food samples: an exposure assessment.ochratoxin a (oa) is a mycotoxin detected in a variety of food and feeds mostly from countries with temperate or continental climate, because the fungi that produce it, mainly aspergillus ochraceus, penicillium verrucosum, and penicillium viridicatum, can grow under a great variety of climate conditions. the aim of this article was, firstly, to confirm the occurrence of oa in human milk in italy. then, a preliminary calculation of oa intake via human milk was made, from ingested food. for this i ...19958612006
keratinophilic fungi from soil of brittany, france.the present work reports the study of the distribution of keratinophilic fungi isolated from 39 samples of soil collected in brittany, france. keratinophilic fungi were isolated from 35 (92.3%) of the samples studied. the most frequently found species werefusarium moniliforme, penicillium viridicatum and an unidentified species ofacremonium. the other fungi isolated were members of the generachrysosporium, gliocladium, mucor, trichoderma andtrichophyton.199520878564
antifungal activity of new compounds from nepeta leucophylla and nepeta clarkei.iridodial beta-monoenol acetate, isolated from the essential oil of nepeta leucophylla benth, and actinidine from n. clarkei benth were screened for antifungal activities against aspergillus flavus, aspergillus ochraceus, penicillium citrinum, and penicillium viridicatum, all known mycotoxin-producing taxa, and sclerotium rolfsii and macrophomina phaseolina, potential soybean pathogens. iridodial beta-monoenol acetate was most effective against s. rolfsii, while actinidine was highly active agai ...19968593072
the occurrence and persistence of mixed biofilms in automobile air conditioning systems.twelve automobile air conditioner systems from six manufacturers and three countries, selected mostly because of complaints of unpleasant odors in the passenger compartment, were examined for microbial growth by direct microscopy and enrichment culture. mixed populations of fungi and bacteria (with occasional protozoa) were observed in biofilms in at least some of the components from all used units. the aluminum heat exchanger fins from ten evaporators demonstrated bacterial biofilms that yielde ...199910441727
volatile organic compounds associated with microbial growth in automobile air conditioning systems.volatile organic compounds from penicillium viridicatum and methylobacterium mesophilicum growing on laboratory media and on component materials of automobile air conditioners were analyzed with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. p. viridicatum produced compounds such as 4-methyl thiazole, terpenes and alcohols, whereas m. mesophilicum produced dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, and chlorophenol with growth on laboratory media. in comparison with laboratory media, fewer volatiles we ...200010915209
the presence of penicillium and penicillium mycotoxins in food wastes.a total of 97 samples (48 summer and 49 winter) of food waste from private households were investigated for penicillium and for mycotoxins. twenty-five penicillium species were isolated and penicillium crustosum, penicillium brevicompactum, penicillium chrysogenum, penicillium expansum, penicillium roqueforti, penicillium spinulosum, penicillium viridicatum, penicillium commune, penicillium citrinum and penicillium solitum were, in decreasing order, the most frequently identified species. mycoto ...200414698099
chemical constituents, antifungal and antioxidative effects of ajwain essential oil and its acetone extract.gc and gc-ms analysis of ajwain essential oil showed the presence of 26 identified components which account for 96.3% of the total amount. thymol (39.1%) was found as a major component along with p-cymene (30.8%), gamma-terpinene (23.2%), beta-pinene (1.7%), terpinene-4-ol (0.8%) whereas acetone extract of ajwain showed the presence of 18 identified components which account for 68.8% of the total amount. the major component was thymol (39.1%) followed by oleic acid (10.4%), linoleic acid (9.6%), ...200415161185
airborne fungi in industrial environments--potential agents of respiratory diseases.investigations on airborne fungi in a poultry house, a swinery, a feed preparing and storing house, a grain mill, a wooden panel producing factory, and organic waste recycling facilities have been carried out in lithuania. low concentrations of fungal spores were detected in the wooden panel producing factory, the swinery, the feed preparing and storing house, and the poultry house; moderate concentrations were found in the organic waste recycling facilities; high concentrations were revealed at ...200415236494
antioxidant and biocidal activities of carum nigrum (seed) essential oil, oleoresin, and their selected the present study, chemical constituents of the essential oil and oleoresin of the seed from carum nigrum obtained by hydrodistillation and soxhlet extraction using acetone, respectively, have been studied by gc and gc-ms techniques. the major component was dillapiole (29.9%) followed by germacrene b (21.4%), beta-caryophyllene (7.8%), beta-selinene (7.1%), and nothoapiole (5.8%) along with many other components in minor amounts. seventeen components were identified in the oleoresin (table 2) ...200616390196
dynamics and characterization of yeasts during natural fermentation of italian sausages.a multiphasic approach was used to investigate the yeast ecology in italian fermented sausages. culture-dependent and -independent methods were applied to identify the yeast species during the maturation process and to characterize the numerically dominant species. plating analysis and subsequent molecular identification of the isolates highlighted the dominance of debaryomyces hansenii, but at least other three yeast species -candida zeylanoides, pichia triangularis and metschnikowia pulcherrim ...200616879421
a comparison of chemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial studies of cinnamon leaf and bark volatile oils, oleoresins and their constituents.the antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial potentials of volatile oils and oleoresin of cinnamomum zeylanicum blume (leaf and bark) were investigated in the present study. the oleoresins have shown excellent activity for the inhibition of primary and secondary oxidation products in mustard oil added at the concentration of 0.02% which were evaluated using peroxide, thiobarbituric acid, p-anisidine and carbonyl values. moreover, it was further supported by other complementary antioxidant assay ...200717408833
moulds and ochratoxin a on surfaces of artisanal and industrial dry sausages.the use of moulds as a seasoning for sausage can have both desirable and undesirable consequences. the desirable consequences are the creation of a successful product that appeals to consumers. the undesirable consequences are due to the growth of undesirable moulds that produce highly toxic secondary metabolites referred to as mycotoxins. the aim of the paper was to investigate the presence of moulds producing ochratoxin a (ota) on the surface of sausages from northern italy. a total of 757 mou ...200919028307
effect of biostimulation and bioaugmentation on degradation of polyurethane buried in soil.this work investigated biostimulation and bioaugmentation as strategies for removing polyurethane (pu) waste in soil. soil microcosms were biostimulated with the pu dispersion agent "impranil" and/or yeast extract or were bioaugmented with pu-degrading fungi, and the degradation of subsequently buried pu was determined. fungal communities in the soil and colonizing buried pu were enumerated on solid media and were analyzed using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dgge). biostimulation with ...201019948849
purification of an exopolygalacturonase from penicillium viridicatum rfc3 produced in submerged exo-pg obtained from penicillium viridicatum in submerged fermentation was purified to homogeneity. the apparent molecular weight of the enzyme was 92 kda, optimum ph and temperature for activity were ph 5 and 50-55 degrees c. the exo-pg showed a profile of an exo-polygalacturonase, releasing galacturonic acid by hydrolysis of pectin with a high degree of esterification (d.e.). ions ca(2+) enhanced the stability of enzyme and its activity by 30%. the k(m) was 1.30 in absence of ca(2+) and 1.1 ...201020148174
production of pectate lyase by penicillium viridicatum rfc3 in solid-state and submerged fermentation.pectate lyase (pl) was produced by the filamentous fungus penicillium viridicatum rfc3 in solid-state cultures of a mixture of orange bagasse and wheat bran (1 : 1 w/w), or orange bagasse, wheat bran and sugarcane bagasse (1 : 1 : 0.5 w/w), and in a submerged liquid culture with orange bagasse and wheat bran (3%) as the carbon source. pl production was highest (1,500 u ml(-1) or 300 ug(-1) of substrate) in solid-state fermentation (ssf) on wheat bran and orange bagasse at 96 hours. pl production ...201020689719
[investigation of mold fungi in air samples of elementary schools and evaluation of allergen-specific ige levels in students' sera].atmospheric fungal spores play important role in allergic reactions in atopic individuals. monitorization of those spores found in the environment of atopic cases is crucial for the choice of the antigens that will be included in allergen screening procedures and precautions to be taken against mold-originated health problems. since most of the people spend plenty of time indoors in recent years, the effects of exposure to indoor air fungi on human health have gained importance. this study was a ...201222639315
kinetics of mould growth in the stored barley ecosystem contaminated with aspergillus westerdijkiae, penicillium viridicatum and fusarium poae at 23-30 °c.owing to the lack of a rapid method for determining fungi on cereals, the best way to enhance the safety and nutritive value of stored grain is to develop prognostic tools based on the relationship between easily measurable online parameters, e.g. water activity (a(w)) and temperature (t) of grain, and fungal growth. this study examined the effect of unfavourable temperature (23 and 30 °c) and humidity (0.80-0.94 a(w)) storage conditions on mould growth in the stored barley ecosystem with its ad ...201322903624
in vitro treatments of echinococcus granulosus with fungal chitosan, as a novel determined the antiparasitic activity of the isolated chitosan from penicillium viridicatum, penicillium aurantiogriseum and commercial chitosan against protoscolicidal of hydatid cysts were determined.201324075347
plant growth-promoting fungus penicillium spp. gp15-1 enhances growth and confers protection against damping-off and anthracnose in the cucumber.plant growth-promoting fungi (pgpf) have the potential to confer several benefits to plants in terms of growth and protection against pests and pathogens. in the present study, we tested whether a pgpf isolate, penicillium spp. gp15-1 (derived from zoysiagrass rhizospheres), stimulates growth and disease resistance in the cucumber plant. the use of the barley grain inoculum gp15-1 significantly enhanced root and shoot growth and biomass of cucumber plants. a root colonization study revealed that ...201424671024
material properties and antimicrobial activity of polyhydroxybutyrate (phb) films incorporated with vanillin.polyhydroxybutyrate (phb) was produced by bacillus mycoides dfc 1, isolated from garden soil. antimicrobial (am) films of phb were prepared by incorporating vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) from 10 to 200 μg/g of phb. the films were assessed for antimicrobial activity against foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria comprising of escherichia coli, salmonella typhimurium, shigella flexneri, and staphylococcus aureus and fungi such as aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, aspergill ...201526002697
the anti-giardial effectiveness of fungal and commercial chitosan against giardia intestinalis cysts in vitro.chitosan with poly-n-acetylglucosamine sequences is a deacetylated derivative of chitin that can be found in the exoskeletons of crabs, shrimp and lobsters, the cuticles of insects and the cell walls of fungi. the aim of the present study was to compare the effects of fungal chitosan (fc) prepared from the cell walls of penicillium viridicatum and penicillium aurantiogriseum with commercially available chitosan (cc) against giardia intestinalis cysts in vitro. the giardia cysts were isolated usi ...201627065602
mycoviruses of an endophytic fungus can replicate in plant cells: evolutionary far there is no record of a specific virus able to infect both fungal and plant hosts in nature. however, experimental evidence shows that some plant virus rdrps are able to perform replication in trans of genomic or di rnas in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae. furthermore, tobacco mosaic virus was recently shown to replicate in a filamentous ascomycetous fungus. thus, at least experimentally, some plant viruses can infect some fungi. endophytic fungi have been reported from many plants and ...201728507331
Displaying items 1 - 71 of 71