
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
understanding local mediterranean diets: a multidisciplinary pharmacological and ethnobotanical approach.epidemiological data indicate a beneficial effect of mediterranean diets on human health, especially on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease. these observations are supported by recent intervention studies. however, very little is known about the current role of local mediterranean food products, which are consumed on a less regular basis and their contribution to a healthy diet. the european consortium "local food-nutraceuticals" collected 127 locally consumed wild or semi-wild plants in th ...200516051496
transcription factors as targets of the anti-inflammatory treatment. a cell culture study with extracts from some mediterranean diet plants.during the inflammatory response at least 2 transcription factors, nf-kappab and ap-1, are involved in the altered profile of gene expression. we used human hepatoma (hepg2) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (huvec) as a model system: nf-kappab and ap-1 were activated by the proinflammatory cytokine il-1 in the absence or presence of 21 selected plant extracts and the effect was evaluated by the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (emsa). in both types of cells activation of nf-kappab ...200515800392
the importance of a taste. a comparative study on wild food plant consumption in twenty-one local communities in italy.a comparative food ethnobotanical study was carried out in twenty-one local communities in italy, fourteen of which were located in northern italy, one in central italy, one in sardinia, and four in southern italy. 549 informants were asked to name and describe food uses of wild botanicals they currently gather and consume. data showed that gathering, processing and consuming wild food plants are still important activities in all the selected areas. a few botanicals were quoted and cited in mult ...200717480214
mediterranean wild plants reduce postprandial platelet aggregation in patients with metabolic syndrome.postprandial platelet hyperactivity and aggregation play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome. the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of boiled wild plants consumption on the postprandial platelet aggregation in metabolic syndrome patients. patients consumed 5 meals in a random order (ie, 4 wild plant meals, namely, reichardia picroides [rp], cynara cardunculus, urospermum picroides [up], and chrysanthemum coronarium, and a control meal, which contained n ...201121944262
genetic structure and population diversity of eleven edible herbs of eastern crete.the present work aimed to investigate the genetic structure of 11 edible herbs grown in the wild of eastern crete that are becoming vulnerable due to habitat destruction and unregulated harvesting. thirty three populations (268 individuals) of reichardia picroides, scolymus hispanicus, scandix pecten-veneris, leontodon tuberosus, cichorium spinosum, sonchus asper ssp. glaucescens, urospermum picroides, prasium majus, hypochoeris radicata, centaurea raphanina ssp. raphanina and anagallis arvensis ...201526140277
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