
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
organic food consumption during pregnancy is associated with different consumer profiles, food patterns and intake: the koala birth cohort find out how the consumption of organic food during pregnancy is associated with consumer characteristics, dietary patterns and macro- and micronutrient intakes.028560934
the male generative organs of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 187917231260
anatomy of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 188117231400
the muscular anatomy of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus): with additional notes. 188217231427
note on the thymus gland in the koala (phascolarctus cinereus). 190017232422
the adrenals of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus) and their alleged relationship to eucalyptus leaf diet. 195313070933
acute leukemia in a new south wales koala (phascolarctos c. cinereus). 196113907056
the prevalence of cryptococcosis in the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 196213870820
serous cystadenomata of the ovary in the koala. 196313945213
antidiuretic activity in the pituitary gland of the koala bear. 19676074966
the organization of a contractile system in glands. i. the contractile system in the palmar apocrine glands of the koala phascolarctos cinereus. 19685689039
adrenal steroid secretion in the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 19704319572
letter: sarcoptes scabiei infestation of a koala (phascolarctos cinereus), with probable human involvement. 19744217173
letter: isolation of a chlamydia from cases of keratoconjunctivitis in koalas. 19744826002
the koala (phascolarctos cinereus)! past, present and future.the koala (phascolarctos cinereus) (from the greek phascolarctos meaning leather pouch and bear, cinereus ashen grey in colour) is australia's most admired native animal but very little scientific reference material is available on this unique animal. the demands of the fur trade during the latter half of the last century and up to the 1920's almost exterminated the koala and this tragic episode from the past is briefly recounted. koalas are nocturnal and arboreal. details of appearance, distrib ...19751239267
blood corticosteroids in australian marsupial and placental mammals and one monotreme.peripheral blood corticosteroid levels were determined in nine species of australian marsupial (eastern grey kangaroo, black-tailed, bennett's and pademelon wallabies, quokka, wombat, koala and western native and tiger cats), one species of monotreme (echidna) and one placental australian mammal (dingo). animals were obtained or bled with minimal disturbance and came from areas considered to have adequate sodium content of the vegetation. aldosterone, corticosterone, cortisol, 11-deoxycorticoste ...1976181514
streptobacillary pleuritis in a koala (phascolarctos cinereus).a case of streptobacillus moniliformis pleuritis in a koala (phascolarctos cinereus) is reported. lesions were granulomatous in nature. s. moniliformis was recovered in pure culture, and found by experimental inoculation to be pathogenic for mice but not for a rat.1979501842
pneumonia associated with bordetella bronchiseptica in captive koalas.bordetella bronchiseptica was isolated from 12 cases of purulent bronchopneumonia from a captive koala colony near brisbane, queensland. an initial epizootic in march 1967 causing 13% mortality was followed by annual outbreaks causing 2% mortality usually in newly weaned and aged koalas in late winter to early spring. high population density and a low plane of nutrition in winter were thought to predispose to the occurrence of the disease.1979543834
the physiology of the koala. 19807455663
the prevalence of anti-leptospiral agglutinins in sera of wildlife in southeastern australia.anti-leptospiral agglutinins were found in the serum from 18 (7 species) of 419 (25 species) animals sampled from various areas of southeastern australia. positive serologic reactions were observed in 5 of 25 (20%) brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula), 1 of 26 (3.8%) tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii), 2 of 12 (16.7%) swamp wallaby (wallabia bicolor), 1 of 3 (33.3%) koala (phascolarctos cinereus), 3 of 41 (7.3%) common wombat (vombatus ursinus), 2 of 100 (2%) bush rat (rattus fuscipes) and ...19817241704
keratoconjunctivitis of the koala, phascolarctos cinereus, caused by chlamydia psittaci.chlamydia psittaci was cultured from 29 of 35 koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) with keratoconjunctivitis. the disease progressed from acute to chronic stages over some months, with a known duration of at least 2 years. one recovered carrier was found. up to 29% of koalas in some populations were clinically affected. a seasonal spread of infection was indicated by the high percentage of acutely affected cases found in summer. there was no evidence of susceptibility being related to age or sex. the ...19817338971
pathology of the female reproductive tract in the koala, phascolarctos cinereus (goldfuss), from victoria, australia.lesions occurred in the female genital tract of 10 of 16 (63%) koalas, phascolarctos cinereus, examined in victoria. inflammation of the uterine horns was seen in all 10 affected koalas; six of these had vaginitis and eight also had salpingitis. cystic dilation of the ovarian bursa, occasionally with hydrosalpinx, was seen in six koalas with concurrent inflammatory lesions of the lower tract. cystic lesions were considered to have developed as chronic sequelae to previous inflammation in the ova ...19817338982
observations on diseases of free-living and captive koalas. 19816895306
positional distribution of fatty acids in triglycerides from milk of several species of mammals.milk triglycerides from the echidna, koala, tammar wallaby, guinea pig, dog, cat, weddell seal, horse, pig and cow were subjected to fatty acid and stereospecific analysis to determine the positional distribution of the fatty acids in the triglycerides. the samples presented a wide range of fatty acids, most of which varied in content among species. the compositions of the acids at the 3 positions also varied among species, reflecting the content of these acids in the triglycerides. however, the ...19827109856
parasitic pneumonia in a koala (phascolarctos cinereus) from victoria, australia. 19827154224
oxalate poisoning in a koala (phascolarctos cinereus).a case of suspected acute oxalate poisoning is reported in an aged male koala. the animal had extensive renal oxalosis and a haemorrhagic bladder wall when autopsied. the source of the oxalate was not detected.19827181780
the use of amitraz in the control of an outbreak of sarcoptic mange in a colony of koalas. 19827082235
crystalloid inclusions in the sertoli cell of the koala, phascolarctos cinereus (marsupialia).crystalloid inclusions are a common feature in the basal region of sertoli cells in the koala, phascolarctos cinereus. generally located near the nucleus, they are non membrane-bounded, slender rectangular structures composed to tubules which are orientated at right angles to the long axis of the crystalloid and regularly arranged in rows parallel to this long axis. the tubules in adjacent rows are offset from one another at definite angles and extensively interconnected by filaments. neither th ...19826276004
ctenocephalides felis felis infestation of koalas. 19836651687
pyometra and pyovagina in koalas.four female koalas were found to have pyometra and pyovagina at autopsy. all had soiling of fur around the cloaca and were in poor condition. one koala had cystic ovaries in addition to the pyometra while another had extensive peritonitis due to rupture of one of the uterine horns. chronic cystitis was present in all koalas while one also had pyelonephritis. microbiological examination revealed a mixed flora of both aerobes and anaerobes.19836667212
causes of mortality and morbidity of wild koalas, phascolarctos cinereus (goldfuss), in victoria, australia.between 1975 and 1980, necropsy investigations were conducted on 44 wild koalas (24 males, 20 females) from several localities in victoria, australia. an additional 11 (5 males, 6 females) were presented for clinical appraisal and treatment. traumatic injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents and intra-specific conflict were the commonest reason for submission (19 of 55; 35%). keratoconjunctivitis (8 of 55; 15%), ascending urinary tract infections (6 of 20 females; 30%), ascending genital ...19836887434
levels of trace elements in the liver and diet of free-living koalas, phascolarctos cinereus (goldfuss).the mean liver concentrations of copper, manganese, zinc and cobalt were 0.25, 0.20, 2.97 mmol/kg and 2.81 mumol/kg respectively in free-living koalas in victoria, australia. the mean plasma copper concentration was 9.2 mmol/liter which was somewhat below the level in other hindgut fermenters. the mean concentrations of copper, manganese and zinc in their diet (eucalyptus spp.) were 0.08, 4.46 and 0.27 mmol/kg respectively. analysis of the data established a significant correlation between the a ...19846492324
skin ulcers caused by mycobacterium ulcerans in koalas near bairnsdale, ulcers were found in 7 koalas from raymond island in the gippsland lakes of southeastern australia. ulcers in 4 koalas showed loss and underrunning of cutaneous tissue, with coagulative necrosis of subcutaneous tissue. these lesions contained large numbers of acid-fast bacilli, and areas of granulation tissue formation and superficial inflammation were present. mycobacterium ulcerans was isolated from 2 of these animals. the ulcers from the other 3 koalas contained both m. ulcerans and m. s ...19846514393
chlamydia infection and infertility in the female koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 19846523716
isolation of chlamydia psittaci from koalas (phascolarctos cinereus). 19846534365
the structure and distribution of nasal glands in four marsupial species.the structure and distribution of nasal glands in four marsupial species were studied by light and electron microscopy. the species studied were the honey possum (tarsipes rostratus), the bandicoot (isoodon macrourus), the koala (phascolarctos cinereus) and the agile wallaby (macropus agilis). glands were grouped and described according to their location. those of general distribution (goblet cells and olfactory glands) were similar in structures and distribution in all specimens. glands of the ...19846490535
positional distribution of acyl and alk-1-enyl groups in grey and white matter ethanolamine and choline phosphoglycerides of a marsupial, the koala (phascolarctos cinereus).the major phosphoglycerides in grey and white matter from the brain of the koala have been separated and examined. the major polyunsaturated fatty acids present in both the diacyl- and alk-1-enyl acylglycerophosphorylethanolamines from grey matter were 22:6 omega 3, 20:4 omega 6, and 22:4 omega 6. in both grey and white matter, 22:6 omega 3 and 20:4 omega 6 were concentrated in the 2-position of diacylglycerophosphorylethanolamines and 22:4 omega 6 in the 2-position of alk-1-enylacylglycerophosp ...19846693898
the anatomy and histology of the nasal cavity of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus).the anatomy of the nose of the koala was studied from fixed 0.5 cm thick sections of a whole head. right and left nasal cavities are separated by a slender septum which does not exhibit 'swell bodies'. dorsal and ventral conchae are simple curved plates without elaborate scrolls; the ventral concha is recurved to form a bulla. the nasal cavity communicates with confluent rostral maxillary and frontal air sinuses. a ventrocaudal maxillary sinus opens from the ventral meatus close to the choanae. ...19846706839
cutaneous and respiratory tract infection with mycobacterium ulcerans in two koalas (phascolarctos cinereus). 19853999251
a tissue culture procedure for the isolation of chlamydia psittaci from koalas (phascolarctos cinereus). 19852415101
cholecystitis and bronchopneumonia associated with pseudomonas aeruginosa in a koala. 19863099739
chlamydia and the demise of the koala. 19863153575
a disease outbreak involving pneumonia in captive koalas. 19863800806
hepatic inclusion bodies in the liver of a koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 19863030254
the electrocardiogram of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 19863790016
craniofacial tumors of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 19863458931
tooth enamel structure in the koala, phascolarctos cinereus: some functional interpretations.the purpose of this study is to determine whether the structural organization of pattern 2 marsupial enamel in the koala is disposed to resist wear on the sectorial crests of the molar teeth. the orientation of wear on the crests is uniformly delineated by parallel scratches on their polished surfaces. twin blades, a leading and a trailing edge of enamel are formed on each crest by wear into dentine on which the differential wear at enamel to dentine interfaces indicates that the direction of we ...19873433071
membranous glomerulonephritis in a koala. 19873447581
a mortality survey of free range koalas from the north coast of new south the period 1980 to 1986, 127 free range koalas from the north coast of new south wales were presented for necropsy. thirty-three koalas had urogenital disease alone, 8 had respiratory disease alone, 2 had digestive tract disease alone, 12 had multiorgan disease, 48 had traumatic injuries, 6 had neoplasia, 3 had miscellaneous conditions, while 15 had no significant lesions. common naturally occurring disease entities included cystitis, conjunctivitis, paraovarian cysts, metritis and pneumonia. ...19873447574
retinogeniculate patterns in diprotodont marsupials.the pattern of retinogeniculate connections has been examined in a range of diprotodont marsupials, including wallabies, possums, forest wombat and koala. the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgd) in most species has alternating bands of ipsilateral and contralateral retinal terminal fields, with considerable interspecific variability. the number of terminal bands of retinogeniculate input varies from eight to eleven in most species, with little binocular overlap. by contrast in one species, the feat ...19873620896
ultrastructure and possible function of giant crystalloids in the sertoli cell of the juvenile and adult koala (phascolarctos cinereus).sertoli cells of the juvenile and adult koala testis exhibit a unique morphology due to their large nuclei and in particular, a remarkable abundance of large cytoplasmic crystalloid inclusions. numerous crystalloid subunits in immature sertoli cells are aggregated into distinct clusters where by assembly and union, they form large slender crystalloids consisting of an ordered substructure of filaments and tubules. adult sertoli cells contain large numbers of basally-positioned crystalloids up to ...19873619073
cranio-facial tumours of mixed cartilage and bone in koalas (phascolarctos cinereus).cranio-facial tumours of mixed cartilage and bone are discussed in 4 koalas. the tumours were well circumscribed and distorted the faces of the koalas. grossly, the tumours were firm, white and nodular. histologically, they consisted of compartments separated by connective tissue septa. the compartments were lined by cells resembling chondroblasts, and had varying amounts of bone and hypertrophied chondrocytes in their centres. the neoplasms were considered benign.19873593132
immunocytochemical demonstration of gastric endocrine cells in the stomach gland patch of the koala, phascolarctos cinerus.the relative frequency and topographical distribution of endocrine cells containing gut hormones were studied by immunocytochemistry in the stomach gland patch of the koala. numerous somatostatin- and a moderate number of bovine pancreatic polypeptide-immunoreactive cells were found primarily in the lower two-thirds of the oxyntic glands. 5-hydroxytryptamine-immunoreactive cells were few in number and scattered throughout these glands. glucagon-immunoreactive cells were observed only rarely and ...19872888419
causes of morbidity and mortality in 75 free-ranging and captive koalas in south east queensland, australia. 19873433649
epidemiology of mycobacterium ulcerans infection in koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) on raymond island, southeastern australia.mycobacterium ulcerans infections were found in 11 koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) between 1980 and 1985, in a population of approximately 200 koalas on raymond island in southeastern australia. ulcers caused by the infection occurred on the face, forearm, rump, groin and footpads. seven koalas had multiple ulcers. all the infected animals were mature (age classes 4, 5 and 6), and eight were male. the distribution of ulcers corresponded with the distribution of wounds in a sample of 87 koalas. m ...19873625894
evolution of marsupials traced by their neurohypophyseal hormones: microidentification of mesotocin and arginine vasopressin in two australian families, dasyuridae and phascolarctidae.neurohypophyseal hormones of two species belonging to the family dasyuridae, namely dasyurus viverrinus (eastern native cat) and dasyuroides byrnei (kowari), and of the single living member of the family phascolarctidae, phascolarctos cinereus (koala) have been isolated and characterized by their retention times in high-pressure reverse-phase partition chromatography and either amino acid composition or amino acid sequence through a gas-phase microsequencer. mesotocin and arginine vasopressin ha ...19873666414
chlamydial disease in koalas. 19873328978
evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay test for the diagnosis of chlamydia psittaci infection in free-ranging koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) in southeastern queensland, australia.the ideia chlamydia test, a commercially available antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) test, based on a monoclonal antibody for the detection of chlamydia in clinical specimens, was evaluated in a population of 65 free-ranging koalas in southeastern queensland determined to be infected with chlamydia psittaci. compared to isolation of the organism in tissue culture, the sensitivity of the ideia test ranged from 3 to 11%, and the specificity from 90 to 97%. the results indic ...19883373632
aspects of the epidemiology of chlamydia psittaci infection in a population of koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) in southeastern queensland, australia.a population of free-ranging koalas in southeastern queensland was examined to determine the prevalence of chlamydia psittaci infections. although c. psittaci was isolated from 46 of 65 (71%) koalas studied, only six (9%) of these had clinical signs of disease. most adult females (82%) had back or pouch young present even though 67% of them were infected. there were no significant correlations between age, sex or site of sampling (urogenital versus conjunctival tissues) and the isolation of c. p ...19883373633
two distinct forms of chlamydia psittaci associated with disease and infertility in phascolarctos cinereus (koala).while several diseases associated with chlamydia psittaci infection have been reported in phascolarctos cinereus (koala), it is still unclear whether one or more chlamydial strains are responsible. in this study, we provide evidence, obtained by restriction enzyme and gene probe analysis, that two quite distinct strains of c. psittaci infect koalas; one strain was isolated from the conjunctivae, and the other was isolated from the urogenital tract and the rectum. a gene probe, pfen207, containin ...19883397180
comparison of chlamydia psittaci isolates by restriction endonuclease and dna probe analyses.dnas from eight chlamydia psittaci isolates (koala conjunctivitis, avian psittacosis, avian ornithosis, ovine abortion, ovine polyarthritis, sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis, and feline conjunctivitis) and one chlamydia trachomatis isolate (lymphogranuloma venereum) were compared by restriction endonuclease and dna probe analyses. digestion with hindiii yielded a series of discrete fragments which allowed the differentiation of most isolates. a gene probe, pfen207, which encodes the chlamydia-s ...19882826336
fair dinkum koala kuisine--eucalyptus oil poisoning. 19882904658
virus particles associated with leukaemia in a koala. 19883196252
diabetes mellitus in a koala (phascolarctos cinereus). 19892690450
urinalysis in captive koalas. 19892619655
haematological and biochemical reference values for the koala (phascolarctos cinereus).haematological and biochemical reference values were established from 45 clinically healthy koalas. statistical analysis revealed no significant differences for sex and season of sampling. immature koalas had significantly higher alkaline phosphatase and inorganic phosphate values, and significantly lower total protein concentrations due to low globulins values. enzyme reference values tended to be wide and could limit their usefulness in detecting disease. in the reference values for leukocytes ...19892818360
pyogranulomatous pneumonias due to nocardia asteroides and staphylococcus epidermidis in two koalas (phascolarctos cinereus).pyogranulomatous pneumonia was detected in two koalas (phascolarctos cinereus). nocardia asteroides was isolated from one koala with extensive pneumonia, pleurisy and splenitis. staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated from a second koala with pneumonia restricted to the left cranial lobe. both koalas were in poor condition and had underlying urogenital disease. it was concluded that each organism had acted as an opportunistic pathogen in its compromised host.19892681845
detection of chlamydia psittaci in free-ranging koalas (phascolarctos cinereus): dna hybridization and immuno-slot blot analyses.dna-slot hybridization and immuno-slot blot analyses were compared for the detection of chlamydia psittaci in crude swab material from free-ranging koalas. immuno-slot blot analysis detected chlamydiae in 43 out of 68 koalas, with the sensitivity of the assay varying from 52 to 73% depending on the site of infection. gene probe analysis was also used employing a genus-specific probe pcko-10 isolated from a koala chlamydial gene library (ocular strain) and a plasmid probe pcku cloned from a uroge ...19892696197
a survey of urinary tract disease in new south wales koalas.from 1980 to 1988 235 koalas were necropsied and 67 were found to have urinary tract disease. six affected koalas out of 48 were derived from wildlife parks around sydney while 61 of 187 were derived from free living populations on the central and north coasts of new south wales. sixteen had cystitis alone, 5 had cystitis and associated renal disease only, 16 females had cystitis with genital disease, 23 had urinary disease in combination with other systemic disease and 7 had renal disease only. ...19892730473
haematological and biochemical investigations of diseased koalas (phascolarctos cinereus).haematological and biochemical investigations were performed on 14 koalas with uncomplicated cystitis, 8 with complicated cystitis, 8 with conjunctivitis, 8 with lymphosarcoma, and 14 with miscellaneous diseases. changes were limited and inconsistent in individual koalas with uncomplicated cystitis and conjunctivitis. in contrast, individual koalas with complicated cystitis were more likely to have anaemia, leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, hypoproteinaemia due to hypoalbuminaemia, and azotaemia ...19892818369
formation of a clear zone on tannin-treated brain heart infusion agar by a streptococcus sp. isolated from feces of koalas.gram-positive cocci, isolated from the feces of koalas and identified as streptococcus bovis biotype i, formed a distinct clear zone on tannin-treated brain heart infusion agar, suggesting that this isolate has the unique characteristic of degrading the tannin-protein complex.19902180375
an immunohistochemical study of endocrine cells in the proximal duodenum of eight marsupial species.the proximal duodenum of eight marsupial species, (koala, common brushtail possum, ring-tailed possum, common wombat, great grey kangaroo, parma wallaby, short-nosed bandicoot and tiger cat) were investigated immunohistochemically using 12 specific antisera for gut hormones. several types of immunoreactive cells were seen on the intestinal villi and in crypts of these species: 9 types in the koala; 8 types in the common brushtail possum; 7 types in the common wombat; 6 types in the short-nosed b ...19902182587
melioidosis in a koala. 19902222378
use of a dietary supplement in koalas during systemic antibiotic treatment of chlamydial infection. 19902222379
review of animal mycoses in australia.this review covers the available literature on the mycoses of animals in australia since the last review published in 1967. of the cutaneous infections, dermatophytoses have been recorded in a wide range of animals: cattle, horses, goats, pigs, sheep, cats, dogs, mice, guinea-pigs, rabbits, a lion, kangaroos, a camel, koalas and wallabies. these infections were caused by several species and varieties of the genera, microsporum and trichophyton. eight agents of ringworms have been recorded in the ...19902233984
lesions of toxoplasmosis in australian marsupials.this report describes toxoplasmosis lesions in australian marsupials. clinical signs, necropsy findings and histopathological changes are summarized for 43 macropods, two common wombats, two koalas, six possums, 15 dasyurids, two numbats, eight bandicoots and one bilby. animals either died suddenly without clinical signs or exhibited signs associated with respiratory, neurological or enteric disease. at necropsy, many marsupials had no visible lesions. where present, common necropsy findings inc ...19902246391
fatal toxoplasmosis in koalas (phascolarctos cinereus).toxoplasma gondii-like organisms were seen in the heart, kidney, liver, lung, lymph node, spleen, small intestine, and stomach from 2 koalas that died suddenly in a fauna park in sydney, australia. diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining. this is the first confirmed report of toxoplasmosis in an arboreal marsupial.19902319430
liver function in normal koalas and macropods. 19902375730
selective medium for enumeration of tannin-protein complex-degrading streptococcus spp. in feces of koalas.a selective agar plate medium (tannin-treated brain heart infusion agar supplemented with colistin-oxolinic acid) was developed to enumerate tannin-protein complex-degrading streptococcus bovis in the feces of koalas. this medium was successfully used to enumerate strains from fecal samples but failed to enumerate those from pure cultures.199016348364
the cutaneous cervical plexus nerves of the crab-eating macaque (macaca fascicularis), eastern grey kangaroo (macropus giganteus), and koala (phascolarctos cinereus).the origin, course and distribution of the cutaneous nerves of the cervical plexus were examined in the crab-eating macaque (4 body-halves), the grey kangaroo (5 body-halves) and koala (3 body-halves). the cutaneous nerves, n. auricularis magnus, nn. supraclaviculares, n. transversus colli, and n. transversus cervicis, were recognized. cranial and caudal branches were identified in the latter 2 nerves. some intermediate, relatively small branches were recognized between these main nerves. the n. ...19902093157
dissociative anaesthesia in free-ranging male koalas and selected marsupials in captivity.forty seven free-ranging, adult, male koalas were captured and administered an intramuscular injection of the dissociative anaesthetic, telazol (tiletamine hcl plus zolazepam hcl), at dose rates of 5.0 to 7.7 mg/kg body weight. anaesthesia induction was rapid and smooth and resulted in a surgical plane of anaesthesia lasting 30 to 45 min. there was no depression of heart rate or respiration. mild salivation occurred in most animals, but was not a problem because the swallowing reflex was retaine ...19902076068
serosal proliferations in koalas. 19902264813
spontaneous proliferations in australian marsupials--a survey and review. 1. macropods, koalas, wombats, possums and gliders.this report catalogues all spontaneous proliferations in macropods, koalas, wombats, and possums and gliders held by the comparative pathology registry at taronga zoo. proliferative lesions were present in 14 macropods, 26 koalas, two wombats and 22 possums and gliders. most neoplasms recorded in macropods were singular and many were found incidentally. lymphoid neoplasia, cranio-facial tumours and apparent mesotheliomas were common in koalas. hyperplastic or benign neoplastic masses in adrenals ...19902246389
cardiac failure in a koala secondary to an atrial septal defect. 19902144110
an ultrastructural study on gastric endocrine cells in the stomach gland patch of the koala phascolarctos cinereus.the endocrine cells in the stomach gland patch of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus) were studied ultrastructurally. they were classified into 3 types based on the ultrastructural profiles of their endocrine granules and tentatively categorized as type i, ii, and iii endocrine cells. type i cells contained round granules that were for the most part larger than those observed in the other 2 cell types. the granules ranged from moderate to relatively high in electron density. type ii cells were an ...19902220027
a survey of koala road kills in new south wales.between 1984 and 1990, 75 koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) from the central northern coast of new south wales (australia) were presented for necropsy due to motor vehicle accidents. the koalas consisted of 44 males and 31 females. fifty one of these were between 2 and 7 yr (39 males and 12 females). the greater proportion of koalas, especially males, were struck by vehicles between june and december. the main injuries detected were head injuries (44), hemoperitoneum (16), limb injuries (16), hemo ...19911758032
topography of the major superficial lymph nodes and their efferent lymph pathways in the koala (phascolarctos cinereus).the koala has an inguinoaxillary lymph trunk on either side of the ventral midline, and this carries efferent lymph from the superficial inguinal lymph node directly to the deep axillary lymph node. the superficial lymph nodes are large and soft compared with those of the domestic species, and each lymph centre usually contains only one or two large lymph nodes. koalas have a rostral mandibular lymph node which has not been described in other species, but lack popliteal and subiliac lymph nodes. ...19911769900
conservation genetics of the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). ii. limited variability in minisatellite dna sequences.we have examined variability in taqi and ecori restriction fragment sizes of dna from the koala (phascolarctos cinereus) using six hvr (hypervariable region) probes which reveal complex, individual-specific restriction patterns in humans and other species. frequency of band-sharing among unrelated koalas was extremely high. this result is likely to be a consequence of the history of near-extinction and artificial recolonization of the populations we have studied, rather than a general marsupial ...19911747097
semen characteristics in free-living koalas (phascolarctos cinereus).spermic electroejaculates (range in motile sperm/ejaculate, 0.50-122.9 x 10(6); mean +/- s.e.m., 38.6 +/- 4.9) were recovered from 47 of 48 adult koalas captured from 3 wild populations in australia. semen was characterized by (i) a high density of globular bodies, which prevented the estimation of sperm motility without dilution; (ii) a brownish colour; and (iii) an acidic ph. spermatozoa were categorized on the basis of 10 head forms, most cells being a curved or hooked shape. the koala popula ...19912056498
phenotypic characterization of co2-requiring strains of streptococcus bovis from koalas.we examined phenotypic characteristics of six mannitol-fermenting strains of streptococcus bovis, including two unusual co2-requiring strains isolated from koala feces. these strains did not grow in air, but grew in air supplemented with co2 and under reduced oxygen conditions. all six strains had the same biochemical characteristics, except that the co2-requiring strains did not produce beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase.19911746961
1h nmr spectroscopic survey of plasma and erythrocytes from selected marsupials and domestic animals of australia.1. 1h nmr spectra were acquired from whole plasma, intact erythrocytes, and ultrafiltrates of erythrocytes from nine native and eight introduced (domestic) australian animals; single-pulse, spin-echo and 2-dimensional spectra were obtained. the aim was to detect and at least semi-quantify metabolites in the samples and compare the profiles amongst the species. 2. the australian natives that were studied were all marsupials: greater brown bandicoot; bettong; eastern grey kangaroo; red kangaroo; k ...19911769206
tyzzer's disease (bacillus piliformis) in australian marsupials.tyzzer's disease (bacillus piliformis infection) was diagnosed in nine marsupials (six possums, a koala, a wombat and a dasyurid). all but two of the possums were captive. five of the seven marsupials, for which ages were recorded, were juvenile. affected marsupials were either found dead or were showing non-specific illness for up to two days before death. affected livers and hearts showed gross haemorrhage and scattered areas of white discolouration. microscopically, areas of coagulative necro ...19911779038
serological assessment of chlamydial infection in the koala by a slide eia technique.a rapid and simplified slide enzyme immunosorbent assay (eia) was developed for the diagnosis of chlamydial infection in the koala. hela 229 cells infected with koala strain chlamydia psittaci were fixed on the surface of multiwell slides and used as the antigen. the assay consisted of first reacting koala antiserum with the fixed c psittaci antigen, followed by reaction with biotinylated rabbit anti-koala igg, abc reagent and substrate. the chlamydial eia antibody titres obtained were compared ...19911807246
evaluation of an immunofluorescence test on direct smears of conjunctival and urogenital swabs taken from koalas for the detection of chlamydia psittaci.the chlamydia-cel vet if test (ccvit), a commercially available immunofluorescence test for use on direct smears of clinical specimens, was evaluated in a colony of 43 captive koalas. the test is based on a monoclonal antibody directed against the chlamydial common group specific lipopolysaccharide antigen. swabs were taken from conjuncitva and penis or urogenital sinus and used for direct smear evaluation and cell culture isolation. compared with isolation of the organism in cell culture, the c ...19911883293
chlamydial infection in a colony of captive koalas.forty three koalas in a captive colony were investigated for the presence of chlamydia psittaci infection and associated disease. swabs were taken from conjunctivae and urogenital sites for cell culture isolation of c psittaci and for cytological examination (direct smears) for chlamydial inclusions and evidence of inflammation. on the basis of cell culture isolation, 28 samples from 25 koalas were positive for c psittaci (that is, infected). three koalas were positive from both sites, 5 from co ...19911883294
purification and initial characterisation of koala immunoglobulins.the production of koala immunoglobulins (ig) was elicited by the immunisation of a koala (phascolarctos cinereus) with bovine serum albumin. this ig was then purified using the highly specific techniques of affinity chromatography. the purified protein was compared with a "potential" koala ig protein which was subsequently purified by protein g chromatography and both proteins were further characterised by agarose/sds-page and immunoelectrophoresis. results indicate that koalas do produce ig in ...19911949580
detection of chlamydia psittaci using dna probes and the polymerase chain reaction.fewer than 10(5) elementary bodies of chlamydia psittaci could be detected by using dna hybridisation with a plasmid probe specific for avian chlamydial strains. pcr amplification of chlamydial dna using primers specific for conserved regions of the major outer membrane protein gene enabled the detection of fewer than 10 elementary bodies. dna could be amplified from 22 of the 24 chlamydial strains tested including avian, feline, ovine, caprine, koala and lymphogranuloma venereum strains.19912037227
keratitis in free-ranging koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) on magnetic island, townsville.seventy free-ranging koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) from magnetic island (queensland, australia) underwent an ocular examination, blood collection and serological examination for chlamydia psittaci antibodies, and an examination of their teeth and genitalia. in 12 koalas long-standing unilateral keratitis was noted and in another 10 animals long-standing bilateral keratitis was observed. all animals were seronegative for chlamydia psittaci and apart from some nasal discharge and a variety of as ...19921380994
koala lymphoid cells: analysis of antigen-specific responses.bovine serum albumin (bsa) and ovine immunoglobulin (ovigg) were used to induce humoral immune responses in two koalas which were also painted with 2-4-dinitrofluorobenzene (dnfb) and subsequently tested for local delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) reactions. the responses observed support the suggestion that the koala is 'immunologically lazy'. antibody responses to bsa and ovigg were not detected until 12 weeks after the initial antigen injection and antigen-specific in vitro proliferative re ...19921387489
comparison of nine antigen detection kits for diagnosis of urogenital infections due to chlamydia psittaci in koalas.chlamydia psittaci is the major cause of infectious disease in the koala (phascolarctos cinereus). it causes four disease syndromes in the koala, namely, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, cystitis, and infertility (females only). diagnosis of chlamydial infections in koalas relies primarily on isolation of the organism in cell culture. serology has generally not been useful, and little use has previously been made of the commercially available antigen detection kits. we examined the sensitivity, specifi ...19921452703
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