
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a study of oxygen absorption and catalase production during growth of chaetomium globosum on cotton fiber and yarn. 194216560491
chaetomin, a new antibiotic substance produced by chaetomium cochliodes: i. formation and properties. 194416560863
chaetomin, a new antibiotic substance produced by chaetomium cochliodes: ii. isolation and concentration. 194416560864
morphological, inheritance and growth studies of the k saltation produced selectively by short wave lengths of ultra-violet irradiation in the fungus chaetomium globosum kunze (ascomycetes, sphaeriales). 194620273981
saltant production by wave lengths of visible and long ultraviolet monochromatic irradiation, and a comparison with saltants produced by short wave lengths of monochromatic ultraviolet irradiation in the fungus chaetomium globosum.1. saltants have been produced in the fungus chaetomium globosum by longer wave lengths than previously reported-by 365 mmicro and by a visible line 404 mmicro. 2. absence at these wave lengths of the k saltant, which is so abundant at short wave lengths, is marked. 3. ratio of percentage irradiated spores germinating to control spores germinating decreases from 83 per cent at 265 mmicro, a short ultraviolet wave length, to 57 per cent at 404 mmicro, a visible violet wave length.194719873488
production of lethal mutations in the fungus chaetomium globosum by monochromatic ultraviolet irradiation. 194918120002
chetomin an antibiotic substance from chaetomium cochliodes; composition and functional groups. 194918124507
mutants produced by x-irradiation of spores of chaetomium globosum and a comparison with those produced by ultraviolet irradiation.1. mutants produced by x-irradiation of fungal spores of chaetomium globosum have been compared with those produced by ultraviolet irradiation. 2. the most striking difference between the mutants produced by x-irradiation and ultraviolet irradiation is the absence in x-ray experiments of the k mutant which is produced in large numbers at short ultraviolet wave lengths. 3. a comparison is made of the relation between x-ray dose and numbers of lethal mutants, and the relation between the short ult ...194918131868
significance of calcium in the fruiting of chaetomium species, particularly chaetomium globosum. 195114832409
further observations on the sporulation of chaetomium globosum. 195114908014
the influence of hexose phosphates, calcium and jute extract on the formation of perithecia by chaetomium globosum. 195313044913
control of a seed-borne disease by chaetomium cochlioides pall., under natural conditions. 195313072567
synthesis of beta-linked glucosaccharides by extracts of chaetomium globosum. 195413230102
the production of beta-linked glucose saccharides from cellobiose by chaetomium globosum. 195613315328
the influence of certain micro-organisms on the formation of perithecia by chaetomium globosum. 195613346026
the effect of a physical barrier on sporulation of chaetomium globosum. 195613357727
[presence of orsellinic acid in chaetomium cochliodes]. 195913648641
degradation of wood preservatives by fungi.wood-inhabiting fungi, not necessarily responsible for major decay, are shown to be capable of degrading a toxic compound into a less potent form, thus rendering it less effective in protecting wood from decay by less-tolerant basidiomycetous wood-destroyers. sweetgum or pine sapwood blocks treated with preservatives (ammoniacal copper arsenate, fluor-chrome-arsenate-dinitrophenol, a creosote or pentachlorophenol) were exposed progressively to two different wood-inhabiting fungi with sterilizati ...196416349644
toxicity to rats of corn invaded by chaetomium globosum.of 53 isolates of chaetomium globosum kunze isolated from corn, manufactured feed, and fiberboard, grown on autoclaved corn, and fed to rats, 25 were lethal within 4 to 6 days. thirty-six single ascospore cultures of one isolate were uniformly lethal when similarly grown and fed to rats. incubation of the fungus on corn for 6 to 8 weeks resulted in greater toxicity than shorter incubation times. premortem symptoms indicated damage to the central nervous system of the affected animals, and postmo ...19665970465
cell-wall proteins of aspergillus niger and chaetomium globosum. 19695365360
the effect of cochliodinol, a metabolite of chaetomium cochliodes, on the respiration of microsopores of fusarium oxysporum. 19715555523
[chemical and submicroscopic structure of the cell walls of the ascomycete chaetomium globosum]. 19725058879
sporidesmins. 8. ovine ill-thrift in nova scotia. 3. the characterisation of chetomin a toxic metabolite of chaetomium cochliodes and chaetomium globosum. 19725066072
a bacteriolytic enzyme from chaetomium globosum, a marine-isolate. 19734711457
lipid composition of chaetomium cochliodes: effect of media. 19734713379
differences in mode of action of cellulolytic enzymes from curvularia lunata & chaetomium globosum. 19734779294
microbiological aspects of wood chip storage in tropical environments.the microbiology of tropical wood chip storage has been examined in small experimental piles at two sites in new guinea. biodeterioration occurred in the forms of wood discoloration and loss of wood substance, including cellulosics; over a period of 2-4 months c. 20% per month of the chip pile by volume was seriously discoloured by microorganisms, and wood substance loss amounted to c. 1.5% per month (microscopic assessment). a range of microorganisms which produce discoloration were isolated. d ...1975810126
cytotoxicity of new cytochalasans from chaetomium globosum. 19751120509
degradation of alachlor by a soil fungus, chaetomium globosum. 19751133282
ultrastructural features of meiosis in chaetomium globosum. 19751143312
effect on microorganisms of volatile compounds released from germinating seeds.volatile compounds evolved from germinating seeds of slash pine, bean, cabbage, corn, cucumber, and pea were evaluated for their ability to support growth of microorganisms in liquid mineral salts media lacking a carbon source. growth of eight bacteria was measured turbidimetrically and of six fungi as dry weight of mycelium. volatiles caused increased growth of pseudomonas fluorescens, bacillus cereus, erwinia carotovora, agrobacterium tumefaciens, a. radiobacter, rhizobium japonicum, mucor muc ...19751201509
acute toxic effects of chaetoglobosin a, a new cytochalasan compound produced by chaetomium globosum, on mice and rats.a new cytochalasan compound, chaetoglobosin a produced by chaetomium globosum, was studied for its toxicity to animals. by subcutaneous injection, 2 mg/kg body weight of chaetoglobosin a killed young wistar rats acutely, and in the mouse of ddd strain, ld50 values of chaetoglobosin a were estimated 6.5 and 17.8 mg/kg for male and female, respectively. by oral administration, 400 mg/kg of chaetoglobosin a caused little adverse effect on mice and rats. pathological examination of the mice, injecte ...1978713122
degradation of lignocellulosic material and humus formation by fungi.cellulase activity and degradation of cellulose and lignin in wheat straw and formation of humus during degradation by aspergillus sp., chaetomium globosum, fusarium solani, paecilomyces varioti, penicillium chrysogenum and trichoderma viride qm9414 were studied. c. globosum, f. solani, p. varioti and p. chrysogenum produced little or no cellulase when grown on cellulose powder. however, all produced cellulase (filter paper degrading activity) when grown on wheat straw. all the cultures degraded ...1979507620
a new sesquiterpene antibiotic, heptelidic acid producing organisms, fermentation, isolation and characterization.a new sesquiterpene antibiotic, heptelidic acid, was found in the culture filtrate of three different strains of fungi isolated from soil samples. these strains were identified as gliocladium virens, chaetomium globosum and trichoderma viride. heptelidic acid was produced by conventional submerged culture and purified by successive column chromatography on silica gel and sephadex lh-20 and finally by preparative tlc on silica gel. the molecular formula of heptelidic acid was determined as c15h20 ...19807191847
biological control of olive green mold in agaricus bisporus cultivation.successful methods to control the damaging weed mold chaetomium olivaceum (olive green mold) in mushroom beds are not presently known. an attempt was made to control c. olivaceum by biological means. a thermophilic bacillus sp. which showed dramatic activity against c. olivaceum on trypticase soy agar (bbl microbiology systems)-0.4% yeast extract agar plates was isolated from commercial mushroom compost (phase i). when inoculated into conventional and hydroponic mushroom beds, the bacillus not o ...198316346199
analysis of an effective antibiotic (chaetomacin) isolated from a thermophilic bacillus sp. against olive green mold.successful methods to control the damaging weed mold chaetomium olivaceum (olive green mold) in mushroom beds are not known. an effective antibiotic (named chaetomacin) against c. olivaceum was isolated from a thermophilic bacillus sp. this compound was shown to be an extremely potent and stable antibiotic, effective over a wide range of both ph (2 to 10) and temperature (-15 to 150 degrees c). chaetomacin is soluble in most polar solvents and insoluble in nonpolar solvents. it is produced only ...198416346515
mycoflora and mycotoxin-producing fungi of air-dust particles from egypt.using the dilution-plate method, 27 genera and 64 species were collected from 20 air-dust samples on glucose - (24 genera and 57 species) and cellulose - (21 genera and 45 species) czapek's agar at 28 degrees c. there are basic similarities between the mycoflora of air-dust on the two media and the most prevalent species were aspergillus niger, a. flavus, a. ochraceus, a. terreus, a. versicolor, penicillium chrysogenum, p. funiculosum, alternaria alternata, cladosporium herbarum, fusarium oxyspo ...19862938009
cutaneous and ungual phaeohyphomycosis caused by species of chaetomium kunze (1817) ex fresenius, 1829.two cases of cutaneous and ungual phaeohyphomycosis caused by species of chaetomium are reported. the patients showed no clinical signs of immunodeficiency. in case 1 there was a small, ulcerated, crusted lesion on the right forearm. direct microscopical examination of material from this lesion showed light-brown hyphae with thick-walled cells. the fungus isolated was identified as chaetomium globosum. case 2 had lesions of the fingernails. direct microscopy showed dematiaceous septate hyphae in ...19883236145
mycoflora of air-conditioners dust from riyadh, saudi arabia.using the hair baiting technique, 6 genera and 14 species were collected on sabouraud's dextrose agar from 37 dust samples from air-conditioners. the most common fungi were chrysosporium tropicum, c. indicum, c. keratinophilum, aspergillus flavus followed by acremonium strictum and scopulariopsis brevicaulis. using the dilution-plate method, 26 genera and 52 species were collected from 37 dust samples on glucose-(23 genera and 45 species) and cellulose-(18 genera and 34 species) czapek's agar at ...19883236219
cerebral phaeohyphomycosis caused by chaetomium globosum in a renal transplant recipient.a 32-year-old male patient developed headaches, vomiting, blurring of vision, and focal seizures of the left side of the face 2 months after a renal transplant. he developed a brain abscess and died. direct koh examination of the brain tissue demonstrated hyaline as well as dematiaceous, septate hyphae. histologic examination of brain sections revealed polymorphous fungal elements consisting of septate, dark-pigmented hyphae, intercalary and terminal swollen fungal cells, and budding yeastlike c ...19892584374
mycoflora of anise and fennel seeds in egypt.using four medium types (glucose-, cellulose-, 50% sucrose- and 10% nacl-czapek's agar), it was possible to isolate 15 fungal genera, 78 species and 6 varieties. the collective fungal spectrum varied from one medium to another where the highest number of species (57 species/1000 seeds) was obtained on glucose- and the lowest (31 species/1000 seeds) on 10% nacl-czapek's agar. aspergillus, penicillium, and sometimes rhizopus and chaetomium were the most common genera on the different medium types. ...19892600777
release of mutagens after chemical or microbial degradation of beech wood lignin.the microbial or chemical degradation of lignin from untreated samples of beech wood dusts (fagus silvatica) resulted in the release of different mutagenic responses in the salmonella/mammalian plate incorporation assay. in the first experiment using chemical degradation of lignin, dust samples were pre-extracted using acetone-water; the lignin portions were degraded into simpler compounds which were further fractionated on a sephadex-lh20 column. the compounds isolated from the second phase of ...19902339441
occurrence of zoosporic and terrestrial fungi in some ponds of kharga oases, egypt.thirty-nine species belonging to 13 genera of zoosporic fungi were collected from 33 water samples on sesame and hemp seeds as baits at 22 degrees c. five genera were isolated in high occurrence: allomyces (2 species), achlya (9 species), dictyuchus (4 species), pythium (5 species) and saprolegnia (5 species). aphanomyces (4 species) and isoachlya (2 species) were of moderate frequencies. the remaining six genera were less frequent: anisolpidium, brevilegnia, calyptralegnia, leptolegnia, pythiop ...19902384873
keratinophilic fungi and other moulds associated with air-dust particles from and eleven species and three species varieties belonging to 39 genera were collected from 50 dust samples on the five media used at 28 degrees c. using the hair-baiting technique with horse hair, 10 species of chrysosporium were isolated: c. asperatum, c. state of arthroderma tuberculatum, c. indicum, c. inops, c. keratinophilum, c. merdarium, c. pannorum, c. queenslandicum, c. tropicum and c. xerophilum. true dermatophytes were isolated: trichophyton verrucosum and trichophyton sp. ...19901702081
cellulose degradation and cellulase activity of five cellulolytic fungi.biodegradation of pure cellulose powder, bagasse and wheatstraw by five cellulolytic fungi,aspergillus niger, chaetomium globosum, scopulariopsis brevicaulis, trichoderma koningii andtrichothecium roseum, was studied in solid culture conditions. minimum degradation was with pure cellulose. bagasse and wheatstraw were the most suitable for growth and activity of cellulolytic fungi. all fungi contained cellulase activity.199024429892
onychomycosis caused by chaetomium globosum this paper we report a case of onychomycosis caused by chaetomium globosum. the patient had lesions of the fingernails of the left hand. the direct microscopical examination of the nails showed light-brown hyphae with thick-walled cells. the histopathological examination revealed thick aggregated hyphal element in the nail plate. amongst the antimycotics tested oxiconazole with mic values of 0.3 microgram/ml-1 was found to be most effective in vitro against chaetomium globosum.19911826539
onychomycosis of the toenails caused by chaetomium globosum. 19921533863
the normal mycoflora of commodities from thailand. 1. nuts and oilseeds.a comprehensive study was carried out of the fungi occurring in commodities normally traded in thailand. samples of major commodities were obtained from farmers' stocks and middlemen in major producing areas throughout the country. retail samples were obtained from outlets in and around bankok. samples were divided into two portions, one being examined in bangkok, and the second in sydney. after surface disinfection, fungi were enumerated by direct plating on dichloran rose bengal chloramphenico ...19938110599
growing incidence of cutaneous and ungual infections by non-dermatophyte fungi at jabalpur (m.p.).a random survey of skin and nail infections was done at jabalpur (m.p.). out of the 80 suspected cases 60 were culture positive. out of these 25 were of dermatophyte infection followed by 21 cases of phaeohyphomycosis, 7 of aspergillosis, 4 of hyalohyphomycosis, 2 of mixed infection in which a non-dermatophyte was associated with a dermatophyte and 1 had yeast infection. trichophyton rubrum was the only dermatophyte isolated. among the non-dermatophyte infections cases of alternaria chlamydospor ...19938276472
mycoflora and natural occurrence of mycotoxins in tobacco from cigarettes in egypt.forty-two species and 4 varieties belonging to 21 genera were collected from 40 tobacco samples on glucose- and cellulose-czapek's agar at 28 degrees c and 45 degrees c. the most common mesophiles (at 28 degrees c) in tobacco on the two types of media were: aspergillus flavus, a. flavus var. columnaris, a. fumigatus, a. niger, penicillium chrysogenum and p. funiculosum. two samples were heavily contaminated with members of fusarium (f. moniliforme, f. oxysporum, f. solani). some fungi were encou ...19938368025
azaphilones inhibit tumor promotion by 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in two-stage carcinogenesis in mice.monascorubrin (an azaphilone derivative) was isolated from monascus anka, 'monascus pigment', a natural pigment of food additivies, was extracted from monasucs spp., and chaetoviridin a, one of the azaphilones, was isolated from chaetomium globosum var. flavo-viridae. application of 1 microgram of 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (tpa), a tumor promoting agent, to the mouse ear resulted in induction of inflammation. among monascorubrin and related compounds assayed, monascorubrin, chaetoviri ...19948265094
pathogenicity and antifungal susceptibility of chaetomium species.several reports have been published implicating chaetomium spp. as opportunistic pathogens. a critical review of these cases was made, and the majority of the responsible strains were studied. chaetomium globosum was the most common species, being isolated in at least nine clinical cases of infection. some of these clinical isolates and others from environmental sources were tested against six antifungal agents (5-fluorocytosine, fluconazole, amphotericin b, itraconazole, ketoconazole and micona ...19957588850
fatal cerebral mycoses caused by the ascomycete chaetomium strumarium.three cases of fatal cerebral mycosis in males with prior histories of intravenous drug use from the united states and australia are reported. infection in each case was limited to brain abscess; no other sites of infection were observed. the fungus seen by histopathology and isolated from the brain tissue in each case was identified as chaetomium strumarium. this is the first report of human infection by this species, and c. strumarium is the second species of chaetomium known to cause primary ...19958567907
chaetomium pneumonia in patient with acute myeloid leukaemia.a patient with relapsed refractory acute myeloid leukaemia developed typical fungal lung lesions despite intravenous amphotericin b prophylaxis. chaetomium globosum was cultured from the resected right lower lobe. histology showed branching hyphae negative for common aspergillus species by immunohistochemical staining. previous reports of invasive disease caused by chaetomium and some applications of immunohistochemical staining for aspergillus are discussed.19968655695
effect of vapor phase corrosion inhibitor on microbial corrosion of aluminum alloys.vapor phase corrosion inhibitors were used to investigate the antimicrobial activities and anticorrosion of aluminum alloy. aspergillus flavus, a. niger, a. versicolor, chaetomium globosum and penicillium funiculosum had moderate to abundant growth on the aluminum alloy aa 1100 at aw 0.901, while there was less growth at aw 0.842. high humidity stimulated microbial growth and induced microbial corrosion. dicyclohexylammonium carbonate had a high inhibitory effect on the growth of test fungi and ...199610592784
the soil fungus chaetomium in the human paranasal sinuses.chaetomium is a soil fungus of which more than 180 species are now known. most species cause degradation of cellulose-rich substrates, such as components in soil, straw or wood. growth of chaetomium globosum is often stimulated in the presence of aspergillus fumigatus, which excretes such compounds as sugar phosphates and phospho-glyceric acid. a 73-year-old woman, with long-standing pain and secretion from her left maxillary sinus, was admitted to hospital where an infundibulectomy was performe ...19979298672
[mass development of stachybotrys chartarum on compostable plant pots made from recycled paper].after handling plants grown in decomposable pots made of recycling paper, three women working in a big horticulture developed very painful inflammated efflorescences at the finger-tips, followed by scaling off the skin. the pots appeared to be very mouldy. black masses of conidia of stachybotrys chartarum and perithecia of chaetomium globosum were identified on almost every pot. apart from various other fungal genera, trichoderma und acremonium were frequently detected. considering the observed ...19979417508
endoglucanase production by paper-degrading mycoflora.fourteen fungal species, namely aspergillus flavus, a. fumigatus, a. niger, a. ustus, penicillium islandicum, p. wortmannii, memnoniella echinata, cladosporium herbarum, stachybotrys atra, chaetomium globosum, fusarium oxysporum, torula herbarum, alternaria alternata and curvularia uncinata were isolated from different grades of paper. they differ in their distribution on various kinds of paper and also in relative occurrence. while seasonal influence on mycoflora was observed, most of the mould ...19979418063
interaction of four antagonistic fungi with botrytis aclada in dead onion leaves: a comparative microscopic and ultrastructural study.abstract the colonization of dead onion leaves by botrytis aclada and the fungal antagonists aureobasidium pullulans, chaetomium globosum, glio-cladium catenulatum, and ulocladium atrum and the interactions between b. aclada and each of the four antagonists were studied at the microscopic and ultrastructural level. this approach was used in an attempt to understand the colonization pattern of these fungi and the nature of the biocontrol activity of the antagonists that have shown a potential to ...199718945082
production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody raised against surface antigens from mycelium of gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici: evidence for an extracellular polyphenol oxidase.abstract a murine monoclonal antibody (mab) of immunoglobulin class m (igm) was raised against surface antigens from gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, recognized isolates of g. graminis var. tritici, g. graminis var. avenae and g. graminis var. graminis. characterization of the antigen by heat and protease treatments showed that the epitope recognized by the mab was a protein. antigen production was detected only in live mycelia. immunofluorescence s ...199718945163
space flight micro-fungi after 27 years storage in water and in continuous culture.four species of micro-fungi were selected for study in the national aeronautics and space administration (nasa) apollo microbial ecology evaluation device (meed) mycology experiments. trichophyton terrestre, rhodotorula rubra, saccharomyces cerevisiae and chaetomium globosum were selected from a series of preflight test fungi for the meed mycology studies during the 2 years prior to the actual flight (volz, 1971a, 1972b). conidia of t. terrestre, ascospores of c. globosum and yeast cells of r. r ...199810093232
[mycoparasites effect on reproductive ability of sclerotinia sclerotiorum sclerotia.].the ability to parasitise sclerotinia sclerotiorum and the effect on apothecia production was evaluated for the following antagonists: trichoderma harzianum; trichoderma koningii; gliocladium roseum and chaetomium globosum. plastic trays were filled with of steam-sterilized soil. each one of them was infested with sclerotia of s. sclerotiorum and the culture of the antagonists. the trays were kept in a greenhouse and after 30, 60 and 90 days, evaluations were made. the rates of carpogenic germin ...199817655415
contamination of peritoneal dialysis fluid by filamentous fungi.peritonitis is a frequent complication in peritoneal dialysis. it may be caused by contamination of the dialysis tubing or by extension of the catheter exit site. gram-positive bacteria are the most common organism, accounting for 60% of all documented cases of continuous ambulatorial peritonitis dialysis. fungi are isolated from to 1-15% of cases. forty-nine out of 490 bottles containing fluid for peritoneal dialysis were randomly selected for microbiological analysis in são paulo, brazil. in t ...199918473556
possible role of chaetomium globosum in infection after autologous bone marrow transplantation. 199910051093
mycoflora and mycotoxins of brazilian cashew kernels.kernel samples of common and dwarf brazilian cashew nuts were highly contaminated with field and storage fungi in comparison to healthy ones. in general, dwarf cashews were more contaminated than common. a total of 37 fungal species were identified. aspergillus niger was the dominant species with more colonies being isolated from dwarf kernels. a. flavus was the next most frequently isolated species. penicillium brevicompactum, and p. glabrum were the most frequently isolated penicillia, with hi ...199910598070
case report. onychomycosis due to chaetomium globosum successfully treated with itraconazole.we have experienced a case of toenail infection caused by chaetomium globosum which we treated with itraconazole 100 mg day-1 for 6 months, after which time the nail lesions were almost cured. our case is the first reported case of onychomycosis caused by ch. globosum in japan, and the seventh in the world.200010838856
mycoflora and mycotoxins in brazilian black pepper, white pepper and brazil nuts.a wide range of field and storage fungi were isolated from black pepper, white pepper and brazil nut kernels from amazonia. a total of 42 species were isolated from both peppers. aspergillus flavus and a. niger were isolated more frequently from black than from white pepper. other potential mycotoxigenic species isolated included: a. ochraceus, a. tamarii, a. versicolor, emericella nidulans and chaetomium globosum, penicillium brevicompactum, p. citrinum, p. islandicum and p. glabrum. species is ...200011229375
do stable isotopes reflect the food web development in regenerating ecosystems?we evaluated the use of delta15n- and delta13c-values to monitor the development of food web complexity and biodiversity in a regenerating ecosystem. therefore a model food chain was established feeding cultivated woodlice (porcellio dilatatus) on a cellulolytic fungus (chaetomium globosum) grown on cellulose paper. two diets of different quality (c:n ratios of 54 vs. 200) with different delta15n- (1.3% vs. 3.1%) but identical delta13c-values caused low and high dietary stress in animals of trea ...200011501706
mycotoxins from mould infested building materials.only limited documentation of non-allergenic, especially toxic reactions after inhalation of microfungal spores in water damaged buildings exists. recently attention has been drawn to the mycotoxins as causal compounds, as some the dominating genera found in buildings are well known mycotoxin producers.penicillium chrysogenum and a. ustus do not seem to produce any known mycotoxins when growing on building materials, whereasp. brevicompactum produces mycophenolic acid, somep. polonicum produces ...200023605430
[effect of chaetomium cochliodes palliser on micromycetes of the root zone of spring barley].the paper deals with the studies in species composition of micromycetes of the meadow-chernozem deleached soil in the root zone of spring barley and their interaction with the strain of fungus-antagonist chaetomium cochliodes 3250, which served a basis for creation of the preparation--chetomik to protect plants from the root diseases agents. differences were established between mycobiota of soil and root zone of plants; the most considerable ones are the differences between soil rhizoplane: the ...200111785418
growth of chitinolytic dune soil beta-subclass proteobacteria in response to invading fungal has frequently been reported that chitinolytic soil bacteria, in particular biocontrol strains, can lyse living fungal hyphae, thereby releasing potential growth substrate. however, the conditions used in such assays (high bacterial density, rich media, fragmented hyphae) make it difficult to determine whether mycolytic activity is actually of importance for the growth and survival of chitinolytic bacteria in soils. an unidentified group of beta-subclass proteobacteria (cbetaps) was most domi ...200111472904
phytotoxic chaetoglobosins are produced by the plant pathogen calonectria morganii (anamorph cylindrocladium scoparium).by the application of a bioassay based on cresson seedlings, two phytotoxic compounds were isolated by thin-layer chromatography from the culture fluid of a calonectria morganii isolate. the structure of both compounds was elucidated by esi/ms and nmr spectroscopy. according to the chemical abstracts database, they were identified as chaetoglobosin a and 19-o-acetylchaetoglobosin a, mycotoxins originally described for chaetomium globosum.200112483566
comparative degradation of oomycete, ascomycete, and basidiomycete cell walls by mycoparasitic and biocontrol fungi.fourteen fungi (primarily representing mycoparasitic and biocontrol fungi) were tested for their ability to grow on and degrade cell walls (cws) of an oomycete (pythium ultimum), ascomycete (fusarium equisetii), and basidiomycete (rhizoctonia solani), and their hydrolytic enzymes were characterized. protein was detected in the cultural medium of eleven of the test isolates, and these fungi significantly degraded cws over the 14-day duration of the experiment. in general, a greater level of cw de ...200211888164
antimycobacterial anthraquinone-chromanone compound and diketopiperazine alkaloid from the fungus chaetomium globosum kmitl-n0802.investigation of the fungus chaetomium globosum kmitl-n0802 led to the isolation of a novel anthraquinone-chromanone compound named chaetomanone along with seven known compounds, ergosterol, ergosteryl palmitate, chrysophanol, chaetoglobosin c, alternariol monomethyl ether, echinuline and isochaetoglobosin d. these compounds were characterized by spectroscopic methods. chaetomanone and echinulin exhibited activity towards mycobacterium tuberculosis.200212357398
in vitro activities of new antifungal agents against chaetomium spp. and inoculum standardization.chaetomium is an unusual etiological agent of human infections, but the mortality rate among immunocompromised patients is considerably greater than that among nonimmunocompromised individuals. we investigated the in vitro antifungal susceptibilities to novel antifungal agents of 19 strains belonging to three species of chaetomium which have been involved in human infections, i.e., chaetomium globosum, c. atrobrunneum, and c. nigricolor, and one strain of the closely related species achaetomium ...200314506025
infection of barley roots by chaetomium globosum: evidence for a protective role of the exodermis.plant pathogenesis by fungi is known to be dependent on the host genotype, the virulence of the pathogen and certain environmental conditions influencing fungal establishment. previously, it has been shown that chaetomium globosum, a fungus well-characterized for its biocontrol potential, causes necrosis on barley roots grown in murashige and skoog (ms)-agar. using ms-agar and aeroponic culture as axenic plant growth systems, c. globosum pathogenesis was analyzed with serological and histologica ...200314563137
mould specific igg antibodies connected with sinusitis in teachers of mould damaged school: a two-year follow-up study.the aim of this study was to describe the relationship between mould exposure induced by moisture damage and mould specific immunoglobulin g antibodies to 20 common mould species and their association with respiratory diseases.200314587535
phaeohyphomycosis caused by chaetomium globosum in an allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipient.bone marrow transplant recipients are highly susceptible to opportunistic fungal infections. this is the report, of the first case of a chaetomium systemic infection described in brazil. a 34 year-old patient with chronic myeloid leukemia underwent an allogeneic sibling matched bone marrow transplant. seven months later, he developed systemic infection with enlargement of the axillary and cervical lymph nodes. culture of the aspirates from both lymph nodes yielded chaetomium globosum. the infect ...200314682456
use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/solid phase microextraction for the identification of mvocs from moldy building materials.gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/solid phase microextraction (gc-ms/spme) was applied to identify microbial volatile organic compounds (mvocs) in water-damaged, mold-infested building materials (gypsum board papers (n=2), mineral wool, and masonite) and in cultivated molds (aspergillus penicillioides, stachybotrys chartarum, and chaetomium globosum). three spme fibers (65-microm pdms-dvb, 75-microm carboxen-pdms, and 70-microm carbowax-stableflex) designed for automated injection were used o ...200312531501
survival of filamentous fungi in hypersaline dead sea water.a variety of filamentous fungi have recently been isolated from the dead sea (340 g/l total dissolved salts). to assess the extent to which such fungi can survive for prolonged periods in dead sea water, we examined the survival of both spores and mycelia in undiluted dead sea water and in dead sea water diluted to different degrees with distilled water. mycelia of aspergillus versicolor and chaetomium globosum strains isolated from the dead sea remained viable for up to 8 weeks in undiluted dea ...200312545316
microbial community composition affects soil fungistasis.most soils inhibit fungal germination and growth to a certain extent, a phenomenon known as soil fungistasis. previous observations have implicated microorganisms as the causal agents of fungistasis, with their action mediated either by available carbon limitation (nutrient deprivation hypothesis) or production of antifungal compounds (antibiosis hypothesis). to obtain evidence for either of these hypotheses, we measured soil respiration and microbial numbers (as indicators of nutrient stress) a ...200312571002
detection of viable fungal spores contaminant on documents and rapid control of the effectiveness of an ethylene oxide disinfection using atp assay.filamentous fungi are able to damage and even destroy archival and library materials. nowadays the conventional method for detecting such micro-organisms is to put them in cultures but such methods are laborious and time-consuming. atp methodology has been widely applied in other domains and its success on bacteria and yeast has been demonstrated. several commercial reagent kits are available but they did not give satisfactory results on spores mould. we have elaborated new extraction strategies ...200312687632
interactions between nematophagous fungi and consequences for their potential as biological agents for the control of potato cyst nematodes.the efficacies of three nematophagous fungi, paecilomyces lilacinus, plectosphaerella cucumerina and pochonia chlamydosporia, for controlling potato cyst nematodes (pcn) as part of an integrated pest management (ipm) regime were studied. the compatibility of the nematophagous fungi with commonly used chemical pesticides and their ability to compete with the soil fungi rhizoctonia solani, chaetomium globosum, fusarium oxysporum, penicillium bilaii and trichoderma harzianum were tested in vitro. p ...200312735243
purification and some properties of exo-1,4-beta-glucanase from chaetomium olivaceum.exo-1,4-beta-glucanase (e.c. was successively purified by precipitation with acetone, followed by gel filtration on sephadex g-100 and chromatographed onto deae-cellulose. a typical procedure provided 47.14 fold purification with 72.8% yield. the molecular mass of the purified enzyme was found to be 88 kda by sds-page. the ph optimum of the enzyme was 5.2 and maximum activity was obtained at 45 degrees c. km value against alpha-cellulose was 0.65 mg ml(-1). alpha-cellulose and filter p ...200312916726
fungal parasitism of heterodera glycines eggs as influenced by egg age and pre-colonization of cysts by other fungi.the objective of this study was to determine the effect of egg age and pre-colonization of cysts by a saprophytic or parasitic fungus on parasitism of heterodera glycines eggs by other parasitic fungi. in agar and in soil tests, fungi generally parasitized more eggs in early developmental stages than eggs containing a juvenile. the effect of pre-colonization of cysts by a fungus on parasitism of eggs by other fungi depended on the fungi involved. in most cases, pre-colonization of cysts by an un ...200319262761
effects of fungal food quality and starvation on the fatty acid composition of protaphorura fimata (collembola).the lipid pattern of animals is influenced by species, life stage, environmental conditions and diet. we investigated the effects of food quality and starvation on the phospholipid (plfa) and neutral lipid (nlfa) fatty acid pattern of the collembolan protaphorura fimata. collembolans were fed with two common soil fungi, agrocybe gibberosa and chaetomium globosum, of which the cellular lipid composition was analysed. a. gibberosa was grown on agar with different nitrogen contents, resulting in al ...200415142535
culturability and toxicity of sick building syndrome-related fungi over time.two experiments were conducted regarding the culturability and toxicity of fungi located on building materials over time and the efficacy of seven laboratory techniques in recovering culturable fungi from sample swabs. in the first experiment, eight sections of drywall were inoculated with stachybotrys chartarum and stored at 25 +/- 5 degrees celsius and 20-60% relative humidity (rh) for up to two years. another eight sections of ceiling tile were stored at 100% rh for 1 year. six sections of ce ...200415238302
an investigation into techniques for cleaning mold-contaminated home contents.this study examined the efficacy of the following treatments to reduce selected fungal spore and mycotoxin levels on materials commonly found in home contents: (1) gamma irradiation at a 10-13 kilogray exposure, (2) a detergent/bleach wash, and (3) a steam cleaning technique. a minimum of six replicates were performed per treatment. paper, cloth, wood, and carpet were inoculated with either fungal spores (stachybotrys chartarum, aspergillus niger, penicillium chrysogenum, or chaetomium globosum) ...200415238314
role of antibiosis in the biological control of spot blotch (cochliobolus sativus) of wheat by chaetomium globosum.chaetomium globosum kunze, has been identified as a potential antagonist of cochliobolus sativus (s. ito & kurib.) deschler ex dastur. (syn = drechslera sorokiniana). production of antifungal compounds by chaetomium globosum (cg) and their role in suppression of spot blotch of wheat caused by this fungus under in vitro and in vivo has been evaluated. interaction between chaetomium globosum isolates and c. sativus showed mycoparasitism by isolates cg 1 and cg 6 whereas isolates cg 2, cg 3, cg 4 a ...200415281398
the sirodesmin biosynthetic gene cluster of the plant pathogenic fungus leptosphaeria maculans.sirodesmin pl is a phytotoxin produced by the fungus leptosphaeria maculans, which causes blackleg disease of canola (brassica napus). this phytotoxin belongs to the epipolythiodioxopiperazine (etp) class of toxins produced by fungi including mammalian and plant pathogens. we report the cloning of a cluster of genes with predicted roles in the biosynthesis of sirodesmin pl and show via gene disruption that one of these genes (encoding a two-module non-ribosomal peptide synthetase) is essential f ...200415387811
chaetoglobosins q, r, and t, three further new metabolites from chaetomium globosum.nine cytotoxic metabolites, including three novel compounds, chaetoglobosins q (1), r (2), and t (3), have been isolated from cultures of the fungus chaetomium globosum. the structures were elucidated primarily from nmr spectroscopic data.200415497948
bioconversion of (+)-valencene in submerged cultures of the ascomycete chaetomium globosum.submerged cultures of the ascomycete chaetomium globosum oxidised the exogenous sesquiterpene (+)-valencene to nootkatone via the stereoselective generation of alpha-nootkatol. inhibition experiments suggested that the first introduction of oxygen, the rate-limiting step of the bioconversion, may have been catalysed by a cytochrome-p450-monooxygenase. however, nootkatone was not the final metabolite: further flavour-active and inactive, non-volatile oxidation products were identified. (+)-valenc ...200415602686
endophytic fungal diversity of 2 sand dune wild legumes from the southwest coast of india.endophytic fungi of 3 age classes (seeds, seedlings, and mature plants) and 5 tissue classes (cotyledons, seed coats, roots, stems, and leaves) of coastal sand dune legumes canavalia cathartica and canavalia maritima were assessed by plating surface-sterilized segments on malt extract agar. forty-six fungal taxa comprising 6 ascomycetes, 33 mitosporic fungi, 2 zygomycetes, and 5 sterile morphospecies were recovered. there was no significant difference in the colonization frequency of endophytes ...200415714232
molecular confirmation of invasive infection caused by chaetomium globosum. 200515735175
[agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of chaetomium globosum and its t-dna insertional mutagenesis].agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation is a routine method in the genetic transformation of a wide range of plant species, and so far, its application has been extended to the transformation of yeasts, fungi and even human cells. by using this transformation system, filamentous fungus chaetomium globosum was successfully transformed with an efficiency of 60-180 transformants per 10(7) spores. pcr and southern analysis showed that the t-dna was integrated into the genome. among of the ...200515847179
virulence of fungal spores determined by tracheal inoculation of goats following inhalation of aerosolized sterile feedyard compare the virulence of spores of 7 fungi by tracheal inoculation of goats following exposure of goats to an aerosol of sterilized feedyard dust. animals-54 weanling boer-spanish goats.200515900941
globosumones a-c, cytotoxic orsellinic acid esters from the sonoran desert endophytic fungus chaetomium globosum.three new esters of orsellinic acid, globosumones a-c (1-3), and three known compounds, orsellinic acid (4), orcinol, and trichodion (5), were isolated from chaetomium globosum endophytic on ephedrafasciculata (mormon tea). the structures of the new compounds 1-3 were established spectroscopically, which included 2d nmr experiments and 1h nmr studies on mosher's ester derivatives. all compounds were evaluated for inhibition of cell proliferation in a panel of four cancer cell lines, nci-h460 (no ...200515921417
determination of microbial volatile organic compounds adsorbed on house dust particles and gypsum board using spme/gc-ms.adsorption of microbial volatile organic compounds (mvocs) on house dust was analyzed by performing solid phase microextraction (spme) in combination with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (gc-ms). settled dust samples were exposed to five selected mvocs and to cultures of the molds stachybotrus chartarum, aspergillus versicolor, and chaetomium globosum. considerable desorption of the mvocs adsorbed on the dust occurred spontaneously within a few hours at room temperature and within several d ...200515954244
[endophytic fungi in rose (rosa hybrida) in bogota, colombia].we have investigated the presence of endophytic fungi associated with rose plants (rosa hybrida) in colombia. endophytic fungi were isolated from healthy leaves of ten ornamental roses plants from gardens cultured in malt extract, peptone, yeast extract agar plates (mpy). we sampled 560 leaves fragments, 56 per sample. endophytic fungi comprised 92 isolates (16.4%); of these isolates, 41 were classified as sterile mycelium (without reproductive structures that allowed their identification), 31 i ...200516107167
effect of chlorine dioxide gas on fungi and mycotoxins associated with sick building syndrome.the growth of indoor molds and their resulting products (e.g., spores and mycotoxins) can present health hazards for human beings. the efficacy of chlorine dioxide gas as a fumigation treatment for inactivating sick building syndrome-related fungi and their mycotoxins was evaluated. filter papers (15 per organism) featuring growth of stachybotrys chartarum, chaetomium globosum, penicillium chrysogenum, and cladosporium cladosporioides were placed in gas chambers containing chlorine dioxide gas a ...200516151130
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 268