
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
sex ratio variation shapes the ecological effects of a globally introduced freshwater ratio and sexual dimorphism have long been of interest in population and evolutionary ecology, but consequences for communities and ecosystems remain untested. sex ratio could influence ecological conditions whenever sexual dimorphism is associated with ecological dimorphism in species with strong ecological interactions. we tested for ecological implications of sex ratio variation in the sexually dimorphic western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. this species causes strong pelagic trophic ca ...026490793
studies on monogenetic trematodes; urocleidus seculus, a new species of tetraonchinae from the viviparous top minnow, gambusia affinis affinis (baird and girard). 194521006501
retention of response to ethynyl testosterone in females of gambusia affinis. 194620275388
the rate of morphogenesis and regeneration of the gonopodium in normal and castrated males of gambusia affinis. 194718918637
on the habits of the exotic mosquito-fish gambusia affinis (baird and girard) in the waters of madras. 194818856607
resistance to ddt in the mosquito fish, gambusia affinis.mosquito fish from waters near cotton fields that have had a long history of treatment with chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides exhibited a marked resistance to ddt compared with fish from areas which had had no past exposure to insecticides.196313997402
incidence of coliform bacteria in the intestinal tract of gambusia affinis holbrooki (girard) and in their habitat water. 196313955523
influence of temperature on the fatty acid pattern of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) and guppies (lebistes reticulatus).adult male mosquitofish were adapted to 14-15c and 26-27c water temperature over a 14-day period and the fatty acids from their total lipids analyzed by gasliquid chromatography.newly born guppies were raised at the same temperature for eight weeks and analyzed in the same way. some fish in the warm water group were subjected to a sudden drop in temperature and the changes of the fatty acids studied after two and eight days, and after two and four all fish the tendency is toward higher ...196617805663
studies with the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, as a chironomid control. 19665966136
the effect of temperature on the dose response of gambusia affinis affinis from two natural populations. 19695352949
differential staining of chloride-secretory cells in the gills of gambusia affinis affinis (baird and girard). 19694183834
further biological and chemical studies on gambusia affinis (baird and girard) in california. 19705530832
estimation of low chlorpromazine concentrations by surfacing and sinking reaction of minnows (gambusia affinis). 19705491476
selective feeding behaviour of gambusia affinis. 197228307207
ecosystem alteration by mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) artificial pools gambusia affinis greatly reduced rotifer, crustacean, and insect populations and thus permitted extraordinary development of phytoplankton populations (2x10(8) cells per milliliter). other effects included decreased optical transmissivity and increased temperature of the water, decreased amounts of dissolved inorganic phosphorus, and increased amounts of dissolved organic phosphorus, inhibition of spirogyra, and replacement of one annelid, chaetogaster, by another, aeolosoma.197217808805
rhodamine b and other stains as markers for the mosquito fish, gambusia affinis. 19724120248
avoidance of pesticides by untrained mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. 19724118741
effect of running water on the predatory efficiency of the larvivorous fish gambusia affinis.effects of standing and running water on the predatory efficiency of the larvivorous fish gambusia affinis was tested at 6 different current speed: 0.0, 0.8, 2.4, 4.5, 8.5 and 10.2 ml/sec. g. affinis predated 25 anopheles stephansi or 21 culex fatigans (iv instar) during the test period of 10 hours. the predatory efficiency of g. affinis decreased remarkably to about 60% and thereafter gradually to about 30% in aquaria containing running water at the speed of 2.4 and 10.2 ml/sec, respectively.197428308612
cyclic amp and adrenergic receptors in gambusia affinis melanophore response in vitro. 19744152106
aldrin and dieldrin uptake in insecticide-resistant and susceptible mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 19751203585
a comparative cytological study between hepatocytes of insecticide-resistant and susceptible mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).the livers from a naturally occurring insecticide-resistant mosquitofish population were examined cytologically and compared to liver preparations from a susceptible population. there was a marked increase in cell size and lipid inclusions in the hepatocytes of resistant mosquitofish as compared to susceptible mosquitofish. the pronounced lipid inclusions in the liver preparations of resistant mosquitofish remained essentially unchanged in mosquitofish starved for up to 2 weeks. no observable di ...19751173057
predatory behavior of gambusia affinis in relation to different light colors. 19751135303
spermiogenesis in the teleost gambusia affinis with particular reference to the role played by microtubules.during nuclear elongation in spermatids of gambusia affinis, a deep fossa is formed at the base of the nucleus in which the centriolar complex and proximal portion of the flagellum reside. to stabilize the positional relationship between the nucleus and centriolar complex, while nuclear morphogenesis is taking place, a series of microtubules develop which emanate from the centriolar complex and extend to the nuclear envelope lining the fossa. buttressing microtubules also develop within the nucl ...19751203975
observations on the use of gambusia affinis holbrooki to control a. stephensi breeding in wells. results of two years' study in greater hyderabad city--india. 19751222962
uptake of 36cl-toxaphene in mosquito fish, gambusia affinis.the toxicity syndrome of toxaphene to g. affinis was divided into 5 stages, and the residue level at each stage was determined. by the time fish were exhibiting the first toxicity response (stage 2), 90.3% of the mean fatal residue level had been sorbed. regression analysis indicated that sorption of toxaphene is a linear function with respect to time. excretion was not observed following an 8 hour exposure to 2ppm toxaphene. metabolic alteration of toxaphene during the experiments appeared to b ...1976946771
diel variation in the thermal tolerance of gambusia affinis affinis (pisces:poeciliidae). 19769246
the use of uniform labeling with zinc-65 to measure stable zinc turnover in the mosquito fish, gambusia affinis--i. retention. 1977577919
aspects of fitness of a mosquitofish gambusia affinis population exposed to chronic low-level environmental radiation. 1977576741
caudal fin regeneration in the mosquito fish, gambusia affinis. an in vivo system for the study of ultraviolet radiation damage. 1977841002
muscle esterases of the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.1. muscle esterases of gambusia affinis were separable into 14 electrophoretic bands that formed five groups according to differential physical and chemical properties. 2. nine phenotypic patterns were observed among the populations sampled, based on variation within the est-3 group of carboxylesterases. 3. a model for the molecular and genetic bases of the est-3 polymorphism was proposed on the basis of phenotypic patterns and physicochemical characterization. 4. the isozymes of est-3 are infer ...1977318274
relative importance of food and water sources to cadmium uptake by gambusia affinis (poeciliidae). 1978679917
control of mosquito breeding in wells by using gambusia affinis and aplocheilus blochii in pondicherry town. 1978582034
a seasonal study of microsomal mixed-function oxidase components in insecticide-resistant and susceptible mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. 1979473193
bioaccumulation and bioamplification of mercury compounds in a second level consumer, gambusia affinis--temperature effects. 1979486786
tolerance of low oxygen stress in insecticide-resistant and susceptible populations of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 1979583172
acute toxicity of some pesticides & a few inorganic salts to the mosquito fish gambusia affinis (baird & girard). 19807399617
glycogen in the central nervous system of adults and developing anamnia.the distribution of glycogen in the central nervous system of the viviparous teleost gambusia affinis and of the oviparous teleost jordanella floridae during development and in the adults, was examined. it emerged that the glycogen pattern in adults of gambusia and jordanella is very similar, whereas there are considerable differences during development. these differences were related to the different ways in which development takes place in the two species.19807415396
larvivorous efficiency of gambusia affinis baird and girard. 19816895213
persistent vitellogenin-like protein and binding of ddt in the serum of insecticide-resistant mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 19816113078
the ultrastructure of the eye of the mosquitofish gambusia affinis.the ultrastructure of the tissue components of the eye of gambusia affinis, excluding the sensory cells, is described. the cornea consists of two different sections of collagenous layers of different density. the choroid includes an argentea composed of alpha- and beta-melanophores, lipopterinophores and a choriocapillaris associated with the rete mirabile of the choroid body, bruch's membrane, underlying the retinal pigment layer, can develop complex associations with fibroblasts delimiting the ...19827066979
on the relationship between alcohol narcosis and membrane fluidity.we have examined the relationship between membrane fluidity and the alcohol-induced loss of righting reflex at different temperatures using the fish gambusia affinis. the potency of ethanol and hexanol increased dramatically with temperature. ethanol-induced narcosis could be antagonized by a reduction in incubation temperature. both an increase in temperature and the addition of ethanol caused an increase in membrane fluidity. however, membrane fluidity itself did not correlate with narcosis an ...19826897749
feasibility of mosquito larval control in casuarina pits using gambusia affinis. 19826897726
bioaccumulation of 95mtc in fish and snails.concentration factors for technetium recommended in radiological assessment models for freshwater biota are default values based on the behavior of iodine in the environment. in this study a small experimental freshwater pond was spiked with 95mtc to obtain data for calculating concentration factors for fish and snails. a model using the pond data was developed to calculate steady-state body burdens for freshwater biota. the concentration factors based on the calculated body burden for carp (cap ...19826896045
size specific predation by herons and its effect on the sex-ratio of natural populations of the mosquito fish gambusia affinis baird and of gambusia affinis populations in freshwater marshes in the camargue (rhône delta), are highly biased in favour of males, whereas the sex-ratios in ditches are close to unity. studies of the diet of free living birds and experimental studies on prey size selection in captivity show that the abnormal sex-ratios in marshes can be attributed to differential heron predation. ditches are relatively free from predation. mature female gambusia are larger, and have an energy content 5-25 tim ...198228311103
drinking induced by angiotensin ii in fishes.among 20 species of freshwater fishes examined, pseudorasbora parva, rhodeus ocellatus, cobitis anguillicaudatus, carassius auratus, oryzias latipes, gambusia affinis, and gyrinocheilus anymonieri were found to drink water like seawater fishes, while 13 remaining species did not drink. for fish species found exclusively in fresh water, angiotensin ii (aii) treatment did not induce drinking. in contrast, those freshwater fishes which survive in estuarine brackish water (leuciscus hakonensis, c. c ...19836840524
fast ephemeral dna damage upon bap injection.injection of high concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (10-125 micrograms bap/g body weight) into young frogs (xenopus laevis), fish (gambusia affinis) or tissue culture cells (l 5178 y) in a state of logarithmic growth causes alterations in dna. in frogs these alterations reach a maximum at 60-90 min after application, then they decrease and become undetectable after 3 h. within 8-12 days after the single bap dose, a new wave of dna alterations can again be detected. parallel measurements of mixed ...19836320364
trifluralin and oryzalin herbicides toxicities to juvenile crawfish (procambarus clarkii) and mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 19836688742
localization and pattern of the mitotic activity in the central nervous system of developing oviparous and viviparous teleosts.the subject of this work is an analysis of the mitotic activity in the developing spinal cord and rhombencephalon of the oviparous teleost jordanella floridae and the viviparous teleost gambusia affinis (cyprinodontoidei). in gambusia there is considerable and long lasting mitotic activity that decreases gradually and is still present 20 days after birth. in jordanella the mitotic activity is concentrated in the early stages of development, it then decreases drastically and practically disappear ...19836688906
the adrenal gland of the viviparous teleost gambusia affinis (girard). a histochemical study. 19836629221
the impact of the exotic fish gambusia affinis (baird and girard) on some natural predators of immature mosquitoes.the effects of gambusia affinis on some suspected predators of mosquitoes were studied for a period of 12 months. a list of such predators was given. the most abundant invertebrate predators were odonata, followed by hemiptera and ephemeroptera and the least common were coleoptera. the population density of mosquito predators, with exception of notonectidae and the fish oreochromis niloticus, was markedly reduced in the presence of g. affinis. application of aerial pesticides reduced the populat ...19854032526
mosquitofish gambusia affinis holbrooki as a malaria vector control agent in gezira irrigation canals of the sudan. 19853880271
experimental mass-rearing of the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.a solar heated, closed-system, intensive culture facility for mass-rearing of gambusia affinis is described. the results of fry production experiments and short-term growth rate experiments are presented and interpreted to indicate that operational fish production at or below the goal of $16.50/kg will not be easily reached.19853880247
relative susceptibility of common vector mosquito larvae and larvivorous fish, gambusia affinis and poecilia reticulata to three new insecticides. 19852872250
short-term interactions between ddt and endrin accumulation and elimination in mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 19853839122
the environmental impacts of four insecticides on non-target organisms in the gezira irrigation scheme canals of sudan.the toxic effects of the insecticides endosulfan, decamethrin, dimethoate and dursban on the aquatic fauna of some of the gezira irrigation canals were studied. the animal groups selected were fishes, arthropods and snails. endosulfan was found to be highly toxic, particularly to gambusia affinis, under field and laboratory conditions. all animals proved to be less sensitive to decamethrin in the field probably because this insecticide reacted with the organic matter and hence its toxicity was r ...19852411946
density estimation and population growth of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in rice fields.mark-release-recapture estimation of population density was performed with mosquitofish in a rice field habitat. regression analysis showed a relationship between absolute density and mean number of fish per trap. trap counts were converted to density estimates with data from several fields and growth curves were calculated to describe seasonal growth of mosquitofish populations at three different initial stocking rates. the calculated curves showed a good correspondence to field populations of ...19852906659
binding of insecticides to serum proteins in mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).incubation of various organochlorine insecticides with mosquitofish serum leads to their association with, primarily, the vitellogenin/lipoprotein and albumin fractions. a significant variation in the quantity of each insecticide bound in the particular fractions was observed. binding appeared to increase with compounds of increasing polarity, suggestive of protein binding. preincubation of serum with endrin or aldrin significantly reduced the quantity of [3h]ddt subsequently bound while the rev ...19852861033
monogenic inheritance of cyclodiene insecticide resistance in mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.certain populations of the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, developed high levels of resistance to endrin and other cyclodiene insecticides as a result of inadvertent exposure to agricultural sprays. genetic crossing studies show that endrin resistance is inherited as a single, autosomal, intermediate gene.19863755403
efficacy of fish larvivore, gambusia affinis for the control of mosquito breeding in wells in semi-urban areas near delhi. 19862879863
intraventricular blood vessels of the hypothalamus of salmo gairdneri and gambusia affinis.the ultrastructure of the hypothalamic intraventricular blood vessels is studied in two fish: salmo gairdneri, a primitive teleost and gambusia affinis, a modern teleost. morphological differences found between vessels belonging to the lateral and medial recesses in salmo are described as well as contrasted with those of gambusia. the endothelial cells are joined by elaborate tight junctions in both teleosts and also by desmosomes in gambusia. these vessels are continuous capillaries with pericy ...19863954061
defensive strategies of soft corals (coelenterata: octocorallia) of the great barrier reef : iii. the relationship between ichthyotoxicity and morphology.the relationship between ichthyotoxicity and predation-related defensive functional morphology was examined in alcyonacean soft corals of the central and northern regions of the great barrier reef (gbr), australia. approximately 170 specimens were assessed encompassing a number of genera within three families: 1) the alcyoniidae (lobophytum, sarcophytum, sinularia, cladiella, parerythropodium, and alcyonium); 2) neptheidae (lemnalia, paralemnalia, capnella, lithophyton, nephthea, dendronephthya, ...198728310420
pathology of pentastomid infections (sebekia mississippiensis) in fish.differential pathogenesis was observed in two species of fish naturally infected with the pentastome sebekia mississippiensis. mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) showed a mild inflammatory response to developing nymphs, whereas swordtails (xiphophorus helleri) had an extensive granulomatous inflammatory reaction with accompanying hemorrhage, myositis, and myodegeneration. this suggested that certain species of tropical fish reared in the southeastern united states may be at risk to potentially harm ...19873682099
fat cycling in the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis): fat storage as a reproductive adaptation.we argue, based on reviewed literature covering reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish, that fat storage may represent a life history adaptation because it enables an organism to shift in time when resources are allocated to reproduction. we applied these arguments to fat and population cycles in three populations of the mosquito fish, gambusia affinis. for males, there appeared to be a constant size at maturation during the reproductive season. mature males became scarce late in the summer. at t ...198728311522
relation of length and sex to selenium concentrations in mosquitofish.analysis of mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, has proven useful for monitoring contaminant levels in aquatic biota; however, the small size of this species often requires the compositing of several fish to provide sufficient biomass for selenium analysis. such composites have usually been obtained without considering the length and sex of the individual fish. the present study found significant differences in mean lengths and sex ratios of mosquitofish sampled with small-mesh dip nets from five si ...198715092705
the suprapopulation dynamics of bothriocephalus acheilognathi in a north carolina reservoir: abundance, dispersion, and prevalence.a 2 1/2-year study (september 1980-march 1983) of abundance, dispersion, and prevalence of the pseudophyllidean cestode, bothriocephalus acheilognathi, in 3 species of fish (gambusia affinis, notropis lutrensis, and pimephales promelas) was conducted in 3 ecologically distinct areas of a north carolina cooling pond. mean infrapopulation density and prevalence differed by site, season, and species and size of hosts. degree of aggregation and abundance and prevalence of gravid worms differed by sp ...19873656009
an evaluation of the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and the inland silverside, menidia beryllina, as mosquito control agents in california wild rice fields.the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and the inland silverside, menidia beryllina, were evaluated in experimental, one-tenth hectare wild rice plots in lake county, california, for their impact on densities of culex tarsalis, anopheles freeborni and anopheles franciscanus. gambusia affinis were tested at 0.6 and 1.7 kg/ha and the silversides at ca. 0.9 kg/ha. the silversides did not survive well in the rice field system and none of the silverside guts examined contained mosquito larvae. the mosqu ...19872904970
an evaluation of gambusia affinis and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis as mosquito control agents in california wild rice fields.the mosquito control potential of the mosquitofish and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (bti) were evaluated in experimental wild rice fields in lake county, california. fields were assigned one of six treatment: control, 1.1 kg/ha g. affinis, 3.4 kg/ha g. affinis, bti only (6 kg/ha vectobac granules), 1.1 kg/ha g. affinis plus bti and 3.4 kg/ha g. affinis plus bti. gambusia affinis, at both release rates, significantly reduced the mosquito population at densities exceeding 100 fish/minno ...19882906358
the amylase gene-enzyme system of fishes. i. developmental expression of amylase in the mosquitofish.the objective of this study is to examine the effects of developmental stage on amylase expression in the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis holbrooki, poeciliidae). expression was characterized in terms of amylase activity and amount of amylase protein in five developmental stages: early, mid, and late embryos, 5-day-old juveniles, and adults. two measures of activity were used: a starch-iodine assay, which measures the change in substrate, and the dinitrosalicyclic acid (dnsa) assay, which measure ...19882450960
vertebrate cyclodiene insecticide resistance: role of gamma-aminobutyric acid and diazepam binding sites.certain populations of the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) are highly resistant to cyclodiene and cyclodiene-type insecticides that competitively interact with the picrotoxinin binding site of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) receptor-ionophore complex in the central nervous system. resistance involves a reduction in affinity of the picrotoxinin binding site. the present study reports that gaba receptor binding is increased in resistant brain membranes compared to membranes from susceptible fi ...19882853620
toxicity of selected insecticides (thiodan, security, spartan, and sevin) to mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. 19883133001
size-dependence of mercury (ii) accumulation kinetics in the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis (baird and girard).size-dependence of mercury (ii) accumulation from water by the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis was assessed under controlled laboratory conditions. uptake rates were higher for smaller fish than for larger fish. mean (+/- s.d.) uptake rate for mosquitofish exposed to 0.24 micrograms/l of hg was 0.32 +/- 0.15 micrograms/g dry wt/day. uptake rate constants were similar for the hg (ii) and elemental hg as reported elsewhere. both inorganic species (hg(ii) and elemental hg) were accumulated faster th ...19892619322
laboratory induction of intersexuality in the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, using paper mill effluent. 19892804401
role of the brain t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate receptor in vertebrate resistance to endrin, 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane and cypermethrin.certain populations of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) are highly resistant to endrin (42-fold), but are not cross-resistant to cypermethrin. these populations show relatively low levels of resistance (2-fold) to 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (ddt) and t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (tbps). studies comparing specific [35s]tbps binding to brain membrane preparations from resistant and susceptible fish indicate a reduced binding capacity for tbps in membranes from resistant fish. ...19892540310
effects of various factors on the efficiency of minnow traps to sample mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) and green sunfish (lepomis cyanellus) populations.the effects of various factors on the efficiency of the gee minnow trap to sample populations of mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, in both rice field enclosures and a laboratory tank were assessed. immature green sunfish, lepomis cyanellus, were assessed in the laboratory tank only. trap efficiency (percent catch) was greater for larger mosquitofish [greater than or equal to 35 mm total length (tl)] than for smaller mosquitofish. immature green sunfish (25-40 mm tl) were caught at higher rates tha ...19892708987
membrane formations in the pineal cells of the teleost gambusia affinis.highly organized membrane formations in the cytoplasm of photoreceptor and supporting cells of the pineal organ of gambusia affinis are described. these membranous structures show different characteristics depending on the cell type where they are located. some of the morphological characteristics of these membranous formations are similar to those of myeloid bodies, but their presence in the photoreceptor cells raises some doubt about their being myeloid bodies. the three-dimensional interpreta ...19892600758
experimental test of the influence of aquatic macrophyte cover on the survival of anopheles larvae.emergent or submergent macrophytes can enhance the survival of anopheles larvae by providing favorable microhabitat and refuge from predation. the relationships among the amount of aquatic macrophyte cover, the density of gambusia affinis, and survivorship of anopheles freeborni larvae were tested experimentally. larval survivorship was positively related to amount of plant cover and negatively related to gambusia density. larval survivorship was lowest in treatments with low plant cover and hig ...19892614408
comparative study of the anatomy and laminar organization in the olfactory bulb of three orders of freshwater teleosts.the anatomy and lamination of the olfactory bulb in cyprinus carpio, tinca tinca, barbus bocagei (fam. cyprinidae, or. cypriniformes); salmo gairdneri (fam. salmonidae, or. salmoniformes); and gambusia affinis (fam. poeciliidae, or. cyprinodontiformes), all of them freshwater teleosts, are studied. these species show significative differences on the location, size, morphology, and lamination of their olfactory bulbs. the presence of a new stratum in the olfactory bulb of salmo gairdneri and a co ...19892759410
spatial distributions of anopheles freeborni, gambusia affinis and lepomis cyanellus in experimental rice plots. 19892746211
prey selection by mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in california rice fields: effect of vegetation and prey species.mosquitofish are widely used for biological control of mosquito larvae in rice fields, but the presence of different types of vegetation or alternative arthropod prey affects the performance of the fish. feeding experiments were conducted in 4 rice field vegetation zones. overall, predation was maximal in young and mature rice, moderate in the submerged naiad vegetation, and minimal in areas of open water. a preference for fourth instar culex tarsalis mosquito larvae over daphnia pulex and the a ...19902324716
a laboratory study of the toxicity of the butanol extract of endod (phytolacca dodecandra) on two species of freshwater fish and two species of aquatic snails.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of the butanol extract of endod (phytolacca dodecandra) on 4 species of aquatic animals. groups of 10 mosquito fish (gambusia affinis) and 8 bluegill (lepomis macrochirus) were exposed to the butanol extract of endod in 300 ml of water at concentrations of 0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2 or 2.0 ppm. groups of 10 tropical snails (biomphalaria glabrata) and 10 pond snails (physa spp) were also exposed to the crude extract in 5 ...19902353429
[a review of larvivorous fish].recently, because of concern about the effects of insecticide on the environment, increased attention is being given to the use of biological agents for controlling the vectors of human disease. biological control may encompass the use of predators, pathogens, parasites, pheromones, insect growth regulators, and other factors. of these agents only fish and bacteria have so far been used operationally in mosquito control. since 1988 fish have been employed for controlling aedes larvae in water co ...19901976137
[preliminary study on the biological control of dengue vectors by fish in liouchyou prefecture, pingtung county, taiwan].an investigation made in may 1989 with questionnaires to 2,480 families in liouchyou prefecture, pingtung county, showed that there were about 6,533 water containers in the whole village, of which 49.83% were used to store water for drinking, and the remaining 50.17% were used for washing clothes and watering plants. 32.42% of the residents volunteered to rear fish in the family water containers to control the mosquito population. during the period from april to october 1989, there was a total a ...19902402027
ultrastructural study of the cellular types in the pineal organ of gambusia affinis (teleost).the pineal organ of gambusia affinis was studied via light and electron microscopy. the cell types studied included photoreceptor cells, supporting cells, and a third cell type. the photoreceptor cells, which appear to form clusters, are divided into four regions: outer segment, inner segment, cell soma, and synaptic pedicle. synaptic ribbons are commonly observed in the synaptic pedicle. the supporting cells separate the photoreceptor cells from the thick basal lamina that surrounds the entire ...19902371966
mosquito control in wastewater: a controlled and quantitative comparison of pupfish (cyprinodon nevadensis amargosae), mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) and guppies (poecilia reticulata) in sago pondweed marshes.we compared the abilities of pupfish, mosquitofish and guppies to control mosquitoes in wastewater marshes. all species of fish reduced mosquito emergence. when fish population densities were similar, fish reduced emergence to similar levels. as experiments progressed, guppies developed greater population densities and provided better mosquito control than mosquitofish, which developed greater densities and better control than pupfish. fish also reduced numbers of zooplankton, and guppies increa ...19901973447
tissue-specific distribution of amylase in the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis holbrooki).tissue-specific expression of alpha-amylase (e.c.3.2.1; α 1,4-glucan-4-glucano-hydrolase) was studied in the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis holbrooki). gut activity patterns, immunohistochemical distribution in the hepatopancreas and tissue-specific activities and amount of amylase protein were characterized. in the gut, activity was observed all along the gut and no variation in this pattern was observed in individuals from two natural populations. in the hepatopancreas, amylase is found in pan ...199024221951
acute toxicity of mosquitocidal compounds to young mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.toxicity of florida mosquito larvicides and adulticides to 3-5 day old gambusia affinis was determined in the laboratory. after 24-h exposure, the larvicides, temephos, fenoxycarb and petroleum distillates had lc50 values of 5.60, 1.05 and 593.4 ppm, respectively. after 24 h the adulticides resmethrin, fenthion, naled and malathion had lc50 values of 0.007, 2.94, 3.50 and 12.68 ppm, respectively. the only compound toxic to young mosquitofish at maximum field application rates was resmethrin. how ...19911716659
seasonal occurrence of lernaea cyprinacea on fishes in belews lake, north carolina.prevalence, abundance, and mean intensity of lernaea cyprinacea were monitored on 3 species of fishes from june 1984 through august 1986 in belews lake, north carolina. copepods were observed parasitizing fishes only during summer, when water temperatures exceeded 25 c. infection levels in mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) and red shiners (notropis lutrensis) were very low, but they were much higher in fathead minnows (pimephales promelas). infection levels do not appear to be related to the size ...19912010869
effects of diet on amylase expression in the mosquitofish.diets high in various carbohydrates were fed to mosquitofish,gambusia affinis holbrooki, to determine the effects on amylase expression. both amylase activity and amount of amylase protein were used as measures of amylase expression. fish were fed for 21 days in one experiment, seven days in a second experiment and 24 h in a third. the first experiment compared responses of fish fed on a high-starch diet relative to a control diet. the second and third experiments compared responses on four diet ...199124214607
the life cycle of echinochasmus bagulai (trematoda: echinostomatidae).the life history of echinochasmus bagulai, an echinostomatid trematode in birds, is reported and stages in the life cycle are described. natural infections with cercariae, which are of the gymnocephalous type, were found in the thiarid snail thiara tuberculata. metacercarial cysts were found in the gills of aplocheilus panchax, oryzias melastigma, gambusia affinis and channa punctata. adults were obtained in the small intestine of ardeola grayi. in laboratory experiements development of cercaria ...19911869362
[implications of biological pest and parasite control for environment].biological control of parasites, vectors and pests must consider safety to non-target organisms and to the environment. the who safety procedure was discussed in respect to such agents as bacillus thuringiensis, romanomermis culicivorax, gambusia affinis and others. monitoring of the environment in which biological control treatments are performed is necessary to secure safety requirements as well as the efficiency of biological control programmes.19911844787
culture of gambusia affinis with food fishes.culture of gambusia affinis along with carps in fish culture practice in village ponds in shahjahanpur distt., u.p., has revealed very little difference in fish productivity (1539 kg/ha in ponds with gambusia, 1572 kg/ha in ponds without gambusia). the growth and survival of gambusia were found to be good in most of the composite fish culture ponds. culture of gambusia along with edible fish in village ponds is, therefore, recommended to get the dual benefit of fish production and control of mos ...19911824354
salinity tolerance of gambusia affinis--a larvivorous fish. 19911791069
evaluation of mosquito fish gambusia affinis in the control of mosquito breeding in rice fields.the mosquito control potential of gambusia affinis, a mosquito fish, was evaluated in rice fields in the shahjahanpur district of uttar pradesh. this fish, at a stocking rate of 5 fishes/sq m, significantly reduced the larval and pupal densities in experimental fields as compared to control fields during the entire observation period of 42 days. control of mosquito breeding in rice fields through this fish seems to be promising.19911822455
acute toxicity of certain organochlorine, organophosphorus, synthetic pyrethroid and microbial insecticides to the mosquito fish gambusia affinis (baird and girard).acute toxicity of certain organochlorine, organophosphorus, synthetic pyrethroid and microbial insecticides to the mosquito fish gambusia affinis were determined to collect baseline data for selecting the resistant strains of the fish. the synthetic pyrethroid, lambdacyhalothrin was most toxic to the fish (lc50 = 0.0022 ppm), followed by deltamethrin, cypermethrin and fenvalerate. organochlorine insecticides, ddt and gamma-hch, were less toxic than the pyrethroids, and these were followed by org ...19911822454
gambusia affinis: dispersal due to floods and its failure to colonize new water bodies in shahjahanpur district (u.p.).in villages of district shahjahanpur, 122 decentralized gambusia multiplication ponds were established to cover the need of the entire district. profuse breeding of gambusia was observed in these ponds. the fishes are being successfully used in mosquito control all over the district. in july 1990 there was a widespread flood due to which 70 gambusia multiplication ponds were affected and the fish was washed away in large numbers, leaving only a scanty population in the flood-affected ponds. we u ...19921459304
fishes of district sundargarh, orissa, with special reference to their potential in mosquito extensive fish fauna survey was carried out in sundargarh, a malaria-endemic district in orissa, during 1988 to 1990 to identify and evaluate the indigenous larvivorous fishes for mosquito control. in all, 57 species belonging to 19 families under 6 orders were found in the local water bodies. on laboratory evaluation against anopheline and culicine larvae, six potential larvivorous fishes, viz. aplocheilus panchax, oryzias melastigma, oreochromis mossambicus, gambusia affinis, danio (b.) rer ...19921363317
ciguatoxins are potent ichthyotoxins.the ciguatoxins are lipid soluble polyether compounds which have structural and biochemical features in common with the brevetoxins. pure ciguatoxin-1, ciguatoxin-2 or brevetoxin-2 added to water containing gambusia affinis induced similar signs, including pronounced opercular movement and uncoordinated swimming preceding death. the estimated ld50s (48 hr) to g. affinis for ciguatoxin-1, ciguatoxin-2 and brevetoxin-2 were 0.5, 2.1 and 10 nmoles/litre, respectively, indicating that the ciguatoxin ...19921557790
biological control of culicidae with the copepod mesocyclops aspericornis and larvivorous fish (poeciliidae) in a village of french polynesia.the copepod mesocyclops aspericornis daday and the larvivorous fishes gambusia affinis (b. & g.) and poecilia reticulata r. & b., were released into mosquito breeding sites in tuherahera village, tikehau atoll, french polynesia, to control larvae of aedes aegypti (l.), ae.polynesiensis marks, culex annulirostris skuse and cx quinquefasciatus say. treatments were completed within a week, in january 1990. fish quickly eliminated mosquito larvae from the open breeding sites (ponds, wells). the impa ...19921600235
use of an indigenous fish species, fundulus zebrinus, in a mosquito abatement program: a field comparison with the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.studies were conducted relating mosquito production in small ponds to presence or absence of larvivorous fishes. data collected showed that native killifish and introduced mosquitofish controlled mosquito larvae at the same level and support the use of indigenous fish species in mosquito abatement programs.19921357089
distribution of neuropeptide y-like immunoreactivity in the brain of salmo salar and gambusia affinis.through the immunohistochemical pap technique, the distribution of immune positive neurons and fibres for an antibody anti-npy in the encephalon of salmon fixed in bouin have been located and studied. npy-positive neurons are found forming three important nuclei: in the ventrolateral telencephalon; in the tegmentum mesencephali; and in the locus coeruleus. neurons in the optic tectum, in the thalamic region and a few in the preoptic recess have also been located. the fibres were found throughout ...19921504458
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 347