
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
function and occurrence of facial flushing in far overlooked as a pigment involved in visual communication, the haemoglobin contained in the blood of all birds is responsible for the red flushing colours in bare skin areas of some species. our aim has been twofold: (1) to study sub-epidermical adaptations for blood circulation in two flushing species: the crested caracara (polyborus plancus) and the hooded vulture (necrosyrtes monachus), and (2) to provide the first compilation of avian species with flushing skin. the bare facial skin of ...200616337158
genetic characterization of hpai (h5n1) viruses from poultry and wild vultures, burkina faso.genetic analysis of highly pathogenic avian influenza (h5n1) viruses from poultry and hooded vultures in burkina faso shows that these viruses belong to 1 of 3 sublineages initially found in nigeria and later in other african countries. hooded vultures could potentially be vectors or sentinels of influenza subtype h5n1, as are cats and swans elsewhere.200717553279
molecular and antigenic evolution and geographical spread of h5n1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in western africa, highly pathogenic avian influenza h5n1 virus was first detected in northern nigeria and later also in other regions of the country. since then, seven other african countries have reported h5n1 infections. this study reports a comparison of full-length genomic sequences of h5n1 isolates from seven chicken farms in nigeria and chicken and hooded vultures in burkina faso with earlier h5n1 outbreaks worldwide. in addition, the antigenicity of nigerian h5n1 isolates was compared with earli ...200717622635
not in wilderness: african vulture strongholds remain in areas with high human density.vultures constitute an important functional group in many ecosystems, providing crucial ecosystem services both in natural and humanized environments. these scavengers are facing massive declines worldwide, but in several african countries virtually nothing is known on populations' status and threats, hampering the development of adequate conservation strategies. in guinea-bissau, globally important populations of hooded necrosyrtes monachus and african white-backed vultures gyps africanus were ...201829385172
low genetic diversity and shallow population structure in the endangered vulture, gyps coprotheres.globally, vulture species are experiencing major population declines. the southern african cape vulture (gyps coprotheres) has undergone severe population collapse which has led to a listing of endangered by the iucn. here, a comprehensive genetic survey of g. coprotheres is conducted using microsatellite markers. analyses revealed an overall reduction in heterozygosity compared to other vulture species that occur in south africa (gypaetus barbatus, necrosyrtes monachus, and gyps africanus). bay ...201930940898
gulper, ripper and scrapper: anatomy of the neck in three species of vultures.the head-neck system of birds is a highly complex structure that performs a variety of demanding and competing tasks. morphofunctional adaptations to feeding specializations have previously been identified in the head and neck, but performance is also influenced by other factors such as its phylogenetic history. in order to minimize the effects of this factor, we here analyzed the anatomy of three closely related vultures that distinctly differ in feeding strategy. vultures, as obligate scavenge ...202031885086
sunning in extreme heat by the critically endangered hooded vulture: a strategy to fight ectoparasites? 202031838749
predicting residents' intention to conserve the hooded vulture (necrosyrtes monachus) in the birem north district, ghana.the vulture as an important and specialized scavenger in human societies, helps clean the environment and prevents diseases. however, plummeting populations across the globe in the last three decades has led to the classification of some species as endangered and critically endangered. this study predicts the intention of residents to support conservation of the hooded vulture in communities near a mine site in the eastern region of ghana. novelty of the current study lies in the use of a social ...202033005791
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