
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
kinetics of the primary immune response in rainbow trout after flush exposure to yersinia ruckeri o-antigen. 1979393558
speciation in yersinia.deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) relatedness among members of the genus yersinia and the biochemical reactions of these organisms were compared. these data were used to reassess speciation within the genus yersinia, and three new species were proposed. these are yersinia ruckeri sp. n., formerly called the redmouth bacterium; yersinia intermedia, sp. n., formerly a rhamnose-positive, raffinose-positive, melibiose-positive biogroup within yersinia enterocolitica; and yersinia frederiksenii sp. n., for ...1979535389
fish biologics: vaccine standards for sport fisheries and commercial aquaculture.biologics for serodiagnostic identification of fish diesease agents and for determination of efficacy and potency of fish bacterins are now being offered on a limited basis to governmental hatchery biologists and commercial aquaculture farms by the national fish health research laboratory - leetown. difficulties arise when biologics are used for determining standard parameters for fish bacterins because there may be variations in the fishes' immune response due to population differences or effec ...19806995216
characterization of plasmids in bacterial fish pathogen.plasmid profiles of representative fish pathogens, aeromonas salmonicida, aeromonas hydrophila, vibrio anguillarum, pasteurella piscicida, yersinia ruckeri, edwardsiella tarda, and renibacterium salmoninarum, were determined by agarose gel electrophoresis with four different plasmid detection methods. a combination of two methods was required to detect the plasmids present in these strains and to calculate precisely the molecular weights of the plasmids. of 38 strains, 28 harbored one or more pl ...19836822413
opsonic effect of rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri) antibody on phagocytosis of yersinia ruckeri by trout leukocytes.partly purified peripheral blood leukocytes from normal rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri) were used to study the influence of specific antibody on phagocytic uptake and intracellular killing of yersinia ruckeri, a bacterial pathogen of trout. specific antibody exerted a significant opsonic effect on the rate of phagocytic ingestion of the bacteria but did not affect the rate of intracellular killing. the results are discussed with reference to the current understanding of fish antibody function an ...19836873424
flush exposure and injection immunization of rainbow trout to selected dnp conjugates.rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri) were immunized by flush exposure or intraperitoneal injection with single doses of the following dinitrophenyl (dnp) conjugates: dnp-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (klh), dnp-ficoll, dnp-o-antigen (from the fish pathogen, yersinia ruckeri), dnp-sheep red blood cells, or dnp-duck red blood cells. the immune response was demonstrated by the passive hemolytic plaque assay to show splenic antibody-producing cells (apc) 14 days after antigen administration. high numbers of ...19836873425
[hemorrhagic septicemia in rainbow trout due to yersinia ruckeri sp. nov].bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia in rainbow trout is reported for the first time in this country, with yersinia ruckeri as causative agent. the identification of the isolated strains was carried out on the basis of morphologic, cultural, and biochemical properties. described are the morphologic changes, giving some epizootiologic data. stated is the employment of an immunochemical method for differential diagnosis, based on changes that take place in the plasmal lipoproteins of diseased trouts. ...19846495645
isolation of yersinia ruckeri bacteriophages.eight bacteriophages effective against yersinia ruckeri, the enteric redmouth disease bacterium, were isolated. phage yera41, a tailed icosahedral virus isolated from sewage enrichments, lysed 34 of 35 strains of y. ruckeri serovar i, but was inactive against 15 strains belonging to three other serological groups. six other phages lysed strains of serovars ii, v, and i', a subgroup of serovar i. yerl62, a phage obtained by mitomycin c induction, was specific for one of three serovar v strains. t ...198416346556
multilocus electrophoretic assessment of the genetic structure and diversity of yersinia ruckeri.multilocus isoenzyme electrophoresis was used to screen 47 field isolates of yersinia ruckeri for electrophoretic variation at 15 enzyme loci. only four electrophoretic types were observed, thus indicating that the genetic structure of y. ruckeri is clonal. forty-two isolates were of one electrophoretic type, a reflection of the low amount of genetic diversity extant in this species. although sorbitol fermentation has been considered to be indicative of a second biotype, no significant gene freq ...198416346669
rapid serological analysis of bacterial lipopolysaccharides by electrotransfer to nitrocellulose.techniques are described for the rapid screening of proteinase k-treated bacterial lysates by electroblot and immunoenzymatic detection to assess o-specificity of antigens and antisera. conditions are outlined which permit the use of a single polyacrylamide gel for both electrotransfer to nitrocellulose and silver staining. immunodetection of transferred lps bands was equally sensitive to silver stain when whole cell or o-specific antisera were used. the techniques were utilized to identify at l ...19853908569
antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and r plasmid-mediated resistance of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri.fifty strains of yersinia ruckeri, the causative agent of enteric redmouth disease of salmonid fish, were tested for susceptibility to 23 antimicrobial agents by using an agar dilution procedure. the mics were generally uniform for all serological varieties. two of the 50 strains carried a 36-megadalton plasmid which determined resistance to tetracyclines and sulfonamides and was transferable to both escherichia coli and y. ruckeri recipients. the serovars did differ in their response to polymyx ...19854026266
detection of vibrio anguillarum antigen by the dot blot assay.the dot blot assay, modified and adapted for detection of antigens from vibrio anguillarum in fish tissues, was specific for v. anguillarum and did not react with antigens of v. ordalii, pseudomonas sp., or yersinia ruckeri. the blot assay enabled detection of as little as 2.3 ng of a mixture of protein antigens obtained from cell-free extracts of v. anguillarum; it was about 100 times more sensitive than either the indirect fluorescent antibody technique or bacterial isolation for detecting v. ...19852411956
influence of route of administration on the humoral response of channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus) to yersinia catfish were inoculated intraperitoneally, intramuscularly, or intraesophageally with yersinia ruckeri. three antigen doses were administered by each route of injection. four fish from each treatment were sacrificed at 5-day intervals for 40 days. serum from each individual was tested for antibody activity against y. ruckeri by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). high titers of anti-y. ruckeri antibody were elicited by all doses (10(5) to 10(9) cells/g of fish) regardless ...19863765339
immunization and culture of rainbow trout organ sections in vitro.splenic and anterior kidney sections or whole organs were excised from large (1 kg) or small (200 g) rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri) and placed in sterile 60 mm plastic plates containing 10 ml of eagle's minimal essential medium (emem) supplemented with normal or fetal calf serum for in vitro culture. the organ samples were immunized in vitro by direct injection or by mixing in the medium yersinia ruckeri o-antigen or dinitrophenyl-ficoll. the medium was changed once during the 10-day incubation ...19863765342
effects of metals on the chemiluminescent response of rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri) phagocytes.quantification of an induced chemiluminescent (cl) response in phagocytes is currently being evaluated as an indicator system for determining those environmental pollutants that may predispose fish to disease. a cl assay was developed using phagocytes from the pronephros of rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri). the cl response of phagocytes to phorbol myristate acetate, a chemical inducer of cl, was shown to be dose-dependent. the response to five species of bacteria was also evaluated. staphylococcu ...19863765345
an epizootic in chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha) caused by a sorbitol-positive serovar 2 strain of yersinia ruckeri.enteric redmouth disease is described in chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at a state hatchery in sand ridge, illinois. biochemical, isoenzyme, and serological data indicated that the epizootic was caused by a sorbitol-fermenting serovar 2 strain of yersinia ruckeri. in laboratory experiments the isolate was pathogenic for both brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis) and atlantic salmon (salmo salar).19863503134
in vitro and in vivo study of an antimicrobial activity displayed by the redmouth disease agent, yersinia ruckeri.a soluble antimicrobial product has been detected in yersinia ruckeri cultures. the contract droplets technique and the double agar layer method allowed to assess its bacteriostatic effect and the high susceptibility of other bacterial fish pathogens like vibrio and aeromonas. but it did not inhibit other strains of y ruckeri. no correlation was found between the antimicrobial activity and the virulence of the strains. as mixed infections with a salmonicida and y ruckeri could be obtained experi ...19873579181
the effect of thymectomy on the vaccine-induced protection to yersinia ruckeri in rainbow trout, salmo gairdneri. 19873622890
immunization of salmonids against yersinia ruckeri: significance of humoral immunity and cross protection between serotypes.brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis) were immunized with bacterins containing either serotype 1 or 2 isolates of yersinia ruckeri to determine the relative degree of cross-protection afforded when the fish were challenged with the homologous or heterologous serotype. while fish immunized with ph-lysed bacterins produced highly specific agglutinins that did not cross-react with antigens derived from a heterologous serotype of y. ruckeri all fish were protected against experimental challenge, regar ...19873682081
effect of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane) on carp (cyprinus carpio). i. effect of chronic intoxication on humoral immunity in relation to tissue pollutant levels.lindane, the gamma-isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane, one of the most widely used insecticides, was incorporated into carp food for 109 days. the effects of 10, 100, or 1000 ppm of lindane in food on hematocrits and on antibody production against yersinia ruckeri bacterin in sera and mucus were followed for 79 days. no effect of lindane on these parameters and on spleen weight was observed. lymphoid organs, spleen and kidney, were as highly contaminated at the beginning of the inoculation (day 30) ...19872440660
effects of the antimicrobic tiamulin on seven gram-negative bacterial fish vitro and in vivo test were carried out with tiamulin and gram-negative bacterial pathogens of fish. determination of minimum inhibitory concentration for 51 strains of seven species of gram-negative bacterial pathogens showed that only strains of vibrio anguillarum were sensitive at 1.6-6.25 ppm, while the rest of test strains required 25- greater than 100 ppm. control of infection was not achieved when tiamulin was fed for 14 days at 5 or 50 mg/kg to rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri) experime ...19883127604
effect of manganese ions on the immune response of carp (cyprinus carpio) against yersinia ruckeri.the effect of manganese ions mn2+ (mn cl2) on hematocrit and the antibody response of carp (cyprinus carpio) was investigated after exposure of fish to contaminated water for 2.5 months. contamination of water with 50 mg/l mn2+ did not decreased antibody production against yersinia ruckeri (measured by agglutination) but significantly decreased hematocrit. the levels of manganese in lymphoid organs (spleen and kidney) increased progressively during the experiment. the effect of manganese in vitr ...19883169354
bamhi restriction endonuclease analysis of yersinia ruckeri plasmids and their relatedness to the genus yersinia 42- to 47-megadalton plasmid.the plasmid profile and bamhi restriction pattern of 17 sorbitol-negative and 1 sorbitol-positive french yersinia ruckeri strain of the american type strain were studied. the 17 sorbitol-negative strains and the american strain harbored a 62-megadalton (mda) plasmid with an identical bamhi restriction pattern. southern hybridization indicated that this 62-mda plasmid is common among these various strains. the sorbitol-positive strain had four plasmid bands (70, 62, 32, and 25 mda), and there was ...19883202639
kidney biopsy: a nonlethal method for diagnosing yersinia ruckeri infection (enteric redmouth disease) in rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri).the sensitivity and specificity of kidney biopsy were 93 and 88%, respectively, for detecting yersinia ruckeri infection in rainbow trout (salmo gairdneri). there was no statistically significant difference between results obtained by kidney biopsy and those obtained by necropsy, the standard method for isolation of this agent from the kidney. one hundred percent of conscious fish that were tested survived the procedure.19883358548
a survey of the aerobic bacteria in the feces of captive raptors.feces of 47 captive raptors belonging to the order falconiformes or strigiformes were cultured for bacteria. gram-negative bacteria, which were cultured from the feces of 45 of the 47 raptors, were the most common isolates. a wide variety of species were identified, including a newly described genus (moellerella wisconsensis), two newly described species (escherichia fergusonii and proteus penneri), and a member of a newly described enteric group (cdc enteric group 41). additional organisms iden ...19883382380
comparisons of nonspecific and specific immunomodulation by oxolinic acid, oxytetracycline and levamisole in salmonids.oxolinic acid, a promising drug for the treatment of bacterial fish disease agents, was tested for possible immunomodulatory effects on fish. another antibiotic oxytetracycline, known to be immunosuppressive at higher treatment doses, and levamisole, a known immunostimulator for higher vertebrates, were also compared for causing changes in the nonspecific defense compartment and the specific immune system in rainbow trout. groups of fish were immunized with yersinia ruckeri o-antigen bacterin in ...19892482571
antibacterial spectrum and some other characteristics of an antimicrobial factor produced by yersinia ruckeri.yersinia ruckeri produces an antibacterial factor which inhibits the growth of a wide spectrum of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, though not other strains of y. ruckeri. the antibacterial factor was produced at low temperatures (4-20 degrees c), but not at 37 degrees c. the activity was lost after treatment of the supernatant with chloroform, uv-light and after boiling of the supernatant. one did not succeed in obtaining the antibacterial factor in a sterile solution.19892629502
automated biochemical identification of bacterial fish pathogens using the abbott quantum ii.the quantum ii, originally designed by abbott diagnostics for automated rapid identification of members of enterobacteriaceae, was adapted for the identification of bacterial fish pathogens. the instrument operates as a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 492.600 nm. a sample cartridge containing 20 inoculated biochemical chambers is inserted in the path of the analyzing beam. reactions are converted into a 7-digit octal biocode, relayed via a sensor to the memory module, and compared to biocod ...19892644450
[detection of yersinia ruckeri in rainbow trout in czechoslovakia].at the end of 1988 eight rainbow trouts pd1 and nine rainbow trouts pd2 were investigated at localities n and d with the increased mortality of rainbow trout. the pathological finding in dead and killed trout corresponded to the changes which are described in the so called erm (enteric redmouth) salmonids. at the beginning of the year a similar case was found at locality b where 12 rainbow trouts pd2 were examined. in the same period 15 trouts pd2 at locality m were examined in which no large pa ...19902087805
identification of the bacterium associated with haemorrhagic septicaemia in rainbow trout as hafnia unidentified bacterium responsible for epizootic haemorrhagic septicaemic disease in rainbow trout was recently described. this organism exhibited some antigenic similarity to brucella abortus and to yersinia ruckeri and was presumed to belong to the family enterobacteriaceae. further biochemical characterization and dna relatedness studies showed that pathogenic fish strains are hafnia alvei.19902120748
in vivo effect of the organophosphorus insecticide trichlorphon on the immune response of carp (cyprinus carpio). i. effect of contamination on antibody production in relation to residue level in organs.the organophosphorus insecticide trichlorphon was tested at medium (10 and 20 ppm) and high concentrations (20,000 ppm) on antibody production against yersinia ruckeri vaccine. no statistically significant effect was observed on humoral response or on hematocrit. contamination of organs was analyzed by acetylcholinesterase activity. at 20,000 ppm only liver and brain were highly contaminated; spleen and lymphocytes were not significantly contaminated. at 20 ppm no residue was found in organs.19902311566
virulence of yersinia ruckeri serotype i strains is associated with a heat sensitive factor (hsf) in cell extracts.cell extracts of yersinia ruckeri (serotype i) were examined by sds-page and western blotting. an unusual band, termed heat-sensitive factor (hsf) was observed in extracts of virulent strains only. it is thought to be lipid in nature; no differences could be detected in the region of the band in protein profiles of virulent and avirulent strains. when trout were infected either by intraperitoneal injection or bath immersion, mortalities occurred only with hsf+ strains. the hsf appears to be an i ...19902323544
a medium for the selective isolation of edwardsiella ictaluri.a selective medium, called edwardsiella ictaluri medium (eim), has been formulated for the isolation of edwardsiella ictaluri. the medium inhibits the growth of most gram-negative bacteria, except proteus sp., serratia marcescens and some isolates of aeromonas hydrophila and yersinia ruckeri. the bacteria that grow on the eim are easily differentiated from e. ictaluri based on colony morphology. the eim inhibits gram-positive bacteria with the exception of enterococci. the addition of fungizone ...19902338726
effect of levamisole on the lymphocyte and macrophage activity in carp (cyprinus carpio).levamisole, an anthelminthic drug which is often used in cattle, is known for its immunomodulatory effect in several species. in the present work we investigated the in vitro effects of different concentrations of levamisole on lymphocyte proliferation with mitogen in carp. at low concentrations, ie 12.5 to 0.1 micrograms/ml, levamisole stimulated proliferation with phytohemagglutinin p (pha-p) and con a, had no effect at medium concentrations and acted as a suppressor at high concentrations, ie ...19902360777
o-serotyping of yersinia ruckeri with special emphasis on european isolates.yersinia ruckeri is the aetiological agent of enteric redmouth disease (erm), an acute to chronic bacteraemic infection of salmonid fish. the o-serotypes of 127 isolates of y. ruckeri obtained from europe (96 isolates), north america (23 isolates), australia (six isolates) and south africa (two isolates), as well as four reference strains, were determined by slide agglutination test and microplate agglutination assay. a serotyping scheme is proposed based on heat-stable o-antigens; the serotypes ...19901694607
in vitro immunostimulation of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) spleen cells with in vitro immunization and cultivation method for fish spleen organ sections was used to investigate the effects of levamisole on the immune response. after 10 days of culture with either 50 micrograms/ml, 25 micrograms/ml, 5 micrograms/ml or no levamisole in the media, the nonspecific defense reactions were measured by determining the metabolic activity of neutrophils by using the nitroblue tetrazolium test, and phagocytic and adherence indexes by incubating the fish cells with suspensions of ...19901695158
virulence and serum-resistance in different clonal groups and serotypes of yersinia ruckeri.the virulence in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) of 32 isolates of yersinia ruckeri, representing a range of biotypes, serotypes, and omp-types, was examined. virulence was assayed in fish of average weight 7.7 g by bath challenge for 1 h with approximately 5 x 10(7) cells per ml. two of the six serotype o1 clonal groups of y. ruckeri, clones 2 and 5, were virulent, whereas the other four clonal groups, clones 1, 3, 4 and 6, as well as all serotype o2, o5, o6 and o7 isolates examined, were a ...19911771752
evidence that yersinia ruckeri possesses a high affinity iron uptake system.this work represents the first evidence of the presence of an iron uptake system siderophore mediated in the bacterial fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri. a group of 20 strains representative of this species, with different serotype and origin were examined. all of them were able to grow at high concentrations (from 0.7 to 1.1 mm) of the iron chelator edda. although the y. ruckeri isolates failed to cross-feed the indicator strains for enterobactin and aerobactin production, the chemical tests revea ...19911832113
health status of salmonids in river systems in natal. iii. isolation and identification of bacteria.both pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria were isolated from fish, both salmonid and non-salmonid, from selected river systems in natal. pasteurella pisicida was isolated for the first time from fish in south africa. the isolation of yersinia ruckeri, aeromonas salmonicida, and edwardsiella tarda were recorded for the first time from fish in natal. a. hydrophila and flexibacter columnaris were found to be widespread throughout the river systems in natal. the streptococcus species which caused ...19911881658
effects of organophosphorus insecticides: effects of trichlorfon and dichlorvos on the immune response of carp (cyprinus carpio). iii. in vitro effects on lymphocyte proliferation and phagocytosis and in vivo effects on humoral response.cells isolated from the pronephros of carp were incubated in vitro with the organophosphorus insecticide trichlorfon or dichlorvos, each of which is used in aquaculture to eliminate fish ectoparasites. dose-dependent suppressive effects were observed in assays for lymphocyte proliferation and myeloid cell respiratory burst activities. dichlorvos given by bath in vivo did not affect antibody production against yersinia ruckeri even if the spleen and kidney were obviously contaminated according to ...19911914997
outer membrane protein profiles of yersinia ruckeri.the outer membrane protein (omp) profiles of 135 isolates of yersinia ruckeri, obtained from nine european countries (100 isolates), north america (23 isolates), australia (six isolates) and south africa (two isolates), and including four reference strains, were examined by sds-page. outer membranes were isolated by selective solubilisation of the cytoplasmic membrane with 0.5% (w/v) sodium n-lauroyl sarcosinate (sarkosyl). outer membrane proteins were stable after in vitro passage and there was ...19912024435
use of pulsed field gel electrophoresis to size the chromosome of the bacterial fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri.field inversion gel electrophoresis (fige) and contour-clamped homogeneous field (chef) electrophoresis were used to analyse the chromosome of yersinia ruckeri. the 8 base-pair recognition endonucleases, noti and sfii, generated less than 47 dna fragments whose size and distribution were appropriate for pulsed field separation. each isolate displayed a characteristic restriction pattern, with about 20% of bands in common. depending on the strain used, the estimated genome size for this bacterial ...19911663893
in vitro effect of levamisole on the neutrophil activity in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).an in vitro immunization and cultivation method for fish spleen organ section was used to investigate the effects of levamisole on the neutrophil activity. after 10 days of culture with either 50 micrograms/ml, 25 micrograms/ml, 5 micrograms/ml or no levamisole in the media, the nonspecific defense reactions were measured by determining the metabolic activity of neutrophils by using the nitroblue tetrazolium test, and phagocytic and adherence indexes by incubating the fish cells with suspensions ...19921285074
temperature-dependent in vitro antimicrobial activity of four 4-quinolones and oxytetracycline against bacteria pathogenic to fish.the in vitro antimicrobial activities of oxolinic acid, flumequine, sarafloxacin, enrofloxacin, and oxytetracycline against strains of bacteria pathogenic to fish (aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, atypical a. salmonicida, vibrio salmonicida, vibrio anguillarum, and yersinia ruckeri) were determined at two different incubation temperatures, 4 and 15 degrees c, by a drug microdilution method. the main objective of the study was to examine the effect of incubation temperature on the in vit ...19921416857
neutrophil, glass-adherent, nitroblue tetrazolium assay gives early indication of immunization effectiveness in rainbow trout.neutrophil activity in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) is increased upon antigenic stimulation with the yersinia ruckeri o-antigen bacterin. the characteristics of neutrophil attachment to glass and nitroblue tetrazolium (nbt) staining were used to determine the effectiveness of immunization programs with fingerling rainbow trout. fish immunized by intraperitoneal injection with doses of 100, 10, or 1 microgram of the bacterin showed the highest responses in that order in numbers of glass ad ...19921546446
long-term starvation survival of yersinia ruckeri at different salinities studied by microscopical and flow cytometric methods.cultures of three strains of the fish pathogenic bacterium yersinia ruckeri survived starvation in unsupplemented water for at least 4 months. at salinities of 0 to 20/1000 there were no detectable changes in cfu during the first 3 days of starvation and only a small decrease during the following 4 months, whereas at 35/1000 salinity, the survival potential of the cultures was markedly reduced. these results suggest that y. ruckeri may survive for long periods in freshwater and brackish environm ...19921622232
pathological activities of yersinia ruckeri, the enteric redmouth (erm) bacterium.the adherence and invasive capacities as well as the pathobiological activities exhibited by yersinia ruckeri were examined. although adhesive ability was dependent on the cell-line employed, all the strains showed moderate adhesion and invasiveness in the salmon cell-line chse-214. with regard to the extracellular products (ecp) all of them were strongly toxic for fish with ld50 ranging from 2 to 9.12 micrograms protein per g fish. in addition, all the ecp samples showed caseinase, gelatinase, ...19938224793
quantification of antibody secreting cells to yersinia ruckeri by elispot assay after in vivo and in vitro immunization of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).the elispot assay was applied for the quantification of total and specific antibody secreting cells (asc) in spleen after in vitro immunization and in head kidney and blood after in vivo immunization of rainbow trout with yersivax vaccine. the highest number of total and specific anti-yersinia ruckeri asc was obtained on day 21 after in vivo immunization and on day 10 after in vitro immunization of spleen.19938342261
host range and transfer efficiency of incompatibility group hi plasmids.hi plasmids are distinguished by their thermosensitive mode of conjugation (transfer efficiency is optimal at 22-30 degrees c) and their capacity to encode multiple antibiotic resistance. these traits have implicated hi plasmids as potential vectors in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic and indigenous bacterial species in water and soil environments. we compared the transfer efficiency of hi plasmids with that of plasmids from 13 other incompatibility groups at 37, 24, a ...19938358670
culture media for the differentiation of isolates of yersinia ruckeri, based on detection of a virulence factor.strains of the bacterial fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri were identified with the api 20e system and distinguished on the basis of whole cell agglutination with antisera, sorbitol fermentation and polymyxin b sensitivity. strains which were shown to possess the virulence-associated heat-sensitive factor (hsf) were shown to grow preferentially on culture media containing sodium dodecyl sulphate (sds) and to produce a creamy deposit around the colonies. by contrast, strains lacking this factor (hsf ...19938486541
in vitro antigen trapping by gill cells of the rainbow trout: an immunohistochemical in vitro assay was used to study the involvement of gill cells in the trapping and processing of particulate antigens. gills were routinely processed for light microscopy after being placed in medium containing either yersinia ruckeri o-antigen-labelled fluorescent beads, unlabelled fluorescent beads, y, ruckeri o-antigen or formalin-killed y. ruckeri, for 0, 30 s, 1, 5 and 30 min. y. ruckeri formalin-killed cells, y. ruckeri o-antigen and fluorescent beads labelled with y. ruckeri o-antigen ...19938490265
the structure of the lipopolysaccharide o antigen from yersinia ruckeri serotype 01.the o antigen obtained from the lipopolysaccharide of yersinia ruckeri serotype 01, by mild acid hydrolysis, is composed of a branched tetrasaccharide repeating unit containing 2-acetamidino-2,6-dideoxy-l-galactose (l-fucam), 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-glucose (d-glcnac), and 7-acetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-5-(4-hydroxybutyramido)-d-glycero-l -galacto- nonulosonic acid (l-sug). partial hydrolysis of the o antigen with 0.1 m hclafforded a trisaccharide and a tetrasaccharide having nonulosonic acid at t ...19947514497
effects of lindane exposure on rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) immunity. i. effect of lindane on antibody-secreting cells (asc) measured by elispot assay.yersinia ruckeri vaccine was injected in rainbow trout 7 days after ip contamination with 10, 50, or 100 mg lindane per kilogram body weight. the antibody-secreting cells measured by elispot assay were affected by the insecticide, slightly for 10 mg and strongly for higher concentrations. consequently the antibody production in sera, measured by agglutination, was suppressed.19947525199
electrotransformation of yersinia ruckeri by plasmid dna.yersinia ruckeri, a fish pathogenic bacterium in aquaculture, was used to evaluate the electroporation as a new transformation method for this species. dna used for the electrotransformation were plasmids of molecular mass ranging from 2.3 kb to 33 kb, and diverse replicons. to optimize this method we used y. ruckeri 11.29 strain (from serotype 02) and psu2718 dna. the best transformation efficiency (6.0 x 10(5) transformants/micrograms dna) was obtained with 12.5 kv/cm, 25 microf, 400 omega and ...19947946128
monoclonal antibodies against goldfish (carassius auratus) immunoglobulin: application to the quantification of immunoglobulin and antibody-secreting cells by elispot and seric immunoglobulin and antibody levels by elisa in carp (cyprinus carpio).monoclonal antibodies (mabs) raised against heavy and light chains of goldfish immunoglobulin (ig) were characterized by a western blot technique. a complete cross-reactivity was observed between carp and goldfish ig. these mabs were used for the quantification of carp ig and anti-yersinia ruckeri antibodies by elisa. an elispot assay was also developed in carp to quantify ig-secreting cells (isc) and antibody-secreting cells (asc). the number of asc was maximum on day 18 post-vaccination and de ...19947951348
recombinant protein fragments from haemorrhagic septicaemia rhabdovirus stimulate trout leukocyte anamnestic responses in vitro.this work shows that viral protein fragments are capable of stimulating fish anamnestic immunological responses in leukocytes from the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, w.). recombinant protein fragments of glycoprotein and nucleoprotein from the rhabdovirus causing viral haemorrhagic septicaemia of trout (vhsv), were cloned and expressed in escherichia coli, yersinia ruckeri (a trout pathogen) and saccharomyces cerevisiae. the recombinant protein fragments stimulated anamnestic responses in l ...19948207399
specific dna probes for the identification of the fish pathogen, renibacterium obtain specific dna probes for the identification of the fish pathogen, renibacterium salmoninarum, a discriminatory recombinant dna library was constructed using selective fragments of the bacterial genome. three renibacterial clones, pmam29, pmam46 and pmam77, containing 149, 73, and 154 bp respectively, were isolated and characterized. the specificity of the probes was confirmed by dot-blot and southern hybridization analyses. bacterial hybridization experiments revealed that pmam29 discri ...199424420936
effect of lindane exposure on rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) immunity. iv. prevention of nonspecific and specific immunosuppression by dietary vitamin c (ascorbate-2-polyphosphate).the effect of the organochlorine insecticide lindane (gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane) administered intraperitoneally at 10 or 50 mg/kg body wt on some major immune functions of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) was examined. fish were fed vitamin c as ascorbate-2-polyphosphate at a basal level (60 mg ascorbic acid-(aa)-equivalent/kg of feed) or a high level (2000 mg aa-equivalent/kg) 1 month before lindane exposure and during the whole experiment. the aim of the experiment was to determine whethe ...19957541339
the interaction of trimethoprim and quinolones against gram-negative fish pathogens.the effect of combination of trimethoprim with other non-sulphonamide antibacterial agents, in particular oxolinic acid and nalidixic acid, was evaluated against gram-negative fish pathogens. the species included aeromonas salmonicida, yersinia ruckeri, some vibrio spp. and escherichia coli as a reference. the extent of synergy found by other workers with these substances against human gram-negative bacteria was not apparent here. some positive interaction between trimethoprim and oxolinic acid ...19957592108
[antibody response, cortisolemia and prolactinemia in rainbow trouts].we have studied the humoral immune response (production of anti-yersinia ruckeri antibodies), and measured the levels of plasmatic hormones (cortisol and prolactin) in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) subjected to hyperosmotic stress (nacl, 22 / 1000). under acute stressful conditions (saline stress during 7 days), high blood cortisol and prolactin (prl) levels were correlated with a weak anti-yersinia ruckeri antibody response, as evidenced by late and low antibody titres as compared to norm ...19957671011
vaccination in european salmonid aquaculture: a review of practices and prospects.disease control by vaccination is widely used in european salmonid aquaculture against vibriosis (vibrio anguillarum), cold-water vibriosis (vibrio salmonicida), yersiniosis or enteric redmouth disease (yersinia ruckeri) and furunculosis (aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida). the vaccines against the vibrio spp. and y. ruckeri have proven effective especially when administered by injection. furunculosis vaccines have been less successful and have relied on combination with potent adjuvants ...19957735870
development of a specific biotinylated dna probe for the detection of renibacterium salmoninarum.a specific dna probe for the identification of renibacterium salmoninarum, the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (bkd), was developed from one of 3 clones prs47, prs49, and prs26 of 5.1 kb, 5.3 kb, and 11.3 kb, respectively. the biotinylated prs47/bamhi insert probe was tested on 3 dilutions of dna extracted from 3 strains of r. salmoninarum and from 1 strain each of arthrobacter protophormiae, aeromonas salmonicida, corynebacterium aquaticum, carnobacterium piscicola, listonella angui ...19958548693
using a new inbred fish model and cultured fish tissue cells to study aeromonas hydrophila and yersinia ruckeri inbred strain of the southern platyfish, xiphophorus maculatus, was used as a host for aeromonas hydrophila and yersinia ruckeri infections. the infections were initiated by holding the platyfish in inoculation baths containing dilutions of virulent a. hydrophila or y. ruckeri strains. inoculating the platyfish in this manner resulted in a dose-dependent mortality over a range of bacterial input from 10(5) to 10(8) a. hydrophila and 10(6) to 10(8) y. ruckeri/ml. clinical manifestations of a. ...19968722100
isolation of yersinia ruckeri from an otter and salmonid fish from adjacent freshwater catchments. 19968870204
probing the microheterogeneity of o-specific chains from yersinia ruckeri using capillary zone electrophoresis/electrospray mass spectrometry.the analysis of underivatized oligosaccharides arising from mild acid hydrolysis of endotoxins from yersinia ruckeri serotype o2 was achieved using on-line capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry (cze-esms). this technique provided unparalleled resolution of the different glycans obtained from purified fractions of the native endotoxins or from hydrolysis of lipopolysaccharides from y. ruckeri. electrophoretic conditions enabling the separation of anionic and cationic analy ...19969034762
[research in bacterial diseases of salmonid fish.]the main bacterial diseases in icelandic aquaculture are furunculosis, bacterial kidney disease (bkd) and vibriosis. atypical furunculosis caused by a. salmonicida ssp. achromogenes is an endemic disease causing high mortality in salmonids yearly. classical furunculosis caused by a. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida was first diagnosed in iceland in 1995. at keldur the research focus has been on studying the virulence mechanism of a. salmonicida ssp. achromogenes, the immune response evoked in the fi ...199620065395
immunization with bacterial antigens: yersiniosis.yersinia ruckeri causes salmonid fish diseases called yersiniosis or enteric redmouth disease (erm). isolates include several serological varieties and disease outbreaks are frequently associated with stress or poor environmental factors. as a result, it is difficult to define clearly the significant virulence factors and pathogenic mechanisms of the bacterium, which introduces uncertainties about the appropriate formulation of bacterins for immunization. an enteric redmouth bacterin was the fir ...19979270840
vaccination strategies in freshwater salmonid aquaculture.the focus of this chapter is antibacterial vaccines. the main salmonid species in freshwater aquaculture is the rainbow trout. other salmonid species are produced on a limited scale. the most important bacterial fish diseases in european freshwater aquaculture are the rainbow trout fry syndrome-rtfs-(flavobacterium psychrophilum) and enteric redmouth disease-erm-(yersinia ruckeri) which are widespread and cause serious epizootics, while furunculosis (aeromonas salmonicida) is endemic, only givin ...19979270868
neutrophil and macrophage responses to inflammation in the peritoneal cavity of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. a light and electron microscopic cytochemical study.the neutrophil and macrophage responses that accompany inflammation were studied in the peritoneal cavity of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss using light and electron microscopic cytochemistry. neutrophils of inflammatory peritoneal exudates were alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase-negative, peroxidase-positive and rich in cytoplasmic glycogen granules. macrophages were poor in glycogen, esterase-positive and usually peroxidase-negative. some peroxidase-positive macrophages were due to the transfe ...19989867437
ribotyping and plasmid profiling of yersinia ruckeri.a total of 183 strains of yersinia ruckeri, isolated from a wide variety of sources, were studied with respect to their plasmid profile and ribotype patterns. eight plasmid profiles and 11 ribotypes were demonstrated, with one profile being predominant by both typing methods. the results suggest a clonal structure for this species, with a predominant clone being responsible for most of the outbreaks worldwide. the results of a long-time survey in several fish farms in spain and denmark seem to s ...19989871314
the effects of pollution on fish health.potentially harmful substances-e.g. pesticides, heavy metals and hydrocarbons-are often released into the aquatic environment. when large quantities of pollutants are released there may be an immediate impact as measured by large-scale sudden mortalities of aquatic organisms, e.g. fish kills resulting from contamination of waterways with agricultural pesticides. lower levels of discharge may result in an accumulation of the pollutants in aquatic organisms. the end results, which may occur long a ...199821182713
bacteriocin activity and probiotic activity of aeromonas media.three strains of aeromonas media (161, a164 and a199) were shown to be active in-vitro producers of bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (blis). for example, the producer strain, aer. media a199, displayed antagonistic activity against all strains tested of aer. caviae, aer. hydrophila, aer. salmonicida, aer. veronii var. sobria, listonella anguillarum, photobacterium damsella, eight species of vibrio and yersinia ruckeri. because of this wide-ranging activity against fish/shellfish pathogens, ...199821182714
development of a pcr assay for detection of yersinia ruckeri in tissues of inoculated and naturally infected trout.a pcr-based method was developed for the specific detection of yersinia ruckeri in tissues of inoculated trout and naturally infected trout. no amplification products were obtained with other yersiniae, bacterial fish pathogens, or phylogenetically related bacteria (n = 34). the sensitivity of pcr detection was 60 to 65 bacterial cells per pcr tube, which was decreased to 10 to 20 cells by hybridization with a nonradioactive probe. the pcr assay proved to be as reliable as and faster than the co ...19999872807
mammalian immunoassays for predicting the toxicity of malathion in a laboratory fish model.this study describes the use of a panel of immune assays, originally developed by the national toxicology program for assessing xenobiotic-induced immunotoxicity in mice, to quantify the effects of sublethal malathion exposure on the immune responses of fish. for this study, japanese medaka (oryzias latipes) were exposed subchronically to the organophosphate pesticide malathion in a series of two experiments. in the first set of studies, fish were exposed for 7 or 14 d to untreated well water (i ...199910321383
yersinia ruckeri septicaemia in experimentally infected carp (cyprinus carpio l.) fingerlings.the presence of yersinia ruckeri, the causal agent of enteric redmouth disease (erm) in salmonids and a few other freshwater fish, has so far been reported from a variety of sources including the intestine of healthy carp. since there are no data on the pathogenicity of this bacterium for carp, 15 fingerlings were experimentally infected by intraperitoneal injection of about 5 x 10(5) cells. thirteen injected fish were moribund or died within 4 days with septicaemic lesions. two survivors were s ...199910344077
purification and characterization of an extracellular protease from the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri and effect of culture conditions on production.a novel protease, hydrolyzing azocasein, was identified, purified, and characterized from the culture supernatant of the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri. exoprotease production was detected at the end of the exponential growth phase and was temperature dependent. activity was detected in peptone but not in casamino acid medium. its synthesis appeared to be under catabolite repression and ammonium control. the protease was purified in a simple two-step procedure involving ammonium sulfate precipit ...199910473403
novel variation of lipid a structures in strains of different yersinia species.the yersinia genus includes human and animal pathogens (plague, enterocolitis). the fine structures of the endotoxin lipids a of seven strains of yersinia enterocolitica, yersinia ruckeri and yersinia pestis were determined and compared using mass spectrometry. these lipids differed in secondary acylation at c-2': this was dodecanoic acid (c(12)) for two strains of y. enterocolitica and y. ruckeri, tetradecanoic acid (c(14)) in two other y. enterocolitica and hexadecenoic acid (c(16:1)) in y. pe ...200010620712
effects of hen egg yolk immunoglobulin in passive protection of rainbow trout against yersinia ruckeri.anti-yersinia ruckeri egg yolk immunoglobulin (igy) was transferred to egg yolk after immunization of white leghorn hens with formalin-killed whole cells of serovar 1 (rs1154) and serovar 2 (rs1153)y. ruckeri and its lipopolysaccharide (lps). the igy was specific for its homologous lps in western immunoblot, whereas some protein bands were commonly recognized, even by igy from eggs of unimmunized hens. purified lps from both y. ruckeri serovar types 1 and 2 had a very poor immunogenicity. the ig ...200010637061
molecular fingerprinting of strains of yersinia ruckeri serovar o1 and photobacterium damsela subsp. piscicida isolated in italy.we studied the ribotypes, patterns of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and interspersed repeated sequences (irs)-pcr of 30 strains of yersinia ruckeri o1 and 20 strains of photobacterium damsela subsp. piscicida isolated from apparently unrelated epizootic outbreaks occurring on italian fish farms between 1993 and 1999. all of the y. ruckeri o1 strains had similar profiles, as demonstrated by all three typing methods, thus confirming the clonal structure of this species. the strains of p. ...200010973701
occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in fish-pathogenic and environmental bacteria associated with four danish rainbow trout farms.surveillance of bacterial susceptibility to five antimicrobial agents was performed during a 1-year period in and around four freshwater fish farms situated along a stream in western denmark. besides assessing the levels of antibiotic resistance among the culturable fraction of microorganisms in fish, water, and sediment samples, two major fish pathogens (88 flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates and 134 yersinia ruckeri isolates) and 313 motile aeromonas isolates, representing a group of ubiquit ...200011055942
polymerase chain reaction for definitive identification of yersinia ruckeri.yersinia ruckeri causes enteric red mouth (erm) disease in salmonids. serologic identification of y. ruckeri is hampered by cross-reactivity with other bacterial isolates of fish origin. oligonucleotide primers incorporating y. ruckeri unique sequences were designed to amplify a 409 bp fragment of y. ruckeri 16s rdna. the primers did not amplify other genetically related yersinia or a wide variety of other aquatic or piscine bacteria. this assay provides a rapid, definitive identification of y. ...200011108457
toxicity of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite to bacterial pathogens of fish.the inhibitory effect of the nitric oxide (no) donor s-nitroso-acetyl-penicillamine (snap) and the no and o2- donor 3-morpholino-sydnonimine hydrochloride (sin-1) was tested in a cell-free assay. strains of the bacterial fish pathogens aeromonas salmonicida, renibacterium salmoninarum and yersinia ruckeri were exposed to different concentrations of the no donors for 24 h. the results showed that no possesses inhibitory properties, while peroxynitrite had no effect. however, when sin-1 was used i ...200011145451
detection of yersinia ruckeri in rainbow trout blood by use of the polymerase chain reaction.we evaluated a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) method for detecting yersinia ruckeri, the bacterial pathogen causing enteric redmouth disease (erm), in blood of rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss. identification of the pcr product was confirmed by southern blot hybridization with a 32p-labeled oligonucleotide probe matching a sequence within the small subunit ribosomal rna gene of y. ruckeri. following a 1 h immersion of rainbow trout in water with 4.5 x 10(6) colony-forming units of y. ruckeri l ...200111253871
host factors associated with the detection of aeromonas salmonicida and yersinia ruckeri in ontario, canada government fish hatcheries.this paper presents an epidemiological investigation of ontario ministry of natural resources fish health laboratory data from 1981 to 1997, to determine whether fish species and age were associated with lot-level detection of aeromonas salmonicida and yersinia ruckeri in hatchery fish. in stepwise logistic regression, the species brook trout and back-cross (lake trout crossed with the hybrid "splake") were more likely to test a. salmonicida-positive compared to all other species reared in the h ...200111311951
rapid, high-throughput extraction of bacterial genomic dna from selective-enrichment culture create a fast, sensitive and inexpensive high-throughput method for the extraction of bacterial genomic dna from selective-enrichment culture media.200111328499
simulating the effect of eliminating routine bacterial screening on the negative predictive value of the ontario fish hatchery disease monitoring program.we determined the impact of eliminating routine screening for aeromonas salmonicida and yersinia ruckeri on the efficacy of the ontario ministry of natural resources (omnr) fish disease monitoring program, using monte carlo simulation. because the main purpose of the program is to prevent transferring infected fish among omnr hatcheries, or to wild fish populations through stocking waterways, the hatchery-level negative predictive value (hnpv) was used as an indicator of monitoring efficacy. the ...200111448498
further studies on rpos in enterobacteria: identification of rpos in enterobacter cloacae and kluyvera cryocrescens.rpos, the alternative sigma factor sigma(s), is important for bacterial survival under extreme conditions. many enterobacteria are opportunistic human pathogens and their ability to survive in a changing environment could be an essential step for their virulence. to determine the presence of this gene in enteric bacteria, an escherichia coli rpos probe was constructed and used to detect the presence of this gene in different species. a gene homologous to rpos was found in citrobacter amalonaticu ...200111491080
influence of hmb (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) on antibody secreting cells (asc) after in vitro and in vivo immunization with the anti-yersinia ruckeri vaccine of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).in practice, protection of fish against disease by immunization is of limited effectiveness. therefore, research is concentrated on how to improve the potency and efficacy of vaccines and how to optimally activate the cell-mediated immunity and the specific antibody response. in the present study, the influence of hmb (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) on the antibody secreting cells (asc) after both in vitro and in vivo immunization of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) with the anti-yersinios ...200111592618
occurrence and phenotypic characterization of yersinia ruckeri strains with biofilm-forming capacity in a rainbow trout farm.the presence of yersinia ruckeri in a french fish farm was investigated. y. ruckeri was isolated mainly from algae and sediment samples rather than from water. twenty-two y. ruckeri isolates were obtained, and three strains were distinguished by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus pcr amplification. these strains were able to adhere to solid supports. this characteristic was correlated with flagellum-mediated motility. killing experiments showed that sessile cells were more resistant ...200211823180
exposure of japanese medaka (oryzias latipes) to benzo[a]pyrene suppresses immune function and host resistance against bacterial challenge.besides being a potent chemical carcinogen, benzo[a]pyrene (bap) has also been shown to suppress the immune response of mammals. however, even though bap is a ubiquitous environmental contaminant to which aquatic species may be directly exposed, information regarding the effects of bap on the immune system of fish is still lacking. therefore, laboratory studies were conducted using japanese medaka (oryzias latipes) to examine the effects of bap on host immune status. a single ip injection of bap ...200211856577
isolation and analysis of a protease gene with an abc transport system in the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri: insertional mutagenesis and involvement in virulence.yersinia ruckeri is a gram-negative pathogen that causes enteric redmouth disease in salmonids. a gene from y. ruckeri encoding an extracellular protease termed yrp1 (yersinia ruckeri protease 1) was cloned from a sau3ai library constructed in puc19 and analysed in gelatin-supplemented medium. the nucleotide sequence of the yrp1 gene indicated an orf encoding a protein of 477 aa. on the basis of the high degree of homology in the amino acid sequence as well as its conservative motifs, this prote ...200212101310
optimisation of one-tube pcr-elisa to detect femtogram amounts of genomic dna.a simple, high-throughput, low-cost polymerase chain reaction-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (pcr-elisa) protocol that detects the presence of 4 fg of dna from four bacterial fish pathogens yersinia ruckeri, tenacibaculum maritimum (formerly flexibacter maritimus), lactococcus garvieae and aeromonas salmonicida was developed. dna amplification was undertaken in a biphasic system with free and bound pcr that are achieved in the one nucleolink tube. solid-phase amplicons were detected using bio ...200212133608
occurrence of enteric redmouth disease in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) on farms in croatia.during the spring of 1996 and autumn of 1997 unusual mortality outbreaks among rainbow trout fry and yearlings occurred at two different trout farms, resulting in mortality of 20 and 10 per cent, respectively. generally, the affected fish, swimming at the water surface, were reluctant to eat and were dark pigmented with visible haemorrhages around and within the oral cavity. bacterial isolates from moribund fish from both cases were identified as yersinia ruckeri by standard biochemical tests an ...200212237969
simultaneous detection of aeromonas salmonicida, flavobacterium psychrophilum, and yersinia ruckeri, three major fish pathogens, by multiplex pcr.a multiplex pcr assay based on the 16s rrna genes was developed for the simultaneous detection of three major fish pathogens, aeromonas salmonicida, flavobacterium psychrophilum, and yersinia ruckeri. the assay proved to be specific and as sensitive as each single pcr assay, with detection limits in the range of 6, 0.6, and 27 cfu for a. salmonicida, f. psychrophilum, and y. ruckeri, respectively. the assay was useful for the detection of the bacteria in artificially infected fish as well as in ...200212324372
chicken egg yolk antibodies as therapeutics in enteric infectious disease: a review.passive immunization by oral administration of specific antibodies has been an attractive approach against gastrointestinal (gi) pathogens in both humans and animals. recently, laying chickens have attracted considerable attention as an alternative source of antibodies for the prevention and treatment of infectious gi diseases. after immunization, the specific antibodies (called igy) are transported to the egg yolk, from which the igy then can be separated without sacrificing chickens. a chicken ...200212495588
recovery of a new biogroup of yersinia ruckeri from diseased rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum).cultures of a new biogroup of yersinia ruckeri, the causal agent of enteric redmouth (erm), were recovered in england from diseased rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum), which had been previously vaccinated with a commercial erm vaccine. the bacterial isolates were confirmed as y. ruckeri by the results of sequencing the 16s rrna, but differed from the characteristics of the taxon by positivity for the voges proskauer reaction and a general lack of motility, and could not be equated with ...200312747420
development of sensitive, high-throughput one-tube rt-pcr-enzyme hybridisation assay to detect selected bacterial fish pathogens.bacterial monitoring and surveillance is critical for the early detection of pathogens to avoid the spread of disease. to facilitate this, an efficient, high-performance and high-throughput method to detect the presence of femotgram amounts of ribosomal rna from 4 bacterial fish pathogens: aeromonas salmonicida; tenacibaculum maritimum (formerly flexibacter maritimus); lactococcus garvieae; and yersinia ruckeri was developed. the system uses nucleolink strips for liquid- and solid-phase pcr in 1 ...200312747638
removal of fish pathogenic bacteria in biological sand filters.documentation is required to evaluate the use of infiltration systems as an alternative method for removal of fish pathogenic bacteria in wastewater from fish-farms. this study was performed to investigate the removal of bacterial fish pathogens in biological sand filters. a second aim of the study was to evaluate the bacteria used in the study in order to find a suitable model organism for future experiments. low-strength wastewater from an inland freshwater salmonid farm was intermittently loa ...200312753839
the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri possesses a tts system. 200312756737
immune responses against yersinia ruckeri have no effect on colonization of rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), by gyrodactylus derjavini (mikailov, 1975). 200312962227
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 317