Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
campylobacter butzleri sp. nov. isolated from humans and animals with diarrheal illness. | seventy-eight aerotolerant campylobacter isolates were characterized phenotypically and by dna hybridization (hydroxyapatite method at 50 and 65 degrees c). two dna relatedness groups were found. (i) sixty-four strains belonged to aerotolerant campylobacter dna hybridization group 2. these organisms were isolated from humans, primarily with diarrheal illness, and animals on several continents. strains were aerotolerant at 30 and 36 degrees c and catalase negative or weakly catalase positive, gre ... | 1991 | 2007646 |
isolation of group 2 aerotolerant campylobacter species from thai children with diarrhea. | campylobacter species were isolated from 93 (15%) of 631 thai children with diarrhea using the membrane filter technique on nonselective blood agar incubated at 37 degrees c. campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 62 (10%), campylobacter coli from 14 (2%), and atypical campylobacters from 17 (3%). the 17 atypical strains were first characterized biochemically and by dot blot dna hybridization. catalase-negative strains also were characterized by dna hybridization and ribotype pattern. one strain ... | 1991 | 2019754 |
polyphasic taxonomic study of the emended genus arcobacter with arcobacter butzleri comb. nov. and arcobacter skirrowii sp. nov., an aerotolerant bacterium isolated from veterinary specimens. | the relationships of 77 aerotolerant arcobacter strains that were originally identified as campylobacter cryaerophila (now arcobacter cryaerophilus [p. vandamme, e. falsen, r. rossau, b. hoste, p. segers, r. tytgat, and j. de ley, int. j. syst. bacteriol. 41:88-103, 1991]) and 6 reference strains belonging to the taxa arcobacter nitrofigilis, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and "campylobacter butzleri" were studied by using a polyphasic approach, in which we performed dna-rrna hybridizations, dna-dna ... | 1992 | 1503968 |
outbreak of recurrent abdominal cramps associated with arcobacter butzleri in an italian school. | in the autumn of 1983, an outbreak of recurrent abdominal cramps occurred in a nursery and primary school in the rovigo area in italy. none of the 10 affected children had diarrhea. an atypical campylobacter-like organism was isolated from feces in all cases. conventional enteropathogens were searched for but not detected. the campylobacter-like organism was identified as arcobacter butzleri by using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole-cell proteins and cellular fa ... | 1992 | 1400998 |
specific detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by using polymerase chain reaction. | development of a routine detection assay for campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in clinical specimens was undertaken by using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr). an oligonucleotide primer pair from a conserved 5' region of the flaa gene of c. coli vc167 was used to amplify a 450-bp region by pcr. the primer pair specifically detected 4 strains of c. coli and 47 strains of c. jejuni; but it did not detect strains of campylobacter fetus, campylobacter lari, campylobacter upsaliensis, cam ... | 1992 | 1400961 |
arcobacter (campylobacter) butzleri-associated diarrheal illness in a nonhuman primate population. | after dna hybridization identified an isolate from an ill rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) as arcobacter (campylobacter) butzleri, we initiated a study to determine whether a. butzleri was associated with diarrheal disease in nonhuman primates at the yerkes primate research center. by using campy-cva medium incubated at 35 degrees c, 15 a. butzleri isolates were obtained from 14 macaques; 7 macaques were coinfected with campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni. a. butzleri was not isolated fro ... | 1993 | 8478115 |
discrimination of epidemic and sporadic isolates of arcobacter butzleri by polymerase chain reaction-mediated dna fingerprinting. | dna polymorphisms of arcobacter butzleri outbreak-related strains and arcobacter reference strains were determined by use of the polymerase chain reaction with primers aimed at repetitive sequences. the epidemiological relationship among 14 outbreak-related strains was substantiated, as they showed virtually no genomic variations. their dna amplification patterns were, however, clearly different from those of all arcobacter reference strains studied; each reference strain was characterized by a ... | 1993 | 8308127 |
isolation of arcobacter butzleri from a drinking water reservoir in eastern germany. | microaerophilic "campylobacter-like organisms" (clo) were isolated from a drinking water reservoir in germany during a period of some months. the strains were characterized by biotyping (api campy), serotyping and sds-disc-gelelectrophoresis as arcobacter butzleri. now this facultative humanpathogen species was first described in germany. with respect to the drinking water treatment, the hygienic importance of the findings is given. | 1993 | 8318136 |
severe diarrhea associated with arcobacter butzleri. | two patients with chronic disease (diabetes mellitus type i, hyperuricemia and alcohol abuse, respectively) were hospitalized with persistent diarrhea and severe abdominal cramps. using routine methods, the only pathogen isolated in stool specimens was arcobacter butzleri. in both cases acute symptoms subsided quickly after antibiotic therapy. after termination of antibiotic treatment, arcobacter butzleri could no longer be detected in stool specimens. although very little is known about the cli ... | 1994 | 7813498 |
arcobacter-specific and arcobacter butzleri-specific 16s rrna-based dna probes. | the genus arcobacter encompasses gram-negative, aerotolerant, spiral-shaped bacteria formerly designated campylobacter cryaerophila. two genus-specific 16s rrna-based oligonucleotide dna probes (23-mer and 27-mer) were developed. the probes hybridized with strains of arcobacter butzleri (n = 58), arcobacter cryaerophilus (n = 19), and arcobacter skirrowii (n = 17). the probes did not cross-react with any of the reference strains of campylobacter, helicobacter, including "flexispira rappini," or ... | 1995 | 7545177 |
isolation of arcobacter butzleri from a neonate with bacteraemia. | we describe the case of a neonate with bacteraemia from whom the recently described organism arcobacter butzleri was isolated. this appears to be the first report of the organism causing neonatal infection. clinical details suggest that the infection was contracted in utero, although the mother showed no evidence of disease before delivery. treatment of the preterm infant was ultimately successful in resolving the infection but the organism proved resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. simila ... | 1995 | 8586843 |
prevalence of thermophilic campylobacter and arcobacter butzleri in food of animal origin. | thermophilic campylobacters and arcobacter butzleri were looked for in 57 manually shelled egg samples and 130 raw meat samples. no bacteria were found in the egg samples, but they were, however, found in 16.1% of meat samples with a frequency varying from 2.4% (port sausage) to 37.5% (poultry). a total of 21 strains were identified, one belonging to arcobacter butzleri (pork) and 20 to campylobacter. the most common species was c. jejuni (16/20) followed by c. coli (4/20) and in both species bi ... | 1996 | 8930716 |
phenotypic and ribosomal rna characterization of arcobacter species isolated from porcine aborted fetuses. | aerotolerant organisms resembling campylobacter, now designated as arcobacter, have been described from aborted farm animals and from cases of human enteritis worldwide. the goals of this study were 1) to attempt to recover arcobacter spp. from cases of porcine abortion, 2) to characterize these isolates by phenotype and ribotype, and 3) to compare the usefulness of ribotype and phenotype patterns for identifying arcobacter butzleri and the dna hybridization groups 1a and 1b of a. cryaerophilus. ... | 1996 | 8744740 |
infection of cesarean-derived colostrum-deprived 1-day-old piglets with arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and arcobacter skirrowii. | neonatal piglets have been used as models to study human campylobacteriosis and helicobacteriosis. the purpose of this study was to determine the relative pathogenicities, on the basis of the duration of fecal shedding and colonization of tissues, of three arcobacter species in 1-day-old cesarean-derived colostrum-deprived piglets. two experiments were conducted. in experiment 1, two piglets each were infected per os with either arcobacter butzleri atcc 49616, arcobacter cryaerophilus 1b atcc 43 ... | 1996 | 8675340 |
comparative disinfection of secondary-treated sewage with chlorine dioxide and bromine chloride. | a comparison was made of the inactivation rates of arcobacter butzleri, coliphages, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci and heterotrophic plate count in secondary sewage effluent using chlorine dioxide (2 and 4 ppm) and bromine chloride (4 or 8 and 12 ppm) as disinfecting agents. using these doses the clo2 gave higher reduction percentages (on average more than 99% at 4 ppm) than those obtained with brcl. the average values of the fecal indicators are well within the legal limit ... | 1996 | 9353543 |
identification of arcobacter isolates by pcr. | a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed for the identification of the three species of arcobacter which have been recovered from clinically ill or healthy humans and/or livestock, namely arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter skirrowii and arcobacter cryaerophilus. the assay utilizes primers targeted to the genes encoding 16s rrna of arcobacter spp. the assay reduces the amount of time required to positively identify strains of arcobacter. | 1996 | 8987697 |
pcr-mediated dna fingerprinting of atypical campylobacter strains isolated from surface and drinking water. | this study shows that typing through polymerase chain reaction (pcr) can be used to differentiate between strains of campylobacter and arcobacter, whereas by means of conventional biotyping arcobacter might be identified as atypical campylobacter. microaerophilic "campylobacter-like" organisms were isolated from several drinking water treatment plants as well as environmental sources. the strains were characterized by biotyping and pcr amplification of campylobacter flaa/flab and 16s-rrna arcoba ... | 1996 | 8946702 |
multiplex pcr for the identification of arcobacter and differentiation of arcobacter butzleri from other arcobacters. | a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay to identify arcobacter isolates and to distinguish a. butzleri from other arcobacters is described. the test uses two primer sets. set i targets a section of the 16s rrna genes of arcobacter spp. set ii amplifies a portion of the 23s rrna genes unique to a. butzleri. specificity of the primer sets was evaluated using atcc reference strains of a. butzleri, a. cryaerophilus, a. skirrowii, bacteroides spp., campylobacter spp., helicobacter spp. and ... | 1997 | 9453132 |
in vitro virulence factors of arcobacter butzleri strains isolated from superficial water samples. | eighteen isolates of a. butzleri from river water samples were examined for their biotype, serogroup and putative virulence characteristics. toxin profiles based on cytotonic, cytotoxic and cytolethal distending factors were determined after analysis responses in vero and cho cells adhesivity and invasivity tests were performed on hela and intestine 407 cells. six biotypes and five serogroups were determined in our isolates. all strains but one induced cytotoxic effects on cells in culture. the ... | 1997 | 9037670 |
emerging issues in microbiological food safety. | many microorganisms previously unrecognized as food-borne or harmful are emerging as human pathogens transmitted by food. this is a result of recent acquisition of key virulence factors, detection by newly developed isolation procedures, or astute detective-like laboratory skills of microbiologists. six microbial pathogens, including shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli, listeria monocytogenes, arcobacter butzleri, helicobacter pylori, cryptosporidium parvum, and cyclospora, have become recogn ... | 1997 | 9240928 |
prevalence and genetic variability of arcobacter species in mechanically separated turkey. | a survey for arcobacter spp. and arcobacter butzleri in mechanically separated turkey was conducted during the winter of 1995 and summer and fall of 1996. arcobacter spp. and a. butzleri were identified by polymerase chain reaction and species-specific oligonucleotide probes. arcobacter spp. were isolated from 77% (303 out of 395) of the mechanically separated turkey samples with 74% (223 out of 303) of these samples positive for a. butzleri. of the 121 a. butzleri isolates tested, 86 different ... | 1998 | 9874339 |
diversity and prevalence of arcobacter spp. in broiler chickens. | ninety-nine strains of arcobacter spp., isolated from 10 chicken carcasses purchased from a supermarket and 15 chicken carcasses collected from a poultry abattoir, were speciated using a variety of phenotypic identification methods. all were tested using api campy test strips and the 16-test (preston) identification scheme developed for campylobacters. fifty strains were selected for examination using a more comprehensive probabilistic identification scheme, and the identity of representative st ... | 1998 | 9717285 |
isolation of arcobacter butzleri in raw water and drinking water treatment plants in germany. | a total of 147 "campylobacter-like" strains were isolated from six drinking water treatment plants within a two year investigation period. the strains were characterized by bio-, and serotyping according the scheme for arcobacter butzleri. the result was that 100 strains were typed as arcobacter butzleri, 17 strains as arcobacter butzleri-like and 6 strains as campylobacter jejuni/coli. 24 strains were typed as arcobacter spp. the strains isolated from the treatment plants showed the same seroty ... | 1998 | 9686447 |
identification and characterization of arcobacter isolates from broilers by biochemical tests, antimicrobial resistance patterns and plasmid analysis. | a total of 89 arcobacter butzleri isolates obtained from freshly slaughtered broilers was investigated for their biochemical capacities by using the api campy system as well as additional growth and tolerance tests, for their antimicrobial resistance patterns and their plasmid content. among these techniques, biochemical profiling and antimicrobial resistance testing proved to be the most discriminatory methods as confirmed by the calculation of discriminatory indices. these two methods might re ... | 1998 | 9557130 |
arcobacter cryaerophilus and arcobacter butzleri isolated from preputial fluid of boars and fattening pigs in brazil. | 1999 | 12968762 | |
natural and experimental infections of arcobacter in poultry. | arcobacter butzleri causes human enteritis and is frequently recovered from poultry carcasses. the purpose of this study was to determine 1) the natural distribution of a. butzleri in poultry and 2) its relative pathogenicity in experimentally infected poultry. cloacal samples (n = 407) were collected on four occasions from three flocks of chickens. overall, arcobacter spp. were recovered from 15% of the birds; a. butzleri was identified in 1% of cloacal samples. three experimental trials were c ... | 1999 | 10230906 |
occurrence, removal and seasonal variation of thermophilic campylobacters and arcobacter in sewage sludge. | the presence of thermophilic campylobacters and arcobacter was investigated in four types of sewage sludge taken from the treatment plant in bologna (italy): primary, activated, thickened and anaerobically digested sludge. campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli were more numerous during the march-september period and were found only in primary sludge (22.7%) with mean counts of 278 mpn/g dry matter and 1403 mpn/g dry matter respectively. arcobacter butzleri were found in all types of sludge ... | 1999 | 10418097 |
the effect of citric acid, lactic acid, sodium citrate and sodium lactate, alone and in combination with nisin, on the growth of arcobacter butzleri. | the importance of arcobacter spp. as a cause of human foodborne illness is unresolved. organic acids and their sodium salts, and nisin are preservatives commonly used in the type of foods from which the organism is recovered. in this study their effect on the growth of a. butzleri in culture, alone and in combination, was investigated. at 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% lactic and citric acids inhibited a. butzleri growth; 2% sodium lactate was effective in inhibiting growth over 8 h incubation but not over ... | 1999 | 10664988 |
arcobacter butzleri isolated from a diarrhoeic non-human primate. | the bacteriological examination of a faecal specimen from a 20-year-old female rhesus macaque (macaca mulatta) with diarrhoeal illness revealed the presence of a large number of a relatively new enteric pathogen, arcobacter butzleri. the animal was from a closed colony of about 60 females, some of them were showing intermittent diarrhoea possibly related to giardia spp. conditions for the isolation and identification of a. butzleri are reported, as well as discussions about its role as a primary ... | 1999 | 10759398 |
isolation of arcobacter butzleri from ground water. | arcobacter butzleri was isolated from a contaminated ground water source. these organisms, previously designated as aerotolerant campylobacter, were capable of surviving in the ground water environment. specific dna probes were used to characterize the isolates in the initial identification and survival studies. arcobacter butzleri was found to be sensitive to chlorine inactivation. | 1999 | 10030029 |
identification of campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, c. lari, c. upsaliensis, arcobacter butzleri, and a. butzleri-like species based on the glya gene. | currently, the detection and identification of campylobacter and arcobacter species remains arduous, largely due to cross-species phenotypic similarities and a relatively narrow spectrum of biochemical reactivity. we have developed a pcr-hybridization strategy, wherein degenerate primers are used to amplify glya fragments from samples, which are then subjected to species-specific oligodeoxyribonucleotide probe hybridizations, to identify and distinguish between campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, c. ... | 2000 | 10747131 |
prevalence of campylobacter, arcobacter, helicobacter, and sutterella spp. in human fecal samples as estimated by a reevaluation of isolation methods for campylobacters. | the aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of campylobacteria including campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni (c. jejuni) and campylobacter coli in human clinical samples and in samples from healthy individuals and to reevaluate the efficacies of conventional selective methods for isolation of campylobacter spp. two charcoal-based selective media, modified charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar (mccda) and cefoperazone-amphotericin-teicoplanin (cat) agar, were compared with skirrow' ... | 2000 | 10618103 |
arcobacter butzleri bacteremia in a patient with liver cirrhosis. | invasive arcobacter butzleri infection in humans has been rarely described. we report a 60-year-old man with liver cirrhosis who presented with high fever and esophageal variceal bleeding. two aerobic blood cultures grew campylobacter-like organisms. the biochemical reactions of the isolate were inconclusive, while sequence analysis of the 16s rrna gene definitively identified the organism as a. butzleri. the patient's bleeding stopped after endoscopic sclerosing therapy. although the organism a ... | 2000 | 10770033 |
development of a multiplex pcr assay for the simultaneous detection and identification of arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus and arcobacter skirrowii. | a multiplex pcr assay with five primers targeting the 16s and 23s rrna genes was developed for the simultaneous detection and identification of arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus and arcobacter skirrowii. the selected primers amplify a 257-bp fragment from a. cryaerophilus, a 401-bp fragment from a. butzleri and a 641-bp fragment from a. skirrowii. no pcr product was generated for closely related bacteria including campylobacter and helicobacter species. the assay was useful to identi ... | 2000 | 11094284 |
isolation of arcobacter spp. from a brackish environment. | arcobacter spp. were isolated from water and mussels of two brackish lakes near messina (italy). the isolates were phenotypically characterized on the basis of a large battery of cultural and biochemical tests. by comparison with the reference strains arcobacter butzleri atcc 49616 and a. cryaerophilus atcc 43157 they may be considered arcobacter butzleri-like bacteria. the current isolation suggests that the brackish environment may play an important role in the survival and transmission of arc ... | 2000 | 10872684 |
multiplex pcr detection of campylobacter jejuni and arcobacter butzleri in food products. | arcobacter is a recently described species, previously considered part of the campylobacter family. a sensitive assay such as that provided by pcr could help to distinguish the closely related arcobacter from campylobacter. a pcr method to specifically detect both campylobacter jejuni and arcobacter butzleri in the same reaction tube has been developed. c. jejuni and a. butzleri were inoculated into a range of dairy products, raw and ready-to-eat foods. the presence of these two organisms was de ... | 2000 | 10799270 |
development of a new protocol for the isolation and quantification of arcobacter species from poultry products. | none of the presently available selective supplements for the specific isolation of arcobacter species allows the growth of arcobacter butzleri, a. cryaerophilus and a. skirrowii and at the same time fully suppresses the accompanying flora present in poultry and poultry products. furthermore, little is known about the contamination levels of poultry with arcobacter species. in this study, a new selective supplement comprising amphotericin b (10 mg/l), cefoperazone (16 mg/l), 5-fluorouracil (100 ... | 2001 | 11789937 |
susceptibility of arcobacter butzleri isolates to 23 antimicrobial agents. | the objective of this study was to determine the susceptibility of arcobacter butzleri isolates to various antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of infectious diseases in humans and animals. | 2001 | 11737626 |
susceptibility of arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and arcobacter skirrowii to antimicrobial agents used in selective media. | several antimicrobial agents used in selective media for the isolation of arcobacter were found to be inhibitory to strains belonging to this genus. all three species tested were susceptible to colistin and rifampin at concentrations used in selective media. arcobacter skirrowii was the most susceptible species. 5-fluorouracil, novobiocin, trimethoprim, and teicoplanin or vancomycin were found to be without any inhibitory effect on the strains tested at concentrations described for the isolation ... | 2001 | 11283110 |
the recovery of arcobacter butzleri nctc 12481 from various temperature treatments. | the aim of this study was to determine the growth and survival characteristics for arcobacter butzleri nctc 12481. | 2001 | 11722672 |
assessment of the genetic diversity among arcobacters isolated from poultry products by using two pcr-based typing methods. | in this study, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus pcr (eric-pcr) and randomly amplified polymorphic dna pcr (rapd-pcr) were optimized for characterization of arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and arcobacter skirrowii. in addition, a simple and rapid dna extraction method was tested for use in both typing procedures. both methods had satisfactory typeability and discriminatory power, but the fingerprints generated with eric-pcr were more reproducible and complex than tho ... | 2002 | 11976086 |
identification by 16s ribosomal rna gene sequencing of arcobacter butzleri bacteraemia in a patient with acute gangrenous appendicitis. | to identify a strain of gram negative facultative anaerobic curved bacillus, concomitantly isolated with escherichia coli and streptococcus milleri, from the blood culture of a 69 year old woman with acute gangrenous appendicitis. the literature on arcobacter bacteraemia and arcobacter infections associated with appendicitis was reviewed. | 2002 | 12032229 |
discrimination of arcobacter butzleri isolates by polymerase chain reaction-mediated dna fingerprinting. | the objective of this study was to subtype arcobacter butzleri isolates using rapd-pcr. | 2002 | 12100590 |
attachment of arcobacter butzleri, a new waterborne pathogen, to water distribution pipe surfaces. | the capability of arcobacter butzleri to attach to various water distribution pipe surfaces, such as stainless steel, copper, and plastic, was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. our results indicated that arcobacter cells could easily attach to all surface types and the number of attached cells depended on the length of exposure and temperatures (4 and 20 degrees c). extracellular fibrils were also observed on the stainless steel surface, especially after 72 h of contact times at both ... | 2002 | 12182474 |
sensitivity of three methods used in the isolation of arcobacter spp. in raw ground pork. | arcobacter, an aerotolerant campylobacter-like organism, has been designated an emerging pathogen because of its newly recognized ability to cause diarrheal illness in both humans and animals and its presence in the human food supply. because there is no standard isolation method for its detection, the true occurrence of this pathogen is largely unknown. in addition, the lack of a standardized isolation protocol limits the ability of investigators to compare field data. arcobacter has been detec ... | 2002 | 12430704 |
determination of the occurrence of arcobacter butzleri in beef and dairy cattle from texas by various isolation methods. | arcobacter butzleri is a pathogenic bacterium that has been found in dairy cattle, pigs, poultry, and humans. as of this writing, there are no data on the incidence of a. butzleri in beef cattle. given the differences in rearing practices used for feedlot cattle and those used for dairy cattle, differences in the incidences of this organism in various types of cattle may also exist. numerous culture methods have been used to isolate a. butzleri, but there are few data on the comparative efficaci ... | 2002 | 12495000 |
occurrence and distribution of arcobacter species in poultry processing. | a total of 16 broiler flocks slaughtered in the morning in eight belgian poultry slaughterhouses were examined for the presence of campylobacteraceae. in samples collected before and after chilling, the prevalence of arcobacters was found to be higher than the prevalence of thermophilic campylobacters, with the slaughter procedure used having no clear effect. two slaughterhouses were selected for a detailed investigation of the occurrence and distribution of arcobacters. sampling carried out bef ... | 2002 | 12182473 |
one-step polymerase chain reaction-based typing of arcobacter species. | a species-specific pcr assay was developed for the identification of the arcobacter species, arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus 1a and 1b, and arcobacter skirrowii. the primers, which amplify the most variable areas of the 23s rrna gene, were designed to perform species-specific identification by one-step pcr. the dna sequence of the region from a. cryaerophilus 1b was determined, and the specific pimer for the species was designed. by using one-step pcr containing the mixed primers n ... | 2003 | 12457591 |
use of cefoperazone macconkey agar for selective isolation of laribacter hongkongensis. | a new selective medium, cefoperazone macconkey agar (cma), was developed for primary isolation of laribacter hongkongensis from stool. its performance in quantitative recovery and in a clinical evaluation of 4,741 human diarrheal stool specimens was superior to that of charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar. in addition, with cma, arcobacter butzleri was unexpectedly isolated from the stools of six patients. | 2003 | 14532237 |
[diseases transmitted through water for human consumption]. | the water for human consumption maintains a biological risk and can transmit diseases. the classical waterborne and the presently frequent diseases caused by protozoi giardia and cryptosporidium are considered and arcobacter butzleri, a new waterborne pathogen, is described. many measures have been adopted by institutions to ensure the quality of the drinking water. managers and public health operators is working in order to verify the efficiency of more suitable indicators for its monitoring. | 2003 | 14677254 |
molecular characterization of arcobacter isolates collected in a poultry slaughterhouse. | in a poultry slaughterhouse, arcobacter contamination was examined over a period of 1 week to establish possible routes of contamination. samples were collected from the slaughter equipment and from processing water before the onset of slaughter and from the first broiler flock slaughtered on each sampling day. characterization of 1,079 isolates by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-polymerase chain reaction and a random amplified polymorphic dna assay resulted in the delineation of ... | 2003 | 12636286 |
isolation of arcobacter butzleri and a. cryaerophilus in samples of meats and from meat-processing plants by a culture technique and detection by pcr. | a pilot survey of sources of contamination with arcobacters (representing a potential risk for humans) was done in a wide range of samples involved various kinds of meat (beef, pork, meat products, chilled chickens, etc.) from a retail level and domestic farming. sanitary practices in slaughterhouses and production lines were checked in two different plants (a beef and pork production and a chicken processing plant). the method is based on a selective enrichment to isolate suspect strains, in co ... | 2003 | 12800507 |
the prevalence of arcobacter spp. on chicken carcasses sold in retail markets in turkey, and identification of the isolates using sds-page. | in this study, the prevalence of arcobacter spp. on chicken carcasses sold in various retail markets in turkey was investigated. the isolates were characterized and identified using various phenotypic and molecular tests. the membrane filtration technique employing 0.45-microm pore size membrane filters laid onto a nonselective blood agar was used after enrichment in oxoid arcobacter enrichment broth (aeb) to examine a total of 75 chicken carcasses (44 fresh and 31 frozen). species level identif ... | 2003 | 12423915 |
arcobacter butzleri strains from poultry abattoir effluent in nigeria [corrected]. | to investigate the prevalence, species distribution and genetic diversity of zoonotic arcobacter species. | 2003 | 12918807 |
in vitro susceptibility of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus to different antimicrobial agents. | seventeen strains of arcobacter butzleri and thirteen of arcobacter cryaerophilus, were tested for their antimicrobial susceptibility to 26 antimicrobial agents. among beta-lactams agents in this study, imipenem was the most active agent against both a. butzleri and a. cryaerophilus isolates with mic(90) values of 2 and 4 mg/l, respectively. the most active cephalosporin tested was cefepime, although it was more active against a. butzleri (mic(90) 8 mg/l) than a. cryaerophilus (mic(90) 64 mg/l). ... | 2003 | 12727085 |
usefulness of the microseq 500 16s ribosomal dna-based bacterial identification system for identification of clinically significant bacterial isolates with ambiguous biochemical profiles. | due to the inadequate automation in the amplification and sequencing procedures, the use of 16s rrna gene sequence-based methods in clinical microbiology laboratories is largely limited to identification of strains that are difficult to identify by phenotypic methods. in this study, using conventional full-sequence 16s rrna gene sequencing as the "gold standard," we evaluated the usefulness of the microseq 500 16s ribosomal dna (rdna)-based bacterial identification system, which involves amplifi ... | 2003 | 12734240 |
use of pcr for direct detection of campylobacter species in bovine feces. | this study reports on the use of pcr to directly detect and distinguish campylobacter species in bovine feces without enrichment. inhibitors present in feces are a major obstacle to using pcr to detect microorganisms. the qiaamp dna stool minikit was found to be an efficacious extraction method, as determined by the positive amplification of internal control dna added to bovine feces before extraction. with nested or seminested multiplex pcr, campylobacter coli, c. fetus, c. hyointestinalis, and ... | 2003 | 12788747 |
comparison of sampling techniques for detection of arcobacter butzleri from chickens. | arcobacter butzleri is a causative agent of human enteritis that has been recently differentiated from the genus campylobacter. previous work suggests that its transmission to humans is likely through a foodborne route with a substantial tendency to be located on poultry carcasses. for reducing the incidence of this pathogen on commercial poultry, improved protocols are needed to sample and identify a. butzleri from infected birds prior to slaughter. the purpose of this study was to compare samp ... | 2003 | 14717547 |
the effect of acetic acid, citric acid, and trisodium citrate in combination with different levels of water activity on the growth of arcobacter butzleri in culture. | the influence of weak organic acids and trisodium citrate in combination with a high or a reduced water activity (aw) was investigated when a population of arcobacter butzleri was exposed to a low concentration of acetic or citric acid, and trisodium citrate combined with high (0.993) and reduced (0.977) aw in culture broth at 30 degrees c. regardless of water activity, acetic and citric acid (> 0.2%) inhibited the growth of a. butzleri with no viable cells detected after 4-5 h of incubation. en ... | 2004 | 15114859 |
prevalence of arcobacter species in retail meats and antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates in japan. | a survey was conducted to examine the prevalence of arcobacter species among meat samples and to investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates in japan. in 1998 and 1999, samples of beef (n=90), pork (n=100) and chicken meat (n=100) were purchased from seven retail shops. arcobacter species were isolated from 2.2%, 7.0% and 23.0% of beef, pork and chicken meat samples, respectively. the rate of isolations in chicken meats was shown to be significantly higher than those of beef and ... | 2004 | 14751685 |
arcobacter species in humans. | during an 8-year study period, arcobacter butzleri was the fourth most common campylobacter-like organism isolated from 67,599 stool specimens. our observations suggest that a. butzleri displays microbiologic and clinical features similar to those of campylobacter jejuni; however, a. butzleri is more frequently associated with a persistent, watery diarrhea. | 2004 | 15504280 |
phylogenetic analysis and pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism identification of campylobacter species based on partial groel gene sequences. | the phylogeny of 12 campylobacter species and reference strains of arcobacter butzleri and helicobacter pylori was studied based on partial 593-bp groel gene sequences. the topology of the phylogenetic neighbor-joining tree based on the groel gene was similar to that of the tree based on the 16s rrna gene. however, groel was found to provide a better resolution for campylobacter species, with lower interspecies sequence similarities (range, 65 to 94%) compared with those for the 16s rrna gene (r ... | 2004 | 15583306 |
investigation of arcobacters in meat and faecal samples of clinically healthy cattle in turkey. | to investigate the presence of arcobacter spp. in minced beef meat (n = 97) and rectal faecal samples (n = 200) collected from cattle immediately after slaughter at a local abattoir in turkey. | 2004 | 15214736 |
genotyping and genetic diversity of arcobacter butzleri by amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) analysis. | to investigate the potential of amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) profiling for genotyping arcobacter butzleri and to obtain further data on the genetic diversity of this organism. | 2004 | 15355537 |
occurrence and strain diversity of arcobacter species isolated from healthy belgian pigs. | in this study, arcobacter species were isolated from clinically healthy porkers and sows on four unrelated pig farms, using a quantitative isolation protocol. isolates were identified by m-pcr, and fingerprints were distinguished by modified eric-pcr. the prevalence of arcobacter in pigs ranged from 16 to 85%. arcobacter excretion ranged from 0 to 10(4) cfug(-1) feces. arcobacter butzleri was the most frequently occurring species, but simultaneous shedding of two or three species occurred. large ... | 2004 | 15380554 |
isolation and characterisation of arcobacter butzleri from meat. | a survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of arcobacter in ground chicken, pork, beef and lamb meats. meat samples were enriched in arcobacter broth (ab) containing cefoperazone, amphotericin and teicoplanin (cat) supplement. samples were screened for the presence of arcobacter spp. using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) followed by isolation on blood and selective agar. arcobacter butzleri was the only species of arcobacter isolated from 35% of 88 samples of ground meats. a. ... | 2004 | 14967558 |
detection of arcobacter spp. in the coastal environment of the mediterranean sea. | the occurrence of arcobacter spp. was studied in seawater and plankton samples collected from the straits of messina, italy, during an annual period of observation by using cultural and molecular techniques. a pcr assay with three pairs of primers targeting the 16s and 23s rrna genes was used for detection and identification of arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and arcobacter skirrowii in cultures and environmental samples. only one of the arcobacter species, a. butzleri, was isolat ... | 2004 | 15006743 |
a comparison of three methods for the isolation of arcobacter spp. from retail raw poultry in northern ireland. | recent evidence suggests that arcobacters, especially arcobacter butzleri, are potential foodborne pathogens, but standardized detection methods have yet to be established. a study was undertaken to determine which of three isolation methods was the most effective for the isolation of arcobacter spp. from fresh raw poultry. methods 1 was microaerobic and involved a membrane filtration step followed by plating onto blood agar. method 2 was also microaerobic and involved enrichment and plating med ... | 2004 | 15083734 |
the occurrence of campylobacters in water sources in south africa. | campylobacter spp., mainly c. jejuni and c. coli, are recognized as significant human bacterial pathogens, being responsible for increasing numbers of gastroenteritis cases worldwide. several reports have indicated that environmental waters are potential reservoirs and transmitting vehicles for these bacteria. the purpose of this study was thus to examine the occurrence of campylobacters in drinking and environmental water sources of south africa, a country with a warmer climate and higher micro ... | 2004 | 15159162 |
antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus strains isolated from humans and broilers. | the mics of five antimicrobial agents were determined by the agar dilution method for 98 arcobacter butzleri and 28 arcobacter cryaerophilus strains from humans, and poultry. with gentamicin, a mic of 16 microg/ml was recorded for one a. butzleri strain isolated from poultry, whereas for the other strains mics ranged from 0.25 to 4 microg/ml. with ciprofloxacin, a bimodal distribution of susceptibility levels was seen for human a. butzleri isolates (0.015-0.03 versus 0.12-0.25), whereas mics for ... | 2004 | 15383169 |
survival and injury of arcobacter after artificial inoculation into drinking water. | the aim of this work was to assess the effect of chlorine water treatment on arcobacter butzleri and to study the survival strategies of this organism in chlorinated and non-chlorinated drinking water. a. butzleri nctc 12481 was inoculated into chlorinated and non-chlorinated water and samples were removed aseptically, immediately and periodically during the next 2 days (for chlorinated drinking water) or 35 days (for non-chlorinated drinking water). the membrane integrity (live/dead baclight ki ... | 2004 | 15501649 |
effect of ph, nacl content, and temperature on growth and survival of arcobacter spp. | growth and survival of six human isolates of the pathogenic arcobacter spp. in the presence of selected environmental factors were studied. four strains of arcobacter butzleri and two strains of arcobacter cryaerophilus were exposed to ph levels of 3.5 to 8.0. most strains grew between ph 5.5 and 8.0, with optimal growth of most a. butzleri and a. cryaerophilus strains at ph 6.0 to 7.0 and 7.0 to 7.5, respectively. the 24-h optimal growth range in the presence of nacl was 0.5 to 1.0% for a. crya ... | 2005 | 15690799 |
arcobacter cibarius sp. nov., isolated from broiler carcasses. | twenty gram-negative, rod-shaped, slightly curved, non-spore-forming bacteria that gave a negative result in arcobacter species-specific pcr tests but that yielded an amplicon in an arcobacter genus-specific pcr test were isolated from 13 unrelated broiler carcasses. numerical analysis of the profiles obtained by sds-page of whole-cell proteins clustered all isolates in a single group distinct from the other arcobacter species. dna-dna hybridization among four representative strains exhibited dn ... | 2005 | 15774649 |
detection and enumeration of arcobacter spp. in the coastal environment of the straits of messina (italy). | seawater and plankton samples from the straits of messina, italy, were analysed to confirm the occurrence of potentially pathogenic arcobacter butzleri, a. cryaerophilus and a. skirrowii. both classical cultural methods and molecular techniques were used as confirmative steps of the growth in enrichment broth to enumerate and differentiate these bacteria. only a. butzleri was isolated from seawater and plankton samples and was more abundant when associated with plankton than free-living. a. crya ... | 2005 | 16035265 |
ecology of arcobacter species in chicken rearing and processing. | to investigate whether arcobacter spp. colonize the poultry-rearing environment or whether they are contaminants acquired during transportation and/or from the processing plant. | 2005 | 15960757 |
detection and diversity of various arcobacter species in danish poultry. | the prevalence and diversity of different arcobacter spp. in various poultry species in denmark were investigated using cultural and multiplex pcr methods. a pool of three fresh droppings obtained at the production site from 70 broiler chicken flocks aged 4-5 weeks was examined. in addition, pools of 10 cloacal swabs taken at the abattoir prior to stunning from each of 15, and 37 duck and turkey flocks, respectively, were analyzed. thirty fresh broiler chicken carcasses and 29 cloacal swabs from ... | 2006 | 16516995 |
detection and identification of food-borne pathogens of the genera campylobacter, arcobacter and helicobacter by multiplex pcr in poultry and poultry products. | the objective of this study was to develop a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to detect and differentiate food-borne pathogens of the three genera campylobacter, arcobacter and helicobacter in a single step procedure. one common reverse primer and three genus-specific forward primers were designed by hybridizing to the 16s rrna of selected reference strains. besides the species with significance as food-borne pathogens isolated from poultry meat--campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli ... | 2006 | 17010041 |
arcobacter butzleri: underestimated enteropathogen. | molecular methods applied to 2,855 strains of campylobacter-like organisms received from a surveillance network of campylobacter infections in france identified 29 arcobacter butzleri infections. this species ranks fourth for campylobacteraceae isolation and appears to have the same pathogenic potential as the other species in the genus. | 2006 | 16494760 |
genome mapping of arcobacter butzleri. | a genome map of the potential food-poisoning pathogen arcobacter butzleri, strain nctc 12481, has been constructed. the map was ordered by a combination of one- and two-dimensional pulsed field gel electrophoresis, using the restriction enzymes eagi, sacii, sali and xhoi, and southern hybridization with digoxygenin-labelled probes. the size of the genome was estimated at 2.57+/-0.01 mb; this is 0.9 mb larger than the genome of the closely related species campylobacter jejuni. we deduce that ther ... | 2006 | 16499619 |
antimicrobial susceptibility of clinical isolates of non-jejuni/coli campylobacters and arcobacters from belgium. | to determine the susceptibility of non-jejuni/coli campylobacters and arcobacters isolated from diarrhoeal stool specimens in belgium. | 2006 | 16533825 |
arcobacter, what is known and unknown about a potential foodborne zoonotic agent! | since the introduction of the genus arcobacter in 1991, the association of arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus and arcobacter skirrowii with humans and animals has been clearly established. these bacteria have been detected world wide in products of animal origin and in healthy animals as well as in surface water. a fourth species arcobacter cibarius was recently discovered on chicken carcasses. although evidence was found for the connection of arcobacter spp. with human and animal ill ... | 2006 | 16621345 |
genetic diversity of arcobacter and campylobacter on broiler carcasses during processing. | broiler carcasses (n=325) were sampled at three sites along the processing line (prescalding, prechilling, and postchilling) in a commercial poultry processing plant during five plant visits from august to october 2004. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) was used to determine the genomic fingerprints of camospylobacter coli (n=27), campylobacter jejuni (n=188), arcobacter butzleri (n=138), arcobacter cryaerophilus 1a (n=4), and a. cryaerophilus 1b (n=31) with the restriction enzymes smai an ... | 2006 | 16715800 |
prevalence of arcobacter spp. in raw milk and retail raw meats in northern ireland. | a 1-year study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of arcobacter spp. in raw milk and retail raw meats on sale in northern ireland. retail raw poultry samples (n = 94), pork samples (n = 101), and beef samples (n = 108) were obtained from supermarkets in northern ireland, and raw milk samples (n = 101) were kindly provided by the milk research laboratory, department of agriculture and rural development, belfast, northern ireland. presumptive arcobacters were identified by previously descr ... | 2006 | 16924929 |
inhibitory effects of some spice and herb extracts against arcobacter butzleri, a. cryaerophilus, and a. skirrowii. | seventeen spice and medicinal plant extracts (methanol and chloroform) were assayed for their antimicrobial activity against arcobacter butzleri, a. cryaerophilus, and a. skirrowii. in general, all of the tested extracts were able, to a different extent, to inhibit the growth of the selected arcobacter species. cinnamon, bearberry, chamomile, sage and rosemary extracts showed strong antimicrobial activity toward arcobacter strains tested. overall, the methanol extracts showed better activity tha ... | 2006 | 16972127 |
development of a multiplex and real time pcr assay for the specific detection of arcobacter butzleri and arcobacter cryaerophilus. | a new multiplex pcr and two specific taqman assays were developed to target the emerging pathogens a. butzleri and a. cryaerophilus. the assays also included an internal control to verify the presence of bacterial target dna and amplification integrity. the multiplex assay used a published primer set (cry1 and cry2) for detecting a. cryaerophilus dna (houf, k., tutenel, a., de zutter, l., van hoof, j. and vandamme, p., 2000. development of a multiplex pcr assay for the simultaneous detection and ... | 2007 | 17055091 |
nucleotide sequence of the gyra gene of arcobacter species and characterization of human ciprofloxacin-resistant clinical isolates. | the nucleotide sequence of the gyra gene of arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, arcobacter cibarius, and arcobacter skirrowii was determined. the deduced gyra proteins are closely related to those of wolinella succinogenes and helicobacter pullorum, whereas those of campylobacter species showed less sequence identity. the phylogenetic analysis of gyra sequences provides a result similar to 16s rrna gene sequence phylogenetic analysis and allows the discrimination among a. butzleri spe ... | 2007 | 17378897 |
a pcr-dgge method for detection and identification of campylobacter, helicobacter, arcobacter and related epsilobacteria and its application to saliva samples from humans and domestic pets. | to develop a pcr-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (pcr-dgge) method for the detection and identification of campylobacter, helicobacter and arcobacter species (epsilobacteria) in clinical samples and evaluate its efficacy on saliva samples from humans and domestic pets. | 2007 | 17916160 |
detection and genotyping of arcobacter and campylobacter isolates from retail chicken samples by use of dna oligonucleotide arrays. | to explore the use of dna microarrays for pathogen detection in food, we produced dna oligonucleotide arrays to simultaneously determine the presence of arcobacter and the presence of campylobacter in retail chicken samples. probes were selected that target housekeeping and virulence-associated genes in both arcobacter butzleri and thermotolerant campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. these microarrays showed a high level of probe specificity; the signal intensities detected for a. butzler ... | 2007 | 17416693 |
the survival of three strains of arcobacter butzleri in the presence of lemon, orange and bergamot essential oils and their components in vitro and on food. | to test the effect of oils and vapours of lemon, sweet orange and bergamot and their components against three arcobacter butzleri strains. | 2007 | 17451515 |
prevalence and distribution of arcobacter species in various sources in turkey and molecular analysis of isolated strains by eric-pcr. | to determine the prevalence of arcobacter in various food, animal and water sources in turkey and to subtype the isolated strains using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (eric)-pcr. | 2007 | 17584450 |
identification of disulfide reductases in campylobacterales: a bioinformatics investigation. | disulfide reductases of host-colonising bacteria are involved in the expression of virulence factors, resistance to drugs, and elimination of toxic compounds. large-scale genome analyses of 281 prokaryotes identified cxxc and cxxc-derived motifs in each microorganism. the total number of these motifs showed correlations with genome size and oxygen tolerance of the prokaryotes. specific bioinformatic analyses served to identify putative disulfide reductases in the campylobacterales campylobacter ... | 2007 | 17588128 |
detection of arcobacter spp. in piggery effluent and effluent-irrigated soils in southeast queensland. | to investigate the occurrence and levels of arcobacter spp. in pig effluent ponds and effluent-treated soil. | 2007 | 17650202 |
development of a real-time fluorescence resonance energy transfer pcr to detect arcobacter species. | a real-time pcr targeting the gyrase a subunit gene outside the quinolone resistance-determining region has been developed to detect arcobacter species. the species identification was done by probe hybridization and melting curve analysis, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology. discrimination between arcobacter species was straightforward, as the corresponding melting points showed significant differences with the characteristic melting temperatures of 63.5 degrees c, 58.4 degr ... | 2007 | 17652482 |
the complete genome sequence and analysis of the epsilonproteobacterium arcobacter butzleri. | arcobacter butzleri is a member of the epsilon subdivision of the proteobacteria and a close taxonomic relative of established pathogens, such as campylobacter jejuni and helicobacter pylori. here we present the complete genome sequence of the human clinical isolate, a. butzleri strain rm4018. | 2007 | 18159241 |
antimicrobial resistance of arcobacter and campylobacter from broiler carcasses. | the antimicrobial resistance of arcobacter (n=174) and campylobacter (n=215) isolated from broiler carcasses in a us poultry processing plant was examined. for arcobacter, 93.7% (n=163) were resistant to one or more antimicrobials and 71.8% (n=125) were resistant to two or more antimicrobials. for campylobacter, 99.5% (n=214) were resistant to one or more antimicrobials and 28.4% (n=61) were resistant to two or more antimicrobials. arcobacter butzleri isolates were particularly resistant to clin ... | 2007 | 17303391 |
prevalence of arcobacter species in market-weight commercial turkeys. | the prevalence of arcobacter in live market weight turkeys was determined for six midwestern commercial flocks at three intervals. samples (n = 987) were collected from cloaca, feathers, ceca, crop, drinkers and environmental samples on farms and from carcasses at slaughter. initially, emjh-p80 and cva isolated arcobacter from 7.1% (40 of 564) of samples, while arcobacter enrichment broth and selective agar recovered the microbe in 4.7% of samples (23 of 489 samples). although emjh-p80 coupled w ... | 2007 | 17372847 |
the presence of arcobacter species in breeding hens and eggs from these hens. | the presence of arcobacter spp. in 2 breeding hen flocks was determined by examination of the intestinal tract, oviduct magnum mucosa, and ovarian follicles of slaughtered chicken. the bacteria were detected by pcr and cultural isolation in 34 out of 40 intestinal tracts from one flock (a) and 6 out of 30 from the other (b). the strains were arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and arcobacter skirrowii. from flock a, arcobacters were recovered from 6 out of 40 oviduct magnum mucosa sam ... | 2008 | 18931194 |
survival capacity in water of arcobacter species under different temperature conditions. | to assess the survival capacity in vitro of arcobacters in water at temperatures applied in the food industry. | 2008 | 18298536 |
presence of arcobacter spp. in environmental waters correlates with high levels of fecal pollution. | we investigated the presence of arcobacter spp. in 205 water samples of freshwater, seawater and sewage in spain. these bacteria were present in 55.1% of the samples (113/205) and were significantly associated for the first time with bacterial indicators of fecal pollution. the dominant species in the positive samples was arcobacter butzleri (94%) followed by arcobacter cryaerophilus (30%) and arcobacter skirrowii (1.8%). | 2008 | 18215159 |
inhibition of arcobacter butzleri, arcobacter cryaerophilus, and arcobacter skirrowii by plant oil aromatics. | the inhibitory effect of some plant oil aromatics against three strains of arcobacter butzleri, two strains of arcobacter cryaerophilus, and one strain of arcobacter skirrowii was evaluated. when mics were determined using the broth macrodilution method, cinnamaldehyde was most inhibitory followed by thymol, carvacrol, caffeic acid, tannic acid, and eugenol (p < 0.001). sublethal concentrations of the three most potent plant oil aromatics also were examined. overall, cinnamaldehyde was the most ... | 2008 | 18236678 |