
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[activity of polyphenoloxidases in the tissue of the cotton plant in relation to its resistance to the fungus verticillium albo-atrum]. 195114860036
resistance of hop stems to invasion by verticillium alboatrum. 195313054669
the pathogenicity of verticillium albo-atrum as affected by muck soil antagonists. 195813534298
oligosaccharide production from sucrose by verticillium albo-atrum. 196116655456
spontaneous and ultraviolet irradiation-induced mutants of verticillium albo-atrum. 196213875265
genetic recombination in the hop-wilt fungus verticillium albo-atrum. 196213905291
dark pigment formation in verticillium albo-atrum. 196414152847
carotenoid pigments in a mutant strain of verticillium albo-atrum reinke and berthold. 196414167850
carotenoids in mutants of verticillium albo-atrum. 19655894238
[weeds as host-plants for verticillium albo-atrum rke. et berth. including verticillium dahliae kleb]. 19665953031
fungicide selective for basidiomycetes.concentrations of 2,3-dihydro-5-carboxanilido-6-methyl-1,4-oxathiin lower than 8 parts per million prevented mycelial growth of a number of basidiomycetes. by contrast, mycelial growth of various other fungi-phycomycetes, ascomycetes, and deuteromycetes-was 50 percent inhibited only by concentrations of 32 ppm or higher. two exceptions to this pattern of selective fungitoxicity were found:an isolate of rhizoctonia solani was not as sensitive as other basidiomycetes, and the deuteromycete vertici ...196617780003
relative activities and characteristics of some oxidative respiratory enzymes from conidia of verticillium albo-atrum.conidia of verticillium albo-atrum reinke and berthold, collected from shake cultures grown in czapek broth, were sonified for 4 or 8 minutes or ground frozen in a mortar to obtain cell-free homogenates. these were assayed for certain enzymes associated with respiratory pathways. malic dehydrogenase was the most active, glucose-6-p and nadh dehydrogenase were less active, nadh-cytochrome c reductase, nadph dehydrogenase, and cytochrome oxidase were low in activity, and succinic dehydrogenase and ...196716656681
[antagonism of soil fungi to verticillium albo-atrum r. and b., agent of verticillium wilt of alfalfa]. 19676068176
effects of tannins on spore germination and growth of fusarium solani f. phaseoli and verticillium albo-atrum. 19675625600
formation of endospores in verticillium albo-atrum (r. & b.). 19685691147
carboxymethylcellulase production by verticillium albo-atrum. 19695815644
respiratory enzymes in the spores of verticillium albo-atrum. 19695393003
[the tracheomycosis agents verticillium albo-atrum rhe. et berth. and v. dahliae kleb. i. weeds as host plants]. 19695396110
[the tracheomycosis agents verticillium albo-atrum rke, et berth. and v. dahliae kleb. ii. weeds as infection reservoirs]. 19695396111
purification and characterization of endopolygalacturonase from verticillium albo-atrum. 19705531626
induction of cellulase (cx) in verticillium albo-atrum. 19705534499
the utilization of cellobiose by verticillium albo-atrum. 19705534500
growth regulator changes in cotton associated with defoliation caused by verticillium albo-atrum.cotton plants, variety acala 4-42 family 77 (gossypium hirsutum l.,), were stem puncture-inoculated with either a defoliating isolate (t9) or a nondefoliating isolate (ss4) of verticillium albo-atrum (reinke and berth.). as symptoms developed, growth regulators were assayed in diseased plants to discern their importance in the disease avena coleoptile straight growth bioassay demonstrated the presence of several growth-regulatory compounds in cotton tissue extracts. indoleacetic acid ...197016657316
influence of water activity, temperature, and their interaction on germination of verticillium albo-atrum conidia.conidia were germinated at three temperatures in media in which available water, expressed as water activity, was controlled at three levels. rate of germination in the basal medium (0.9964 water activity) was most rapid at 25 c and was inhibited at 15 and 30 c. lowering the water activity at a particular temperature decreased rates of germination. however, at a low water activity (0.9778) germination rate was greater at 30 c than at 25 c. thus, the effect of temperature on germination appears t ...197016657463
the fine structure of resting mycelium of verticillium albo-atrum r. & b. 19714110437
characterization of two polygalacturonases produced by verticillium albo-atrum. 19725065034
inhibition of verticillium albo-atrum cellulase. 19744472551
cellulolytic activity of verticillium albo-atrum. 19744609307
morphological variation in isolates of verticillium albo-atrum r. & b. 19744822785
soil fungistasis: elevation of the exogenous carbon and nitrogen requirements for spore germination by fungistatic volatiles in soils.axenic, washed conidia of fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli, aspergillus flavus, and verticillium albo-atrum were placed on washed difco purified agar discs along with an inorganic salt solution containing various levels of carbon and nitrogen substrates. these discs were exposed to volatiles from six soils (ph 5.1-8.6). fusarium solani macroconidial germination was inhibited mostly by volatiles from soils of ph 5.1, 6.1, 7.0, and 7.5, but high levels of glucose and nh4cl reversed this inhibition, ...1975135
effects of adenine and cytokinins on growth and protein kinase activity of verticillium albo-atrum.growth of verticillium albo-atrum in liquid czapek-dox broth was stimulated about four-fold by added 10 mm adenine, n6-benzyladenine, or kinetin. less stimulation was evident at lower concentrations. with none of these included in the basal growth medium, detectable protein kinase activity in cell-free extracts was low and responded minimally to camp (adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate) in the reaction mixture. with each of these compounds as an additive to the growth medium, protein kinase ac ...1976186711
influence of soil ph and calcium nutrition on resistance of alfalfa to bacterial and verticillium wilt.alfalfa plants of a resistant, a susceptible and a highly susceptible strains were grown in unlimed soil at ph 5.8 and in limed one at ph 6.9 and inoculated by the pathogens of vascular wilt, corynebacterium insidiosum and verticillium albo-atrum. two types of liming were performed: 1) before inoculation and 2) after inoculation. liming of the soil led to an increase in number of resistant plants. in susceptible plants the external symptoms of disease on the plant tops were delayed or alleviated ...197832703
the influence of pratylenchus penetrans on the incidence and severity of verticillium wilt of potato.the influence of pratylenchus penetrans on the incidence and severity of verticillium wilt was examined in the potato cultivars 'kennebec', 'katahdin', and 'abnaki'. single-stem plants were grown in soil maintained at a temperature of 22 +/- 1 c. axenically cultured nematodes were suspended in water and introduced to the soil, at a rate of ca 5,000/25.4-cm pot, through holes made around each stem. ten days after infestation with nematodes, conidial suspensions of verticillium albo-atrum were int ...197819305819
diterpene biosynthesis in maize seedlings in response to fungal infection.a cell-free system which catalyzes the biosynthesis of terpene hydrocarbons when supplemented with mevalonate, mn(2+), and atp was prepared from the scutellum-embryonic axis region of maize seedlings. the capacity of this system for the production of terpene hydrocarbons was enhanced 50- to 100-fold when the seedlings were exposed for 48 hours to the fungus rhizopus stolonifer prior to tissue homogenization. the fungi aspergillus niger, fusarium moniliforme, and verticillium albo-atrum also elic ...197916660976
effect of ditylenchus dipsaci and pratylenchus penetrans on verticillium wilt of alfalfa.verticillium albo-atrum wilt symptoms appeared faster and were significantly more severe in the presence of ditylenchus dipsaci in vernal, a wilt-susceptible cultivar, than in marls kabul, a wilt-resistant cultivar. winter kill in the field was not affected by the nematode during the first winter, but 50% of plants were killed in the second winter. forage yield from nematode-infected plants was significantly reduced the second year. interaction with v. albo-atrum did not significantly reduce for ...198719290158
isolation of pathogen-synthesized fraction that elicits phytoalexins in lucerne (medicago sativa l.).the production of phytoalexins by lucerne cultivars dupuits (susceptible to verticillium wilt) and maris kabul (resistant to verticillum wilt) in response to substances (= elicitors) produced by pathogenic and non-pathogenic isolates of verticillium albo-atrum was investigated. the elicitors are produced in culture filtrates from log-phase and past log-phase stages. the elicitors were isolated by gel-filtration and found to contain both protein and carbohydrate. they were found to be thermostabl ...19873454086
occupational asthma in tomato growers following an outbreak of the fungus verticillium albo-atrum in the crop. 19883374105
ultrastructural study of galacturonic acid distribution in some pathogenic fungi using gold-complexed aplysia depilans gonad lectin.aplysia gonad lectin, isolated from the mollusc aplysia depilans, was successfully conjugated to colloidal gold and used for ultrastructural detection of galacturonic acids in some pathogenic fungi. these sugar residues were found to occur in the fibrillar sheath surrounding hyphal cells of ascocalyx abietina and in intravacuolar dense inclusions of this fungus spores. in hyphae and spores of ophiostoma ulmi, galacturonic acids were detected mainly in the outermost wall layers. in contrast, thes ...19892659155
plant-parasitic nematodes and fungi associated with root rot of peas on prince edward island.eight commercial pea fields on prince edward island were sampled in june and july over a 2-year period (1986-87) to determine soil population densities and the incidence of nematodes and fungi associated with root rot of peas. root lesion nematodes (pratylenchus spp.) were the dominant endoparasitic nematodes recovered from roots and soil. low populations of the northern root-knot nematode (meloidogyne hapla) were also present. tylenchorhynchus spp. and paratylenchus spp. were recovered frequent ...199019287779
differential activation of expression of a suberization-associated anionic peroxidase gene in near-isogenic resistant and susceptible tomato lines by elicitors of verticillium albo-atratrum.we tested whether the expression of the suberization-associated anionic peroxidase gene is involved in the timely appearance of the vascular suberized coating involved in the resistance of a tomato line to verticillium albo-atrum. the mrna for this peroxidase appeared at a higher level one day earlier in wound-healing fruits of the resistant tomato line than in a near-isogenic susceptible line. cell cultures from the resistant line, when treated with low levels (nanograms per milliliter) of fung ...199016667260
phenylalanine ammonia-lyase from tomato cell cultures inoculated with verticillium albo-atrum.tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.) cell suspension cultures accumulated wall-bound phenolic materials in response to inoculation with verticillium albo-atrum reinke et berth. in a fashion analogous to that observed in whole plants. both monomeric and polymeric materials were recovered. deposition of phenolics into the cell walls of inoculated tomato cell cultures was inhibited by the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (pal) inhibitor, 2-amino-2-indanephosphate. tomato pal activity was induced over ...199116668576
chemical characterization of stress-induced vascular coating in tomato.indirect evidence suggests that vascular coatings formed by plants in response to stress consist of suberin-like substances containing lipid and phenolic compounds. to provide more direct chemical evidence that coatings are suberin, we used a natural pathogen, verticillium albo-atrum, or a stress-responsive hormone, abscisic acid, to induce coating in two isolines of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum l. cultivar craigella) that are resistant or susceptible to the pathogen. using treated petioles t ...199116668431
reduced pal gene suppression in verticillium-infected resistant tomato, resistance to the wilt fungus verticillium albo-atrum is determined primarily by the ve locus. when two tomato near-isolines which differ at this locus and in their susceptibility to the pathogen were compared, more rapid suberin coating in the xylem of resistant plants correlated closely with a more rapid increase in the activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (pal; ec, an enzyme which is essential to the suberization process. in contrast, levels of mrna did not increase pro ...19921731993
developmental and tissue-specific expression of a tomato anionic peroxidase (tap1) gene by a minimal promoter, with wound and pathogen induction by an additional 5'-flanking region.the tomato anionic peroxidase genes (tap1 and tap2) are induced by wounding and pathogen attack. the 5'-flanking region of tap1 confers wound- and pathogen-inducible beta-glucuronidase (gus) expression in tobacco plants transformed with a tap1/gus chimeric fusion gene construct. a series of nested 5' promoter deletions in the tap1/gus fusion gene construct was created, and introduced into tobacco protoplasts via polyethylene glycol-mediated dna transfer. a -202 construct (where the transcription ...19938329686
evidence that generation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate are rapid responses following addition of fungal elicitor which induces phytoalexin synthesis in lucerne (medicago sativa) suspension culture cells.treatment of lucerne suspension culture cells with glycoprotein elicitor from the phytopathogenic fungus verticillium albo-atrum r & b triggers ca(2+)-mediated induction of antimicrobial secondary metabolites termed phytoalexins. the present study investigated the possible role of polyphosphoinositide signal transduction in phytoalexin elicitation. within 1 min of addition of elicitor to lucerne suspension culture cells we found a 100-160% (15-25 pmol/g fresh wt) increase in the level of compoun ...19938394100
pcr primers that allow intergeneric differentiation of ascomycetes and their application to verticillium spp.a pair of conserved pcr primers, designated nms1 and nms2, that amplify a region in the mitochondrial small rrna gene region were designed for fungi belonging to the class ascomycetes. these primers were tested with members of eight fungal genera (aspergillus, fusarium, magnaporthe, mycospharella, neurospora, saccharomyces, sclerotinia, verticillium) and 10 verticillium species (verticillium albo-atrum, verticillium chlamydosporium, verticillium cinnebarium, verticillium dahliae, verticillium fu ...19947811072
antimicrobial activities of streptomyces pulcher, s. canescens and s. citreofluorescens against fungal and bacterial pathogens of tomato in vitro.thirty-seven actinomycete species isolated from fertile cultivated soils in egypt were screened for the production of antimicrobial compounds against a variety of test organisms. most of the isolates exhibited antimicrobial activities against gram-positive, gram-negative, and acid-fast bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi, with special attention to fungal and bacterial pathogens of tomato. on starch-nitrate agar, 14 strains were active against fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (the cause of ...19969131789
adaptation of proteases and carbohydrates of saprophytic, phytopathogenic and entomopathogenic fungi to the requirements of their ecological niches.the abilities of isolates of saprophytes (neurospora crassa, aspergillus nidulans), an opportunistic human pathogen (aspergillus fumigatus), an opportunistic insect pathogen (aspergillus flavus), plant pathogens (verticillium albo-atrum, verticillium dahliae, nectria haematococca), a mushroom pathogen (verticillium fungicola) and entomopathogens (verticillium lecanii, beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae) to utilize plant cell walls and insect cuticle components in different nutrient media ...19979202474
conserved core structure in the internal transcribed spacer 1 of the schizosaccharomyces pombe precursor ribosomal rna.the structure of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (its1) in schizosaccharomyces pombe was examined with respect to phylogenetically conserved features in yeasts as well as the binding of transacting factors that potentially play a role in ribosomal maturation. computer analyses and probes for nuclease protection indicate a compact, more highly organized structure than previously proposed in saccharomyces cerevisiae, with distinct structural features which can be recognized in s. cerevisiae. the ...19989878354
contribution to the study of the chemical composition of verticillium albo-atrum secretions in liquid media.verticillium albo-atrum culture filtrates contain numerous metabolites such as enzymes and toxins. their purification was carried out by high phase liquid chromatography (hplc). in this study, we set out to look for other lighter metabolites that could be identified by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (gc-ms). the analyses revealed the presence of many volatile chemical compounds, some of which are of great economic interest such as methyl paraben, propyl paraben tethane and xylen ...199816284839
ultrastructural and cytochemical aspects of the interaction between the mycoparasite pythium oligandrum and soilborne plant pathogens.abstract the interaction between the oomycete pythium oligandrum and various soilborne oomycete and fungal plant pathogens (p. ultimum, p. aphanidermatum, fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici, verticillium albo-atrum, rhizoctonia solani, and phytophthora megasperma) was studied by light and electron microscopy in order to assess the relative contribution of mycoparasitism and antibiosis in the antagonistic process. scanning electron microscope investigations of the interaction regions s ...199918944723
investigation of bioactivity of extracts from moroccan solitary tunicate cynthia savignyi.extracts of the tunicate cynthia savignyi from the moroccan atlantic sea have been investigated in five bioassays. the first is an antibacterial test against escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus and agrobacterium tumefaciens; the second is an antifungal test against three tomato pathogenic fungi, botrytis cinerea, fusarium oxysporum and verticillium albo-atrum; the third is a test based to the ability to reduce dna peak size in procedures using an hplc system for detec ...199910624861
methoxybifurcarenone: an antifungal and antibacterial meroditerpenoid from the brown alga cystoseira tamariscifolia.a meroditerpenoid metabolite has been isolated from the brown alga cystoseira tamariscifolia and characterized as methoxybifurcarenone, by spectral analysis. methoxybifurcarenone possesses antifungal activity against three tomato pathogenic fungi: botrytis cinerea, fusarium oxysporum sp. mycopersici and verticillium alboatrum and antibacterial activity against agrobacterium tumefaciens and escherichia coli.199910466223
taxonomic status of putative verticillum alboatrum isolates.two fungal isolates, formerly classified as verticillium alboatrum and proposed as forming the basis of a new sub-group ('group 2') within the species, have been shown to be non-pathogenic to known hosts of v. alboatrum and, on the basis of molecular evidence, to be closely related to verticillium psalliotae and verticillium fungicola. we propose that the taxon v. alboatrum be confined to those closely related isolates, usually plant pathogenic and usually producing dark resting mycelium, referr ...19999919670
isolation and bioactivities of epidioxysterol from the tunicate cynthia savignyi.from a hexane extract of the tunicate cynthia savignyi, collected in morocco, epidioxysterol or 5,8-alpha-epidioxy-5alpha-cholest-6-en-3beta-ol has been isolated. this is the first example of epidioxysterol found in the tunicate c. savignyi. the structure of epidioxysterol has been characterised by nmr data (1h, 13c and 2d). epidioxysterol possesses antifungal activity against three tomato pathogenic fungi: botrytis cinerea, fusarium oxysporum and verticillium albo atrum and antibacterial activi ...200011204751
tomato ve disease resistance genes encode cell surface-like tomato, ve is implicated in race-specific resistance to infection by verticillium species causing crop disease. characterization of the ve locus involved positional cloning and isolation of two closely linked inverted genes. expression of individual ve genes in susceptible potato plants conferred resistance to an aggressive race 1 isolate of verticillium albo-atrum. the deduced primary structure of ve1 and ve2 included a hydrophobic n-terminal signal peptide, leucine-rich repeats containing 2 ...200111331751
streptomyces plicatus as a model biocontrol agent.three hundred and seventy two isolates belonging to the genus streptomyces were isolated and screened for chitinase production. streptomyces plicatus was found to be the best producer. the highest chitinase production were incubated for 3 d at 30 degrees c on buffered culture medium (ph 8.0) containing chitin plus sucrose and calcium nitrate as carbon and nitrogen sources. s. plicatus chitinase had a highly significant inhibitory effect on spore germination, germ tube elongation and radial growt ...200111830942
molecular evidence that verticillium ablo-atrum grp 2 isolates are distinct from v. albo-atrum grp 1 and v. tricorpus.summary verticillium species-specific primers were used in a polymerase chain reaction to differentiate between verticillium albo-atrum groups and v. tricorpus. amplification with species-specific primers identified 21 isolates from the 64 v. albo-atrum isolates tested as grp2. genome analysis using rapds and restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) of the intergenic (igs) region of the rdna showed that v. albo-atrum grp2 isolate were genetically distinct from either v. albo-atrum grp1 or ...200220569311
design and development of a dna array for rapid detection and identification of multiple tomato vascular wilt pathogens.fusarium wilt, caused by fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, and verticillium wilt, caused by either verticillium albo-atrum or verticillium dahliae, are devastating diseases of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum) found worldwide. monitoring is the cornerstone of integrated pest management of any disease. the lack of rapid, accurate, and reliable means by which plant pathogens can be detected and identified is one of the main limitations in integrated disease management. in this paper, we descri ...200312799009
a molecular basis for the endo-beta 1,3-glucanase activity of the thaumatin-like proteins from edible fruits.fruit-specific thaumatin-like proteins were isolated from cherry, apple and banana, and their enzymatic and antifungal activities compared. both the apple and cherry possess a moderate endo-beta 1,3-glucanase activity but are devoid of antifugal activity. in contrast, the banana thaumatin-like protein inhibits the in vitro hyphal growth of verticillium albo-atrum but is virtually devoid of endo-beta 1,3-glucanase activity. both structural and molecular modeling studies showed that all three thau ...200312765782
rapid detection and identification of tomato vascular wilt pathogens using a dna array.fusarium wilt, caused by fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, and verticillium wilt, caused by either verticillium albo-atrum or v. dahliae, are devastating diseases of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum mill.) found worldwide. monitoring is the cornerstone of integrated pest management of any disease. the lack of rapid, accurate, and reliable means by which plant pathogens can be detected and identified is one of the main limitations in integrated disease management. in this paper, we describe t ...200315151292
cynthichlorine: a bioactive alkaloid from the tunicate cynthia savignyi.from ether extracts of the tunicate cynthia savignyi, collected in morocco, a new alkaloid-cynthichlorine-has been isolated. the structure of cynthichlorine has been characterized by extensive 2d-nmr data. cynthichlorine possesses antifungal activity against two tomato pathogenic fungi: botrytis cinerea and verticillium albo atrum and antibacterial activity against agrobacterium radiobacter, escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa and cytotoxicity against artemia salina larvae.200314630251
phylogenetic analysis of verticillium species based on nuclear and mitochondrial sequences.three different genes were sequenced from isolates of five plant-pathogenic verticillium species, verticillium albo-atrum, verticillium dahliae, verticillium longisporum, verticillium nigrescens, and verticillium tricorpus. the sequences covered parts of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene ( cob), the mitochondrial small subunit rrna gene ( rns) and the nuclear its2 region. when the sequences were combined, the five species clustered in five monophyletic groups, with v. nigrescens distantly rela ...200415138663
mapping genes for resistance to verticillium albo-atrum in tetraploid and diploid potato populations using haplotype association tests and genetic linkage analysis.verticillium wilt disease of potato is caused predominantly by verticillium albo-atrum and v. dahliae. stve1 -a putative qtl for resistance against v. dahliae -was previously mapped to potato chromosome 9. to develop allele-specific, snp-based markers within the locus, the stve1 fragment from a set of 30 north american potato cultivars was analyzed. three distinct and highly diverse haplotypes can be distinguished at the stve1 locus. these were detected in 97%, 33%, and 10% of the cultivars anal ...200415107986
evaluation of nostoc strain atcc 53789 as a potential source of natural pesticides.the cyanobacterium nostoc strain atcc 53789, a known cryptophycin producer, was tested for its potential as a source of natural pesticides. the antibacterial, antifungal, insecticidal, nematocidal, and cytotoxic activities of methanolic extracts of the cyanobacterium were evaluated. among the target organisms, nine fungi (armillaria sp., fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis, penicillium expansum, phytophthora cambivora, p. cinnamomi, rhizoctonia solani, rosellinia, sp., sclerotinia sclerotiorum, an ...200415184126
quantitative assessment of phytopathogenic fungi in various substrates using a dna macroarray.detection, identification and quantification of plant pathogens are the cornerstones of preventive plant disease management. to detect multiple pathogens in a single assay, dna array technology currently is the most suitable technique. however, for sensitive detection, polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification before array hybridization is required. to evaluate whether dna array technology can be used to simultaneously detect and quantify multiple pathogens, a dna macroarray was designed and ...200516232285
phylogeny of certain biocontrol agents with special reference to nematophagous fungi based on rapd.a number of phylogenetic studies have been carried out on biocontrol agents having similar biological control activity. however, no work has been carried out to determine the phylogenetic relationship amongst various groups of biological control agents with varied biocontrol properties. our aim was to derive a phylogenetic relationship between diverse biocontrol agents belonging to the deuteromycetes and determine its correlation with their spore morphology and their biocontrol activity. rapd wa ...200516628936
[inhibitory effects of natural plant extracts on verticillium albo-atrum].this paper studied the inhibitory effects of 54 kinds of ethanol-extracted plant solutions on verticillium albo-atrum. the results showed that 15 kinds of these extracts could inhibit the growth of verticillium albo-atrum mycelium, with an inhibitory rate more than 50%, among which, the inhibitory rate of asarum sieboldii, coptis chinensis, magnolia officinalis, acacia catechu, sophora flavescens, glycyrrhiza uralensis, cnidium monnieri, platycodon grandiflorum and allium. cepa. extracts was hig ...200616964957
development of a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for quantifying verticillium albo-atrum dna in resistant and susceptible alfalfa.abstract a precise real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed for quantifying verticillium albo-atrum dna. the assay was used in a repeated experiment to examine the relationship between the quantity of pathogen dna detected in infected leaves and shoots and the severity of verticillium wilt symptoms in several alfalfa cultivars expressing a range of disease symptoms. plants were visually inspected for symptoms and rated using a disease severity index ranging from 1 to 5, and ...200718943523
endophyte-induced verticillium protection in tomato is range-restricted.endophytes, bacterial, fungal or viral, colonize plants often without causing visible symptoms. more important, they may benefit host plants in many ways, most notably by preventing diseases caused by normally virulent pathogens. previous studies have shown that an isolate of v. dahliae from eggplant, dvd-e6, can colonize tomato endophytically, producing taller and more robust tomato plants while providing protection against a virulent v. dahliae, race 1 (vd1) isolate. expression analyses sugges ...200919649201
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 may 2009-31 july 2009.this article documents the addition of 512 microsatellite marker loci and nine pairs of single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) sequencing primers to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: alcippe morrisonia morrisonia, bashania fangiana, bashania fargesii, chaetodon vagabundus, colletes floralis, coluber constrictor flaviventris, coptotermes gestroi, crotophaga major, cyprinella lutrensis, danaus plexippus, fagus grandifolia, falco tinnunculus, fle ...200921564933
dna sequence analysis of conserved genes reveals hybridization events that increase genetic diversity in verticillium dahliae.the hybrid origin of a verticillium dahliae isolate belonging to the vegetative compatibility group (vcg) 3 is reported in this work. moreover, new data supporting the hybrid origin of two v. dahliae var. longisporum (vdlsp) isolates are provided as well as information about putative parentals. thus, isolates of vdlsp and v. dahliae vcg3 were found harboring multiple sequences of actin (act), β-tubulin (β-tub), calmodulin (cal) and histone 3 (h3) genes. phylogenetic analysis of these sequences, ...201020943131
genome-wide prediction of g protein-coupled receptors in verticillium spp.g protein-coupled receptors (gpcrs) are critical factors in regulating morphogenesis, mating, infection and virulence in fungi. in this study, various computational strategies were applied to identify gpcr-like proteins from the genomes of both verticillium dahliae and verticillium albo-atrum. the putative gpcrs were distributed over 13 classes, and significantly, three of those represented novel classes of gpcr-like proteins in fungi. the three novel gpcrs had high levels of identity to their c ...201020943146
investigating agrobacterium-mediated transformation of verticillium albo-atrum on plant surfaces.agrobacterium tumefaciens has long been known to transform plant tissue in nature as part of its infection process. this natural mechanism has been utilised over the last few decades in laboratories world wide to genetically manipulate many species of plants. more recently this technology has been successfully applied to non-plant organisms in the laboratory, including fungi, where the plant wound hormone acetosyringone, an inducer of transformation, is supplied exogenously. in the natural envir ...201021060684
(-)-sclerotiorin from an unidentified marine fungus as an anti-meiotic and anti-fungal agent.(-)-sclerotiorin, isolated and purified from the fermented broth of an unidentified marine fungus (98f134), inhibited the maturation of starfish oocytes induced by 1-methyl adenine with an ic50 value of 0.50 microm. (-)-sclerotiorin also showed antifungal activity against saccharomyces cerevisiae, aspergilus fumigatus, alternaria longipes, piricularia oryzae, verticillium albo-atrum, fusarium culmorum, and f. nivale with ic50 values less than 20 microg/ml.201021213982
interfamily transfer of tomato ve1 mediates verticillium resistance in arabidopsis.vascular wilts caused by soil-borne fungal species of the verticillium genus are devastating plant diseases. the most common species, v. dahliae and v. albo-atrum, have broad host ranges and are notoriously difficult to control. therefore, genetic resistance is the preferred method for disease control. only from tomato (solanum lycopersicum) a verticillium resistance locus has been cloned, comprising the ve1 gene that encodes a receptor-like protein-type cell surface receptor. due to lack of a s ...201121617027
[mixed infection caused by meloidogyne and pathogenic fungi on siraitia grosvenorii].to study the mixed infection caused by meloidogyne and pathogenic fungi on siraitia grosvenorii,the result can provide basis for controltion.201121818963
a resource for the in silico identification of fungal polyketide synthases from predicted fungal proteomes.the goal of this study was to develop a tool specifically designed to identify iterative polyketide synthases (ipkss) from predicted fungal proteomes. a fungi-based pks prediction model, specifically for fungal ipkss, was developed using profile hidden markov models (phmms) based on two essential ipks domains, the β-ketoacyl synthase (ks) domain and acyltransferase (at) domain, derived from fungal ipkss. this fungi-based pks prediction model was initially tested on the well-annotated proteome of ...201122112245
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