
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
feline leukemia and sarcoma viruses: susceptibility of human cells to infection.human embryonic cells are highly susceptible to infection with feline leukemia and sarcoma viruses. these viruses were propagated in human cultures without antigenic modification or loss of infectivity for cat or human cells. virus stocks contained at least 10(6) infectious units of virus per milliliter for human cells. virus present in 10(-6) dilution of virus stock replicated to detectable amounts as early as 7 days after virus infection. the feline sarcoma virus induced morphological transfor ...19705441683
transformation and productive infection of human osteosarcoma cells by a feline sarcoma virus. 19714325140
correlation between humoral antibody and regression of tumours induced by feline sarcoma virus. 19714939178
in vitro isolation and characterization of the ga strain of feline sarcoma virus. 19715003009
st feline sarcoma virus. biological characteristics and in vitro propagation. 19715003010
mechanism of carcinogenesis by rna tumour viruses: the rna-and dna-dependent dna polymerase activities of feline sarcoma virus. 19715166273
feline sarcoma virus tumor induction in cats and dogs. 19715103501
the sm strain of feline sarcoma virus. biologic and antigenic characterization of virus. 19725057599
tumor induction in squirrel monkeys by the st strain of feline sarcoma virus. 19724342616
relationship between humoral antibodies and the failure to develop progressive tumors in cats injected with feline sarcoma virus (fsv). 19734360194
transformation of baboon cells with feline sarcoma virus. 19734361814
attempted induction of sarcoma in a cape chacma baboon with the snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus. 19734197095
simian sarcoma virus: oncogenicity, focus assay, presence of associated virus, and comparison with avian and feline sarcoma virus-induced neoplasia in marmoset monkeys. 19734360159
structural characteristics and nucleotide sequence analysis of genomic rna from rd-114 virus and feline rna tumor viruses.the results of molecular hybridization experiments have demonstrated that the rna genome of rd-114 virus has extensive nucleotide sequence homology with the rna genome of crandell virus, an endogenous type c virus of cats, but only limited homology with the rna genomes of feline sarcoma virus and feline leukemia virus. the genomic rnas of rd-114 virus and crandell virus also had identical sedimentation coefficients of 50s. a structural rearrangement of genomic rna did not exist within released r ...19734358162
cyclic-3', 5'-amp-dependent and independent protein kinase levels in normal and feline sarcoma virus transformed cells. 19734351301
continuing studies of feline sarcoma virus-induced tumors in nonhuman primates. 19734360157
tumours induced in sheep by injecting cells transformed in vitro with feline sarcoma virus. 19744588154
rescue of cell-transforming virus from a non-virus-producing bovine cell culture transformed by feline sarcoma virus. 19744361178
mammalian sarcoma-leukemia viruses. i. infection of feline, bovine, and human cell cultures with snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus. 19744361179
transformation of horse skin cells by type-c sarcoma viruses.a horse skin cell line (e. derm, nbl-6, ccl-57) was susceptible to focus formation by the kirsten mouse sarcoma virus, feline sarcoma virus (st stain) and the msv pseudotypes with woolly monkey, gibbon monkey, rd-114, at-124, baboon placenta and murine xenotropic (balb/c 3t3 and c57l/jd) type-c viruses. foci were detected within 5 days after infection and the transformed cells continued to produce infectious virus and group-specific antigen of their respective type-c leukemia viruses. the transf ...1975165152
a biochemical and genetic analysis of mammalian rna-containing sarcoma viruses.current studies have shown that all mammalian sarcoma-producing viruses, whether isolated from laboratory experiments of naturally occurring tumors, are deletion mutants of replicating mammalian type c viruses. nonproducer cells transformed by any of these sarcoma viruses contain rna homologous to mammalian leukemia viruses, even though the cells contain no known proteins currently coded for by the mammalian leukemia virus. this mammalian leukemia virus information (ft-) is a genetically stable ...1975169043
determination of subgroup-specific feline oncornavirus-neutralizing antibody.a microneutralization assay was developed for antibody-to-subgroup-specific feline oncornaviruses. this study combines the economic advantage of a microtiter system and the quantitative focus reduction method which permits contruction of multiplicity curves for determination of virus-neutralizing titers. a twofold increase in synder-theilen feline sarcoma virus (st-fesv) on feline embryo cells decreased by approximately twofold the titer of reference goat serum prepared against kawakami-theilen ...1975173656
regression of feline sarcoma virus-induced sarcomas in dogs. ii. immunologic investigations.the serial development of cell-mediated immunity (cmi), cytotoxic antibody activity, serum blocking activity, and virus-neutralizing antibody levels were monitored in vitro for beagle and mongrel puppies inoculated with feline sarcoma virus (fesv) and were compared to in vivo histologic markers of regression of induced sarcomas. cmi developed rapidly and maintained a high level of in vitro activity throughout the tumor life-span. cytotoxic antibody levels similarly rose rapidly to peak just befo ...197546276
immunological studies of tumors induced in sheep by injecting ovine cells transformed in vitro with feline sarcoma virus. 1975183703
quantitative nucleotide sequence relationships of mammalian rna tumor viruses.a molecular hybridization technique has been used to quantitatively measure the nucleotide sequence relationships of selected mammalian rna tumor viruses. reciprocal cross-hybridization tests were done in which a given radioactively labeled, viral genomic rna species was annealed with an excess of unlabeled, complementary dna product synthesized in endogenously instructed reverse transcriptase reactions. hybrid formation was measured with pancreatic rnase a. three representative mammalian rna tu ...197549442
regression of feline sarcoma virus-induced sarcomas in dogs. i. morphologic a study of morphologic changes in the development and regression of feline sarcoma virus (fesv)-induced tumors in dogs, 27 weaned and newborn beagle and mongrel puppies were inoculated with fesv in doses from 1.0 to 3.0 geq; 2 beagle and 2 mongrel puppies were used as uninoculated contact controls. all animals were examined daily, and crude tumor volume was calculated from length, width, and depth measurements of the neoplasms. biopsies were done at various stages of tumor development and reg ...19751113321
feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen. v. humoral immune response to virus and cell membrane antigens in cats inoculated with gardner-arnstein feline sarcoma virus.tumor growth responses in 5- to 6-week-old kittens inoculated with the gardner-arnstein strain of feline sarcoma virus exhibited three distinct pattern: 1) complete tumor regression or no detectable tumor growth in approximately one-third of 43 inoculated kittens, 2) rapid tumor progression which led to debilitation and death within 16.2 +/- 4.2 weeks following infection in an additional one-third, and 3) slow tumor growth or temporary regressions in the remaining third. the feline oncornavirus- ...19751206756
replication of feline sarcoma virus in cat embryonic kidney cells in the absence of transformation.the infection of cat embryonic kidney cells (crc) with gardner and snyder-theilen strains of feline sarcoma viruses (ga-fesv and st-fesv) do not lead to transformation and focus formation. the focus forming insusceptibility is shown to be stable and nontransmissable property of these cells. however, the crc cells are permissive for st-fesv, and the viral production is 10 to 100 folds lower than in focus forming susceptible cat cells. produced st-fesv(c) by crc cells induced on cat embryonic cell ...19751214923
influence of glucocorticoid, estrogen, and androgen hormones on transformation of human cells in vitro by feline sarcoma virus.infection of human foreskin cells (d-550) by the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus produced small but countable foci and demonstrated "single-hit" dose-response kinetics. significant quantitative and qualitative enhancement of focus formation was observed when the glucocorticoid hormones, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, cortisol acetate, and prednisolone were added to cell cultures (1.0 mug/ml) 24 hr postinfection. however, aldosterone, while inducing qualitatively larger foci, did no ...19761268852
experimental oncornavirus vaccines in the experimental approach to the immunoprophylatic control of feline oncornavirus-mediated diseases has included induction of antivirus immunity and antibodies to the feline oncornavirus-associated membrane (tumor) antigens. a suitable model for exploring the effectiveness of killed oncornavirus vaccines in the cat has been provided by the use of feline sarcoma virus. immunization of seven pregnant queens over a 6-week period with ultraviolet light-inactivated gardner-arnstein feline sarcoma viru ...1976943234
immune response to leukemia virus and tumor-associated antigens in cats.cats represent an unusually valuable model for studying the role of the immune response to leukemia, lymphoma, and other mesodermal neoplasms. the agents that cause spontaneous feline leukemias, lymphomas, and fibrosarcomas, the feline leukemia and sarcoma viruses, are well characterized. a specific tumor cell membrane antigen, designated the feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen (focma) has also been described. feline leukemia and feline sarcoma viruses are antigenically indistin ...197656224
immunization against feline oncarnavirus disease using a killed tumor cell vaccine.specific pathogen-free cats were immunized with an inactivated feline oncornavirus tumor cell vaccine. immunized cats produced high antibody titers to the feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen and were protected from oncogenic feline sarcoma virus challenge. however, immunization did not produce virus-neutralizing antibody nor did it prevent viremia.1976182360
susceptibility of xeroderma pigmentosum cells to transformation by murine and feline sarcoma viruses.among various strains of skin fibroblasts tested, two strains derived from xeroderma pigmentosum (xp) patients (ages 19 and 25) with neurological complications and two strains obtained from heterozygotes (ages 54 and 18) showed relatively higher susceptibility than normal age-matched controls to transformation by feline sarcoma virus (fsv). only one strain from a normal individual also showed a high susceptibility. generally, there was a parallelism in susceptibilities to fsv and kirsten murine ...1976184947
defectiveness of a feline sarcoma virus demonstrable by the acquisition of a new envelope antigenic type by phenotypic mixing. 1977193272
feline leukemia virus: biochemical and immunological characterization of gag gene-coded structural proteins.the major non-glycosylated structural proteins of feline leukemia virus have been isolated, and competition immunoassays have been developed for each. these proteins include the 27,000- to 30,000-molecular-weight major internal antigen designated p30, a 15,000-molecular-weight protein (p15), an acidic protein of 12,000 molecular weight (p12), and a highly basic 10,000-molecular-weight protein (p10). immunologically and biochemically corresponding proteins of feline and murine leukemia viruses ha ...1977197262
abrogation of resistance to feline oncornavirus disease by immunization with killed feline leukemia virus.four-week-old specific-pathogen-free cats were immunized with a combined vaccine composed of killed feline leukemia virus and killed feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen-containing tumor cells. immunization induced feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen antibody titers ranging from 1:32 to 1:256 but did not elicit detectable virus-neutralizing antibody titers. kittens immunized with tumor cells alone developed higher feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane anti ...197767886
feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen: evidence for an immunologically crossreactive feline sarcoma virus-coded protein.the feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen (focma) acts as a target for natural immuno-surveillance against tumor development in the cat. in the present study, mink and rat cells nonproductively transformed by feline sarcoma virus (fesv) were shown to express focma as well as 5'-terminal feline leukemia virus (felv) gag gene proteins, p15 and p12. in contrast, such cells lack detectable levels of other felv gag gene-coded proteins or the env gene product, gp70. focma, p15, and p12 ...1977202959
[model studies on virus-induced tumors and their immunological treatment (author's transl)].after a review of the general biological properties of c-type oncorna viruses, results are presented on the structure of an exogenous murine leukemia virus (flv) and on the serobiological properties of its structural proteins. our findings suggested a major role of the viral surface glycoprotein gp71 in immunological defense mechanisms. this was confirmed by vaccination experiments with isolated gp71 in mice. the induced immunity was highly specific and not operative against endogenous murine c- ...1977198602
relationship between feline leukemia virus antigen expression and viral infectivity in blood, bone marrow, and saliva of cats.correlation was greater than 90% between feline leukemia virus (felv), group-specific antigen (gsa) in leukocytes, and viral infectivity (vi) in serum or plasma from 132 cats infected with either the rickard strain of felv, the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus, or field strains of felv. detection of gsa in blood cells was at least as sensitive as detection of vi in serum. in 45% of felv gsa-positive cats inoculated with felv-rickard strain, vi was detected in saliva. no saliva sampl ...1977198120
feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen: expression in transformed nonproducer mink cells.the feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen (focma) is a target for naturally occurring immunity that protects the cat against development of fibrosarcoma and leukemia. feline sarcoma virus-transformed "nonproducer" mink cells express high levels of focma, but not the major viral structural proteins. transformation of the same cells by murine sarcoma virus, or infection with feline leukemia virus, which is nontransforming for epithelial or fibroblastic cells, did not induce focma. t ...1977194310
detection and evaluation of feline oncornavirus-induced cell surface antigen(s) shed from cells in vitro.a method for preparation of soluble feline oncornavirus-induced cell surface antigens was described. this technique relied upon the natural release of antigen(s) from fl-74 feline lymphoblastoid cells during their maintenance at 37 degrees in serum-deficient medium. when concentrated and clarified spent medium from 4-day cultures was tested for its antigen content by inhibition of humoral cytotoxicity, it was found that this natural production of soluble antigen provided more feline oncornaviru ...1977198129
characterization of a feline sarcoma virus-coded antigen (focma-s) by radioimmunoassay.a radioimmunoassay has been developed that detects a unique antigen encoded by the genome of the feline sarcoma virus (fesv). pseudotype viral particles containing an fesv-specific polyprotein (p85) were used both as a source of antigen and to prepare specific antisera in rabbits. because p85 contains antigens related to two structural proteins (p15 and p12) of feline leukemia virus (felv), antibodies directed to these were adsorbed with purified felv proteins. the adsorbed rabbit antiserum boun ...1978212755
pseudotypes of feline sarcoma virus contain an 85,000-dalton protein with feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen (focma) activity.feline sarcoma virus (fesv) rescued from transformed nonproducer mink or rat cells contains two fesv-specific antigens (p15 and p12), and the feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen (focma). all three antigens are helper virus-independent and are encoded by the fesv genome, focma, p15, and p12 antigens cochromatograph as phosphorylated molecules of 85,000 molecular weight (pp85), adsorb to immunoadsorbant columns prepared with antibodies to feline leukemia virus (felv), and are prec ...1978206902
feline sarcoma virus in vitro infection of human cells. influence of chemical carcinogens on focus formation.human fibroblast cells treated with benzo[alpha]pyrene (bp), aflatoxin b1 (afb1) or n-acetoxy-2-fluorenylacetamide (a-aaf) inhibited snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus (st-fesv) focus formation. inhibition of focus formation resulting from chemical treatment was not related to cytotoxic concentrations of chemicals in that little or not effect on cells surviving treatment was observed. maximum inhibition of focus formation occurred with bp when the cells were treated before infection. by contras ...197881113
isolation and characterization of a feline sarcoma virus-coded precursor polyprotein. competition immunoassay for nonstructural components. 1978721821
cellular regulation of mammalian sarcoma virus expression: a gene regulation model for oncogenesis.investigations aimed at defining cellular functions required for expression of transformation by mammalian sarcoma viruses have led to the isolation of a class of revertants that contain biologically active feline sarcoma virus, yet possess in vitro and in vivo properties of normal cells. the block to expression of the transformed state in these cellular revertants was spontaneously reversible at low frequency. moreover, infection with certain helper viruses reversed the block at very high effic ...1978222469
search for specificity in natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity.differences in antigenicity between the human osteosarcoma cell line te 85/b and its feline sarcoma virus-infected subline nih e1041 were detected by competitive inhibition of natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ncmc). whether the differences could be attributed to the viral infection was investigated by absorption and elution studies of antibodies that determine the specificity of ncmc against the cell lines. antibodies from the serum of healthy individuals were first absorbed onto target cells ...197992584
leukemia specific antigens: focma and immune cats, horizontally transmitted viruses cause leukemia and lymphoma under natural conditions. as with other retroviruses, feline leukemia virus (felv) contains products of 3 major genes; the virus core gag gene products, the polymerase, and the virus envelope glycoprotein. when cells are transformed in vitro by the related feline sarcoma virus (fesv), an additional protein, focma is expressed at the cell membrane. focma, which is fesv-coded, is transformation and/or tumor specific and expresse ...1979232469
apparent allosterism by avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase and e. coli dna polymerase i.a recent report (1) presented evidence for allosterism in reverse transcription by mason-pfizer monkey virus reverse transcriptase and by e. coli dna polymerase i. our experiments also demonstrate these apparent cooperative effects when synthesis is catalyzed by either avian myeloblastosis virus dna polymerase, feline sarcoma virus dna polymerase, or e. coli dna polymerase i (large fragment). we show that the apparent cooperativity depends on the use of oligo(dt)12-18 as primer. however, if the ...197986985
role of regional and distant lymph nodes in rejection of feline sarcoma virus-induced tumors in sheep.the immune response of regional and distant lymph nodes was compared relative to rejection of feline sarcoma virus (fesv)-induced tumors in sheep. following injection of fesv-transformed allogeneic or autochthonous fibroblasts into the lower leg, small tumors developed at the site of inoculation and subsequently regressed. efferent lymph from the regional popliteal nodes and distant nodes in the same host was collected for periods up to 40 days after tumor cell inoculation. the cell response in ...1979222930
susceptibility of human cell lines to feline leukemia virus and feline sarcoma virus.the susceptibility of human fibroblasts and human lymphoid cell lines to feline leukemia virus (felv) and feline sarcoma virus (fesv) was investigated. human cells were highly sensitive to infection by felv subgroups b and c and fesv but resistant to infection by felv subgroup a. the cells became infected, produced infectious virus, and displayed no differences in morphology or viability. t-cell lines appeared to be more sensitive to felv and fesv infection and to produce more virus than did aut ...1979228103
a statistical evaluation of the binding of ferritin-conjugated lectins to the surface of rat cells. topographical variations as a function of lectin concentration and cell type.statistical procedures were utilized to evaluate the concentration dependence of labeling by ferritin-conjugated lectins on four different rat cells: hepatocytes, normal thymocytes, friend virus-induced rat tumor cells and feline sarcoma virus-induced rat sarcoma cells. labeling by ferritin conjugates of concanavalin a, wheat germ agglutinin and ricinus communis agglutinins i and ii was quantitated by counting the number of ferritin granules on 600 angstrom membrane segments. relationships betwe ...1979316439
the association of viruses with urveal melanoma.electron microscopic examination of 57 ocular melanomas (54 human, two feline and one canine) revealed the presence of viral particles in six specimens. herpesviruses particles were observed in one human specimen and were passed in human fibroblasts (wi-38), where they gave rise to intranuclear inclusions. a-type oncornavirus particles (oncogenic rna virus) were observed in a second case, both in cells of tumor directly removed from an enucleated eye as well as in cells grown in tissue culture. ...1979545833
restriction endonuclease mapping of unintegrated proviral dna of snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus: localization of sarcoma-specific sequences.extrachromosomal dna purified from mink cells acutely infected with the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) was digested with restriction endonucleases, and the dna fragments were electrophoretically separated, transferred to a solid substrate, and hybridized with radiolabeled dna transcripts complementary to different portions of the fesv rna genome. major dna species 8.4 and 5.0 kilobase pairs (kbp) long represent the linear, unintegrated proviruses of snyder-theilen feline le ...1979229270
involvement of different exogenous feline leukemia virus subgroups in the generation of independent feline sarcoma virus isolates. 1979224571
monkey interferon: activity on human cells and chromatographic properties. brief report.monkey interferon (mkif) produced in monkey bsc-1 cells infected with newcastle disease virus showed antiviral activity on human foreskin fibroblasts and rd114cells--a human line transformed by feline sarcoma virus. the titer of the monkey interferon in human cells was 10--30 fold greater than that found in several normal monkey (bsc-1, cv-1 or sv 40 transformed (c2, c6, t-22) monkey cell lines tested. ten to fifteen-fold purification of mkif without loss of activity could be achieved by chromat ...1979222238
feline sarcoma virus-coded polyprotein: enzymatic cleavage by a type c virus-coded structural protein.a purified 15,000-molecular-weight (mr) prague strain rous sarcoma virus gag gene-coded structural protein, p15, was shown to enzymatically cleave the previously described 130,000 mr feline sarcoma virus-coded polyprotein, pr130. cleavage products included proteins ranging in molecular weight from 12,000 to 110,000. the specificity of this cleavage reactivity was indicated by the fact that, under similar conditions, neither purified type c viral structural proteins nor nonviral proteins such as ...1979219252
biological properties and translational products of three independent isolates of feline sarcoma virus. 1979217170
immunosuppressive properties of a virion polypeptide, a 15,000-dalton protein, from feline leukemia virus.the 15,000-molecular-weight polypeptide (p15) of feline leukemia virus (felv) was shown to impair normal lymphocyte function in vitro and to abrogate immunity to feline oncornavirus disease in vivo. felvp15 suppressed concanavalin a-induced blast transformation of normal feline lymphocytes by 68%, while other virion proteins had no effect. p15 suppression was not due to toxicity, nor was p15 a competitive inhibitor of concanavalin a binding. capping of receptors for concanavalin a on normal feli ...1979218725
nature and distribution of feline sarcoma virus nucleotide sequences.the genomes of three independent isolates of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) were compared by molecular hybridization techniques. using complementary dnas prepared from two strains, sm- and st-fesv, common complementary dna's were selected by sequential hybridization to fesv and feline leukemia virus rnas. these dnas were shown to be highly related among the three independent sarcoma virus isolates. fesv-specific complementary dnas were prepared by selection for hybridization by the homologous fesv ...1979225544
characterization of a 170,000-dalton polyprotein encoded by the mcdonough strain of feline sarcoma this study, we demonstrated the expression of a 170,000-mr polyprotein in each of several mcdonough feline sarcoma virus (fesv)-transformed mink cell clones and one mcdonough fesv-transformed rat clone. this polyprotein designated mcdonough fesv p170, contained feline leukemia virus (felv) p15, p12, and p30 immunological determinants and shared two of its five [35s]methionine-labeled tryptic peptides with felv pr180gag-pol. both of these peptides were shown to be specific to the p30 component ...19806251265
translational products encoded by newly acquired sequences of independently derived feline sarcoma virus isolates are structurally related.polyproteins encoded by several independent isolates of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) were analyzed with respect to molecular weight, extent of phosphorylation, and tryptic peptide composition. as previously reported, cells nonproductively transformed by the gardner strain of fesv express a polyprotein which has a molecular weight of approximately 115,000 and contains feline leukemia virus p15, p12, and minor portion of p30. in addition, a major 72,000-dalton possible cleavage product can be ident ...19806245259
homology exists among the transforming sequences of avian and feline sarcoma viruses.fujinami sarcoma virus (fsv) of chickens does not contain nucleotide sequences related to the src gene of rous sarcoma virus, but it carries unique sequences of at least 3000 bases, which are likely to code for the transforming protein of this virus. using radioactive dna complementary to fsv-unique sequences, we investigated the relatedness of fsv to other sarcoma-leukemia retroviruses in vertebrates. under conditions of moderate stringency, no cross-hybridization was detected between fsv cdna ...19806256742
molecular cloning of snyder-theilen feline leukemia and sarcoma viruses: comparative studies of feline sarcoma virus with its natural helper virus and with moloney murine sarcoma virus.extrachromosomal dna obtained from mink cells acutely infected with the snyder-theilen (st) strain of feline sarcoma virus (feline leukemia virus) [fesv(felv)] was fractionated electrophoretically, and samples enriched for felv and fesv linear intermediates were digested with ecori and cloned in lambda phage. hybrid phages were isolated containing either fesv or felv dna "inserts" and were characterized by restriction enzyme analysis, r-looping with purified 26 to 32s viral rna, and heteroduplex ...19806246254
feline sarcoma virus polyprotein p115 binds a host phosphoprotein in transformed cells.several independent isoltes of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) have been described. such viruses are apparently derived by genetic recombination between feline leukaemia virus (felv) genomic rna and host cellular genetic sequences with transforming potential. two fesv isolates, one originally described by gardner and the second by snyder-theilen, have been shown to encode polyproteins of around 115,000 molecular weight. both polyproteins contain felv structural components (p15, p12) at their amino t ...19806250064
three independent isolates of feline sarcoma virus code for three distinct gag-x polyproteins.cells nonproductively transformed by the snyder-theilen, gardner-arnstein, and mcdonough strains of feline sarcoma virus synthesize gag-x polyproteins of 78,000, 100,000, and 180,000 daltons, respectively. these feline sarcoma virus-coded products were precipitated by antisera to polypeptides encoded by the gag gene of feline leukemia virus and by rat antisera raised to feline sarcoma virus-transformed rat tumor cells. precipitation with rat antisera absorbed with feline leukemia virus showed th ...19806251274
biochemical and immunological characterization of polyproteins coded for by the mcdonough, gardner-arnstein, and snyder-theilen strains of feline sarcoma virus.the mcdonough (sm), gardner-arnstein (ga), and snyder-theilen (st) strains of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) code for high-molecular-weight polyproteins that contain varying amounts of the amino-terminal region of the felv gag gene-coded precursor protein and a polypeptide(s) of an as yet undetermined nature. the sm-fesv primary translational product is a 180,000-dalton polyprotein which is immediately processed into a highly unstable 60,000-dalton molecule containing the p15-p12-p30 fragment of th ...19806154148
a transfection assay for transformation by feline sarcoma virus proviral dna. 19806245507
feline sarcoma virus induced in vitro progression from premalignant to neoplastic transformation of human diploid cells.human diploid cells morphologically transformed by feline sarcoma virus were serially propagated under selective cell culture conditions. when injected into nude mice prior to passage in soft agar (0.35%), morphologically transformed cells did not produce tumors. however, when propagated under selective cell culture conditions, transformed cells grew in soft agar and, when injected subcutaneously into the subcapsular region of the n mu/n mu mice, produced neoplastic nodules histopathologically i ...19806250976
origin and functional properties of the major gene product of the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus.the only known product of the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus (st-fesv) is a 85,000-dalton protein, designated st p85, that contains feline leukemia virus gag gene encoded proteins (p15, p12, and a fragment of p30) and a sarcoma virus-specific polypeptide. antibodies directed against the latter immunoprecipitated a 92,000-dalton phosphoprotein (ncp 92) expressed at low levels in normal feline embryo fibroblasts as well as in feline cells of epithelial or lymphoid origin. normal cel ...19806254060
transformation-defective mutants of feline sarcoma virus which express a product of the viral src gene.mink cell cultures infected with the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma-leukemia virus were cloned from single cells under conditions favoring single virus-single cell interactions. the primary colonies included (i) typical feline sarcoma virus (fesv)-transformed nonproducer clones, one of which segregated revertants, and (ii) fesv-infected, phenotypically normal clones, three of which spontaneously converted to the transformed phenotype. the revertants and spontaneous transformants were co ...19806251261
continuing studies of feline sarcoma virus induced tumors in newborn lambs and in kittens: a model to study comparative neoplasia. 19806253302
protection of cats against progressive fibrosarcomas and persistent leukemia virus infection by vaccination with feline leukemia cells.young cats (3-6 mo old) were challenged with oncogenic snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus (fesv) after vaccination with live or killed fl74 cat lymphoma cells. compared with controls immunized with normal cat fibroblasts, the fl74-vaccinated cats exhibited increased resistance to fesv-induced progressive primary and disseminated secondary tumors. maximum protection was achieved by vaccination with live fl74 cells or with a low dose of freeze-thawed cells, but tumor cells inactivated by glutaral ...19806253714
a new tumor model for angiographic investigations: feline sarcoma virus tumor induction in adult cats.this article describes the first successful virus induction of sarcomas in adult immunosuppressed cats. the method of tumor induction, the immunosuppression regimen, and the gross, histologic, and angiographic findings in these induced sarcomas are described. the simplicity of the model, the rapid and reliable growth of the tumors, and the size of the animals permit repeated angiography. the model is well suited to studies of angiographically directed therapy with embolic agents, radioactive imp ...19806246023
feline sarcoma virus p115-associated protein kinase phosphorylates tyrosine. identification of a cellular substrate conserved during evolution.the gardner strain of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) has previously been shown to encode as its major translational product, a phosphoprotein of molecular weight (mr) = 115,000 (p115) with an associated protein kinase activity and probable transforming function. in the present study, we demonstrate that this enzyme specifically phosphorylates tyrosine and that gardner fesv-transformed mink and rat cells exhibit constitutively higher levels of phosphotyrosine than nontransformed control cells. in ad ...19807430166
retrovirus-encoded transformation-specific polyproteins: expression coordinated with malignant phenotype in cells from different germ layers.a transformation-associated polyprotein designated "gag-x" was previously shown to be induced by the feline sarcoma virus (fesv) after the nonproductive transformation of rat or mink cells. we found that this protein was also expressed in cells derived from the native species (cat) with or without the production of feline leukemia helper virus (felv) and that cats could mount a humoral antibody response to the transformation-specific (x) portion of the molecule. such antisera also reacted with t ...19816973761
involvement of a high-molecular-weight polyprotein translational product of snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus in malignant transformation.the previously described high-molecular-weight polyprotein major translational product of the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) was shown to possess protein kinase activity with specificity for tyrosine acceptor sites. cells transformed by snyder-theilen fesv exhibited constitutively elevated levels of phosphotyrosine and a concomitant reduction in epidermal growth factor (egf) binding sites. by endpoint cloning in microtiter plates, a number of transformation-defective (tf) m ...19816261011
feline uveal melanoma model induced with feline sarcoma virus.this paper described the first animal model of a virally induced uveal melanoma. tumors developed following the injection of an rna tumor virus, i.e., gardner strain feline sarcoma virus, into the anterior chamber of newborn kittens. histologically, the tumors were found to be iris and ciliary body melanomas, many of which showed invasion. the histology and ultrastructure of those tumors are described.19816260703
biochemical characterization of cells transformed via transfection by feline sarcoma virus proviral dna.murine fibroblasts transformed by transfection with dna from mink cells infected with the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus and subgroup b feline leukemia virus were analyzed for the presence of integrated proviral dna and the expression of feline leukemia virus- and feline sarcoma virus-specific proteins. the transformed murine cells harbored at least one intact feline sarcoma virus provirus, but did not contain feline leukemia virus provirus. the transformed murine cells expressed ...19816264144
three distinct genes in human dna related to the transforming genes of mammalian sarcoma retroviruses.southern blot hybridization was used to identify human and other vertebrate dna sequences that were homologous to cloned dna fragments containing the oncogenic nucleic acid sequences of three different type c mammalian retroviruses (simian sarcoma virus, the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus, and the harvey strain of murine sarcoma virus). each onc gene counterpart has a single genetic locus, which probably contains non-onc intervening sequences. the human dna sequences may represent ...19816264598
feline uveal melanomas induced with feline sarcoma virus: potential model of the human counterpart.uveal melanomas were produced by injecting gardner strain feline fibrosarcoma virus intraocularly into 10- to 15-day-old noninbred kittens. tumors developed in about 90% of the cats' eyes receiving virus. progressing tumors (62 eyes of 36 cats) began as small hyperpigmented lesions at the site of injection and grew to fill the anterior chamber by 3-5 months after infection. about 30% of cats with these tumors developed secondary tumors and died. nonprogressive tumors characterized by flat, pigme ...19816268880
characterization of clones of tumorigenic feline cells transformed by a chemical carcinogen.tumorigenic clonal lines derived from soft agar colonies induced by dmba-transformed feline embryo cells were isolated and characterized. the morphologically altered clonal cells formed large aggregates, growing in this aggregate form when suspended in liquid growth medium above an agar base and forming colonies in soft agar with high efficiency. when inoculated into athymic nude mice, chemically altered clonal cells produced progressively growing sarcomas. cells established from the tumors morp ...19816273330
evaluation of the parameters of the elisa procedure for feline type c retroviral antigens: assay of felv antigens in chronically infected or nonproducer transformed cells.the successful application of an improved enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) to the specific detection and quantitation of feline leukemia virus (felv) is presented. the methods described can detect felv antigens at the picogram/milliliter level using a fluorometric assay for peroxidase-linked antibody. the use of a fluorogenic substrate resulted in at least a 9-fold increase in sensitivity of the peroxidase assay. felv antigens could be specifically detected in chronically infected cells ...19816268565
transformation-defective mutants of snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus lack tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity.four phenotypically normal mink cell clones, each containing a transformation-defective provirus of the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus (st-fesv), synthesized an 85,000-dalton viral polyprotein (p85) indistinguishable in size and antigenic complexity from that encoded by wild-type transforming st-fesv. an additional transformation-defective, st-fesv-containing flat cell clone produced a polyprotein of 88,000 daltons (p88). the viral polyproteins immunoprecipitated from cytoplasmic ...19816168771
snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus p85 contains a single phosphotyrosine acceptor site recognized by its associated protein kinase.cells nonproductively transformed by a variant of the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) expressed an 85,000-dalton polyprotein (p85) with associated tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity. we identified within this polyprotein a single tyrosine acceptor site for its enzyme activity. this acceptor site, as well as two serine phosphorylation sites localized with the p12 structural component of snyder-theilen fesv p85, was phosphorylated in cells nonproductively transformed by ...19816165840
gene products of mcdonough feline sarcoma virus have an in vitro-associated protein kinase that phosphorylates tyrosine residues: lack of detection of this enzymatic activity in vivo.the primary translational product of the mcdonough (sm) strain of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) is a 180,000-dalton molecule, sm p180, that contains the p15-p12-p30 region of the felv gag gene-coded precursor protein and a sarcoma virus-specific polypeptide. in addition, cells transformed by sm-fesv express a 120,000-dalton molecule, sm p120, that is highly related to the non-helper virus domain of sm p180. both sm-fesv gene products were found to be intimately associated with the membrane fractio ...19816275118
transformation with subgenomic fragments of feline sarcoma virus proviral dna. 19816266138
cellular transformation by subgenomic feline sarcoma virus dna.the genome of the snyder-theilen strain of feline sarcoma virus (st-fesv) is a 4.3-kilobase-pair (kbp) rna molecule that contains a 1.5-kbp cellular insertion (fes gene) flanked by feline leukemia virus sequences at its 5' end (1.6 kbp) and 3' end (1.2 kbp) (sherr et al., j. virol. 34:200-212, 1980). dna transfection techniques have been utilized to determine the regions of the st-fesv genome involved in malignant transformation. i have found that the 3.7-kbp 5'-end fragment of the st-fesv provi ...19816261000
interaction of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) and mycoplasma.a factor present in the supernatant of an established human glioma cell line u-251 mg strongly suppresses feline sarcoma virus (fesv) focus forming activity on feline embryo fibroblasts. the factor was identified as mycoplasma arginini. the enriched mycoplasma fraction had no cytpathogenic effect on the glioma cells or on the embryonic feline indicator cells. an antiserum prepared against this strain of mycoplasma abolished the inhibition. the exact mechanism is not known but arginine depletion ...19816274139
relationship of the feline oncornavirus associated cell membrane antigen to a feline sarcoma virus encoded polyprotein. 19816274763
differences in mechanisms of transformation by independent feline sarcoma virus isolates.the gardner and snyder-theilen isolates of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) have previously been shown to encode high-molecular-weight polyproteins with a transforming function and an associated tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity. cells transformed by these viruses exhibited morphological alterations, elevated levels of phosphotyrosine, and a reduced capacity for binding epidermal growth factor. in addition, polyproteins encoded by both of these fesv isolates bound to, and phosphorylated tyros ...19816165838
recombinant bacteriophages containing the integrated transforming provirus of gardner--arnstein feline sarcoma virus.the integrated dna provirus of the gardner-arnstein (ga) strain of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) was molecularly cloned in a bacteriophage lambda vector. the cloned dna fragment is 14.4 kilobase pairs long and contains a 6.7-kilobase provirus flanked by cellular sequences derived from nonproductively transformed mink cells. transfection of mouse nih/3t3 cells with the cloned dna fragment induced foci of transformation at efficiencies of 10(4) focus-forming units/pmol of sarcoma virus dna. restrict ...19816270655
onc sequences (v-fes) of snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus are derived from noncontiguous regions of a cat cellular gene (c-fes).type c sarcoma viruses are genetic recombinants containing portions of replication-competent helper viruses linked to sarcoma virus-specific sequences (generically designated onc genes) which are thought to be required for acute fibroblast transformation. the onc elements of different avian and mammalian sarcoma viral isolates are each homologous to subsets of cellular dna sequences which have no well-defined role in normal cells. because of the lack of significant homology between helper viral ...19816259536
transforming proteins of some feline and avian sarcoma viruses are related structurally and functionally.transformation of chicken cells by fujinami sarcoma virus (fsv), prc ii or y73 (three independently isolated avian sarcoma viruses that are replication-defective and lack the rous sarcoma virus src gene) resulted in significant elevation (4-13 fold) of phosphotyrosine levels in cellular protein. the gag-related proteins encoded by these avian sarcoma viruses (asvs) were all associated with tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity when assayed in immune complexes and were phosphorylated at both ...19816263483
nucleotide sequences of feline retroviral oncogenes (v-fes) provide evidence for a family of tyrosine-specific protein kinase genes.the nucleotide sequences encoding the transforming polyproteins of the snyder-theilen and gardner-arnstein strains of feline sarcoma virus (fesv) have been determined. these sequences include a viral transforming gene (v-fes), derived from cellular proto-oncogene sequences (c-fes) of domestic cats by recombination with feline leukemia virus (felv). the v-fes sequences are predicted to encode a polypeptide domain strikingly similar to that specified by the transforming gene (v-fps) of the avian f ...19826183005
isolation of human oncogene sequences (v-fes homolog) from a cosmid define the human homolog (or homologs) of transforming sequences (v-fes gene) common to gardner (ga) and snyder theilen (st) isolates of feline sarcoma virus (fesv), a representative library of human lung carcinoma dna in a cosmid vector system was constructed. three cosmid clones were isolated containing ga/st fesv v-fes homologous cellular sequences, within 32- to 42-kilobase cellular inserts representing 56 kilobases of contiguous human cellular dna. sequences both homologous to, and colin ...19826281890
molecular cloning of the fujinami sarcoma virus genome and its comparison with sequences of other related transforming viruses.full-length proviral dna of fujinami sarcoma virus (fsv) of chickens was molecularly cloned and characterized. an analysis of fsv dna integrated in mammalian cells showed that restriction endonuclease saci has a single cleavage site on fsv dna. unintegrated closed circular fsv dna obtained from newly infected cells was linearized by digestion with saci and cloned into lambdagtwes.lambdab. the following three different molecules were isolated: fsv-1 (4.4 kilobases [kb]) and fsv-2 (4.7 kb), which ...19826284986
human gene (c-fes) related to the onc sequences of snyder-theilen feline sarcoma virus.the onc gene (v-fes) of the acutely transforming feline sarcoma virus (snyder-theilen strain) has homologous cellular sequences (c-fes) in all vertebrate species, including humans. we isolated from a human dna library recombinant phages containing overlapping c-fes sequences. the human c-fes locus spans a region of 3.4 kilobases and contains 1.4 kilobases of dna homologous to the viral onc sequence interspersed with three intervening sequences.19826290870
monoclonal antibodies specific to transforming polyproteins encoded by independent isolates of feline sarcoma virus.hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies directed against polyprotein gene products of the gardner, snyder-theilen, and mcdonough strain of feline sarcoma virus have been isolated. antibody produced by one hybridoma recognizes immunological determinants localized within a feline leukemia virus gag gene structural component (p15) common to polyproteins encoded by each feline sarcoma virus isolate while antibody produced by a second is specific for p30 determinants unique to p170gag-fms. additio ...19826183442
origin and biological properties of a new feline sarcoma virus. 19826175084
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 256