
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
propagation of mouse adenovirus on cell lines of human origin. 196414207231
increased susceptibility of mice infected with mouse adenovirus to escherichia coli-induced pyelonephritis.mouse adenovirus causes a persistent infection in the mouse kidney that produces extensive mononuclear cell infiltrates in cortex and medulla. tubular necrosis, dilatation, and occasional collapse occur but no glomerular changes or periglomerular fibrosis have been observed. acute and chronic adenovirus infection of the kidney predispose the kidney to develop acute pyelonephritis when the mouse is challenged by the intravenous or retrograde route with escherichia coli.196414238929
adenovirus endocarditis in mice.viral endocarditis developed in 24 percent of 50 newborn mice 6 to 8 days after intraperitoneal inoculation with murine adenovirus. typical adenovirus intranuclear inclusions were seen in heart-valve lesions, and high titers of virus were recovered from heart tissue. furthermore, adenovirions were directly visualized by electron microscopy within endothelial cells and fibroblasts of the heart valves.19674290792
intestinal resistance in the experimental enteric infection of mice with a mouse adenovirus. i. growth of the virus and appearance of a neutralizing substance in the intestinal tract. 19704319728
intestinal resistance in the experimental enteric infection of mice with a mouse adenovirus. ii. determination of the neutralizing substance in the intestinal tract as an iga antibody. 19714334551
pathogenesis of experimentally produced mouse adenovirus infection in mice. 19724336084
[effect of neonatal thymectomy on the experimental enteric infection of germfree mice with a mouse adenovirus (author's transl)]. 19734356441
[effect of antilymphocyte serum on the time course of experimental enteric infection of mice with a mouse adenovirus (author's transl)]. 19734356442
experimental infection with mouse adenovirus in adult mice. 19734356771
intestinal resistance in the experimental enteric infection of mice with a mouse adenovirus. 3. suppressive effect of cyclophosphamide on the establishment and duration of the intestinal resistance. 19734365101
serological classification of two mouse adenoviruses. 19744474867
experimental adenovirus infection of the mouse adrenal gland. ii. electron microscopic observations.a strain of mouse adenovirus, found to have a striking tropism for the weanling mouse adrenal gland, enabled electron microscopic examination of adrenals in various stages of infection. nucleolar hypertrophy and the successive formation of three types of inclusion bodies in association with nucleoli preceded virion production. angular crystals of virions formed in the affected nuclei. virus was released by lysis of nuclear membranes; rapid degeneration of cytoplasmic organelles followed. rupture ...19744362917
mechanism of induction of cell-mediated immunity to virus infections: in vitro inhibition of intracellular multiplication of mouse adenovirus by immune spleen cells.mice were protected from lethal infection with mouse adenovirus (m-ad) by adoptive transfer of immune spleen cells (isc) that were prepared from mice immunized with m-ad and not protected by sonicated isc. however, a similar extent of protection was also observed by passive immunization with anti-m-ad serum. in contrast, by in vitro experiments isc were shown to be able to interrupt intracellular multiplication of m-ad, whereas sonicated isc, unimmunized mouse spleen cells, or anti-m-ad serum we ...1975164414
biological and biophysical characteristics of mouse adenovirus, strain fl.mouse adenovirus, strain fl (mav), is best propagated in primary rather than secondary cultures of mouse kidney cells. virus release from the cells into the medium is fairly efficient; the average yield per cell is about 1000 tcid50. morphological and other biophysical characteristics are those of a typical adenovirus: the icosahedral shell with a diameter of 74 nm, fiber projections of 29 nm length, its localization inside the infected kidney cells, a buoyant density in csc1 of 1.34 g/ml, inhib ...1977560839
mouse adenovirus: growth of plaque-purified fl virus in cell lines and characterization of viral dna. 1977561475
virus-induced specific cell surface antigen(s) on mouse adenovirus-infected cells.a virus-specific cell surface antigen(s) was detected on mouse adenovirus-infected cells by the immunofluorescent antibody technique. it was demonstrated in infected cells regardless of the mouse strain or animal species used. it became detectable on the cell surface about 6 h postinfection and was demonstrated in 90% of infected cells at 24 to 36 h postinfection. on the other hand, intracellular capsid antigens became detectable by the immunofluorescent antibody technique at about 24 h postinfe ...197716558120
cell-mediated immunity assayed by 51cr release test in mice infected with mouse adenovirus.immune spleen cells (isc) from mice immunized with a sublethal dose of mouse adenovirus (m-ad) were shown by the 51cr release test to be cytotoxic to target mouse embryonic cells or lymphoid cells infected with m-ad. the number of isc required for release of statistically significant amounts of 51cr from target cells varied from one sample to another, ranging from 5 to greater than or equal to 30 isc per target cell. when 24-h-infected mouse embryonic cells were used as targets, the release of 5 ...1978208968
cell-mediated immunity to mouse adenovirus infection. macrophage migration inhibition test.cell-mediated immunity (cmi) to mouse adenovirus (m-ad) infection was studied by macrophage migration inhibition test (mmi) as one of in vitro correlates of cmi. both direct and indirect tests showed clearly that migration of packed peritoneal exudate cells (pec) (immune mouse or nonimmune guinea pig) was remarkably inhibited; mif was produced by interactions between immune pec and infected cell extracts and between immune spleen cells and infected cells or their extracts. the antigen(s) respons ...1978213697
nature and specificity of effector cells in cell-mediated cytolysis of mouse adenovirus-infected cells.the type of effector cells in immune spleen cells (isc) responsible for cell-mediated cytolysis of mouse adenovirus-infected cells was characterized. when isc were pretreated with anti-mouse thymocyte or anti-thy1.2 serum and complement, their cytolytic activity assayed by the (51)cr release test was completely abolished, whereas it was not significantly reduced either when isc were pretreated with anti-mouse immunoglobulin serum and complement or after isc were kept standing at 37 degrees c for ...1978310422
effects of viral exposure of the two-cell mouse embryo on cleavage and blastocyst formation in vitro.the effect of viral exposure of two-cell mouse embryos on their capacity to undergo subsequent cleavage and blastocyst formation in vitro was determined. exposure to coxsackie viruses b-4 and b-6, reovirus type 2, influenza virus type a, mouse cytomegalovirus, adenovirus type 5, and mouse adenovirus resulted in statistically significant inhibition of blastocyst formation. development in vitro was unaffected by exposure to echo virus type 11, attenuated poliomyelitis virus type 2, parainfluenza v ...1979225719
alignment of the restriction map of mouse adenovirus fl with that of human adenovirus 2. 1979573019
characterization of avian myeloblastosis-associated virus dna intermediates.the major species of unintegrated linear viral dna identified in chicken embryonic fibroblasts infected with either the avian myeloblastosis-associated viruses (mav-1, mav-2) or the standard avian myeloblastosis virus complex (amv-s) has a mass of 5.3 x 10(6) daltons. an additional minor dna component observed only in amv-s-infected cells has a mass of 4.9 x 10(6) daltons. the unintegrated linear viral dnas and integrated proviruses of mav-1 and mav-2 have been analyzed by digestion with the res ...19806246269
properties of adeno-associated virus (type 1) replicated in rodent cells by murine adenovirus.we report for the first time the replication of infectious adeno-associated virus type 1 (aav-1) in rodent cells [primary mouse kidney (pmk) and mouse l929 cells] using murine adenovirus (mav) as a helper virus and also the production of aav-i virus antigen by herpes simplex virus type i (hsv-i) with its temperature-sensitive mutant ts 200 in mouse neuroblastoma (nb) cells. the infectious aav virions produced by mav on l cells had a buoyant density of 1.41 2ml in caesium chloride gradients.19806257836
transplacental infection with adeno-associated virus type 1 in mice.adeno-associated type 1 parvovirus (aav) was detected in the kidneys and lungs of fetuses and newborns, when pregnant mice were injected subcutaneously with aav type 1 and murine adenovirus as a helper virus. these findings clearly indicate that transplacental infection with aav in rodents has been achieved.19806259087
cellular sequences are present in the presumptive avian myeloblastosis virus genome.ecori restriction endonuclease fragments from a lambda proviral dna hybrid containing the entire presumptive avian myeloblastosis virus (amv) provirus, and from a lambda proviral hybrid containing a partial myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1 (mav-1)-like provirus were compared by heteroduplex analysis. the cloned presumptive amv provirus was also analyzed by electron microscopy, using r-loop formation with purified 35s rna isolated from virions of the standard amv complex. the results indica ...19806254063
identification of the avian myeloblastosis virus genome. ii. restriction endonuclease analysis of dna from lambda proviral recombinants and leukemic myeoblast clones.two lambda proviral dna recombinants were characterized with a number of restriction endonucleases. one recombinant contained a complete presumptive avian myeloblastosis virus (amv) provirus flanked by cellular sequences on either side, and the second recombinant contained 85% of a myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1 (mav-1)-like provirus with cellular sequences adjacent to the 5' end of the provirus. comparing the restriction maps for the proviral dnas contained in each lambda hybrid showed ...19806253659
identification of the avian myeloblastosis virus genome. i. identification of restriction endonuclease fragments associated with acute myeloblastic leukemia.the proviral dna of chicken peripheral blood leukemic myeloblasts was analyzed by restriction endonuclease digestion and southern blotting. two restriction endonuclease-generated fragments, an ecori 2.2-megadalton (md) and a hindiii 2.6-md fragment, were present upon enzyme cleavage of all leukemic myeloblast dna preparations in addition to endogenous or helper-specific fragments. neither of these fragments was derived from viral dna of the two known myeloblastosis-associated viruses (mav-1 and ...19806253658
age and susceptibility of swiss mice for mouse adenovirus, strain fl.nmri mice of different ages (24 hours, 10 to 12 days old, adults) were inoculated intraperitoneally with varying doses of mouse adenovirus. the susceptibility to disease was high in newborn mice (1 ld50 equalled 7 tcid50, as measured in mouse kidney cell cultures), medium in 10 days' old mice and almost nil in adult animals. the survival time was not greatly influenced by the virus dose. the susceptibility to infection is greatest in adults and lowest in 10 day old mice; these show a susceptibil ...19806249244
genetic structure of avian myeloblastosis virus, released from transformed myeloblasts as a defective virus particle.chicken myeloblasts transformed by avian myeloblastosis virus (amv) in the absence of nondefective helper virus (termed nonproducer cells) were found to release a defective virus particle (dvp) that contains avian tumor viral gag proteins but lacks envelope glycoprotein and a dna polymerase. nonproducer cells contain a pr76 gag precursor protein and also a protein that is indistinguishable from the pr180 gag-pol protein of nondefective viruses. the rna of the dvp is 7.5 kilobases (kb) long and i ...19806159639
cell-mediated immunity to mouse adenovirus infection. blocking of macrophage migration inhibition and t cell-mediated cytolysis of infected cells by anti-s antigen or anti-alloantigen serum.migration of peritoneal exudate cells (pec), which were prepared from mice immunized against mouse adenovirus (m-ad), was inhibited upon exposure to the antigenic extract of m-ad-infected cells. this inhibition was shown to be blocked when infected cells or their extracts were pretreated with antiserum against m-ad-induced cell surface (s) antigen(s) or with antisera against alloantigens of infected cells. immune spleen cell-mediated cytolysis of m-ad-infected cells was also blocked in the prese ...19806968021
association of mouse adenovirus-induced cell surface antigen(s) with histocompatibility antigens. 19806997695
influence of bursectomy on bone growth and anemia induced by avian osteopetrosis viruses.this study examines the contribution of the bursa of fabricius to the pathogenic manifestations of two myeloblastosis-associated viruses which primarily cause osteopetrosis [mav-1(o) and mav-2(o)]. mav-2(o) infection of surgically bursectomized 1-month-old chicks resulted in a rapidly fatal anemia whereas infection of untreated chicks of the same age resulted in a transient drop in hematocrit. surgical bursectomy of embryos before or after embryonal infection with mav-2(o) did not alter the cour ...19816257382
interstitial pneumonia induced by a plaque-type variant of mouse adenovirus. 19816265944
replication of mouse adenovirus strain fl dna. 19816927844
defective expression of mouse adenovirus fl in human cells.hela cells infected with mouse adenovirus strain fl ( adfl ) produce at least 2000 times less virus than permissive mouse 3t3 cells. viral dna synthesis, however, proceeds unimpaired. the defect in virion production was linked to a dramatic reduction in the synthesis of adfl structural proteins, in particular the hexon. the identity of the adfl hexon gene product was recognized through its immunogenic reactivity towards an antiserum raised against the human adenovirus type 2 (ad2) hexon gene pro ...19826329682
restricted replication of mouse adenovirus strain fl in mouse balb/c cells transformed by simian adenovirus 7. 19827064348
evolutionary variants of mouse adenovirus containing cellular dna sequences. 19826278728
defective parvoviruses acquired via the transplacental route protect mice against lethal adenovirus infection.adeno-associated virus type 1 (aav-1) interfered with the replication of its murine adenovirus (mav) helper in primary mouse kidney cells and in 1-day-old icr mice. mice carrying aav-1 acquired via the transplacental route were protected against lethal infection with mav. the replication of aav-1 in these mice could be triggered by multiple challenges with mav, and antibodies to aav-1 were subsequently detected.19826286489
serological survey of laboratory rodents for infection with sendai virus, mouse hepatitis virus, reovirus type 3 and mouse adenovirus. 19826298492
a monoclonal antibody with specificity for leukemic cells transformed by defective avian leukemia viruses.mouse anti-chicken monoclonal antibodies were raised against an avian myeloblastosis virus (amv)-transformed myeloblastic leukemic cell line. one monoclonal antibody, s1-37 (igg2a), reacted with producer and nonproducer myeloblastic leukemia cell lines transformed by amv and by e-26 virus, but it did not react with chicken fibroblasts infected with rav-2, mav-2, mav-1, or rav-7. s1-37 also did not react with normal chicken hemopoietic cells, except for yolk sack macrophages and a small populatio ...19826302112
a naturally occurring intestinal mouse adenovirus infection associated with negative serologic findings.large basophilic intranuclear inclusions were observed in the intestinal epithelium of clinically normal mice. electron micrographs of the inclusions showed them to be caused by an adenovirus, even though serological testing for mouse adenoviruses in a complement fixation test using the fl strain of mouse adenovirus yielded no titers. a diagnosis of an adenovirus infection resembling that caused by the k87 strain was made.19836308344
identification of the leukemogenic protein of avian myeloblastosis virus and of its normal cellular homologue.the genome of the replication-defective avian myeloblastosis virus (amv) contains an inserted cellular sequence (amv) that is part of the oncogene responsible for acute myeloblastic leukemia in chickens infected with amv. three antisera raised against distinct synthetic peptides predicted from the long open reading frame of amv specifically precipitated the same 48-kilodalton protein (p48amv) from leukemic myeloblasts but not from normal hematopoietic tissue, fibroblasts, or from fibroblasts inf ...19836304685
specificity of avian leukosis virus-induced hyperlipidemia.rous-associated virus 7 (rav-7) is a subgroup c avian leukosis virus which does not transform cells in vitro or carry an oncogene. when injected into 1-day-old hatched chicks, rav-7 causes a low incidence of lymphoid leukosis after a latent period of several months. in contrast, infection of 10-day-old chicken embryos with rav-7 leads to a disease syndrome characterized by stunting, obesity, atrophy of the bursa and the thymus, high triglyceride and cholesterol levels, reduced thyroxine levels, ...19846323732
a size analysis of the adenovirus replicon.the linear double-stranded genome of adenovirus dna replicates semiconservatively from two origins of replication at either of the two molecular ends. using an in vitro replication system which is able to initiate de novo dna synthesis we have mapped the origin of dna replication within the terminal 19 bp of the viral genome. our conclusions are based on the use of different natural dna templates, i.e., adenovirus type 2 and mouse adenovirus fl dna. in addition, we have employed linearized plasm ...19846714222
fluctuation of antiviral resistance in the intestinal tracts of nude mice infected with a mouse adenovirus.oral administration of adenovirus strain k87 to balb/c nude mice resulted in viral proliferation in the intestinal tract up to around week 6 at which point replication was suppressed. in other words, the host acquired resistance. however, this resistance was temporary and the viral infection persisted over a long period with repeated periods of proliferation and resistance. that the appearance of this resistance is the result of infecting mice with the virus and is not due to age difference per ...19846090870
immunomodulation by bordetella pertussis: antiviral effects.treatment of mice by intraperitoneal inoculation of pertussis vaccine or lipopolysaccharide extracted from b. pertussis will effect resistance to rabies virus, encephalomyocarditis virus, semliki forest virus, and herpes simplex virus. our previous observations indicated that treatment of c3h/hen (+/nu) and bdf1 mice with pertussis vaccine injected i.p. five days prior to a mouse adenovirus lethal dose i.p. challenge elicited resistance to clinical disease and death. susceptibility returned to a ...19852872109
transformation of brown leghorn chicken embryo fibroblasts by avian myeloblastosis virus proviral dna.brown leghorn chicken embryo fibroblasts were transfected with a mixture of avian myeloblastosis virus (amv) and myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1 (mav1) proviral dna purified from lambda-charon 4a recombinant clones. a transformed cell line (t1am) able to grow without anchorage in semisolid medium was obtained. the presence of both proviral amv and mav sequences was detected in t1am dna by hybridization with v-myb- and mav1-specific probes. altered amv and mav1 proviral genomes were found ...19852989555
biologically active proviral clone of myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1: implications for the genesis of avian myeloblastosis virus.a biologically active myeloblastosis-associated virus (mav) provirus was cloned from a bacteriophage recombinant library constructed from leukemic chicken myeloblast dna. the restriction endonuclease map of this clone was consistent with that of a type 1 mav (mav-1). interference assays of virus recovered from cultured chicken embryo fibroblasts after dna transfection established that the provirus was infectious and confirmed that it belonged to avian retrovirus subgroup a (type 1). antipeptide ...19852993653
mouse polyoma virus and adenovirus replication in mouse cells temperature-sensitive in dna synthesis.mouse adenovirus multiplies, apparently without impediment, in temperature-inactivated ts a1s9, tsc1 and ts2 mouse fibroblasts. thus, the dna of mouse adenovirus can replicate in the absence of functional dna topoisomerase ii, a dna-chain-elongation factor, and a protein required for traverse of the g1/s interface, respectively, encoded in the ts a1s9, tsc1 and ts2 genetic loci. these results are compared with those obtained with polyoma virus.19852999031
resistance to adenovirus infection after administration of bordetella pertussis vaccine in mice.treatment of mice with bordetella pertussis vaccine rendered mice resistant to mouse adenovirus infection. the resistant state took at least 5 days to develop, and susceptibility returned to a portion of the test population 35 days after treatment. transient resistance developed in congenitally athymic mice also. treatment with a dose of 25 micrograms (dry weight) of b. pertussis vaccine protected approximately 50% of the test population. vaccines prepared from several different strains of b. pe ...19852982736
acceleration of scrapie disease in mice by an adenovirus.coinfected mice were examined for a possible interaction between the scrapie agent and an adenovirus. a low titer (10(2) tcd50) of mouse adenovirus (madv) caused a significant acceleration of clinical signs of scrapie in mice infected 128 days previously with scrapie. in this experiment, the coinfected mice died 19 days earlier than mice infected with scrapie alone. when a higher titer of madv (10(4)-10(5) pfu) was used, a more drastic acceleration of scrapie disease was seen in mice infected 85 ...19863013796
introduction and expression of the bacterial paer7 methylase gene in mammalian approach is devised for studying the role of dna methylation in eukaryotic gene expression. the approach is based on the expression of site-specific bacterial methylase genes in animal cells. a model system using the cloned paer7 (an isoschizomer of xho i) methylase gene was constructed to test the feasibility of this approach. expression plasmids for the paer7 methylase gene were introduced into mouse ltk- cells by cotransfection with the cloned chicken thymidine kinase (tk) gene. several of ...19863463994
comparative biological characterization of mouse adenovirus strains fl and k 87 and seroprevalence in laboratory rodents.the growth, stability and seroprevalence in laboratory rodents of the two known strains of mouse adenovirus were compared. the fl strain of mouse adenovirus grew in both l 929 murine fibroblasts and in cmt-93 murine rectal carcinoma cells, whereas the k 87 strain grew only in cmt-93 cells. the bulk of the fl progeny virus was released from the host cells. k 87 virus was largely cell-associated. both virus strains were stable at 37 degrees c in liquid medium. the k 87 strain was completely inacti ...19863022678
[a comparison of two antigen strains of each of mouse hepatitis virus and mouse adenovirus for detection of complement fixation antibody in mouse and rat sera].detection rates of complement fixation antibodies in mice and rats were compared between two antigen strains of each of mouse hepatitis virus (mhv) and mouse adenovirus (mav). among 66 and 47 naturally infected mhv-positive sera of mice (18 facilities) and rats (16 facilities) respectively, 17 mouse and 21 rat sera reacted with both nu-67 and mhv-2 strains, but 49 mouse and 25 rat sera were positive to nu-67 strain alone. only one rat serum reacted with mhv-2 strain alone. in comparison with k87 ...19863026815
factors influencing susceptibility of laboratory rodents to infection with mouse adenovirus strains k 87 and fl. brief report.weanling outbred mice were more than 500 times less susceptible to orally administered mouse adenovirus (madv) strain k 87 than to madv-fl. mouse susceptibility to madv-k 87 was age-dependent but not obviously host genotype-dependent. infant f 344 rats were not susceptible to infection with either madv strain.19873036043
serological relationship between mouse adenovirus strains fl and k87.three-week-old outbred mice were inoculated intraperitoneally or orally and intranasally with the fl or k87 strains of mouse adenovirus and bled at intervals after infection. serum was tested by both the complement fixation and indirect immunofluorescence tests for reactivity with either virus antigen. a unilateral relationship was detected between fl and k87 strains. serum from mice given the fl strain of virus reacted in both tests with fl and k87 antigens. serum from mice given the k87 strain ...19873586604
analysis of antiviral resistance in the intestinal tracts of nude mice infected with a mouse adenovirus.upon intestinal infection of heterozygous (nu/+) mice with mouse adenovirus, antiviral resistance can be seen in the form of negative-recovery of virus from feces 2-3 wks post infection. on the other hand, in similar infections in balb/c nude (nu/nu) mice, the antiviral resistance is manifested as negative-recovery of virus from feces at a later stage, i.e., at around 6 wks post infection. this resistance was not accompanied by rises in interferon titer, rises in natural killer (nk) cell activit ...19872453086
identification of mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 1: dna sequence and a conserved transactivating function.the left end of the genome of mouse adenovirus type 1 (also known as strain fl) was characterized by determination of the dna sequence, amino acid similarities with early region proteins of primate adenoviruses, and a functional assay. several specific dna sequence features were similar to those found in human adenoviruses, and open reading frames from this region could encode proteins similar to human adenovirus early region 1a and early region 1b proteins. dnas from this region were tested in ...19883172335
avian nephroblastomas induced by a retrovirus (mav-2) lacking oncogene. i. construction of mav-1 and mav-2 proviral restriction maps and preparation of specific proviral molecular subclones.a 9.8 kb dna fragment containing the complete mav-1 provirus was recloned from the recombinant bacteriophage lambda 311411 (perbal et al., 1985) into the plasmid pat153. a detailed and precise restriction map of the obtained clone (pat-mav-1) was constructed. from compilation of this map and the known sequence of a variable portion of the mav-2 env gene was a restriction map of mav-2 deduced. knowledge of the detailed pat-mav-1 map facilitated the preparation of five specific proviral subclones: ...19882849567
genotypic differences between the mouse adenovirus strains fl and k87.restriction endonuclease analysis was used to compare the genome of mouse adenovirus (mad) strains fl and k87. large differences were found between the kpn i, paer7, pvu i, sal i and sma i restriction profiles of the prototype strains. mad-fl and mad-k87 thus represent two distinct species of mouse adenovirus.19882832207
genome typing of mouse adenoviruses.restriction endonuclease cleavage site analysis was used to differentiate between mouse adenovirus (mav) types 1 and 2 strains. viral dna of suitable purity and quantity for multiple enzymatic digestions was obtained from cloned cmt-93 mouse tumor cells infected with each type of mav. clear differences between the mav-1 (fl) and mav-2 (k87) genomes were observed after cleavage with restriction enzymes such as bglii, ecori, and paer7. fast electrophoresis of dna fragments in miniature agarose sla ...19882830299
genome organization of mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 1: a novel transcription map.mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) genomic dna from 8.9 to 13.7 map units was sequenced and the early region 1 (e1) transcription map was determined by s1 nuclease, primer extension, and northern analyses, and cdna sequencing. the e1 transcription map of mav-1 had marked dissimilarities from the conserved transcription maps of primate adenovirus e1s. one major e1a and two e1b mrnas were identified in overlapping transcription units. the single e1a mrna was composed of three exons; the last exon was ...19892543128
the mouse adenovirus type 1 contains an unusual e3 region.since the e3 region of human adenoviruses codes for a series of proteins that are probably involved in viral pathogenesis, the nucleotide sequence for a 3.6-kilobase dna fragment in the corresponding region (map units 77 through 89) of the mouse adenovirus type 1 genome has been determined. analysis of the sequence revealed that the genes for the fiber and for the precursor to the hexon-associated protein, pviii, that usually flank the e3 region, are well conserved. however, many of the open rea ...19892531236
induction of nephroblastoma by myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1: state of proviral dnas in tumor cells.myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1 (mav1) derived from a molecular clone of infectious proviral dna (b. perbal, j. s. lipsick, j. svoboda, r. f. silva, and m. a. baluda, j. virol. 56:240-244, 1985) was shown to specifically induce nephroblastoma in chickens and therefore belongs to the mav-n class. we show that nephroblastomas are polyclonal tumors containing rearranged proviral genomes. rearrangements occur preferentially in the gag-pol region of the mav1 proviral genome, and similar rearra ...19892564440
naturally acquired enteric adenovirus infection in syrian hamsters (mesocricetus auratus).intranuclear inclusions indicative of adenovirus infection were detected microscopically in formalin-fixed intestinal tissues from preweanling syrian hamsters. the amphophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in ileal enterocytes from 16-to 24-day-old hamsters. electron microscopy revealed large numbers of 72 +/- 3-nm viral particles typical of adenoviridae in enterocytic nuclei. serum antibodies reacted with mouse adenovirus strains k87 and, to a lesser extent, fl, by indirect fluore ...19902154145
binding properties of avian retroviral proteins. ii. binding of protein aslv nc(p12) to viral rna and proviral dna.binding of the major avian retroviral nucleocapsid protein aslv nc(p12) to the mav-1 (myeloblastosis-associated virus) proviral dsdna and viral ssrna was analysed using electron microscopy. specificity of the binding was estimated by special computer programs. the nc(p12) protein bound to mav-1 proviral dsdna (clone pat153--mav-1), but specificity of this binding was not found by computer evaluation. nc(p12) also bound to nondenatured 70s viral rna at a rate of 25 +/- 3 molecules per rna molecul ...19902160894
seromonitoring in small laboratory animal colonies. a five year survey: 1984-1988.from 1984 to 1988 one thousand serologic investigations of laboratory animal colonies originating from 10 different european countries were performed. the most prevalent infections in mouse stocks were caused by mouse hepatitis virus (mhv), minute virus of mice (mvm), theiler's encephalomyelitis virus (temv), reovirus type 3 (reo3), sendaivirus, and pneumonia virus of mice (pvm). in mice no infections with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (lcm), polyomavirus, mouse adenovirus, and k-virus were ...19902321435
sequence of mouse adenovirus type 1 dna encoding the amino terminus of protein iva2. 19902374728
transcription mapping of mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 3.early region 3 (e3) of mouse adenovirus type 1 was analyzed using s1 nuclease protection and primer extension assays, cdna sequencing, and genomic sequencing. we present the genomic sequence from 79 to 83 map units of the viral genome, the precise ends and splice sites of the e3 mrnas, and the predicted protein sequence encoded by the mrnas. three major classes of early mrnas were identified; all were approximately 1 kb long, consisted of three exons, and shared 5' and 3' ends. the three classes ...19902137954
murine adenovirus infection of scid mice induces hepatic lesions that resemble human reye syndrome.murine adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) infection of cb-17 scid mice (which are homozygous for the severe combined immunodeficiency mutation) induces hepatic histopathologic and ultrastructural features that are strikingly similar to human reye syndrome. gross pathologic examination of mav-1-infected mice revealed only pale yellow liver tissue. histopathologic studies of tissue from mav-1-infected mice revealed diffuse hepatic injury manifested by microvesicular fatty degenerative changes of hepatocyte ...19911852004
early region 4 sequence and biological comparison of two isolates of mouse adenovirus type 1.the dna sequence of 88-100 map units of mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) was determined. one translational open reading frame showed 48% sequence similarity to a human adenovirus type 2 early region 4 protein. based on the protein similarity, genome location, and transcriptional polarity, we concluded that this region of mav-1 corresponds to early region 4. a 241-bp sequence consisting of 10 imperfect direct repeats with sequence similarity to minisatellite dna was found in this region. two virus ...19911845825
primary structure of the murine adenovirus type 1 proteinase.the dna sequence of an open reading frame (orf) corresponding to the murine adenovirus type 1 (mav1) proteinase gene was determined. 1162 base pairs were sequenced from the downstream end of the smai-d mav1 genomic fragment. the sequence defines the 204 amino acid proteinase, which apparently does not possess the usual l3 polyadenylation signal, but instead the sequence aaataa. this gene is followed by a 147 amino acid c-terminal portion of the dna-binding protein, encoded by the complementary s ...19921536888
proviral rearrangements and overexpression of a new cellular gene (nov) in myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1-induced nephroblastomas.histological and anatomopathological studies performed on 152 independent myeloblastosis-associated virus type 1 (mav1)-induced nephroblastomas allowed us to precisely define the chronology of tumor development in chickens. three tumors representing increasing developmental stages were used to construct genomic libraries and to study both the state of proviral genomes and the sites of mav1 integration in genomic dna. we established that increasing levels of proviral rearrangement, eventually lea ...19921309586
[serological study of the incidence of murine viruses in a population of small wild rodents (microtus pennsylvanicus ord, 1815)].the results of a serological survey of a free-living population of meadow voles (microtus pennsylvanicus) in pinawa, manitoba (canada) showed that these animals possessed antibodies to six of the eleven viruses tested for, namely: reovirus type 3, murine encephalomyelitis agent, ectromelia virus, murine adenovirus, murine hepatitis virus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. the significant increase in the number of individuals possessing specific antibodies suggests that these viruses, or rel ...19921339064
transcription mapping of mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 4.early region 4 (e4) of mouse adenovirus type 1 was analyzed by northern blotting, cdna sequencing, and s1 nuclease protection and primer extension assays. the transcription map of this region was dissimilar to the consensus human adenovirus e4 transcription map in which all transcripts have identical 5' and 3'-terminal sequences. seven classes of mouse adenovirus type 1 mrnas were identified; all shared the same 3' end. three classes of unspliced mrnas differed at their 5' start sites, two class ...19921388309
pathogenic potential of myeloblastosis-associated virus: implication of env proteins for osteopetrosis identify the nucleotide sequences responsible for the tumorigenic specificity of myeloblastosis-associated virus (mav) we have established the complete nucleotide sequences of three infectious clones inducing either both osteopetrosis and nephroblastoma [mav2(o)/2 and mav2(o)p9] or only nephroblastoma [mav1(n)], and compared their biological properties in the same chicken host strain. the mav2(o)p9 originally described as a type 2 strain was found to carry a hybrid env gene containing sequenc ...19938393249
prevalence of viral antibodies and helminths in field populations of house mice (mus domesticus) in southeastern australia.a 13-month study of wild mice (mus domesticus) in wheatlands in southeastern australia contrasted changes in the seroprevalence of antibody to 13 viruses and the occurrence of helminths with changes in their population dynamics. mice were seropositive for mouse hepatitis virus (mhv), rotavirus, minute virus of mice (mvm), mouse adenovirus (madv), reovirus (reo 3), and murine cytomegalovirus (mcmv). the seroprevalences of all but rotavirus varied significantly with time and increased with host de ...19938472782
a serologic survey for viruses and mycoplasma pulmonis among wild house mice (mus domesticus) in southeastern australia.plasma samples from 267 wild house mice (mus domesticus) trapped at 14 sites in southeastern australia were screened for antibody to 14 viruses normally associated with laboratory-reared rodents and to mycoplasma pulmonis. serologic prevalence was high for murine cytomegalovirus (99%, n = 94), murine coronavirus (95%), and murine rotavirus (74%). samples from mice collected at all sites contained antibody to these viruses. the serologic prevalence was lower for mouse adenovirus, strain k87 (37%) ...19938487371
sequence and structural analysis of murine adenovirus type 1 hexon.the genomic region encoding the major capsid protein (hexon) of murine adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) has been isolated and sequenced. the sequence predicts a 908 residue mav-1 hexon protein and is flanked by a portion of the upstream pvi gene and the downstream endoproteinase gene. the order of these genes and their location in the middle of the genome are the same as those found in other adenoviruses sequenced to date. multiple sequence alignment with the other five known hexon protein sequences re ...19947509368
molecular cloning, physical mapping and cross-hybridization of the murine adenovirus type 1 and type 2 genomes.murine adenovirus (mad) type 1 strain fl and type 2 strain k87 genomes were cloned into plasmid pat153 as hindiii restriction fragments. the mad-1 and mad-2 dna genomes, 30.10 kb and 34.71 kb in length respectively, were mapped using bglii, clai, ecori, hindiii and sphi restriction endonuclease cleavage sites. in view of the large differences found between the mad-1 and mad-2 genomes in terms of the number and location of restriction sites, cross-hybridization experiments were performed. homolog ...19948207397
contribution of mav-1-induced nephroblastoma to the study of genes involved in human wilms' tumor development.the avian nephroblastoma induced by myeloblastosis-associated virus constitutes a unique animal model in which to study genes involved in the initiation and progression of the human wilms' tumor. along this line, we have identified a new cellular gene (nov, for nephroblastoma overexpressed) whose expression is regulated in vitro by the wt1 proteins and is stimulated in all avian nephroblastomas. the nov gene is also conserved in human and its expression is altered in wilms' tumors. in both speci ...19948519812
genetic relationship between mouse adenovirus-2 (strain k87) and human adenovirus-2.the dna of mouse adenovirus strain k87 (mad-2) was cloned and mapped with restriction endonucleases bglii, clai, ecori, hindiii and sphi. large differences were found between the mad-2 and mad-1 (strain fl) dna molecules in terms of number and location of restriction sites. the mad-2 genome also appeared as larger in size than the mad-1 genome (34.72 kb vs. 30.14 kb). our results confirm the existence of two distinct adenovirus species in the mouse. hybridization experiments, on the other hand, ...19948125249
sequence of the mouse adenovirus serotype-1 dna encoding the precursor to capsid protein vi.the nucleotide sequence predicted to encode the precursor to virion structural protein vi (previ) of mouse adenovirus (ad) serotype-1 (mav-1) was determined. the 237-amino-acid sequence has 45% identity and 66% similarity to the human ad serotype-2 previ sequence. there is a marked conservation at the c terminus, the last eleven residues of which may be necessary for activating the ad endoproteinase, and at the n terminus, including the consensus endoproteinase cleavage site.19957835716
mouse adenovirus type 1 causes a fatal hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis in adult c57bl/6 but not balb/c mice.mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) produces a lethal disease in newborn or suckling mice characterized by infectious virus and viral lesions in multiple organs. previous reports of mav-1 infection of adult mice generally described serologic evidence of infection without morbidity or mortality. however, our current results demonstrate that mav-1 causes a fatal illness in adult c57bl/6(b6) mice (50% lethal dose, [ld50], 10(3.0) pfu) but not in adult balb/c mice at all of the doses tested (ld50, > or ...19957494276
characterization of an 11k protein produced by early region 3 of mouse adenovirus type 1.early region 3 (e3) of mouse adenovirus type 1 produces three mrnas that can encode three proteins with unique carboxy-terminal exons. a bacterial fusion protein encoding the unique terminus of one the three predicted proteins was used to generate antiserum in rabbits. this antiserum detected a 14k protein on a western blot of infected cell lysates. immunoprecipitation and endoglycosidase h digestion revealed that the 14k protein was a glycoprotein with a core molecular weight of 11k, and we are ...19957747418
interleukin-12 gene expression after viral infection in the mouse.interleukin-12 is a lymphokine that triggers gamma interferon secretion by various cells and differentiation of t-helper lymphocytes towards the th1 subtype. since viruses are potent inducers of gamma interferon production and elicit immune responses most probably mediated by th1 cells, like b-cell immunoglobulin g2a secretion, we analyzed interleukin-12 message expression after infection of mice with lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus, mouse hepatitis virus, and mouse adenovirus. our results ...19957853541
susceptibility and signs associated with mouse adenovirus type 1 infection of adult outbred swiss swiss outbred mice from two sources had a nearly 6,000-fold difference in susceptibility to mouse adenovirus type 1-induced disease. this difference was not attributable to differential organ tropism. signs associated with mouse adenovirus type 1 infection that have not been previously reported are described at the clinical, gross pathological, and histological levels.19957494327
sequence of the mouse adenovirus type-1 dna encoding the 100-kda, 33-kda and dna-binding proteins.the genomic nucleotide sequence for the region of 66 to 77 map units (m.u.) of mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) was determined and predicted to encode proteins homologous to the human adenovirus (ad) 100-kda, 33kda and dna-binding proteins (dbp). the putative mav-1 100-kda protein has 65-70% amino-acid similarity to 100-kda proteins from five different human ad serotypes. the mrna for the putative 33-kda protein is internally spliced within the coding sequence, as are its human ad counterparts [o ...19968654941
lack of effect of mouse adenovirus type 1 infection on cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class i has been proposed that adenoviruses establish and maintain persistent infections by reducing the class i major histocompatibility complex-associated presentation of viral antigens to cytotoxic t lymphocytes, leading to ineffective cell-mediated immunity and impaired clearance of infected cells (w.s.m. wold and l. r. gooding, virology 184:1-8, 1991). early region 3 of human adenovirus types 2 and 5 encodes a 19-kda glycoprotein that associates with the class i major histocompatibility complex ...19968764061
conservation of dna sequence in the predicted major late promoter regions of selected mastadenoviruses.the major late promoter (mlp) of the subgroup c human adenoviruses is a preeminent model for the study of the mechanisms of basal and activated transcription, both in vivo and in vitro. however, while the structure and function of the human virus mlp has been the subject of extensive investigation, the conservation of the various promoter elements among the adenoviruses from different species has not been examined. conservation of specific elements would strongly suggest the importance and unive ...19968661390
interaction of mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 1a protein with cellular proteins prb and p107.we demonstrated functional associations between mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) early region 1a (e1a) protein and both the mouse retinoblastoma protein (prb) and the mouse prb-related protein, p107. interactions between mav-1 e1a and mouse prb or mouse p107 proteins were examined in infected cell lysates using a mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line infected with wild-type and mutant mav-1 viruses. using a polyclonal antibody to mav-1 e1a, exogenously added mouse prb or mouse p107 was coimmunopre ...19968862413
analysis of early region 3 mutants of mouse adenovirus type 1.early region 3 (e3) of mouse adenovirus type 1 has the potential to produce three proteins which have identical amino termini but unique carboxy-terminal sequences. three recombinant deletion viruses were constructed so that each could produce only one of the three e3 proteins. a fourth mutant that should produce no e3 proteins was also constructed. these recombinants were able to grow in mouse 3t6 cells and produced wild-type levels of viral mrnas and proteins except for those specifically dele ...19968709206
functional characterization of the major late promoter of mouse adenovirus type 1.during the late phase of adenovirus infection, the major late promoter (mlp) controls the regulated expression of the genes that encode most viral structural proteins. recently, the region of the genome of mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1), predicted to contain the mlp, was sequenced and compared to that of the human virus mlp. the general organization of the transcriptional elements of the putative mav-1 mlp is similar to that of the human virus counterpart, with some interesting differences. we ...19979300042
hydropathic characteristics of adenovirus hexons.the complete nucleotide sequence and the predicted amino acid sequence of the adenovirus type 7 hexon gene were determined. the hydropathy of the hexon proteins from human adenovirus types 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 16, 40, 41, and 48, bovine adenovirus type 3, murine adenovirus type 1, and avian adenovirus types 1 and 10 was analysed. the presence of purines and pyrimidines in the second position of the codons was correlated to hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity, respectively. comparison of the hydrophi ...19979267445
completion of the dna sequence of mouse adenovirus type 1: sequence of e2b, l1, and l2 (18-51 map units).the dna sequence of 9991 nt, corresponding to 18-51 map units of mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1), was determined, completing the sequence of the larsen strain of mav-1. the length of the complete mav-1 genome is 30,946 nucleotides, consistent with previous experimental estimates. the 18-51 map unit region encodes early region 2b proteins necessary for adenoviral replication as well as late region l1 and l2 structural and packaging proteins. sequence comparison in this region with human adenoviru ...19979381795
the role of mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 1a in acute and persistent infections in mice.mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) early region 1a (e1a) viral mutants were used to determine the importance of this region in pathogenesis and establishment of a persistent infection in the natural host. lethal dose analysis with adult male swiss outbred mice revealed a significant reduction in virulence for all of the e1a mutants. during acute infections with 10(5) pfu of virus, an e1a null mutant, pme109, was found in the same organs (brain, spleen, and spinal cord) and the same cell types (endo ...19989621028
mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 1a is dispensable for growth in cultured fibroblasts.mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) mutants with deletions of conserved regions of early region 1a (e1a) or with point mutations that eliminate translation of e1a were used to determine the role of e1a in mav-1 replication. mav-1 e1a mutants expressing no e1a protein grew to titers comparable to wild-type mav-1 titers on mouse fibroblasts (3t6 fibroblasts and fibroblasts derived from rb+/+, rb+/-, and rb-/- transgenic embryos). to test the hypothesis that e1a could induce a quiescent cell to reenter ...19989658071
distribution of mouse adenovirus type 1 in intraperitoneally and intranasally infected adult outbred situ nucleic acid hybridization and immunohistochemistry were used to determine the histological localization of mouse adenovirus type 1 (mav-1) during acute infection of adult mice infected either intraperitoneally or intranasally with 1,000 pfu of wild-type virus. organ samples were collected from days 1 to 17 postinfection for the intraperitoneally infected mice and from days 1 to 13 for the intranasally infected mice. endothelial cells of the brain and spinal cord showed extensive evidenc ...19989445021
mouse adenovirus type-1 replication is restricted to vascular endothelium in the cns of susceptible strains of mice.previous studies have shown that mouse adenovirus type-1 (mav-1) caused a fatal hemorrhagic encephalitis in certain strains of mice. c57bi/6 mice exhibited 100% mortality when given as little 10(3) plaque-forming units (pfu) of mav, in contrast to balb/c mice which were resistant to as many as 10(6) pfu. susceptible animals died with a flaccid paralysis on the 3rd or 4th day after inoculation. the brains and spinal cords of these animals displayed numerous petechial hemorrhages that were found i ...19989636361
in vitro and in vivo characterization of a mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 3 null mutant.previous attempts to construct a mouse adenovirus type 1 early region 3 (e3) null mutant by initiator codon mutagenesis were unsuccessful because one of the e3 proteins, gp11k, is synthesized as a fusion protein from a late viral mrna (a. n. cauthen and k. r. spindler, virology 259:119-128, 1999). therefore, a different mutagenesis strategy was employed that inserted termination codons into all three reading frames of the e3 proteins. this strategy produced a mutant, pme314, that was null for th ...199910482617
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