
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
carcinogen-induced neoplasia with metastasis in a south american primate, saguinus oedipus. 19694976950
microfilarial infection of the oral structures in the cotton top marmoset (saguinus oedipus). 19704989567
tetrapetalonema marmosete in cotton-topped marmosets, saguinus oedipus, from the region of san marcos, columbia. 19704247975
diet induced jejunal lipodystrophy in the cotton top marmoset (saguinus oedipus). 19714108179
simian neonatology: i. gestational maturity and extrauterine a 21-month period, 225 simians were born at the new england regional primate research center. of these, 141 (63%) survived the neonatal period, and 84 (37%) were either born dead or died during the first 30 days of life. sixty-two of the 84 neonatal deaths occurred during the perinatal period (0-7 days of life). in four macaque species studied, groups of infants that were high and low survival risks were established by examining weight-specific death rates. criteria for establishing immaturit ...197229884003
the ultrastructure of herpesvirus saimiri-induced lymphoma in cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus). 19724337972
pathologic features of herpesvirus ateles lymphoma in cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus). 19724630607
development of early behaviors in neonatal squirrel monkeys and cotton-top tamarins. 19744207181
collagen turnover in the gingiva and other mature connective tissues of the marmoset saguinus oedipus. 19744217619
glucose utilization by the salivary glands of the marmoset saguinus oedipus.glucose utilization by the marmoset salivary glands was studied radioisotopically, both in vitro and in vivo. surgically excised, minced parotid and submandibular glands from 7 adult animals were incubated in vitro in a medium containing uniformly labeled 14c glucose (glucose-ul-14c), then subjected to respirometry measurements and to extraction and separation procedures for the radioautographic isolation and identification of amino acids, organic acids, and glucose. glucose utilization in vivo ...1975821167
efferent connections of the orbitofrontal cortex in the marmoset (saguinus oedipus).unilateral partial ablations were made in the orbitofrontal cortex of 4 adult marmosets (saguinus oedipus) and fiber degeneration was traced using the nauta-gygax and fink-heimer selective silver impregnation techniques. corticocortical projections were found to the ipsilateral convexity and medial aspect of the frontal lobe and to the homologous orbitofrontal areas of the contralateral hemisphere. fiber degeneration was followed through the uncinate fascicle to the temporal and insular cortices ...1975803392
a killed vaccine derived from the oncogenic herpesvirus ateles.a killed herpesvirus vaccine was prepared by inactivation of the oncogenic herpesvirus ateles (hva) with heat and formaldehyde. the vaccine proved safe in 9 marmosets (saguinus oedipus) during a period of 461 days. the vaccinated marmosets developed high titers of serum antibodies against hva and were resistant to 316 lethal dose 50 (ld50) cell-free hva; the nonvaccinated control monkeys died of malignant lymphoma. the 5 challenged monkeys are clinically well and have now been under observation ...1975808642
pathway of testosterone biosynthesis in the testis of the marmoset saguinus oedipus.these studies were undertaken to determine the principal pathway of androgen biosynthesis by the testis of the marmoset saguinus oedipus. testicular fragments (25 mg) were incubated at 37 degrees c in krebs-ringer bicarbonate buffer, ph 7.4, containing pregnenolone-7-3h (3beta-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one) or progesterone-7-3h. duplicate fragments were incubated with each substrate for 30 min, one hr, three hr, or five hr, for a total of 16 separate incubations. metabolites were separated by paper a ...1976827826
reproductive characteristic of free-ranging panamanian tamarins (saguinus oedipus geoffroyi).field observations on reproductive activity in the panamanian tamarin (saguinus oedipus geoffroyi) were made in conjunction with the examination of 131 reproductive tracts collected at regular intervals over one year. reproductive tract characteristics were compared over seasons. embryonic and fetal development were also assessed. a distinct birth peak was observed from april to early june. pregnancies in april and may point to a potential, but unrealized, birth peak in august and september. des ...1976828669
lymphoma in cotton-top marmosets after inoculation with epstein-barr virus: tumor incidence, histologic spectrum antibody responses, demonstration of viral dna, and characterization of viruses.6 of 20 cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) inoculated with epstein-barr virus (ebv) developed diffuse malignant lymphoma resembling reticulum cell or immunoblastic sarcoma of man. hyperplastic lymphoreticular lesions were induced in three additional animals; in two instances the hyperplastic lesions regressed. inapparent infection with development of antibody occured in eight animals. in two animals there was no evidence of ebv infection. one animal died in the first week after inoculation o ...1977192829
[spontaneous infection of marmoset-monkeys (sanguinus oedipus) with a trypanosoma cruzi-like-strain, springer 1975. isolation and identification (author's transl)].a trypanosoma cruzi-like strain was isolated from marmoset monkeys originating from columbia. the frequency of affected monkeys was up to 32.7%. the parasite density was 10-40 trypomastigote forms per mililiter. monkeys, rats, mice and other small rodentia were found to be susceptible. clinical symptoms or histopathological findings could not be acertained with these trypanosomes even after a 2 1/2 year observation period. the strain behaved as an apathogen in experimental animals. the parasitae ...1977416623
spontaneous colonic adenocarcinoma in marmosets.we find that colonic adenocarcinoma, which is an extremely rare neoplasm of all animals except man and carcinogen-treated rodents, occurs spontaneously in some marmosets. the cotton-topped saguinus oedipus oedipus is particularly prone to develop it, but we have found it also at necropsy in callimico goeldii (goeldi's marmoset). numerous metastases to regional lymph nodes develop. the cancers arise de novo in the mucosa and early invade the submucosa and lymphatic apparatus and paracolonic lymph ...1978417316
studies with the baboon endogenous virus and its pseudotype of murine sarcoma virus in marmosets.three marmoset species (saguinus oedipus oedipus, s. fuscicollis, callithrix jacchus) failed to show evidence of infection or disease following inoculation of baboon endogenous type-c virus (baev). cells infected with a kirsten murine sarcoma-baev pseudotype (msv[baev]) produced a progressive fibrosarcoma in s. o. oedipus and tumors in s. fuscicollis and c. jacchus which regressed. tumor formation is believed to be due to growth of inoculated, virus-infected cells and not transformation of marmo ...1978205851
overview of viral oncology studies in saguinus and callithrix species.marmoset monkeys are highly susceptible to tumor induction by type c sarcoma viruses and primate lymphotropic herpeviruses. six experimental models were reviewed, three sarcoma models induced by rous, feline or simian sarcoma viruses and three models of lymphoproliferative disease induced by herpevirus saimiri, h. ateles or epstein-barr virus. relative susceptibility of cotton-topped (saguinus oedipus oedipus), white-lipped (s. nigricollis, s. fuscicollis subspecies) and commone (callithrix jacc ...1978205860
further characterization of a herpesvirus-positive orang-utan cell line and comparative aspects of in vitro transformation with lymphotropic old world primate orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus) suspension line, cp81, was shown to lack myeloid markers of lysozyme activity an d phagocytosis but to be positive for lymphocytic n-alkaline phosphatase activity, and to release a b-cell-tropic herpesvirus. this herpesvirus, termed herpesvirus pongo, had 30--40% dna homology with ebv and was present at 2-3 genome copies per cp-81 cell. gibbon lymphocytes transformed by h. pongo, epstein-barr virus (ebv), and h. papio (of baboon, papio hamadryas, origin) were found ...1978208990
seroconversion against epstein-barr virus in two nonhuman primate species infected by the oropharyngeal route.transforming epstein-barr virus (ebv) was inoculated into eight squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus) by spraying of viral concentrates into the nose and throat. virus was inoculated into three marmosets (two saguinus oedipus and one calithrix jacchus jacchus) by direct injection into nasopharyngeal tissue. two of these squirrel monkeys seroconverted after repeated inoculation as determined by the presence of ebv-specific antibodies to early antigen and viral capsid antigen. one squirrel monkey ha ...1978213505
marmoset species variation in the humoral antibody response: in vivo and in vitro studies.a comparison of the in vivo and in vitro antibody response capabilities of two marmoset species, saguinus fuscicollis and saguinus oedipus oedipus, revealed the former to be superior in elaborating humoral antibody. in vivo challenges with escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (lps) and salmonella typhi flagella consistently yielded higher antibody titres in s. fuscicollis; indeed, with lps antigen, multiple inoculations of s.o. oedipus marmosets led ultimately to a decrease in antibody formation, ...1978100417
corynebacterium equi in the cottontop marmoset (saguinus oedipus): a case report.a wild-caught cottontop marmoset died after a short illness characterized by loss of appetite, loss of weight and general unthriftiness. necropsy revealed a large thoracic abscess from which corynebacterium equi was recovered.1979117222
tetrapetalonema (t.) panamensis (mccoy, 1936) comb. n. (filarioidea: onchocercidae) in colombian primates, with a description of the adults.microfilaria panamensis mccoy, 1936 was identified in the blood of cebus apella, c. capucinus, c. albifrous, and saguinus oedipus from various regions in colombia. adult worms, recovered from the subcutaneous connective tissues of c. apella and s. oedipus, were identified with this microfilaria and are described as tetrapetalonema (t.) panamensis (mccoy, 1936) comb. n. this nematode is smaller configuration of the female tail and in the appearance of the spicules, and t. barbascalensis which dif ...1979120436
the chemotactic, phagocytic, and microbial killing abilities of primate polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pml).functions of polymorphonuclear leukocytes including chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and microbial killing were investigated in baboons (papio cynocephalus), cebus monkeys (cebus apella), and marmosets (saguinus oedipus). cells from a group of normal adult human volunteers were also studied for comparison. polymorphonuclear leukocytes from the three nonhuman primate species were comparable to each other and to humans in chemotactic activity using endotoxin activated serum. in addition, the ability of b ...1979121031
isolation of a cytomegalovirus from salivary glands of white-lipped marmosets (saguinus fuscicollis).minced salivary glands from seven white-lipped marmosets (saguinus fuscicollis and saguinus nigricollis) and one cotton-topped marmoset (saguinus oedipus) were cocultivated with marmoset cell cultures. a viral agent, designated ssg, was isolated from two saguinus fuscicollis. slowly progressing foci of rounded, vacuolated, refractile cells were first observed at 40-43 days incubation. electron microscopy revealed intranuclear herpesvirus nucleocapsids and intracytoplasmic and extracellular envel ...1979220464
fatal herpesvirus tamarinus infection in cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus).fatal herpesvirus tamarinus infection was observed in cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus) imported from south america via the united states on august 26, 1976. in addition to the lesions hitherto reported in herpesvirus tamarinus infection, severe degenerative and necrotic changes of ganglion cells were recognized with intranuclear inclusion bodies in the plexus of the digestive tract and the sympathetic nerves and their ganglions in the abdominal cavity. inflammatory or regressive change ...1979230986
indoor-outdoor housing systems for a self-sustaining marmoset breeding colony.indoor-outdoor housing of three types was designed, constructed, used and evaluated for housing a breeding colony of common (callithrix jacchus) and cottontop (saguinus oedipus) marmosets. all types were relatively inexpensive to construct, required minimal care, simulated a natural environment and allowed for some isolation between units and between individual runs within units.1979119116
metabolism of pregnenolone and progesterone by testicular microsomes of the baboon papio anubis and the marmoset saguinus oedipus. 1979159981
the use of time and space by the panamanian tamarin, saguinus oedipus.tamarin activity patterns and habitat utilization strategies in the tropical dry forest of the panama canal zone were monitored quantitatively using radio-location telemetry. the daily tamarin activity pattern differed from that of other neotropical primates in that early morning and late afternoon activity normally did not occur. total daily activity time averaged 676 +/- 62 min. sleeping trees, and behaviors associated with their use, were documented. daily path length averaged 2,061 +/- 402 m ...1979118902
morphological observations of the replication of herpesvirus tamarinus in rl-33 cells.the replication in rl-33 cells (rabbit lung cell line) of herpesvirus tamarinus isolated from cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus) was investigated by electron microscopy. in the early stages of infection, ring-shaped and granular structures, and fibrillar materials were recognized in the nucleus. immature particles were often found in such nuclei. the envelope of the virus was formed by budding through intracytoplasmic membranes, the inner nuclear membrane or the membrane of intracytoplas ...19806254473
mucous and argentaffin cells in colonic adenocarcinomas of tamarins and rats.primary and metastatic neoplasms of four naturally occurring colonic adenocarcinomas in the cotton-topped tamarin, saguinus oedipus oedipus, and four chemically induced rat colonic adenocarcinomas were examined with light and electron microscopy. in each case, we observed mixtures of mucous and argentaffin cells in metastatic sites, proving that endocrine cells are an integral part of these tumors. the occurrence of mixed cell populations in metastases in both species suggests, but does not prov ...19807442128
glomerulonephritis associated with arteritis in marmosets infected with hepatitis a of 8 marmosets (saguinus oedipus and saguinus labiatus) injected i.v. with different inocula of hepatitis a virus isolated from patients in the acute phase of disease developed proliferative glomerulonephritis associated with arteritis. the glomerulonephritis was characterized by immunofluorescent and electron-dense deposits and hypercellularity. although no antigenic component of the glomerular immune complex was detected, this glomerulonephritis and arteritis may be diagnosed morphologic ...19816452891
a marmoset t lymphoma which functions as a human amplifier t cell.a long-term in vitro grown t cell line derived from a cotton-topped marmoset (saguinus oedipus) infected with herpesvirus saimiri was fond to share surface antigens with human amplifier t cells and to augment the capacity of human b cells to secrete immunoglobulin. this is the first demonstration of t/b collaboration across such a large phylogenetic barrier and might have interesting implications for understanding the nature of molecular interactions mediating cell/cell cooperation.19816801144
chromosomes and cell surface markers of marmoset lymphocytes and epstein-barr virus-transformed marmoset cell lines.the g-banded karyotypes of both normal lymphocytes and epstein-barr virus (ebv)-transformed lymphocytes of cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus) were examined. the marmoset lymphocytes and ebv-transformed lymphoblastoid cells had normal diploid chromosomes (2n = 46) with no specific cytogenic change associated with transformation in vitro. ebv-transformed marmoset lymphocytes expressed the cell surface markers of b lymphocytes and eb viral antigens.19816268289
fatal herpesvirus tamarinus infection in cotton-topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus). 19816275150
analysis of mutagen-induced chromosome damage in a primate species (saguinus oedipus oedipus) at risk for spontaneous adenocarcinoma of the colon.a high incidence of adenocarcinoma of the colon (greater than 16%) has been observed at necropsy in the south american primate, saguinus oedipus oedipus (s. oedipus), while the disease has not been found in tamarins of the closely related species, saguinus fuscicollis spp, housed in the same research colony. cytogenetic analyses in cultured lymphocytes from 10 s. oedipus and 10 s. fuscicollis illigeri (s. fuscicollis) demonstrated no differences in the average frequencies of spontaneous or mitom ...19816791815
competition for a desired food in family groups of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) and the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus).four captive groups of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) and three groups of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) were each presented with a desired food and their consumption was monitored. inequalities in consumption between individuals were found for each group of each species. generally, adult females consumed most of the desired food, followed by juveniles, and finally adult males. high consumption levels by all individuals during isolated feedings indicated that consumption inequalit ...19816789003
husbandry and breeding of a newly-established colony of cotton-topped tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus).from november 1976 to february 1979 a total of 8 litters were born to 6 females. of the 14 infants, 10 were successfully reared by their parents. housing, nutrition, a balance between environmental stability and stimulation, and female multiparity are seen as factors contributing to the breeding success of this colony. a controlled male and female pairing programme provided information on mating behavior and gestation length. one gestation of at least 166 days was observed, longer than that of t ...19816790834
urinary oestrogen excretion in the female cotton-topped tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus).daily urinary oestrogen excretion was measured by radioimmunoassay in 6 adult female cotton-topped tamarins. four females showed obvious cyclicity in oestrogen excretion and the mean cycle length for 10 complete cycles was 22.7 +/- 1.7 days with a range of 19-25 days. in 3 of the 6 females a dip-and-read test for blood in the urine gave positive readings which were distributed during trough and mid-cycle periods although females of this species are believed not to menstruate.19816788947
colonic adenocarcinoma associated with chronic colitis in cotton top marmosets, saguinus oedipus.colitis is a common disease of cotton top marmosets, saguinus oedipus, characterized by crypt abscesses and inflammation of lamina propria. in more advanced colitis there is marked irregularity of mucosal surface, distortion of crypt architecture and epithelium, increased numbers of mitoses, and decreased numbers of goblet cells. foci of pleomorphic cells arranged in poorly formed glands or sheets, interpreted as carcinoma in situ, also occur. many such cases have invasive colonic adenocarcinoma ...19816781977
nutritional evaluation in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus).four cotton-top tamarins were fed a commercial biscuit diet and three others a commercial canned diet for 12 weeks. thereafter, all seven were fed a purified diet for 12 weeks. general health, body weight, food intake, fecal output, serum biochemistry, blood count, and colonic histopathology were evaluated at various times during the experiments. the diets did not affect these parameters except the purified diet was associated with relatively reduced fecal output. diarrhea and chronic colitis oc ...19816787327
noma in saguinus oedipus: a report of 2 cases.2 cases of noma in cotton topped marmosets (saguinus oedipus) are reported. the condition did not respond to antibiotic therapy, but was successfully treated in one animal by local application of ethacridine lactate.19826816990
a juxtarenal myelolipoma in a cottontop marmoset (saguinus oedipus): a case report.a myelolipoma was surgically removed from the abdomen of a 15-year-old female cottontop marmoset (saguinus oedipus). because of its close adherence to the right kidney, a unilateral nephrectomy was performed. the post-surgical recovery was uneventful. a myelolipoma is a circumscribed mass of bone marrow elements embedded in mature adipose tissue. these masses have been reported in the adrenal glands, paravertebral tissue, intrathoracic tissues, and mesentery of man. a similar condition has been ...198231995902
gastrointestinal neoplasms in nonhuman primates: a review and report of eleven new cases.reported gastrointestinal neoplasms in nonhuman primates are reviewed, and the clinical and pathologic features of 11 new cases are described. the 11 monkeys had a total of 12 malignant gastrointestinal neoplasms; one had two primary carcinomas, one in the colon and one in the duodenum. ten of the 12 tumors were adenocarcinomas: two in the duodenum, one in the jejunum, four in the distal ileum or region of the ileocecal valve and three in the large intestine. the remaining two lesions were a his ...19826293146
[lymphocyte heterogeneity of the t system: characterization of an allotypic antiserum recognizing a sub-species antigenic determinant in non-human primates].to determine the membrane properties in t-lymphocyte population from saguinus primates or lymphoblastoid cell lines of the same origin, an allotypic antiserum was prepared inoculating two saguinus illigeri with 3.5 x 10(10) viable 70n2 cells obtained in-vitro, from a lymphoma induced by inoculation of herpesvirus saimiri in a saguinus oedipus. the 70n2 cells carried the virus genome in an episomal way; it did not produce infectious virus and it formed spontaneous rosettes (99%) with sheep erythr ...19826086023
gastrointestinal neoplasms in nonhuman primates: a review and report of eleven new cases.reported gastrointestinal neoplasms in nonhuman primates are reviewed, and the clinical and pathologic features of 11 new cases are described. the 11 monkeys had a total of 12 malignant gastrointestinal neoplasms; one had two primary carcinomas, one in the colon and one in the duodenum. ten of the 12 tumors were adenocarcinomas: two in the duodenum, one in the jejunum, four in the distal ileum or region of the ileocecal valve and three in the large intestine. the remaining two lesions were a his ...19826153001
an analysis of the association of gastroenteric lesions with chronic wasting syndrome of marmosets.retrospective pathology data from necropsies of 162 marmosets, saguinus oedipus, were studied to determine the nature of chronic wasting syndrome, a poorly defined entity associated with a high mortality rate in many marmoset colonies. paraffin sections of the gastroenteric organs of 116 of these marmosets were re-examined in detail; lesions were identified, quantitated, and analyzed with a method of multiple chi-square testing for possible associations between findings. five distinct disease en ...19826153004
an analysis of the association of gastroenteric lesions with chronic wasting syndrome of marmosets.retrospective pathology data from necropsies of 162 marmosets, saguinus oedipus, were studied to determine the nature of chronic wasting syndrome, a poorly defined entity associated with a high mortality rate in many marmoset colonies. paraffin sections of the gastroenteric organs of 116 of these marmosets were re-examined in detail; lesions were identified, quantitated, and analyzed with a method of multiple chi-square testing for possible associations between findings. five distinct disease en ...19826815872
functional implications of skeletal diversity in two south american tamarins.this study examines the relationship between positional behavior and morphology for two closely related south american tamarin species, saguinus fuscicollis illigeri and saguinus oedipus oedipus. although never systematically documented, the two species are suspected of exhibiting highly similar yet subtly different locomotor behaviors with a greater propensity for climbing, springing, and more powerful leaping in s. oedipus. fourteen measurements reflecting biomechanical structuring were taken ...19836412558
cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus): hematologic reference values and hemopathologic responses.hematologic reference values have been established for captive adult cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus) by carrying out full blood counts and fibrinogen estimation on 43 clinically normal animals. females were shown to have significantly lower hemoglobin levels, red cell counts and packed cell volumes, and higher reticulocyte counts than males. the reference values were used to identify abnormal changes in the blood of 13 clinical cases. marked neutrophilia was found in animals with ...198331986863
carcinoma of the colon in the cotton-top tamarin: a radiographic study. 19836417093
cyclic excretion of urinary oestrogens in female tamarins (saguinus oedipus).urine was collected from 6 female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus o. oedipus) and urinary oestrone and oestradiol concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay. oestrone was excreted at 50-fold higher concentrations than oestradiol. five females showed patterns of regular oestrone cyclicity, with a mean peak-to-peak oestrone cycle of 23.6 +/- 1.2 days. levels of oestradiol tended to vary with levels of oestrone excretion, but peaks were less pronounced and more variable. the sixth female, diagn ...19836405030
a retrospective study of infant mortality of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) in captive breeding.fifty of 156 (32%) colony bred cotton-top tamarins were stillborn, and 31 (20%) died within the first week after birth. the stillbirth rate was related to litter size and parity in captivity. a higher percent of single births were stillborn (69%) compared to those of twin births (26%) (p less than 0.005). a higher percent of infants born of the first litter in captivity (42%) were stillborn than those of subsequent litters (23%) (p less than 0.025). stillbirths were not related to season of birt ...19836406761
lactation and fertility: an examination of nursing and interbirth intervals in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus o. oedipus).breeding records from a colony of saguinus o. oedipus were examined to determine the influence of nursing on the return to a fertile status in adult females. the overall interbirth interval (ibi) was 208.5 +/- 16.3 days. nursing status (nursing vs. non-nursing) and number of infants nursed (0, 1, or 2) did not influence ibi. the lack of effects of nursing on fertility appears to be a general trait in callitrichid primates.19836414916
relationship between social interactions and sexual maturation in female saguinus oedipus oedipus.4 female saguinus oedipus oedipus were paired with strange, unrelated males while 5 remained in their natal family groups. a comparison of the frequency of selected social interactions involving these females when sexually immature versus mature was made. the frequency of sexual and affiliative interactions in male-female pairs was basically unchanged by the female's maturation. mother-daughter interactions were also not changed in a consistent fashion by the daughters' maturation. females with ...19836414915
myeloproliferative disease in a cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus). 19836408302
factors influencing population growth of a colony of cotton-top tamarins.43% of full-term births in a colony of saguinus oedipus oedipus occurred during april and may. interbirth interval was usually 12 months in females which reared live young and 7 months in those whose young died perinatally. 81% of all full-term births were of twins, the rest were singles. high mortality among neonates was seen with a group of bought-in animals which had been taken from their parents at an early age without participating in the rearing of siblings, and was attributable to parenta ...19836408301
social influences on sexual maturation of female saguinus oedipus oedipus.the hypothesis tested was that saguinus oedipus oedipus females housed with adult males would mature, sexually, at an earlier age than females remaining in their natal family groups. six females were housed with strange, unrelated males. five females remained in their natal groups. blood samples were taken twice weekly, and the plasma was assayed for progesterone. sexual maturation was operationally defined as that age at which plasma progesterone levels became consistently detectable. females h ...198431986834
the effect of social environment on estrogen excretion, scent marking, and sociosexual behavior in tamarins (saguinus oedipus).the influence of various social environments on estrogen excretion, scent marking, and the expression of sociosexual behavior was examined in cotton-top tamarins (sanguinus o. oedipus). behavioral observations and urine collections were conducted on five females while first housed in their natal family group or in the presence of another cycling adult female and then while housed with an unrelated adult male in a separate cage. behavioral observations only were conducted on males in natal family ...198431986830
energy requirements of captive cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus).food intake of captive cotton-top tamarins was measured at various stages of the life cycle and energy intake was calculated from the results. the intake of adults for maintenance was found to vary around 500 kj x kg-3/4 x day-1 and to decrease with age. during the last 8 weeks of pregnancy, females increased in weight by about 2 g x day-1 but energy intake did not show a marked rise above the maintenance range. during lactation, their energy intake appeared to double. measurements of intake at ...19846437946
effects of sibling-rearing experience on future reproductive success in two species of callitrichidae.the survival rate for offspring of mothers who either had or did not have previous experience rearing younger siblings was compared in two callitrichid species, callithrix jacchus and saguinus oedipus. offspring of mothers with sibling-rearing experience had a higher survival percentage than offspring of inexperienced mothers in both species. while 50-60% of offspring of inexperienced c. jacchus mothers survived, no offspring of inexperienced s. oedipus mothers survived. the results suggest that ...198432160724
reproductive performance of three species of callitrichidae.the reproductive performance of three species of callitrichidae housed under identical conditions, including relatively spacious caging and visual screening, was compared. the three species were callithrix jacchus, saguinus fuscicollis, and saguinus oedipus. callithrix jacchus was the most reliable breeder, with the lowest percentage of stillborn and the highest post-weaning survival. while the reproductive performance of s oedipus was better than that generally reported for other colonies, the ...19846431191
comparative immunogenicity studies on epstein-barr virus membrane antigen (ma) gp340 with novel adjuvants in mice, rabbits, and cotton-top tamarins.the effectiveness of immunisation of mice, rabbits, and cotton-top tamarins with small amounts of eb virus ma glycoprotein gp340 , incorporated into artificial liposomes, has been compared using various routes of injection with or without additional adjuvants. liposomes containing gp340 gave specific high titre antibodies after i.p. or i.v. administration, and the addition of lipid a to the liposomes resulted in a significant enhancement of the response. antibodies generated by the above procedu ...19846327902
primary structures of adult hemoglobins of silvery marmoset, callithrix argentatus, and cotton-headed tamarin, saguinus oedipus.tryptic peptides of the alpha and beta chains from silvery marmoset (callithrix argentatus) and cotton-headed tamarin (saguinus oedipus) hemoglobins were isolated and sequenced, respectively, by conventional methods. the ordering of the peptides in each chain was deduced from the homology of their sequences with those of human adult hemoglobin. the primary structures thus deduced are compared with those of other primate hemoglobins, and the rate of evolution in new world monkey hemoglobins is di ...19846427202
ecological distinctions between sympatric species of saguinus and sciurus.tamarins are small new world monkeys that have been described as "squirrellike." squirrels, along with bats and birds, are the taxa most likely to utilize resources similar to those used by primates in the tropical forest canopy. in this paper we compare differences in ecology, diet, locomotion, and habitat utilization between sympatric populations of tamarins (saguinus oedipus) and tree squirrels (sciurus granatensis) in panama. data presented indicate that although there is some degree of reso ...19846439048
individual tumors of multifocal eb virus-induced malignant lymphomas in tamarins arise from different b-cell clones.cotton-top tamarins were inoculated with sufficient epstein-barr virus to induce multiple tumors in each animal within 14 to 21 days. the tumors consisted of large-cell lymphomas that contained multiple copies of the epstein-barr virus genome and generated epstein-barr virus-carrying cell lines showing no detectable consistent chromosomal abnormality. hybridization of tumor dna with immunoglobulin gene probes revealed that each lymphoma was oligo- or monoclonal in origin and that individual tumo ...19852986287
in vitro growth characteristics of simian t-lymphotropic virus type iii.the type c retrovirus simian t-lymphotropic virus type iii (stlv-iii) has been isolated recently from immunodeficient macaque monkeys at the new england regional primate research center. the present studies were done to define the in vitro growth characteristics of this agent. stlv-iii replicates efficiently in interleukin 2-dependent t-cell cultures of macaque peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl), less efficiently in such cultures of human and gibbon pbl, and inefficiently in baboon pbl. no repli ...19852996002
protection of cottontop tamarins against epstein-barr virus-induced malignant lymphoma by a prototype subunit vaccine.epstein-barr (eb) virus is one of the five herpesviruses of man. strong links between this agent and the chain of events causing two human cancers, endemic burkitt's lymphoma and undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma, have long been evident (reviewed in ref. 1). because of this, and because of the very high incidence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in certain large populations, it was suggested in 1976 that a vaccine should be developed against eb virus to prevent infection and thereby reduce tu ...19852999604
characterization of spontaneous colitis in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) and its response to sulfasalazine.chronic colitis in the cotton-top tamarin (ctt) has been characterized by obtaining distal colonic biopsy specimens, hematocrits, serum albumins, and stools for bacteriologic and parasitic examination in nondebilitated living ctts. the species specificity of the histologic features of colitis observed in the ctt was assessed by obtaining distal colonic biopsy specimens from 10 animals of other primate species for histologic examination. histologic evidence of active colitis was found in 50% of a ...19852856876
the isolation and characterization of the human helper inducer t cell subset.monoclonal antibody anti-4b4 was produced by fusing ns1 myeloma with spleen cells of a mouse immunized with saguinus oedipus lymphocyte. this anti-4b4 antibody defines a 135-kd cell surface protein that is widely distributed throughout the hematopoietic system. more importantly, anti-4b4 is reactive with functionally unique human t cell subsets. anti-4b4 antibody was reactive with approximately 41% of unfractionated t cells, 41% of t4+ inducer cells, and approximately 43% of t8+ cytotoxic/suppre ...19853157750
colonic mucin composition in primates. selective alterations associated with spontaneous colitis in the cotton-top tamarin.heterogeneity of colonic mucin glycoprotein was examined in rectal mucosal biopsy specimens from a variety of primate species (saguinus oedipus, n = 18; macaca mulatta, n = 2; macaca fascicularis, n = 2; aotus trivirgatus, n = 2; saimiri sciureus, n = 2; and callithrix jacchus, n = 2). after initial separation of radiolabeled mucin and nonmucin glycoproteins solubilized from mucosal biopsy specimens, at least five labeled mucin components were found in monkey rectal mucosa in contrast to the six ...19853917260
comments on comparative pathology of colonic neoplasia in cotton-top marmoset (saguinus oedipus oedipus). 19853933930
monkey dander asthma.we recently cared for two patients who experienced acute asthma with exposure to dander of the cotton top tamarin, a species of new world monkey. both patients had serologic evidence for an ige antibody to monkey dander as determined by rast and a positive immediate skin test response to an extract prepared from monkey dander. furthermore, by rast we were able to determine that cotton top tamarin urine and newborn cotton top tamarin dander had antigens that reacted with ige in the serum of the a ...19853968337
nonviral infectious agents and marmoset (saguinus oedipus) colitis. 19853933938
evolution and natural history of colonic disease in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus). 19853933937
histology of colitis: saguinus oedipus oedipus and other marmosets. 19853933936
monoclonal antibody-defined antigens detected in colonic tissues of cotton-top tamarin, saguinus oedipus oedipus. 19853933932
histology of colon cancer in saguinus oedipus oedipus.diagnosis of colon cancer in tamarins often requires histologic (microscopic) inspection of the entire colon before minute primary sites can be located in the flat colonic mucosa. in other cases the cancer is easily recognized grossly because infiltration produces local desmoplastic reactions. the cancer does not have a preceding benign polypoid stage. the carcinoma is most typically poorly differentiated. the pas stain, however, demonstrates that some of the malignant cells always produce mucin ...19853933929
rearing a second generation of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus) in captivity.the average age at first parturition in captive-born female cotton-top tamarins was 31 months. only 18% of full-term young born were successfully reared by primiparous females, but success increased with parity and 71% of babies born at 4th and 5th pregnancies were raised. 15% of litters were single births, 61% were twins and 24% were triplets. there was a seasonal distribution of births, with a clear peak in the spring months. the average interbirth interval was 294 days.19853934462
a breeding colony of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus).a breeding colony of cotton-top tamarins is described where 91% of the breeding females are from the first and second laboratory-born generations, and whose infants have a one year survival rate of 62%. mortality is greatest in the first week of life, and mortality rate is greater for a female's first litter than for subsequent litters. females without early experience in caring for other infants have a higher infant mortality rate than females with such experience. no seasonal birth patterns ha ...19853932776
renal papillary adenoma in a cotton-topped tamarin (saguinus oedipus).the second case of a renal tumour in a tamarin is described. the incidentally discovered unilateral tumour developed in an adult female cotton-topped tamarin. it did not cause clinical symptoms and was classified as a papillary adenoma based on its morphological characteristics.19853923265
a naturally occurring bone-marrow-chimeric primate. i. integrity of its immune system.the new world primate species saguinus oedipus, the cotton-top tamarin, has a high incidence of spontaneously occurring adenocarcinoma of the colon and develops a fatal lymphoproliferative syndrome following infection with various herpes viruses. some investigators have linked such disease susceptibilities to abnormalities in the immune function of the cotton-top tamarin that may result from the natural bone marrow chimerism that occurs in this species. the present studies were initiated to esta ...19853156438
is cancer of the colon familial in cotton-top tamarins?ten cases of spontaneous adenocarcinoma of the colon were observed in first-generation saguinus oedipus oedipus born and raised under defined colony conditions. in this series of 10 cases, 3 animals had a wild parent (caught and imported) that also died of cancer of the colon and 4 of the remaining 7 were two unrelated sets of siblings (one a set of fraternal twins). this somewhat unexpected familial association or clustering of these malignancies suggests the possibility of a significant heredi ...19853917368
adenocarcinoma of the large bowel and colitis in captive cotton-top tamarins saguinus o. oedipus.the gross and microscopic appearance of large bowel adenocarcinoma in two young adult, captive-born cotton-top tamarins is described. a retrospective examination of sections of colons from other animals that had died in the colony revealed a high incidence of chronic colitis. the adenocarcinomas, which resembled those reported from colonies of this species in the u.s.a., are thought to be the first seen in great britain.19863093542
comparison of infant care in family groups of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) and the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus).the involvement of parents and siblings in infant care in similarly composed groups of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) and cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) was compared during the infants' first 8 weeks of life. the results indicate an earlier infant independence in c. jacchus than in s. oedipus due primarily to a more frequent rejection of carried infants in c. jacchus. there was no species difference in extent of maternal involvment in carrying infants. however, s. oedipus fathers ...198631979458
breeding performance of captive-born cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) females: proposed explanations for colony differences.successful breeding by captive-born saguinus oedipus females has now been reported from several colonies, but a marked parity effect (ie, differences in infant survival with the number of litters produced) is usually observed; survival of infants of primiparous females is extremely low but increases with subsequent litters. this parity effect was not observed in the captive-born breeding females in the oak ridge associated universities colony, with survival of offspring of primiparous females at ...198631979447
nononcogenic deletion mutants of herpesvirus saimiri are defective for in vitro immortalization.herpesvirus saimiri l-dna sequences between 0.0 and 4.0 map units (4.5 kilobase pairs) are required for oncogenicity; these sequences are not required for replication of the virus. to investigate the basis for the lack of oncogenicity of mutants with deletions in this region and to study the function of this region, we developed a reliable system for in vitro immortalization by herpesvirus saimiri. in contrast to peripheral blood lymphocytes from cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) and owl mo ...19863003401
glucocorticoid receptors in epstein-barr virus-transformed lymphocytes from patients with glucocorticoid resistance and a glucocorticoid-resistant new world primate species.members of a previously reported family with glucocorticoid resistance and several new world primates have high plasma cortisol concentrations without any signs of glucocorticoid excess. the glucocorticoid receptor in circulating leukocytes and cultured skin fibroblasts from these patients and the animals is characterized by a decreased affinity for dexamethasone. on the other hand, the cell content of receptor is similar to that of corresponding tissues of normal humans. detailed biochemical-bi ...19863009520
technique for hand-rearing and reintroducing rejected cotton-top tamarin infants.during a one year period, seven rejected cotton-top tamarin infants were hand-reared. a hand-rearing program was developed which included the use of heated surrogates, a non-human primate infant formula, special nipples, and a systematic reintroduction into a family group. this regimen was quite successful. the hand-rearing process yielded a success rate of 75.0%, while the reintroduction process had a success rate of 80.0% for reintroduction into a family group and 100.0% survival rate.19863088320
high motivation toward food increases food-sharing in cotton-top order to explore whether or not adult motivation influences transfer of food to infants in cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus), 2 experiments were carried out with 3 large captive family groups. examination of (a) natural changes in food motivation during feeding, and (b) elevated motivation toward food by giving highly preferred items, showed that the adult monkeys shared food more when their own level of motivation was high. this suggests that food-transfer is not merely a conseq ...19863093299
congenital anomalies in two neonatal tamarins (saguinus oedipus and saguinus fuscicollis).congenital anomalies were seen at necropsy of two neonatal tamarins. the defects included achondroplastic-like dwarfism, polydactyly and syndactyly in a saguinus oedipus, and scoliosis and uterus didelphys in a s. fuscicollis. both infants were the offspring of incestuous matings between twin siblings.19863027346
glycoconjugates in the colons of new world monkeys with spontaneous colitis. association between inflammation and neoplasia.a spontaneously occurring experimental model of chronic colitis has been described in three closely related species of new world monkeys. one species, saguinus oedipus oedipus, has the additional feature of developing adenocarcinoma of the colon in this setting. pathological and lectin histochemistry studies were undertaken in 50 such colonic specimens to determine if pathological or histochemical features were associated with the concomitant development of cancer. chronic inflammation was found ...19873102306
specific immune serum to the epstein-barr virus dna polymerase.epstein-barr virus (ebv) dna polymerase was released from phorbol ester-treated tamarin (saguinus oedipus) cells (b95-8) and prepared for use as an antigen by sequential column chromatography with deae-sephadex a-25, deae-cellulose, phosphocellulose, and single-stranded dna cellulose. proteins from single-stranded dna cellulose with dna polymerase activity in 100 mm ammonium sulfate were mixed with complete freund adjuvant and injected intradermally into rats and rabbits. immune sera that were s ...19873041054
the florey lecture, 1986. vaccine prevention of virus-induced human cancers.carcinogenic viruses have been discovered in numerous animal species over the last 80 years but their role in human cancer has only recently become an important issue. with eb virus involved with endemic burkitt's lymphoma and undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma, hepatitis b virus with primary liver cancer, papilloma viruses with carcinoma of the cervix, and t-cell leukaemia virus with adult t leukaemia, 20-25% of all human cancer appears to have a virus component in its causation. by anal ...19872884667
color discrimination by the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus) and its relation to fruit coloration.old world monkeys and apes have been reported to differ from new world monkeys in their abilities to discriminate colors across the visible spectrum. old world monkeys and apes (macaca, pan, pongo) discriminate colors quite accurately, while some new world monkeys studied (saimiri, cebus) have shown lower sensitivity to and poorer discrimination of long wavelength light. this study examined the color discrimination ability of another new world primate, the cotton-top tamarin, saguinus oedipus oe ...19873136059
growth of b95-8 cells and expression of epstein-barr virus lytic phase in serum-free medium.epstein-barr virus (ebv)-transformed tamarin (saguinus oedipus) cells (b95-8) were selected for growth in medium with reduced serum and then transferred to serum-free medium which consisted of rpmi 1640 supplemented with insulin, transferrin, and selenium. serum-free cells in continuous passage for 1 year had a morphology, growth rate, and culture density which approached those of b95-8 cells grown with serum. the cells expressed virus-induced antigens, including the ebv-associated dna polymeras ...19872824833
urinary gonadotropin and estrogen excretion during the postpartum estrus, conception, and pregnancy in the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus).hormonal profiles during postpartum estrus, time of conception, and pregnancy were determined in urine samples from six cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus). noninvasive collection techniques permitted daily sampling throughout lactation and pregnancy. urinary estrone (e1), estradiol (e2), and both bioactive and immunoreactive luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin (lh/cg) measures revealed an interval of 19 ± 2.07 (s e m) days between parturition and the postpartum ovulatory lh pe ...198731973507
the endocrinology of puberty and reproductive functioning in female cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) under varying social conditions.sexual maturation and fertility were assessed in fourteen cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus) females under various social conditions. six tamarin females (20-28 mo of age) showed a suppression of fertility while living with their families. hormonal profiles demonstrated low, acyclic levels of urinary luteinizing hormone (lh) and estrone-conjugates (e1c). a rapid onset of ovarian and pituitary cyclicity occurred when four of the six females were removed from their families and paired with an u ...19873118981
some communicatory functions of scent marking in the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus oedipus).the ability of cotton-top tamarins to discriminate between scents from conspecifics and those from other tamarin species, and between scents from conspecific individuals was tested. cotton-tops scent mark with specialized skin glands in the circumgenital area. females possess larger glands than males and show more scent-marking behavior. in the first experiment, subjects were presented with a glass rod scented with either material collected from the surface of the scent glands of a conspecific f ...198824275997
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