
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
the innervation of the gum of talpa europea. 193917104800
on hydatids of the male genital tract in talpa europaea l. 194521016824
on an intersex copy of talpa europaea l. 194520997966
chromosomal evolution in the european mole-cricket. 194818913393
occurrence of haplosporangium parvum in the lungs of the mole (talpa europaea). 195413214020
[morphologic aspects of the diencephalo-hypophysial neurosecretory apparatus of the mole (talpa europea) and squirrel (sciurus vulgaris)]. 195414351559
[coccidia of talpa europea]. 195613350600
[development of meckel's cartilage in an insectivore, the mole (talpa europaea l.)]. 195713489929
a note on the absence of auricular fibrillation in the european mole (talpa europaea). 195713446854
[endoparasites in mole (talpa europaea l.) in the lublin region]. 195813604239
the incidence and distribution in britain of the trematodes of talpa europaea. 195913657523
[study of the cytoarchitectonic structure of the diencephalon of talpa europaea (insectivora talpidae)]. 195913797600
[on a 3d spiral lamella in the cochlea and on the anatomy of all 3 spiral plates with special reference to the cochlea of talpa europea]. 196013736289
[on the stapes of talpa europea and stapes fixation noted in this animal]. 196113736290
[the ear ossicles of talpa europea]. 196113736291
[distribution of histochemically demonstrable cholinesterase activity in the spleen of talpa europaea l. (mammifera, insectivora)]. 196314115620
[on the comparative anatomy of the cochlea of talpa europaea, sorex araneus and sorex alpinus]. 196414266942
the visual system of the mole. talpa europaea. 19655851390
[reduction of the eye of the mole. (comparative study on the eye of the european mole and the common shrew)]. 19655864234
rectal and external body temperature in the mole (talpa europea l.). 19665954988
the problem of vision in the ecology of talpa europaea. 19665929584
transmission of tick-borne encephalitis virus by nymphs of ixodes ricinus to the european mole (talpa europaea). 19664380780
isolation of tick-borne encephalitis virus from the blood of the mole (talpa europaea) in a natural focus of infection. 19664380781
serological survey and isolation of tick-borne encephalitis virus from the blood of the mole (talpa europaea) in a natural focus. 19664381993
the autecology of small rodents and insectivores of the tribec mountain range.small rodents and insectivores have become the main reservoirs of tick-borne encephalitis virus. in order, therefore, to demonstrate the dynamic and structural changes occurring in a natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis, information has been collected on the distribution, habitat, life-cycle, population density and extent of tick infestation of the rodents and insectivores that inhabit the tribec region and adjacent parts of the hronský inovec mountains. the following mammals are discussed: ...19675298539
[histologic and ultrastructural features of the sino-atrial node of talpa europaea]. 19675628091
[some ultrastructural details of purkinje cells in talpa europaea heart]. 19675592322
food and activity in the mole talpa europaea. 19676061800
[comparative volume studies on the brains of european moles (talpidae)]. 19685732945
talpa europea -- reservoir of trichinella spiralis in our contry. 19685006187
electron microscopic study of the choroid plexus in talpa europaea (l.). 19705499690
the population ecology of the cinnabar moth, tyria jacobaeae l. (lepidoptera, arctiidae).this paper describes the results of a study of the factors determining the abundance and distribution of the cinnabar moth in britain. the main part of the study was on a population of the moth at weeting heath in norfolk. this is an area of sandy heath which is heavily overgrazed by rabbits. here the moth fluctuates violently in number and periodically it completely defoliates its food plant (ragwort, senecio jacobaea l.) over large areas. this happened in 1960, 1961, 1967, and 1968.since 1966, ...197128311559
[angioarchitecture of rhombencephalon and cerebellum. iv. leptomeningeal vessels of talpa europea (european mole)]. 19715577508
studies on experimental trichinellosis in the mole (talpa europaea l.). 19715161153
[histochemistry and fine structure of the interstitial cells in the testis of the mole (talpa europaea l., insectivora, mammalia) during the regression phase of spermiogenesis]. 19724117655
[the fine structure of the ovary in the mole (talpa europaea, l.) (author's transl)]. 19744849914
the pineal gland of the mole (talpa europaea l.) i. the fine structure of the pinealocytes. 19744376454
the pineal gland of the mole (talpa europaea l.). ii. ultrastructural variations observed in the pinealocytes during different parts of the sexual cycle.changes of some ultrastructural parameters (paracrystalline structures, golgi apparatus, secretory granules) in mole pinealocytes were quantitatively studied during the various phases of the sexual cycle. an increase in quantity of paracrystalline structures and of the golgi appratuses was demonstrated during the period of high sexual activity in male pinealocytes and during oestrus, gestation and lactation in female pinealocytes. moreover, the appearance of vacuoles in female pinealocytes was o ...19751165488
[blood parasites of small wild mammals in czechoslovakia].the author investigated 4,853 specimens of wild living small mammals (43 species: insectivora, chiroptera, lagomorpha, rodentia, carnivora) from czechoslovakia for blood parasites. trypanosomes were found in talpa europaea, sorex alpinus, crocidura suaveolens, myotis myotis, apodemus sylvaticus, apodemus flavicollis, mus musculus, rattus norvegicus, clethrionomys glareolus and microtus agrestis. babesia was detected in myotis emarginatus, myotis myotis, clethrionomys glareolus, microtus arvalis ...19751158292
prenatal growth of the mole, talpa europaea linn., 1758. 19751158311
[comparative macro- and microscopic anatomy of the nasal cavity of european insectivores].the topography of the nasal fossa and its epithelium were studied in 4 european insectivores, sorex araneus l., crocidura russula (hermann), talpa europaea l. and erinaceus europaeus l. the following results were obtained: 1. the length of the nasal capsules is in relation to the length of the head in all 4 species the same. 2. the noses of all forms studies, except e. europaeus are very similar because of the trunk-shaped pars anterior nasi. 3. the numbers of turbinals are constant. 4. of all t ...19751241682
vacuolated pinealocytes in the hedgehog (erinaceus europaeus l.) and the mole (talpa europaea l.).special cells in the hedgehog and mole pineal gland which are characterized by an enormous single vacuole were studied. the presence of secretory granules (in the hedgehog) and of paracrystalline structures (in the mole) in the cytoplasm of these cells indicates that they are pinealocytes.1975167972
seasonal changes in the fine structure of the accessory sex gland in the mole (talpa europaea).the mole has a single pair of accessory sex organs with features of both the prostate and the seminal vesicle, for which the term prostate gland is not appropriate. seasonal changes occuring in this gland were related to four periods: a) the quiescence period, b) the maturation period, c) the active period and d) the involution period. during the quiescence period the cuboidal epithelial cells display a quasi-embryonic fine structure and are sparse in cytoplasmic organelles, but rich in glycogen ...19761000610
[mammalian pinealocytes. differences, homologies, origin. study in the adult mole (talpa europaea l.)]. 1976978780
fine structural changes in the epididymal epithelium of moles (talpa europaea) throughout the year.the epididymis of the european mole (talpa europaea) was studied by light and electron microscopy. in the sexually active animal, spermatozoa mature during their passage through the epididymis and the structure of the cells lining the duct suggests a clear regional division into initial, middle and terminal segments. numerous intra-epithelial vesicles were present in the distal part of the middle segment of sexually active moles and the lining epithelium in the terminal segment appeared to be se ...19761271373
the pineal gland of the mole (talpa europaea l.) iii. a fluorescence histochemical study.the pineal gland of the mole, a mammal which lives in permanent darkness, has been studied using fluorescence histochemistry. an extensive catecholaminergic innervation is demonstrated. a yellow formaldehyde-induced fluorescence, characteristic of indoleamines, was not observed. if formaldehyde vapour treatment was omitted in the procedure, numerous cells containing yellow-orange autofluorescent material could be shown. the nature and possible function of this material is discussed.19761248027
distribution and abundance of moles (talpa europaea l.) in relation to physical habitat and food supply.the distribution and population density of the mole (talpa europaea l.) and its main food item, earthworms (lumbricidae) were determined in relation to physical habitat factors in an upland pasture in southeast scotland. the results showed that the species distribution and the abundance of earthworms were related to the physical habitat. moles lived in the areas where earthworms were more abundant, and fewer moles were found in the areas with few earthworms. the distribution of moles was not rel ...197728309349
the pineal gland of the mole (talpa europaea l.). iv. effect of pronase on material present in cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum of pinealocytes.the effect of a proteolytic enzyme, pronase, on material present in cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum of mole pinealocytes demonstrates their proteinaceous nature.1977902304
a (comparative study on the nasal fossae of tupaia glis and four insectivores.the macro- and microscopic anatomy of the nasal fossa of tupaia glis was compared with those of some insectivores. no significant group differences were found as far as the intranasal structures are concerned. since the number of receptor cells in the olfactory epithelium of tupaia glis and talpa europaea is smaller than in the other species studied, a slight reduction of the sense of smell is suggested.1977416730
apical protuberances of supporting cells in the regio olfactoria of the mole, talpa europaea, linnaeus, 1758 (insectivora, talpidae).the regio olfactoria of the mole, talpa europaea, was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. peculiar structural differentiations, i.e. ovoid-shaped, balloon-like protuberances were found on the surface of the supporting cells. the apical portion of these protuberances contained finely dispersed granular material, whereas in their central part vesicular extensions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum were observed.1978719712
seasonal changes in testosterone levels and androgen-dependent organs in male moles (talpa europaea).seasonal changes in testicular and plasma testosterone levels and in androgen-dependent organs were determined in moles breeding at 53 degrees n. although the testes contain up to 30 times more testosterone during spermatogenesis than during sexual quiescence, appreciable quantities of this hormone are present during late summer and early autumn. annual spermatogenesis lasts for only 2 months, but in some moles spermatozoa remain in the epididymis for up to 3 months after the testes have begun t ...1978633203
the organization of testicular interstitial tissue and changes in the fine structure of the leydig cells of european moles (talpa europaea) throughout the year.seasonal changes of the testicular interstitial tissue were studied by electron microscopy. during the breeding season in spring, clusters of leydig cells are surrounded by wide lymphatic sinusoids. in sexually quiescent moles, these sinusoids collapse, and the abundant leydig cells become closely packed and occupy most of the testis. during sexual activity, the leydig cells contain abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ser), mitochondria with tubular cristae, and lipid droplets. some areas of ...1978633202
[facial muscles of insectivora. ii. pachyura indica and sorex araneus].the investigation includes the area of facialis in erinaceus europaeus, talpa europaea, pachyura indica and sorex araneus. it is indicated that the topography of muscles diverges considerably from the equal conditions in rodentia, carnivoar and ungulata . the dorsal length musculature thus is almost an undivided mass of muscles by the 4 species investigated as also the laterally and ventrally situated musculature at certain points diverges from the conditions within other above mentioned animal ...1978744461
[the facial muscles of insectivora. i. erinaceus europaeus and talpa europaea].this investigation includes the area of n. facialis in erinaceus europaeus and talpa europaea. it is indicated that the topography of muscles diverges considerably from the equally conditions in rodentia, carnivora, and ungulata. the dorsal length musculature thus is an almost undivided mass of muscles in the 2 investigated species as also the laterally and ventrally situated musculature at certain points diverges from the conditions within other above mentioned animal groups.1978689348
concentric lamellated psammoma-like bodies in the third ventricle of the european mole rat (spalax leucodon, nordmann 1840).concentric lamellated bodies are described in the third ventricle of the european mole rat. these bodies show most staining characteristics of true psammoma bodies found in humans but were never calcified in the mole rat.197880912
morphogenesis of the fetal membranes of an american mole, scalopus aquaticus.scalopus membranes are characterized by: superficial nidation; antimesometrial orientation of the embryonic disc; amniogenesis by folding; an extensive but transitory choriovitelline placenta; a large yolk sac with late and incomplete inversion; large persistent allantoic vesicle; a very broad, thin, villous, epitheliochorial chorioallantoic placenta of annular shape interrupted mesometrially, dotted with numerous areolae, and bordered by a nonvillous sparsely vascular chorioallantoic membrane c ...1979463791
a brief note on the morphological and histochemical features of the duodenal glands in 5 species of insectivore.the duodenal glands of the insectivores studied form a narrow, compact glandular collar immediately distal to the pyloric sphincter. the duodenal glands generally empty into overlying intestinal glands however, in 2 species, suncus murinus and talpa europaea, they may empty directly into the intestinal lumen. the glands of all 5 species consist of coiled secretory tubules that show frequent distal branchings. cells of the secretory tubules are pyramidal in shape and show numerous apical secretor ...19807457897
the spermatozoon of talpa europaea with particular reference to the acrosome region. 19807411681
the pineal gland of the mole (talpa europaea l.).the ultrastructure of the pinealocytes in the fetal mole (talpa europaea) was examined and compared with that in the adult mole. the parenchyma of the fetal pineal gland consists primarily of pinealocytes with very few dispersed "glial" cells. three different morphological types of pinealocytes (i, ii and iii) were observed. pinealocytes of types i and ii, homologous to the rudimentary photoreceptor cells of lacertilians and birds, were commonly found, especially around the pineal lumen, which i ...19807388898
adaptation of hemoglobin function to subterranean life in the mole, talpa order to understand the mechanism responsible for the high oxygen affinity of mole blood, we investigated in the mole. talpa europaea, red cell parameters that determine hemoglobin function. we have found that the oxygen half saturation pressure (p50) of mole blood is 2.85 kpa (21.4 torr) at pco2 4.7 kpa, ph 7.4 and 37 degree c. the concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-dpg) averaged 5.3 mmol/l in red cells. in addition, we have determined p50 in hemoglobin solutions at various concent ...19817330493
spermiogenesis and sperm morphology of talpa europaea. 19817227878
the pineal gland of the mole (talpa europaea l.). vii. activity of hydroxyindole-o-methyltransferase (hiomt) in the formation of 5-methoxytryptophan, 5-methoxytryptamine, 5-methoxyindole-3-acetic acid, 5-methoxytryptophol and melantonin in the eyes and the pineal gland.using a method in which no substrate is added to the incubation medium, the capacity of hiomt to synthesize 5-methoxytryptophan, 5-methoxytryptamine, 5-methoxyindole-3-acetic acid, 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin has been determined in the pineal and the eyes of the mole, a mammal having an atrophied visual system. the results demonstrate that the indoleamine metabolism in the retina is similar to the indoleamine metabolism in the pineal. moreover, in all animals studied both eyes together syn ...19816169801
[adiaspiromycosis in small mammals in large capacity pigsties in the trebon basin].from 1977 to 1979 a study on the occurrence of adiaspiromycosis was performed on three animal farms in south bohemia. in 113 examined small mammals from the farms and their neighbourhoods adiaspiromycosis was detected in m. arvalis living both in the fields in the precincts (7/613, i. e. 1.14%) and in the grassy areas inside the three animal farms (5/221, i. e. 2.3%). by that time no adiaspiromycosis was found in small mammals living in the farm buildings. the obtained results were compared with ...19816787784
[hemoglobins, xliii: the primary structure of mole hemoglobin (talpa europaea) (author's transl)].the hemoglobin of the european mole (talpa europaea) has only one component. the alpha- and beta-chains were separated by chromatography on cm 52 cellulose. the primary structures of both chains were mainly established on the tryptic peptides by automatic edman degradation. the n-terminal regions were sequenced on the chains. large c-terminal peptides could be isolated and sequenced after acidic hydrolysis of the asp-pro bond (alpha: 94/95, beta: 99/100). the peptides were aligned by their homol ...19817346384
acoustic transmission through the head of the common mole, talpa europaea. 19827166696
some aspects of the auditory pathway and audition in the european mole, talpa europaea.the structure of the lower auditory pathway and certain responses to sounds were studied in the european mole (talpa europaea). while the animal possesses a structurally normal cochlear nuclear complex and auditory midbrain, the medial superior olive, although small, is prominent and the lateral superior olive is lacking. this characteristic has been observed in other species with essentially low frequency hearing. behavioural and electrophysiological responses to sound were evoked between 0.1 a ...19827159827
ultrastructural study of intestinal coccidia of the european mole (talpa europaea).the fine structure of the sexual stages of cyclospora caryolytica and eimeria goussevi from the epithelial cells of the small intestine of the european mole was studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. special interest was given to the intranuclear development of c. caryolytica .19846730780
elleipsisoma thomsoni franca, 1912: an apicomplexan parasite in the red blood cells of the mole (talpa europaea).the rediscovery of elleipsisoma thomsoni franca 1912 from talpa europaea is reported. this organism, whose identity as a parasite was initially doubted, is shown to be an intra-erythrocytic protozoan parasite. light microscope observation confirmed the original description and 22/53 (42.5%) moles examined from a locality near blackpool were positive. organ impression smears demonstrated that e. thomsoni was concentrated in the heart and lungs, occasionally in the kidneys, liver and spleen. elect ...19846514376
evolution of crystallins: expression of lens-specific proteins in the blind mammals mole (talpa europaea) and mole rat (spalax ehrenbergi).the mole (talpa europaea; insectivora) and the mole rat (spalax ehrenbergi; rodentia) both have degenerated eyes as a convergent adaptation to subterranean life. the rudimentary eye lenses of these blind mammals no longer function in a visual process. the crystallin genes, which display a lens-specific expression pattern, were studied in these blind mammals and in related species with normal eyes by hybridizing their genomic dnas with probes obtained from cdna clones for alpha a-, alpha b-, and ...19853870862
immunocytochemical localization of actin in the sperm head of talpa europaea (insectivora).actin in the sperm head of talpa europaea was observed by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. the indirect immunofluorescence technique, using both anti-actin and dnase anti-dnase methods, showed a shining fluorescent band around the sperm head in some spermatozoa, whereas in others the fluorescence was found in the postacrosomal region. since no labeling was detected in sperms treated with nbd-phallacidin, it is likely that mature mole sperms contain g-actin but not f-actin. the r ...19863519305
golgi study of the isocortex in an insectivore: the common european mole (talpa europaea).in the common european mole (talpa europaea) the isocortex is a six-layered structure representing about 50% of the total cerebral cortex. the internal granular layer is narrow in the occipital region, however, probably reflecting a poorly developed visual system in an animal adapted to life in a subterranean environment. golgi impregnation of projection cells and most local-circuit neurons of layers iii-vi suggests a relatively well-developed isocortex in this insectivore. the presence of extra ...19863036298
heavy metal accumulation in the mole, talpa europea, and earthworms as an indicator of metal bioavailability in terrestrial environments. 19873440149
on trypanosoma (megatrypanum) talpe from talpa europaea: method of division and evidence of haemogamasinae as vectors. 19873309238
a coccidian in haemogamasid mites; possible vectors of elleipsisoma thomsoni franca, 1912.haemogamasinae/laelapidae mites (haemogamasus hirsutus, h. nidi and eulaelaps stabularis) collected from nests of the mole (talpa europaea) contained developmental stages (isosporan-type oocysts and independently developing macro-and microgametocytes) of a coccidian. these stages were observed in the haemocoele of living infected mites, in wet preparations of crushed mites, and in histological sections of paraffin wax embedded mites. they included both unsporulated and sporulated oocysts; sporul ...19873592490
urine analysis of european moles talpa europaea and white rats rattus norvegicus kept on a carnivore's diet.1. the urine compositions of the european mole talpa europaea and of the white rat rattus norvegicus (albino) kept on a carnivore's diet were compared. 2. the urine of moles contained bicarbonate while that of rats kept on a carnivore's diet did not. 3. urine volume per 100 g body mass over 24 hr was significantly higher in the mole than in the rat. 4. the results of this study suggest that the mole, like other subterranean mammals on the one hand and caecal fermenters on the other, may use its ...19872890465
a contribution to the parasite fauna in winter nests of the common mole (talpa europaea l.) and incidence of its infection with tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbe) and rickettsia coxiella burnetii.a total of 45 winter nests of the common mole (talpa europaea l.) from the záhorska lowland (western slovakia) were investigated in january through march during the years 1981-1985. seven species of fleas with the eudominant species ctenophthalmus assimilis were found in them, the other species were subrecedent. the acarinium of the mole winter nests was composed of 19 mite species. predominant were euryphagous species haemogamasus nidi, h. hirsutus, eulaelaps stabularis and androlaelaps fahrenh ...19883169646
coccidian parasites (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) from insectivores. iv. four new species in talpa europaea from england.moles from england were examined for coccidian oocysts and all 64 talpa europaea were infected; of 64 infected hosts, 56 (88%) had multiple infections representing two to six coccidian species when examined. oocysts in 31 of the 64 samples remainedunsporulated. three eimerians and one isosporan were studied from the 33 fecal samples that had sporulated oocysts and these are described as new species; cyclospora talpae pellérdy & tanyi, 1968, and isospora sofiae (golemansky, 1978) levine & ivens, ...19883367321
ontogeny of relationship of middle ear and temporomandibular (squamomandibular) joint in mammals. ii. morphology and ontogeny in insectivores.the ontogeny of the mandibular joint and the middle ear region was studied in erinaceus europaeus, sorex araneus, talpa europaea and elephantulus rozeti. during development, a passage connection was found between the mandibular condyle and meckel's cartilage that is produced by the primordium of the lateral pterygoid muscle. the articular disk is formed apart and it appears later in development.19892718717
nucleus limitans thalami--comparative anatomical study.cyto- and myeloarchitectonics as well as acetylcholinesterase activity of the nucleus limitans thalami--an important part of the nociceptive system--were studied in insectivora (sorex araneus, erinaceus europaeus, talpa europaeus), rat, rabbit, cat, monkey and man. our results suggest that nucleus limitans is phylogenetically a rather new structure. in insectivora and in the rat we could not find any evident group of neurons resembling nucleus limitans. in the rabbit and cat nucleus limitans is ...19892511740
alpha, mu and pi glutathione s-transferases: species (talpa europaea) differences in their expression.1. tissue cytosols from talpa europaea were examined for their glutathione s-transferase isoenzyme content by chromatofocusing, inhibition and immunological techniques and the results compared with data from adult human tissue cytosols. 2. two sets of glutathione s-transferase isoenzymes were found in liver cytosol of talpa europaea, they demonstrated similar properties to human alpha and mu isoforms. 3. there was no evidence of expression of the pi isoenzyme set in any of the tissues studied an ...19892512050
the testes of moles (talpa europaea) retain a considerable microsomal capacity for androgen synthesis during seasonal regression.seasonal changes in testicular histology and steroidogenesis were investigated in the mole (talpa europaea). androgen synthesis was examined by incubating [4-14c]pregnenolone (p) and [4-14c]dehydroepiandrosterone (dha) with testicular minces in a static incubation system. the metabolites formed were characterized by thin-layer chromatography. morphological changes were studied by routine histological methods. during sexual quiescence spermatogenesis was arrested. the regressive seminiferous tubu ...19892531692
developmental stages of cyclospora talpae in the liver and bile duct of the mole (talpa europaea).the completed life-cycle of cyclospora talpae, an extra-intestinal coccidian (apicomplexa) of the liver of the mole (talpa europaea), is reported. oocysts sporulated within 12-14 days at room temperature (20-22 degrees c). both macro- and microgametocytes developed independently within the nucleus of epithelial cells lining the bile duct as demonstrated by both light and electron microscopy. merogony was seen in the mononuclear cells in the capillary sinusoids of the liver. merozoites showed the ...19902092291
relation of the insular claustrum to the neocortex in insectivora.the claustra of 9 species of insectivora (sorex araneus, sorex minutus, tenrec ecaudatus, solenodon paradoxus, neomys fodiens, erinaceus europaeus, talpa europaea, desmana moschata, potamogale velox) were investigated. in all examined animals we found two parts of the insular claustrum: the main part called by us the pars principalis and more medially situated lamina profunda claustri. in the "basal" insectivora the main part is in close contact with the layer via of the neocortex. in some more ...19901707077
[immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of endocrine cells from the pyloric region of the european mole (talpa europaea)].the distribution and the morphology of some endocrine cells (gastrin, somatostatin and 5-ht immunoreactive) in the pyloric region were studied in the talpa europaea, an insectivore representing one of the most primitive living eutherians. the immunohistochemical studies enabled us to identify and calculate the percentage of each cell type: the most numerous endocrine cells were gastrin immunoreactive; fairly numerous appeared somatostatin immunopositive; less numerous were 5-ht immunoreactive ce ...19911684697
accumulation of heavy metals in the mole in finland.metal concentrations (cu, ni, zn, cd, cr, hg, pb and mo) were analysed from the liver and kidneys of moles, talpa europaea l. (insectivora), trapped in southern finland on both contaminated and rural areas. in rural areas the concentrations of cd, cu, zn, pb and mo were lower in juveniles (individuals in their first summer), except for zn in the liver, which was lower in adults. when the animals were divided into annual classes (0-6 years), cd and mo concentrations in the liver increased signifi ...199315091866
[toxoplasmosis causing death in a mole (talpa europaea)].pathologic lesions caused by toxoplasma gondii in a juvenile male common mole are described. main degenerative lesions are localized in liver, heart and lung combined with excessive proliferation of the typical microparasitic cysts. besides of this a moderate coccidiosis in the mucosa of bile ducts was diagnosed.19958593144
females of four mole species of genus talpa (insectivora, mammalia) are true hermaphrodites with ovotestes.we studied the anatomical, histological, and genetic features of the sexual tract in four european mole species of the genus talpa (insectivora, mammalia): t. occidentalis, t. europaea, t. romana, and t. stankovici. all xy individuals had a normal male phenotype, whereas all xx individuals in all four species had features that identified them as intersexes. these individuals were nonetheless presumed to be functionally fertile females. intersexuality was manifested mainly as gonadal hermaphrodit ...19968858598
genetic conflicts and the paradox of sex determination: three paths to the evolution of female intersexuality in a mammal.that sex determining systems ever change is paradoxical but can be explained by noting that conflict between selfish elements and their modifiers will often cause a shift in sex determining strategy. the evolution of the novel sex determining system of moles (talpa europaea and t. occidentalis) may, we argue, be an example of just such a process. three different models for the evolution of female intersexuality are presented. these all attempt to account for (1) the fact that a few years ago pop ...19968762333
spatial and temporal patterns in the activity of european moles.using ratio-tracking data obtained at three sites, we assessed the effects of season and of neighbour avoidance on the activity and patterns of home range use by european moles (talpa europaea). the home ranges of non-breeding male and female moles did not differ significantly in size, and averaged 2324 m2(minimum convex polygon). although overlap between ranges was small (an average of 12.8% of each range being shared with neighbours and an average of only 3.3% of 2×2 m grid cells were shared w ...199628307617
anal gland secretion of european mole: volatile constituents and significance in territorial maintenance.the chemical composition of the volatile components of the anal gland secretion of mature and immature moles of both sexes was examined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. the compounds in the secretion of adult males appear to vary little throughout the year and are similar to those from the adult female outside the breeding season. the secretions are dominated by c5-c10 carboxylic acids. female glands regress as they enter proestrus, accompanied by profound changes in the chemical com ...199624227417
comparison of antihemorrhagic activities in skeletal muscle extracts from various animals against bothrops jararaca snake venom.antihemorrhagic activities of skeletal muscle extracts from various animals were compared in inhibiting the hemorrhagic activity of bothrops jararaca venom. the muscle extracts of the european hedgehog (erinaceus europaeus) exhibited the strongest activity, followed by those of other insectivores such as the shrew (crocidura russula) and mole (talpa europaea). the antihemorrhagic activities of muscle extracts from experimental animals such as mice, rats, guinea-pigs, hamsters and rabbits were ne ...19989620591
are the semicircular canals of the european mole, talpa europaea, adapted to a subterranean habitat?the mechanical sensitivity of vertebrate semicircular canals is directly influenced by the canal dimensions. three key canal parameters, whose dimensions have been shown to be critical in determining the mechanical sensitivity of semicircular canals, are the streamline length, the cross-sectional area of the canal lumen and the plane area. these parameters were measured in ten specimens of adult t. europaea and compared with the dimensions of the same parameters in r. norvegicus. the major deter ...199910425737
testis-like steroidogenesis in the ovotestis of the european mole, talpa europaea.the female european mole (talpa europaea) presents a vivid paradox in relation to our contemporary understanding of mammalian sexual differentiation. these animals are exceptional among female mammals in that they possess bilateral ovotestes. the ovotestis contains a morphologically normal ovarian component that develops during the spring breeding season and a histologically defined testicular region, the interstitial gland, which enlarges during autumn when the ovarian component decreases in si ...19999916009
a myxozoan-like parasite causing xenomas in the brain of the mole, talpa europaea l., 1758 (vertebrata, mammalia).light and transmission electron microscopy revealed pericytes of brain capillaries of moles (talpa europaea l., 1758) as parasitized intracellularly. these host cells were enlarged and of globular or ellipsoid shape, and incorporated a cell-within-cell sequence of primary, secondary and, rarely found, tertiary developmental stages of an eukaryotic organism. other stages like spores were not discovered either in brain or in other organs. due to the vertebrate host, and the parasitic cells showing ...200011128799
tissue, sex and age specific accumulation of heavy metals (zn, cu, pb, cd) by populations of the mole (talpa europaea l.) in a central urban area.heavy metal accumulation was studied in urban populations of moles, talpa europaea l. (insectivora) at three sites along the "donaukanal" in vienna. kidneys, liver, lung, gonads, spleen, pancreas, femur, stomach + content, heart and skin were analysed for zn, cu, pb and cd contents. female moles showed higher zn concentrations in spleen, gonads and skin, higher cd concentrations in femur and stomach and lower cu content in kidneys compared to males. age classes were determined using teeth sectio ...200011057686
molecular phylogeny of east asian moles inferred from the sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene.taxonomic analysis has previously revealed that the species of moles that inhabit japan are characterized by exceptional species richness and a high level of endemism. here, we focused on the evolutionary history of the four japanese mole species of the genera euroscapter and mogera, examining mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene sequences and comparing them with those of continental mogera wogura (korean and russian populations), m. insularis from taiwan, and talpa europaea and t. altaica fr ...200010846617
the phylogenetic position of the talpidae within eutheria based on analysis of complete mitochondrial sequences.the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of the mole talpa europaea was sequenced and included in phylogenetic analyses together with another lipotyphlan (insectivore) species, the hedgehog erinaceus europaeus, and 22 other eutherian species plus three outgroup taxa (two marsupials and a monotreme). the phylogenetic analyses reconstructed a sister group relationship between the mole and fruit bat artibeus jamaicensis (order chiroptera). the talpa/artibeus clade constitutes a sister clade of the ce ...200010666706
wildlife disease reservoirs: the epidemiology of mycobacterium bovis infection in the european badger (meles meles) and other british mammals.mycobacterium bovis infection has been confirmed in a wide range of mammals hosts throughout the world. the european badger (meles meles) and the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) are implicated as significant sources of infection for domestic cattle in the uk and new zealand respectively. the risk of transmission of infection between a wildlife population and domestic animals will be determined by both the epidemiology of the disease and the ecology of the host. in the uk, surveys by the ...200111463223
helminth fauna of the european mole (talpa europaea linnaeus, 1758) in belorussian polesie. 200111570569
the mole's thumb -- evolution of the hand skeleton in talpids (mammalia).osteological specimens representing 15 out of the 16 currently recognized talpid genera were examined and scored for seven discrete morphological characters of the hand. the phylogenetic distribution of these characters was studied in the context of alternative hypotheses of talpid relationships, using three species of shrews and a hedgehog as outgroups. all talpids show a similar number and arrangement of carpal bones. the most obvious differences concern the presence of additional sesamoid bon ...200516351950
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