Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
[comparison of the distribution and caliber of the slow and rapid fibers of pectoral muscle in coturnix coturnix coturnix l. and in the semi-domestic subspecies coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1961 | 13871578 | |
[the embryonal development of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica t. and s.)]. | 1961 | 13787591 | |
the quail, coturnix coturnix as a laboratory animal. | the quail, coturnix coturnix, is small, gentle, hardy, adaptable, easy to house, and economical to maintain. wetherbee and jacobs (1960) call it the "drosophila of the avian laboratory," and yet this charming bird is virtually unknown to the psychological laboratory. our preliminary investigations show that the pecking operant is readily conditioned and that little or no deprivation is necessary to maintain behavior with food as a reinforcer. visual and temporal discriminations were very quickly ... | 1962 | 14491001 |
japanese quail egg embryo as a host for viruses. | rauscher, frank j. (national cancer institute, bethesda, md.), james a. reyniers, and miriam r. sacksteder. japanese quail egg embryo as a host for viruses. j. bacteriol. 84:1134-1139. 1962.-the egg embryo of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica, temminck and schlegel) was found to support readily the growth of a wide range of viruses known to infect chicken eggs. methods commonly used in studying viruses in chicken eggs were modified and adapted to the quail egg. the procedures are descri ... | 1962 | 16561976 |
[the dominant orientation of the embryo of the domestic quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) an von baer's rule]. | 1963 | 14091872 | |
egg production and fertility following various methods of insemination in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1963 | 14073728 | |
[on the orientation of twin embryos obtained by cracking parallel to the presumptive non-incubated blastoderm axis of the quail egg (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | 1963 | 13931844 | |
active immunity induced and spermatogenesis suppressed by testicular antigen in the male japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1964 | 14216661 | |
[action of stilbestrol on the mueller's ducts of the quail embryo (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | 1964 | 14190524 | |
estrogen-induced intramedullary bone formation in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1964 | 14183211 | |
[orientation of embryos obtained by fissuration perpendicular to the presumed axis of the quail egg (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | 1964 | 14250562 | |
[the domestic quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). ovaluation and study of the egg at the non-incubated stage]. | 1964 | 14250466 | |
the hypothalamic neurosecretory system of coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1964 | 14158189 | |
[on the culture in vitro of the genital glands of quail embryos (coturnix coturnix). the obtaining of normal sexual differentiation and experimental intersexuality of explanted gonads]. | 1964 | 14190525 | |
[intersexuality in the quail (coturnix coturnix). production of a case of ovulation by a genetic male]. | 1965 | 4954775 | |
fine resolution of the karyogram of the quail coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1965 | 5884828 | |
[action of testosterone propionate on the mullerian ducts of the quail embryo (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | 1965 | 4954795 | |
duration and recovery of fertility in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1965 | 5856087 | |
toxicological evaluations of agricultural chemicals with japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1965 | 14319533 | |
a morphologic and cytochemical study of erythrocytes and leukocytes of coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1966 | 5967326 | |
diurnal variation in gonadotropic potency of the adenohypophysis of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1966 | 5946402 | |
[action of heat on the development of the genital system of the embryo of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | 1966 | 4955667 | |
susceptibility of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) to heterakis gallinarum and histomonas meleagridis. | 1966 | 5972258 | |
selective response of the japanese quail to various strains of rous sarcoma virus. | shipman, charles jr. (indiana university school of medicine, indianapolis), and alvin s. levine. selective response of the japanese quail to various strains of rous sarcoma virus. j. bacteriol. 92:161-163. 1966.-the bryan "high-titer," carr-zilber, harris, prague, schmidt-ruppin, and "29" strains of rous sarcoma virus were used to initiate tumors in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). although all strains produced tumors upon primary inoculation, only the bryan "high-titer" and harr ... | 1966 | 4287403 |
effect of avian myeloblastosis virus in the japanese quail. | moscovici, carlo (university of colorado medical center, denver), and e. h. macintyre. effect of avian myeloblastosis virus in the japanese quail. j. bacteriol. 92:1141-1149. 1966.-avian myeloblastosis virus (amv) induced a spectrum of neoplasms in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) which was similar to that observed in the chicken, with one exception: the total absence of acute myeloblastic leukemia in quail. studies in vivo as well as in vitro suggested that the cause for this differe ... | 1966 | 4288797 |
light-induced rhythmic changes in the hypothalamic neurosecretory activity in japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1967 | 5630629 | |
molecular genetics of avian proteins. 8. egg white proteins of the migratory quail, coturnix coturnix--new concepts of "hybrid vigour". | 1967 | 5624353 | |
avian pineal gland: progonadotropic response in the japanese quail. | pinealectomy in juvenile japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) exposed to stimulatory photoperiods results in delay of ovarian and oviducal development and decreased pituitary weight. these effects are transitory and occur during a phase of growth immediately preceding the onset of sexual maturity. no effect was found in males. these results suggest that the pineal gland in females has a stimulatory effect on gonadal growth during maturation. | 1967 | 6058688 |
effect of the length of the daily photoperiod on thyroid activity in the female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1967 | 6075202 | |
delayed incubation: a cause of variability in the embryogenesis of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1967 | 6069937 | |
[the physiology of the pineal gland in birds. i. pinealectomy in coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1967 | 6073425 | |
[cytological and functional identification of the cellular types of the adenohypophysis in the male quail, coturnix coturnix japonica, exposed to various experimental conditions]. | 1967 | 4963404 | |
neurosecretory activities in the anterior median eminence in relation to photoperiodic testicular responses in young japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1967 | 6072414 | |
classical conditioning of courting behavior in the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | male japanese quail were classically conditioned to display courting behavior at the sound of a buzzer, a previously neutral stimulus. the buzzer (conditioned stimulus) was paired with the presentation of a female quail (unconditioned stimulus) for a number of trials. the courting display, invariably elicited from the male by the presentation of the female, began to appear in part to the conditioned stimulus as early as the fifth pairing. all components of the display were elicited from all bird ... | 1967 | 6032530 |
hormonal control of aggressive behavior in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1967 | 6068396 | |
some observations on the nesting behavior of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) in pseudo-natural conditions. | 1967 | 6031878 | |
ovulation and longevity in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) under constant illumination. | 1968 | 5716661 | |
vitamin a activity of beta-apo-carotenals in coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1968 | 5642205 | |
[physiology of the epiphysis in birds. 3. the effect of melatonin on the sexual development of coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1968 | 5677851 | |
failure of the pineal body of 2 species of birds(coturnix coturnix japonica and passer domesticus) to show electrical responses to illumination. | 1968 | 5643809 | |
[morphologic, biometric and histochemical comparison of muscle fibers and their motor nerve endings of various muscles of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1968 | 5730869 | |
the distribution of monoamines in the hypothalamus of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1968 | 5724341 | |
electroencephalogram of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) during non-anesthetized and anesthetized periods. | 1968 | 5645311 | |
adrenergic and cholinergic systems in the hypothalamus of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1968 | 4905262 | |
[histochemical study of the concentration of lipid inclusions in fibers of different muscles of japones quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | 1968 | 4236610 | |
the anterior pituitary of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. the cytological effects of photoperiodic stimulation. | 1968 | 4184748 | |
the effect of vitamin e deficiency on fertility of coturnix coturnix. | 1968 | 5678553 | |
performance of two species of quail on basic reinforcement schedules. | two bobwhite quail (colinus virginianus) and two japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were trained to peck a response key to obtain food. in general, performance on fixed ratio 20 and variable- and fixed-interval 60-sec schedules was comparable to the response patterns of other species under these schedules. | 1968 | 5645877 |
[attempted isolation of pathogenic leptospira from wild birds (coturnix coturnix)]. | 1968 | 5753837 | |
[the cloacal gland of coturnix coturnix japonica. histological, histochemical and ultrastructural observations]. | 1968 | 5759156 | |
[appearance and localization of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (delta 5-3 beta and 17 beta) in gonads of the chick and quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryo. histoenzymology study and comparisons with the chicken (gallus gallus domesticus)]. | 1969 | 5769948 | |
the effect of whole body gamma irradiation on survivors' egg production in the white leghorn, coturnix coturnix japonica, and bobwhite quail. | 1969 | 5373753 | |
[determination of some constituents of cloacal gland secretion of coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1969 | 5399989 | |
[some preliminary data on the structure of quail (coturnix coturnix) hemoglobin]. | 1969 | 5398542 | |
[vitamin e and the endocrine glands. experimental histological study in coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1969 | 5400868 | |
[vitamin e and the gonads. experimental study in coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1969 | 5400867 | |
naturally occurring mixed-cell sarcoma in a quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 5389430 | |
the effect of hypothalamic lesions on gonadotrophin release in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 5388360 | |
the toxicity of dieldrin (heod) to japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 5798734 | |
the blood supply to the pituitary and basal hypothalamus in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 5765748 | |
gonadotropin potency variation in anterior pituitaries from sexually amature male quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 5389888 | |
the effect of gold thioglucose on food consumption and reproduction of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 5355510 | |
the influence of progestational agents on ovulation in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 4190600 | |
[photoregulation of reproduction in japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1969 | 5379478 | |
the effect of hypothalamic lesions on gonadotrophin release in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 5362399 | |
effect of wave length of light on growth and reproduction in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1969 | 5355478 | |
[details of the interphase nucleus in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | 1969 | 4191116 | |
the effects of hypophysectomy and testosterone propionate on the testes of japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1970 | 5442586 | |
pineal hydroxyindole-o-methyltransferase (hiomt) activity in female japanese quail. (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1970 | 5473374 | |
vocalizations elicited by electrical brain stimulation in coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1970 | 5434645 | |
a study of the normal development of the leg skeleton in the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1970 | 5413562 | |
[histochemical study of nucleic acids in the oocytes of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) a few days before maturation]. | 1970 | 4252169 | |
extranuclear 3h-thymidine incorporation in subcortical cytoplasmic organelles of primary oocytes in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1970 | 5483770 | |
the influence of prolactin on the reproductive activity of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1970 | 5428955 | |
some aspects of thermoregulation in the adult japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1970 | 5505561 | |
prolactin and sexual maturation in the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1970 | 5430132 | |
effects of early experience on fear behaviour of coturnix coturnix. | 1970 | 5498031 | |
a new species of tritrichomonas from the caecum of the bird coturnix coturnix linneaus. | 1970 | 5530167 | |
[sterilization of coturnix coturnix quails by x-rays]. | 1970 | 5534550 | |
[further observations on the cloacal gland of coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1970 | 5419787 | |
[histochemistry and histo-enzymology of the aorta of young and adult gallus gallus. comparison with coturnix coturnix. i. glucidic and energetic metabolism]. | 1970 | 5004790 | |
[histochemistry and histo-enzymology of the aorta of young and adult gallus gallus. comparison with coturnix coturnix. ii. lipid and protein metabolism]. | 1970 | 4260819 | |
[comparative ultrastructural study of the interphasic nucleus in the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and the chicken (gallus gallus) by the regressive edta staining method]. | 1971 | 4103859 | |
zinc induction of testicular teratomas in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) after photoperiodic stimulation of testis. | 1971 | 5115830 | |
[comparative study of the division of germ cells at the end of the first week of embryonic life of three species of quail (gallus domesticus, meleagris gallapavo, coturnix coturnix japonica)]. | 1971 | 5581109 | |
metabolism of inorganic cations by quail (coturnix coturnix) drinking solutions of cacl2 and mgcl2. | 1971 | 4396826 | |
[substitution of a quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryonic brain for a chicken (gallus gallus) embryonic brain of the same stage]. | 1971 | 4997021 | |
serum proteins of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. | 1971 | 5002361 | |
the life cycle of eimeria bateri (protozoa, eimeriidae) in the japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonicum. | 1971 | 5552705 | |
haematology of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1971 | 5167145 | |
eggshell thinning in japanese quail fed mercuric chloride. | the eggs produced by developing japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) fed 1 to 8 parts of mercury per million as mercuric chloride for 10 weeks have thinned shells. total amounts of mercury in tissues were quite proportional to the dosage and were higher in males than in females. methylation of mercury was not observed. | 1971 | 5098963 |
response to nutritional deprivation in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1971 | 5569999 | |
the long-term effects of early malnutrition on dna content and growth in the tissues of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1971 | 5569995 | |
[incorporation of c 14 -thymidine in the subcortical cytoplasmic organelles of the oocytes of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) several days before maturation]. | 1971 | 4262930 | |
autoradiographic evidence for cytoplasmic dna synthesis during the early final growth period in the oocytes of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1971 | 5546654 | |
[study of some biological constants in the japanese quail coturnix coturnix japonica]. | 1971 | 5104313 | |
carbon uptake response by sertoli cells and epithelial cells lining the duct system of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1971 | 4101366 | |
pathways for androgen synthesis in vitro by the testes of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1972 | 4405268 | |
magnesium requirement for survival and growth of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). | 1972 | 4660992 | |
studies on l-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenases in japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. i. multiple components and some enzymatic properties of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-linked l-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from liver and testes. | 1972 | 4346261 |