
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a new breed of guinea fowl (numida meleagris l.) appeared by mutation. 194918110646
experimental infections with plasmodium fallax schwetz isolated from the uganda tufted guinea fowl numida meleagris major hartlaub. 195014804089
[presence of trombicula sicei on fowls in oubangui-chari: gallus domesticus, numida meleagris and ptilopachus petrosus]. 195212988005
[infection per os of the guinea-fowl (numida meleagris) with the vegetative and cystic form of toxoplasma gondii]. 196514299478
[a new coccidial species, eimeria grenieri n. sp. (protozoa; eimeriidae), a parasite of the guinea-fowl, numida meleagris]. 19674961959
[the male gallus domesticus x female numida meleagris hybrid. histology of the testicle. comparison with thedomestic cock and the guinea-cock]. 19684905280
[on the structure of the eggshell of the guinea fowl (numida meleagris)]. 19684884464
[experimental infestation of guinea-fowl (numida meleagris) with embryonated eggs of ascaridia numidae (leiper, 1908) in various doses]. 19715152936
experimental histomoniasis in the guinea fowl, numida meleagris. 19724674487
heterakis gallinarum in the guniea fowl, numida meleagris: survival and comparative potential for transmitting histomonas meleagridis. 19744856050
some protozoan parasites of wild birds from the vicinity of onderstepoort.the protozoan parasites of wild birds from the vicinity of onderstepoort are recorded. new host records for the republic of south africa are: haemoproteus in threskiornis aethiopicus, francolinus swainsonii, columba guinea and streptopelia senegalensis; leucocytozoon in anas erythrorhyncha, netta erythrophthalma, c. guinea and passer domesticus and plasmodium in numida meleagris.1975810756
the helminth parasites of the helmet guinea fowl (numida meleagris galeata pallas) in ghana. 19761052885
demyelinating peripheral neuropathy in a guinea hen associated with subacute lead mammalian species lead acts primarily as a neurotoxin. lead poisoning is common in avian species but lesions in the nervous system have not been associated with it. this paper describes a peripheral neuropathy with fragmentation and segmental demyelination of fibers in the sciatic nerves of an adult guinea hen (numida meleagris) which died of lead poisoning.1978209780
studies on eimeria grenieri in the guinea fowl (numida meleagris). 1978622303
micro-stereological study of the avian epididymal region.morphometric studies of the epididymal region of three avian species (gallus domesticus, coturnix coturnix japonica, japanese quail, and numida meleagris, guinea-fowl) were performed using a stereological compensating eyepiece graticule. the proportions of the volume of the region made up of rete testis lacunae, proximal and distal efferent ductules, connecting ducts, ductus epididymidis, blood vessels and connective tissue were determined. the efferent ductules constituted the largest proportio ...1979536308
the structure of the excurrent ducts of the testis of the guinea-fowl (numida meleagris).the epididymal region of the guinea-fowl was studied in sexually mature birds. the structure of the epididymal region was generally similar to that already described for the domestic fowl, turkey and japanese quail. well formed, intratesticular tubuli recti was seen connecting the seminiferous tubules with the rete testis. the latter consists of both intracapsular and extracapsular portions. six main cell types were recognised in the region: the rete testis was lined by squamous cells, the proxi ...1979541246
ddt administration: haematological effects observed in the crowned guinea-fowl (numida meleagris).the continued use of chlorinated hydrocarbons as pesticides prompted an investigation into the effects of ddt (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) on the blood of the crowned guinea-fowl (numida meleagris). birds were acclimated for 10 weeks, and haematological data obtained after this period served as baseline values. ddt was then administered per os at 75 ppm/kg body mass. this treatment was continued daily for 5 days. subsequent blood analyses illustrated significant effects on several of the te ...1979528850
connectivity of the auditory forebrain nuclei in the guinea fowl (numida meleagris).injection of tritiated leucine and proline into the nucleus ovoidalis of the guinea fowl (numida meleagris) produces terminal labeling in the palaeostriatum and in three adjacent zones (field l1-l3) of the auditory neostriatum (an). l2, situated between l1 and l3, receives the main input and corresponds to the former field l of rose. these neuroanatomically defined zones of the auditory neostriatum are also characterized by differing properties of their neurons. injection of radioactive material ...197991442
the seminiferous epithelium in the guinea fowl (numida meleagris).spermiogenesis and cellular associations in the seminiferous epithelium of the guinea fowl were studied and described in "sexually" active adult birds. pas stain was found to be useful in the recognition of steps of spermatid differentiation only in the first early stages. nuclear morphological changes were subsequently found to be more reliable in tracing steps of spermiogenesis. it was observed that haematoxylin-eosin stained tissue can be used in the study of spermiogenesis in the bird. vario ...19807357577
plasma glucose and alkaline phosphatase levels in guinea-fowls (numida meleagris) and nigerian domestic fowls (gallus domesticus). 19806779460
the ductuli efferentes of the epididymal region of birds.ultrastructural studies were undertaken on the efferent ductules of the testis of the domestic fowl (gallus domesticus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and guinea-fowl (numida meleagris). four cell types were identified and described: ciliated cells which were found in the epithelium of both the proximal and distal segments of the efferent ductules, non-ciliated type i cell which, together with the ciliated cell, formed the epithelium of the proximal efferent ductule and the non-cil ...19807429963
morphometric study of the avian adrenal gland.the interrenal and medullary cords as well as the blood vessels and connective tissue proportions in the adrenal glands of the male nigerian fowl (gallus domesticus) and guinea-fowl (numida meleagris) were studied by microstereological techniques. laying domestic fowl of the rhode island red breed were entirely defeathered and maintained in a hot, humid pen for a period of three months, after which the adrenal glands were also studied microstereologically. interrenal cord width was also measured ...19807440402
discriminatory approach to auditory stimuli in guinea fowl (numida meleagris) after hyperstriatal/hippocampal brain damage.guinea fowl were trained to approach, feed and retreat from a food dish after hearing a species-specific food-trill. an ethogram including approach, search, locomotion and tension behaviour was recorded before and after operation for a training and a test regime of variations of the natural calls and other sounds. experimental groups consisted of shamcontrols and birds with lesions in the hyperstriatum/hippocampus anterior and posterior to the anterior commissure. both the 'anterior' and 'poster ...198024925274
the intermediate host spectrum in a sarcocystis species of birds.the life cycle of an avian sarcocystis has been completed in the laboratory, originating with naturally infected icterids and passing alternately between opossums (didelphis virginiana) and experimentally infected birds. to determine the intermediate host range, six avian species, including canaries (serinus canarius), zebra finches (poephila guttata), budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus), pigeons (columba livia), chickens (gallus gallus), and guinea fowl (numida meleagris), were inoculated ora ...19826811715
the rete testis of birds.the rete testis in the domestic fowl (gallus gallus domesticus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris galeata) and drake (anas platyrhynchos) was studied histologically and with both the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. all the birds have rete epithelial cells varying between squamous and high cuboidal. a cilium-like structure projects from the luminal portion of most cells into the rete lumen, and the outline of the cells varies from polygona ...19827130060
acoustic imprinting leads to differential 2-deoxy-d-glucose uptake in the chick forebrain.this report describes experiments in which successful acoustic imprinting correlates with differential uptake of d-2-deoxy[14c]glucose in particular forebrain areas that are not considered primarily auditory. newly hatched guinea chicks (numida meleagris meleagris) were imprinted by playing 1.8-khz or 2.5-khz tone bursts for prolonged periods. those chicks were considered to be imprinted who approached the imprinting stimulus (emitted from a loudspeaker) and preferred it over a new stimulus in a ...19836574519
intercellular junction of urodeal and phallic epithelial cells in the guinea fowl, numida meleagris. 19836632467
vertebrate host specificity and experimental vectors of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from the eastern wild turkey in iowa.vertebrate host specificity, experimental laboratory vectors, and a description of plasmodium (novyella) kempi sp. n. from eastern wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo silvestris vieillot) in iowa are presented. plasmodium kempi is infective for domestic turkeys, bobwhites (colinus virginianus), chukars (alectoris graeca), guinea fowl (numida meleagris), peacocks (pavo cristatus), and canaries (serinus canaria), produces a transient infection in mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and domestic geese (ans ...19836644918
parasitic infections of the grey-breasted helmet guinea-fowl (numida meleagris galeata) in nigeria.the major helminth parasites found in wild, semi-wild and golden sovereign stock guinea fowl were heterakis gallinarum, ascaridia galli, capillaria caudinflata, raillietina tetragona and r. echinobothrida, while eimeria species was the most important gastro-intestinal protozoan parasite. the incidence of the latter was higher in the semi-wild stock than in the wild stock. necropsy of dead guinea-fowl indicated that a. galli, h. gallinarum and eimeria species were indeed responsible for their dea ...19836683038
evidence for neuronal periodicity detection in the auditory system of the guinea fowl: implications for pitch analysis in the time domain.evidence for periodicity analysis was obtained by recording from 420 single units in the auditory midbrain nucleus (mld) of awake guinea fowls (numida meleagris). the results were compatible with a neuronal correlation model consisting of three main components: an oscillator, an interval multiplier and a coincidence unit. the model makes use of a neuronal time constant in order to measure the periodicities of auditory signals. for 180 units the sequence of spike intervals in response to tone bur ...19836653696
vascular system of paracloacal vascular body in the guinea fowl, numida meleagris. 19846492535
a survey of gastrointestinal helminths of the common helmet guinea fowl (numida meleagris galeata) in burkina faso.guinea fowls in burkina faso (africa) harbored 13 species of helminth parasites. the two most abundant species were subulura suctoria and ascaridia numidae, which comprised 89% of the nematodes. the other nematode species (gongylonema congolense, eucoleus annulatus, synhimantus spiralis, tetrameres fissispina, and cyrnea parroti) occurred at low levels. five species of cestodes and one acanthocephalan were also present. it is likely that guinea fowl act as important reservoir hosts of chicken ne ...19854074242
[susceptibility of birds other than chickens to infectious laryngotracheitis].susceptibility to infectious laryngotracheitis virus was studied in peafowl (pavo cristatus), various species of pheasant (phasianus colchicus, lophura swinhoeii, lophophorus impejanus), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris), canaries (serinus canaria), budgerigars (melopsittacus undulatus) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnic japonica). apart from clinical observations, experiments were evaluated in terms of histopathology, immunofluorescence, serology and recovery of virus. only peafowl and pheasant ...19852990066
inclusion body pancreatitis in guinea fowl (numida meleagris). 19863006650
age-related variations in seminiferous tubule dimensions and germinal and sertoli cell numbers in guinea-fowl raised under a 14l:10d photoperiod.histological studies of testicular development in guinea-fowl (numida meleagris), raised under a 14l:10d photoperiod from 1 to 70 weeks of age, revealed: rapid increases in the relative volume, diameter, and length of the seminiferous tubules from 8 to 20 weeks but no significant changes thereafter; the appearance at 12 weeks of both mature sertoli cells and round spermatids, characteristic of puberty; and biphasic increases in the numbers of sertoli and germinal cells. the numbers of sertoli ce ...19863703782
parasites of domestic and wild animals in south africa. xviii. the crowned guinea fowl (numida meleagris), an important host of immature ixodid ticks.the tick burdens of 10 crowned guinea fowl (numida meleagris), shot at approximately 3-monthly intervals in the mountain zebra national park, and of 21 crowned guinea fowl from the andries vosloo kudu reserve, the majority of which were shot at monthly intervals, were determined. no adult ticks were recovered from any of the guinea fowl. the birds in the mountain zebra national park harboured 4 species of ixodid ticks of which amblyomma marmoreum was the most abundant and most prevalent. three b ...19863725331
a comparison of the tick burdens of wild animals in a nature reserve and on an adjacent farm where tick control is practised.acaricidal treatment of cattle, sheep and goats on a farm in valley bushveld in the grahamstown district resulted in a reduction in the numbers of certain tick species on kudu (tragelaphus strepsiceros), scrub hares (lepus saxatilis) and crowned guinea fowl (numida meleagris) on the same farm. the tick species most severely affected was amblyomma hebraeum, while haemaphysalis silacea, hyalomma marginatum rufipes and rhipicephalus appendiculatus were affected to a lesser extent. rhipicephalus gla ...19863572954
the effect of dipping on parasitic and free-living populations of amblyomma hebraeum on a farm and on an adjacent nature reserve.domestic stock on a farm 30 km north of grahamstown were treated with an acaricide at regular intervals over a period of several years. this resulted in a marked reduction in all stages of development of amblyomma hebraeum on kudu (tragelaphus strepsiceros), scrub hares (lepus saxatilis) and helmeted guinea fowl (numida meleagris) which were on the farm compared with the burdens of similar animals in an adjacent nature reserve. the populations of free-living larvae of a. hebraeum on this farm an ...19873448583
antagonism of xylazine hydrochloride-ketamine hydrochloride immobilization in guineafowl (numida meleagris) by yohimbine hydrochloride.the mean time to arousal (mta), the mean time to sternal recumbency (mtsr) and the mean time to walking (mtw) were measured in 10 adult guineafowl (numida meleagris) immobilized with a combination of xylazine hydrochloride (1 mg/kg) and ketamine hydrochloride (25 mg/kg). yohimbine hydrochloride, given intravenously (1 mg/kg) at 40 min after the injection of the xylazine-ketamine, significantly shortened the mta, the mtsr and the mtw compared to saline controls. increasing the dosage of yohimbine ...19873586209
some avian and mammalian hosts of amblyomma hebraeum and amblyomma marmoreum (acari: ixodidae).large numbers of birds, wild mammals and domestic stock from a variety of localities within the republic of south africa were examined for infestation with the ixodid ticks amblyomma hebraeum and amblyomma marmoreum. every warthog (phacochoerus aethiopicus), burchell's zebra (equus burchelli), impala (aepyceros melampus) and kudu (tragelaphus strepsiceros) from the kruger national park in the north-eastern transvaal lowveld was infested with a. hebraeum. in the eastern cape province every helmet ...19873329327
field and laboratory investigation of crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever virus (nairovirus, family bunyaviridae) infection in november 1984 a case of crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever (cchf) occurred in a worker who became ill after slaughtering ostriches (struthio camelus) on a farm near oudtshoorn in the cape province of south africa. the diagnosis was confirmed by isolation of cchf virus from the patient's serum and by demonstration of a specific antibody response. it was suspected that infection was acquired either by contact with ostrich blood or by inadvertently crushing infected hyalomma ticks while skinning o ...19873140434
ectoparasites of guinea fowl (numida meleagris galeata pallas) and local domestic chicken (gallus gallus) in southern guinea savanna, nigeria.the ectoparasites of poultry in a southern guinea savanna zone were investigated by the examination of guinea fowl and local domestic chickens in the range and guinea fowl under intensive management. the prevalent ectoparasites of range guinea fowl and local chickens include seven species of lice menacanthus stramineus, menopon gallinae, goniodes gigas, goniocotes gallinae, lipeurus caponis, numidilipeurus tropicalis, damalinia bovis; three mites bdellonyssus bursa, megninia cubitalis, dermanyss ...19883195043
studies on the response of guinea fowls (numida meleagris) to antibiotics.1. the response of growing male guinea fowls to dietary supplements of oxytetracycline, roxarsone and zinc bacitracin were investigated. 2. the antibiotics produced significant increases in body weight, efficiency of food utilisation and nitrogen retention in guinea fowls at 12 weeks of age. 3. carcase protein was not affected by antibiotic supplementation but carcase dry matter and fat were significantly higher in guinea fowls receiving medicated food than in controls. 4. the results show that ...19883224296
ovarian follicular growth and maturation in the domestic pigeon and guinea fowl (numida meleagris).yolks of pigeon and guinea fowl eggs were examined for the number of dichromate-staining rings. estimates of the time for rapid follicular development using this technique were 5.1 and 5.6 days for pigeons and guinea fowl, respectively. another measure of follicular development based on the incorporation of sudan dyes into the yolk yielded an estimate of 6.5 and 8.3 days for pigeons and guinea fowl, respectively. using one and two-egg clutches, no differences due to clutch position were observed ...19883241784
effects of beak trimming at different ages on the body weight and feed conversion of guinea fowl (numida meleagris).the effect of beak trimming at different ages on feed consumption and growth of meat-type guineas (numida meleagris) up to 12 wk of age was investigated. in the first experiment, beaks of birds were trimmed at 7, 28, 49, and 70 days, respectively. in the second experiment, beak trimming was done at 42, 49, 56, and 63 days, respectively. body weight, feed consumption, and mortality were measured first at 4 wk and weekly thereafter in both experiments. beak trimming of keets at 7 days, significant ...19883375169
response of guinea fowl (numida meleagris) to dietary supplementation of zinc bacitracin.the effect of dietary bacitracin on the growth and feed conversion of guineas has been investigated using graded levels of the antibiotic. the treatments were 0, 11, 22, and 45 mg bacitracin/kg diet. poorest live weights were recorded by unmedicated guineas. keets given bacitracin at 11 mg/kg recorded significantly higher live weights (p less than .05) than unmedicated chicks. best live weights were obtained at a supplementation level of 22 mg/kg; supplementation to 45 mg/kg gave no further grow ...19883375170
ivermectin in the control of helminthiasis in guinea fowl numida meleagris galeata pallas.guinea fowls (numida meleagris galeata pallas) were treated with subcutaneous injection of ivomec at dose rate of 0.14 mg/kg to control and reduce mortalities due to helminthiasis. ten hours after treatment faecal droppings contained both adult and larval stages of ascaridia galli, heterakis gallinarum, subulura suctoria and fragments of raillietina spp. recovery was found 48 hours later. drug efficacy was 100%.19883376414
egg-laying pattern of the semi-domesticated helmeted guinea fowl (numida meleagris galeata).1. studies on the egg laying pattern of the semi-domesticated helmeted guinea fowl showed that the birds laid eggs between 06.00 and 20.00 h local time (05.00 to 19.00 h gmt). 2. more (67.9%) were laid in the evenings (15.00 to 20.00 h) than at any other period. 3. there were two distinct periods in the reproductive cycle: a breeding season which began in april and ended in september, and a resting or non-breeding period between october and march. 4. sequence length was predominantly of 4 eggs a ...19883382977
purification and some of the properties of alkaline phosphatase in guinea fowls (numida meleagris galeata).1. alkaline phosphatase activity in the plasma of different strains of guinea fowls showed considerable variation both within and between sexes as well as within and between strains. 2. the enzymes from different strains of wild guinea fowls had different mobilities on disc polyacrylamide electrophoresis but each was characterised by a single band. 3. when the enzyme was purified 163-fold from the plasma of a domesticated grey breasted strain, both ion-exchange chromatography and gel-filtration ...19883382979
serum electrolyte and protein levels in guinea fowls (numida meleagris) and nigerian fowls (gallus domesticus).the comparison of the content of electrolytes and proteins in the serum of guinea fowl and nigerian fowl showed that the former had significantly higher values for sodium, potassium, and albumin. the nigerian fowl on the other hand exhibited higher values for calcium, chloride, bicarbonate, inorganic phosphate, total proteins, and globulins, which were also significant.19883395322
newcastle disease and egg drop syndrome '76 in guinea fowls (numida meleagris galeata pallas). 19883420984
semen characteristics of the guinea fowl numida meleagris meleagris.eighteen adult exotic golden sovereign guinea fowl (numida meleagris meleagris) males identified by leg bands and housed individually in cages were ejaculated two times a week at 4- and 3-d intervals (mondays and thursdays) for 6 wk. semen was obtained manually by gently massaging the dorso-lateral lumbo-sacral region. semen collection and evaluation were done between 1400 and 1800 h each day of test. mean semen volume was 0.032+/-0.001 ml, sperm motility was 37.1+/-0.1% and sperm concentration/ ...198816726378
ivermectin in the treatment of helminthiasis in caged raised adult guinea-fowl (numida meleagris galeata pallas).the treatment of natural infections of helminthiasis in caged raised guinea-fowls indicates a high efficacy of ivermectin in the elimination of infection due to both juvenile and adult stages of heterakis gallinarum, ascaridia galli, subulura suctoria, raillietina spp. and capillaria caudinflata at dose levels of 0.07 mg/kg and 0.14 mg/kg per adult bird, subcutaneously administered. guinea-fowls treated responded with no observable side effect and remained clean of any helminth infection for ove ...19892626577
leptospirosis in the melut district--upper nile province (south sudan)--an overview.the authors examined 195 domestic animals for leptospirosis serologically in sudan (170 cattle, 7 sheep and 18 goats) and 771 wild animals (36 species) with 13 serovars from 13 serogroups. 54% of domestic animals namely, 108 cattle and 1 sheep were positive in titer levels of 1:400 and higher. cattle sera with the serovars of the serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae were 2.4% positive with cynopteri 2.4%, autumnalis 3.5%, australis 1.2%, pomona 2.9%, grippotyphosa 2.9%, hebdonadis 17.1%, bataviae 9.4% ...19892599388
the status of guinea fowls (numida meleagris) in the epidemiology of infectious bursal disease (ibd) of poultry in nigeria.a serological survey for ibd in market guinea fowls gave a total prevalence rate of 44.3% from five different locations in nigeria. guinea fowl keets were susceptible to experimental ibd infection and transmitted it to in-contact sentinel chickens. the infected guinea fowl keets showed the typical clinical-pathology and seroconversion for ibd. these results suggest that guinea fowls could play an active part in the epidemiology of ibd.19892538977
adenoviral pancreatitis in guinea fowl (numida meleagris).necrotizing pancreatitis was observed in 2-week-old guinea fowl submitted for necropsy and histopathology. intranuclear inclusion bodies seen histologically in acinar epithelium were examined by electron microscopy and found to contain viruses resembling adenovirus. adenovirus was isolated in embryonated eggs from the pancreata of affected birds. the adenovirus isolated was not neutralized by chicken antisera developed against 10 known serotypes of group 1 avian adenoviruses.19892549945
helminths of guinea fowl (numida meleagris) in bashkir assr.guinea fowl from different regions of bashkir autonomous soviet socialist republic (bassr) were examined for helminths. of the 547 fowl examined, 451 (82.4%) harboured at least one species of helminth. a total of 56,772 helminths were collected and classified. of this number seven were found to be trematodes, 25 cestodes and 56,740 nematodes. five species of helminths were identified. amongst infected birds, trematodes were present in three (0.7%), cestodes in eight (1.8%) and nematodes in 451 ( ...19911882502
parasites of domestic and wild animals in south africa. xxvii. ticks on helmeted guineafowls in the eastern cape province and eastern transvaal lowveld.seventy-six helmeted guineafowls (numida meleagris) were shot in the andries vosloo kudu reserve and on an adjacent farm in the eastern cape province during the period may 1985 to january 1987 and their tick burdens determined. a total of 10 ixodid tick species were recovered, of which amblyomma hebraeum, amblyomma marmoreum and haemaphysalis silacea were the most abundant. the seasonal abundances of these 3 species and of hyalomma marginatum rufipes were ascertained. a marked difference between ...19911923375
an investigation of the persistence of mycoplasma gallisepticum in an eastern population of wild turkeys.mycoplasma gallisepticum infection had been confirmed by culture and serology among wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo) in close association with domestic fowl on cumberland island, georgia (usa) in 1980. in 1988, wild turkeys were surveyed by serologic and cultural methods for evidence of m. gallisepticum. chickens (gallus gallus) and guinea fowl (numida meleagris) from the site where the disease was originally detected also were tested by serologic and cultural methods for m. gallisepticum infe ...19912023330
the prevalence of blood parasites in helmeted guineafowls, numida meleagris, in the kruger national park.bloodsmears were taken from separate groups of five helmeted guineafowls, numida meleagris, shot at approximately monthly intervals at skukuza and near lower sabie in the kruger national park during the period august 1988 to august 1990. ninety-eight (86%) of 114 guineafowls had single or multiple infections of aegyptianella sp., haemoproteus pratasi, hepatozoon sp., leucocytozoon neavei, plasmodium circumflexum and trypanosoma numidae. the apparent seasonal prevalence of aegyptianella sp., h. p ...19911923376
isolation of plasmodium circumflexum from wild guineafowl (numida meleagris) and the experimental infection in domestic poultry.a strain of plasmodium circumflexum isolated from wild guineafowl was highly pathogenic to turkeys. mortality in turkeys occurred in a biphasic pattern--at the peak of parasitaemia associated with severe anaemia and 7 to 18 days afer the peak associated with the presence of exoerythrocytic schizonts in the brain capillaries. in the acute cases the pathology findings were anaemia, icterus and splenomegaly; in the subacute cases severe splenomegaly, right ventricular hypertrophy and multifocal int ...199118680016
description of aegyptianella botuliformis n. sp. (rickettsiales: anaplasmataceae) from the helmeted guineafowl, numida meleagris.aegyptianella botuliformis n. sp. (rickettsiales: anaplasmataceae) isolated from helmeted guineafowls numida meleagris from the kruger national park is described. the rickettsia occurs within a membrane-bound vacuole in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes with up to 8 organisms in a mature inclusion. the initial body resembles that of aegyptianella pullorum. the tightly packed, sausage-shaped intermediate forms are a distinctive morphological feature, seen as irregular, pleomorphic forms under light m ...19921513599
effects of temperature and ph on osmotic fragility of erythrocytes of the domestic fowl (gallus domesticus) and guinea-fowl (numida meleagris).the effects of temperature and ph on the osmotic behaviour of erythrocytes of the domestic fowl and guinea-fowl were studied. erythrocytes of the guinea-fowl were observed to be more osmotically fragile than those of the domestic fowl at 29 degrees c and ph 7.7. the osmotic fragility of erythrocytes of both species decreased as the temperature (at constant ph of 7.7) or ph (at constant temperature of 29 degrees c) increased. the erythrocyte count, packed cell volume, haemoglobin concentration an ...19921553426
erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae infection of guinea fowl (numida meleagris). 19921554336
recombination nodules and axial equalization in the zw pairs of the peking duck and the guinea fowl.the meiotic z and w chromosomes of the guinea fowl (numida meleagris) and the peking duck (anas platyrhynchos) show features similar to those described previously for 3 species of phasianidae: chicken, japanese quail and bobwhite quail. axial equalization in the gonosomes of the peking duck involves lengthening of the w axis along with shortening of the z axis. a single recombination nodule is constantly found in the synaptic, terminal region of the zw pairs stained with phosphotungstic acid. th ...19938404053
a host-parasite list of the haematozoa of domestic poultry in sub-saharan africa and the isolation of plasmodium durae herman from turkeys and francolins in south annotated host-parasite list of the blood parasites of domestic poultry in sub-saharan africa is presented. this list contains the haematozoa found in domestic waterfowl (ducks, geese and muscovies) and phasianids (turkey, fowl and peafowl). in south africa plasmodium durae was isolated from 4 out of 8 backyard turkeys, from 3 out of 26 swainson's francolins and from 1 redwing francolin, but not from 20 helmeted guineafowls and 9 greywing francolins. this points at swainson's and redwing fran ...19938332314
lice on helmeted guinea fowls at five localities in south africa.a total of 234 helmeted guinea fowls, numida meleagris coronata, were examined for lice at five localities in south africa. these were the mountain zebra national park in the eastern karoo, cape province; the andries vosloo kudu reserve and the farm bucklands, in valley bushveld, eastern cape province; the bontebok national park, south-western cape province; and the southern part of the kruger national park, eastern transvaal lowveld. a total of eight louse species, comprising amyrsidea desousai ...19937970579
the anatomy of the cloacal bursa (bursa of fabricius) in the helmeted guinea fowl (numida meleagris galeata).the cloacal bursa (bursa of fabricius) in the guinea fowls appeared either as an oval blind sac with a short thick stalk in one group or had a pointed cranial blind end with a slightly bulging middle part that was followed by a thick caudal stalk in the other group. both groups of bursae originated from the proctodeal wall of the cloaca and were placed dorsal to the rectum. the average length of the bursa was 18 mm while the average width at the mid section was 15 mm. the internal surface showed ...19938238949
a natural outbreak of newcastle disease in guinea-fowl (numida meleagris galeata) in nigeria.a natural outbreak of newcastle disease (nd) was reported in a flock of guinea-fowl in nigeria, affecting 1,029 birds of which 250 (24.3%) died. paralysis of the legs and wings, coughing, sneezing, white diarrhoea and complete cessation of egg production were observed. serum samples collected at the onset and during the course of the disease had high nd antibody titres. nd virus was isolated from a pool of brain tissues from diseased guinea-fowl. the nd virus isolate was characterised as a velog ...19938219339
isolation of an adenovirus from an ostrich (struthio camelus) causing pancreatitis in experimentally infected guinea fowl (numida meleagris).an adenovirus was isolated from the pancreas, kidney, and lung of a dead 4-month-old ostrich (struthio camelus). experimental infection of week-old guinea fowl (numida meleagris) was carried out in order to study transmission. of the infected keets, six out of 15 died; these exhibited pancreatitis, presence of a hemorrhagic liquid in the abdominal cavity, kidney degeneration, and pulmonary lesions. the remaining birds, euthanatized on day 21 postinoculation, showed chronic pancreatitis. the viru ...19947832722
neuromuscular diversity in archosaur deep dorsal thigh muscles.the living members of the clade archosauria, crocodilians and birds, differ markedly in the morphology of their deep dorsal thigh muscles. to investigate whether this diversity is accompanied by differences in motor pattern and muscle function, the hindlimbs of representative archosaurs were studied by electromyography and cineradiography during terrestrial locomotion. in a crocodilian, alligator, the iliofemoralis and pubo-ischio-femoralis internus part 2 are both active during the swing phase ...19948306187
[pathogenesis of avian mycobacteriosis in the domestic turkey (meleagris gallopavo f. domestica) and guinea fowl (numida meleagris f. domestica)].experimental infections enabled to study susceptibility to m. avium and disease pathogenesis in the turkey and guinea fowl. after intramuscular implantation of m. avium suspension macroscopic tuberculous lesions were observed at the spot of puncture in turkeys in 35 days, and miliary tuberculosis of liver and spleen in 55 days. cultivation demonstrated mycobacteria in various organs and tissues since day 12 after infection. the guinea fowl showed macroscopic lesions at the spot of puncture in 28 ...19957793010
[blastocystis fauna].on the area of former ussr and russia 10 species of blastocystis were described: blastocystis lessonae from rana lessonae, b. anatis from anas platyrhynchos, b. anseri from anser anser, b. galli from gallus gallus, b. numidae from numida meleagris, b. meleagridis from meleagris gallopavo, b. equi from equus coballus, b. suis from sus scrofa, b. bovis from bos taurus, b. ovis from ovis aries.19957567080
findings of dermatitis and myositis in guinea fowl (numida meleagris).histopathological and microbiological features of dermatitis and myositis observed in guinea fowl at the slaughterhouse are presented. meat inspection measures have also been considered.199518645792
health studies on a group of captive helmeted guineafowl (numida meleagris) in tanzania.a small group of housed helmeted guineafowl (numida meleagris) was studied over a 6-week period. blood samples were taken on three occasions and basic haematology was performed. clinical examination of the birds revealed a number of abnormalities including bumblefoot, inflammatory lesions on the wings and body, impaction of the preen gland and traumatic injuries. supporting laboratory tests provided further information on the aetiology and pathogenesis of some of these disorders. four birds died ...199618645844
effects of anticoagulants and storage (4 degrees c) on packed cell volume (pcv) of nigerian domestic fowl (gallus domesticus) and guinea fowl (numida meleagris).1. studies were conducted to determine the effects of anticoagulants and storage (4 degrees c) on the pcv of blood samples from nigerian domestic fowl (df) and the guinea fowl (gf). 2. citrate significantly reduced pre-storage pcv of the df in comparison with the effect of ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (edta). 3. it further decreased (p < 0.05) the pcv of the blood of df and gf over 3 d of storage; this was similar to the effect of edta on the pcv of the gf blood. 4. citrate and oxalates ind ...19969034589
effect of growth rate and body mass on resting metabolic rate in galliform this study, we asked whether within-species variation in chick resting metabolic rate was related to variation in growth and whether this relationship changed during development in three galliform species (turkey, meleagris gallopavo, guinea fowl, numida meleagris, and japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica). resting metabolic rate increased by a bi- or triphasic pattern with body mass. for each phase, the relationship between metabolic rate and growth was studied by residual analysis, wi ...19979279916
inheritance of wing feather development rate in guinea fowl (numida meleagris).1. a study of primary wing feather development rate in guinea fowl revealed genetic control through a single pair of sex-linked alleles. the allele for slow feathering (k) was dominant over that for rapid feathering (k+). 2. wing feather sexing showed 94% accuracy in 10-d-old keets. 3. incidence of rapid feathering allele (k+) was higher in the population selected for high body weight compared to the unselected population.19979280348
the structure of the interstitial tissue of the active and resting avian testis.the interstitial tissue of the testis was studied in gonadally active and gonadally inactive domestic fowl (gallus gallus domesticus), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris), duck (anas platyrhynchos) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). gonadal inactivity in the fowl was induced by a single subcutaneous injection of 50 mg oestradiol benzoate. the structure of this tissue was similar in all the birds studied. lymphatic vessels were mostly thin and meandered between the peritubular tissue per ...19979551481
[acuariosis in numida meleagris (aves: numididae)].a case of gastric nematodiasis is described in a gineafowl (numida meleagris) from the municipal zoo, presidencia roque saenz peña (chaco) argentina. nematodes obtained from the glandular stomach were observed in optic microscopy. according to their morphometric characteristics and location in the definitive host, were identified as belonging to the family acuariidae, subfamily acuariinae, species dispharynx nasuta rudolphi, 1819.19979640683
[heterakis infection in numida meleagris (numididae)].a case of caecum nematodiasis is described in a guinea fowl (numida melagris) from the municipal zoo, presidencia roque saenz peña (chaco) argentina. nematodes obtained from the caecum were observed in optic microscopy. according to their morphometric characteristics and location in the definitive host, were identified as belonging to the family heterakidae, species heterakis gallinarum, (schrank, 1788) maden, 1949.199810413882
guineafowl hind limb function. ii: electromyographic analysis and motor pattern evolution.the neuromuscular control of the hind limb of helmeted guineafowl (numida meleagris) locomoting on a treadmill at 1.0 m/sec was analyzed using simultaneous electromyography (emg) and cineradiography. activity from 16 heads representing 14 hip and knee muscles was recorded and correlated with limb movement and myological data to help discern muscle function. the first half of the stance phase is characterized by activity in many hip extensors, which counteract a flexor moment of the ground reacti ...199929847880
guineafowl hind limb function. i: cineradiographic analysis and speed effects.avian striding bipedalism was studied in the helmeted guineafowl, numida meleagris. high-speed cineradiographs, light films, and videos were used to record hind limb movements across a wide range of speeds. in particular, direct visualization of the skeleton in x-ray images allowed changes in pelvic and femoral position to be quantified with great accuracy for the first time. with the exception of limb protraction angle, all stride parameters are speed-dependent. during the stance phase, guineaf ...199929847877
ultrastructural study of the luminal surface of the ducts of the epididymis of gallinaceous birds.the various ducts of the epididymides of four gallinaceous birds, the turkey (meleagris gallopavo), domestic fowl (gallus gallus), guinea-fowl (numida meleagris) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were studied at the scanning and transmission electron microscopy levels. the tissues were fixed either by immersion or vascular perfusion, for comparative purposes. each duct system, save for a few details, presented similar morphological features in all species. the epithelial surface of ...200011131120
high susceptibility of partridges ( perdix perdix ) to toxoplasmosis compared with other gallinaceous birds.partridges ( perdix perdix ), chukars ( alectoris chukar ), wild guineafowl ( numida meleagris ), wild turkeys ( meleagris gallopavo ) and chickens ( gallus domesticus ) were inoculated per os with 103 or 105 toxoplasma gondii oocysts (k7 strain). two of five partridges fed 103 oocysts and six of eight partridges fed 105 oocysts died between day 6 and 16 post-inoculation (p.i.); no clinical symptoms were observed in surviving birds. antibodies to t. gondii were detected in the birds by the indir ...200019184852
trematodes of free range reared guinea fowls (numida meleagris linnaeus, 1758) in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil: morphology and investigation on the digenetic trematodes parasitizing free range reared guinea fowls was conducted in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil, based on clinical examination, necropsies and histopathological findings in 36 guinea fowls. parasites, prevalence and intensity of infection were, respectively: paratanaisia bragai, 61.1% and 31 (in each kidney); athesmia heterolecithodes, 8.3% and 38; conspicuum conspicuum, 2.8% and 1. a. heterolecithodes was highly pathogenic to guinea fowls, causing s ...200119184902
entraining the natural frequencies of running and breathing in guinea fowl (numida meleagris).lung ventilation of tetrapods that synchronize their locomotory and ventilatory cycles during exercise could be economized if the resonant frequency of the respiratory system matched the animal's preferred step frequency. to test whether animals utilize this strategy, the input impedance of the respiratory system of five anesthetized, supine guinea fowl (numida meleagris) was measured using a forced oscillation technique. the resonant frequency of the respiratory system was 7.12+/-0.27 hz (n=5, ...200111398753
ontogeny of the dendritic, and follicle-associated epithelial cells in the bursa of fabricius of guinea fowl (numida meleagris).a panel of monoclonal antibodies was produced to study the mesenchymal stromal elements of the bursa of fabricius in guinea hen. the intracellular antigens recognized by giif3 and nic2 monoclonal antibodies are of 50 and 30 kd, respectively. the cells identified by these antibodies emerge in the mesenchyme around day 12 of incubation, and immigrate into the surface epithelium of the bursal folds, which precedes the follicle formation. the giif3 cells move up to the luminal surface of the follicl ...200111729965
organochlorine pesticide residues in helmeted guineafowl (numida meleagris), south africa. 200111116310
effects of long-term exercise on the biomechanical properties of the achilles tendon of guinea fowl.the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of long-term exercise on tendon compliance and to ascertain whether tendons adapt differently to downhill running vs. running on a level surface. we carried out this investigation on the gastrocnemius tendon of helmeted guinea fowl (numida meleagris) that were trained for 8-12 wk before commencing experimental procedures. we used an in situ technique to measure tendon stiffness. the animals were deeply anesthetized with isofluorane during all ...200111133907
development of the follicle-associated epithelium and the secretory dendritic cell in the bursa of fabricius of the guinea fowl (numida meleagris) studied by novel monoclonal antibodies.two stromal elements, follicle-associated epithelium and secretory dendritic cells of the bursa of fabricius were studied by light microscopy and two novel mabs, that were produced against splenic cell suspensions of guinea fowls. both antigens recognized by these mabs, designated giif3 and nic2, are localized in the cytoplasm of the stromal cells, and their molecular weights are 50 and 30 kd, respectively. during embryogenesis the giif3 and nic2 cells emerge in the mesenchyme of the folds befor ...200111241196
resistance of leopard tortoises and helmeted guineafowl to cowdria ruminantium infection (heartwater).experimental infection trials were conducted to investigate susceptibility of leopard tortoises (geochelone pardalis) and helmeted guineafowl (numida meleagris) to infection with cowdria ruminantium, the causative agent of heartwater, a tickborne disease of domestic and wild ruminants. ten guineafowl were inoculated intravenously with a virulent dose of c. ruminantium derived from bovine endothelial cell cultures, and four leopard tortoises were exposed to c. ruminantium infection by the feeding ...200111423187
morphological changes in the efferent ducts during the main phases of the reproductive cycle of birds.the changes that take place in the efferent ducts during the major phases of the reproductive cycle of birds were studied morphologically using standard histological, morphometric, and ultrastructural methods in prepuberal, sexually mature and sexually active, and sexually mature but sexually inactive domestic fowl (gallus domesticus), drake (anas platyrhynchos), and guinea fowl (numida meleagris). profound structural and dimensional changes occurred in both segments (proximal and distal) of the ...200211981805
cyclical reproductive changes in the non-ciliated epithelia of the epididymis of birds.the epididymis of two species of domestic birds, the domestic fowl (gallus domesticus), duck (anas platyrhynchos), and of domestic and feral guinea-fowl (numida meleagris) was studied during the three main phases of the reproductive cycle (prepuberal, sexually mature and active, and sexually mature but inactive or resting) with a view to identifying major histological and ultrastructural changes associated with and distinctive for each phase. rete testis cells accumulated numerous variably sized ...200212047247
chromosome rearrangements between chicken and guinea fowl defined by comparative chromosome painting and fish mapping of dna clones.chromosome homology between chicken (gallus gallus) and guinea fowl (numida meleagris) was investigated by comparative chromosome painting with chicken whole chromosome paints for chromosomes 1-9 and z and by comparative mapping of 38 macrochromosome-specific (chromosomes 1-8 and z) and 30 microchromosome-specific chicken cosmid dna clones. the comparative chromosome analysis revealed that the homology of macrochromosomes is highly conserved between the two species except for two inter-chromosom ...200212698009
molecular cloning and characterization of novel centromeric repetitive dna sequences in the blue-breasted quail (coturnix chinensis, galliformes).a new family of centromeric highly repetitive dna sequences was isolated from ecori-digested genomic dna of the blue-breasted quail (coturnix chinensis, galliformes), and characterized by filter hybridization and chromosome in situ hybridization. the repeated elements were divided into two types by nucleotide length and chromosomal distribution; the 578-bp element predominantly localized to microchromosomes and the 1,524-bp element localized to chromosomes 1 and 2. the 578-bp element represented ...200212826749
extracellular matrix of different composition supports the various splenic compartments of guinea fowl ( numida meleagris).the extracellular matrix (ecm) of the spleen of the guinea fowl has been studied by immunohistochemistry. each splenic compartment contains a different composition of ecm. reticular-fiber-specific collagen iii is expressed by the red pulp and thymus-dependent periarterial lymphatic sheath, but silver impregnation reveals a reticular-fiber-like structure in the periellipsoidal white pulp (pwp) where collagen iii is absent. the penicillar capillaries of one central artery are enveloped by a single ...200312756528
measurement of maximum oxygen consumption in guinea fowl numida meleagris indicates that birds and mammals display a similar diversity of aerobic scopes during running.judgement of exercise performance in birds has been hampered by a paucity of data on maximal aerobic capacity. we measured the maximal rate of oxygen consumption (vo2,max) in running guinea fowl numida meleagris, a bird that has been used in several previous studies of avian running. mean vo2,max during level treadmill running was 97.5+/-3.7 ml o(2) kg(-1) min(-1) (mean+/-sem, n=5). vo2,max was on average 6% higher when the birds ran uphill compared with the value during level running (paired t- ...200314671717
muscle force-length dynamics during level versus incline locomotion: a comparison of in vivo performance of two guinea fowl ankle extensors.for a terrestrial animal to move in the complex natural environment, the limb muscles must modulate force and work performance to meet changing mechanical requirements; however, it is not clear whether this is accomplished via a collective shift in function by all limb muscles, or a division of labor among limb muscles. do muscles differ in their ability to modulate force-length contractile function to meet the mechanical demands of different locomotor tasks? we explore this question by examinin ...200312878663
karyotypic evolution in the galliformes: an examination of the process of karyotypic evolution by comparison of the molecular cytogenetic findings with the molecular define the process of karyotypic evolution in the galliformes on a molecular basis, we conducted genome-wide comparative chromosome painting for eight species, i.e. silver pheasant (lophura nycthemera), lady amherst's pheasant (chrysolophus amherstiae), ring-necked pheasant (phasianus colchicus), turkey (meleagris gallopavo), western capercaillie (tetrao urogallus), chinese bamboo-partridge (bambusicola thoracica) and common peafowl (pavo cristatus) of the phasianidae, and plain chachalaca (o ...200415218250
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 222