
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
cellular basis of brain maturation and acquisition of complex behaviors in salamanders.the overall bauplan of the tetrapod brain is highly conserved, yet significant variations exist among species in terms of brain size, structural composition and cellular diversity. understanding processes underlying neural and behavioral development in a wide range of species is important both from an evolutionary developmental perspective as well as for the identification of cell sources with post-developmental neurogenic potential. here, we characterize germinal processes in the brain of notop ...029217751
the relation of the thyroid and pituitary glands to moulting in triturus viridescens. 193017831932
the effect of replantation, lens removal, and optic nerve section of the eye of the salamander (triturus viridescens). 193821433768
induction of triploidy and haploidy in the newt, triturus viridescens, by cold treatment of unsegmented eggs. 193916577886
a pentaploid larva of the newt, triturus viridescens. 194016588397
reaction to visual flicker in the newt triturus.the flicker response curve for the newt triturus viridescens (water phase) has much the same quantitative structure as that found with various fresh-water teleosts at the same temperature (21.5 degrees ). the variability of critical intensity and of critical flash frequency likewise follows the same rules. the cone portion of the f - log i curve is much more widely spread, however. this, and the rather low maximum to which the rod curve rises, produce a considerable overlapping of the two parts ...194019873182
the frequency of polyploidy and other spontaneous aberrations of chromosome number among larvae of the newt, triturus viridescens. 194116588493
triploidy (and haploidy) in the newt, triturus viridescens, induced by refrigeration of fertilized eggs. 194117246999
heat-induced triploidy in the newt, triturus viridescens. 194216588575
thyroid and pituitary hormones in relation to regeneration; regeneration of the hind leg of the newt, triturus viridescens, with different combinations of thyroid and pituitary hormones. 194521010859
a cytological study of mitosis in the cornea of triturus viridescens during recovery after colchicine treatment. 194620275390
sexual conditions in triturus viridescens; the effect of the administration of diethylstilbestrol on adult normal and castrated males. 194621016953
the cytological mechanism of the triploidy-inducing effect of heat on eggs of the newt, triturus viridescens. 194816588832
evidence for a thyroid-skin gland relationship in the induction of molting in the red eft of triturus viridescens. 194818934047
acceleration of skin growth and molting in the red eft of triturus viridescens by means of prolactine injections. 194818932973
failure to mature the ovaries in the red eft of triturus viridescens by pituitary treatment. 194818884184
epidermal dedifferentiation during blastema formation in regenerating limbs of triturus viridescens. 194818882504
the effect of temperature on the cycle of trypanosoma diemyctyli in triturus viridescens. 194818882472
an experimental study of lens regeneration in triturus viridescens viridescens; regeneration of a lens after lens extirpation in embryos and larvae of different ages. 194818906240
pulmonary epithelium of the newt, triturus viridescens, studied in living cultures with cinematographic apparatus and phase contrast technique. 194915410072
limb regeneration in triturus viridescens as affected by lethal doses of radioactive phosphorus. 194915398724
the effects of pituitary implantation on diploid and triploid larvae of the newt, triturus viridescens, with special reference to the gonads. 194918148835
the leucocytes in regenerating limbs of triturus viridescens. 194918153119
the number of caudal vertebrae in a caudate amphibian, triturus viridescens, in relation to growth. 194918127399
the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on molting in triturus viridescens. 195015414810
stimulation of forelimb regeneration in the newt, triturus viridescens, by a sensory nerve supply isolated from the central nervous system. 195114829596
induction of accessory limbs and of sarcoma in the newt (triturus viridescens) with carcinogenic substances. 195213009672
effect of xenoplastic adrenal transplants upon limb regeneration in normal and hypophysectomized newts (triturus viridescens). 195413224666
electroencephalographic studies, induced seizures, and their modification by phenobarbital, dilantin, and phenurone, in the salamanders, triturus viridescens and ambystoma tigrinum. 195413161848
effect of size and number of brain cells on learning in larvae of the salamander, triturus viridescens. 195513255909
the effect of cortisone acetate on the wound healing phase of triturus viridescens. 195513270869
effects of thyroxine on limb regeneration in the newt, triturus viridescens. 195613374461
the adepidermal reticular network in the skin of the newt, triturus viridescens. 195613393977
studies on lens induction in amblystoma punctatum and triturus viridescens viridescens. ii. transplants of prospective lateral head ectoderm. 195813654671
studies on lens induction in amblystoma punctatum and triturus viridescens viridescens. i. transplants of prospective belly ectoderm. 195813654664
an electron microscope study of lampbrush chromosomes.lampbrush chromosomes were isolated from germinal vesicles of oocytes from necturus maculatus, triturus viridescens, pseudotriton montanus and rana pipiens. after treatment of isolated nuclei with 10 per cent sucrose, chromosomes free of nuclear sap are obtained for examination in either the light microscope or in the electron microscope. for electron microscopy the chromosomes were prepared either by anderson's critical-point procedure or were embedded in methacrylate and sectioned. the evidenc ...195813502434
catalase and aldolase in livers of regenerating and tumor-bearing triturus viridescens. 195914439430
changes in the pattern of nitrogen excretion during the life cycle of the the course of its life cycle the eastern newt, triturus (diemyctylus) viridescens, undergoes two metamorphoses, the first from the aquatic larva to the terrestrial red eft; the second, 2 to 3 years later, from the eft to the permanently aquatic and sexually mature adult newt. the pattern of nitrogen exretion changes during both transformations. older larvae excrete about 75 percent of the nitrogen as ammonia, 25 percent as urea; during the first metamorphosis the ratio of ammonia to urea is a ...195914426063
immunochemical studies of muscle proteins in mature and regenerating limbs of the adult newt, triturus viridescens. 195914414512
observations on the mechanism of induction of supernumerary limbs in adult triturus viridescens. 195913801917
limb regeneration in the salamander, triturus viridescens, after large initial and during prolonged smaller injections of cortisone acetate. 195913619586
preblastemic changes of intramuscular glycogen in forelimb regeneration of the adult newt, triturus viridescens. 196013747950
reconstitution of bone in regenerating forelimbs of adult triturus viridescens. 196013741508
application of the electron microscope to the cytochemical peroxidase reaction in salamander leukocytes.the present study has dealt with the localization by electron microscopy of the products of peroxidase reaction in neutrophil leukocytes in the subcapsular region of the livers of triturus viridescens. small pieces of liver tissue were fixed for 1 hour in buffered osmium tetroxide solution. after fixation they were divided into five groups: (a) not treated with any reagent (control); (b) treated for 4 minutes with the peroxidase reagent containing 0.3 per cent benzidine and 0.014 per cent (0.004 ...196014423044
starvation and food-related behavior in a poikilotherm, the salamander, triturus viridescens. 196013850760
an electron microscope study of the salamander thyroid during hormonal stimulation.cytological changes in thyroid glands following administration of thyroid-stimulating hormone (tsh), were studied in adult salamanders, ambystoma tigrinum, triturus torosus, and triturus viridescens by electron and light microscopy. thyroids from untreated salamanders contained large follicles, faintly basophilic colloid, low follicle cells with flattened nuclei, and scant, slightly basophilic cytoplasm. after tsh administration the cell height and nuclear volume increased. cytoplasmic basophili ...196013852243
seasonal and sexual variation in the pituitary gland of triturus viridescens. 196113885495
inhibition of lens regeneration by implanted lenses in the eyes of the adult newt diemictylus (triturus) viridescens. 196113702262
fusion of nucleoli in cells cultured from the heart of triturus viridescens. 196114012557
origin of the blastema in regenerating limbs of the newt triturus viridescens. an autoradiographic study using tritiated thymidine to follow cell proliferation and migration. 196113712434
homografting of liver in the newt, triturus viridescens. 196113785407
architectural regularity of the subepidermal reticulum of fibers in the adult newt, triturus viridescens (diemictylus v.). 196213991949
the effects of spleen homotransplantation on the fate of skin homografts in triturus viridescens. 196213978584
reactions to homografts in triturus viridescens. 196213890559
kinetin, as a mitotic stimulant in triturus viridescens. 196213874324
a study of hybridization and heteroploidy in two subspecies of triturus viridescens. 196214449821
the effects of ultraviolet microbeam irradiation on the eosinophil granular leukocytes of triturus viridescens. 196213860944
autoradiography with meiotic chromosomes of the male newt (triturus viridescens) using h3-thymidine. 196314102809
ultraviolet microbeam irradiation of vesicle-like bodies in agranular interphase cells cultured from triturus viridescens. 196314077655
ultrastructural studies on developing oocytes of the salamander triturus viridescens. i. the relationship between follicle cells and developing oocytes. 196314072881
effects of tall skin, epidermis, and dermis on limb regeneration in triturus viridescens and siredon mexicanum. 196313948322
ultrastructural studies on developing oocytes of the salamander triturus viridescens. 3. early cytoplasmic changes and the formation of pigment. 196414188870
ultrastructural studies on developing oocytes on the salamander triturus viridescens. ii. the formation of yolk. 196414188869
induction of polypliody by kinetin in triturus viridescens. 196414152855
genetic disparity and cancer induction by normal tissue implants in amphibia.fifty percent of the implants of normal adult triturus cristatus kidney made into the forelimbs of immature but postmetamorphic xenopus laevis hosts initiated the formation of lymphosarcoma at the site of implantation. donor-host genetic disparity as it relates to the intensity of the reaction, when homografts, heterografts, and xenografts are compared, appears to be one of several factors which play a role in the post-embryonic induction of both lymphosarcomas in xenopus laevis and accessory li ...196414207463
plagitura intermedia sp. n. (trematoda: plagiorchiidae) from the common newt, notophthalmus viridescens viridescens. 19655857275
a quantitative study of forelimb innervation in relation to regenerative capacity in the larval, land stage, and adult forms of triturus viridescens. 19655883954
lens fiber differentiation and gamma crystallins: immunofluorescent study of wolffian regeneration.from the adult lens of triturus viridescens, a fraction of proteins was isolated which corresponds to gamma-crystallins of higher vertebrates. tests by immuno-electrophoresis indicate that the antiserum against this fraction reacts with gamma-crystallins, but not with alpha- or beta-crystallins. with this antiserum, an immunofluorescent reagent has been prepared for detection of gamma-crystallins from newts. in the normal lens of the adult newt, these crystallins are detected in fiber cells and ...196514250323
the effect of dose on the incorporation of 3h-thymidine in the nuclei of the liver capsule cells in the newt, triturus viridescens. 196514315090
the relationship between rna synthesis and hemoglobin synthesis in amphibian erythropoiesis : cytochemical evidence.a cytochemical study of the relationship between rna synthesis and hemoglobin synthesis has been performed on splenectomized newts, triturus viridescens. employing radioautography, labeled cytidine was incorporated into the rna of the early developmental stages but was not incorporated in the later stages. labeled leucine was incorporated into the cellular protein of all stages except mature erythrocytes but was incorporated at a higher level in the later stages. microphotometric measurements of ...196619866701
the influence of neural retina and lens on lens regeneration from dorsal iris implants in triturus viridescens larvae. 19665971903
the influence of neural retina and lens on the development of embryonic lens vesicles in amblystoma punctatum and triturus viridescens. 19665962950
cancer and super-regeneration in triturus viridescens limbs. 19666012641
observations on the deposition, structure, and cytochemistry of the jelly envelopes of the egg of the newt, triturus viridescens. 19664163765
effects of kinetin on cell division in triturus viridescens. 19665929545
nerve penetration and regeneration after xrayed limbs of triturus viridescens were covered with unxrayed epidermis. 19674870954
studies on the mechanism of implant-induced supernumerary limb formation in urodeles. i. the histology of supernumerary limb formation in the adult newt, triturus viridescens. 19675340568
spheroidal and ring nucleoli in amphibian oocytes. patterns of uridine incorporation and fine structural maturing oocytes of the newt triturus viridescens, the nucleoli undergo a series of morphological changes that are very similar to those described by callan for the axolotl, ambystoma mexicanum. the nucleoli first assume the form of spheroids which then become extended into ring or necklace shapes that are dnase-sensitive; in mature oocytes the nucleoli revert to a spheroidal form. short term in vitro incorporation studies with uridine-(3)h on both species show that rna synthesis occurs in a ...19676055993
isolation and characterization of viruses from the kidneys of rana pipiens with renal adenocarcinoma before and after passage in the red eft (triturus viridescens).viruses were isolated from kidneys of normal and renal tumor-bearing vermont rana pipiens after subinoculation into red eft newts (triturus viridescens). organs of efts inoculated with viable cell suspensions from four of seven tumor-bearing kidneys yielded virus (lt-1, -2, -3, -4) when inoculated into th-1 (terrapene heart) cell culture. one tumor-bearing kidney also yielded virus (l-4) by direct inoculation into th-1 cells. an additional isolate (l-5) was obtained from 1 of 52 normal vermont f ...19684972302
polymorphic control of subunit synthesis for the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase in the newt, triturus viridescens. 19685752048
collagenolytic activity in regenerating forelimbs of the adult newt (triturus viridescens). 19684298061
sialic acid in egg capsules and oviducts of the newt, notophthalmus viridescens. 19685689602
ribonucleoprotein particles in the amphibian oocyte nucleus. possible intermediates in ribosome synthesis.studies of the sedimentation properties of rnp(1) material from the nucleus of the amphibian oocyte have indicated (1) that there are few, if any, 78s ribosomes in the nucleus, (2) that there are smaller particles sedimenting at 50-55s and 30s, and (3) that the larger of these is the precursor of the 60s subunit of the cytoplasmic ribosomes. although the nature of the 30s material is not completely clear, it probably includes precursor particles to the 40s ribosomal subunit. heavy (50-55s) parti ...19685645543
an autoradiographic evaluation of the cell reproduction cycle in the newt, triturus viridescens. 19685688433
the influence of the nerve on lower jaw regeneration in the adult newt, triturus viridescens. 19695353235
neurotrophic dependence of the lateral-line sensory organs of the newt, triturus viridescens. 19694900218
electron microscopy of the normal and i-131 treated thyroid gland of the newt, notophthalmus viridescens. 19695798187
re-establishment of forelimb regeneration in adult hypophysectomized diemictylus (triturus) viridescens given frog anterior pituitary extract. 19695804914
analysis of histogenesis and regenerative ability of denervated forelimb regenerates of triturus viridescens. 19695804911
fine structure of the autotransplanted pituitary in the red eft, notophthalmus viridescens. 19695765437
the neuroglia in the spinal cord of the newt, triturus viridescens. 19695780525
the ultrastructure of the spermatheca in the red spotted newt. 19705522108
development of the neuromuscular junction : ii. cytological and cytochemical studies on the neuromuscular junction of dedifferentiating muscle in the regenerating limb of the newt triturus.following amputation of the limb of the newt, triturus viridescens, muscle fibers dedifferentiate giving rise to mesenchymal cells. the earliest changes detected in neuromuscular junctions of dedifferentiating muscle fibers are the appearance of a few vacuoles and decrease in density of the terminal axoplasm. later, synaptic vesicles become tightly clustered in the axon termination, and their content appears denser than normal. then, vesicles diminish in number until few are seen in the ending. ...197019866741
melanogenesis in amphibians. ii. electron microscope studies of the normal and ptu-treated pigmented epithelium of developing notophthalmus viridescens eyes. 19705491992
the collagenolytic enzyme of the regenerating limb of the newt triturus viridescens. 19704316358
survival and functioning of autoplastic, homoplastic and xenoplastic pituitary grafts in the red-spotted newt. 19704910141
responses to thiourea and to surgical thyroidectomy by the autotransplanted pituitary gland in the red spotted newt. 19705435507
incorporation of 35s-sulfate into the oviducts and egg jelly of the newt, notophthalmus viridescens. 19705448186
leech-repellent property of eastern red-spotted newts, notophthalmus viridescens.eastern red-spotted newts (notophthalmus viridescens, salamandridae) are rarely attacked by leeches. this protection is not shared by related salamandrids or by ambystoma (ambystomatidae). tetrodotoxin is not the repelent. the immunity of notophthalmus to leech parasitism is probably most significant in its aquatic stages, although the terrestrial efts are also protected.197117779402
corticosterone phases a circadian water-drive response to prolactin in the spotted newt, notopthalmus viridescens. 19715158519
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 548