
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
cofeeding intra- and interspecific transmission of an emerging insect-borne rickettsial fleas (ctenocephalides felis) are known as the primary vector and reservoir of rickettsia felis, the causative agent of flea-borne spotted fever; however, field surveys regularly report molecular detection of this infectious agent from other blood-feeding arthropods. the presence of r. felis in additional arthropods may be the result of chance consumption of an infectious bloodmeal, but isolation of viable rickettsiae circulating in the blood of suspected vertebrate reservoirs has not been d ...026414611
rickettsia typhi in rodents and r. felis in fleas in yucatán as a possible causal agent of undefined febrile cases.rickettsia typhi is the causal agent of murine typhus; a worldwide zoonotic and vector-borne infectious disease, commonly associated with the presence of domestic and wild rodents. human cases of murine typhus in the state of yucatán are frequent. however, there is no evidence of the presence of rickettsia typhi in mammals or vectors in yucatán. the presence of rickettsia in rodents and their ectoparasites was evaluated in a small municipality of yucatán using the conventional polymerase chain r ...025923891
combining real-time polymerase chain reaction using sybr green i detection and sequencing to identify vertebrate bloodmeals in fleas.programs that aim to control vector-borne zoonotic diseases require information on zoonotic hosts and on the feeding behavior of bridging vectors that are capable of transmitting pathogens from those hosts to humans. here we describe an assay developed to identify bloodmeals in field-collected cat fleas (ctenocephalides felis bouché) to assess this species' potential role as a yersinia pestis bridging vector in a plague-endemic region of uganda. our assay uses a single primer set and sybr green ...023270174
notes on the cat flea in puerto rico. 195313040671
techniques for rearing and handling body lice, oriental rat fleas, and cat fleas.the authors describe techniques for handling and rearing large numbers of body lice (pediculus humanus humanus l.), oriental rat fleas (xenopsylla cheopis (rothschild)), and cat fleas (ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché)).body lice may be fed on man or on domestic rabbits. in the latter case, the lice are kept on woollen patches in glass dishes at 30 degrees c and 60% relative humidity. the patches are placed on the clipped belly of a rabbit once a day and the lice allowed to feed. eggs are dep ...195413150173
a method for large-scale rearing of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché). 195820604042
allergy to flea bites. iv. in vitro collection and antigenic properties of the oral secretion of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis felis (bouche). 196313970527
the physiological and biochemical role of the host's skin in the induction of flea-bite hypersensitivity. i. preliminary studies with guinea pig skin following exposure to bites of cat fleas. 196314053106
cat flea-mongoose relationships in hawaii. 19665904391
the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché, 1835) as an intermediate host for cestodes. 19676048565
toxicity of six insecticides to the cat flea. 19685659017
exceptions to the prevailing pattern of tubules (9 + 9 + 2) in the sperm flagella of certain insect species.various deviations from classical 9 + 2 flagellar structure are found in sperm of insect species. in mature spermatozoa of a psocid, psocus, the outer flagellar tubules are not straight, but are disposed in a long-pitched helix such that they form an angle of about 8 degrees with a single dense rod located in the position usually occupied by the central pair. in young spermatids of psocus the outer tubules are straight; thus, spiraling of the flagellar tubules occurs during the course of spermio ...19695812428
controlling cat fleas with dichlorvos-impregnated collars. 19695388598
cat flea control through use of dichlorvos-impregnated collars. 19695388951
primary cell cultures derived from larvae of ctenocephalides felis (bouché) (siphonaptera). 19715555010
the use of bromocyclen for the control of the cat flea (ctenocephalides felis). 19715102175
response of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (bouché), and the oriental rat flea, xenopsylla cheopis (rothschild) to electromagnetic radiation in the 300-700 nanometer range. 19744828350
insecticidal activity of temephos against ctenocephalides felis on dogs and cats.dogs and cats were treated with 2% temephos [0,0'-(thiodi-p-phenylene) 0,0',0'-tetramethyl bis (phosphorothioate)] powder to evaluate its insecticidal activity against the cat flea (ctenocephalides felis). dogs and cats were infested each week with approximately 100 unfed, unsexed fleas less than 14 days old. live-flea counts were made each day. the experiment was terminated when all dogs and cats retained live fleas for 6 days or more. the 2% temephos powder resulted in excellent flea control o ...19751163865
intermittent chemotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis using rifampicin and isoniazed for primary treatment: the influence of various factors on the frequency off side-effects.after studying more than 1,000 siphonaptera tera collected from about 300 wild carnivora (with a majority of foxes, vulpes vulpes), in the north-east of france, the authors state more precisely the biology and chorology of the main fleas collected: pulex irritans, ctenocephalides felis felis, c, canis, chaetopsylla globiceps, ch. rothschildi, ch. trichosa, paraceras melis melis. 9 other species are also noted.1976937975
temephos collars for control of fleas on dogs and cats.efficacy of polyvinyl chloride collars containing temephos [0,0'-(thiodi-4,1-phenylene) 0,0,0',0'-tetramethyl bis-(phosphorothioate)] was elevaluated in dogs and cats against the cat flea (ctenocephalides felis). over a period of 42 weeks, collared (treated) and control dogs were experimentally infested with 100 fleas 23 times, and control and treated cats were similarly infested 20 times during a 41-week period. flea populations on treated dogs were reduced by 80% or more for at least 36 weeks. ...1977911087
[infestation of the buildings of a large city with cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis felis bouche]. 1977604747
insecticidal activity of propoxur- and carbaryl-impregnated flea collars against ctenocephalides felis.ten dogs were fitted with 10% propoxur-(0-isopropoxyphenyl methylcarbamate) and 10 dogs were fitted with 16% carbaryl-(1-naphthyl-n-methylcarbamate) impregnated flea collars. ten cats were fitted with carbaryl-impregnated flea collars. there were 5 control animal for each trial. insecticidal activity against experimental infestations with the cat flea (ctenocephalides felis) was evaluated. the propoxur collars on dogs reduced the flea populations by 90% within 2 days of infestation for at least ...1977407819
a study of skin diseases in dogs and cats. v. the intradermal test in the diagnosis of flea allergy in dogs and cats.a group of 143 dogs and cats with pruritic skin disease was tested by intradermal injection of a dilute whole cat flea extract. the test results were correlated with the clinical diagnosis (table i, iii), with previous or present findings of fleas on the animals (table ii, iii), with the presence or absence of blood eosinophilia (table iv), and, in animals with clinical flea allergy, with the histological findings in a skin biopsy excised from a clinically affected skin site (fig. 1). the predic ...1978714661
human infestation by cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae), from suburban raccoons. 1979575164
[siphonaptera/fleas (author's transl)].fleas are small, reddish-brown, wingless insects with a laterally compressed body and a pronounced third pair of legs adapted to leaping. of the 100 species found in middle europe, hardly a dozen are of medical importance, they concern mainly people in contact with domestic animals. the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis felis, and the bird flea. ceratophyllus gallinae, are the most important human-pathogenic species in our region. a flea bite shows first as a haemorrhagic punctum, accompanied by i ...1979493245
influence of temperature and humidity on survival and development of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19817288833
helminth parasites and arthropods of feral cats.the prevalence (%) of helminth parasites in 327 mainly adult feral cats from 3 habitat groupings in victoria and new south wales was determined. the cestodes taenia taeniaeformis (33%) and spirometra erinacei (33%) were common; dipylidium caninum was rate (2%). the nematodes toxocara cati (28%), cyathospirura dasyuridis and cylicospirura felineus combined (27%) and aelurostrongylus abstrusus (14%) were common but their prevalence differed markedly between habitats. ollulanus tricuspis (5%), gnat ...19817340783
experimental infection of ectoparasitic arthropods with rickettsia prowazekii (gvf-16 strain) and transmission to flying squirrels.epizootiologic studies conducted during the past few years showed the existence of widespread natural infection of the southern flying squirrel, glaucomys volans, with epidemic typhus rickettsiae, rickettsia prowazekii. the ecological findings strongly implicated transmission of the etiologic agent by an arthropod vector. studies were conducted under controlled laboratory conditions to determine whether ectoparasites naturally associated with flying squirrels (squirrel fleas, lice, mites and tic ...19816782900
effect of ctenocephalides felis strongylus infestation on the performance of west african dwarf sheep and goats.a study of ctenocephalides felis strongylus and of its effect on the performance of sheep and goats was made. fleas showed more affinity for sheep than goats. there was a high concentration between lamb and kid mortality and the degree of flea infestation. the clinical effects of flea infestation are highlighted. the factors responsible for flea infestation and its control are discussed.19827112890
various hosts of ctenocephalides felis strongylus.infestation of exotic and indigenous breeds of cattle, sheep and goats with ctenocephalides felis strongylus in a dairy farm is reported. many of the fleas were engorged with fresh blood. traps set up in the pens caught two bush rats which were heavily infested with the same flea species, most of which were also engorged with fresh blood. it was suggested that the fleas might have been introduced into the pens by rodents such as bush rats.19827168133
infection of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (bouché) by neoaplectana carpocapsae weiser.infection of cat flea, ctenocephalides felis, larvae by the entomophilic nematode neoaplectana carpocapsae was accomplished in the laboratory. the breton strain of n. carpocapsae provided higher larval mortality at lower dosages than did the dd-136 strain. adult nematodes were evident in the insect hemocoel after 48 h; however, no infective third-stage larvae were produced. larval flea infection increased with an increase in the moisture content of sand from 2% to 7% and of sandy clay from 7% to ...198219295728
ctenocephalides felis felis infestation of koalas. 19836651687
failure of brewer's yeast as a repellent to fleas on and inactive brewer's yeast, when given as a dietary supplement to dogs at the rate of 14 g/day, failed to repel or kill fleas. twenty dogs in each of 3 groups were inoculated weekly for 7 weeks with 100 unfed cat fleas (ctenocephalides felis). one group served as a control while one group received inactive and the other active yeast during the last 5 weeks of the trial. there were no significant differences in flea counts among the 3 groups during the first 4 weeks of yeast supplemental ...19836885593
[ectoparasites of rodents of the urban region of belo horizonte, mg. i. interaction between ectoparasites and hosts].a rodent ectoparasite survey was made in the city of belo horizonte, minas gerais, brazil, from june 1980 to september 1982. the species of ectoparasites captured from 950 rattus norvegicus norvegicus were: xenopsylla cheopis, ctenocephalides felis felis, polyplax spinulosa, laelaps nuttalli, echinolaelaps echidninus and atricholaelaps glasgowi, the last species only represented by three specimens interchanged with wild rodent. p. spinulosa and l. nuttalli, although cosmopolitan, are recorded fo ...19846535917
[human dermatitis caused by ctenocephalides felis]. 19846467541
experimental murine typhus infection in the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19846502625
a survey of cats and dogs for fleas: with particular reference to their role as intermediate hosts of dipylidium caninum.three species of fleas, viz. ctenocephalides felis, ctenocephalides canis, and pulex irritans were found in an examination of 81 cats and 48 dogs in wellington. c. felis was the most prevalent flea in cats, and c. canis predominated in dogs. it is speculated that c. felis, and its primary host the cat, may assume greater medical and veterinary significance than c. canis. in an examination of 1578 fleas for cysticercoids of the dog tapeworm, dipylidium caninum, all were found negative. these resu ...198416031050
[flea detection (siphonaptera) in dogs at the intake area of the magdeburg polyclinic for small house and zoo animals].two random investigations carried out in 1981/1982 established 203 fleas of 5 species in a sex incidence of 1:2.4 (60 males/143 females) on 48 dogs: ctenocephalides felis occurred most frequently in an extent of infestation of 13 (1981) and 9 (1982) in 24 dogs with a population density of 1.1 to 1.9 specimens/animals, followed by c. canis with 8 (1981) and 11 (1982) from 24 dogs in a greater density of 2.3 to 5 per host. in this c. felis occurs more frequently in "town dogs": 15 identifications ...19853879113
[fleas (siphonaptera) in the human environment. analytic findings between 1961-1983 in the district of leipzig (east germany). ii. spacial and temporal distribution].during the last 20 years there has been very little infestation with fleas in the district of leipzig. out of the 8 species only pulex irritans and ctenocephalides felis are of hygienic concern. greater numbers of them were found in densely populated urban districts. origins of infestation were mainly dogs and cats kept in unhygienic conditions, and retreats of feral cats. there have been changes in the dominance of fleas associated with man. p. irritans probably had been the dominant species fo ...19854003847
comparative toxicity of ten insecticides against the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19854045945
factors affecting the development of dipylidium caninum in ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché, 1835).ctenocephalides felis felis larvae were infected with dipylidium caninum at a range of temperatures from 20 degrees - 35 degrees c at 3 mm hg saturation deficit (sd) and 30 degrees c at 8 mm hg sd. hosts were subsequently dissected at 6, 9 and 12 days after infection. four replicate experiments were performed and results of development, and host reactions analysed by the genstat computer programme. these were found to depend on the temperature and saturation deficit of the environment. unlike pr ...19854082734
insecticide resistance in the cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19863950184
distribution and control of cat fleas in homes in southern california (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19863950185
amitraz: a tick and flea repellent and tick detachment drug.a topical formulation of amitraz (mitaban liquid concentrate, the upjohn company, kalamazoo, michigan, u.s.a.) was evaluated as a tick repellent and detachment agent, and flea repellent. the diluted liquid concentrate (250 p.p.m. active drug) was topically applied as a single treatment to dogs; the concentration was identical to the rate recommended for treatment of demodicosis and scabies. brown dog tick (rhipicephalus sanguineus) and american dog tick (dermacentor variabilis) populations were ...19863723659
toxicity of d-limonene, the major component of citrus peel oil, to all life stages of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19863735346
development of resistance to malathion in cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19863805485
insect growth regulators: mode of action on the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19863795235
flea control on pets in southern africa.aspects of the biology and life-cycle of the flea which are important to the practising veterinarian are discussed. the "cat flea", ctenocephalides files is the most prevalent species on dogs and cats in those parts of the world where it has been surveyed. whether the flea is a temporary or permanent obligatory parasite is still a controversy. the insecticides and product formulations available for flea control in south africa are reviewed with emphasis on the systematic agent, fenthion. practic ...19863537292
residual efficacy of insecticides applied to carpet for control of cat fleas (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19863745632
the role of basophils in the immunopathogenesis of hypersensitivity to fleas (ctenocephalides felis) in dogs.biopsies taken of skin test sites from 10 dogs allergic to fleas were fixed in karnovsky's fixative and embedded in methacrylate. one micron sections were stained with acid giemsa for identification of basophils. this cell was identified in most biopsies taken at intervals from 1 hour to 48 hours post-injection. the proportion was highest between 4 hours and 18 hours and had substantially fallen by 48 hours. the highest number of basophils recorded as a percentage of the inflammatory infiltrate ...19873629937
aspects of the immunopathogenesis of flea allergy dermatitis in dogs.this paper reviews the current data on the nature of the allergen(s) of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis and on some of the factors that determine the development and maintenance of the allergic state. the role of immediate hypersensitivity mediated by ige, delayed hypersensitivity and of cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity in the immunopathogenesis is discussed. finally, data on the nature of immunologic non-reactivity is presented and the prospects for therapeutic immunologic intervention d ...19873433670
flea species from dogs and cats in north-central florida.fleas were identified after removal from 100 dogs and 60 cats following routine presentation at a veterinary hospital in gainesville, fl. ctenocephalides felis comprised 92.4% and 99.8% of the fleas taken from dogs and cats respectively. pulex irritans accounted for 7.5% of the fleas found on dogs and for 0.2% of those found on cats. echidnophagia gallinacia was found on one dog. of the 100 dogs, 80 were infested with c. felis alone, one with p. irritans alone, and 18 carried a mixed infestation ...19873564340
effects on the development of dipylidium caninum and on the host reaction to this parasite in the adult flea (ctenocephalides felis felis).temperature was found to be a major factor affecting the development of dipylidium caninum and the presence of a host reaction of adult ctenocephalides felis felis to d. caninum. adult fleas reared at 30-32 degrees c contained fully developed metacestodes when they emerged from their cocoons. however at lower temperatures, d. caninum could not complete development until the flea hosts had spent some time on their mammalian hosts. it was the surface temperature of the mammals (31-36 degrees c) an ...19873575292
detection of specific ige antibodies towards cat flea (ctenocephalides felis felis) in patients with suspected cat flea sensitivity is considered one of the most important skin diseases in cats and dogs. cat fleas, however, are also a growing allergen problem for humans. cat flea-specific ige antibodies were studied in serum samples from 70 patients with suspected cat allergy, using rast-based techniques and the nitrocellulose immunoblotting method. results from rast studies, using cat and cat flea as allergosorbents, showed that 46% of the patients were rast positive against both cat and cat flea. 9% of ...19873592140
lack of behavioral responses of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae), to a broad spectrum of ultrasound. 19883351872
toxicity of linalool to life stages of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae), and its efficacy in carpet and on animals. 19883357170
observations on the susceptibility of ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae) to malathion and permethrin in tanzania.laboratory-reared ctenocephalides felis (bouche) adults were tested with 0.5% malathion and 0.5% permethrin, using the standard who methods. after 24 h exposure to malathion (3.6 mg/cm2), 92% of the fleas died. the lt50 for malathion was approximately 8 h. permethrin (0.45 mg/cm2) produced 100% mortality of exposed insects after 24 h while with a higher dose (0.9 mg/cm2) all fleas died after 8 h exposure. lt50 for the two doses of permethrin were 7.7 and 1.05 h, respectively. the failure of the ...19882980190
survival and reproduction of artificially fed cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis bouché (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19883392715
performance of insecticides for control of cat fleas (siphonaptera: pulicidae) indoors. 19883351080
[study of siphonaptera in somalia].in the period 1982-1984 samples of fleas were collected from wild animals of the middle scebeli, low scebeli and bay regions of somalia. in total 1,335 specimens (486 males and 849 females) were obtained from 17 species of mammalian hosts out of the 19 examined. the following species of fleas were identified: echidnophaga gallinacea, e. larina, e. murina, ctenocephalides felis strongylus, synosternus burtoni, s. somalicus, s. burtoni, s. somalicus, c. felis strongylus and e. larina are known to ...19883271983
ectoparasites of guinea fowl (numida meleagris galeata pallas) and local domestic chicken (gallus gallus) in southern guinea savanna, nigeria.the ectoparasites of poultry in a southern guinea savanna zone were investigated by the examination of guinea fowl and local domestic chickens in the range and guinea fowl under intensive management. the prevalent ectoparasites of range guinea fowl and local chickens include seven species of lice menacanthus stramineus, menopon gallinae, goniodes gigas, goniocotes gallinae, lipeurus caponis, numidilipeurus tropicalis, damalinia bovis; three mites bdellonyssus bursa, megninia cubitalis, dermanyss ...19883195043
mortality in calves, lambs and kids caused by severe infestation with the cat flea ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché, 1835) in israel.heavy infestation of calves, lambs and kids with the cat flea ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché, 1835), accompanied by severe anaemia and mortality, is described. lambs and kids were affected more severely than calves. flea infestation was more widespread in summer and autumn than in winter and spring. the clinical findings are discussed in the light of the pertinent literature.19892728326
susceptibility of the cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae) to cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché), from two laboratory colonies (one originating in california and one from florida) were exposed to residues of eight pyrethroids to compare their susceptibilities. the florida strain was more tolerant than the california strain, with 6.8-, 5.2-, and 4.8-fold tolerance to cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, and fluvalinate, respectively. the florida strain showed less than 3-fold tolerance to the other five insecticides (permethrin, tralomethrin, d-phen ...19892754097
problems of housing and health of people utilizing the garbage in cairo from the viewpoint of medical entomology.more than 50 arthropod species were found at two dumping-grounds with dwelling-places (mokattam and ezbet el nakhl) in cairo. their importance was evaluated from the epidemiological and epizootological points of view. of primary importance is the great prevalence of the fleas (xenopsylla cheopis) on brown rats (rattus norvegicus), since the rats are in a close contact with people. they are often simultaneously parasitized with another flea species, ctenocephalides felis felis, which is very freq ...19892634080
host association, on-host longevity and egg production of ctenocephalides felis association, on-host longevity and egg production of ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché) were evaluated using fleas from a commercial laboratory colony and first generation, laboratory-reared, native indiana fleas. fleas were placed on cats that were declawed, fitted with elizabethan collars and housed in specially designed metabolic cages. an average of 85% of the female and 58% of the male fleas stayed continuously on the cats for at least 50 days, indicating that the cat flea is a perma ...19892588462
effects of ultrasonic flea collars on ctenocephalides felis on cats.ultrasonic flea collars marketed by 2 companies were evaluated for their ability to reduce flea numbers on cats with experimentally induced flea (ctenocephalides felis) infestations. the sound output of the collars was evaluated both before and after use to ensure that the collars were functional. each brand was evaluated on 5 cats for a 7-day period. collars generated peak frequencies of 40 khz and 80 to 92 db sound pressure level at 10 cm. an average of 98.6 and 97.4% of the fleas were still o ...19892641212
activity of insecticides against the preemerged adult cat flea in the cocoon (siphonaptera: pulicidae)].the activity of insecticides against the adult cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (bouché), inside the cocoon (preemerged) was determined by spraying the cocoons directly and observing subsequent emergence of adults over the next 14 d. direct sprays of 0.5% trimethacarb wettable powder (wp) and chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate (ec) and wp provided greater than 70% kill. the order of activity against the preemerged adult exposed to direct sprays was organophosphates greater than carbamates grea ...19892769709
[flea infestation establishment in the east german district of rostock].from sendings of citizens and own examinations 9 species of fleas were found out. ctenocephalides felis was the most frequent species, followed by ceratophyllus gallinae and pulex irritans. most of the sendings came from cities. pests and flea control dominated in the months august to october.19892729648
circadian rhythm of cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae) locomotion unaffected by fleas, ctenocephalides felis (bouché), had a circadian rhythm of locomotion that peaked during the last 2 h of the photophase and declined to a lower level that was maintained throughout the scotophase. activity was lowest during the first 8 h of photophase. the circadian rhythm of these fleas was not affected by an ultrasonic pest control device.19892708627
detection of murine typhus infected fleas with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of rickettsia typhi antigen in homogenates of pooled or individual laboratory infected fleas is described. the assay uses a double sandwich technique, employing a pool of monoclonal antibodies to capture the antigen and a hyperimmune rabbit serum for antigen detection. using pools of r. typhi infected xenopsylla cheopis, ctenocephalides felis, and leptopsylla segnis, the sensitivity of the elisa was compared with direct fluorescent a ...19892499204
egg production, larval development, and adult longevity of cat fleas (siphonaptera: pulicidae) exposed to cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché), on cats (felis catus) were exposed to emissions from an ultrasonic flea collar worn by the cat. no significant differences were found in total numbers of eggs produced per day (mean = 524 control, 614 treatment), in length of larval development time (mean = 7.7 d control, 7.7 d treatment), or in total daily pupal production (mean = 485 control, 445 treatment) between the treatment and the control groups. tests off the host were conducted to ...19902280050
nolleria pulicis n. gen., n. sp. (microsporida: chytridiopsidae), a microsporidian parasite of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae).a new species of microsporidium, nolleria pulicis, is described and named here from the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis. the genus nolleria is created and placed within the family chytridiopsidae. the family is slightly modified to accommodate certain features of intracellular development seen in n. pulicis, which is otherwise very similar to other species in the family chytridiopsidae. sporulation is described from ultrastructural analysis of infected midgut epithelial cells of adult c. felis. ...19902319492
field evaluation of nylar for control of cat fleas (siphonaptera: pulicidae) in home yards.procedures were developed to evaluate juvenoid insect growth regulators in home yards as part of an ongoing program to identify photostable insecticides for control of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (bouché). nylar, an emulsifiable concentrate formulation of pyriproxyfen, was selected as the experimental insect growth regulator. efficacy studies, yard survey, and pretreatment sampling techniques are described. soil samples collected from the yards at intervals after treatment were taken to ...19902280389
prevalence and biology of endosymbionts of fleas (siphonaptera: pulicidae) from dogs and cats in alachua county, florida.a study was conducted to determine the prevalence and biology of endosymbionts in local populations of fleas collected from dogs and cats in alachua co., florida. four hundred three ctenocephalides felis (bouché), 194 pulex simulans baker, and 44 echidnophaga gallinacea (westwood) were examined. fleas were collected from 52 dogs and 51 cats. from 1 to 20 fleas were dissected from each host. a variety of microorganisms and metazoa was observed, including a baculovirus, gram-negative bacteria, ric ...19902280390
rickettsia in texas.since the first reported case in 1941, rocky mountain spotted fever in humans has been reported from many areas of texas, with two major foci, one located in the north-central region and the other in the eastern region of the state. during the period 1979-1988, 421 cases of rmsf were reported, reaching 108 cases in 1983 and declining in subsequent years. statewide surveillance programs to detect spotted fever group rickettsiae in tick populations were initiated in 1976. in recent years, the sfg ...19902378448
ectoparasitic and phoretic arthropods of virginia opossums (didelphis virginiana) in central tennessee.thirteen species of ectoparasitic (12) or phoretic (1) arthropods were collected from 26 adult virginia opossums, didelphis virginiana, live-trapped from april through september 1987 in davidson county, tennessee. the cat flea ctenocephalides felis and the american dog tick dermacentor variabilis were the predominant species with respect to mean intensity and prevalence. the macronyssid mite ornithonyssus wernecki and the atopomelid mite didelphilichus serrifer, both specific parasites of this h ...19902380870
ovicidal and larvicidal modes of action of fenoxycarb against the cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae).the mode of action of the insect growth regulator, fenoxycarb, on embryogenesis of cat flea eggs, ctenocephalides felis (bouché), was evaluated biologically and morphologically. newly oviposited flea eggs were aged for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, or 72 h and exposed to fenoxycarb (1.1 micrograms/cm2) on filter paper disks for 0 (60 s), 2, 4, 8, 12, or 24 h at 23 +/- 1 degree c and 70 +/- 3% rh. following exposure, samples of flea eggs were processed for microscopic examination and seeded onto carpet sw ...19902231627
infection of colonized cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis (bouché), with a rickettsia-like microorganism.we report the ultrastructure of a rickettsia-like microorganism in a colonized population of the cat flea ctenocephalides felis (bouché). the microorganism occurs principally in the cytoplasm of midgut cells, but similar microorganisms were detected in the tracheal matrix, muscle, hypodermis, ovaries, and the epithelial sheath of the testes. the microorganism has a well-defined cell membrane consistent with rickettsia and measures 0.25-0.45 microns in diameter with lengths up to 1.5 microns. it ...19902240368
circadian rhythm in the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae). 19902217357
[the biology of dipylidium caninum. part 2].from 198 cats and 182 dogs in austria 9,134 fleas were collected. ctenocephalides felis is the main flea of our cats (98.5%) and dogs (77.5%). demonstration of cysticercoids of dipylidium caninum through bleaching of fleas failed. dissection of fleas gave, however, positive results. each 44th flea from cats and 61st flea from dogs harbours cysticercoids. infection intensity rates were 2.3% for c. felis (cats), 1.2% for c. felis (dogs), and 3.1% for c. canis (dogs). male fleas are more extensivel ...19911927147
separation of cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae) instars by individual rearing and head width measurements.two methods to verify whether head width measurements fit dyar's rule were evaluated for the separation of instars of the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (bouché). individual rearing was a reliable method of determining larval instar but was labor-intensive. the mean observed head widths were significantly different for each instar (first instar, 0.164 mm; second instar, 0.201 mm; third instar, 0.260 mm) and showed no sexual dimorphism. head capsule width increased roughly 25% from instar to ins ...19911885846
indicators of sexual maturation and regression in the female cat flea, ctenocephalides felis.differences in the salivary glands, mesenteron epithelium and reproductive organs of female cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis bouché (siphonaptera: pulicidae), are related to the degree of reproductive maturation or regression. contrary to previous ideas, blue bodies in the ovarioles are degenerate oocyte nuclei and their presence denotes failure of ripening oocytes to reach full maturity. a distinction between true corpora lutea and pseudo-corpora lutea is established, the presence of the former ...19911768929
effect of an experimental systemic compound, cga-184699, on life stages of the cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae).the experimental drug cga-184699 (n-[2,5-dichloro-4-(1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoropropoxy)-phenylaminoc arbonyl]-2,6-difluorobenzamide) was evaluated for efficacy against cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis (bouché), held in flea cages on cats. when administered orally, the compound acts systemically and prevents development of the next generation of fleas. there was no effect on adults, but eggs from adults that fed on treated cats had reduced viability. most larvae that emerged from surviving eggs died. ...19911875371
mass flea outbreak at a child care facility: case fleas, ctenocephalides felis bouchet, were collected at a mississippi child care facility after reports of large numbers of adult fleas occurring on children and personnel. one building yielded 161 (99 percent) of the fleas collected. urticarial lesions due to flea bites occurred on the legs of six children. flea presence was due to cats occupying the crawl space. fleas were eradicated by eliminating entry of cats and using residual insecticides throughout the facility.19912003633
parasites, pets, and is important for the family physician to understand that patients' relationships with their pets play an important role in helping maintain mental and physical health yet provide the potential for causing illness in the patient. toxocara canis (dog roundworm) and toxocara cati (cat roundworm) are the ascarids most commonly responsible for vlm and ocular larva migrans in humans. these roundworms live in their adult stage in the small intestine of the dog and cat where their eggs are passed in ...19912011635
isolation of borrelia burgdorferi from arthropods collected in texas.the texas department of health laboratory cultured arthropods from november 1988 through december 1989 in an attempt to isolate borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease. spirochetes were isolated from eight of 1,093 pools of arthropods cultured. the spirochetal isolates were from several tick and one flea species, including amblyomma americanum, a. maculatum, ixodes scapularis, and ctenocephalides felis. these 8 isolates reacted specifically when treated with monoclonal antibodi ...19912063950
[ctenocephalides canis and ctenocephalides felis infestations of dogs and cats. biology of the agent, epizootiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis and control].a review is presented of the biology, epizootiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of canine and feline ctenocephalides canis and c. felis infestation. also data are given on the prevalence of fleas in dogs and cats during a year at the 1st animal medical hospital, munich veterinary faculty. 5.5% of the dogs and 18.9% of the cats were infested with fleas.19912068719
[studies on esterase isoenzyme of three species of flea].the patterns of esterase (est) isoenzyme of 3 flea species were studied by vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page). the samples prepared from the third larval instar, female and male (the unsucking and sucked one) were run in the same gel slab. the result was as follows: xenopsylla cheopis showed 14 bands, with 5-6 major bands, ctenocephalides felis felis showed 9 bands with 4-5 major bands and nosopsyllus laeviceps kuzenkovi showed 9 bands with 4-5 major bands. these three speci ...19911959176
blood consumption by the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (siphonaptera: pulicidae).the volume of blood consumed by actively reproducing female cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis (bouché), while feeding in confinement feeding chambers on cats for 3 h, was investigated using two radionuclide blood tags (51cr-erythrocyte and 125i-albumin) and the gravimetric method. female fleas consumed an average of 0.110 ml (+/- 0.026 ml) of blood per 100 females in 3 h as determined using the dual radionuclide system. the single 51cr-erythrocyte tag overestimated blood consumption by 11.3% and ...19911875365
effect of larval diet on cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae) developmental times and adult emergence.the natural diet of cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (bouche), larvae is primarily adult flea feces, but dried bovine blood may be substituted in the laboratory. percentage adult emergence (79.4% on feces; 78.9% on blood) and developmental times (20.6 d on feces; 17.1 d on blood) did not significantly differ for the two diets. the drying temperature of blood determined its quality; blood dried at 120 degrees c was unsatisfactory for larval development. the dietary value of dried bovine blood was ...19911842797
spectrophotometric method of quantifying adult cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae) flea, ctenocephalides felis felis (bouché), feces are an essential part of larval nutrition under natural conditions. the mass values of adult flea feces can be measured by dissolving samples of flea feces in drabkin's reagent, filtering, centrifuging, and measuring absorbance spectrophotometrically at 540 nm. either flea feces or air-dried host blood can be used to generate the standard curve used to convert absorbance (optical density) values into mass values. debris collected from flea-in ...19921495033
distribution of split 5.8s ribosomal rna in diptera.although the 5.8s ribosomal rna (rrna) of most eucaryotes consists of 155-170 nucleotides, in two dipterous species the 5.8s rrna consists of two pieces, 123 and 30 nucleotides in length. the distribution of split 5.8s rrna was studied in other diptera and the most closely related order siphonaptera to learn the origin of split 5.8s rrna. four species of mosquitoes, culex tritaeniorhynchus, culex pipiens molestus, aedes albopictus, anopheles sp. (culicidae) had a single 5.8s rrna consisting of a ...19921343775
[notes on fleas (siphonaptera) in plague foci on the tay nguyen plateau (vietnam)].the fleas of wild and commensal small mammals, domestic animals (dogs, cats) and free-living flea forms in houses have been collected in plague nidi of tay nguyen plate, dak-lak province, vietnam. pulex irritans, ctenocephalides felis felis, ct. felis orientis were found in the houses on dogs, cats and on the ground floor. commensal rats in populated areas were infested by xenopsylla cheopis and rarely by lentistivalius klossi. the agricultural zone was inhabited by both home and wild animals su ...19921299806
arthropoda as zoonoses and their implications.some aspects of changing patterns of arthropodal infections and arthropod-borne diseases in mediterranean areas are briefly discussed. selected examples are given, with particular emphasis on the phenomenon of the synanthropic flea ctenocephalides felis felis and on health problems caused by human infections with argas reflexus, the common tick of urban pigeons in europe. finally, the risk of the emergence of lyme borreliosis (borrelia burgdorferi) is considered in relation to the increasing spr ...19921441188
diel patterns of cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae) egg and fecal deposition.the quantity of eggs and feces deposited by replicate populations of cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis (bouché), from domestic house cats. felis catus, were recorded at 1-h intervals over a 24-h period, in a photoperiod of 12:12 (l:d) (photophase, 0600-1800 hours [est]). egg production averaged 23.96 +/- 0.83 eggs per female per day and was greatest from 2400 to 0300 hours and lowest from 0700 to 0900 hours and from 1700 to 1900 hours. daily fecal deposition was 0.77 +/- 0.03 mg feces per flea an ...19921495030
influence of photoperiod on egg production of cat fleas (siphonaptera: pulicidae) infesting cats.photoperiod affected the production of cat flea eggs by cats infested with cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (bouché). cat flea eggs have a smooth chorion and do not adhere to the host. about 60% of fluorescing eggs placed in the pelage were recovered in collecting trays underneath the host in 2 h. an average of 87.7 eggs per cat was laid during the last 8 h of the scotophase compared with 49.9 and 59.1 eggs during the other 8-h periods. significant variation in the number of eggs collected daily ...19921495037
absence of ovicidal effects of fenoxycarb in the tick ixodes dammini as observed by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy.freshly oviposited eggs from fed females of the northern deer tick ixodes dammini were divided into two groups--untreated controls and fenoxycarb-exposed ova. the level of fenoxycarb exposure in the experimental group was equal to a concentration that proved 100% lethal in the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (marchiondo et al. 1990). both groups were allowed to develop with samples taken at 48 and 144 h for examination by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron ...19921552518
genetic characterization and transovarial transmission of a typhus-like rickettsia found in cat fleas.the identification of apparently fastidious microorganisms is often problematic. dna from a rickettsia-like agent (called the elb agent) present in cat fleas could be amplified by pcr with conserved primers derived from rickettsial 17-kda common protein antigen and citrate synthase genes but not spotted fever group 190-kda antigen gene. alu i sites in both the 17-kda and citrate synthase pcr products obtained with the rickettsia-like agent and rickettsia typhi were different even though both age ...19921729713
typhus and typhuslike rickettsiae associated with opossums and their fleas in los angeles county, california.the recent discovery of cat fleas (ctenocephalides felis) infected with a typhuslike rickettsia (designated the elb agent) raises the question of whether similar rickettsial infections exist in wild cat flea populations. we verified the presence of the elb agent and rickettsia typhi in urban and suburban areas of los angeles, calif. opossums trapped in close proximity to the residences of human murine typhus cases in los angeles county and other areas within the city of los angeles were tested f ...19921629332
effect of methoprene and diflubenzuron on larval development of the cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae).cat flea larvae, ctenocephalides felis bouche, exposed to glass surfaces treated with methoprene concentrations from 0.127 to 1,270 ng/cm2 did not emerge as adults. most larvae died in the third instar, but those exposed to the 0.127 ng/cm2 concentration formed larval-pupal intermediates. larvae exposed to glass surface treated with diflubenzuron concentrations from 12.7 to 1,270 ng/cm2 died during the process of molting in all three instars. exposure of larvae to 12.7 and 127 ng/cm2 diflubenzur ...19921607471
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 752