Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
the pathogenicity of giardia (lamblia) intestinalis to men and to experimental animals. | 1916 | 20768228 | |
the detection of lamblia [giardia] intestinalis by means of the duodenal tube. | 1921 | 20313200 | |
absorption studies in children with giardia lamblia infection: a preliminary report. | 1939 | 21032141 | |
enteritis in a nursery home associated with giardia lamblia. | 1942 | 20784371 | |
diarrhoea due to giardia lamblia. | 1945 | 20786217 | |
cholecystitis due to giardia lamblia in a left-sided gallbladder. | 1948 | 17859244 | |
giardia lamblia; the incidence and results of infestation of children in residential nurseries. | 1948 | 18868982 | |
chronic urticaria due to giardia lamblia. | 1949 | 18127506 | |
[two cases of dysenteriform enteritis due to "lamblia intestinalis"]. | 1950 | 15412494 | |
enteritis caused by endamoeba histolytica and giardia intestinalis. | 1952 | 14902420 | |
[infection by lamblia intestinalis]. | 1952 | 13037488 | |
[giardia lamblia]. | 1953 | 13074921 | |
[biology and pathogenic character of giardia intestinalis; specific treatment of lambliasis with quinacrine]. | 1953 | 13104301 | |
observations upon the effects of mepacrine and other substances on giardia intestinalis. | 1953 | 13026282 | |
[clinical conditions of carriers of lamblia intestinalis]. | 1953 | 13145378 | |
[on pathogenicity of lamblia intestinalis in humans]. | 1953 | 13132357 | |
the experimental transmission of human intestinal protozoan parasites. ii. giardia lamblia cysts given in capsules. | 1954 | 13138586 | |
the experimental transmission of human intestinal protozoan parasites. iii. attempts to transmit endamoeba coli and giardia lamblia cysts by flies. | 1954 | 13207102 | |
the experimental transmission of human intestinal protozoan parasites. iv. attempts to transmit endamoeba coli and giardia lamblia cysts by water. | 1954 | 13207103 | |
an epitome on the present state of our knowledge of the parasitic duodenal flagellate of man--giardia intestinalis (lambl, 1859). | 1954 | 14370822 | |
[lamblia intestinalis; pathogenetic evaluation with a case report]. | 1955 | 14396874 | |
an epitome on the present state of our knowledge of the parasitic duodenal flagellate of man-giardia intestinalis (lambl. 1859). | 1955 | 13245261 | |
[presence of giardia lamblia in the human gallbladder]. | 1955 | 13255953 | |
[infestation by giardia lamblia and its relation to surgical problems]. | 1955 | 13277132 | |
[commentary on the work of dr. manuel medina g. from torreon, coah., entitled: contribution to the study of infestation by giardia lamblia and its relation to surgical problems]. | 1955 | 13353853 | |
giardiasis: giardia (lamblia) intestinalis as a cause of gastro-intestinal disease. | 1956 | 13332308 | |
intestinal changes in giardia lamblia infestation. | 1957 | 13411344 | |
[pathogenetic role of giardia lamblia]. | 1957 | 13436535 | |
[a new medication against intestinal & extra-intestinal amebiasis; effective also against giardia lamblia & intestinal & vaginal trichomoniasis; baskir compuesto kuba]. | 1957 | 13466519 | |
human infection with giardia lamblia; an analysis of 32 cases. | 1958 | 13487551 | |
[syndrome of giardia intestinalis]. | 1958 | 13568491 | |
[on neurological disorders during lamblia intestinalis infection]. | 1959 | 13797518 | |
the incidence of giardia lamblia infestation of children in victoria. | 1959 | 13812387 | |
[case of sprue syndrome related to lamblia intestinalis]. | 1959 | 14444924 | |
[contribution to the study of giardia lamblia stiles, 1915]. | 1960 | 13696046 | |
[infection with lamblia intestinalis with atypical course]. | 1960 | 13740750 | |
[allergic rhinopathy and asthma caused by parasitosis. considerations on a case of sensitization to giardia lamblia]. | 1960 | 13776064 | |
in vitro cultivation of giardia duodenalis. | 1962 | 14453877 | |
[social importance of lamblia intestinalis infection in the light of epidemiology and pathogenesis]. | 1962 | 14461032 | |
[relation of the appearance of lamblia intestinalis blanchard to other intestinal parasites]. | 1962 | 14468923 | |
[a case of hypogammaglobulinemia and secondary infantilism in a patient with chronic infection with lamblia intestinalis]. | 1962 | 13924003 | |
[protozoicide properties of intestopan. clinical experiences in entamoeba histolytica, trichomonas faecalis and lamblia intestinalis infections]. | 1962 | 13961495 | |
[on the pathogenicity of lamblia intestinalis for white mice]. | 1962 | 13962443 | |
[on the pathogenicity of lamblia intestinalis for white mice]. | 1962 | 14030846 | |
association of diarrhea with giardia lamblia in families observed weekly for occurrence of enteric infections. | 1963 | 14072439 | |
the effect of bile flow on giardia duodenalis race simoni in the intestine of a laboratory strain of rattus norvegicus. | 1963 | 14084204 | |
[treatment of giardia lamblia infection]. | 1963 | 14096595 | |
pulmonary manifestations of parasitic infestations. | parasitic infestations in man may cause transient or permanent pulmonary lesions. the lesions occur during migration and evolution of the parasites, during parasitemia, or during the final habitat. these manifestations, though infrequent in canadian medical practice, present difficulties in diagnosis. life cycles, mode of entry, and migration of parasites in the human body are described and illustrative case histories presented. in this series, transient pulmonary changes were associated with as ... | 1964 | 14179063 |
[intestinal ileus caused by giardia lamblia in an infant (the 2d case in the literature)]. | 1964 | 14239132 | |
[the behavior of got and gpt transaminase in the blood serum of children infected with lamblia intestinalis]. | 1964 | 14346906 | |
alimentary hypersensitivity induced by giardia lamblia; report of a case of acute meat intolerance. | 1965 | 14263104 | |
[sensitivity of lamblia intestinalis to nitrofurantoin]. | 1965 | 14295284 | |
results obtained in the treatment of lamblia intestinalis invasion with flagyl (specia). | 1965 | 5215011 | |
effect of 6-mercaptopurine on giardia intestinalis. | 1966 | 5252549 | |
diarrhoea among infants in a crowded area of djakarta, indonesia. a longitudinal study from birth to two years. | diarrhoeal diseases are common in djakarta, indonesia, especially among infants and young children. a study has been made of possible bacterial and parasitic causes of outbreaks in a group of 156 infants in a crowded area of the city. before the study was complete, 60 infants had left the area and 30 had died; diarrhoea was probably the direct or indirect cause of 13 of the deaths.diarrhoea was associated with pathogenic escherichia coli in about 20% of the cases studied; other causes of diarrho ... | 1966 | 5296127 |
[infestation by lamblia intestinalis in children with epidemic hepatitis]. | 1966 | 5912983 | |
[advantageous trials of various chemotherapeutic agents in patients with giardia intestinalis infections and observations on the pathogenicity of the flagellate]. | 1966 | 5991192 | |
[experimental invasion of white rats by lamblia intestinalis]. | 1966 | 6003161 | |
[proposal of a practical and simple method for detection of lamblia intestinalis cysts in feces]. | 1966 | 4172243 | |
histological demonstration of mucosal invasion by giardia lamblia in man. | 1967 | 4164028 | |
ultrastructural studies of the human giardia lamblia and subjacent jejunal mucosa in a subject with steatorrhea. | 1967 | 4164029 | |
[course of infectious hepatitis in children infected with giardia intestinalis]. | 1967 | 6041037 | |
[aspects of the incidence of infestations with lamblia intestinalis]. | 1967 | 6043330 | |
[infection with strongyloides stercoralis and lamblia intestinalis in a 10-year-old girl]. | 1967 | 6056524 | |
diffuse small intestinal abnormality due to giardia lamblia with roentgen and clinical reversibility after therapy: case report. | 1967 | 5232039 | |
[observations on the presence of atypical cysts and of trophozoites of lamblia intestinalis in feces]. | 1967 | 5591583 | |
[considerations on a case of associated parasitic diseases (hymenolepis diminuta, dicrocoelium dendriticum and lamblia intestinalis)]. | 1967 | 5593249 | |
[on the distribution of lamblia intestinalis in a population group in the province of caserta]. | 1967 | 5603824 | |
[method for the screening of drugs active against giardia intestinalis]. | 1967 | 5622720 | |
malabsorption associated with giardia lamblia infestation. | 1968 | 5648704 | |
[malabsorption syndrome in children infected by giardia intestinalis]. | 1968 | 5192200 | |
[influence of some pancreatic juice enzymes on the in vitro culture of giardia duodenalis]. | 1968 | 4241552 | |
giardia lamblia as parasite in humans. | 1969 | 4894311 | |
the effect of giardia lamblia infestation on the gastro-intestinal tract. | 1969 | 5351241 | |
giardia lamblia infestation: a report of five adult cases. | 1969 | 5358595 | |
[giardia intestinalis infestation in a children's closed community]. | 1969 | 5387346 | |
[on the presence of giardia lamblia in population groups of a salerno community]. | 1969 | 5401529 | |
[treatment of lamblia intestinalis in children with metronidazole in children]. | 1969 | 5767648 | |
[bronchopulmonary signs in the course of giardia lamblia infestation in infancy]. | four cases of giardia lamblia infestation in infants aged between 6 months and 2 years and accompanied by bronchopulmonary signs are presented. data from the literature are cited and the clinical and therapeutic data from the reported cases are relied upon for the view that this parasite may be responsible for symptoms involving the respiratory apparatus. | 1969 | 17342902 |
the treatment of giardia lamblia infection with mepacrine, metronidazole and furazolidone. | 1970 | 5416200 | |
[infestation with balantidium coli and lamblia intestinalis as a cause of the malabsorption syndrome with tetany. case report]. | 1970 | 5433852 | |
electron microscopy of giardia lamblia in human jejunal biopsies. | 1970 | 5448880 | |
[cultural parameters of giardia duodenalis]. | 1970 | 5502993 | |
[species specificity of lamblia intestinalis and lamblia muris]. | 1970 | 5516298 | |
action of metronidazole (flagyl) on giardia intestinalis. a cytochemical study. | 1970 | 5518464 | |
[the diagnosis of giardia lamblia infections (joint report). outline of articles on the subject of lambliasis]. | 1970 | 4924424 | |
[research on blue cysts of lamblia intestinalis]. | 1970 | 4099380 | |
parasitologial studies of korean forces in south vietnam: ii. a comparative study on the incidences of intestinal parasites. | a survey of intestinal parasites was performed in south vietnam. samples were collected from 717 vietnameses, 1,933 u.s. forces, 433 stool specimens of korean troops in south vietnam. and 114 of korean army patients in home land were also examined as a control. findings were discussed with others and summarized as follows: 1)a parasitic rate, incidence in general, was 44.8 %. 2)koreans in south vietnam showed 82.4 % of infection rate, vietnamese 64.6% and u.s. forces 26.1 %. korean home patients ... | 1970 | 12913523 |
[prevalence of intestinal parasites in korea] | a survey of intestinal parasites infection among korean people has been carried out during july 1969 to december 1970. a total of 2,250 stool specimens (male 1,101, female 1,146) was collected from all the provinces and seoul city in korea. the specimens were examined routinely by direct fecal smear, zinc sulfate flotation and formalin-ether sedimentation techniques. the results are summarized as follows: 1. of 2,250 specimens examined, l,803(80.l %) were positive for intestinal parasites. 2. th ... | 1971 | 12913622 |
[influence of periodic renewal conditions of media on cultural parameters of giardia duodenalis]. | 1971 | 4258274 | |
occurrence of giardia lamblia in adult patients with abdominal symptoms and in symptomless young adults. | 1971 | 5156631 | |
[gastric juice secretion in the course of lamblia intestinalis infestation in children]. | 1971 | 5563609 | |
[giardiasis. a review and report of a case of imported diarrhea and infection with giardia intestinalis]. | 1971 | 5568551 | |
enteritis secondary to giardia lamblia in students traveling on tour in russia. | 1972 | 5007431 | |
intestinal bacterial flora and bile salt studies in hypogammaglobulinaemia. | five patients with adult acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia, four of whom were achlorhydric, were studied. jejunal bacterial counts were much higher than those in a control group of acid secretors, but were similar to those in a control group of patients with pernicious anaemia; giardia lamblia were isolated from the jejunal content of all patients with hypogammaglobulinaemia. the concentration of conjugated bile acids in the fasting state was lower in hypogammaglobulinaemia than in pernicious anae ... | 1972 | 5024722 |
[the treatment of giardia lamblia infestation with klion in adults]. | 1972 | 5026933 | |
outbreak of giardiasis: effect of a new antiflagellate drug, tinidazole. | we describe here an intensive outbreak of mostly symptomatic (90%) giardia lamblia infestation in a swedish student group visiting the u.s.s.r. a new antiflagellate drug, ethyl (2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1-imidazolyl)ethyl) sulphone, tinidazole, pfizer, was given in a dosage of 150 mg twice daily for seven days to 10 healthy volunteers and to 24 students infested with g. lamblia. the drug was found to be effective in curing giardiasis and in eradicating g. lamblia from the intestinal tract. all the st ... | 1972 | 5031661 |
[determination of endogenous vitamin b 12 in the serum of small children fed identical diet, healthy and infested with lamblia intestinalis]. | 1972 | 5086786 | |
clinical, microbiological, and immunological studies in patients with immunoglobulin deficiencies and gastrointestinal disorders. | seven patients with gastrointestinal disorders and deficiencies of serum and secretory immunoglobulins were evaluated clinically, microbiologically, and immunologically. five patients had generalized deficiencies of immunoglobulins; two were selectively deficient. diarrhoea and malabsorption in six of the seven patients were at least partially explained. four of the five patients with generalized hypogammaglobulinaemia had intestinal infestation with giardia lamblia; in three of the five, excess ... | 1972 | 4557306 |
[reciprocal influence of giardia lamblia infection and epidemic hepatitis]. | 1972 | 4646614 |