
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
experiments on saprolegnia ferax, and their application to the trout hatchery. 189919971269
[studies on the effect of external factors on the formation of the oogonia of saprolegnia ferax (gruith). thuret]. 196013754095
[2 epidemics of saprolegniosis of fishes caused by saprolegnia ferax (gruith.) and saprolegnia diclina (humphrey)]. 19705515397
the effect of antimicrotubule agents on the growth and ultrastructure of the fungus saprolegnia ferax and their ineffectiveness in disrupting hyphal microtubules. 19751197764
colchicine and colcemid binding components of the fungus saprolegnia ferax. 19751197765
dna nucleotide sequence homologies between some zoosporic fungi.representative species from the monoflagellate blastocladiales and the biflagellate saprolegniales were studied for their dna base composition, heterogeneity, nucleotide sequence homology and divergence. intergeneric, intrageneric and interstrain dnas of blastocladiales were heterogenous. the g+c values for their main component (average 64 percent) and two minor ones (average 52 and 44 percent) were found to be significantly higher than the corresponding values from the biflagellate saprolegnia ...197516094981
cell-wall composition and taxonomy of cephaloascus fragrans and some ophiostomataceae.carbohydrates of intact cells and cell walls were studied by gas-liquid chromatographical analysis after acid hydrolysis. isolated cellulose was determined by infrared spectrophotometry, pyrolysis mass spectrometry and histochemistry. biochemical characters do not support an assumed relationship between ophiostoma (including europhium) and cephaloascus fragrans. cephaloascus fragrans differs from ophiostoma by a high mannose content and by the absence of cellulose and rhamnose. a relationship be ...19761086643
physiological studies on an isolate of saprolegnia ferax from the larval gut of the blackfly simulium vittatum. 19769585
basic nuclear proteins in the aquatic fungus achlya ambisexualis.the complement of basic chromosomal proteins in the aquatic fungus achlya ambisexualis has been characterized. achlya nuclei contain proteins with electrophoretic mobilities on acetic acid/urea and dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gels which are comparable to rabbit kidney histones h3, h4 and h2a. in contrast, the behavior of putative h2b and h1 proteins from achlya showed greater analogy on acid/urea gels to higher plant histones. a closely related water fungus saprolegnia ferax contained basic ...1979497225
temporal analysis of the nuclear cycle by serial section electron microscopy of the fungus, saprolegnia on the dynamics of the nuclear cycle in the coenocytic fungus, saprolegnia ferax, were obtained by a combination of serial-section electron microscopy, dna measurements and nuclear counts of vegetative hyphae and germinating spores. these methods are the only ones capable of giving the timing of the stages of division at the level of resolution of thin-section electron microscopy. all nuclei observed contained various arrays of kinetochore microtubules and were thus defined as being in mito ...19807398661
behavior of kinetochores during mitosis in the fungus saprolegnia rapidly growing hyphae of saprolegnia ferax, all nuclei contain arrays of kinetochore microtubules, which suggests that the nuclei are all in various phases of mitosis, with no apparent interphase. in prophase nuclei, kinetochore microtubules form a single, hemispherical array adjacent to the centrioles. this array separates into two similar arrays after centriole replication. the two arrays form by separation of the initial group of microtubules, with no kinetochore replication. during metap ...19807358791
nuclear cycle of saprolegnia ferax.the mitotic nuclear (equivalent to cell) cycle of the oomycete fungus, saprolegnia ferax, was analysed by quantitative serial-section electron microscopy of hyphal nuclear populations synchronized by inhibition of dna synthesis by fluorodeoxyuridine (fdurd). following telophase and karyokinesis, kinetochore mitrotubules persist into g1 stage as a single group of approximately 42 per nucleus (2n = 42 for this species). during g1 the centrioles replicate and kinetochore microtubules separate into ...19816458622
nucleotide sequences of 5s ribosomal rna from four oomycete and chytrid water molds.the nucleotide sequences of the 5s rrnas of the oomycete water molds saprolegnia ferax and pythium hydnosporum and of the chytrid water molds blastocladiella simplex and phlyctochytrium irregulare were determined by chemical and enzymatic partial degradation of 3' and 5' end-labelled molecules, followed by gel sequence analysis. the two oomycete sequences differed in 24 positions and the two chytrid sequences differed in 27 positions. these pairs differed in a mean of 44 positions. the chytrid s ...19826890670
novel ion channels in the protists, mougeotia and saprolegnia, using sub-gigaseals.protoplasts of the filamentous alga, mougeotia, and the filamentous fungal oomycete, saprolegnia ferax, exhibit two k+ ion channels (2-6 pa) using the patch-clamp technique when the seals are less than 1 g omega (about 100 m omega). the membrane potential of the protoplasts was near 0 mv as measured intracellularly with double-barreled micropipettes; thus, inward k+ flux is due solely to concentration differences. although conductances are in the range expected for k+ channels, the activity at 0 ...19921397276
the 5s ribosomal rna gene is linked to large and small subunit ribosomal rna genes in the oomycetes, phytophthora vignae, p. cinnamomi, p. megasperma f.sp. glycinea and saprolegnia ferax.southern hybridization and polymerase chain reaction data indicate that the 5s ribosomal rna gene is linked to the ribosomal rna gene repeat unit in the oomycetes, phytophthora vignae, p. cinnamomi, p. megasperma f.sp. glycinea and saprolegnia ferax, and is apparently transcribed in the same direction as the large and small subunit ribosomal rna genes. the polymerase chain reaction has been used to amplify all components of the entire ribosomal rna gene repeat unit for each of these oomycetes. t ...19921473177
ion channel activity and tip growth: tip-localized stretch-activated channels generate an essential ca2+ gradient in the oomycete saprolegnia ferax.the plasma membrane of tip-growing hyphae of the oomycete saprolegnia ferax contains stretch-activated (sa) ca(2+)-permeable and ca(2+)-activated k+ ion channels. patch clamp measurements on protoplasts derived from specific regions of hyphae demonstrated that sa channels were most abundant in the tip. gadolinium (gd3+) inhibited sa channel activity and stopped tip growth. the ca(2+)-sensitive fluorochrome indo 1 revealed a tip-high gradient of free cytoplasmic ca2+ in growing hyphae. this gradi ...19937687216
cytoskeletal regulation of ion channel distribution in the tip-growing organism saprolegnia ferax.growing hyphal tips of the oomycete saprolegnia ferax possess a tip-high gradient of stretch-activated ion channels permeable to calcium. these mechanosensitive channels appear to play a direct role in the polarized tip growth process. treatment of s. ferax hyphae with cytochalasin e leads to the disruption of plasmalemma-associated, peripheral cytoplasmic actin populations and altered morphology of apical protoplasts, and eliminates the tip-high gradient of stretch-activated channels. cytochala ...19947513711
a comparison of techniques for localizing actin and tubulin in hyphae of saprolegnia ferax.we have evaluated protocols for immunofluorescence (if) staining of the potentially interacting actin filaments (f-actin) and microtubules in hyphae of saprolegnia ferax, using rhodamine-phalloidin (rp) and freeze-substitution electron microscopy (fsem), respectively, as standards for their distribution. saprolegnia has four distinguishable cortical f-actin populations with characteristic organizations and rp- and actin-if-staining affinities, all of which could be labeled with both probes after ...19947510320
pulsed growth of fungal hyphal tips.somatic fungal hyphae are generally assumed to elongate at steady linear rates when grown under constant environmental conditions with ample nutrients. however, patterns of pulsed hyphal elongation were detected during apparent steady growth of hyphal tips in fungi from several major taxonomic groups (oomycetes, pythium aphanidermatum and saprolegnia ferax; zygomycetes, gilbertella persicaria; deuteromycetes, trichoderma viride; ascomycetes, neurospora crassa and fusarium culmorum; basidiomycete ...19947991610
integrin and spectrin homologues, and cytoplasm-wall adhesion in tip growth.saprolegnia ferax contains an integrin homologue, identified by crossreactivity with antiserum to the consensus sequence of human/chick/xenopus cytoplasmic domain beta 1-integrin, which is highly conserved. in non-reduced samples, this integrin was larger than the reported size range for beta 1-integrins, at 178 kda. in reduced samples, there was a reducing agent-concentration-dependent conversion from 178 kda to 120 kda, well within the reported size range for beta 1-integrins in other organism ...19957769021
the roles of ca2+ and plasma membrane ion channels in hyphal tip growth of neurospora crassa.growing hyphae of the ascomycete fungus neurospora crassa contained a tip-high gradient of cytoplasmic ca2+, which was absent in non-growing hyphae and was insensitive to gd3+ in the medium. patch clamp recordings in the cell-attached mode, from the plasma membrane of these hyphae, showed two types of channel activities; spontaneous and stretch activated. the spontaneous channels were identified as inward k+ channels based on inhibition by tetraethylammonium. the stretch activated channels had i ...19958586653
experimental transmission and pathogenicity of some zoosporic fungi to tilapia fish.seventeen fungal species belong to sex genera were recovered from the four organs of tilapia fish and the most common were saprolegnia ferax, s. diclina, achlya dubia, a. americana, a. racemosa and a. flagellata, dictyuchus sterile, pythium undulatum and aphanomyces sp. severe infection followed by death of all fish was incited by s. parasitica and s. ferax through experiment i. 30-70% of t. nilotica and t. galileae were killed through experiment ii by s. parasitica and s. ferax. t. galileae was ...19958819832
ca(2+)-dependent polarization of axis establishment in the tip-growing organism, saprolegnia ferax, by gradients of the ionophore a23187.a gradient of the divalent cation ionophore a23187 polarized axis establishment in regenerating hyphal protoplasts and germinating cysts of the tip-growing oomycete saprolegnia ferax. an average of sixty-three percent of new hyphae emerging from initially spherical protoplasts were oriented towards the ionophore source. this polarization was dependent on the presence of ca2+ and could not be elicited by the presence of either 1 mm mn2+ or mg2+. a similar but less marked (56%) orientation was sho ...19958521875
direct evidence for ca2+ regulation of hyphal branch inductiongrinberg, a., and heath, i. b. 1997. direct evidence for ca2+ regulation of hyphal branch induction. 22, 127-139. irradiation of growing hyphae of saprolegnia ferax with microbeams of uv (300-380 and 385-450 nm) light induced an increase in cytoplasmic [ca2+] followed by precocious formation of one or more branches within about 4 min. the distribution of branches was strongly skewed toward the subapical side of the irradiation site, but otherwise was apparantly random. apical (10-&mgr;m) irradia ...19979367659
actin disruption by latrunculin b causes turgor-related changes in tip growth of saprolegnia ferax hyphaehyphae of saprolegnia ferax growing under normal or low-turgor conditions were exposed to 0.1-10 &mgr;g/ml latrunculin b, an actin inhibitor. in the first 10 s of addition, hyphae with normal turgor levels accelerated while those with low turgor decelerated, consistent with the suggestion that actin restrains or protrudes tips under these respective turgor conditions. both sets of hyphae then decelerated and eventually ceased extension within 60 s. these changes were reflected in rhodamine-phall ...19979073481
the cytoplasmic ph influences hyphal tip growth and cytoskeleton-related organizationthe regulatory role of protons in hyphal tip growth was investigated by using membrane-permeant weak acids to acidify cytoplasm of the oomycete saprolegnia ferax. acetic acid decreased cytoplasmic ph from approximately ph 7.2 to 6.8, as shown by snarf-1 measurements of cytoplasmic ph. inhibition of growth in a dose-dependent manner by acetic, propionic, and isobutyric acid was accompanied by changes in positioning and morphology of mitochondria and nuclei, condensation of chromatin, disruptions ...19979073482
mapping fungal ion channel locationsion channel mapping techniques are described and the results for two fungal organisms, saprolegnia ferax and neurospora crassa, are presented. in these species, two channel types have been characterized, stretch-activated channels exhibiting significant calcium permeability and spontaneous channels having significant potassium permeability. two distinct analyses of patch clamp data, analysis of channel self-clustering and association between different channel types, and localization along the hy ...19989742193
radial f-actin arrays precede new hypha formation in saprolegnia: implications for establishing polar growth and regulating tip morphogenesis.the roles of cortical f-actin in initiating and regulating polarized cell expansion in the form of hyphal tip morphogenesis were investigated by analyzing long term effects of f-actin disruption by latrunculin b in the oomycete saprolegnia ferax, and detecting localized changes in the cortical f-actin organization preceding hyphal formation. tubular hyphal morphology was dependent on proper f-actin organization, since latrunculin induced dose-dependent actin disruption and corresponding changes ...19989645948
antimycotic activity against saprolegnia ferax of extracts of artemisia verlotorum and santolina etrusca.methanol and aqueous extracts of artemisia verlotorum and santolina etrusca were screened in vitro against saprolegnia ferax and for all extracts the mic were determined. screening was performed also on two fractions of the aqueous extracts.199910353169
comparative analysis of ca2+ and h+ flux magnitude and location along growing hyphae of saprolegnia ferax and neurospora crassa.calcium and proton ion fluxes were mapped at the growing apices of two hyphal organisms, the oomycete saprolegnia ferax and the ascomycete neurospora crassa and pseudohyphal saccharomyces cerevisiae using self-referencing ion-selective probes. s. ferax exhibited well-defined transport zones absent in n. crassa. ca2+ fluxes were located within 8 microm of the growing hyphal tip; the net ca2+ flux was either inward (75% of all experiments) or outward. the inward component of the net flux was inhib ...199910669108
plasma membrane-adjacent actin filaments, but not microtubules, are essential for both polarization and hyphal tip morphogenesis in saprolegnia ferax and neurospora crassa.the organization and roles of f-actin and microtubules in the maintenance and initiation of hyphal tip growth have been analyzed in saprolegnia ferax and neurospora crassa. in hyphae of both species, the apex is depleted of microtubules relative to subapical regions and near-normal morphogenesis occurs in concentrations of nocodazole or mbc which remove microtubules, slow growth, and disrupt nuclear positioning. in contrast, each species contains characteristic tip-high arrays of plasma membrane ...200010955907
ca(2+) shuttling in vesicles during tip growth in neurospora crassa.tip-growing organisms maintain an apparently essential tip-high gradient of cytoplasmic ca(2+). in the oomycete saprolegnia ferax, in pollen tubes and root hairs, the gradient is produced by a tip-localized ca(2+) influx from the external medium. such a gradient is normally dispensable for neurospora crassa hyphae, which may maintain their ca(2+) gradient by some form of internal recycling. we localized ca(2+) in n. crassa hyphae at the ultrastructural level using two techniques (a) electron spe ...200111495575
complex causes of amphibian population declines.amphibian populations have suffered widespread declines and extinctions in recent decades. although climatic changes, increased exposure to ultraviolet-b (uv-b) radiation and increased prevalence of disease have all been implicated at particular localities, the importance of global environmental change remains unclear. here we report that pathogen outbreaks in amphibian populations in the western usa are linked to climate-induced changes in uv-b exposure. using long-term observational data and a ...200111287952
time series analysis demonstrates the absence of pulsatile hyphal growth.hyphal tip growth has been previously reported as pulsatile, defined as regularly alternating fast and slow rates of extension. the growth of pollen tubes, and hyphae of neurospora crassa and saprolegnia ferax were analysed using high spatial and temporal resolution. by using long (100-500 s) records of growth rate, sampled every second, it was possible to apply rigorous statistical analysis of the time series. as previously demonstrated, pollen tubes can show pulsatile growth, detectable with t ...200314600223
[water fungi occurence in the water reservoir in zarzeczany of podlasie province].studies on the occurrence of aquatic microorganisms in the newest water reservoir zarzeczany village were carried out in years 2001-2004. hydro chemical analysis was performed using standard methods. bait method was used to isolate the fungi. in the reservoir 52 fungi species were identified: fish pathogenic achlya debaryana, a. polyandra, aphanomyces laevis, dictyuchus monosporus, d. sterile, saprolegnia ferax, s. monoica, s. parasitica, human pathogenic candida albicans, c. tropicalis and tric ...200416865972
[water fungi occurence in the river supraśl-bath jurowce near białystok].studies on the occurrence of aquatic fungi in the bathing sites of the supraśl river in jurowce village were collected in years 2000-2003. hydrochemical analysis was performed using standard methods. bait method was used to isolate the fungi. in the supraśl river at jurowce village 36 fungi species were identified, among them fish pathogens achlya orion, aphanomyces laevis, dictyuchus monosporus, saprolegnia ferax, saprolegnia monoica, s. parasitica, human pathogens aspergillus flavus, candida a ...200416859017
the mitochondrial genome of saprolegnia ferax: organization, gene content and nucleotide sequence.the mitochondrial genome of the peronosporomycete water mold saprolegnia ferax has been characterized as a 46 930 bp circle containing an 8618 bp large inverted repeat (lir). eighteen reading frames encode identified subunits of respiratory complexes i, iii, iv and v; 16 encode polypeptides of small and large mitoribosome subunits; and one encodes a subunit of the sec-independent protein translocation pathway. of four additional putative reading frames three are homologues of those found in the ...200421148919
five serbian reservoirs contain different fungal propagules.this paper presents results of a mycological survey conducted in five large reservoirs in serbia (sjenica, barje, garasi, meduvrsje and ovcar-kablar) that have different hydrobiological and production characteristics. the sampling was conducted in march, june, august and october 2002. quantitative analysis of fungal communities showed that the average number of colony-forming units in these reservoirs was 1966-5682/l of water. the highest number of cfus was found in the alpha-mesosaprobic (class ...200516389956
re-evaluation of the enigmatic species complex saprolegnia diclina-saprolegnia parasitica based on morphological, physiological and molecular data.the phylogenetic relationships among isolates of the saprolegnia diclina-saprolegnia parasitica complex were investigated based on its rdna sequences, and correlated with morphological and physiological characters. the isolates studied belong to five phylogenetically separate clades. the majority of presumed parasitic isolates, mostly isolated from fish lesions, fell within a clade that comprises isolates which has been variously named as s. diclina type 1, s. parasitica, saprolegnia salmonis or ...200717446097
epidermal 'alarm substance' cells of fishes maintained by non-alarm functions: possible defence against pathogens, parasites and uvb radiation.many fishes possess specialized epidermal cells that are ruptured by the teeth of predators, thus reliably indicating the presence of an actively foraging predator. understanding the evolution of these cells has intrigued evolutionary ecologists because the release of these alarm chemicals is not voluntary. here, we show that predation pressure does not influence alarm cell production in fishes. alarm cell production is stimulated by exposure to skin-penetrating pathogens (water moulds: saproleg ...200717686729
effects of a fertilizer, an insecticide, and a pathogenic fungus on hatching and survival of bullfrog (rana catesbeiana) tadpoles.we assessed the single and interactive effects of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, the insecticide carbaryl, and a widespread waterborne pathogen saprolegnia ferax on the hatching and survival of bullfrog (rana catesbeiana) tadpoles in the laboratory. carbaryl significantly reduced tadpole survival and hatching rate, but no interactive effects were found among stressors.200717867893
saprolegnia diclina: another species responsible for the emergent disease 'saprolegnia infections' in amphibians.many amphibians are known to suffer embryonic die-offs as a consequence of an emergent disease known as 'saprolegnia infections'. thus far, the only species of saprolegnia shown to be involved in natural infections is saprolegnia ferax. in this study, we have isolated and characterized another saprolegnia species responsible for 'saprolegnia infections' on embryos of bufo calamita in mountainous areas of central spain. the strain was identified as belonging to saprolegnia diclina based on morpho ...200818177304
saprolegniaceae identified on amphibian eggs throughout the pacific northwest, usa, by internal transcribed spacer sequences and phylogenetic analysis.we assessed the diversity and phylogeny of saprolegniaceae on amphibian eggs from the pacific northwest, with particular focus on saprolegnia ferax, a species implicated in high egg mortality. we identified isolates from eggs of six amphibians with the internal transcribed spacer (its) and 5.8s gene regions and blast of the genbank database. we identified 68 sequences as saprolegniaceae and 43 sequences as true fungi from at least nine genera. our phylogenetic analysis of the saprolegniaceae inc ...200818592894
effects of the pathogenic water mold saprolegnia ferax on survival of amphibian larvae.infectious diseases are a significant threat to worldwide biodiversity. amphibian declines, a significant part of current biodiversity losses, are in many cases associated with infectious disease. water molds are one group of pathogens affecting amphibians on a worldwide basis. although water molds have been studied extensively for their effects on host embryos, little information is available about how they affect post-embryonic amphibians. we tested the effects of one species of water mold, sa ...200919402452
genetic comparison of water molds from embryos of amphibians rana cascadae, bufo boreas and pseudacris regilla.water molds that cause the disease saprolegniasis have been implicated in widespread mortality of amphibian embryos. however, because of the limitations of traditional identification methods, water mold species involved in die-offs or utilized in ecological studies often remain unidentified or identified only as saprolegnia ferax. furthermore, water mold taxonomy requires revision, so very distinct organisms may all be called s. ferax. recent dna-based studies indicate that the diversity of wate ...201222691981
identification of an isolate of saprolegnia ferax as the causal agent of saprolegniosis of yellow catfish (pelteobagrus fulvidraco) eggs.saprolegnia species have been implicated for significant fungal infections of both living and dead fish as well as their eggs. in the present study, an oomycete water mould (strain hp) isolated from yellow catfish (peleobagrus fulvidraco) eggs suffering from saprolegniosis was characterized both morphologically and from its sequence data. it was initially identified as a saprolegnia sp. isolate based on its morphological features. the constructed phylogenetic tree using neighbour joining method ...201222895900
do fathead minnows, pimephales promelas rafinesque, alter their club cell investment in responses to variable risk of infection from saprolegnia?fish in the superorder ostariophysi possess large epidermal club cells that release chemical cues warning nearby conspecifics of danger. despite the long-held assumption that such club cells evolved under the selective force of predation, recent studies demonstrated that predation has no effect on club cell investment. rather, club cells have an immune function and cell production may be stimulated by skin-penetrating pathogens and parasites. the current work investigates whether fathead minnows ...201222313366
identification of bacillus strains for biological control of catfish pathogens.bacillus strains isolated from soil or channel catfish intestine were screened for their antagonism against edwardsiella ictaluri and aeromonas hydrophila, the causative agents of enteric septicemia of catfish (esc) and motile aeromonad septicaemia (mas), respectively. twenty one strains were selected and their antagonistic activity against other aquatic pathogens was also tested. each of the top 21 strains expressed antagonistic activity against multiple aquatic bacterial pathogens including ed ...201223029244
protective role of adjuvant and potassium permanganate on oxidative stress response of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) challenged with saprolegnia ferax.saprolegniosis are one of the most important oomycetes affecting freshwater fish worldwide. it leads to huge losses in fish farms due to their massive destruction to the fish epidermis leading to sever heamodilution and death, yet little literature studied the oxidative stress response regarding the saprolegniosis. nile tilapia fish were subcutaneously abraded and divided into four groups: control group, abraded but not challenged, infected group, challenged with saprolegnia. ferax (s. ferax) zo ...201323667798
the diversity of oomycetes on crayfish: morphological vs. molecular identification of cultures obtained while isolating the crayfish plague pathogen.numerous oomycetes colonise the crayfish cuticle, the best known being the crayfish plague pathogen aphanomyces astaci. although other oomycetes associated with crayfish complicate the isolation and molecular detection of a. astaci, their diversity is little known. to improve this knowledge, we analysed 95 oomycete isolates obtained during attempts to isolate a. astaci from crayfish presumably infected by this pathogen. we characterized the isolates morphologically and by sequencing of the nucle ...201324119406
mitochondrial genome sequences and comparative genomics of achlya hypogyna and thraustotheca a lineage, oomycetes have adapted to a wide range of lifestyles. although the common ancestor of the group was likely a marine pathogen, extant members inhabit a spectrum from free-living saprobes to obligate biotrophs. the mitochondrial genomes of achlya hypogyna and thraustotheca clavata were sequenced to directly compare a facultative parasitic species (a. hypogyna) to a closely related free living saprobe (t. clavata). both sequenced mitochondrial genomes are circular, with sizes of 46,86 ...201424252096
reprint of: the diversity of oomycetes on crayfish: morphological vs. molecular identification of cultures obtained while isolating the crayfish plague pathogen.numerous oomycetes colonise the crayfish cuticle, the best known being the crayfish plague pathogen aphanomyces astaci. although other oomycetes associated with crayfish complicate the isolation and molecular detection of a. astaci, their diversity is little known. to improve this knowledge, we analysed 95 oomycete isolates obtained during attempts to isolate a. astaci from crayfish presumably infected by this pathogen. we characterized the isolates morphologically and by sequencing of the nucle ...201425088074
molecular identification of a bronopol tolerant strain of saprolegnia australis causing egg and fry mortality in farmed brown trout, salmo trutta.some species of the genus saprolegnia, such as saprolegnia diclina and saprolegnia ferax are responsible for devastating infections on salmonid eggs. members of this group cause saprolegniasis, a disease resulting in considerable economic losses in aquaculture. although both s. diclina and s. ferax have received much attention, the role of other saprolegnia species in infecting fish eggs is less known. for this purpose, we have investigated the aetiology of chronic egg mortality events occurring ...201425088073
clotrimazole as a potent agent for treating the oomycete fish pathogen saprolegnia parasitica through inhibition of sterol 14α-demethylase (cyp51).a candidate cyp51 gene encoding sterol 14α-demethylase from the fish oomycete pathogen saprolegnia parasitica (spcyp51) was identified based on conserved cyp51 residues among cyps in the genome. it was heterologously expressed in escherichia coli, purified, and characterized. lanosterol, eburicol, and obtusifoliol bound to purified spcyp51 with similar binding affinities (ks, 3 to 5 μm). eight pharmaceutical and six agricultural azole antifungal agents bound tightly to spcyp51, with posaconazole ...201425085484
reprint of: saprolegnia strains isolated from river insects and amphipods are broad spectrum pathogens.saprolegnia species are destructive pathogens to many aquatic organisms and are found in most parts of the world. reports based on phylogenetic analysis suggest that saprolegnia strains isolated from aquatic animals such as crustaceans and frogs are close to saprolegnia strains isolated from infected fish or fish eggs and vice versa. however, it has often been assumed that host specificity occurs for each individual isolate or strain. here we demonstrate that saprolegnia spp. can have multiple h ...201425088072
saprolegnia strains isolated from river insects and amphipods are broad spectrum pathogens.saprolegnia species are destructive pathogens to many aquatic organisms and are found in most parts of the world. reports based on phylogenetic analysis suggest that saprolegnia strains isolated from aquatic animals such as crustaceans and frogs are close to saprolegnia strains isolated from infected fish or fish eggs and vice versa. however, it has often been assumed that host specificity occurs for each individual isolate or strain. here we demonstrate that saprolegnia spp. can have multiple h ...201424295914
Displaying items 1 - 56 of 56