Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
genome sequence of rickettsia australis, the agent of queensland tick typhus. | rickettsia australis strain phillips(t) was isolated in queensland, australia, in 1950. it is the tick-borne agent of queensland tick typhus, a disease endemic in australia. the 1.29-mb genome sequence of this bacterium is highly similar to that of rickettsia akari but contains two plasmids. | 0 | 22933759 |
rickettsialpox; a newly recognized rickettsial disease; isolation of the etiological agent. | 1946 | 20341090 | |
rickettsialpox, a newly recognized rickettsial disease; isolation of a rickettsia apparently identical with the causative agent of rickettsialpox from allodermanyssus sanguineus, a rodent mite. | 1946 | 20341097 | |
rickettsialpox; a newly recognized rickettsial disease; recovery of rickettsia akari from a house mouse (mus musculus). | 1947 | 20342271 | |
rickettsialpox. | 1947 | 20238952 | |
mass infection of body lice with rickettsia prowazeki. | 1947 | 20239449 | |
rickettsialpox, a newly recognized disease. | 1947 | 20242038 | |
rickettsialpox, a newly recognized rickettsial disease; epidemiology. | 1947 | 20252866 | |
rickettsialpox, a new disease. | 1947 | 20271606 | |
rickettsialpox; a newly recognized rickettsial disease; clinical observations. | 1947 | 20288254 | |
a report on the histopathology of the cutaneous lesions of a case of rickettsialpox. | 1947 | 20341064 | |
rickettsialpox. | 1947 | 19312537 | |
rickettsialpox-a newly recognized rickettsial disease : iii. epidemiology. | 1947 | 18016565 | |
rickettsialpox in new york city. | 1948 | 18860406 | |
rickettsialpox due to allodermanyssus sanguineus. | 1948 | 18886303 | |
rickettsialpox. | 1948 | 18888811 | |
the tropical rat mite; liponyssus bacoti, as an experimental vector of rickettsialpox. | 1948 | 18889643 | |
endemic features of rickettsialpox. | 1948 | 18908327 | |
histologic changes in rickettsialpox. | 1948 | 18921349 | |
new locality records for allodermanyssys sanguineus vector of rickettsialpox. | 1949 | 18133342 | |
clinical aspects of rickettsialpox, q. fever and rocky mountain spotted fever. | 1949 | 18142749 | |
rickettsialpox; a clinical review with differential diagnostic notes. | 1949 | 18148043 | |
the clinical manifestations and laboratory diagnosis of rickettsialpox. | 1949 | 15393018 | |
rickettsialpox; clinical and laboratory study of 12 hospitalized cases. | 1949 | 15394677 | |
use of chloromycetin in a case of rickettsialpox. | 1950 | 15416964 | |
an undescribed fever resembling varicella and rickettsialpox; preliminary report of 11 cases seen in the transvaal. | 1950 | 15418314 | |
treatment of rickettsialpox with aureomycin. | 1950 | 14771085 | |
rickettsialpox and q fever. | 1950 | 14772199 | |
rickettsialpox; report of a serologically proved case occurring in a resident of boston. | 1950 | 14780391 | |
rickettsialpox--a new rickettsial disease with oral manifestations; review of literature and case report. | 1950 | 14780676 | |
the experimental and clinical evaluation of terramycin against rickettsia akari (rickettsialpox). | 1950 | 14783347 | |
rickettsialpox in boston; report of a case. | 1951 | 14815716 | |
rickettsialpox case due to laboratory infection. | 1951 | 14816492 | |
rickettsialpox. report of a case. | 1951 | 14832092 | |
studies of rickettsialpox. i. recovery of the causative agent from house mice in boston, massachusetts. | 1951 | 14846793 | |
[rickettsialpox in oubangui-chari, french equatorial africa]. | 1951 | 14905186 | |
[the inoculation eschar in rickettsialpox in africans]. | 1951 | 14905238 | |
[familiar epidemic of rickettsialpox in a village in oubangui-chari]. | 1952 | 14935751 | |
rickettsialpox. ii. recovery of rickettsia akari from mites allodermanyssus sanguineus, from west hartford, conn. | 1952 | 14949113 | |
the behavior of rickettsia akari in the body louse after artificial infection. | 1952 | 14952705 | |
the relationship of the habits of the house mouse and the mouse mite (allodermanyssus sanguineus) to the spread of rickettsialpox. | 1952 | 13136222 | |
rickettsialpox; report of four apparent cases in pennsylvania. | 1952 | 12985598 | |
the treatment of rickettsialpox with antibiotics. | 1952 | 13139180 | |
the relationship of the habits of the house mouse and the mouse mite (allodermanyssus sanguineus) to the spread of rickettsialpox. | 1953 | 13065991 | |
studies of rickettsialpox. iii. life cycle of the mite vector, allodermanyssus sanguineus. | 1954 | 13138588 | |
[continuous deratization and disinfection as a method of control of rickettsialpox]. | 1954 | 14360638 | |
rickettsialpox: report of a serologically proved case in cleveland. | 1956 | 13272868 | |
some viral and rickettsial infections in bosnia and herzegovina; a sero-epidemiological study. | investigating viral and rickettsial infections in bosnia and herzegovina, the authors submitted 115 sera of healthy persons to complement-fixation tests with typhus, q fever, mumps, rickettsialpox, and psittacosis antigens. the results obtained indicate that the moslem population tends to show more typhus-positive titres, and at an earlier age, than the non-moslem. while moslems under 20 years old tend to develop typhus in epidemic form, an approximately equal number of epidemic and apparently s ... | 1956 | 13383366 |
[serodiagnosis of rickettsialpox]. | 1956 | 13392716 | |
recovery of rickettsia akari from the korean vole microtus fortis pelliceus. | 1957 | 13478580 | |
[search for the possible presence of antibodies against rickettsia akari]. | 1957 | 13484111 | |
[on the nature of vitamin c metabolism in gamasidae-borne rickettsiosis (rickettsiosis d)]. | 1959 | 13818159 | |
the effects of x-rays and beta rays (tritium) on the growth of rickettsia mooseri and rickettsia akari in embrvonate eggs. | the growth of rickettsia mooseri was accelerated and quantitatively increased in embryonate eggs containing tritium oxide at levels of 180, 90, and 45 mc./egg during the growth period. the eggs of a group containing 22.5 mc./egg showed only a slight increase in the rate of growth of organisms; the infections in the eggs of a group given 11.2 mc./egg did not differ significantly from those of the control group. on the other hand, growth of r. akari was inhibited in embryonate eggs containing trit ... | 1960 | 13708436 |
a review of information on ricketsialpox in the united states. | 1963 | 13927940 | |
patterns of "lipovirus" antibody in human populations. | 1964 | 14160453 | |
[rickettsial diseases in the ussr]. | 1964 | 14230893 | |
use of mouse serum in identification and serologic classification of rickettsia akari and rickettsia australis. | 1965 | 14332634 | |
rickettsialpox. | 1966 | 5219966 | |
rickettsialpox. | 1966 | 5220053 | |
[importance of the bacterial surface of pathogenic staphylococcus]. | 1969 | 4248671 | |
monkey-mouse hybrid cell lines containing the sv40 genome in a partially repressed state. | 1970 | 4313231 | |
ecology of japanese encephalitis virus on taiwan in 1968. | 1970 | 4316617 | |
synthesis, assembly, and secretion of gamma globulin by mouse myeloma cells. i. adaptation of the merwin plasma cell tumor-11 to culture, cloning, and characterization of gamma globulin subunits. | mpc-11 myeloma tumor cells were adapted to growth in continuous culture. the cultured cells resembled the parent tumor in that they produced the fully assembled gamma globulin molecules as well as six unassembled molecules. although cultured and tumor cells synthesized excess light chains, the molar ratio of light (l) to heavy (h) chains was approximately 1.7:1 in the culture, and 3.5:1 in the tumor. the cultured cells also produced fewer half molecules and free light chains than the parent tumo ... | 1970 | 4189836 |
effect of interferon and interferon inducers on infections with a nonviral intracellular microorganism, rickettsia akari. | the effect of mouse interferon (if) on the multiplication of rickettsia akari in homologous (l-929) cell cultures and the effect of if inducers on r. akari infection in mice were investigated. there was a reduction in the proportion of cells containing rickettsiae in if-treated cultures and in the yield of rickettsiae from these cultures, as compared with those from infected cultures without if. trypsin treatment and heating for 1 hr at 65 c destroyed this antirickettsial activity of the if prep ... | 1971 | 16558061 |
[effect of a few carbon sources on the growth of mycobacterium bovis]. | 1972 | 4568984 | |
metabolism of rickettsia typhi and rickettsia akari in irradiated l cells. | l cells that had been exposed to 3,000 r of (60)co the previous day were used to study the growth and metabolism of rickettsia typhi and r. akari. viable (unirradiated) l cells were used to study the effect of rickettsial infection on host-cell metabolism. monolayers were infected with a rickettsial multiplicity of 1.2 and given eagle's minimal essential medium containing 25 mmn-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-n'-2'-ethanesulfonic acid buffer and 10% calf serum. at various intervals, cycloheximide (2 m ... | 1972 | 4628863 |
variable sulfhydryl activity toward silver nitrate by reduced glutathione and alcohol, glutamate and lactate dehydrogenases. | 1972 | 4337942 | |
variable sulfhydryl activity toward silver nitrate by reduced glutathione and alcohol, glutamate and lactate dehydrogenases. | 1972 | 4337942 | |
[ultrastructure of the causative agent of vesicular rickettsiosis dermacentroxenus murinus kulagin (1951) and characteristics of its interaction]. | 1974 | 4476974 | |
patterns of trauma in urban dogs and cats: a study of 1,000 cases. | 1974 | 4813404 | |
patterns of trauma in urban dogs and cats: a study of 1,000 cases. | 1974 | 4813404 | |
ultrastucture of the surface of rickettsia prowazeki and rickettsia akari. | negative-contrast electron microscopy revealed that the outer layer of the envelope of rickettsiae is composed of a matrix of tetragonally arranged subunits. the layer projects approximately 7 nm from the cell wall. it is suggested that this outer layer is analogous to the structure considered capsule-like in morphology. | 1974 | 4138139 |
the manufacture of moulded supportive seating for the handicapped. | the wheelchair-bound population often have difficulty in obtaining a correct or comfortable posture in their chairs and sometimes develop pressure sores from long-duration sitting. this problem is being solved by manufacturing personalised, contoured seats which support the patient over the maximum area possible thereby reducing the pressure on the body and the incidence of pressure sores. a cast is obtained of the patient in a comfortable, medically correct posture and from this cast the seat i ... | 1975 | 126704 |
[study of the process of acth and insulin interaction with the plasmatic membranes of rat liver cells in vitro using luminescence methods]. | the process of interaction of acth and insulin with plasmatic cellular membranes of the rat's liver and artificial lipid membranes (liposomes) was studied by the method of proper proteinic fluorescence and by using hydrophobic fluorescent probes. this process is shown to be attended by conformative readjustments of the membranous proteins and also by definite structural changes in the lipid phase of the membranes. in its action acth involves the hydrophobic layer of the lipid phase to a greater ... | 1976 | 179856 |
proteins of typhus and spotted fever group rickettsiae. | purified radioactive rickettsiae were obtained from irradiated and cycloheximide-inhibited l cells, and their proteins were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. rickettsial species could be distinguished by comparing the relative mobilities of constituent proteins after migration of two differentially labeled preparations in a single gel. distinct differences were observed in gel patterns of rickettsiae from the typhus and spotted fever groups, as well as with different species within ... | 1976 | 820639 |
effect of gentamicin on growth of viral, chlamydial, and rickettsial agents in mice and embryonated eggs. | gentamicin, at concentrations up to 500 mug/ml, showed no effect on the replication, yield, or infectivity of seven viruses or on the agents of psittacosis and meningopneumonitis when grown in mice or embryonated eggs. at the 500 mug/ml level, lymphogranuloma venereum cultures had a slight reduction in infectivity. rickettsia akari demonstrated susceptibility at the 5 mug/ml level, whereas r. rickettsii, r. mooseri, and r. canada grown in embryonated eggs were susceptible in varying degrees to g ... | 1976 | 984775 |
[variations in sensitivity to the agent of rickettsialpox in different strains of mice]. | 1977 | 855529 | |
quantitative electron microscopic studies of the changes in rat hepatocytes following halothane induced anaesthesia. | 1977 | 98410 | |
enzyme immunoassay of antibody to rochalimaea quintana: diagnosis of trench fever and serologic cross-reactions among other rickettsiae. | enzyme immunoassay (eia) tests were used to diagnose trench fever and to determine cross-reactions of rochalimaea quintana with other rickettsiae. the results were compared with those obtained by counterimmunoelectrophoresis (cie). all sera from cases of primary or relapsed forms of trench fever were positive both in eia, with serum antibody titers of 1:20-1:640, and in cie, giving one to three precipitin lines. sera from patients with other rickettsial infections were also tested for reactivity ... | 1978 | 351072 |
rickettsialpox. case report and epidemiologic review. | in recent years, rickettsialpox was infrequently reported: one case per year was recorded by the public health service during the past 15 years. we observed a case of rickettsialpox in new york city and reviewed the clinical, diagnostic, and epidemiologic features. records of the new york city health department showed that serum samples from only six patients were submitted for serological testing for rickettsialpox during the past ten years, suggesting that although the disease is uncommon now, ... | 1979 | 480648 |
organization of the visceral afferent representation in the cerebral cortex. | in experiments on cats which had been narcotized with chloralose and immobilized with myo-relaxants, we have studied cerebral cortical responses to stimulation of the visceral system. a peculiarity of the visceral afferent representation is the fact that the convergence of visceral and dermomuscular impulses is achieved with predominance of somatic signals in the cortical zones of visceral representation, with the exception of the focus of maximal activity (fma). a second peculiarity is the fact ... | 1979 | 550902 |
[enzyme arrangement of various tissues in swine. 2. studies of postpartum development of crude protein levels as well as activities of various enzymes (got, gpt, serine dehydratase, xanthine oxidase, fructose-1,6-diphosphatase) in liver, kidneys and muscle of piglets]. | twenty-eight piglets from three litters were analysed for postnatal development (0 to 6 days of age) of the crude protein levels and activities of various enzymes (got, gpt, serine dehydratase, xanthinoxidase, fructose-1,6-diphosphatase) in the supernatant of liver, kidneys, and muscles. both the weight and crude protein levels of the liver increased after birth, which improved the capability of metabolic regulation. got and fructose 1,6-diphosphatase activities in the liver tissue increased ove ... | 1979 | 228626 |
cell types required for h-2-restricted cytotoxic responses generated by trinitrobenzene sulfonate-modified syngeneic cells or trinitrophenyl-conjugated proteins. | murine spleen cells were fractionated over nylon wool or sephadex g-10 columns, and the cell types involved in the generation of trinitrophenyl (tnp)-specific, h-2 restricted (tnp-self) cytotoxic effector cells were studied from cultures stimulated with trinitrobenzene sulfonate (tnbs)-modified syngeneic cells, tnp-conjugated soluble proteins such as bovine gamma-globulin (tnp-bgg), or bovine serum albumin (tnp-bsa). unfractionated or nylon nonadherent responding cells generated such effectors, ... | 1979 | 87418 |
in-phase brain activities during arousal and sleep. | eeg of sensorimotor area, emg of neck muscles and unit activity in lateral geniculate (lg) nucleus, recorded in freely moving cats, were analysed for the presence of correlations between them. the 3 activities were first integrated with a 2 sec time constant, then a correlation coefficient was assessed between time-linked points of the 3 records for periods of 40 sec. the average vlaues of the correlation coefficients were found to increase from arousal through slow synchronized sleep (s sleep), ... | 1979 | 89948 |
host defenses in experimental rickettsialpox: resistance of c3h mouse sublines. | eight sublines of c3h mice were tested for their resistance to lethal infection with rickettsia akari,. strain kaplan. c3h/hej mice were unique in their susceptibility to approximately one plaque-forming unit of rickettsiae. this lack of resistance is apparently due to a mutation in the mouse strain which occurred after 1950. | 1980 | 6106381 |
immune responses to rickettsia akari infection in congenitally athymic nude mice. | athymic balb/c nude mice and euthymic balb/c mice were infected with rickettsia akari by the intraperitoneal route. the rickettsialpox infection was terminated in euthymic mice with only two intraperitoneal injections of the antibiotic oxytetracycline, whereas prolonged treatment was necessary to terminate the infection in athymic mice. both athymic and euthymic mice produced specific antibody, but athymic mice were still susceptible to reinfection. killed r. akari served as a protective immunog ... | 1980 | 6893190 |
macrophages in resistance to rickettsial infection: susceptibility to lethal effects of rickettsia akari infection in mouse strains with defective macrophage function. | 1980 | 6893426 | |
host defenses in experimental rickettsialpox: genetics of natural resistance to infection. | the genetic basis for natural resistance to lethal infection with rickettsia akari was studied in over 25 inbred strains, inbred hybrids, and outbred stocks of mice. inbred mice infected intraperitoneally with the kaplan strain of r. akari demonstrated three levels of response, susceptible (c3h/hej), intermediate (a/hej, a/j, a/wysn, balb/cdub, balb/cj, and sjl/j), and resistant (akr/j, al/n, balb/cann, balb/cncr1br, c3h/hen, c57bl/6j, c57l/j, cba/j, dba/2j, and swr/j). no correlation was eviden ... | 1980 | 7380561 |
rickettsialpox: report of an outbreak and a contemporary review. | rickettsialpox is a mild illness characterized by the appearance of a primary eschar at the site of a mite bite followed by fever, headache, and a papulovesicular rash. it can be confused with a variety of illnesses including several other rickettsial diseases and chickenpox. r. akari, the etiologic agent, is a rickettsia belonging to the spotted fever group (sfg) of rickettsial illnesses. in spite of significant serologic cross-reactivity with other sfg agents, there is no convincing evidence o ... | 1981 | 7278620 |
serological study with rickettsial antigens in erythema chronicum migrans. | 21 sera of 13 patients with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm) and related diseases were examined for the presence of antibodies against 14 rickettsial antigens by using 3 serological techniques in 2 laboratories. most tests were negative. this indicates that ecm and related diseases are not due to an hitherto known rickettsia. 5 out of 158 tests showed, however, positive reactions in low titers against rickettsia akari and coxiella burnetii. thus, an antigenic relationship may exist between one o ... | 1981 | 6895877 |
a rickettsia-like organism showing positive immunofluorescence with antisera to coxiella burnetii in haemaphysalis inermis ticks. | a rickettsia-like organism (rlo) was detected in the oocytes of haemaphysalis inermis ticks. the rlos were about 5 microns long bent rods with a definite inner structure. they were gram-negative and could be visualized by giemsa but not by gimenez staining. attempts to cultivate the rlo in chick embryo yolk sacs, various types of cell culture and tick body cavities were unsuccessful. the rlo displayed a bright immunofluorescence with antisera to coxiella burnetii, but no immunofluorescence was o ... | 1981 | 6118050 |
rickettsialpox. | 1982 | 6119522 | |
macrophages in resistance to rickettsial infections: genetic analysis of susceptibility to lethal effects of rickettsia akari infection and development of activated, cytotoxic macrophages in a and b10.a mice. | susceptibility to lethal effects of rickettsia akari varies among mouse strains. although most strains are resistant, a/j mice are extremely sensitive (10,000-fold difference in ld50 between resistant and sensitive strains). in contrast to most strains of mice, a/j mice also fail to develop activated, tumoricidal macrophages after any of several in vivo or in vitro treatments. are susceptibility to r. akari and inability to develop activated, cytotoxic macrophages in the a/j strain causally rela ... | 1982 | 6896718 |
macrophages in resistance to rickettsial infection: strains of mice susceptible to the lethal effects of rickettsia akari show defective macrophage rickettsicidal activity in vitro. | activation of macrophages was assessed in strains of mice inoculated intraperitoneally with 1,000 times the 50% lethal dose of rickettsia akari. macrophages from mice resistant to r. akari infection (c3h/hen, c57bl/10j, and balb/cn) were nonspecifically tumoricidal 2 to 4 days after rickettsial inoculation. moreover, these macrophages were microbial for r. akari in vitro; cells were resistant to infection with the bacterium and were capable of killing intracellular rickettsiae. in contrast, macr ... | 1982 | 7047390 |
role of t-lymphocytes in production of antibody to antigens of rickettsia tsutsugamushi and other rickettsia species. | the requirement of thymus-dependent lymphocytes for antibody production to rickettsia tsutsugamushi, rickettsia akari, rickettsia conorii, and rickettsia typhi was investigated by comparing antibody production in athymic (nu/nu) or thymus-bearing balb/c mice. athymic balb/c mice produced antibody after infection with r. akari, r. conorii, and r. typhi as measured by indirect fluorescent antibody titration or radioimmunoassay. antibody production in these mice was a great or greater than in the t ... | 1983 | 6223883 |
does epizootic lymphocytic choriomeningitis prime the pump for epidemic rickettsialpox? | 1983 | 6658282 | |
house mouse mites infesting laboratory rodents. | liponyssoides sanguineus, principal vector of rickettsia akari, infested mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus) mice (mus musculus) and laboratory-reared egyptian gerbils (meriones libycus). only a few mites were present on each animal and no manifestations of disease were observed. numerous mites were present in the bedding. | 1984 | 6482381 |
[electron microscopic characteristics of the action of penicillin and vancomycin on rickettsia conorii and rickettsia akari in vitro]. | the possibility of l-transformation for two species of rickettsia of the tick group (r. conorii and r. akari) was studied with light and electron microscopy. the experiments were performed on the cultures of l-cells (murine fibroblasts). penicillin and vancomycin were used as the transforming agents. electron microscopy revealed clear changes in the morphological structure of both species when the doses of penicillin and vancomycin were 50-100 and 250-1500 micrograms/ml, respectively. the antibi ... | 1984 | 6486753 |
[interaction of rickettsia akari with the host cell in vitro: multiplication, formation of spheroplast-like forms and its destruction in phagolyosomes]. | the electron microscopic study of the interaction of r. akari, strain ck, with the monolayer culture of l-cells was made 4 days after inoculation. rickettsiae multiplied by transverse binary fission immediately in the cytoplasm of the cells and left the cells by gemmation, surrounded with plasmolemma and a fragment of the host cytoplasm. alongside with multiplying rickettsiae, spheroplast-like rickettsiae and rickettsiae at the stage of destruction were regularly observed in phagolysosomes. the ... | 1984 | 6546830 |
rickettsiae and hosts. | protective immunity to rickettsia tsutsugamushi in a murine model is dependent upon the development of cell mediated immunity, as demonstrated by lymphocyte transfer, production of lymphokines and -interferon by thymus-derived lymphocytes, activation of macrophages by lymphokines and demonstration of delayed-type hypersensitivity response following exposure to these organisms. infection of mice with small numbers of rickettsia typhi inoculated by a peripheral route leads to a more complex patter ... | 1985 | 2408453 |