Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
taxonomy of anaerobes: present state of the art. | results of nucleic acid studies, which indicate relationships among strains and species more clearly than do usual phenotypic tests, have led to new bacteriologic nomenclature. some major changes in bacteroides include the recognition of three species (bacteroides melaninogenicus, bacteroides denticola, and bacteroides loescheii) formerly grouped in b. melaninogenicus subspecies melaninogenicus; two species (bacteroides intermedius with two closely related homology groups and bacteroides corpori ... | 1984 | 6201990 |
clinical, microbiological and immunological features associated with the treatment of active periodontosis lesions. | clinical, microbiological and immunological factors were examined using data from a subject with periodontosis. the subject was monitored at bimonthly intervals for 26 months at 6 sites per tooth for redness, plaque, suppuration, bleeding on probing, pocket depth, and attachment level. using attachment level measurements and the tolerance method of analysis, sites with active disease and control (inactive) sites of equal pocket depth were selected. subgingival plaque samples were taken from thes ... | 1984 | 6386896 |
comparison of strains of gram-negative, anaerobic, agar-corroding rods isolated from soft tissue infections in cats and dogs with type strains of bacteroides gracilis, wolinella recta, wolinella succinogenes, and campylobacter concisus. | a total of 64 strains of gram-negative, asaccharolytic, anaerobic, agar-corroding, rod-shaped bacteria from soft-tissue infections of cats and dogs were compared with other agar-corroding, anaerobic organisms isolated from human periodontal pockets (wolinella recta atcc 33238t), bovine rumens (wolinella succinogenes atcc 29543t), and gingival crevices of humans (bacteroides gracilis atcc 33236t and bacteroides ureolyticus nctc 10941t). campylobacter concisus atcc 33237t (from human gingival crev ... | 1984 | 6490858 |
effect of subgingival scaling on systemic antibody responses to oral microorganisms. | the effects of scaling and root planing treatment on systemic antibody responses were studied in patients with periodontal disease and in normal subjects. immunoglobulin g antibody in serum to a battery of oral microorganisms was assessed in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay before and after treatment in 31 individuals. the majority (96%) of the diseased patients exhibited elevated antibody to one or more of the microorganisms before the scaling regime. significant increases in antibody level ... | 1985 | 3886548 |
api zym and api an-ident reactions of fastidious oral gram-negative species. | api zym and api an-ident enzymatic substrate tests were done on six oral species which are difficult to characterize with conventional biochemical tests. "bacteroides forsythus, the "fusiform" bacteroides species (a. c. r. tanner, m. a. listgarten, m. n. strzempko, and j. l. ebersole, manuscript in preparation), is difficult to cultivate in broth media, yet it gave 15 positive tests in these series. the tests were able to separate this new species from species of capnocytophaga and fusobacterium ... | 1985 | 3930558 |
bacteroides gracilis, an important anaerobic bacterial pathogen. | clinical isolates of agar-pitting, formate-fumarate-requiring, anaerobic gram-negative bacilli were recharacterized in consideration of the species descriptions of bacteroides ureolyticus and the newly described b. gracilis, campylobacter concisus, and wolinella sp. during an 11-year period, 7.5% (101 of 1,341) of all specimens yielding anaerobes were found to contain an organism in this group. of the 71 isolates that were available for study, 43 were b. ureolyticus, 23 were b. gracilis, and 5 w ... | 1985 | 4056006 |
dna homology studies of the catalase-negative campylobacters and "campylobacter fecalis," an emended description of campylobacter sputorum, and proposal of the neotype strain of campylobacter sputorum. | twenty-three strains of catalase-negative campylobacters and five strains of "campylobacter fecalis," which is catalase-positive, were examined by dna hybridization experiments. these organisms formed four distinct dna homology groups corresponding to campylobacter sputorum, campylobacter mucosalis, campylobacter concisus, and a currently unnamed group referred to as the "catalase-negative or weak" (cnw) strains. the strains were further characterized to determine which phenotypic characteristic ... | 1985 | 4084862 |
characterization of wolinella spp., campylobacter concisus, bacteroides gracilis, and eikenella corrodens by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. | the small asaccharolytic, nonpigmenting gram-negative rods of the human oral cavity are difficult to differentiate from each other. protein profiles of sonicated cells of wolinella species, campylobacter concisus, bacteroides gracilis, and eikenella corrodens were obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and visualized with a silver stain. the gels were scanned with a laser densitometer, and the similarity of strains was computed by determining correlation coefficien ... | 1986 | 3533976 |
chemotactic response to formate by campylobacter concisus and its potential role in gingival colonization. | cells of campylobacter concisus 288 were chemotactic toward formate, but not to any other compound tested. chemicals that were not chemoattractants included 20 sugars, inorganic salts, amino acids, and their derivatives, purines and pyrimidines, fatty acids, and natural mixtures such as saliva, serum, crevicular fluid, and mucin. chemotaxis was measured quantitatively by a modification of the capillary method. cells were suspended in 0.01 m tris buffer, ph 7.5, supplemented with 5 mm kcl, 0.1% n ... | 1986 | 3699887 |
wolinella recta, campylobacter concisus, bacteroides gracilis, and eikenella corrodens from periodontal lesions. | 1987 | 2957486 | |
uncommonly encountered, motile, anaerobic gram-negative bacilli associated with infection. | motile, anaerobic gram-negative bacilli belonging to the genera butyrivibrio, succinimonas, succinivibrio, anaerovibrio, wolinella, campylobacter, desulfovibrio, selenomonas, and anaerobiospirillum are being recognized in clinical specimens with increasing frequency. over a 12.5-year period at the va wadsworth medical center, 13 clinical specimens yielded one of these organisms. six isolates were recovered from infected wounds, five from respiratory tract specimens obtained from patients with an ... | 1987 | 3321364 |
identification of ef group 22 campylobacters from gastroenteritis cases as campylobacter concisus. | ef (e. falsen) group 22, a group of campylobacter strains sorted out by routine immunotyping among unidentified or misidentified human nonoral clinical specimens, was characterized by numerical analysis of gel electrophoretic protein profiles and immunotyping. the protein electrophoretic and immunotyping analyses, dna:dna hybridizations, and the dna base composition demonstrated unambiguously that all ef group 22 strains belong to campylobacter concisus. ef group 22 strains have dna binding valu ... | 1989 | 2768465 |
susceptibility and resistance of plaque bacteria to minocycline. | the in vitro susceptibility of 55 strains of subgingival plaque bacteria to minocycline was determined. a concentration of 1 microgram/ml minocycline was found to inhibit 85% of the strains tested and the mic ranged from 0.03 to 32 micrograms/ml. for 71% of the strains tested the mbc was at least 4 times greater than the corresponding mic, suggesting a bacteriostatic activity for minocycline. a concentration of 20 mg/ml of magnesium ions was capable of neutralizing 8 micrograms/ml of minocycline ... | 1990 | 2324922 |
revision of campylobacter, helicobacter, and wolinella taxonomy: emendation of generic descriptions and proposal of arcobacter gen. nov. | hybridization experiments were carried out between dnas from more than 70 strains of campylobacter spp. and related taxa and either 3h-labeled 23s rrnas from reference strains belonging to campylobacter fetus, campylobacter concisus, campylobacter sputorum, campylobacter coli, and campylobacter nitrofigilis, an unnamed campylobacter sp. strain, and a wolinella succinogenes strain or 3h- or 14c-labeled 23s rrnas from 13 gram-negative reference strains. an immunotyping analysis of 130 antigens ver ... | 1991 | 1704793 |
atypical structure of the 23s ribosomal rna molecule in certain oral bacteria. | ribosomal rna (rrna) isolated from wolinella recta and seven related bacteria was examined by agarose gel electrophoresis. the 23s rrna molecule could not be detected in w. recta, wolinella curva, bacteroides gracilis, or bacteroides ureolyticus. in place of the 23s molecule, there were three smaller molecules of approximately 1700, 650, and 600 bases designated 23s alpha, 23s beta, and 23s delta, respectively. an intact 23s rrna molecule could be isolated from wolinella succinogenes, campylobac ... | 1991 | 1710629 |
helicobacter acinonyx sp. nov., isolated from cheetahs with gastritis. | four strains of a novel helicobacter species were isolated from the stomachs of cheetahs (acinonyx jubilatus) with gastritis. these isolates were phenotypically similar to helicobacter pylori. the isolates were gram-negative, spiral bacteria which grew under microaerophilic conditions at 37 degrees c, but not at 25 or 42 degrees c, and produced urease, catalase, oxidase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. the isolates did not ferment glucose, mannitol, inositol, sorbitol, r ... | 1993 | 8379970 |
three supplementary diagnostic tests for campylobacter species and related organisms. | we analyzed 307 recent clinical isolates and reference strains of campylobacter spp., helicobacter spp., and arcobacter spp. for arylsulfatase and pyrazinamidase activities and susceptibility to polymyxin b. all isolates studied were identified by dna dot hybridization prior to testing. campylobacter concisus, c. sputorum, and helicobacter fennelliae were positive for arylsulfatase. c. jejuni, c. coli, c. lari, c. upsaliensis, and c. concisus were positive for pyrazinamidase. only helicobacter s ... | 1993 | 8458969 |
confirmation of human campylobacter concisus isolates misidentified as campylobacter mucosalis and suggestions for improved differentiation between the two species. | a strain from human diarrhea originally identified as campylobacter mucosalis (nctc 12408) was examined by using 64 phenotypic characters. the similarity of this strain to 297 isolates of campylobacter, helicobacter, arcobacter, and related taxa was then determined with a computer-supported data analysis program, mvsp. nctc 12408 showed closest similarity to 20 type, reference, and field isolates of campylobacter concisus. these strains were clearly separated from those of c. mucosalis in the nu ... | 1994 | 7529255 |
microbiota of rapidly progressive periodontitis lesions in association with clinical parameters. | the microbial population in 73 rapidly progressive periodontitis (rpp) lesions in 10 young adults aged 25 to 35 years (5 males, 5 females) was studied in relation to the clinical parameters probing depth, bleeding on probing, and suppuration, which were recorded at the sampled sites. porphyromonas gingivalis was found to predominate (26.7%) in 73 periodontal lesions with clinical probing depth > 6 mm, followed by bacteroides forsythus (23.6%), and prevotella intermedia (15.7%). the prevalence of ... | 1994 | 7853132 |
specific detection of campylobacter concisus by pcr amplification of 23s rdna areas. | the phenotypic detection of campylobacter concisus, a species of considerable genomic and phenotypic heterogeneity, has proven to be rather tedious in the past. although alternative methods like dna:dna hybridization, immunotyping or whole-cell protein electrophoresis are valuable for the specific detection of c. concisus, they are too laborious to be performed in routine settings. hence a simple campylobacter concisus-specific pcr assay was developed, based on a target sequence which comprises ... | 1995 | 7477020 |
isolation of campylobacter concisus from feces of children with and without diarrhea. | a prospective study compared fecal isolation rates of campylobacter concisus for children with diarrhea and without diarrhea by a filter technique in which media were incubated for 4 days in a microaerobic atmosphere. no statistically significant difference in isolation rates was found (13.2% in patients with diarrhea and 9% in controls). moreover, 35 of 37 children attending the same day care center harbored different c. concisus strains, as was demonstrated by arbitrary primer pcr dna fingerpr ... | 1996 | 8862606 |
a probability matrix for the identification of campylobacters, helicobacters and allied taxa. | a probabilistic identification matrix for campylobacteria, comprising 76 phenotypic characters and 37 taxa, is described. the accuracy and integrity of the matrix was evaluated using established computer-assisted methods. certain taxa (for example, campylobacter concisus and camp. gracilis) demonstrated significant phenotypic diversity; previous data corroborated these findings. differentiation between a few pairs of taxa proved difficult, although discriminatory characteristics were noted in ea ... | 1996 | 8896353 |
subgingival microflora in smokers with early onset periodontitis. | cigarette smoking is a potent risk factor which has recently been associated with periodontal disease progression. the objective of this study was to detect the microbial profile of early onset periodontitis in smokers and compare it to that of non-smokers. the study population consisted of 50 systemically healthy individuals aged 25 to 38 years, exhibiting early onset periodontitis. 25 patients were smokers (> 20 cigarettes/day) and 25 non-smokers. two pooled bacterial samples comprised of four ... | 1997 | 16887581 |
c-telopeptide pyridinoline cross-links (ictp) and periodontal pathogens associated with endosseous oral implants. | detection of periodontal or peri-implant sites exhibiting progressing disease or those at risk of deterioration has proven difficult. pyridinoline cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptide of type i collagen (ictp), a marker specific for bone degradation found in gingival crevicular fluid (gcf), has been associated with both bone and attachment loss in periodontitis and may be useful for predicting disease activity. the aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the relationship between ict ... | 1998 | 11429938 |
detection of porphyromonas gingivalis from saliva by pcr by using a simple sample-processing method. | simple sample-processing methods for pcr detection of porphyromonas gingivalis, a major pathogen causing adult periodontitis, from saliva were studied. the ability to detect p. gingivalis from 118 salivary samples by pcr after boiling and chelex 100 processing was compared with bacterial culture. p. gingivalis was detected three times more often by pcr than by culture. chelex 100 processing of saliva proved to be effective in preventing pcr inhibition and was applied to determine the occurrence ... | 1998 | 9431940 |
microbial complexes in subgingival plaque. | it has been recognized for some time that bacterial species exist in complexes in subgingival plaque. the purpose of the present investigation was to attempt to define such communities using data from large numbers of plaque samples and different clustering and ordination techniques. subgingival plaque samples were taken from the mesial aspect of each tooth in 185 subjects (mean age 51 +/- 16 years) with (n = 160) or without (n = 25) periodontitis. the presence and levels of 40 subgingival taxa ... | 1998 | 9495612 |
a new member of the s-layer protein family: characterization of the crs gene from campylobacter rectus. | strains of the periodontal pathogen campylobacter rectus express a 150- to 166-kda protein on their cell surface. this protein forms a paracrystalline lattice, called the surface layer (s-layer), on the outer membrane of this gram-negative bacterium. to initiate a genetic analysis of the function of the s-layer in the pathogenesis of c. rectus, we have cloned and characterized its gene. the s-layer gene (crs) from c. rectus 314 encodes a cell surface protein which does not have a cleaved signal ... | 1998 | 9529076 |
microtiter assay for detecting campylobacter spp. and helicobacter pylori with surface gangliosides which bind cholera toxin. | campylobacter jejuni with gm1 ganglioside in the core of its lipopolysaccharide has been associated with guillain-barré syndrome. since this epitope may be of considerable pathophysiologic importance and since this ganglioside binds cholera toxin, a rapid screening assay to detect bacteria that bind cholera toxin as an indication of gm1 on their surfaces was developed. in the assay, bacterial lawns were grown on agar plates, harvested with phosphate-buffered saline, boiled, and incubated with a ... | 1998 | 9650959 |
subgingival microflora associated with nifedipine-induced gingival overgrowth. | the purpose of this study was to examine the composition of subgingival plaque of 140 periodontal lesions in 35 patients with cardiovascular disorders who were administered nifedipine and manifested nifedipine-induced gingival overgrowth (go). age was inversely associated with the go. plaque index and bleeding index showed a significant association with go, while nifedipine dosage and duration of nifedipine therapy were not found to be significant predictors of go. the gingival inflammation as e ... | 1998 | 9660335 |
campylobacter upsaliensis: waiting in the wings. | despite strong epidemiological evidence supporting an important role for campylobacter upsaliensis as a human enteropathogen, it remains relatively unknown in the realm of clinical microbiology. clinical studies indicate that infection with this organism usually is associated with benign self-limiting diarrhea. however, more serious illnesses, including spontaneous abortion and hemolytic-uremic syndrome, recently have been associated with human infections. understanding of the virulence properti ... | 1998 | 9665977 |
relationship between c-telopeptide pyridinoline cross-links (ictp) and putative periodontal pathogens in periodontitis. | crevicular fluid pyridinoline cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptide of type i collagen (ictp) is predictive for future alveolar bone loss in experimental periodontitis in dogs. the present study sought to relate ictp to a panel of subgingival species in subjects exhibiting various clinical presentations such as health (n=7), gingivitis (n=8) and periodontitis (n=21). 28 subgingival plaque and gcf samples were taken from mesiobuccal sites in each of 36 subjects. the presence and levels of 40 s ... | 1998 | 9846794 |
design and evaluation of useful bacterium-specific pcr primers that amplify genes coding for bacterial 16s rrna. | we report the design and evaluation of pcr primers 63f and 1387r for amplification of 16s rrna genes from bacteria. their specificity and efficacy were tested systematically with a bacterial species and environmental samples. they were found to be more useful for 16s rrna gene amplification in ecological and systematic studies than pcr amplimers that are currently more generally used. | 1998 | 9464425 |
clinical and microbiological characteristics of smokers with early onset periodontitis. | cigarette smoking is a potential risk factor which has recently been associated with periodontal disease progression. the objective of this study was to compare the microbial profile of smokers and non-smokers in a group of patients with early onset periodontitis. the study population consisted of 60 healthy individuals, 40 males and 20 females aged 22 to 35 yr, exhibiting early onset periodontitis. thirty patients were smokers (30.9 cigarettes/d) and 30 non-smokers. smokers had a higher proport ... | 1999 | 10086883 |
detection of small numbers of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli cells in environmental water, sewage, and food samples by a seminested pcr assay. | a rapid and sensitive assay was developed for detection of small numbers of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli cells in environmental water, sewage, and food samples. water and sewage samples were filtered, and the filters were enriched overnight in a nonselective medium. the enrichment cultures were prepared for pcr by a rapid and simple procedure consisting of centrifugation, proteinase k treatment, and boiling. a seminested pcr based on specific amplification of the intergenic sequen ... | 1999 | 10103261 |
rapid identification of campylobacter, arcobacter, and helicobacter isolates by pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the 16s rrna gene. | a rapid two-step identification scheme based on pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) analysis of the 16s rrna gene was developed in order to differentiate isolates belonging to the campylobacter, arcobacter, and helicobacter genera. for 158 isolates (26 reference cultures and 132 clinical isolates), specific rflp patterns were obtained and species were successfully identified by this assay. | 1999 | 10565952 |
prevalence of campylobacter, arcobacter, helicobacter, and sutterella spp. in human fecal samples as estimated by a reevaluation of isolation methods for campylobacters. | the aims of this study were to investigate the prevalence of campylobacteria including campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni (c. jejuni) and campylobacter coli in human clinical samples and in samples from healthy individuals and to reevaluate the efficacies of conventional selective methods for isolation of campylobacter spp. two charcoal-based selective media, modified charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar (mccda) and cefoperazone-amphotericin-teicoplanin (cat) agar, were compared with skirrow' ... | 2000 | 10618103 |
use of defined mutants to assess the role of the campylobacter rectus s-layer in bacterium-epithelial cell interactions. | campylobacter rectus is a periodontal pathogen with a 150-kda protein on its cell surface. this protein forms a paracrystalline lattice, called the s-layer, surrounding the outer membrane of this gram-negative bacterium. to initiate a genetic analysis of the possible role of the s-layer in the initial interaction of c. rectus with host epithelial cells, c. rectus strains lacking the s-layer protein gene (crsa) were constructed by allelic exchange mutagenesis. surprisingly, the lack of the s-laye ... | 2000 | 10678961 |
identification of campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, c. lari, c. upsaliensis, arcobacter butzleri, and a. butzleri-like species based on the glya gene. | currently, the detection and identification of campylobacter and arcobacter species remains arduous, largely due to cross-species phenotypic similarities and a relatively narrow spectrum of biochemical reactivity. we have developed a pcr-hybridization strategy, wherein degenerate primers are used to amplify glya fragments from samples, which are then subjected to species-specific oligodeoxyribonucleotide probe hybridizations, to identify and distinguish between campylobacter jejuni, c. coli, c. ... | 2000 | 10747131 |
profile of subgingival microbiota in children with primary dentition. | eruption of primary teeth has a great influence on the oral environment by providing suitable niches for bacterial colonization. the aim of the study was to investigate the composition of the subgingival microbiota of primary incisors, canines and molars in 40 systemically healthy children aged 4-5 yr, chosen randomly. subgingival plaque samples were taken from the mesiobuccal sites of primary incisors (61, 81), canines (53, 73) and molars (64, 84). the samples were cultured for bacterial isolat ... | 2000 | 10791707 |
rapid detection of campylobacter jejuni in stool specimens by an enzyme immunoassay and surveillance for campylobacter upsaliensis in the greater salt lake city area. | the alexon-trend, inc. (ramsey, minn.), prospect campylobacter microplate assay was compared with culture on a campy-cva plate (remel, lenexa, kans.) and blood-free campylobacter agar with cefoperazone (20 microg/ml), amphotericin b (10 microg/ml), and teicoplanin (4 microg/ml) (cat medium; oxoid limited, hampshire, england) with 631 patient stool samples. the cat medium was used to isolate campylobacter upsaliensis. the enzyme immunoassay (eia) had a sensitivity and a specificity of 89 and 99%, ... | 2000 | 10921981 |
efficient isolation of campylobacteria from stools. | 2000 | 10979752 | |
profile of subgingival microbiota in children with mixed dentition. | a diversity of microbial species has been detected in children's oral flora at an early age. to investigate the composition of the subgingival microbiota of different groups of teeth in children with mixed dentition, 40 systemically healthy children, aged 7-8 years, randomly chosen, were examined. subgingival plaque samples were taken from the mesiobuccal sites of 21, 41, 16 and 36 permanent teeth and 53, 73, 64 and 84 deciduous teeth. the samples were cultured for bacterial isolation anaerobica ... | 2000 | 11155173 |
molecular identification of campylobacter concisus. | a 1.6-kb dna fragment isolated from a campylobacter concisus genomic library gave c. concisus-specific restriction fragment length patterns when it was used as a probe in hybridization studies. all of the strains tested, including type strains and clinical isolates, contained a 0.5-kb hindiii fragment that hybridized to the probe. dna sequencing of the 1.6-kb fragment identified three open reading frames (orfs). one of the orfs encodes the carboxy terminus of gyrb, and the translational products ... | 2001 | 11574591 |
efficient isolation of campylobacter upsaliensis from stools. | 2001 | 11712518 | |
association of early onset periodontitis microbiota with aspartate aminotransferase activity in gingival crevicular fluid. | the objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the activity of the enzyme aspartate aminotransferase (ast) in gingival crevicular fluid (gcf) using the colorimetric periogard (ptm) test and the subgingival microflora in early onset periodontitis lesions. | 2001 | 11737506 |
evaluation of a novel heminested pcr assay based on the phosphoglucosamine mutase gene for detection of helicobacter pylori in saliva and dental plaque. | a novel heminested pcr protocol was developed for the specific detection of helicobacter pylori at low copy numbers. a set of primers specific for the phosphoglucosamine mutase gene (glmm) of h. pylori produced a 765-bp fragment that was used as template for the heminested primer pair delineating a 496-bp fragment. by using agarose gel electrophoresis for detection of the heminested pcr-amplified products, amplification of h. pylori genomic dna was achieved at concentrations as low as 0.1 pg, eq ... | 2002 | 11773117 |
lectin typing of campylobacter concisus. | a total of 44 clinical isolates and the type strain of the putative pathogen campylobacter concisus were grouped based on their reactions with plant lectins. the optimized lectin typing system used c. concisus strains proteolytically pretreated and subsequently typed by using a panel of four lectins. the system grouped all 45 strains into 13 lectin reaction patterns, leaving no strain untypeable due to autoagglutination. lectin types were both stable and reproducible. | 2002 | 11826005 |
development and application of a new scheme for typing campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by pcr-based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. | a molecular typing approach for campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli was developed with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of a 9.6-kb pcr-amplified portion of the lipopolysaccharide gene cluster. sixty-one penner serotype reference strains were analyzed with this new genotyping scheme, and 32 genogroups were found. eleven additional genogroups were obtained from 87 clinical c. jejuni strains tested. this molecular typing method shows a correlation with the penner heat-stab ... | 2002 | 11980961 |
genetic heterogeneity of campylobacter concisus determined by pulsed field gel electrophoresis-based macrorestriction profiling. | in order to investigate the genetic diversity of campylobacter concisus to assist molecular typing studies, the use of macrorestriction profiling was examined. a suitable protocol was developed that included the use of formaldehyde pretreatment to prevent dna degradation, and restriction enzyme noti for pulsed field gel electrophoresis-based genotyping. subsequently, 53 strains of c. concisus, principally from cases of diarrhoea in children, were examined. fifty-one distinct patterns were obtain ... | 2002 | 12052545 |
prevalence of campylobacter concisus in diarrhoea of immunocompromised patients. | the importance of campylobacter species other than c. jejuni/coli in diarrhoeal disease is largely unknown. we wished to determine the prevalence and clinical presentation of c. concisus infection in patients with enteric disease in a tertiary hospital. stool specimens were routinely tested for the presence of campylobacter species, by use of the filter isolation method. the medical records of the c. concisus-positive patients were reviewed. of 224 campylobacter isolates obtained, 110 were ident ... | 2002 | 12064685 |
detection of campylobacter species: a comparison of culture and polymerase chain reaction based methods. | to investigate the optimal method for the detection of campylobacters from stool samples by comparing selective culture with membrane filtration and the polymerase chain reaction (pcr). | 2002 | 12354800 |
in vitro activities of faropenem against 579 strains of anaerobic bacteria. | the activity of faropenem, a new oral penem, was tested against 579 strains of anaerobic bacteria by using the nccls-approved reference method. drugs tested included amoxicillin-clavulanate, cefoxitin, clindamycin, faropenem, imipenem, and metronidazole. of the 176 strains of bacteroides fragilis group isolates tested, two isolates had faropenem mics of 64 micro g/ml and imipenem mics of >32 micro g/ml. faropenem had an mic of 16 micro g/ml for an additional isolate of b. fragilis; this strain w ... | 2002 | 12384389 |
campylobacter surface-layers (s-layers) and immune evasion. | many pathogenic bacteria have evolved mechanisms for evading host immune systems. one evasion mechanism is manifest by the surface layer (s-layer), a paracrystalline protein structure composed of s-layer proteins (slps). the s-layer, possessed by 2 campylobacter species (c. fetus and c. rectus), is external to the bacterial outer membrane and can have multiple functions in immune avoidance. c. fetus is a pathogen of ungulates and immunocompromised humans, in whom it causes disseminated bloodstre ... | 2002 | 16013216 |
activities of abt-773 against microaerophilic and fastidious organisms. | abt-773 was tested against 317 fastidious isolates; it inhibited 99% of organisms at a concentration of 4.0 microg/ml. with ampicillin-sulbactam and levofloxacin, only 2 and 6% of these strains, respectively, were resistant at the breakpoint. with clindamycin, penicillin g, and metronidazole, 22, 26, and 58% of the strains, respectively, were resistant. | 2002 | 12121965 |
anaerobic bacteria cultured from the tongue dorsum of subjects with oral malodor. | the bacteria on the dorsum of the tongue are the most frequent cause of oral malodor; however, the bacterial flora of the tongue has not been well defined. although recent studies have used dna probes to detect the presence of certain periodontal pathogens, cultural studies have been limited because of the complexity of the flora of the tongue dorsum. the purpose of this study was to grow and to identify maximum numbers of capnophylic gram-negative bacilli and anaerobic micro-organisms by cultur ... | 2003 | 16887710 |
evaluation of 11 pcr assays for species-level identification of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli. | we examined the sensitivity and specificity of 11 pcr assays described for the species identification of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by using 111 type, reference, and field strains of c. jejuni, c. coli, and campylobacter lari. for six assays, an additional 21 type strains representing related campylobacter, arcobacter, and helicobacter species were also included. pcr tests were initially established in the laboratory by optimizing conditions with respect to five type and referen ... | 2003 | 12517869 |
investigation of infectious agents associated with arthritis by reverse transcription pcr of bacterial rrna. | in reactive and postinfectious arthritis the joints are generally sterile but the presence of bacterial antigens and nucleic acids has been reported. to investigate whether organisms traffic to affected joints in these conditions, we performed reverse transcription pcr using universal primers to amplify any bacterial 16s rrna sequences present in synovial fluid. bacterial sequences were detected in most cases, even after treatment of the synovial fluid with dnase, implying the presence of bacter ... | 2003 | 12716447 |
investigation of infectious agents associated with arthritis by reverse transcription pcr of bacterial rrna. | in reactive and postinfectious arthritis the joints are generally sterile but the presence of bacterial antigens and nucleic acids has been reported. to investigate whether organisms traffic to affected joints in these conditions, we performed reverse transcription pcr using universal primers to amplify any bacterial 16s rrna sequences present in synovial fluid. bacterial sequences were detected in most cases, even after treatment of the synovial fluid with dnase, implying the presence of bacter ... | 2003 | 12716447 |
multiplex pcr assay for differentiation of helicobacter felis, h. bizzozeronii, and h. salomonis. | helicobacter felis, helicobacter bizzozeronii, and helicobacter salomonis are frequently found in the gastric mucous membrane of dogs and cats. these large spiral organisms are phylogenetically highly related to each other. their fastidious nature makes it difficult to cultivate them in vitro, hampering traditional identification methods. we describe here a multiplex pcr test based on the trna intergenic spacers and on the urease gene, combined with capillary electrophoresis, that allows discrim ... | 2004 | 15004062 |
direct quantification of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter lanienae in feces of cattle by real-time quantitative pcr. | campylobacter species are fastidious to culture, and the ability to directly quantify biomass in microbiologically complex substrates using real-time quantitative (rtq) pcr may enhance our understanding of their biology and facilitate the development of efficacious mitigation strategies. this study reports the use of nested rtq-pcr to directly quantify campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter lanienae in cattle feces. for c. jejuni, the single-copy mapa gene was selected. for c. lanienae, the thre ... | 2004 | 15066825 |
characterization of a haemolytic phospholipase a(2) activity in clinical isolates of campylobacter concisus. | a membrane-bound, haemolytic phospholipase a(2) (pla(2)) activity was detected in clinical strains of campylobacter concisus isolated from children with gastroenteritis. the clinical strains were assigned into two molecular groups (genomospecies) based on pcr amplification of their 23s rdna. this calcium-dependent, heat-stable, haemolytic pla(2) activity was detected in strains from both genomospecies. a crude haemolysin extract (che) was initially prepared from cellular outer-membrane proteins ... | 2004 | 15150326 |
bactericidal effects of a fusion protein of llama heavy-chain antibodies coupled to glucose oxidase on oral bacteria. | enzymes such as lactoperoxidase and glucose oxidase (gox) are used as antimicrobial agents in oral care products. their low specificities and substantiveness can be reduced by covalent coupling of antimicrobial molecules to antibodies. variable domains (v(hh)) derived from llama heavy-chain antibodies are particularly suited for such an approach. the antibodies are composed solely of heavy-chain dimers; therefore, production of active fusion proteins by using molecular biology-based techniques i ... | 2004 | 15328101 |
differentiation of campylobacter coli, campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter lari, and campylobacter upsaliensis by a multiplex pcr developed from the nucleotide sequence of the lipid a gene lpxa. | we describe a multiplex pcr assay to identify and discriminate between isolates of campylobacter coli, campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter lari, and campylobacter upsaliensis. the c. jejuni isolate f38011 lpxa gene, encoding a udp-n-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase, was identified by sequence analysis of an expression plasmid that restored wild-type lipopolysaccharide levels in escherichia coli strain sm105 [lpxa(ts)]. with oligonucleotide primers developed to the c. jejuni lpxa gene, nearly fu ... | 2004 | 15583280 |
campylobacter concisus: an evaluation of certain phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. | the clinical relevance of campylobacter concisus in gastrointestinal disease has not been determined definitively. this study investigated the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of 39 c. concisus isolates from danish patients with diarrhoea, three isolates from healthy individuals and the type strain. a cytolethal distending toxin (cdt)-like effect on vero cells was observed in 35 (90%) isolates from patients with diarrhoea, in all three isolates from healthy individuals and in the type st ... | 2005 | 15760425 |
identification of candidate periodontal pathogens and beneficial species by quantitative 16s clonal analysis. | most studies of the bacterial etiology of periodontitis have used either culture-based or targeted dna approaches, and so it is likely that pathogens remain undiscovered. the purpose of this study was to use culture-independent, quantitative analysis of biofilms associated with chronic periodontitis and periodontal health to identify pathogens and beneficial species. samples from subjects with periodontitis and controls were analyzed using ribosomal 16s cloning and sequencing. several genera, ma ... | 2005 | 16081935 |
campylobacter concisus: an emerging pathogen? | only about half the cases of intestinal infectious disease have a routinely detectable causative agent diagnosed. increasingly, evidence indicates that campylobacter species other than c. jejuni and c. coli are associated with such cases. however, evidence is less clear, from epidemiological studies, for the pathogenic nature of these unusual campylobacters. this is particularly true for organisms like c. concisus and is compounded by poor methods for routine recovery and identification. moreove ... | 2005 | 16148543 |
characterization and subgrouping of campylobacter concisus strains using protein profiles, conventional biochemical testing and antibiotic susceptibility. | to characterize and subgroup clinical strains of campylobacter concisus isolated from patients with gastrointestinal disease. | 2005 | 16148545 |
delineation of campylobacter concisus genomospecies by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis and correlation of results with clinical data. | campylobacter concisus has been as frequently isolated from human diarrhea as the important enteropathogen campylobacter jejuni, but it also occurs in the feces of healthy individuals. the role of c. concisus in human disease has been difficult to determine, since the species comprises at least two phenotypically indistinguishable but genetically distinct taxa (i.e., genomospecies) that may vary in pathogenicity. we examined 62 c. concisus strains by amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) ... | 2005 | 16207968 |
microbial risk indicators of early childhood caries. | the aim of this study was to use molecular identification methods, such as 16s rna gene sequence and reverse-capture checkerboard hybridization, for identification of the bacteria associated with dental caries and with dental health in a subset of 204 twins aged 1.5 to 7 years old. a total of 448 plaque samples (118 collected from caries-free subjects and 330 from caries-active subjects) were used for analysis. we compared the bacteria found in biofilms of children exhibiting severe dental carie ... | 2005 | 16272513 |
diagnostic biomarkers for oral and periodontal diseases. | this article provides an overview of periodontal disease diagnosis that uses clinical parameters and biomarkers of the disease process.this article discusses the use of biomarkers of disease that can be identified at the tissue, cellular, and molecular levels and that are measurable in oral fluids such as saliva and gingival crevicular fluid. biomarkers identified from these biologic fluids include microbial, host response, and connective tissue-related molecules that can target specific pathway ... | 2005 | 15978241 |
antimicrobial susceptibility of clinical isolates of non-jejuni/coli campylobacters and arcobacters from belgium. | to determine the susceptibility of non-jejuni/coli campylobacters and arcobacters isolated from diarrhoeal stool specimens in belgium. | 2006 | 16533825 |
subgingival and tongue microbiota during early periodontitis. | periodontal infections have a microbial etiology. association of species with early disease would be useful in determining which microbes initiate periodontitis. we hypothesized that the microbiota of subgingival and tongue samples would differ between early periodontitis and health. a cross-sectional evaluation of 141 healthy and early periodontitis adults was performed with the use of oligonucleotide probes and pcr. most species differed in associations with sample sites; most subgingival spec ... | 2006 | 16567551 |
the use of (gtg)5 oligonucleotide as an rapd primer to type campylobacter concisus. | dna fingerprinting using (gtg)(5) oligonucleotide as a primer in a random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) assay was assessed by typing isolates of campylobacter concisus strains, collected over a period of 8 years. | 2006 | 16706899 |
changes in periodontal health status are associated with bacterial community shifts as assessed by quantitative 16s cloning and sequencing. | the gingival sulcus contains a complex ecosystem that includes many uncultivated bacteria. understanding the dynamics of this ecosystem in transitions between health and disease is important in advancing our understanding of the bacterial etiology of periodontitis. the objective of this longitudinal study was to examine the stability of bacterial colonization in the gingival crevice and to explore the relationship between shifts in microbial composition and changes in periodontal health status u ... | 2006 | 17021095 |
molecular analysis of oral and respiratory bacterial species associated with ventilator-associated pneumonia. | trauma intensive care unit (ticu) patients requiring mechanical respiratory support frequently develop ventilator-associated pneumonia (vap). oral and oropharyngeal bacteria are believed to be responsible for many cases of vap, but definitive evidence of this relationship is lacking. earlier studies used conventional culture-based methods for identification of bacterial pathogens, but these methods are insufficient, as some bacteria may be uncultivable or difficult to grow. the purpose of this s ... | 2007 | 17301280 |
microbial colonization of the upper gastrointestinal tract in patients with barrett's esophagus. | barrett's esophagus (be) is a complication of chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which patients are at greatly increased risk of esophageal dysplasia and adenocarcinoma. over the past 2 decades, there has been an increase in the incidence of both be and adenocarcinoma; however, the involvement of microorganisms in be is uncertain. the aim of this study was to characterize microbial communities in esophageal aspirate specimens and on distal esophageal mucosal samples from patients with b ... | 2007 | 17554697 |
use of multiple-displacement amplification and checkerboard dna-dna hybridization to examine the microbiota of endodontic infections. | multiple-displacement amplification (mda) has been used to uniformly amplify bacterial genomes present in small samples, providing abundant targets for molecular analysis. the purpose of this investigation was to combine mda and checkerboard dna-dna hybridization to examine the microbiota of endodontic infections. sixty-six samples were collected from teeth with endodontic infections. nonamplified and amplified samples were analyzed by checkerboard dna-dna hybridization for levels and proportion ... | 2007 | 17634304 |
a pcr-dgge method for detection and identification of campylobacter, helicobacter, arcobacter and related epsilobacteria and its application to saliva samples from humans and domestic pets. | to develop a pcr-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (pcr-dgge) method for the detection and identification of campylobacter, helicobacter and arcobacter species (epsilobacteria) in clinical samples and evaluate its efficacy on saliva samples from humans and domestic pets. | 2007 | 17916160 |
the complete genome sequence and analysis of the epsilonproteobacterium arcobacter butzleri. | arcobacter butzleri is a member of the epsilon subdivision of the proteobacteria and a close taxonomic relative of established pathogens, such as campylobacter jejuni and helicobacter pylori. here we present the complete genome sequence of the human clinical isolate, a. butzleri strain rm4018. | 2007 | 18159241 |
high content of proteins containing 21st and 22nd amino acids, selenocysteine and pyrrolysine, in a symbiotic deltaproteobacterium of gutless worm olavius algarvensis. | selenocysteine (sec) and pyrrolysine (pyl) are rare amino acids that are cotranslationally inserted into proteins and known as the 21st and 22nd amino acids in the genetic code. sec and pyl are encoded by uga and uag codons, respectively, which normally serve as stop signals. herein, we report on unusually large selenoproteomes and pyrroproteomes in a symbiont metagenomic dataset of a marine gutless worm, olavius algarvensis. we identified 99 selenoprotein genes that clustered into 30 families, ... | 2007 | 17626042 |
an in vitro biofilm model of subgingival plaque. | numerous biofilm models have been described for the study of bacteria associated with the supragingival plaque. however, there are fewer models available for the study of subgingival plaque. the purpose of this study was to develop and validate a model that closely mimicked the composition of the subgingival flora. | 2007 | 17488440 |
subantimicrobial dose doxycycline effects on osteopenic bone loss: microbiologic results. | based on microbiologic concerns, the safety of a 24-month regimen of subantimicrobial dose doxycycline (sdd; 20 mg twice a day) was evaluated in postmenopausal osteopenic women with periodontitis in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial. | 2007 | 17668979 |
some bacteria degrade explosives, others prefer boiling methanol. | 2007 | 17991022 | |
first attempt to produce experimental campylobacter concisus infection in mice. | to infect mice with atypical campylobacter concisus (c. concisus) for the first time. | 2008 | 19058331 |
evaluation of 16s rrna gene-based pcr assays for genus-level identification of helicobacter species. | the inclusivity, exclusivity, and detection limit of six 16s rrna gene-based helicobacter genus-specific pcr assays were examined. five out of six assays were 100% inclusive, but the tests varied considerably in their exclusivity (9.1 to 95.5%). the clinical detection limit varied between 10(3) and 1 viable bacterial cell per reaction mixture. | 2008 | 18337392 |
characterization of campylobacter concisus hemolysins. | campylobacter concisus is an opportunistic pathogen commonly found in the human oral cavity. it has also been isolated from clinical sources including gastroenteritis cases. both secreted and cell-associated hemolytic activities were detected in c. concisus strains isolated from children with gastroenteritis. the secreted hemolytic activity of c. concisus strains was labile and was detected in variable levels from fresh-culture filtrates only. in addition, another secreted hemolysin/cytotoxin wi ... | 2008 | 18754784 |
microarray analysis of the microflora of root caries in elderly. | the present study used a new 16s rrna-based microarray with probes for over 300 bacterial species to better define the bacterial profiles of healthy root surfaces and root caries (rc) in the elderly. supragingival plaque was collected from 20 healthy subjects (controls) and from healthy and carious roots and carious dentin from 21 rc subjects (patients). collectively, 179 bacterial species and species groups were detected. a higher bacterial diversity was observed in controls than in patients. l ... | 2009 | 19039610 |
microarray analysis of the microflora of root caries in elderly. | the present study used a new 16s rrna-based microarray with probes for over 300 bacterial species to better define the bacterial profiles of healthy root surfaces and root caries (rc) in the elderly. supragingival plaque was collected from 20 healthy subjects (controls) and from healthy and carious roots and carious dentin from 21 rc subjects (patients). collectively, 179 bacterial species and species groups were detected. a higher bacterial diversity was observed in controls than in patients. l ... | 2009 | 19039610 |
detection and isolation of campylobacter species other than c. jejuni from children with crohn's disease. | the presence of campylobacter species other than campylobacter jejuni and antibodies to campylobacter concisus in children were investigated. a significantly greater presence of c. concisus and higher levels of antibodies to c. concisus were detected in children with crohn's disease (cd) than in controls. campylobacter species other than c. jejuni were isolated from intestinal biopsy specimens of children with cd. | 2009 | 19052183 |
structural analysis of the dna-binding domain of the helicobacter pylori response regulator arsr. | the helicobacter pylori arss-arsr two-component signal transduction system, comprised of a sensor histidine kinase (arss) and a response regulator (arsr), allows the bacteria to regulate gene expression in response to acidic ph. we expressed and purified the full-length arsr protein and the dna-binding domain of arsr (arsr-dbd), and we analyzed the tertiary structure of the arsr-dbd using solution nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) methods. both the full-length arsr and the arsr-dbd behaved as mon ... | 2009 | 19117956 |
emerging infections of the gastrointestinal tract. | infections account for significant gi morbidity and mortality worldwide. new organisms are being identified, associated with diarrhoeal illness and some with other gastrointestinal illness as well. among gi viruses, sapovirus is now recognised to cause diarrhoea, especially in children. a hypervirulent strain of clostridium difficile has caused epidemics in many countries. newly identified bacterial species that may cause diarrhoea include campylobacter concisus, arcobacteria, edwardsiella tarda ... | 2009 | 19258189 |
comparative studies of campylobacter jejuni genomic diversity reveal the importance of core and dispensable genes in the biology of this enigmatic food-borne pathogen. | mlst, dna microarrays, and genome sequencing has allowed for a greater understanding of the metabolic capacity and epidemiology of campylobacter jejuni. while strain-specific genes may provide an isolate a selective advantage in environments and contribute to the organism's pathogenicity, recent work indicates that c. jejuni pathogenicity is dictated by variations in the nucleotide sequence of core genes. challenges facing c. jejuni researchers include determining (a) the degree to which genomic ... | 2009 | 19346123 |
diversity and site-specificity of the oral microflora in the elderly. | the purpose of the present study was to describe the bacterial diversity in the oral cavity of the elderly without root caries using bacterial microarrays, and to determine the site- and subject-specificity of bacterial colonization. samples were collected from the tongue dorsum, mucosa of the buccal fold, hard palate, supragingival plaque from sound root surfaces, and subgingival plaque from the same roots. a new 16 s rrna gene-based microarray method was used for the simultaneous detection of ... | 2009 | 19373498 |
characterization of two homologous disulfide bond systems involved in virulence factor biogenesis in uropathogenic escherichia coli cft073. | disulfide bond (dsb) formation is catalyzed by disulfide bond proteins and is critical for the proper folding and functioning of secreted and membrane-associated bacterial proteins. uropathogenic escherichia coli (upec) strains possess two paralogous disulfide bond systems: the well-characterized dsbab system and the recently described dsbli system. in the dsbab system, the highly oxidizing dsba protein introduces disulfide bonds into unfolded polypeptides by donating its redox-active disulfide ... | 2009 | 19376849 |
campylobacter concisus: a new character in the crohn's disease story? | 2009 | 19403779 | |
clinical relevance of campylobacter concisus isolated from pediatric patients. | 2009 | 19574589 | |
comparisons of subgingival microbial profiles of refractory periodontitis, severe periodontitis, and periodontal health using the human oral microbe identification microarray. | this study compared the subgingival microbiota of subjects with refractory periodontitis (rp) to those in subjects with treatable periodontitis (grs = good responders) or periodontal health (ph) using the human oral microbe identification microarray (homim). | 2009 | 19722792 |
the dif/xer recombination systems in proteobacteria. | in e. coli, 10 to 15% of growing bacteria produce dimeric chromosomes during dna replication. these dimers are resolved by xerc and xerd, two tyrosine recombinases that target the 28-nucleotide motif (dif) associated with the chromosome's replication terminus. in streptococci and lactococci, an alternative system is composed of a unique, xer-like recombinase (xers) genetically linked to a dif-like motif (dif(sl)) located at the replication terminus. preliminary observations have suggested that t ... | 2009 | 19727445 |
direct 16s rrna gene sequencing from clinical specimens, with special focus on polybacterial samples and interpretation of mixed dna chromatograms. | ripseq (isentio, bergen, norway) is a web-based application for the analysis of mixed dna chromatograms. it opens the possibility to analyze chromatograms obtained by direct 16s rrna gene sequencing from polybacterial human clinical samples. in this study, we used direct 16s rrna gene sequencing to investigate 264 samples from a wide range of suspected human bacterial infections. the sequence-based identification was compared with the results from routine culture-based identification. a total of ... | 2009 | 19741089 |
functional analysis of the helicobacter pylori flagellar switch proteins. | helicobacter pylori uses flagellum-mediated chemotaxis to promote infection. bacterial flagella change rotational direction by changing the state of the flagellar motor via a subcomplex referred to as the switch. intriguingly, the h. pylori genome encodes four switch complex proteins, flim, flin, fliy, and flig, instead of the more typical three of escherichia coli or bacillus subtilis. our goal was to examine whether and how all four switch proteins participate in flagellation. previous work de ... | 2009 | 19767432 |