
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
relationship between h5n2 avian influenza viruses isolated from wild and domestic ducks in british columbia, the summer of 2005 a canadian national surveillance program for influenza a viruses in wild aquatic birds was initiated. the program involved collaboration between federal and provincial levels of government and was coordinated by the canadian cooperative wildlife health centre. the surveillance plan targeted young-of-the-year mallards along with other duck species at six sampling locations along the major migratory flyways across canada. beginning in early august, cloacal swabs were taken fr ...200717494600
avian influenza: the canadian experience.reports of sporadic avian influenza outbreaks involving domestic poultry date back to the 1960s. with the exception of a/turkey/ontario/7732/1966 (h5n9), which was isolated from a turkey breeding establishment, all viruses characterised prior to 2004 fit the criteria of low pathogenic avian influenza (lpai). only in retrospect was a/turkey/ontario/7732/1966 shown to meet the criteria of a highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai). in 2004, canada reported its first case of hpai to the world organ ...200919618638
reassortant highly pathogenic influenza a h5n2 virus containing gene segments related to eurasian h5n8 in british columbia, canada, late november 2014 higher than normal death losses in a meat turkey and chicken broiler breeder farm in the fraser valley of british columbia initiated a diagnostic investigation that led to the discovery of a novel reassortant highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) h5n2 virus. this virus, composed of 5 gene segments (pb2, pa, ha, m and ns) related to eurasian hpai h5n8 and the remaining gene segments (pb1, np and na) related to north american lineage waterfowl viruses, represents the first ...201525804829
epidemiological and evolutionary inference of the transmission network of the 2014 highly pathogenic avian influenza h5n2 outbreak in british columbia, canada.the first north american outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) involving a virus of eurasian a/goose/guangdong/1/1996 (h5n1) lineage began in the fraser valley of british columbia, canada in late november 2014. a total of 11 commercial and 1 non-commercial (backyard) operations were infected before the outbreak was terminated. control measures included movement restrictions that were placed on a total of 404 individual premises, 150 of which were located within a 3 km radius of an ...201627489095
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