
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
prospects for expanded mohair and cashmere production and processing in the united states of america.mohair from angora goats has been produced in the united states since the introduction of these animals from turkey in 1849. cashmere on texas meat goats was reported in 1973, but domestic interest in commercial production did not occur until the mid-1980s. since 1982, the average prices of u.s.-produced mohair and cashmere (de-haired) have ranged from $1.81 to $9.48/kg and approximately $55 to $200/kg, respectively. however, return to producers from mohair has been relatively constant, averagin ...19968726750
molecular epidemiology of rabies epizootics in texas.texas is in the midst of two independent epizootics of rabies, involving coyotes (canis latrans) and domestic dogs (canis familiaris) in southern texas and grey foxes (urocyon cinereoargenteus) in west central texas. the domestic dog/coyote (ddc) and grey for (tf) rabies virus variants cannot be differentiated by antigenic typing with currently available monoclonal antibodies. these two variants also cannot be distinguished from a third variant, sonora dog (sd) rabies, that is not enzootic in te ...19979406651
the availability of state-level data on interstate cattle movements in the united states.knowledge about the patterns of animal movement--particularly feeder-cattle movement--within the usa is necessary in order to anticipate how diseases might be spread geographically. this study was conducted to explore the availability of interstate-level movement data which might be used to develop a more coherent national picture of interstate feeder-cattle movement. state statistical offices of the national agricultural statistics service, 1996 (nass) and departments of agriculture in all 50 s ...19989879593
localization by fish of the 31 texas nomenclature type i markers to both q- and r-banded bovine chromosomes.a series of 31 marker genes (one per chromosome) were localized precisely to both q- and r-banded bovine chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish), as a contribution to the revised chromosome nomenclature of the three major domestic bovidae (cattle, sheep and goat). all marker genes except one (ldha) are taken from the texas nomenclature of the cattle karyotype published in 1996. homologous probes for each marker gene were obtained by screening a bovine bac library by pcr with spe ...200011124540
implications of proposed changes in bulk tank somatic cell count regulations.several changes in bulk tank scc (btscc) regulations were proposed at the 1998 annual meeting of the national conference of interstate milk shippers (ncims) by the national mastitis council and other proponents. proposals included 1) using a geometric mean btscc in place of the arithmetic mean, reducing the current limit for btscc from 750,000 to 400,000, and modifying current regulatory protocols. the purpose of this research was to evaluate possible impacts of proposed changes upon producers i ...200111233021
development and assignment of bovine-specific pcr systems for the texas nomenclature marker genes and isolation of homologous bac 1996, popescu et al. published the texas standard nomenclature of the bovine karyotype in which 31 marker genes, already mapped in man, were chosen to permit unambiguous identification and numbering of each bovine chromosome. however, specific pcr systems were not available for each marker gene thus preventing the assignment of part of these markers by somatic cell hybrid analysis. in addition, some difficulties remained with the nomenclature of bta25, bta27 and bta29. in this work, specific ...200111333834
complying with the health insurance portability and accountability act. privacy standards.the privacy rule: limits the use and disclosure of phi to purposes of treatment, payment, or routine health care operations. requires covered entities to provide advance notice to the public of its policy governing disclosure of phi. requires entities covered by the standard to secure general client consent to use and to disclose phi for treatment, payment, or routine health care operations and to obtain specific client authorization to use or to disclose phi for all other purposes unless the di ...200111760704
baby doe redux? the department of health and human services and the born-alive infants protection act of 2002: a cautionary note on normative neonatal practice.the born-alive infants protection act (baipa), passed by congress in 2002, has attracted little publicity. its purposes were, in part, "to repudiate the flawed notion that a child's entitlement to the protections of the law is dependent on whether that child's mother or others want him or her." understood as antiabortion rhetoric, the bill raised little concern among physicians at the time of legislative hearings and passed in both houses by overwhelming majorities, hardly suggesting contentious ...200516199687
is leprosy spreading among nine-banded armadillos in the southeastern united states?in the united states, nine-banded armadillo (dasypus novemcinctus) populations are derived from two sources: (1) a continuous range expansion from mexico led to western populations, some of which, particularly along the western gulf coast and west side of the mississippi river delta, exhibit persistently high rates of leprosy infection, and (2) a small group of animals released from captivity in florida gave rise to eastern populations that were all considered leprosy free. given that western an ...200919204343
quantifying male-biased dispersal among social groups in the collared peccary (pecari tajacu) using analyses based on mtdna variation.recent advances in the statistical analysis of microsatellite data permit calculation of sex-specific dispersal rates through sex- and age-specific comparisons of genetic variation. this approach, developed for the analysis of data derived from co-dominant autosomal markers, should be applicable to a sex-specific marker such as mitochondrial dna. to test this premise, we amplified a 449 bp control region dna sequence from the mitochondrial genome of the collared peccary (pecari tajacu), and esti ...201019639005
potential oversummering and overwintering regions for the wheat stripe rust pathogen in the contiguous united states.epidemics of wheat stripe rust, caused by puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (pst), are more frequent in the regions where pst can oversummer and overwinter. regions for potential oversummering and overwintering of pst were determined in the contiguous united states using a survival index (si) ranging from 0 (most unfavorable) to 10 (most favorable) developed based on long-term weather data. the pathogen can survive in cool summer in the most regions north of latitude 40°n, particularly washing ...201423722926
dogs entering the united states from rabies-endemic countries, dog imports pose a risk because of the potential movement of disease agents, including the canine rabies virus variant which has been eliminated from the united states since 2007. us regulations require a rabies vaccination certificate for dogs arriving from rabies-endemic countries, but permit the importation of dogs that have not been adequately immunized against rabies, provided that the dogs are confined under conditions that restrict their contact with humans and other animals ...201525244531
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