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poisoning of bald eagles and red-tailed hawks by carbofuran and fensulfothion in the fraser delta of british columbia, canada. | during the winter of 1990 in the fraser delta of british columbia, canada, nine birds of prey were found with symptoms of anticholinesterase poisoning. immediate surgical removal of crop contents of three birds decreased mortality and recovery time. chemical analysis was conducted on crop contents, which contained mainly duck parts. a bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) contained 200 micrograms/g and a red-tailed hawk (buteo jamaicensis) 2.2 micrograms/g carbofuran, while the crop of another r ... | 1996 | 8827674 |
reproductive success and chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination of resident great blue herons (ardea herodias) from coastal british columbia, canada, 1977 to 2000. | over the period 1977-2000, eggs of pacific great blue heron (ardea herodias fannini) were collected from 23 colonies along the southern coast of british columbia, canada, and analyzed for persistent organochlorine (oc) pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs). concentrations of oc pesticides in eggs declined sharply in the late 1970s, after which there were minimal changes. the sums of pcb congeners were not reduced appreciably during the 1980s and 1990s, but aroclor 1260 concentrations s ... | 2003 | 12521109 |
mercury residues in livers of bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) found dead or dying in british columbia, canada (1987-1994). | postmortem examinations were conducted on 82 bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) found dead or dying in british columbia, canada, from 1987 to 1994. as part of the examination, livers were analyzed for total mercury (hg) content, as well as methylmercury (mehg) and selenium (se) in selected individuals. in total, 67 eagles were classed as having low hg exposure [total hg liver residues ranging from 0.5 to 17.2 mg/kg dry weight (dw)]. fourteen eagles were moderately exposed (liver residues ran ... | 2003 | 14708672 |
mercury exposure and reproduction in fish-eating birds breeding in the pinchi lake region, british columbia, canada. | to determine whether hg from geologic/mining-related sources at pinchi lake (bc, canada) was causing elevated hg exposure and/or adversely affecting reproduction in fish-eating birds, breeding bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) on pinchi lake and four nearby reference lakes were sampled for blood and feather hg concentrations and monitored for reproductive success during the summers of 2000, 2001, and 2002. eggs of red-necked grebes (podiceps grisgena) also were collected and analyzed. mercu ... | 2006 | 16704079 |
brominated flame retardants and halogenated phenolic compounds in north american west coast bald eaglet (haliaeetus leucocephalus) plasma. | we report on the identity, characterization, and spatial trends of several brominated flame retardants and hydroxylated (oh-) and methoxylated (meo-) organohalogen contaminants in bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) nestling plasma collected from sites along the west coast of north america. samples were from four southwestern british columbia (bc) locations, a reference site in northern bc (fort st. james; fsj), and from santa catalina island, ca (sci), an area of high ddt and pcb contaminatio ... | 2006 | 17120553 |
patterns and trends of chlorinated hydrocarbons in nestling bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) plasma in british columbia and southern california. | patterns and trends of chlorinated hydrocarbons were assessed in bald eagle nestling plasma from sites along the west coast of north america. eagle plasma was sampled from four areas in southwestern british columbia (bc), a reference site in northern bc, and from santa catalina island, off the coast of california. sites were chosen to reflect variation in contaminant exposure due to differing recent and/or historic anthropogenic activities. santa catalina island had significantly greater mean co ... | 2008 | 18253687 |
influence of food supply and chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants on breeding success of bald eagles. | food supply and contaminants were investigated as possible causes of low bald eagle productivity near a bleached kraft pulp and paper mill at crofton on vancouver island, british columbia. over a seven year period, 1992-1998, average productivity of five eagle territories situated south of the pulp mill at crofton was significantly lower (0.43 young/occupied territory) than six territories north of the mill (1.04 young/occupied territory). a reference population of 32 territories located in bark ... | 2016 | 12739860 |