
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
survey of hepatic and pulmonary helminths of wild cervids in alberta, canada.during the 1988 hunting season, livers and lungs from 263 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus), 198 moose (alces alces), 147 white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), and 94 wapiti (cervus elaphus nelsoni) from alberta (canada) were collected for parasitological examination. most of the samples (89%) were submitted by big game hunters throughout the province. giant liver fluke (fascioloides magna) was found in 9% of 22 yearling and 29% of 65 adult wapiti; 4% of 161 adult moose; and 2% of 9 ...19902250321
herpesvirus infection in woodland caribou in alberta, canada.sera and genital swabs collected from 121 adult woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou) in five subpopulations in northern alberta, canada, between december 1997 and october 1999, were examined for evidence of infection with herpesviruses or pestiviruses. no virus was isolated from sera or swabs, and no antibodies against bovine viral diarrhea virus were detected. however, 63 (52%) of the 121 animals had neutralizing antibody titers against bovine herpesvirus 1. there was sufficient serum f ...200516456173
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