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predicting spatial patterns of eagle migration using a mesoscale atmospheric model: a case study associated with a mountain-ridge wind development. | high resolution numerical atmospheric modeling around a mountain ridge in northeastern british columbia (bc), canada was performed in order to examine the influence of meteorology and topography on golden eagle migration pathways at the meso-scale (tens of km). during three eagle fall migration periods (2007-2009), local meteorological conditions on the day of peak bird counts were modeled using the regional atmospheric modeling system (rams) mesoscale model. hourly local surface wind speed, win ... | 2014 | 23325041 |
increased flight altitudes among migrating golden eagles suggest turbine avoidance at a rocky mountain wind installation. | potential wind-energy development in the eastern rocky mountain foothills of british columbia, canada, raises concerns due to its overlap with a golden eagle (aquila chrysaetos) migration corridor. the dokie 1 wind energy project is the first development in this area and stands as a model for other projects in the area because of regional consistency in topographic orientation and weather patterns. we visually tracked golden eagles over three fall migration seasons (2009-2011), one pre- and two ... | 2014 | 24671199 |