
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
mortality and morbidity associated with gunshot in raptorial birds from the province of quebec: 1986 to 2007.although raptors have been protected for decades in quebec they are still regular victims of poaching. the objective of this study was to characterize cases of raptor shootings in quebec over the last 2 decades. we reviewed clinical files, radiographs, and pathology reports on 4805 free-flying birds of prey admitted to the faculté de médecine vétérinaire between 1986 and 2007. evidence of gunshots was detected in 6.4% of the birds. large species, such as ospreys, turkey vultures, snowy owls, and ...201020357944
high risk of lead contamination for scavengers in an area with high moose hunting predators and scavengers are vulnerable to pollutants, particularly those accumulated along the food chain. lead accumulation can induce severe disorders and alter survival both in mammals (including humans) and in birds. a potential source of lead poisoning in wild animals, and especially in scavengers, results from the consumption of ammunition residues in the tissues of big game killed by hunters. for two consecutive years we quantified the level lead exposure in individuals of a sentinel ...201425389754
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