
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
anopheles arabiensis and an. funestus are equally important vectors of malaria in matola coastal suburb of maputo, southern mozambique.transmission characteristics of malaria were studied in matola, a coastal suburb of maputo, the capital city, in southern mozambique, from november 1994 to april 1996. the local climate alternates between cool dry season (may-october) and hot rainy season (november-april) with mean annual rainfall 650-850 mm. saltmarsh and freshwater pools provide mosquito breeding sites in matola. malaria prevalence reached approximately 60% among people living nearest to the main breeding sites of the vectors. ...200010872861
complexity of the malaria vectorial system in cameroon: contribution of secondary vectors to malaria transmission.malaria transmission in africa is a dynamic and complex system that is so far superficially understood. further knowledge is required to improve control of the disease. in the present report, we highlight the contribution of the so-called "secondary" malaria vectors to the overall parasite transmission intensity in several sites across cameroon, through a retrospective analysis of surveys from the organisation de coordination pour la lutte contre les endémies en afrique centrale database. in tot ...200617162956
biting behavior and plasmodium infection rates of anopheles arabiensis from sille, ethiopia.the man-biting behavior and plasmodium infection rates of anopheline mosquitoes were investigated in sille, a hyperendemic malarious area in southern ethiopia. seven anopheles species were identified from all night landing collections, conducted from 18:00 to 06:00h between october 2001 and august 2002. the predominant species was anopheles arabiensis (55.8%), followed by anopheles coustani (31.5%), anopheles pharoensis (9.5%), anopheles funestus (2.2%), anopheles nili (0.5%), anopheles marshall ...200616171769
bionomics of malaria vectors and relationship with malaria transmission and epidemiology in three physiographic zones in the senegal river basin.following the implementation of two dams in the senegal river, entomological and parasitological studies were conducted in three different ecological zones in the senegal river basin (the low valley of senegal river, the guiers lake area and the low valley of ferlo) every 3 month in june 2004, september 2004, december 2004 and march 2005. the objective of this work was to study the influence of environmental heterogeneities on vector bionomics and malaria epidemiology. mosquitoes were collected ...200818068685
plasmodium falciparum transmission and aridity: a kenyan experience from the dry lands of baringo and its implications for anopheles arabiensis control.abstract: background: the ecology of malaria vectors particularly in semi-arid areas of africa is poorly understood. accurate knowledge on this subject will boost current efforts to reduce the burden of malaria in sub-saharan africa. the objective of this study was to describe the dynamics of malaria transmission in two model semi-arid sites (kamarimar and tirion) in baringo in kenya. methods: adult mosquitoes were collected indoors by pyrethrum spray collections (psc) and outdoors by centers fo ...201121569546
'a bite before bed': exposure to malaria vectors outside the times of net use in the highlands of western kenya.the human population in the highlands of nyanza province, western kenya, is subject to sporadic epidemics of plasmodium falciparum. indoor residual spraying (irs) and long-lasting insecticide treated nets (llins) are used widely in this area. these interventions are most effective when anopheles rest and feed indoors and when biting occurs at times when individuals use llins. it is therefore important to test the current assumption of vector feeding preferences, and late night feeding times, in ...201526109384
malaria case in madagascar, probable implication of a new vector, anopheles coustani.indoor spraying of insecticides and the use of insecticide-treated bed nets are key strategies for national malaria vector control in the central highlands of madagascar. during the year 2013, malaria outbreaks were reported by the national malaria control programme in the highlands, including the district of ankazobe.201526620552
detection of plasmodium falciparum infection in anopheles squamosus (diptera: culicidae) in an area targeted for malaria elimination, southern zambia.southern zambia is the focus of strategies to create malaria-free zones. interventions being rolled out include test and treat strategies and distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets that target vectors that host-seek indoors and late at night. in macha, choma district, collections of mosquitoes were made outdoors using barrier screens within homesteads or uv bulb light traps set next to goats, cattle, or chickens during the rainy season of 2015. anopheline mosquitoes were identified to spec ...201627297214
composition and genetics of malaria vector populations in the central african many african countries malaria has declined sharply due to a synergy of actions marked by the introduction of vector control strategies, but the disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in central african republic (car). an entomological study was initiated with the aim to characterize the malaria vectors in bangui, the capital of car, and determine their vector competence.201627456078
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