Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
[vitamin a content of livers of wild animals. 2. vitamin a in liver a heath-cock (tetrao urogallus) and black grouse (lyrurus tetrix) at mating season]. | 1972 | 5019184 | |
[topography of the intestine in the woodgrouse (tetrao urogallus) and the moorhen (lyrurus tetrix)]. | 1974 | 4818752 | |
[sodium and potassium concentration in the tissues of wild and domesticated representatives of the chicken order]. | na and k content has been studied in tissues of the hazel grouse bonasa bonasia, black grouse lyrurus tetrix, capercaillie tetrao urogallus, domestic hen gallus domesticus and turkey hen meleagris gallopavo. with respect to the increase in potassium and sodium content, the tissues investigated in wild species form the following sequence: major thoracal muscle (red), minor thoracal muscle (white), gastrocnemius muscle, left ventricle of the heart, stomach muscles, brain hemispheres, spinal cord. ... | 1976 | 983558 |
synchronous population fluctuations in voles, small game, owls, and tularemia in northern sweden. | 1. the population fluctuations in time in northern sweden are examined for the following species: voles, mountain hare, willow grouse, black grouse, capercaillie, hazel hen, red fox, long-eared owl, tengmalm's owl, and tularemia. necessary population data have been obtained from the period 1963-1975/76 as revealed by catches, literature survey, hunting statistics, bird ringing, and obligatory reporting of tularemia in man. 2. the populations of the species under consideration are found to fluctu ... | 1978 | 28309394 |
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in captive black grouse (tetrao lyrurus) and willow ptarmigan (lagopus l. lagopus). | 1982 | 6762820 | |
experimental louping-ill virus infection of black grouse (tetrao tetrix). | louping-ill virus was injected into the tarsal pads of four black grouse and the course of infection monitored. all developed viraemia of low intensity that lasted for four days and thereafter produced high titres of haemagglutination inhibiting antibody. no clinical signs were detected and mild neuropathological changes were present in only 1/4 brains collected on day 17 after inoculation. the mild response of black grouse to infection with louping-ill virus is thus similar to that found in oth ... | 1983 | 6318699 |
experimental louping-ill virus infection of black grouse (tetrao tetrix). | louping-ill virus was injected into the tarsal pads of four black grouse and the course of infection monitored. all developed viraemia of low intensity that lasted for four days and thereafter produced high titres of haemagglutination inhibiting antibody. no clinical signs were detected and mild neuropathological changes were present in only 1/4 brains collected on day 17 after inoculation. the mild response of black grouse to infection with louping-ill virus is thus similar to that found in oth ... | 1983 | 6318699 |
role of predation in short-term population fluctuations of some birds and mammals in fennoscandia. | we tested the hypothesis that synchronous fluctuations in small game species in boreal fennoscandia are caused by varying predation pressure. the main prey of predators are the cyclically superabundant voles. small game species (alternative prey) are rare compared to voles. the following 4 predictions were checked: (1) predators should shift their diet from main prey to alternative prey as main prey decline. - this was confirmed using data on red fox (vulpes vulpes l.) diet.; (2) the mortality r ... | 1984 | 28310714 |
cycles in voles and small game in relation to variations in plant production indices in northern sweden. | population dynamics for voles (cricetidae), tengmalm's owl (aegolius funereus (l.)), red fox (vulpes vulpes (l.)) willow grouse (lagopus lagopus (l.)), black grouse (lyrurus tetrix (l.)), capercaillie (tetrao urogallus l.), hazel hen (tetrastes bonasia (l.)), mountain hare (lepus timidus l.) and tularemia (francisella tularensis (mccoy & chapin)) and game bird recruitment were studied by index methods in northern sweden. in addition contemporary temperature records and spruce (picea abies (l.) k ... | 1986 | 28311702 |
a review of wildlife diseases from scandinavia. | the epidemiological and historical aspects of some important and representative wildlife diseases from scandinavia are discussed. in noninfectious diseases, examples include cataract in moose (alces alces), atherosclerosis in hybrid hares (lepus timidus x l. europaeus), and ethmoid tumors in moose. the epizootiological and historical aspects of the recent epizootics of myxomatosis in european rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) and rabies and sarcoptic mange in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) are reviewed ... | 1987 | 3316719 |
nest loss in capercaillie and black grouse in relation to the small rodent cycle in southeast norway. | the relationship between nest loss in boreal forest grouse and the fluctuations in small rodents was studied at varaldskogen in southeast norway during 1979-1986, covering two complete rodent cycles. nest loss in capercaillie (n=174) and black grouse (n=81) was calculated according to mayfield (1975) based on nests from radio-equipped hens (n=77) and nests found by other methods (n=178). small rodent density was measured by snap trapping during spring and autumn. losses varied as predicted by th ... | 1990 | 28311478 |
fluctuating asymmetry and copulation success in lekking black grouse | in lekking black grouse, tetrao tetrixmales at the centre of the leks obtain more copulations than males at the edges. we found that males with territories at the edge of the lek obtained fewer matings and also have the most asymmetric tarsi. however, when considering the tail ornament (the lyre) no correlation between asymmetry and mating success was found. although females are unlikely to select males on the basis of tarsus symmetry, asymmetry in this trait may reflect male condition. we sugge ... | 1997 | 9268456 |
behaviourally mediated sexual selection: characteristics of successful male black grouse | recent studies of lekking animals suggest that a suite of characters may be favoured by sexual selection. examples of such traits are high survival, increased androgen levels, territory features and morphological characters including exaggerated morphological ornaments. here we argue that such selection is often mediated by behavioural differences and we use results from a field study of lekking black grouse, tetrao tetrixas an example of our argument. in the absence of females, males display a ... | 1997 | 9268455 |
assortative mating and female clutch investment in black grouse. | variation in female behaviour has only recently received attention in studies of sexual selection. it has been suggested that females may invest differentially in their offspring in relation to the quality of their mate. this may lead to females that mate with high-quality and/or attractive males laying larger clutches. females may also differ in their ability to choose between males. for example, females in good physical condition may make better choices. if physical condition and clutch size a ... | 1998 | 9933536 |
evolution of mate-choice copying: a dynamic model. | mate-choice copying has recently been demonstrated in several species. two, not mutually exclusive, explanations for copying have been proposed: it reduces sampling costs and/or error of mate choice. in guppies, poecilia reticulata, and black grouse, tetrao tetrix, young females seem most likely to copy. therefore, copying may teach inexperienced females what attractive males look like. i developed a 2-year dynamic model, to investigate under which conditions a mate-copying strategy might first ... | 1998 | 9632476 |
lead exposure of small herbivorous vertebrates from atmospheric pollution. | concentrations of pb in livers of willow grouse (lagopus lagopus), black grouse (tetrao tetrix), and hare (lepus timidus) were determined in samples collected during the period 1990-92 from 77 locations distributed across norway. our objective was to elucidate the impact of long-range atmospheric transport on the pb exposure of the animals. the moss hylocomium splendens was measured for atmospheric pb deposition and pb in soil at 60-cm depth was determined to reflect the natural geochemical back ... | 2000 | 15093005 |
ezrin, a membrane-organizing protein, as a polarization marker of the retinal pigment epithelium in vertebrates. | immunoreactivity for ezrin, a membrane-organizing phosphoprotein that tethers actin microfilaments to cell membrane proteins, was evaluated as a polarization marker in the intraocular neuroepithelial cells of vertebrates, especially in the retinal pigment epithelium (rpe). six fetal human eyes representing the 14th-28th gestational weeks, 9 normal adult eyes, 12 eyes with intraocular tumors, and 26 eyes from 15 other vertebrate species were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using the avidin-bioti ... | 2000 | 10955717 |
female-female aggression and female mate choice on black grouse leks. | we studied female-female aggression in relation to female mate choice in black grouse, tetrao tetrix, in central finland, in 1994-1998. aggression occurred on average every other minute when there was more than one female on a territory, and aggressive behaviour was most prominent when several females attended the lek. interactions tended to be proportionally most frequent on the territories of the highest-ranking males, although not significantly so. females that were chased by other females di ... | 2000 | 10860525 |
epidemiology of sindbis virus infections in finland 1981-96: possible factors explaining a peculiar disease pattern. | pogosta disease (pd), an epidemic rash-arthritis occurring in late summer is caused by sindbis virus (sinv) and is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. altogether 2183 pd cases were serologically confirmed 1981-96 in finland, with an annual incidence of 2.7/100000 (18 in the most endemic area of northern karelia). the annual average was 136 (varying from 1 to 1282) with epidemics occurring in august-september with a 7-year interval. studies on 6320 patients with suspected rubella (1973-89) revea ... | 2002 | 12403109 |
inbreeding depression and male fitness in black grouse. | the male lifetime lekking performance was studied, and related to inbreeding-outbreeding in a wild population of black grouse (tetrao tetrix) in central finland between 1989 and 1995. inbreeding was measured as the mean heterozygosity and mean d(2) of 15 microsatellite loci. we found a significantly positive relationship between mean d(2) and lifetime copulation success (lcs), while the relationship between heterozygosity and lcs was close to significant. we also found that males that never obta ... | 2002 | 11934362 |
population genetic structure of male black grouse (tetrao tetrix l.) in fragmented vs. continuous landscapes. | we investigated the association of habitat fragmentation with genetic structure of male black grouse tetrao tetrix. using 14 microsatellites, we compared the genetic differentiation of males among nine localities in continuous lowland habitats in finland to the genetic differentiation among 14 localities in fragmented habitats in the alps (france, switzerland and italy). in both areas, we found significant genetic differentiation. however, the average differentiation, measured as theta, was more ... | 2003 | 12919469 |
is more choice always desirable? evidence and arguments from leks, food selection, and environmental enrichment. | recent studies on humans show that too much choice can make subjects less likely to choose any item. i consider general adaptive and non-adaptive explanations of why such choice aversion, or its converse, might occur in animals. there are three questions: is more choice always preferred, does it ever lead to less consumption (or a lower probability of consumption), and may it result in worse items being selected ? a preference for choice is one of the main explanations for lek formation and i dr ... | 2005 | 15727039 |
is more choice always desirable? evidence and arguments from leks, food selection, and environmental enrichment. | recent studies on humans show that too much choice can make subjects less likely to choose any item. i consider general adaptive and non-adaptive explanations of why such choice aversion, or its converse, might occur in animals. there are three questions: is more choice always preferred, does it ever lead to less consumption (or a lower probability of consumption), and may it result in worse items being selected ? a preference for choice is one of the main explanations for lek formation and i dr ... | 2005 | 15727039 |
a noninvasive technique to evaluate human-generated stress in the black grouse. | the continuous development of tourism and related leisure activities is exerting an increasingly intense pressure on wildlife. in this study, a novel noninvasive method for measuring stress in the black grouse, an endangered, emblematic species of european ecosystems that is currently declining in several parts of its european range, is tested and physiologically validated. a radiometabolism study and an acth challenge test were performed on four captive black grouse (two of each sex) in order t ... | 2005 | 16055845 |
short- and long-term population dynamical consequences of asymmetric climate change in black grouse. | temporal asymmetry in patterns of regional climate change may jeopardize the match between the proximate and ultimate cues of the timing of breeding. the consequences on short- and long-term population dynamics and trends as well as the underlying mechanisms are, however, often unknown. using long-term data from finland, we demonstrate that black grouse (tetrao tetrix) have responded to spring warming by advancing both egg-laying and hatching. however, early summer (the time of hatching) has not ... | 2006 | 16846907 |
restrictive mating by females on black grouse leks. | in bird species with pair bonds, extra-pair matings could allow females to choose genetically superior males. this is not needed in lekking species because female choice is not constrained by pairing opportunities. however, polyandry has been reported in most lekking species studied so far. using 12 microsatellite loci, we determined the paternity of 135 broods of black grouse sampled between 2001 and 2005 (970 hatchlings and 811 adult birds genotyped). the paternity assignments were combined to ... | 2007 | 17850264 |
color signals in the black grouse (tetrao tetrix): signal properties and their condition dependency. | recent progress in techniques of quantifying between-individual differences of color-based ornaments has revealed undiscovered possibilities for research in sexual selection. we present how the color spectra data can be comprehensively used for studying the importance of sexual ornaments in the black grouse and how these ornaments are related to a male condition. for this, we used both correlative field and experimental data. field data indicated that older males had more chromatic coloration th ... | 2007 | 19426093 |
spreading free-riding snow sports represent a novel serious threat for wildlife. | stress generated by humans on wildlife by continuous development of outdoor recreational activities is of increasing concern for biodiversity conservation. human disturbance often adds to other negative impact factors affecting the dynamics of vulnerable populations. it is not known to which extent the rapidly spreading free-riding snow sports actually elicit detrimental stress (allostatic overload) upon wildlife, nor what the potential associated fitness and survival costs are. using a non-inva ... | 2007 | 17341459 |
spreading free-riding snow sports represent a novel serious threat for wildlife. | stress generated by humans on wildlife by continuous development of outdoor recreational activities is of increasing concern for biodiversity conservation. human disturbance often adds to other negative impact factors affecting the dynamics of vulnerable populations. it is not known to which extent the rapidly spreading free-riding snow sports actually elicit detrimental stress (allostatic overload) upon wildlife, nor what the potential associated fitness and survival costs are. using a non-inva ... | 2007 | 17341459 |
the mhc class ii of the black grouse (tetrao tetrix) consists of low numbers of b and y genes with variable diversity and expression. | we found that the black grouse (tetrao tetrix) possess low numbers of mhc class ii b (blb) and y (ylb) genes with variable diversity and expression. we have therefore shown, for the first time, that another bird species (in this case, a wild lek-breeding galliform) shares several features of the simple mhc of the domestic chicken (gallus gallus). the black grouse blb genes showed the same level of polymorphism that has been reported in chicken, and we also found indications of balancing selectio ... | 2007 | 17653538 |
the mhc class ii of the black grouse (tetrao tetrix) consists of low numbers of b and y genes with variable diversity and expression. | we found that the black grouse (tetrao tetrix) possess low numbers of mhc class ii b (blb) and y (ylb) genes with variable diversity and expression. we have therefore shown, for the first time, that another bird species (in this case, a wild lek-breeding galliform) shares several features of the simple mhc of the domestic chicken (gallus gallus). the black grouse blb genes showed the same level of polymorphism that has been reported in chicken, and we also found indications of balancing selectio ... | 2007 | 17653538 |
territory occupancy rate of goshawk and gyrfalcon: no evidence of delayed numerical response to grouse numbers. | two recent studies on territory occupancy rates of goshawk accipiter gentilis and gyrfalcon falco rusticolus report a 2-3-year-delayed numerical response to grouse numbers, which is a requirement for a hypothesis of predator-generated grouse cycles. the time lags were assumed to reflect the average age of sexual maturity in the raptor species. in southern norway, however, subadult (two-year-old) goshawk hens occupied only 18-25% of territories where occupancy was not recorded in the preceding ye ... | 2007 | 17549523 |
territory occupancy rate of goshawk and gyrfalcon: no evidence of delayed numerical response to grouse numbers. | two recent studies on territory occupancy rates of goshawk accipiter gentilis and gyrfalcon falco rusticolus report a 2-3-year-delayed numerical response to grouse numbers, which is a requirement for a hypothesis of predator-generated grouse cycles. the time lags were assumed to reflect the average age of sexual maturity in the raptor species. in southern norway, however, subadult (two-year-old) goshawk hens occupied only 18-25% of territories where occupancy was not recorded in the preceding ye ... | 2007 | 17549523 |
low levels of relatedness on black grouse leks despite male philopatry. | in lekking species, males cluster on specific areas for display (the leks) and females generally prefer to copulate with males on large aggregations. the maintenance of leks in which only a few males reproduce might be explained if subordinate males gain indirect fitness benefits. by joining a lek on which relatives are displaying, subordinates might attract more females to the lek thereby increasing the mating opportunities of their kin. in black grouse, a genetic structure among leks has previ ... | 2008 | 18803595 |
genetic impoverishment of the last black grouse (tetrao tetrix) population in the netherlands: detectable only with a reference from the past. | we have studied a small isolated population of black grouse (tetrao tetrix) in the netherlands to examine the impact of isolation and reduction in numbers on genetic diversity. we compared the genetic diversity in the last extant dutch population with dutch museum samples and three other black grouse populations (from england, austria and norway, respectively) representing isolated and continuous populations. we found significantly lower allelic richness, observed and expected heterozygosities i ... | 2008 | 18346125 |
female-biased dispersal alone can reduce the occurrence of inbreeding in black grouse (tetrao tetrix). | although inbreeding depression and mechanisms for kin recognition have been described in natural bird populations, inbreeding avoidance through mate choice has rarely been reported suggesting that sex-biased dispersal is the main mechanism reducing the risks of inbreeding. however, a full understanding of the effect of dispersal on the occurrence of inbred matings requires estimating the inbreeding risks prior to dispersal. combining pairwise relatedness measures and kinship assignments, we inve ... | 2010 | 20345672 |
mhc class ii diversity and balancing selection in greater prairie-chickens. | the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) of domestic chickens has been characterized as small and relatively simple compared with that of mammals. however, there is growing evidence that the mhc of many bird lineages may be more complex, even within the order galliformes. in this study, we measured genetic variation and balancing selection at mhc loci in another galliform, the greater prairie-chicken. we cloned and sequenced a 239 bp fragment of mhc class ii beta-chain (blb) exon 2 in 14 indiv ... | 2010 | 19851875 |
spatially explicit modeling of conflict zones between wildlife and snow sports: prioritizing areas for winter refuges. | outdoor winter recreation exerts an increasing pressure upon mountain ecosystems, with unpredictable, free-ranging activities (e.g., ski mountaineering, snowboarding, and snowshoeing) representing a major source of stress for wildlife. mitigating anthropogenic disturbance requires the spatially explicit prediction of the interference between the activities of humans and wildlife. we applied spatial modeling to localize conflict zones between wintering black grouse (tetrao tetrix), a declining sp ... | 2011 | 21639058 |
spatially explicit modeling of conflict zones between wildlife and snow sports: prioritizing areas for winter refuges. | outdoor winter recreation exerts an increasing pressure upon mountain ecosystems, with unpredictable, free-ranging activities (e.g., ski mountaineering, snowboarding, and snowshoeing) representing a major source of stress for wildlife. mitigating anthropogenic disturbance requires the spatially explicit prediction of the interference between the activities of humans and wildlife. we applied spatial modeling to localize conflict zones between wintering black grouse (tetrao tetrix), a declining sp ... | 2011 | 21639058 |
vulnerability of black grouse hens to goshawk predation: result of food supply or predation facilitation? | the plant cycle hypothesis says that poor-quality food affects both herbivorous voles (microtinae spp.) and grouse (tetraonidae spp.) in vole decline years, leading to increased foraging effort in female grouse and thus a higher risk of predation by the goshawk accipiter gentilis. poor-quality food (mainly the bilberry vaccinium myrtillus) for these herbivores is induced by seed masting failure in the previous year, when the bilberry is able to allocate resources for chemical defence (the mast d ... | 2011 | 21181416 |
vulnerability of black grouse hens to goshawk predation: result of food supply or predation facilitation? | the plant cycle hypothesis says that poor-quality food affects both herbivorous voles (microtinae spp.) and grouse (tetraonidae spp.) in vole decline years, leading to increased foraging effort in female grouse and thus a higher risk of predation by the goshawk accipiter gentilis. poor-quality food (mainly the bilberry vaccinium myrtillus) for these herbivores is induced by seed masting failure in the previous year, when the bilberry is able to allocate resources for chemical defence (the mast d ... | 2011 | 21181416 |
genotyping of black grouse mhc class ii b using reference strand-mediated conformational analysis (rsca). | the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) is a cluster of genes involved in the vertebrate immune system and includes loci with an extraordinary number of alleles. due to the complex evolution of mhc genes, alleles from different loci within the same mhc class can be very similar and therefore difficult to assign to separate loci. consequently, single locus amplification of mhc genes is hard to carry out in species with recently duplicated genes in the same mhc class, and multiple mhc loci have ... | 2011 | 21672220 |
age-dependent inbreeding risk and offspring fitness costs in female black grouse. | dispersal is an important mechanism used to avoid inbreeding. however, dispersal may only be effective for part of an individual's lifespan since, post-dispersal individuals that breed over multiple reproductive events may risk mating with kin of the philopatric sex as they age. we tested this hypothesis in black grouse tetrao tetrix, and show that yearling females never mated with close relatives whereas older females did. however, matings were not with direct kin suggesting that short-distance ... | 2011 | 21632620 |
can balancing selection on mhc loci counteract genetic drift in small fragmented populations of black grouse? | the ability of natural populations to adapt to new environmental conditions is crucial for their survival and partly determined by the standing genetic variation in each population. populations with higher genetic diversity are more likely to contain individuals that are better adapted to new circumstances than populations with lower genetic diversity. here, we use both neutral and major histocompatibility complex (mhc) markers to test whether small and highly fragmented populations hold lower g ... | 2012 | 22423328 |
the anatomy of population change in a black grouse population 1992-2008. | we interrogate an 18-year-long dataset containing counts of displaying male black grouse tetrao tetrix and incidental counts of females within an 800-km(2) region of perthshire, scotland. we examine the trends in the population and investigate how different components of the population might act as signposts of different stages of overall population change. we found statistical evidence for a decline in black grouse numbers between 1992 and 2000, and then a recovery from 2002 to 2008, but little ... | 2012 | 21769631 |
sequencing of the core mhc region of black grouse (tetrao tetrix) and comparative genomics of the galliform mhc. | the mhc, which is regarded as the most polymorphic region in the genomes of jawed vertebrates, plays a central role in the immune system by encoding various proteins involved in the immune response. the chicken mhc-b genomic region has a highly streamlined gene content compared to mammalian mhcs. its core region includes genes encoding class i and class iib molecules but is only ~92kb in length. sequences of other galliform mhcs show varying degrees of similarity as that of chicken. the black gr ... | 2012 | 23066932 |
sequencing of the core mhc region of black grouse (tetrao tetrix) and comparative genomics of the galliform mhc. | the mhc, which is regarded as the most polymorphic region in the genomes of jawed vertebrates, plays a central role in the immune system by encoding various proteins involved in the immune response. the chicken mhc-b genomic region has a highly streamlined gene content compared to mammalian mhcs. its core region includes genes encoding class i and class iib molecules but is only ~92kb in length. sequences of other galliform mhcs show varying degrees of similarity as that of chicken. the black gr ... | 2012 | 23066932 |
transcriptome sequencing of black grouse (tetrao tetrix) for immune gene discovery and microsatellite development. | the black grouse (tetrao tetrix) is a galliform bird species that is important for both ecological studies and conservation genetics. here, we report the sequencing of the spleen transcriptome of black grouse using 454 gs flx titanium sequencing. we performed a large-scale gene discovery analysis with a focus on genes that might be related to fitness in this species and also identified a large set of microsatellites. in total, we obtained 182 179 quality-filtered sequencing reads that we assembl ... | 2012 | 22724064 |
transcriptome sequencing of black grouse (tetrao tetrix) for immune gene discovery and microsatellite development. | the black grouse (tetrao tetrix) is a galliform bird species that is important for both ecological studies and conservation genetics. here, we report the sequencing of the spleen transcriptome of black grouse using 454 gs flx titanium sequencing. we performed a large-scale gene discovery analysis with a focus on genes that might be related to fitness in this species and also identified a large set of microsatellites. in total, we obtained 182 179 quality-filtered sequencing reads that we assembl ... | 2012 | 22724064 |
physiological costs enforce the honesty of lek display in the black grouse (tetrao tetrix). | females may use condition-dependent sexual traits as reliable cues of male "quality" if the costs of the expression of such traits vary with male "quality", and if there is positive genetic correlation between male traits and condition. however, there are multiple ways of measuring the changes in body condition which reflect physiological costs meaning that the multifaceted nature of the physiological costs associated with the expression of sexual traits has rarely been thoroughly examined. in t ... | 2013 | 23266713 |
evolutionary history of black grouse major histocompatibility complex class iib genes revealed through single locus sequence-based genotyping. | gene duplications are frequently observed in the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) of many species, and as a consequence loci belonging to the same mhc class are often too similar to tell apart. in birds, single locus genotyping of mhc genes has proven difficult due to concerted evolution homogenizing sequences at different loci. but studies on evolutionary history, mode of selection and heterozygosity correlations on the mhc cannot be performed before it is possible to analyse duplicated g ... | 2013 | 23617616 |
assessment of doses to game animals in finland. | a study was carried out to assess the dose rates to game animals in finland affected by the radioactive caesium deposition that occurred after the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant in ukraine in 1986. the aim of this assessment was to obtain new information on the dose rates to mammals and birds under finnish conditions. dose rates were calculated using the erica assessment tool developed within the ec 6th framework programme. the input data consisted of measured activity concentrati ... | 2013 | 23395135 |
assessment of doses to game animals in finland. | a study was carried out to assess the dose rates to game animals in finland affected by the radioactive caesium deposition that occurred after the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant in ukraine in 1986. the aim of this assessment was to obtain new information on the dose rates to mammals and birds under finnish conditions. dose rates were calculated using the erica assessment tool developed within the ec 6th framework programme. the input data consisted of measured activity concentrati ... | 2013 | 23395135 |
virological investigation of avian influenza virus on postglacial species of phasianidae and tetraonidae in the italian alps. | land-based birds, belonging to galliformes order are considered to be potential intermediaries in the emergence of new strains of influenza a viruses (aivs), but the viral circulation in these birds remains largely unknown. to gain insights into the circulation of aiv in the wild galliformes populations in italian alps, we conducted a virological survey on rock partridge (alectoris graeca saxatilis) belonging to phasianidae family and on tetraonids including rock ptarmigan (lagopus mutus helveti ... | 2013 | 24167732 |
virological investigation of avian influenza virus on postglacial species of phasianidae and tetraonidae in the italian alps. | land-based birds, belonging to galliformes order are considered to be potential intermediaries in the emergence of new strains of influenza a viruses (aivs), but the viral circulation in these birds remains largely unknown. to gain insights into the circulation of aiv in the wild galliformes populations in italian alps, we conducted a virological survey on rock partridge (alectoris graeca saxatilis) belonging to phasianidae family and on tetraonids including rock ptarmigan (lagopus mutus helveti ... | 2013 | 24167732 |
climatic, ecological and socioeconomic factors as predictors of sindbis virus infections in finland. | mosquito-borne sindbis virus (sinv) causes rash-arthritis syndrome in finland. major outbreaks with approximately 7-year cycles have caused substantial burden of illness. forest dwelling grouse are suspected to be amplifying hosts, with the infection transmitted to humans by mosquito bites. sinv infection surveillance data for 1984–2010 were used to create a negative binomial hurdle model, with seasonality, long-term cycles, climatic, ecological and socioeconomic variables. climatic factors duri ... | 2013 | 23158410 |
coupling in goshawk and grouse population dynamics in finland. | different prey species can vary in their significance to a particular predator. in the simplest case, the total available density or biomass of a guild of several prey species might be most relevant to the predator, but behavioural and ecological traits of different prey species can alter the picture. we studied the population dynamics of a predator-prey setting in finland by fitting first-order log-linear vector autoregressive models to long-term count data from active breeding sites of the nor ... | 2013 | 22961371 |
coupling in goshawk and grouse population dynamics in finland. | different prey species can vary in their significance to a particular predator. in the simplest case, the total available density or biomass of a guild of several prey species might be most relevant to the predator, but behavioural and ecological traits of different prey species can alter the picture. we studied the population dynamics of a predator-prey setting in finland by fitting first-order log-linear vector autoregressive models to long-term count data from active breeding sites of the nor ... | 2013 | 22961371 |
whole genome sequencing of the black grouse (tetrao tetrix): reference guided assembly suggests faster-z and mhc evolution. | the different regions of a genome do not evolve at the same rate. for example, comparative genomic studies have suggested that the sex chromosomes and the regions harbouring the immune defence genes in the major histocompatability complex (mhc) may evolve faster than other genomic regions. the advent of the next generation sequencing technologies has made it possible to study which genomic regions are evolutionary liable to change and which are static, as well as enabling an increasing number of ... | 2014 | 24602261 |
whole genome sequencing of the black grouse (tetrao tetrix): reference guided assembly suggests faster-z and mhc evolution. | the different regions of a genome do not evolve at the same rate. for example, comparative genomic studies have suggested that the sex chromosomes and the regions harbouring the immune defence genes in the major histocompatability complex (mhc) may evolve faster than other genomic regions. the advent of the next generation sequencing technologies has made it possible to study which genomic regions are evolutionary liable to change and which are static, as well as enabling an increasing number of ... | 2014 | 24602261 |
limited indirect fitness benefits of male group membership in a lekking species. | in group living species, individuals may gain the indirect fitness benefits characterizing kin selection when groups contain close relatives. however, tests of kin selection have primarily focused on cooperatively breeding and eusocial species, whereas its importance in other forms of group living remains to be fully understood. lekking is a form of grouping where males display on small aggregated territories, which females then visit to mate. as females prefer larger aggregations, territorial m ... | 2014 | 25263625 |
scenario-led habitat modelling of land use change impacts on key species. | accurate predictions of the impacts of future land use change on species of conservation concern can help to inform policy-makers and improve conservation measures. if predictions are spatially explicit, predicted consequences of likely land use changes could be accessible to land managers at a scale relevant to their working landscape. we introduce a method, based on open source software, which integrates habitat suitability modelling with scenario-building, and illustrate its use by investigat ... | 2015 | 26569604 |
disturbance of wildlife by outdoor winter recreation: allostatic stress response and altered activity-energy budgets. | anthropogenic disturbance of wildlife is of growing conservation concern, but we lack comprehensive approaches of its multiple negative effects. we investigated several effects of disturbance by winter outdoor sports on free-ranging alpine black grouse by simultaneously measuring their physiological and behavioral responses. we experimentally flushed radio-tagged black grouse from their snow burrows, once a day, during several successive days, and quantified their stress hormone levels (corticos ... | 2015 | 26485949 |
activity of urealytic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of the black grouse lyrurus tetrix. | 2015 | 26164332 | |
monitoring landscape changes in caucasian black grouse (tetrao mlokosiewiczi) habitat in iran during the last two decades. | caucasian black grouse (tetrao mlokosiewiczi) is on the 'red' list of species of high conservation concern as nearest threatened (nt) and also in level (i) of convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (cites). the black grouse distribution range in iran is restricted to the arasbaran region, northwest of iran, and the populations and range of this specialist bird species have been declining over the last decades. management of forest and grassland structures ... | 2015 | 26088757 |
life-history differences in age-dependent expressions of multiple ornaments and behaviors in a lekking bird. | age is a major factor explaining variation in life-history traits among individuals with typical patterns of increasing trait values early in life, maximum trait expression, and senescence. however, age-dependent variation in the expressions of sexually selected traits has received less attention, although such variation underpins differences in male competitive abilities and female preference, which are central to sexual selection. in contrast to previous studies focusing on single traits, we u ... | 2015 | 25560550 |
lineage-specific loss of fgf17 within the avian orders galliformes and passeriformes. | the genomic and developmental complexity of vertebrates is commonly attributed to two rounds of whole genome duplications which occurred at the base of the vertebrate radiation. these duplications led to the rise of several, multi-gene families of developmental proteins like the fibroblast growth factors (fgfs); a signaling protein family which functions at various stages of embryonic development. one of the major fgf assemblages arising from these duplications is the fgf8 subfamily, which inclu ... | 2015 | 25791492 |
no evidence for immunoproteasomes in chicken lymphoid organs and activated lymphocytes. | the proteasome is the main protein-degrading machine within the cell, producing ligands for mhc class i molecules. it is a cylindrical multicatalytic protease complex, and the catalytic activity is mediated by the three subunits β1, β2, and β5 which possess caspase-, trypsin-, and chymotrypsin-like activities, respectively. by stimulation with interferon (ifn)-γ the replacement of these subunits by β1i, β2i, and β5i is induced leading to formation of immunoproteasomes with altered proteolytic an ... | 2015 | 25403261 |
guardian or threat: does golden eagle predation risk have cascading effects on forest grouse? | previous studies on intraguild predation have mainly focused on within-class assemblages, even though avian top predators may also influence mammalian mesopredator prey. by using nation-wide long-term data from finland, northern europe, we examined the impacts of golden eagles (aquila chrysaetos) together with red foxes (vulpes vulpes) and pine martens (martes martes) on forest-dwelling herbivores, black grouse (tetrao tetrix) and hazel grouse (tetrastes bonasia). we hypothesized that eagles may ... | 2016 | 27342659 |
guardian or threat: does golden eagle predation risk have cascading effects on forest grouse? | previous studies on intraguild predation have mainly focused on within-class assemblages, even though avian top predators may also influence mammalian mesopredator prey. by using nation-wide long-term data from finland, northern europe, we examined the impacts of golden eagles (aquila chrysaetos) together with red foxes (vulpes vulpes) and pine martens (martes martes) on forest-dwelling herbivores, black grouse (tetrao tetrix) and hazel grouse (tetrastes bonasia). we hypothesized that eagles may ... | 2016 | 27342659 |
looking into the past - the reaction of three grouse species to climate change over the last million years using whole genome sequences. | tracking past population fluctuations can give insight into current levels of genetic variation present within species. analysing population dynamics over larger timescales can be aligned to known climatic changes to determine the response of species to varying environments. here, we applied the pairwise sequentially markovian coalescent (psmc) model to infer past population dynamics of three widespread grouse species; black grouse, willow grouse and rock ptarmigan. this allowed the tracking of ... | 2016 | 26607571 |
[role of microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract in the nutrition of grouse]. | in order to assess the role of the microbiocenosis of the digestive tract of herbivorous birds in transforming poor forage, the activity of cellulolytic enzymes in all departments of the gastrointestinal tract of the black grouse (lyrurus tetrix) and western capercaillie (tetrao urogallus) was studied. the functional diversity of microbial communities of different departments was also investigated. in both species of birds, nitrogenase and cellobiohydrolase activities were discovered in the dige ... | 2016 | 25731039 |
complete mitochondrial genome of black grouse (lyrurus tetrix). | we sequenced the entire mitochondrial genome of lyrurus tetrix for the first time. the mitogenome was 16,677 bp in length, encoded with a standard set of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes, 22 transfer rna genes plus a putative control region. almost all genes were encoded on the h-strand except the nd6 and eight trna genes. all protein-coding genes initiated with atg, except for cox1 and nd5 (gtg). an 18-bp-nucleotide deletion occurred in the nd6 of lyrurus tetrix in contrast to oth ... | 2016 | 24450707 |
where to combat shrub encroachment in alpine timberline ecosystems: combining remotely-sensed vegetation information with species habitat modelling. | in many cultural landscapes, the abandonment of traditional grazing leads to encroachment of pastures by woody plants, which reduces habitat heterogeneity and impacts biodiversity typical of semi-open habitats. we developed a framework of mutually interacting spatial models to locate areas where shrub encroachment in alpine treeline ecosystems deteriorates vulnerable species' habitat, using black grouse tetrao tetrix (l.) in the swiss alps as a study model. combining field observations and remot ... | 2016 | 27727325 |
simultaneous age-dependent and age-independent sexual selection in the lekking black grouse (lyrurus tetrix). | individuals' reproductive success is often strongly associated with their age, with typical patterns of early-life reproductive improvement and late-life senescence. these age-related patterns are due to the inherent trade-offs between life-history traits competing for a limited amount of resources available to the organisms. in males, such trade-offs are exacerbated by the resource requirements associated with the expression of costly sexual traits, leading to dynamic changes in trait expressio ... | 2016 | 26798985 |
has respiratory cryptosporidiosis spread to black grouse tetrao tetrix? | infection by cryptosporidium baileyi was first confirmed in red grouse in northern england in 2010 and within three years spread to 48 per cent of moors. these form the last english stronghold for the rarer black grouse, and given the rapid spread of respiratory cryptosporidiosis among red grouse, concern has been expressed about possible infection. in 2010, the authors started screening black grouse for cryptosporidiosis in (1) dead birds taken for postmortem examination, (2) sample birds caugh ... | 2017 | 28893970 |
evolutionary history of the mariner element galluhop in avian genomes. | transposable elements (tes) are highly abundant genomic parasites in eukaryote genomes. although several genomes have been screened for tes, so far very limited information is available regarding avian tes and their evolutionary histories. taking advantage of the rich genomic data available for birds, we characterized the evolutionary history of the galluhop element, originally described in gallus gallus, through the use of several bioinformatic analyses. | 2017 | 28814978 |
climate change and bird reproduction: warmer springs benefit breeding success in boreal forest grouse. | global warming is predicted to adversely affect the reproduction of birds, especially in northern latitudes. a recent study in finland inferred that declining populations of black grouse, tetrao tetrix, could be attributed to advancement of the time of mating and chicks hatching too early-supporting the mismatch hypothesis. here, we examine the breeding success of sympatric capercaillie, t. urogallus, and black grouse over a 38-year period in southeast norway. breeding season temperatures increa ... | 2017 | 29118133 |
past and potential future population dynamics of three grouse species using ecological and whole genome coalescent modeling. | studying demographic history of species provides insight into how the past has shaped the current levels of overall biodiversity and genetic composition of species, but also how these species may react to future perturbations. here we investigated the demographic history of the willow grouse (lagopus lagopus), rock ptarmigan (lagopus muta), and black grouse (tetrao tetrix) through the late pleistocene using two complementary methods and whole genome data. species distribution modeling (sdm) allo ... | 2018 | 30038766 |
age- and quality-dependent dna methylation correlate with melanin-based coloration in a wild bird. | secondary sexual trait expression can be influenced by fixed individual factors (such as genetic quality) as well as by dynamic factors (such as age and environmentally induced gene expression) that may be associated with variation in condition or quality. in particular, melanin-based traits are known to relate to condition and there is a well-characterized genetic pathway underpinning their expression. however, the mechanisms linking variable trait expression to genetic quality remain unclear. ... | 2018 | 30038756 |
the resistance of eimeria spp. to toltrazuril in black grouse (lyrurus tetrix) kept in an aviary. | the black grouse is a critically endangered species in europe. aviary breeding and re-introduction programs have contributed to the reinstatement of black grouse populations. parasitic diseases can influence the species' behavior, choice of habitats, and survival rates. protozoa of the genus eimeria are the most prevalent parasites in black grouse. the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of toltrazuril (tol) against eimeria spp. in black grouse kept in an aviary. eimeria spp. ooc ... | 2018 | 29992279 |
increased dna typing success for feces and feathers of capercaillie (tetrao urogallus) and black grouse (tetrao tetrix). | noninvasive sampling, for example, of droppings or feathers, is a promising approach for molecular genetic studies on endangered and elusive animal species. yet, such specimens are known for containing only minute amounts of dna, resulting in lower typing success rates relative to analyses on fresh tissues such as muscle or blood. furthermore, artefactual signals as well as contamination are more likely to occur when dna is limited. to increase the reliability of dna typing from noninvasive samp ... | 2018 | 29721270 |
stabilising selection on immune response in male black grouse lyrurus tetrix. | illnesses caused by a variety of micro- and macro- organisms can negatively affect individuals' fitness, leading to the expectation that immunity is under positive selection. however, immune responses are costly and individuals must trade-off their immune response with other fitness components (e.g. survival or reproductive success) meaning that individuals with intermediate response may have the greatest overall fitness. such a process might be particularly acute in species with strong sexual s ... | 2018 | 29177843 |
complete mitochondrial genome of the western capercaillie tetrao urogallus (phasianidae, tetraoninae). | the western capercaillie (tetrao urogallus) is a galliform bird of boreal climax forests from scandinavia to eastern siberia, with a fragmented population in southwestern europe. we extracted the dna of t. urogallus aquitanicus and obtained the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequence by combining illumina and sanger sequencing sequence data. the mitochondrial genome of t. urogallus is 16,683 bp long and is very similar to that of lyrurus tetrix (16,677 bp). the t. urogallus mitogenom ... | 2019 | 30790836 |
molecular analysis of cox-1 and 18s rrna gene fragments of eimeria species isolated from endangered grouse: capercaillie (tetrao urogallus) and black grouse (tetrao tetrix). | this paper is the first record describing the molecular analysis of eimeria species occurring in capercaillie (tetrao urogallus) and black grouse (tetrao tetrix) which inhabit northern eurasia and are species critically endangered of extinction. actions undertaken to protect endangered species, such as breeding individuals in closed aviaries, could allow saving those birds, but they also pose risk of accidental healing of invasive diseases, like coccidiosis. therefore, an investigation was condu ... | 2019 | 30565196 |
vocal recognition of a nest-predator in black grouse. | corvids count among the important predators of bird nests. they are vocal animals and one can expect that birds threatened by their predation, such as black grouse, are sensitive to and recognize their calls. within the framework of field studies, we noticed that adult black grouse were alerted by raven calls during periods outside the breeding season. since black grouse are large, extremely precocial birds, this reaction can hardly be explained by sensitization specifically to the threat of nes ... | 2019 | 30891367 |
isolation and molecular characterization of fowl adenovirus strains in black grouse: first reported case in poland. | this article describes the isolation, molecular characterization, and genotyping of two fowl adenovirus (fadvs) strains with genbank accession numbers (mt478054, jsn-g033-18-l and mt478055, jsn-g033-18-b) obtained from the internal organs of black grouse (lyrurus tetrix). this study also reveals the first confirmation of fowl adenovirus in poland, supporting one of the hypotheses about the probability of fowl adenovirus interspecies transmission. the adenovirus strain sequences were investigated ... | 2020 | 32991587 |
assessing conflicts between winter recreational activities and grouse species. | mountain environments provide habitats for many wild animal species and are of great importance to recreational activities. in the european alps, winter recreation activities such as ski mountaineering are becoming increasingly popular, which may lead more often to disturbance of alpine wildlife. assessment of ski mountaineering activities and related potential conflict zones is needed to implement protection measures and to guide skiers towards nature-friendly behaviour in sensitive locations. ... | 2020 | 32891036 |
impact of tourism on habitat use of black grouse (tetrao tetrix) in an isolated population in northern germany. | as many other wild living species, black grouse tetrao tetrix has to cope with anthropogenic disturbances in many habitats. impacts of tourism and outdoor recreation on grouse species tetraoninae have been subject to several studies in mountainous habitats in central europe and the united kingdom. the geographically isolated and critically endangered black grouse population of lower saxony (north germany) has been consistently monitored but beyond that poorly studied. this also applies to the ke ... | 2020 | 32886720 |
changes in the corticosterone level in tooting male black grouse (tetrao tetrix) infected with eimeria spp. | the black grouse (tetrao tetrix) is a forest bird species critically endangered of extinction. enclosed aviary breeding is among the measures taken to protect the species. complex factors can affect its reproduction success, including coccidiosis. in this article, corticosterone level (as a reliable biomarker of stress in birds) and prevalence of eimeria spp. were determined in male black grouse kept in aviary breeding center before, during, and after the reproductive season (called tooting). th ... | 2020 | 31956072 |
gastroenteric parasite of wild galliformes in the italian alps: implication for conservation management. | this study provides insights about the diversity, prevalence and distribution of alpine wild galliformes gastrointestinal parasite community, trying to fill a gap in the scientific information currently available in scientific literature. the analysis included three host species: 77 rock partridge (alectoris graeca saxatilis), 83 black grouse (tetrao tetrix tetrix) and 26 rock ptarmigan (lagopus muta helveticus) shot during the hunting seasons 2008-2015. parasites isolated were ascaridia compar, ... | 2020 | 31852557 |
bioserotypes, virulence markers, and antimicrobial susceptibility of yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated from free-living birds. | the risk of meat contamination with yersinia enterocolitica poses a threat to consumers and persons who come into contact with bird carcasses. the occurrence of y. enterocolitica in the vast majority of migratory game species, the capercaillie, and the black grouse has never been studied in poland, europe, or in the world. the material for the study consisted of cloacal swabs obtained from 143 eurasian coots, 50 mallards, 30 pochards, 27 greylag geese, 22 white-fronted geese, 22 bean geese, 20 g ... | 2020 | 32258154 |
canines (canis lupus familiaris) as biodetectors for conservation work: can they discriminate the rock ptarmigan (lagopus muta) from the willow grouse (l. lagopus) in a yes/no task? | alpine and arctic bird populations have shown an unmistakable decrease over the last three decades, and the need for conservation is highly necessary. we investigated the use of five privately-owned dogs (canis lupus familiaris) as a non-invasive tool to determine the presence of rock ptarmigan (lagopus muta), through sniffing out faecal pellets, using a yes/no training regime. we carried out 36 double-blind experimental trials per dog and hypothesised that dogs could discriminate the rock ptarm ... | 2020 | 31990940 |