
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
white-nose syndrome fungus: a generalist pathogen of hibernating traits and phylogeny can determine infection risk by driving pathogen transmission and its ability to infect new hosts. predicting such risks is critical when designing disease mitigation strategies, and especially as regards wildlife, where intensive management is often advocated or prevented by economic and/or practical reasons. we investigated pseudogymnoascus [geomyces] destructans infection, the cause of white-nose syndrome (wns), in relation to chiropteran ecology, behaviour and phylo ...201424820101
pseudogymnoascus destructans: evidence of virulent skin invasion for bats under natural conditions, europe.while pseudogymnoascus destructans has been responsible for mass bat mortalities from white-nose syndrome (wns) in north america, its virulence in europe has been questioned. to shed the light on the issue of host-pathogen interaction between european bats and p. destructans, we examined seventeen bats emerging from the fungus-positive underground hibernacula in the czech republic during early spring 2013. dual wing-membrane biopsies were taken from barbastella barbastellus (1), myotis daubenton ...201525268034
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