Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
pulex simulans and p. irritans on dogs in hawaii (siphonaptera: pulicidae). | 1967 | 6074032 | |
suspected rabies in retrospect, oahu, hawaii. | 1969 | 4977277 | |
relative potentials of domestic animals for zooprophylaxis against mosquito vectors of encephalitis. | 1970 | 5443080 | |
blood-feeding habits of four species of mosquito found in hawaii. | 1970 | 5443081 | |
canine babesiosis in hawaii. | 1976 | 1270341 | |
increasing incidence of canine heartworm disease on oahu. | 1976 | 1049462 | |
a new record of spirometra mansoni, a zoonotic tapeworm, from naturally infected cats and dogs in hawaii. | 1976 | 977322 | |
the levamisole story. | 1976 | 827785 | |
antibodies to canine helminth parasites in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children. | we studied the prevalence of ige and igg antibodies to toxocara canis and dirofilaria immitis, helminth parasites of dogs, in asthmatic and nonasthmatic children born and raised in hawaii. the serologic pattern of the two groups was found to differ significantly. of the 80 asthmatic subjects, 45.0% had ige antibody and 17.5% igg-precipitating antibody to one or both parasites. in contrast, of the 96 nonasthmatic children studied 7.5% were positive for ige antibody and 31.3% positive for igg anti ... | 1981 | 7251191 |
cost effectiveness of hawaii's anti-rabies quarantine program. | 1983 | 6414991 | |
human brucella canis infection in hawaii. | 1985 | 3980211 | |
rabies prevention in hawaii. | the scientific basis of hawaii's public health rabies prevention program is discussed, as is a proposed minor modification offered to assist hawaii residents who use guide dogs and who want to travel out of state. hawaii's current quarantine program has successfully prevented the introduction of the disease. alternative programs involve risks that are not easily evaluated. | 1990 | 2329045 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1989. | in 1989, 4,808 cases of rabies in animals other than human beings were reported to the centers for disease control, 1.8% more (4,724 to 4,808) than in 1988. eighty-eight percent (4,224/4,808) of those affected were wild animals and 12% (584/4,808) were domestic animals. cases were reported from 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico; hawaii remained rabies-free. skunks (1,657) continued to be the most commonly reported rabid wild animal. for the second consecutive year, more cats ( ... | 1990 | 2276949 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1991. | in 1991, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 6,972 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control. ninety-one percent (6,354 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8.9% (618 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases of rabies increased 42.9% over that of 1990 (4,881 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in the mid-atlantic and northeas ... | 1992 | 1483899 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1992. | in 1992, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,644 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being to the centers for disease control and prevention. almost 92% (7,912 cases) were wild animals, the largest number of wild animals ever reported, whereas 8.5% (732 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases increased 23.9% over that of 1991 (6,975 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of rabies in raccoons. t ... | 1993 | 8307825 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1993. | in 1993, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 9,495 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. greater than 93% (8,889 cases) were wild animals, whereas 6.4% (606 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases increased 9.9% over that of 1992 (8,645 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of rabies in raccoons (37.1% increase in reported cases over 1992). t ... | 1994 | 7744643 |
cat-scratch disease in hawaii: etiology and seroepidemiology. | to study the etiology and seroepidemiology of cat-scratch disease (csd) in hawaii. | 1995 | 7608806 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1994. | in 1994, 48 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,224 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 6 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 93% (7,632 cases) were wild animals, whereas 7% (592 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 13.4% from that of 1993 (9,498 cases), with most of the decline resulting from 19.2% fewer cases of rabies in raccoons. two previously described epizootics of rabies involvi ... | 1995 | 7493894 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1995. | in 1995, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,877 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 92% (7,247 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8% (630 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 4.2% from that of 1994 (8,230 cases). most of the decline was the result of 17.1% fewer reported cases of rabies in raccoons in areas of the northeast, where rabies is now e ... | 1996 | 8960176 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1996. | in 1996, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,124 cases of rabies in non-human animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 92% (6,550 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8% (574 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 9.6% from that of 1995 (7,881 cases). although much of the decline was the result of fewer reported cases of rabies in raccoons, fewer cases were also reported among most g ... | 1997 | 9412679 |
some thoughts on quarantine changes in hawaii. | 1997 | 9373352 | |
quarantine changes take effect in hawaii. | 1997 | 9333077 | |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1997. | in 1997, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,509 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 93% (7,899) were wild animals, whereas 7% (610) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases increased 19.4% from that of 1996 (7,128 cases). increases were apparent in each of the major species groups, with the exception of cattle. the relative contributions of these groups to the total ... | 1998 | 9861958 |
an old dog learns a new trick. | 1999 | 9934284 | |
questions stated prevalence of leptospirosis in dogs. | 2002 | 12018365 | |
biologic properties of dengue viruses following serial passage in primary dog kidney cells: studies at the university of hawaii. | serial passage at low dilution of seven different wild-type dengue (den) viruses into primary dog kidney (pdk) cell cultures placed selective pressure that resulted in the following changes from parental phenotype: smaller plaques in llc-mk2 cells, absent plaque formation in green monkey kidney cells, lack of a cytopathic effect in llc-mk2 cells, shut-off of virus replication at high temperatures (temperature sensitivity), reduced virulence for rhesus monkeys manifested by reduced or absent vire ... | 2003 | 14740949 |
distribution and diversity of the enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene in animal hosts and the pacific coast environment. | this study sought to evaluate the distribution of the enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene in enterococcus faecium in the pacific coast environment as well as the distribution and diversity of the gene in northern california animal hosts. | 2009 | 19187132 |
prevalence and geographic distribution of dirofilaria immitis, borrelia burgdorferi, ehrlichia canis, and anaplasma phagocytophilum in dogs in the united states: results of a national clinic-based serologic survey. | we evaluated a comprehensive national database that documents canine infection with, or exposure to, four vector-borne disease agents, dirofilaria immitis, borrelia burgdorferi, ehrlichia canis, and anaplasma phagocytophilum in order to assess geographic trends in rates of positive tests. while the percent positive test results varied by agent in different regions of the united states, with d. immitis antigen and antibodies to e. canis more commonly identified in dogs from the south (3.9% and 1. ... | 2009 | 19150176 |
experimental encounters: filipino and hawaiian bodies in the u.s. imperial invention of odontoclasia, 1928-1946. | through extensive dietary and dental surveys among infants and children living in hawai'i starting in the late 1920s, medical researchers transformed immigrant and indigenous children's mouths into objects of pathological comparison, establishing sites of alternative empirical and epistemological contact that are endemic to u.s. pacific empire. these studies resulted in the extension of odontoclasia, a veterinary diagnosis, from dogs to humans. as a dietary antidote, researchers recommended the ... | 2010 | 20857583 |
quantitative pcr-based detection of pathogenic leptospira in hawai'ian coastal streams. | pathogenic leptospira, the causative agents of leptospirosis, are mainly associated with tropical freshwaters, but little is known about their fate in the environment. this study analyzed the distribution of pathogenic leptospira genomes in 22 tropical coastal streams using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qpcr). statistical analyses were conducted to understand pathogenic leptospira associations with water quality parameters, land use, microbial source tracking (mst) markers, and fecal i ... | 2011 | 22048423 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2010. | during 2010, 48 states and puerto rico reported 6,154 rabid animals and 2 human rabies cases to the cdc, representing an 8% decrease from the 6,690 rabid animals and 4 human cases reported in 2009. hawaii and mississippi did not report any laboratory-confirmed rabid animals during 2010. approximately 92% of reported rabid animals were wildlife. relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,246 raccoons (36.5%), 1,448 skunks (23.5%), 1,430 bats (23.2%), 429 foxes (6.9%), 30 ... | 2011 | 21916759 |
murine typhus: endemic rickettsia in southwest texas. | murine typhus is a zoonosis caused by the organism rickettsia typhi and is transmitted to humans by fleas. it is endemic in several areas of texas, california and hawaii where the vector is supported predominantly by rodents in addition to opossums, domestic and feral cats and domestic dogs. we present a typical case in an adult from corpus christi, located in one of the four endemic areas in texas. included is an overview of the organism's pathogenicity and our host responses, both influencing ... | 2012 | 22693777 |
local mitochondrial dna haplotype databases needed for domestic dog populations that have experienced founder effect. | biological material from pets is often collected as evidence from crime scenes. due to sample type and quality, mitochondrial dna (mtdna) is frequently evaluated to identify the potential contributor. mtdna has a lower discriminatory power than nuclear dna with multiple individuals in a population potentially carrying the same mtdna sequence, or haplotype. the frequency distribution of mtdna haplotypes in a population must be known in order to determine the evidentiary value of a match between c ... | 2015 | 25612881 |